A transgender in the United States gave birth to a child. Who is "pregnant dad" Casey Sullivan and how did he do it. A transgender man gave birth to a child and is happy A man gave birth to a child in America

The year 2017 will also be remembered for the fact that members of the LGBT communities have made serious progress in the struggle for own rights. The greatest success was achieved by transgender people who began to have children en masse.

Tolerance is, of course, very good and right, but everything should have some kind of limit. Undoubtedly, transgender people are the same individuals as other people, and if they are not actively promoting their choice, then there is no reason to hate or fear them.

In November, a couple from Wisconsin, USA, had a baby, and everything would be fine, but the parents are somewhat unusual. A child has a father and another father who is also a mother.

The fact is that the child was born and carried by a man, Casey Sullivan, who was a woman five years ago. Furthermore, married woman with a small son.

For the first time, Casey realized that he was a man at the age of four. For this, since childhood, he suffered humiliation from his peers. He grew up, got married and even gave birth to a child, but this did not affect his internal contradictions.

“Throughout the pregnancy, I prayed to get in touch with my femininity, to accept what was happening to my body, but I could not. I was desperate, I wanted to die. I was as if in darkness and I was afraid that the darkness would capture my child too. But at that moment, when they gave it to me to hold, grace descended on me. I loved him more than anyone, I felt responsible.

But four months after the birth of Grayson, as his son was named, Casey declared himself transgender. This was followed by a series of quarrels and a divorce, almost all friends and acquaintances turned away from him. The son now lives with his father, but Casey often meets with him and takes part in the upbringing.

In 2014, the transgender began a course of hormone therapy and managed to grow a beard when he met Stephen, with whom they formed a couple. And in 2016, they decided to have a baby, for which Casey had to stop using hormones.

The birth took place in November, but the parents kept it a secret. Later, Casey himself told what he had to do. C-section, but the child is all right, he is absolutely healthy. The weight of the baby is almost 4 kilograms.

The child was named Phoenix, but the baby's gender is unknown. The parents themselves said that they would raise him gender-neutral, not using the pronouns “he” or “she” until the child himself decides on the gender.

“I am convinced that pregnancy is not an exclusively female function, I do not support this division of roles based on sex. The idea of ​​pregnancy did not frighten me, and because of pregnancy I did not feel less courageous at all, ”- Casey completely rejects gender roles.

To be honest, it all looks like a prequel to some kind of utopia / dystopia about a future humanity without sex, gender, and everything that follows from this. It also resembles the Moklan race from Seth MacFarlane's popular TV series The Orville. In general, I mean that everything that happens is much more like a fantasy novel, and not something from real life.

American transgender Casey Sullivan managed to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, conceived by his partner. In order for this to happen, Casey stopped taking hormones. Five years ago, while still a woman, Sullivan had already given birth to a child. The baby will be raised gender-neutral in order to choose their own gender.

The Wisconsin couple became parents last November. A child can be said to have two fathers, because a transgender man gave birth to him.

Now you will not surprise anyone with transgender people. For example, last year a transgender woman was Playboy's Playmate of the Month. Now we are talking about a transgender man having a baby.

Now Casey Sullivan is a man who looks like a man, but a few years ago he was the representative of the weaker sex, and married, and raising a young son. For thirty years he was burdened by belonging to the female sex, and in the end the decision was made to change sex.

Casey claims that he began to feel that he was not a girl at the age of four. He wanted to be a boy, and because of this, his peers laughed at him. Then it seemed to him that marriage and motherhood would save him from intrusive thoughts, but that did not happen. Even the birth of Grayson's son did not improve the situation.

He thought that during pregnancy a certain femininity would appear and he would accept his body, but this did not happen. Then Casey experienced despair, and he even began to have thoughts of death. It was like darkness, according to the descriptions of the man, and it seemed that it would capture not only him, but also the baby, and he was responsible to him.

4 months after giving birth, Casey realized that he was transgender. Many turned away from him, the husband left. The son now lives with his dad, but Casey helps in raising the child.

What followed was a gender reassignment course, during which Casey met the man of his dreams, Steven. They began to live together. Some time later, Casey was diagnosed with a false pregnancy. After the couple decided on a joint child. In order for dreams to become reality, I had to stop taking hormonal drugs. He became pregnant and started blogging about his condition.

Casey gave birth last November to a healthy baby weighing almost 4 kilograms. He had excruciating contractions that lasted almost a week. Doctors had to perform a caesarean section on the man.

The baby was named Phoenix, but no one knows what his real gender is, because according to young parents, he himself must grow up and decide

Here is a video in which the baby Casey Phoenix is ​​less than one day old.

Casey believes that pregnancy and the ability to give birth to a child is not only a matter of women. He believes that he felt very courageous during his second pregnancy.

A year ago in in social networks a flash mob of transgender people was held, during which they published their photos before and after a gender change. All transgender representatives claimed that after they became who they wanted to be by gender, they felt real happiness.

Transgender American Casey Sullivan managed to endure and give birth to a healthy baby, conceived together with his partner. To implement his plans, Casey temporarily refused to take hormones. Sullivan has already given birth - he has a boy, whom he gave birth to while still in the status of a woman. Parents of a newborn plan to raise their baby "gender-neutral". The couple decided not to use the pronouns "he" or "she" until the baby himself decides what gender he wants to be.

A couple living in the US state of Wisconsin had a baby in November. It would seem that this is a completely ordinary fact, if you do not know how unusual the child's parents are. In fact, their family consists of two fathers, one of whom gave birth to a child as a mother. To put it simply, for the first time a transgender man gave birth to a child.

Now thirty-year-old Casey Sullivan is a man, both in feel and appearance, but just five years ago he was an ordinary woman. In addition, he had a husband and little son. Sullivan reluctantly recalls those times - the thing is that from childhood he did not like to classify himself as a female.

