How to teach a husband whether to leave. How to teach a man a lesson for inattention and disrespect - what psychologists advise us

Evil thoughts about how to punish a husband for this or that offense sometimes flash in the head of every, even the most loving wife.

Today, the women's site "Beautiful and Successful" is in a hurry to invite all its readers offended by their husbands to a heart-to-heart talk in order to decide under what circumstances it is worth resorting to punishments, what types of punishments are better to use in order to educate a husband, and how one should not punish one's faithful under any circumstances. life circumstances.

So, the spouse was seriously guilty and at the same time did not even ask for forgiveness ... Perhaps such behavior cannot be considered permissible for an adult.

Each of our actions always has some consequences, and these consequences must be remembered. Therefore, the universal answer to the question of how to punish a delinquent husband can be considered any measure that will show him that he must answer for all his actions and words.

Among the most common male crimes against wives are drunkenness, gambling addiction, as well as all kinds of disrespect.

Over a thousand years of experience of coexistence in a single union with the descendants of Adam, the daughters of Eve invented many of the most different ways take revenge on them for wrongs. Some of them are really very effective educational measures.

How to punish your husband for drinking

Love for strong drinks, alas, most often is not just a manifestation of frivolity, but a real, serious illness. The site is in a hurry to warn its readers: it is pointless to punish suffering men for drinking.

You can either try to cure an alcoholic husband or leave him; no other measures to combat spree in such cases will help.

If the husband is not an alcoholic, but simply a lover of holidays to drink without measure, while forgetting about decency, you can try to fight it. Every wife has her own methods of punishing her husband for drinking.

  1. Using red nail polish, you can paint your sleeping husband's nails. The next morning, when he has to go to work, he will plaintively ask his wife for forgiveness and some nail polish remover. Such a punishment will make the spouse understand that there are very unpleasant consequences for the abuse of alcohol, and also show him that his wife will not allow him to behave in such a way.
  2. Another way to punish a drunken husband for drinking is to quietly pull out of his pockets a wallet with money and documents, car keys, a phone, etc. Let him remember in the morning where all these things are and worry. It is important that the husband feel that a drunk person is absolutely helpless and very vulnerable.
  3. As a method of punishing a husband for drinking, he can be denied his usual entertainment and pleasures, for example, a ban on fishing trips, a sauna, going to a sports bar, etc.
  4. A very simple and accessible way to punish for a passion for strong drinks is a lecture. The next day after the husband has been guilty, you need to wait for him to go to bed and sit on the edge of his bed. Under such circumstances, he will not have a chance to run away from an unpleasant conversation. For an hour or more, you need to talk to the faithful about how he offends his beloved wife, talk about his pain and resentment against him - in general, try to make him feel guilty. This method helps a lot, because men can not stand moralizing. If during the conversation the wife manages to make her husband feel guilty, next time he will try not to go over with alcohol.

Some very strict wives in the question of how to punish their husband for another drinking do not waste time on trifles and deprive the faithful of intimacy for an indefinite period.

But psychologists consider not having sex to be the worst possible punishment. Firstly, this is how a woman punishes herself. Secondly, offended husband may go to seek solace from another. And then a much more serious cause for contention will appear in the family.

Husband changed: how to punish a traitor

The betrayal of a husband for a woman is always very painful. That is why she wants to punish the offender, to cause him the same suffering.

Only now psychologists say that in order to save the family, you need to forget the offense and forgive the offender. And it is also necessary to understand the cause of treason and try to eliminate it.

So, for example, the heroine of the film “Don't Cry for Me, Argentina!”, played by Natalia Vdovina, decides how to punish her husband for treason in a very original way.

A diligent housewife, a diligent wife and a caring mother, she suddenly begins to realize that she spends too much time and energy on her family and does not take care of herself at all. In order to somehow collect her thoughts, a woman writes herself in dance school and begins to learn the basics of tango. Attending tango lessons returns the heroine to her former femininity, helps her feel beautiful and graceful. She is greatly transformed, becomes very attractive to men. When her husband falls in love with her again, the heroine announces that she knows about his betrayal and asks him to leave the house. Punishment is very effective. After some time, the family is restored, and the relationship of the spouses flares up with renewed vigor.

The situation when the husband starts an affair on the side, while his wife takes care of the house, chores about children and about herself. material well-being family, unfortunately, and in life is not uncommon.

