Curtain tape is different from each other. Secrets of the correct assembly of curtain tape. Curtain tape: types of folds

Curtain tape is an indispensable tool for modern curtains, without which the drapery process would cost a considerable amount of money for buyers and a considerable amount of work for the master.

Even the choice of expensive and high-quality fabric for curtains does not at all guarantee obtaining the perfect window decor, because the finishing touch for creating a special aesthetic is drapery. Until recently, this process was quite laborious and painful, because each fold had to be done manually. However, technologies do not stand still, and they have affected even this area. The tape for curtains, the types of which we will now consider, has greatly accelerated and simplified this process, allowing you to create a spectacular decor in just a few strokes.

Tape types

The variety of designs of modern curtains is directly related to a fairly wide range of curtain tapes, however, in order to understand them in more detail, let's divide them into categories.

By type of fabric, the following are distinguished:

  • Transparent. It is made from fishing line and is used to drape tulle and other transparent fabrics, against which it is practically invisible. It does not make much sense to combine it with denser types, since it will not withstand their severity and will not be able to fully hold the folds;
  • Dense. This option can be made from both cotton fabric and polyester. white color, much denser in structure, it is used for draping curtains.

The width of the tape also has various formats, from 2.5 to 10 centimeters wide. The narrowest and the tape, the width of which is in the range from 4 to 6 centimeters, has the greatest demand. A narrow ribbon is most convenient to use in cases where exquisite draperies are not needed: for country curtains, closed cornices or under a lambrequin, when the top of the curtain is completely hidden behind decorative elements.

A larger format is used when there are decorative draperies, and also if there is a need to compensate for some shortcomings of the cornice itself, for example, an insufficient number of hooks that are not able to hold the shape of the curtain or the small height of the cornice itself. The wider the tape, the more intricate draperies you can create with it, but we'll talk about this a little later.

They are also distinguished by the type of fixation:

  • Standard. Curtain tape with loops is used on curtain rods with ordinary hooks. May have several rows for their landing;
  • For string cornices. It has special pockets that allow you to thread a cornice thread into them, thereby fixing the curtain;
  • For eaves-pipes. With the same shape, they have different widths, which makes it possible to use them on pipes of different diameters;
  • With grommets. This type has already built-in eyelets through which the eaves are passed;
  • 2 in 1. Combines the standard method of fastening with hooks + Velcro;
  • Velcro tape. The best option for fixing curtains with vertical assembly (French, London, Roman);
  • Magnetic tape for curtains. Modified Velcro. Recently, it can often be found on mosquito curtains, but in this model it is used not for fixing on the eaves, but for securely fastening mesh sections.

Assembly factor or how to calculate the length of the tape

It's no secret that in the process of drapery, the width of the canvas decreases in proportion to the number of folds formed. It is this ratio that is commonly called the assembly factor, which allows you to calculate the required width of the curtain so that it does not lose its beauty during drapery. Depending on the type of folds, this figure can vary from 1.5 to 3. That is, to get an assembled curtain 1 meter wide, we need to purchase a fabric with a width of 1.5 to 3 meters.

Since the ribbon is sewn onto a flat fabric, it is very important to calculate the desired length. The initial parameters we need for such calculations are the width of the eaves (SHK) and the assembly factor (KS). in formula form it looks like this:

SK*KS + 8 cm = tape length

These spare 8 centimeters are needed for hemming to the fabric.

Fold options

It is possible to form decorative folds only with the help of a sufficiently wide tape for curtains, usually at least 5 centimeters in diameter. The most popular among them are the following types of draperies:

  • Bows. Such patterns are best used on solid canvas, since they look less impressive on sliding curtains, it will also look good on ruffles. The width of such a tape is 5 cm, while the COP starts from 2.5. On each individual model, it is indicated initially and sometimes reaches 3.
  • Glasses. They look elegant on long curtains, because the shape of several tucks, smoothly turning into a round, goblet-shaped fold, adds aristocracy and elegance to them. To create such a masterpiece at home, you need to use a tape with a COP of 2 or 2.5;
  • Wave. Already from the name it is clear what pattern is formed when draping with such a ribbon. Wavy folds look best on long curtains or curtains, adding lightness and airiness to them. The COP of such a model is two, and the width is 10 centimeters;
  • Counter fold or "wafer". This option is ideal for dense, perhaps even rough fabrics. COP 1 to 2, and the width is 7-7.5 centimeters;
  • "Accordion" - the simplest version of drapery in the form of thin folds. It is used on thin transparent fabrics, ideally such an organza, silk or tulle ribbon will drape. The COP here is only 1.5 with a width of about 6 centimeters;
  • Double pleated is called drapery in the form of triple rows of folds arranged according to a checkerboard pattern. The width of such a braid is quite large and is 10 centimeters at a COP of 2;
  • A diamond fold is understood to mean several varieties: checkerboard, butterfly or waffle. All of them have a rather complex pattern, because the COP is as much as 2.5 with a width of 7.5 centimeters.
  • The most expensive fabric is triple or "French", as this curtain tape is also called. Here, the COP is 3. It is used on all types of fabric, however, it is very important not to make extra efforts when creating a drapery, since an overtightened tape will completely ruin the original pattern.

