Tape types. How to use curtain tape? What is curtain tape

Buying curtain fabric for home decoration is half the battle (see).

It is equally important to fix the curtains so that they hang perfectly in place, drape beautifully and frame the window elegantly. The process of forming curtain draperies is quite complicated.

The folds should be of the same width, lay down nicely and evenly, embody the idea conceived by the designer. The work on window decoration would be very time-consuming if there were no special fittings that facilitate it at all stages.

An irreplaceable assistant in the creation of artistic draperies is a curtain tape. This special braid is a frame for all kinds of folds. Inside it, twisted cords are laid along the entire length. The tape is sewn along the upper edge of the curtains from the inside with two lines, and then pulled by the cords.

In accordance with the selected braid, folds of the required width and configuration are formed on the panel. curtain tape with geometrical accuracy gives assemblies and folds the desired shape, evenly distributes them throughout the baguette. Thanks to her, even a person who knows nothing about this work can handle the drapery of curtains.

On sale today there is a very large selection of curtain tapes of various shapes and widths. There are tapes only for hooks, there are tapes with loops for hooks and Velcro, there are simply sticky tapes for rigid fixing curtains or pelmets, tapes for vertical fixing of French, Austrian, Roman, London curtains. In addition, today you can find tapes for curtains with eyelets, tapes for tubular cornices, tapes for strings.

But I would say that with all the variety, the curtain tape with “pencil folds” remains the most popular.

It is best to choose a strong, not loose tape for curtains. Be sure to assemble part of the tape by pulling out the laces before buying. If the tape rigidly holds the folds, then you can take it, and if the folds are not clear and uneven, then it is better to refuse the purchase. The curtain tape can be sewn to the edge of the curtain, or it can be 2-5 cm below the edge, then when assembling the curtain, a so-called “comb” is formed, with which you can cover the cornice or rings, if desired, or achieve the effect of “curtains from the ceiling”.

Curtain tape with a bow pleat forms the most strict-looking folds, and it is used mainly on frills, which are not recommended for sliding curtains. Curtain tapes with puff folds are also suitable only for non-sliding curtains, in addition, the laces on this tape cannot be pulled, otherwise the assembly pattern will disappear.

Ordinary hooks for curtains used when hanging curtains with simple assemblies. Hooks are threaded into the pockets of the sewn tape and into the base of the curtain rings or into the tracks of the rail cornices. Hooks are brass - for heavy curtains and white plastic - for light and medium curtains.
For ribbons with a triple fold and with bow folds, it is better to use special hooks..

There are many types of curtain tape, each of which is designed to drape the canvas in one way or another. The length of the purchased braid depends on the density of the curtains. She is assigned a coefficient or “step”, which determines the required width of the canvas for the future curtains. For example, a ratio of 1:2 means that for one meter of finished curtains you will need two meters of curtain fabric, 1:3 - three meters, etc. To the resulting figure, you need to add about 10 cm to hem the edges.

The choice of curtain tape according to its step depends on what folds will be laid on your curtains:
. simple assembly does not require a lot of material, its coefficient is 1.5
. folds of puffs, ruffles, waffles require a tape with a coefficient of 2.0
. beam and bow folds are laid with a factor of 2.5
. for triple and cylindrical folds, a factor of 3.0 is needed

The curtain tape is made of polyester. It fits snugly to the canvas, holds it well on every millimeter, preventing it from sagging and deforming. Throughout the tape at a certain distance there are loops for cornice hooks.

Special curtain tapes are supplied with:
. rings for eyelets
. pockets for hooks
. seals for hard lambrequins
. two, three, four lines

There are varieties of braid that are glued to the fabric with Velcro or do not have a cord that forms folds. Different types of tape are intended for various kinds mounts. Universal curtain tapes are also made, in which loops and pockets are located at different levels. They can be used on both rod and rail baguettes. For thin curtains made of tulle or organza, curtain tapes are made from a transparent material.

The width of the purchased braid is determined by the length of the curtains. For fastening short light curtains, it is recommended to use a narrow braid, and for long heavy curtains it is better to purchase a wide ribbon.

1. Curtain braid for draping the top of the curtains.

1.1 Evenly gathered curtain tape, opaque, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense opaque fabrics. Assembly type - pencil folds.

Width-6, 5 cm. Assembly coefficient - 2.5-3.