Especially in those families where the head of the family is a big fan of hitting on women. In one such family, the wife found a very piquant way to punish her husband for treason with his mistress: finding a naked couple in the hayloft, the offended woman whipped both nettles in anger. According to the husband of the fighting lady, such a measure forever discouraged him from adventure.

If the husband left home, the best punishment for betrayal would be to demonstrate complete indifference to him. The pride of any man will be hurt if, while he is packing his things, the missus does not sob at his feet, but calmly drinks tea or begins to joyfully preen herself in front of the mirror, clearly intending to go for a walk. Perhaps later, when the traitor-husband can no longer see her, she bursts into tears in the pillow. But he will never know about it.

Of course, you can finally and “accidentally” spill coffee on his favorite shirt or pawn his watch, cufflinks and cigarette case.

You can also sign his car with red nail polish, put an ad in the newspaper to sell his garage. In other words, damage to any of his toys is quite suitable for revenge. It will definitely annoy him. True, such measures will not cause remorse. Perhaps, on the contrary, he will think that he has freed himself from the hysteria in time.

Therefore, it is better not to use damage to property as a method of punishing a husband. By the way, speaking of damage in the literal sense, it would not be superfluous to mention the second meaning of this word. After all, some offended wives take revenge on their husbands with the help of magic.

Revenge with the help of magic, or Conspiracy how to punish a husband

Some women, in order to bring damage to their husbands, turn to the help of professional fortune-tellers. Among the former wives there are those who are trying to bewitch their spouse using a special conspiracy.

The text of the conspiracy is not difficult to find these days. And there are a lot of descriptions of various rituals on the net.

Just before punishing ex-husband with the help of magic, you need to think carefully, because with it jokes are bad. History does not yet know a single case when the appeal to otherworldly forces did not have any negative consequences.

How to punish your husband for disrespect

Many wives complain that their husband does not respect them. But in fact, most men simply do not know how to properly treat a woman so as not to offend her. And, as you know, ignorance cannot be punished. In this case, it would be more appropriate to talk about some educational moments.

Do not pout at a man after his offensive remarks. Instead, he needs to clearly say: “Don’t call me a fool (chicken, monkey, chickadee, etc.).”

Men do not understand abstract claims, so it is useless to exclaim: "You do not respect me." This phrase must be developed, specifying exactly which words and actions of the husband seem offensive.

The question of how best to punish a husband for a particular act, in each individual case will have different variants answers. At the same time, offended wives should take into account: the misconduct of a spouse does not appear out of the blue. Therefore, spouses need to look for the causes of the problem, and not waste time and nerves on revenge on each other. If a couple cannot do this without outside help, then she needs to contact a psychologist.

Family life implies constant work on emotions, expressions. According to studies, in the first 3 years of marriage, men and women do not notice shortcomings in each other or treat them condescendingly.

But relationships between spouses can deteriorate. The reasons are different situations: disrespect, misunderstanding, living together, etc.

Women in the family behave more calmly and disorderly. They adapt to the husband, cater to needs, fulfill desires. Men are a polygamous species, they tend to show disrespect for their wife, especially if she is at home with the children on maternity leave, and he provides for her. A man feels like a breadwinner, a master of the situation, he considers everything permitted.

Note! To be offended by men for disrespect is meaningless. In many cases, they do it unconsciously, not suspecting that their behavior offends, touches the woman.

Therefore, you need to correctly hint to your husband about misbehavior. If a man does not understand the words, then it is worth pointing out the wrongness of the act by actions.

Table: advice from psychologists on how to teach a husband a lesson for disrespect.

Advice Actions
Boycott announcement Stop talking to your spouse. Do not respond to appeals, negative statements.

The husband acknowledges his guilt and apologizes. If the situation repeats, stop noticing its existence in the living room.

Avoiding co-sleeping Blackmailing with sex is not the best good idea but effective. When showing disrespect, deprive a man of carnal pleasures.

If blackmailing with sex doesn't work, stop co-sleeping.

After an unpleasant incident, go to bed in another room, deprive your spouse of hugs, warmth, tenderness.

Sleeping alone will make you rethink what you have done. But remember that such methods should not be abused.

These techniques are applied to men with a calm, balanced temperament.

Explosive personalities will react with additional insults.

Repeat his action Do the same with him.

If mockery or ridicule serves as a manifestation of disrespect, find your husband's shortcomings and laugh at them to your heart's content.

But don't do it in public.