How to drape a curtain yourself

When all the work associated with the selection and hemming of the braid is left behind, appears new question“How to assemble curtains on a tape?”, Because this stage is no less important than all the previous ones. The drapery process itself is not complicated, but it requires great care and accuracy.

In this article, we will consider the features of assembling a curtain tape. You will learn what the assembly factor is, what it affects and how this value is calculated. We will also study in detail the technology of fastening curtain tape and the formation of decorative folds, which will allow you to drape the curtains with your own hands.

curtain tape

What is curtain tape

The curtain tape is a longitudinal band that acts as a frame for draping curtains. Cords are located inside the ribbon in special pockets, the tension adjustment of which allows you to form decorative folds in the upper part of the curtains.

The curtain drapery technology is quite complicated, without proper experience to give the fabric the desired appearance almost impossible. The curtain tape greatly facilitates this process - when using it, you can create folds of any density and shape, moreover, any needlewoman can calculate and sew the tape to the canvas without any problems.

All tapes on the market can be divided into the following groups:

  • Opaque - designed for thick curtain fabrics, and transparent - are used to decorate tulle and curtains made of lightweight materials such as organza and polyester;
  • Narrow - width from 2.5 to 5 centimeters, and wide - from 6 to 15 centimeters;
  • Sew-on - attached to the fabric with the help of sewing machine, and braids glued with a hot iron;
  • Depending on the method of fixation on the eaves, tapes with Velcro or loops are distinguished.

Also, the braids differ in the number of assembly cords and compartments with hooks, the configuration of which determines the appearance of the formed folds.

The most popular are ribbons that create the following forms of drapery:

  • Vertical pencil folds;
  • Puff diamond folds;
  • Fan (French) folds;
  • Folds-bells.


Pencil folds can be collected with the simplest two-cord tape without fixing hooks. All draperies of complex shape are classified as shaped, for their formation braids with a rather complex design are used, in which there are limiter hooks that prevent the fabric from straightening.

Assembly factor and its calculation

Curtain assembly coefficient - the value of the ratio of the dimensions of the canvas and the curtain tape, on which the initial length of the braid necessary for forming on finished product draperies of a certain kind.

The assembly coefficient is determined based on the shape of the folds that you want to get:

  1. To form a pencil assembly - from 2.5 to 3;
  2. For bow folds - from 2.5 to 3;
  3. Buff assembly - 2.5;
  4. French folds - 2.5;
  5. Flemish assembly - 2;
  6. Folds of glasses - from 2 to 2.5.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the assembly coefficient for the curtains on the grommets - it is 1.6-2.5. For draping curtains fixed with eyelets, a braid is used, the design of which differs from standard tapes - it has special holes for ring fasteners.

The higher the gathering factor for curtains you use, the tighter the folds will be in relation to each other. The above coefficients are optional, if desired, they can be increased by 0.5-1 and get a thicker drapery.

We give an example of calculating the length of the braid for an Italian-type curtain consisting of one canvas. The initial data are as follows: the length of the cornice is 3 meters, the coefficient for assembling Italian curtains with pencil folds is 2.5.

  • 3 × 2.5 +10 = 7.6 m.

We take an additional 10 centimeters in reserve so that when attaching the braid to the canvas, you can tuck its edges inward.


Assembling the curtain tape

The list of tools needed to assemble the curtain tape will depend on the type of tape you use. To attach the self-adhesive tape, only an iron and parchment paper is enough, while ordinary tapes need to be attached with a sewing machine.

First of all, you need to make an assembly on the fabric:

  1. We turn the upper edge of the curtain inside out to a width equal to the width of the braid, then iron and attach the fabric;
  2. We lay the braid on the curtain, bend its side edges inward by 2-3 centimeters. You need to position the tape so that it recedes 1 cm from the top of the canvas and 3-4 centimeters from its extreme sides;
  3. We attach the upper and lower contour of the braid to the entire length of the curtain. We also make a longitudinal stitch near each inner thread of the tape;
  4. We fold and attach the side sections of the fabric twice in places where the tape is indented from the edges of the canvas.

After the curtains are assembled, we iron the fabric and proceed to tighten the braid and drape the curtain.