1.2 Curtain tape with a bow pleat, transparent, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense transparent and opaque fabrics.

Width 6.5 cm. Assembly factor - 2.5-3.

1.3 Curtain tape with a bow pleat, opaque, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense opaque fabrics.

Width 6.5 cm. Assembly factor -2.5-3.

1.5 Puff-gathered curtain tape, opaque for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense opaque fabrics

Width 6.5 cm Assembly factor - 2.7.

1.6 Puff-gathered curtain tape, transparent, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense transparent and opaque fabrics. Width 6.5 cm Assembly factor - 2.5.
1.7 Curtain tape with French pleats, opaque, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense opaque fabrics.

Width 10 cm Assembly factor - 2.5.

1.8 Curtain tape with Flemish pleats, opaque, for draping the top of curtains made of light and dense opaque fabrics.

Width 10 cm Assembly factor - 2.

2. Curtain tape for vertical drapery of French and Austrian curtains

3. Curtain band for lifting curtains (Roman, French, Austrian, London)

3.1 Curtain tape for roller blinds, with loops, opaque. Holds the cords of lifting mechanisms, used as drawstrings for Roman blinds made of light and dense opaque fabrics.

Width - 2.6 cm

3.2 Curtain tape for roller blinds, with loops, transparent. Holds the cords of lifting mechanisms, used as drawstrings for Roman blinds made of light and dense transparent and opaque fabrics.

Width 2.0 cm

3 Curtain tape for roller blinds, with rings, transparent. Holds the cords of lifting mechanisms, used as drawstrings for Roman blinds made of light and dense transparent and opaque fabrics.

Width - 1.6 cm.

4. Curtain tape without assembly for tubular cornices

5. Curtain band without assembly for the string

6. Curtain tape for curtains on the grommets

How to sew curtain tape

Before sewing on the braid, it is necessary to process the edges of the curtain, evenly tuck and stitch the sections. The upper edge of the curtain is tucked inside out to the width of the tape or a little more. If the hem is wider than the braid, then its edge must be overlaid so that it does not crumble during operation.

Cut off the edge along the entire length of the curtain.

Iron the edge 3 cm wide.

A curtain tape with ends folded inward by 2-3 cm and loose cords is sewn to the inside of the curtain at a distance of 5-10 mm from the fold and from the side by a double hem width (3-4 cm). .

We attach to the edge along the top line of the tape along the entire length of the curtain. We lay the second line along the lower edge of the tape, also for the entire length of the curtain.

If the tape has three or four cords, it is attached along each.

Bend the side seam twice. We sew to the edge.

At the same time, we release the threads from under the seam to tighten the tape.

We iron the curtain, we collect the tape to the desired width.


Care for polyester curtain tape is not a problem and depends on the curtain itself. The band can be washed dry-cleaned, ironed, machine and hand washed.

How to sew curtains on a curtain tape

How to pull curtain tape

A good braid for curtains must have at least three ropes for tightening. They are tied simultaneously to each edge of the tape. It is more convenient to tighten the tape if there is an assistant who holds one of its edges.

If you want to do this operation alone, this edge is fixed, for example, by throwing it over the doorknob.

At the time of assembly, the braid must be taut, a loose knot (knitted ropes are held in one hand, and the other is gathered from the edge to the middle, pushing the canvas along the ropes.

The braid is collected in warehouses, and the ropes are getting longer, they are wound on a cardboard or plank.

When warehouses begin to slow down the assembly, they are moved to a fixed edge of the braid.

A fully gathered curtain tape is measured with a tape measure, adjusting to the required width. It remains only to evenly distribute the assembly and fix the skein of ropes (it is not recommended to cut it off, because it is more convenient to wash and iron the curtains in the straightened state).

The hooks are attached to the tape after 8-10 cm. After that, they start hanging the curtains: they are tucked into the tracks of the ceiling cornice or attached to the rod rings.
According to www.lairs.ru, shtoru-svoimi-rukami.ru, www.shtoritut.ru

Curtain braid is one of the key points in the process of modeling curtains. After all, it depends on this element what type of folds the curtain fabric will fit into and how exactly the finished curtains will look on the window. If for the manufacture of the curtains it was required a braid not of a frame, but of a decorative type, then in this case it is important to be able to correctly calculate the amount of consumable material. There are several types of curtain tape, each of which is designed for the manufacture of a particular type of curtain. Therefore, when choosing a frame tape, it is worth considering the type of curtain, namely the type of fastening of the curtain fabric to the eaves.