In men, a weak psyche and criticism from a beloved woman in front of outsiders will provoke a decrease in self-esteem and cause a negative reaction.

Leave your spouse alone This method is suitable for men who love home gatherings with their wife. When showing disrespect, leave the apartment, house for a while.

The absence of a beloved woman will manifest itself on a psycho-emotional level. He will understand the need for a spouse, in his support and support.

But remember, leaving home for a while is not leaving home for a week.

You can leave for the evening to prove that a house without a hostess whom a man offended is not so cozy.

Stop doing homework Stop cooking, cleaning, washing, ironing, washing dishes, etc.

Failure to fulfill these duties will alert the husband, he will understand that he did wrong.

Such a “punishment” is relevant for insults, for insult, disrespect or excessive pride of a man.

Transfer all women's responsibilities to the spouse Leave life and children in the care of a loved one. He will understand his importance of female labor in the family.
Talk Many psychologists say That conversation is the key to happiness family life.

In a couple where problems are discussed and not hushed up, love lasts longer.

They don't swear, they don't show disrespect. So talk to your loved one.

Explain your pain for his words or deed, offer to put him in his place.

Teaching a Husband for Other Grievances

Disrespect is not the worst "sin" on the part of a man. Often the representatives of the stronger sex behave immorally: cheat, raise their hand, insult, etc. But do not rush to destroy the family in such cases.

You can re-educate your spouse. This must be done carefully, without resorting to drastic measures.

The method depends directly on the error of the beloved:

1. Teach a lesson for treason. In the matter of adultery, do not make hasty decisions. If you love a traitor, teach him a lesson so that he will never again have the desire to go "to the left."


  • Tell everyone you know about the intimate details of your life, focusing on dissatisfaction with male actions. When a man is exposed as a bad lover, he is ready to sink into the ground from shame.
  • For a while, give up intimacy with a cheater.
  • Get a fan. Seeing that other representatives of the stronger sex are interested in his wife, the husband becomes more active and understands his mistake. The awakening of jealousy is a very strong impetus to the development of a strong family.
  • If a woman has a good relationship mother-in-law, then tell her the secret of her son's adventures. The mother-in-law will shame her own child for unacceptable behavior, and many men cannot stand mother's criticism. For them, the loss of mother's trust is a blow to a sore spot.

2. Teach a lesson for partying. The real way is to do the same. Go with friends to a bar, restaurant. Stay there until night without notifying your spouse. Kick wedge with wedge.

Upon arrival home, make a surprised face and say that you don’t understand what’s wrong with hanging out with friends in the company of young and attractive men. Jealousy will take the mountain, and the husband will think about his behavior.

The second method involves filming the behavior of the husband during the party. If he behaves obscenely, drinks, then in the morning show him a photo, video, let him admire himself from the outside.

3. Teach an alcoholic husband a lesson. If the spouse is a chronic alcoholic, then arrange for him to be treated at a narcological dispensary. Show what will happen to him if he does not stop drinking.

You can teach for drinking in the following ways:

  • Experiments with appearance. If numerous persuasion and requests not to drink do not work, then “spoil” the cute appearance when he is drunk: paint your nails, epilate your leg, put on makeup, do your hair. Realizing that he is helpless in an insensible state, he will think about drinking next time.
  • Add to food, laxative water. A day spent hugging a toilet will be remembered forever by a man. He will think that this is the cause of alcohol intoxication of the body.

Important! It is not advisable to experiment with medical products, not knowing what a person is allergic to, you can harm him.

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Discussion: 5 comments

  1. The method "Repeat its action" works very effectively. For a man, this is something like a cold shower.


  2. My husband and I have been married for 2 years. Many mistakes were made, both were to blame. They lived far away from their parents, no one advised or helped. It is a pity that I did not read this article earlier, there is a lot of useful information here, I will even save something to my computer. And yes, I agree with Ekaterina, no relationship can be built without respect for each other. It is impossible without respect and trust. Talk to each other more often, share your experiences. I am sure that many scandals can be avoided if you just talk with your soulmate.


    If a man is a slob, and even likes to drink, then the best way to get away from him for a month is another. He will quickly understand who works the hardest in the house and will appreciate you.


Did the young man treat you unworthily? Surely you have to decide whether to forgive the offense or take revenge. Rude people and boors, womanizers and liars - they all need someone who will besiege their conceit. If you want to know what will help you teach a guy a savory lesson, read on.