The first time Casey began to feel that his gender was a problem was at the age of four. He wanted to be a boy. His peers laughed at him. He grew up, even managed to get an MBA, got married and assumed that after the birth of a child he would come to terms with the fact that he was a woman. But the miracle did not happen - after the safe birth of his son Grayson, Casey continued to feel alien to his body.

During pregnancy, Casey dreamed of making contact with his femininity, accepting what was happening with his body, but he did not succeed. Then Sullivan experienced the most real despair, he even wanted to die. He felt as if in darkness and was afraid that the darkness would take over his baby in the womb. But at that moment, when the child was given into his hands, he felt infinite tenderness and responsibility towards this small, just born person.

4 months after giving birth to his eldest son, Grayson, Casey revealed that he is transgender and that he identifies as a man. After that, her husband divorced him, many friends turned away. Grayson now lives with his dad, but Casey communicates with his son and participates in his upbringing.

Since 2014, Sullivan, having already started a gender reassignment course, met Stephen, who is a little younger than him. They started a relationship. Some time later, the transgender was diagnosed with a false pregnancy. In 2016, the couple decided to give birth common child. To do this, Casey, who had already managed to acquire a beard, interrupted the course of hormonal drugs. Soon the desired pregnancy came, and Casey began to run his own channel on the Web, talking about his interesting situation.

Casey had a baby last November, but for some time the parents kept everything that happened a secret. The contractions, according to Casey himself, lasted a whole week, after which the doctors decided to perform a caesarean section on the transgender. The baby was born with a weight of almost four kilograms. The child was born absolutely healthy.

Parents gave him the name Phoenix, but they are silent about the sex of the baby: the couple intends to raise him in a “gender-neutral” form until Phoenix himself chooses which gender he wants to belong to.

According to Casey, the ability to get pregnant and the ability to give birth to a child is not only a woman's business. He claims that being already a man, he began to feel even more courageous, bearing a child.

Philadelphia transgender Caden Coleman has given birth to a child 10 years after changing gender from female to male. This happened two years ago, but it became known about it only now, writes the New York Daily News.

The 29-year-old man said that he and his regular partner Elijah found out about the baby at the 21st week of pregnancy. According to doctors, Coleman's fertilization could have happened in 2013, when he took a six-week break from taking male hormones. He was preparing for a double mastectomy (removal of the mammary glands).

“I never thought about getting pregnant. Because of the male hormones that I took for years, I thought it was impossible. It was a real surprise,” said the American.

The man recalls when his belly began to grow, he joked about the pregnancy, but did not even know about his situation. According to Coleman, while carrying a child, he attracted with his appearance the attention of many strangers.

After the birth of his daughter Azalea, the man had to leave his job, and his boyfriend became the breadwinner of the family. In addition, the transgender fell into postpartum depression. "Now I can't imagine my life without my daughter," Cayden said.

According to the American, he and his partner do not plan to have more children. While the girl does not know the truth about her birth and calls both parents dads.

Previously reported that an hour before birth. A 47-year-old woman thought gallstones were the cause of the sharp pain.

Tristan Reese has already made headlines as a pregnant transgender man. Now he has a son, Leo Parenthood is not easy for anyone, but when you are transgender, you have much more difficulties.

The Portland family we're talking about today is ready to show that transgender people can have and raise children too. Tristan Reese, a father who gave birth to his own son, says: “His first breath and cry is truly the most amazing thing that has happened in my life. The love for this baby took possession of me and I am happy that my partner Biff believed in me all this time.

Leo was born on July 14 as a textbook: "I didn't have any complications or medical problems. The contractions lasted almost a day, then eight hours of active labor, and then I had to push for about an hour.

Even during pregnancy, Tristan kept a blog in which he covered all the features of a transgender pregnancy. And he answered numerous questions, most of which concerned how this is possible in principle.

The thing is, Reese, who has changed hormonally (taking testosterone for facial hair and a deeper voice), says he looks like a man, and that's enough for him and his partner - he doesn't want to have his body changed surgically.

The hormones he takes might interfere normal course pregnancy, so he abandoned them before the baby was born. With the exception of mild toxicosis, the pregnancy was completely normal.

Reese and Biff's family already has two adopted children. Leo came in third.

Reese's three children. Photo by Erin Schedler“Watch him slowly grow, learn to focus his eyes, turn or hold his head. Seeing how we turn into a family of five members instead of four is such a blessing,” says Tristan.

How did social media react?

Reese and Biff have many friends. They blog about foster parenting. For the most part, according to Reese, they are supported: “I think everyone breathed a sigh of relief seeing that a transgender can give birth. We tried to confirm this during pregnancy and subsequent events, but now they see it with their own eyes. I hope they believe us."

The reverse side of fame is negative feedback and hatred: “Everything that we publish is taken away on the net and published in the yellow press and on sites where anyone can leave a comment. I don’t follow the fate of our posts, but I know that they are criticized because I receive a lot of negative messages on Facebook.”

But for every condemnation message, there are a dozen supporters, Tristan says.

Yes, transgender parents are different. “Work on your relationships. Try to strengthen them, think through everything related to pregnancy and your couple, ”says Tristan.

It is important for transgender people to find doctors who will support them: “You have to make sure that you are physically ready for pregnancy, that you can carry a child and people who support you, this is part of that readiness. Carrying a child and being forced to fight doctors for yourself is too difficult. Look for those doctors who will support you.”

Toddler Leo Reese says he understands why some transgender parents may be afraid of parenthood in general. He, too, heard horror stories from others who faced condemnation from doctors, for example.

So, one transgender father who gave birth to a child had problems with health insurance, because in most of the documents he was recorded as a man.