The main types of braid for curtains

Today on sale you can easily find different types curtain braid, which differ from each other in their configuration. There are models of curtain tape in which fastening to the eaves is provided only when using Velcro or hooks. This is a braid for attaching only a certain type of curtains. And there are also universal types of curtain tapes that can be used regardless of the type of attachment to the eaves. In such frame tapes, loops for hooks and special pockets for eaves-pipes are provided. Depending on the features of use, the braid for curtains is conditionally divided into the following types:

  1. For string cornice.
  2. For cornice-pipe.
  3. For curtains of lifting type.
  4. To perform vertical drapery curtain fabric.
  5. For draping only the upper edge of the curtain.
  6. For curtains with eyelets.

Curtain braid is also selected depending on what kind of folds should be formed on the curtain fabric. If the drapery on the curtain will be done manually, then in this case it is worth using a frame tape made of horsehair or beading. The width of such a braid is from 8 to 10 cm.

A carcass tape with special cords quickly and easily allows you to form an assembly with folds of the different type. Decorative braid for curtains, which allows you to get the effect of waffle folds or glass folds, has recently been very popular. Curtains with such drapery look especially elegant.

There is also a special tape on sale, using which a Roman blind is made. In such a braid, special loops with a decorative cord or rings are initially provided. The length of the tape required to make the curtain depends on how many rows you need to sew in order for the Roman curtain to look spectacular in the photo.

If a Roman blind is made using one type of braid, then French curtains are sewn using two types of curtain tapes - a wide one, which is sewn along the upper edge, and a narrow one, which is used to form scallops.

How to calculate the length of the curtain tape

The production of curtains begins with the calculation of the material necessary for work (fabric, braid, tassels, etc.). There are many videos on how to correctly calculate the curtain tape, depending on the texture of the fabric and on the model of the curtain. For example, if it is planned to manufacture a Roman curtain, then in this case the calculation of the braid will directly depend on its type. If the Roman blind is without overlap, then in this case the length of the required braid is calculated as follows - the width of the curtain fabric is multiplied by the number of curtain segments. If a curtain with an overlap is planned, then in this case the length of the curtain tape is the length of the curtain fabric multiplied by 2 + allowances.

Decorative braid is calculated according to a different principle - here the coefficient of drapery of the fabric is taken into account. For example, if the curtains are sewn from satin with deep bow folds, then in this case both fabric and curtain tape must be purchased 3.5 times more than the length of the cornice. French curtains are a special type of curtains, in the manufacture of which two types of curtain tape are used. For the manufacture of curtains, a braid was required with a length that is equal to the width of the curtain fabric + the length of the curtain multiplied by the number of scallops. French curtains look spectacular in the photo, especially if decorative tassels are provided at the bottom of each scallop.

How to sew braid to curtains

Correctly sewing the forming tape to the curtains is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is not difficult to find special photo instructions for this process in various sources. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the curtain fabric for work - measure the width of the upper edge of the curtain. The braid that will be sewn along the upper edge should be 3-5 cm. longer than the received parameters. Then the upper edge of the curtain fabric must be folded inside out according to the size of the braid (you can leave an allowance of a few millimeters) and be sure to iron it. The braid is located on the wrong side of the curtain fabric. Before sewing it on a sewing machine, it is fixed to the fabric using pins or a hand seam.

Decorative braid is sewn to the curtain first along the top and then along the bottom edge. If the braid is wide and the loops on it are arranged in two rows, then in this case it is also necessary to sew it to the curtain fabric with a third additional line. The edges of the forming tape are folded under the main braid. When processing the edge, make sure that the threads for tightening remain free. After all, if you accidentally sew them on any part of the curtain fabric, then it will no longer work out evenly, pull the curtain fabric into beautiful folds. Decorative braid, if it is sewn to the curtain correctly, is almost invisible in the photo, but the finished product looks very beautiful.

Curtain tape is a special braid that greatly facilitates the process of sewing curtains and creating a beautiful uniform drapery on them. Several cords are stretched along the entire length of the tape - it is they that allow you to lay folds on the curtains and make draperies. Also, the tape has a special strip in which holes are made for threading hooks to hang the finished curtain. The tape is sewn to the finished curtain from the inside out from above.