Why is he behaving like this

To begin with, it is very important to know the reasons why a young man allows himself inappropriate behavior towards you.

First, make sure that you really did not do anything wrong to him, which you are now repenting of. Try to think about the situation from the outside.

If he saw you in the company of other men, if you took his money and things without asking, if you disappear for an indefinite time or like to make a mockery of him in the company of friends, then you provoked bad behavior themselves. So to speak, they deserved it, and now it is necessary to restore trust, and not at all to punish or take revenge.

If there was nothing like that, then it’s not about you, and you will have to continue searching for an answer. internal problem young man may touch you only slightly or even be very far away. If you realize, for example, that a man is depressed, you may not want to take revenge, but, on the contrary, support him.

On the other hand, difficult behavior can be normal for a person. Think about whether you have met a pathological despot, a liar, a deceiver, a don Juan, or an asocial type. Of course, you can take revenge, but we advise you to decide in advance whether you will continue your relationship with him.

For a young person, it may be the norm in a relationship:

  • check where you have the limits of patience;
  • desire to manipulate you;
  • bullying, desire to hurt;
  • frustration, sadness, stress that he habitually dumps on you;
  • unwillingness to take responsibility;
  • the desire to get away from the conflict in which he was in a weak position.

Be that as it may, it is possible and necessary to stop the wrong behavior. If you feel in yourself the strength to sort out this chaos of other people's emotions, then you will need some advice on how to teach a guy a lesson for being offended.

5 ways to show a guy character

Surely you will agree that every woman has her own arsenal of tools to help fight back rudeness, resentment and other unpleasant things.

Someone comes up with a cunning plan, connects girlfriends, almost plays a performance.

Someone demonstrates to the offender such “consequences” that the guy will not dare to throw out another number for a long time, just not to run into an angry girl. The disadvantage of the situation is that specific advice may not be suitable specifically for your pair, but will harm or confuse even more.

Therefore, we have prepared for you universal methods for this case, having studied and considered which, you can beat the situation according to your own rules.

Method number 1 Boycott

Ignore, interrupt communication, delete from life. Everyone knows how simple this advice is, but how hard it is to actually apply it. The young man is deprived of your attention, your affection and support. Not to mention intimacy. What can be proven in this way?

That you don't accept behavior that you don't like, that you know your worth and are not going to lower your bar. Whoever wants to be around - let him comply, especially since you are probably not asking for the impossible. If we are talking about how to teach your boyfriend a lesson for inattention, then better way no.

Method number 2 Lie with exposure

How to teach a lie to a guy who does not understand the importance trusting relationship and honesty? Demonstrate the effect of moral principles on his own example. First, lie about some important thing for him, just don't betray.

Choose hurtful but safe lies. Make sure that "the fish pecked". After a while, say that you need to talk and expose your lie, focusing on what it's like now when the victim is himself. If a person is not mired in vice, this move will be enough for him to realize his guilt and stop doing so.

Method number 3 Have a great time without it

An iron option on how to teach your boyfriend a lesson for being rude and inattentive.

The same can be done to a womanizer or a man who has cheated on you at least once. Firstly, you ignore him, and secondly, you have fun in a company where you probably have someone to flirt with.

You can knock down a guy's arrogance, lower his sky-high self-esteem a little and deprive him of the confidence that you are not going anywhere.

The hardest thing is to be good mood, not talk heart to heart and make sure that he was aware of your success at the party.

Just do not go too far - have fun in moderation!

Method number 4 Touchy

How can you teach a womanizer guy a lesson? He can only get a lesson for his behavior if he feels that he has met a girl who does not succumb to his charms. When meeting with a real Don Juan, pretend to be touchy, flirt, drive him crazy! And then end the relationship. The vanity of the womanizer will undergo a crushing blow, and you will become for him an unattainable dream that he lost because of his frivolity.

Method number 5 No move

Dreaming of how to teach a young man a lesson for treason? In this case, the principle of an eye for an eye will not work, because the offender will know that you are doing this for revenge. Whether you're going to stay in a relationship or not, block access to certain areas of your life.

You can stop sincere communication, refuse to accompany him to events that are important to you, or forbid him to appear at your parents' houses. What will you teach the guy? The fact that for the right to be a part of your life must be paid with loyalty. Having lost trust, the traitor must pay the bill and understand that being with you is a privilege for the faithful.

You succeeded, but what to do next?