It is better to do this with an assistant, since it is quite difficult for one to evenly distribute the folds on a large canvas. If you are working alone, fasten one end of the curtain to door handle This will make the whole process much easier.

It is extremely important not to allow the tape to sag during operation, since after hanging the curtains on the cornice, it will straighten out and the resulting folds will be deformed.

To begin with, fix one edge of the braid - on its sides there are ropes for tightening, which must be tied in such a way as to limit the movement of the fabric on the opposite side of the fabric.

The folds on the curtain are set by shifting the fabric along the braid threads. In the process of drapery, due to a decrease in the width of the canvas, the side ropes will be exposed, wind them on cardboard.


When the folds in the fabric begin to prevent its further movement, slide the fabric towards the fixed edge of the tape. The degree of assembly increases until the curtain reaches the required width, it must be regularly checked during operation with a tape measure or meter.

Upon reaching the required width of the curtain, evenly distribute the resulting folds and fix the braid ropes. Do not cut them, because in the future you will need to repeatedly wash and iron the curtain, which is much more convenient to do with the fabric straightened. Now it remains only to hang the fixing hooks on the braid and fix the curtain on the eaves.

Curtain tape is a braid that is designed to create folds of any complexity on different fabric. It is sewn to the curtain from the inside. Fasteners (loops, rings, Velcro, hooks, magnets) are provided in the tape curtain. Cords are stretched through the braid, with their help you can adjust the density and number of folds.

Braid Benefits

Without tape, the process of collecting folds is difficult and requires sewing skills.. It makes sewing easier and saves time. Fasteners are prepared in advance. After fixing the braid, the upper edge of the curtain does not need to be further processed.

The device helps to make beautiful, uniform folds on any fabric. The material does not sag on the cornice, the upper part of the curtain looks neat.

The band allows you to adjust the width of the curtains, it is possible to adjust the length. The tape is made of a strong and durable material that holds its shape well and does not deform.

Varieties of curtain tapes

Usually the braid contains several rows with fasteners. You can choose the width from 3 to 15 cm. Types of curtain tapes and their application are usually as follows:

To create a complex drapery, a wide curtain tape is suitable..

Fold examples

The folds are formed by uniformly tightening the cords. This must be done simultaneously on both sides of the curtain tape. Fold types:

The folds are distributed throughout the fabric, and the edges of the cords are fixed so that the resulting gathers remain in this position at all times.

It is best to do this work with an assistant. If all conditions are met, the folds will turn out beautiful, uniform and voluminous.

DIY sewing

The ribbon is sewn to the wrong side of the fabric. There are a few tips on how to properly fix the braid:

Not everyone knows how to calculate the length of the curtain on the tape. To make the correct calculations, you need to multiply the length of the cornice by the tape assembly factor (indicated on the package). It depends on the type of folds that can be collected with this braid. The number varies from 1.5 to 3.5. This coefficient helps to understand how much curtain fabric it will take to assemble a meter of selected folds. It is important to take into account the amount of fabric to process the edge of the canvas (usually leave 7-10 cm).

How to understand the wide variety of curtain tapes, because stores offer such a wide range. It's very easy to get confused. Choosing tape for curtains, curtains, curtains is especially difficult for those who are new to curtain design, fabric window and doorway trim, or other forms of design that require such an element as a curtain tape.

Curtains will be fuller if the assembly factor is higher.

The embodiment of your design idea directly depends on which braid you choose.

Purpose of fittings

A curtain tape is a braid with laces and loops threaded through the entire length.. The bottom line is that after fixing the braid on the fabric, the laces are gently pulled out, contributing to the formation of an assembly of the desired width and quantity.

Its purpose is the creation of artistic draperies, it is a frame for folds, affects the appearance, aesthetics, forms the edge of the curtains. Proper folds various shapes allows you to give a very beautiful finished look. Moreover, there are many options for the formation of assemblies. These are puffs, ruffles, glasses, bows, wafers, beam, pencil, cylindrical folds, etc. Such a braid also has practical significance, as it contains special elements - hooks, with which the curtain is attached to the cornice.

You can contact the studio or do the design yourself. One has only to decide which elements will be included in the overall composition, whether curtains, garters, weights, etc. will be needed. It is necessary to determine the amount of tissue to be processed. The length of the purchased tape will depend on this.

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Hardware selection

The length of the purchased accessories depends on the number and type of assemblies on the curtains.

There is a coefficient - the step of the tape, depending on the width of the curtain.

Based on the width of the fabric, choose a tape with the desired pitch.

The stage of determining the coefficient should be taken carefully, arm yourself with a centimeter and determine the width of the fabric.