What are curtain tapes? How to choose the right one?

Curtain tapes differ in several ways.

1. Width

The width of the ribbons is from 1.5 to 10 cm.

A narrow tape is used for light curtains, a wide one for heavy ones, for example, curtains.

2. Transparency

Curtain tape is translucent or dense, white.

Transparent braid is used for curtains made of light translucent fabrics. White is for everyone else.

3. Ability to form folds

The cords in the curtain tape can be pulled evenly or in a certain "pattern".

Depending on this, the tape makes it possible to make simple folds and waves or curly on the curtain.

4. Mounting method

Curtain tapes are sewn and glued.

The second option is attached to the fabric with an iron and is only suitable for light and short curtains, since the fastening is not very strong. The first option is the most common and reliable.

In fact, the range of curtain tapes and the effects they help to achieve is quite wide. The best option- having basic knowledge, in the store, consult with the seller, telling him about the curtains, the method of fastening and the desired result.

How to choose curtain width and curtain tape length

The curtain tape is sewn along the upper edge of the curtain over its entire width. Therefore, the length of the curtain tape should be equal to the width of the finished curtain + about 10 cm per hem. So, if you have ready-made curtains, it is easy for you to calculate the desired length of the ribbon (if there are two curtains / curtains, do not forget to add 10 cm to the length of the ribbon for each canvas).

If you are only choosing the width of future curtains, you should focus on the width of your cornice (and not the window!) And be aware of the so-called assembly factor. The assembly coefficient is the degree of "folding", the splendor of the curtains. It depends on what type of curtain folds you choose. If it is an ordinary uniform drapery, the factor is usually 2. For curly draperies, the factor is usually 2.5.

Let's say your curtain rod is 2m long. You want to make one curtain with a simple drape.

2 m x factor 2 = 4 m (width of the finished curtain).

4 m + 10 cm per hem = 410 cm (curtain tape length).

How to sew a curtain tape: a master class

So, the curtains and curtain tape are selected. It remains to sew the tape to the curtain.

For this you will need:

Curtain and curtain tape of the desired length;


Large needle with a thick eye;

Sewing machine and threads in the color of the fabric of the curtains.

Work sequence:

1. At the edge of the curtain tape, pull out all the laces, thread into the eye of a large needle and fasten to the tape - this is a great way to avoid sewing the laces (and this should be avoided).

1. Lay out the curtain on the work surface front side way down. If your curtain is not yet hemmed at the top, fold in the top edge.

2. Attach the curtain tape to the top edge of the curtain. Please note: eyelets for hooks should remain on top. Bend the end of the tape inward, as shown in the photo, and secure with a pin. If the curtain is already hemmed at the top, just gently fold the end of the tape inward and secure.

Curtains will only decorate the window if they are equipped with beautiful drapery. An important component of their appearance in this case will be the folds that lie in waves on the surface of the curtains, giving it a uniqueness. Curtain tape, or it is also called English braid, is the best suited for these purposes. Outwardly, it is a frame with twisted cords running along the entire braid. It should be sewn to the curtain from the wrong side at the very top. Pulling the cords along the surface of the canvas, they begin to form folds of the required width and configuration.

Curtain braid can be divided according to the type of drapery:

  • Column. It forms the simplest folds, it is easy to sew such a braid on your own;
  • A tape that, when tightened, can to form folds in the form of intricate glasses or butterflies.
  • transparent. Lightweight fabrics are draped: . Such a braid is a fishing line that has no color, it remains invisible.
  • Opaque. Curtain fabrics are implied.

Depending on the width, the tape for curtains is divided into types:

1. Narrow. They are used if there is a closed cornice or it is hidden in a niche. It is possible that a niche covers the top of the curtain or is present, covering the hooks.

2. Wide. In this case, the cornice must be open. In addition, if the number of fasteners is small and you want to prevent sagging, then a wide tape will successfully do this.