When you find a way to teach a guy a lesson for such disrespect, and carry out your plan, you will most likely have to put an end to your romance with him. Keep that in mind and don't get sentimental when he asks for forgiveness.

A different scenario will develop if you are looking for a way to teach your ex-boyfriend a lesson.

You have two paths before you:

  • take no prisoners! Revenge, cut ties and never think about it again;
  • teach a lesson. Keep the communication formal, discuss what happened, and make sure the ex has learned the science.

In fact, you no longer need anything from the former, you do not expect the renewal of the novel, you do not expect to remain friends. The former are the former. Therefore, it is not a pity for a girl to treat a young man cruelly.

Sooner or later, the candy-bouquet period in the life of a couple ends. And it happens that a loving and attentive husband begins to make unpleasant jokes, take into account the opinion of his wife less, or even allow himself to be rude ... It is important to understand: the collapse of a relationship begins precisely with such “little things”, therefore, you can’t put up with such disrespect in any case. However, you should not panic because of the slightest offense or misunderstanding. It is important to distinguish between real disrespect and small misunderstandings that happen in the life of every couple.

At the beginning of a relationship, if a man loves, then he is simply not able to show conscious disrespect for his woman. The opinion of his beloved is important to him, even if he considers women's actions and logic to be incorrect. Therefore, he will not try to change, “re-educate”, and even more so to offend his wife.

However, very little time passes and the situation can change for the worse. Perhaps in the family of the husband's parents it was customary not to treat women too respectfully. Or a loved one can not cope with the negativity at work and is trying to find relaxation at home. Whatever the reason, in any case, there is no trace of the former respectful attitude of the husband.

Rudeness, contemptuous remarks, groundless claims and ignoring the opinion of a partner are far from all signs of possible disrespect. If you come to terms with this situation, insults and assaults may soon become a common thing in your family. Therefore, to seek respect from her husband is simply necessary.

What to do if the husband forgot about respect?


Before you try to deal with the disrespect of a loved one, you should think about possible reasons such behaviour.

  • Perhaps rudeness and disrespect were the norm in the family of the husband's parents or in relations with the former girlfriend. Or, with his uncompromising attitude, the spouse is simply trying to show "who is the boss in the house." If this is so, then he will try to transfer the usual stereotype of behavior to his family, and it will take a lot of effort to change the situation.
  • Disrespect can also be a symptom of a more serious problem, such as a cheating husband. By deliberately irritating his wife and provoking scandals in the family, a man can subconsciously “relieve” himself of guilt, justifying his behavior.
  • Sadly, often the reason for the disrespect of the husband is the behavior of the wife. It happens that in family life, women become picky and intolerant, instead of support and approval, giving their husband grievances and claims. Marrying a blooming and happy girl, a man expects such and see his wife in daily life. And if in a short time that same girl turns into a fat and eternally dissatisfied woman in an old dressing gown, then the appearance of a disrespectful attitude on the part of her husband is a matter of time.
  • A man can behave disrespectfully and aggressively simply due to physiological characteristics. So, fatigue from work or health problems can cause irritability and rudeness of a spouse.

Psychologist's point of view: why does the situation arise?

If disrespect on the part of the husband did not appear at the beginning life together, and over time, psychologists advise a woman to look for the reasons for such behavior in her own actions. Rudeness, insults and other manifestations of aggression can be just a way for a man to protect himself. Perhaps this is how he tries to protect himself from reproaches, lectures, or too insistent desire of his wife to become a “second mother”. Often, disrespect and physical violence on the part of the husband is preceded by psychological violence on the part of the wife.

On the other hand, a husband can be disrespectful when he senses his wife's vulnerability and dependence. For example, when a woman is in maternity leave child care, her husband reproaches her with the fact that only he is the only breadwinner in the family. In this case, there are several possible ways influence her husband.

How to make your husband remember respect?

There are several possible ways to influence a spouse. It's worth starting with frank conversation. Not always, showing disrespect, a man tries to deliberately hurt you.. Choosing the right moment, you can calmly and tactfully tell him about your feelings and disappointments because of his behavior. It is important to take into account two nuances.

Dialogue is the basis for problem solving

However, if the husband is not ready to understand the feelings of his wife, there are other ways to make him remember respect.