Step coefficients depending on the type of assemblies:

  • standard (simple) assembly - step 1.5 or 1:1.5 (i.e. 1.5 m of tape is required to obtain 1 m of a decorated curtain), suitable for any fabric;
  • to make puffs, ruffles, “wafers” - with step 2 (puffs are suitable for plain fabrics and with a pattern, ruffles - only for plain ones);
  • for beam and bow folds - in increments of 2.5, more suitable for plain fabrics;
  • for triple and cylindrical folds - in increments of 3.

How more fabric will be used to create folds, the more magnificent the decorated curtains will be. Also, remember: the denser the fabric, the fewer assemblies can be done.

The main material for the manufacture of curtain tape is polyester. Polyester material is easy to care for: it can be hand and machine washed, as well as dry-cleaned and ironed. High-quality fittings should be made of 100% polyester, such material is not subject to shrinkage and deformation. They differ in the number of loops, pockets for hooks, the number of cords, seals for hard lambrequins.

Curtain tapes are of 2 types:

  • thin and transparent for light fabrics (organza, tulle, guipure);
  • dense for heavy fabric (curtains).

They are distinguished by their width - from 2.3 to 10 cm. If the curtains are not planned to be closed with a lambrequin, then a wide tape should be chosen for the curtains. With a wide ribbon, the curtains look colorful and rich. Their loop pockets can be arranged in several rows. Thanks to this, it is possible to cover an unsympathetic cornice with the edge of the curtains, using bottom row loops. Wide curtain tapes are more expensive than narrow ones, their advantage is the ability to form several types of folds. If the curtain tape is used only as an accessory that allows you to attach the curtain to the cornice, and there is no goal to give the curtain a design and use it as a decoration, then it is better to purchase a narrow one.

Before deciding which curtain tape to choose, it is important to understand - what is this tape for? Curtain tape is a good helper in simplifying the design of curtains. It helps to create a beautiful, sometimes even very unusual drapery!

Imagine how gray and sad all the windows would look, simply covered with a piece of cloth. And thanks to drapery, any curtain acquires volume, softness, even chic. With a beautifully designed window, the whole interior as a whole looks more comfortable and complete.

What does it look like and how is it attached?

Curtain tape is a strip of fabric with a threaded cord that is attached to the top hem of the curtain. The purpose of this ribbon is not only to create drapery. Often there are holes for hooks on it, which help to fix the curtain on the eaves.

The tape can be attached in two ways. The first one is adhesive. This is usually a layer of hot melt adhesive that holds the curtain and tape together when run over with a hot iron. The second is sewn. In this case, the tape is sewn with neat stitches directly to the fabric.

When choosing, keep in mind that for light materials, such as organza, guipure and tulle, you need to pick up a ribbon of translucent thin polyester. So the tape will retain the effect of airiness and lightness, and will not make the curtains heavier. But for heavy curtains, you need to choose an appropriate dense tape that could cope with stubborn material.

How it works?

The main assembly tool in the tape is the laces. They are threaded along the entire length of the tape, and there should be at least two of them. When you pull the unfolded ribbon over the laces, it will show you your design.

Interestingly, there is an unexpectedly large selection of types of folds on tapes. They can be collected as a simple accordion, or form a kind of bows or glasses. The already existing interior will help to dwell on one of the options: the stricter it is, the smoother the folds should be. So, for an office it is better to choose a ribbon with uniform straight folds, and for a nursery or kitchen, “butterflies” or “bows” are suitable.

When choosing, pay attention to the width of the tape: it varies from 2 to 10 cm. The wider the tape, the more expressive and voluminous the folds will be, the deeper the drapery on the curtains will look. A little trick: choose the widest ribbon and sew it so that it protrudes a few centimeters above the edge of the curtain. Such a protrusion is called a "comb". It will help to hide the cornice or completely remove the border between the wall and the ceiling - depending on the width of the tape and the location of the cornice.

How do tapes with different coefficients differ?

The coefficient of the tape is also called the step length. It depends on how frequent you want to get folds. So, a ratio of 1:1.5 means that you take 1.5 meters of tape for 1 meter of curtains. The result is not too frequent, but rather a more voluminous drapery, which will disappear towards the bottom of the canvas. The ratio of 1:2-3 remains popular. This is the standard option that is chosen for tulle: the folds are expressive, noticeable and pleasing to the eye. In general, such folds add neatness to the interior and a kind of “life”.

Can a curtain be without tape at all? Of course! You can buy curtains on a drawstring or grommets, directly into which the cornice is threaded. But in this case it will be much more difficult to regulate the degree of drapery. Therefore, it is the curtain tape that is the most reasonable choice: you just need to pull the cord or, conversely, slightly dissolve the assembly to achieve the desired effect.