Such different folds

The drapery created by the curtain tape will look different. The types of folds in this case can be as follows:

  1. Unilateral. The waves of folds form in one direction.
  2. Counter. The fabric web is divided into paired waves, and their scallops are directed towards each other.
  3. Bow folds. There is the same formation of paired waves, only now their crests scatter to the sides. Outwardly, the figure resembles a bow.
  4. Puff. The tightened fabrics form a rhombus, which is formed by four cords.
  5. French or triple. Waves reaching a depth of up to 14 cm form in the form of a fan.
  6. Glasses or bells. Body waves falling down.
  7. Tapestry. Two rows of drapery that overlap each other.
  8. Wafer. Drapery looks very elegant when the waves fall evenly over the entire surface of the curtain.
  9. Pencil assembly using loop-shaped folds. To do this, the straightened curtain is pulled together with a cord, forming waves, taking into account the gaps between the hooks.
  10. Flemish folds. This requires the presence of two cords on the braid. By uneven contraction, a V-shaped configuration is achieved.

Types of ribbons for creating drapery

There are many of them, and each type makes it possible to create certain folds at the discretion of the hostess. For example, there may be such curtain tapes:

1. For proportional collection of folds on the surface. It has pockets evenly distributed along the length. Using special hooks, tucks are created along the surface of the canvas.

2. Braid using cords for assembly. It is sewn to the very top of the fabric, then the cords are pulled together to the required value and fixed.

3. Ribbons forming bows. The condition for the formation is the width of the curtain, which should be three times wider than the eaves.

4. Ribbons forming bows. The size of the curtain is chosen 2.5 times wider than the length of the cornice.

5. Narrow tape that is attached to the top of the curtain and forms small folds due to the two elastic bands built into it. It is calculated that the curtain is 2 times wider than the length of the cornice, but its size should not exceed 158 cm.

6. Ribbon with tucks. In this case, the ratio of the size of the curtain to the cornice is calculated as three to one.

7. The tape is wide. It is used when it is required to obtain pencil folds - narrow, but rather large in length.

8. Ribbons used in Roman blinds are equipped with rings, as well as a cord on which there are loops. Attached to blinds.

9. Ribbon with rings attached to it. Rings are made of plastic, sewn at a certain interval. The tape itself is attached to the blinds vertically from the wrong side. A cord is stretched through all the rings.

And there are varieties here. Braid for curtains happens:

The material from which the curtain tape is made is polyester. It adjoins the curtain fabric literally at every point, prevents sagging and deformation of the material. Loops are sewn to the tape along its entire length, for which the hooks of the cornice cling. In addition, the curtain tape may contain in the kit:

  • Rings for eyelets;
  • Pockets in case of fastening on hooks;
  • seals;
  • Cords in the amount of two to four pieces.

If the curtain is required to receive simple assemblies- use hooks that are threaded into pockets or loops. If the material is heavy, the hooks are made of brass, but for light material, plastic hooks are sufficient. There are varieties of special hooks that are used in the formation of triple or bow folds.

If one row of loops forms simple folds, then 3-4 rows form folds of a complex configuration.

When choosing a ribbon, you should take into account its length, which depends on the size of the folds that you want to have on the curtain.

Before the braid is sewn to the curtain, some work needs to be done. This is preceded by the measurement of the cornice, curtain and braid. Moreover, 15 cm of the length of the tape should be added to the resulting length of the curtain as a margin. Given that the braid shrinks, it needs to be corrected. For this purpose, it is moistened, dried and passed over it with a hot iron. All curtain seams must be finished.

The braid is attached to the curtain in its upper part with an indentation of 2-5 mm, and from the inside, and its edges should be tucked in by 2 cm. With the help of a cord pulled to a certain size, the necessary configurations are obtained. Next, you should fasten the cord, which will fix the desired state of the curtains. The optimal assembly coefficient is 2-2.5, it is on this that the splendor of the curtain fabric depends.

Thus, the right curtain tape can work wonders with even inexpensive material, creating intricate curly folds and providing a chic look to the living room.

In this article, we will consider the features of assembling a curtain tape. You will learn what the assembly factor is, what it affects and how this value is calculated. We will also study in detail the technology of attaching curtain tape and the formation of decorative folds, which will allow you to drape curtains with your own hands.

curtain tape

What is curtain tape

The curtain tape is a longitudinal band that acts as a frame for draping curtains. Cords are located inside the tape in special pockets, the adjustment of the tension of which allows you to form decorative folds in the upper part of the curtains.

The curtain drapery technology is quite complicated, without proper experience to give the fabric the desired appearance almost impossible. The curtain tape greatly facilitates this process - when using it, you can create folds of any density and shape, moreover, any needlewoman can calculate and sew the tape to the canvas without any problems.