  1. Few men like to do household chores. And if, in response to male rudeness, you stop cooking, forget about cleaning and do not take care of having a clean shirt for your spouse, he will have serious reasons to think about his behavior.
  2. No less than a woman, a man needs bodily relationships. By denying him tenderness and sexual pleasure, you can achieve a real change in behavior. Unless, of course, the reason for rudeness is not in a relationship with another woman.
  3. The husband also needs the psychological support of his beloved. An effective method of influence is the refusal to communicate. Perhaps the spouse will think about his actions if you become more likely to stay at work, spend the night with your mother, spend time with friends.

Whatever way you choose to “punish” a man, it is important that he understands the reasons for such behavior and can appreciate how much can be lost due to banal rudeness.

Is it possible to force?

We are treated exactly the way we allow ourselves to be treated. It is possible to change the husband’s behavior even in the most “neglected” situations, but this cannot be achieved with scandals and insults.

First of all, think about it: do you consider yourself worthy of respect? If so, for what qualities and achievements? Only a self-sufficient person can achieve respect from others. Therefore, it is so important to realize your own value, achieve your goals, and constantly develop. Please and love yourself, find time to take care of yourself and communicate with nice people, look for inspiration in activities you enjoy.

Self respecting happy woman will not live in an atmosphere of disrespect. And the man next to her, most likely, will begin to show respect and admiration. If this does not happen, think about whether you really need this relationship?

Video. How to get your husband's respect back

A full-fledged family without mutual respect cannot exist. Remember that it is important not only to earn respect from your husband, but also to respect the values ​​and needs of your loved one yourself. Only in this case will it be possible to live a truly happy life.

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If your husband has begun to take you for granted, give him a little shake-up. Try to teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you. Of course, dropping everything and going on strike won't help the cause. In this case, you will simply expose yourself as the aggressor and build a wall between you. And you just need to, not allowing the house to drown in mud, show your man what his life will be like without you.

How to teach a husband a lesson for disrespect

Combining in pairs, people tend to turn into a likeness Siamese twins. One half cannot even take a step without pulling the other half along with it.

You have learned to move in sync, as a whole. You like this way of moving. Each half does some things better than the other. He constantly counts on your support without even realizing it. So, in order to make your husband appreciate you, take and pull this crutch out from under him.

You can teach your husband in several ways:

Vacation without husband

No, this situation cannot be used as an excuse to go on a trip that both of you have always dreamed of, but could not afford. Go where he is not too willing to go with you, say, visit relatives living in another city or sign up for a conference of associates on some of his hobbies, which he will not be interested in attending.

Such trips will give you the opportunity to be absent from hometown up to a week, and this is quite a sufficient period for him to realize that he no longer belongs to himself, but is a half of a couple. He will have to re-learn the skills of a single life, and you can teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you. However, do not forget that such actions are fraught with several side effects.

The wife left her husband

What is good for one is not forbidden to another. If you can leave the city for a long weekend, the same rule will apply to him. After all, once a year the final of the football championship takes place in the country, and in February it is very good to go to bask in the sea.

Most likely, in your absence, he will have a hard time. Do not think that when you return, the house will be clean and tidy. Wait for the old weekly disgrace. It is quite obvious that your man is seriously degrading. But you can teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you.

Food will be from tins, plates and forks for reuse will be washed after eating with the tongue, instead of washing machine- deodorant. He will completely forget where the trash can is.

A new personal chef for him will be a page of a local newspaper with an advertisement for take-away fast food outlets. Some spoken language skills will be lost.

While you may have to call the emergency services or alert the civil defense about the possibility of biological contamination of the area, your guy will learn a good lesson. He will understand that you have become an absolutely necessary element of his life.

Don't be too accessible

After living with you for some time, he will learn to easily guess where you are at one time or another. After all, a life schedule is a life schedule. At ten in the morning on a Monday you are here. At three o'clock on a Tuesday you are there.

Now, in terms of predictability, you can only compare with off-screen laughter in comedy television series. For this reason, you become an errand girl every time he needs something. Yes, you yourself know this. And how can you teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you?

You have become his faithful and reliable assistant. This means that he can always rely on you, but as soon as you become more evasive than a politician who answers the simplest questions, it will be much more difficult for him.

Of course, it is very convenient when you are next to him at any necessary moment, but this gives him the opportunity to exploit you. Because of your reliability, you become a permanent scapegoat. The worst thing is that none of you even suspects that everything happens this way. And therefore this should not be allowed.

Well, here I, of course, do not urge you to do your best to teach your husband a lesson, to hide from him, but a bit of unpredictability in everyday life does not hurt. Unlike long trips from home, such surprises will serve as short-term, but very strong reminders that from time to time he will have to take care of himself.

Periodically go to the city to meet with girlfriends. But do it regularly. Never leave with them on the same day and at the same time. In one week, go on Friday. The other is on Tuesday. Sometimes don't go at all. And in some weeks, meet them twice.

Don't give up on your hobbies and interests. Do you like Pilates? Go and get busy. But look for a few studios with classes in different days weeks so that, say, Tuesday doesn't become Pilates day.

Be spontaneous in your actions if you want to teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you. Today there is a concert in the city, someone has an extra ticket, and is it being offered to you? You adore. He doesn't love them. Do not refuse to go just because it is not customary for you to go to concerts on Wednesdays. If this exit doesn't upset any other plans, go ahead. He will survive it. He will understand.

None of the above tricks is a demonstration of your insecurity. They are designed simply to remind him that you have your own interests, thanks to which you will be absent from time to time, and during these periods he will have to do some of the things that you usually take on yourself.

Role exchange

No, I'm not talking here about the fact that you can only make him appreciate you on merit by the most extreme measures, such as a real exchange of partners, as is done in television shows.

You just need to switch roles to destroy his dependence on you and teach him to appreciate. After all, in the process of developing relationships, we all occupy certain behavioral niches and choose certain fixed models of behavior.

If you have already decided to teach your husband a lesson and make him appreciate you, you first need to figure out what your betrothed is wrong about. If, for example, he does not fulfill his duties, then there are only methods for punishment, but if you found him in bed with some young girl, then you should use heavy artillery. Such a topic, psychologists have already analyzed a hundred times.

How to teach a husband a lesson for treason - advice from a psychologist

Oddly enough, but your love will be the best punishment for him. Yes, it's certainly not easy. After this, it’s not enough to love him, it’s not enough to kill him.

But experts have confirmed that after infidelity, a man feels very guilty. And if you show him your love and tenderness, he will reproach himself even more. Feeling guilty for himself, he will begin to think about what he has done, because his wife is so beautiful and tender.

Your husband will begin to weigh the pros and cons, and eventually realize what he could be missing. But this type of punishment will suit you if this is the first betrayal in your life together. If your husband systematically goes “to the left”, then either you should let him go for good, or make him feel too bad.

It will be very unpleasant for him if he starts to be jealous of you. But even here you should be careful. If your husband has feelings for you, and he is afraid of losing you, then this method will definitely help. It is very important at the same time to show all your wisdom.

You should not really look for connections on the side, on the contrary, you need to outwit your husband. He must believe you that you have someone. There should be no sins on your part, so that your husband does not reproach you. Your goal is for him to begin to guess. Thus, he will be distracted from his passion, and will devote all his time to you.

If this method of teaching your husband a lesson and making him appreciate you does not help, then use another method. For example, use silence, and with some question, answer dryly and without emotion. Show complete indifference to him. Imagine it doesn't exist.

If you go for a walk, do not report to him, and even more so do not ask permission. Well, if the husband also takes a pose and continues to walk, then do not waste your precious time on that person who does not seek to spend it with you. Leave for a while to live with your parents and consider all further actions.

How a wife taught a lesson to a husband who does not help her

Not only treason can lead to the punishment of her husband. Some of you complain that your husband does not help in any way, either at home or with children. He only repeats the phrase "I'm tired", hanging all the responsibilities on you.

In this case, you can simply stop doing household chores. This traditional way many women punish her husband. You work too and you get tired too. When you come home from work, do not cook dinner and do not put things in the washing machine, see how much it lasts. After all, many men do not know how to cook or do not like to do it, and they simply forget to press the button on the washing machine.

Stop washing dishes and floors. Perhaps soon after your house is overgrown with dust and debris, and it will be impossible to enter the kitchen, your husband will realize how good it was before. It will be an excellent result if he takes up the cleaning himself, and you, of course, will help him with this.

Many women have now asked what to do if he constantly shirks your request to babysit? In this case, make him a trap. When his friends come to visit you or he is going to go to a sports bar with them, suddenly come up with some urgent business and leave home abruptly. Whether he wants to or not, he will have to stay at home and look after the children.

Well, it’s better, of course, not to try to teach your husband a lesson and not quarrel with him, but first try to negotiate.