All tapes on the market can be divided into the following groups:

  • Opaque - designed for thick curtain fabrics, and transparent - are used to decorate tulle and curtains made of lightweight materials such as organza and polyester;
  • Narrow - width from 2.5 to 5 centimeters, and wide - from 6 to 15 centimeters;
  • Sew-on - attached to the fabric with the help of sewing machine, and braids glued with a hot iron;
  • Depending on the method of fixation on the eaves, tapes with Velcro or loops are distinguished.

Also, the braids differ in the number of assembly cords and compartments with hooks, the configuration of which determines the appearance of the formed folds.

The most popular are ribbons that create the following forms of drapery:

  • Vertical pencil folds;
  • Puff diamond folds;
  • Fan (French) folds;
  • Folds-bells.


Pencil folds can be collected with the simplest two-cord tape without fixing hooks. All draperies of complex shape are classified as shaped; for their formation, braids with a rather complex design are used, in which there are limiter hooks that prevent the fabric from straightening.

Assembly factor and its calculation

The curtain assembly coefficient is the value of the ratio of the dimensions of the canvas and the curtain tape, on which the initial length of the braid necessary for forming on finished product draperies of a certain kind.

The assembly coefficient is determined based on the shape of the folds that you want to get:

  1. To form a pencil assembly - from 2.5 to 3;
  2. For bow folds - from 2.5 to 3;
  3. Buff assembly - 2.5;
  4. French folds - 2.5;
  5. Flemish assembly - 2;
  6. Folds of glasses - from 2 to 2.5.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the assembly coefficient for the curtains on the grommets - it is 1.6-2.5. For draping curtains fixed with eyelets, a braid is used, the design of which differs from standard tapes - it has special holes for ring fasteners.

The higher the gathering factor for curtains you use, the tighter the folds will be in relation to each other. The above coefficients are optional, if desired, they can be increased by 0.5-1 and get a thicker drapery.

We give an example of calculating the length of the braid for an Italian-type curtain consisting of one canvas. The initial data are as follows: the length of the cornice is 3 meters, the coefficient for assembling Italian curtains with pencil folds is 2.5.

  • 3 × 2.5 +10 = 7.6 m.

We take an additional 10 centimeters in reserve so that when attaching the braid to the canvas, you can tuck its edges inward.


Assembling the curtain tape

The list of tools needed to assemble the curtain tape will depend on the type of tape you use. To attach the self-adhesive tape, only an iron and parchment paper is enough, while ordinary tapes need to be attached with a sewing machine.

First of all, you need to make an assembly on the fabric:

  1. We turn the upper edge of the curtain inside out to a width equal to the width of the braid, then iron and attach the fabric;
  2. We lay the braid on the curtain, bend its side edges inward by 2-3 centimeters. You need to position the tape so that it recedes 1 cm from the top of the canvas and 3-4 centimeters from its extreme sides;
  3. We attach the upper and lower contour of the braid to the entire length of the curtain. We also make a longitudinal stitch near each inner thread of the tape;
  4. We fold and attach the side sections of the fabric twice in places where the tape is indented from the edges of the canvas.

After the curtains are assembled, we iron the fabric and proceed to tighten the braid and drape the curtain.

It is better to do this with an assistant, since it is quite difficult for one to evenly distribute the folds on a large canvas. If you are working alone, fasten one end of the curtain to door handle This will make the whole process much easier.

It is extremely important not to allow the tape to sag during operation, since after hanging the curtain on the cornice, it will straighten out and the resulting folds will be deformed.

To begin with, fix one edge of the braid - on its sides there are ropes for tightening, which must be tied in such a way as to limit the movement of the fabric on the opposite side of the fabric.

The folds on the curtain are set by shifting the fabric along the braid threads. In the process of drapery, due to a decrease in the width of the canvas, the side ropes will be exposed, wind them on cardboard.


When the folds in the fabric begin to prevent its further movement, slide the fabric towards the fixed edge of the tape. The degree of assembly increases until the curtain reaches the required width, it must be regularly checked during operation with a tape measure or meter.

Upon reaching the required width of the curtain, evenly distribute the resulting folds and fix the braid ropes. Do not cut them, because in the future you will need to repeatedly wash and iron the curtain, which is much more convenient to do with the fabric straightened. Now it remains only to hang the fixing hooks on the braid and fix the curtain on the eaves.