Today is a holiday for the oil and gas industry. Oilman's Day: holiday traditions and current congratulations. SMS congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Remarkably, the gas
In every house - this time!
No need for firewood now
Without them, it's easier - it's two!
Need gas, whatever one may say,
It is more reliable with him - these are three!
Our dear gasman,
Today is a holiday hero,
Accept congratulations,
Meet the day of the gasman!
We need your work
We adore you
And we wish you
Only bright days in destiny!

Congratulations, gasman!
You are not used to rest
But today is your holiday
Profession Day is

What gives us all warmth,
So we wish you luck
In a joyful life for you!
Happiness and goodness in fate!

Congratulations to our gas worker on the day of oil, gas and fuel industry! We wish you well-coordinated and efficient work, inexhaustible gas sources, safety and comfortable conditions labor. Let everything be wonderful in your personal life, your health was getting stronger, your nerves were like steel ropes. Good luck and prosperity!

On your professional holiday
I wish you good luck,
Helped to work
Solve difficult problems.

And I also wish you happiness
Clear, peaceful sky
Long life without bad weather
And the length of the gas pipeline!

Insanely important to all of us
Of course, the breadwinner is gas,
After all, without him we, as without hands -
Recognize it all around!

Thank you gasmen
For all working days
For honest and hard work,
May success always await you!

I wish you big salaries
So that everyone is very rich,
I wish you a lot of health
Love and unearthly happiness!

Hello gas workers today helmet,
Let the house be rich and comfortable,
Let them love you and you yourself love,
And take care of your health!

Success at work, in personal life,
Let everything be, you are always great,
The car pumps gas, and the money,
They will shower you both generously and richly!

The management appreciates, respects very much,
And he gives a bonus, does not pinch,
Let your arms and legs not hurt,
There is no better than you - gas workers guys!

What do you want, gasman?
You're a leader at work.
Happiness, health, good luck, patience,
And, of course, a little luck.

May all things go well.
Joy, peace and money bag.
Those who give gas to the people of the country,
We address "thank you" from us.

Everyone who is closely connected with gas,
Every gasman
We congratulate you on the holiday
Let not their hand tremble!

We wish them good luck
And success for centuries
Let fate always keep
Every gasman!

We congratulate all gas workers
Happy holiday today,
We respect their work
It is important for the whole country,
We wish gas workers
Patience, happiness, a lot of strength,
We also wish that their work
They only brought joy!

Congratulations guys
Happy gas day!
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness,
Good luck and love.

To warmly wait for you at home,
And good luck, so that in business,
To make every day a joy
Life was so that, as in dreams!

The gasman will produce gas - this is the time;
He will replace us with firewood - these are two.
And fourthly, frankly,
The gasman is a great guy
And, to be precise,
And a great girl.
So happy day to you, sad,
Happy professional day to you,
I'm ready to congratulate everyone
Happy gas workers holiday!

At the beginning of September, one of the most popular professional holidays is celebrated in Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space - Day of oil and gas workers gas industry , which for short is also called Oilman's Day(Gazprom employees naturally call their professional holiday happy gasman).

When is the Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers celebrated?

Oilman's Day and Gasman's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September, that is, in 2016, the professional holiday of those who work in this most important industry for Russia falls on 4 September. In addition to Russia, this holiday is celebrated in Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine, whose gas communications were created within the framework of the unified gas transportation system of the USSR.

history of the holiday

The Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 28, 1965. The holiday became an award to Soviet oil and gas workers for the successful development of the oil and gas potential of Western Siberia, in addition, it was timed to coincide with the centenary of the domestic oil and gas industry, which was celebrated in the USSR in 1964.

On their professional holiday, oil and gas workers receive congratulations and cash prizes, concerts and receptions are held for all industry employees.

History of the domestic oil industry

Oil has been known to mankind since ancient times, at first it was used as a fuel, but gradually more profitable applications were found for it - from medicine to construction and the chemical industry. In ancient times, people used oil that independently came to the earth's surface from the bowels, but gradually learned how to extract it.

In Russia, oil was used for various purposes even in pre-Petrine times. In 1723, by order of Peter I, Baku oil was subjected to distillation in the main Moscow pharmacy for the manufacture medicines. In 1745, an Arkhangelsk merchant Fedor Pryadunov built the world's first oil refinery, where kerosene was obtained from oil, used for lighting.

In 1823, in the Caucasus, near the fortress of Mozdok, serfs, brothers Dubinins also built an oil distillation plant, for the first time in Russia, setting up the production of fuel oil.

It is believed that the birth of the domestic oil industry is associated with the beginning of mechanical drilling of wells, the walls of which were fastened with metal pipes. Such drilling was first started in 1864 in the valley of the Kudako River in the Kuban. Therefore, 1864 is considered to be the year of birth of the Russian oil industry.

The oil industry is one of the main sectors of the domestic heavy industry, it includes the exploration of oil and oil and gas fields, drilling wells, oil and associated gas production, and oil and gas pipeline transportation. Oil and gas are the most important minerals for our country, and the sale of these raw materials is one of the most important sources of budget replenishment. The national currency is also tied to the price of oil, so the well-being of the country depends on how modern and efficient the Russian oil and gas industry is. The work of oil and gas workers is difficult and often dangerous, requiring serious knowledge, skills and experience, but prestigious and fairly well paid. The industry employs hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom work on a rotational basis in difficult conditions Far North and Western Siberia.

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Workers

Your day has come today.
All your wishes come true,
Prosperity in the house, love and strength.

Let anxiety not touch you
Let joy and laughter surround you.
May the path be bright
And may success await you in business!

Let every drop become gold
Once mined in the bowels of the Earth.
Do you know how to make nature
Give people their wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And wells - especially rich and full,
Let your salary grow constantly.
We remember you with gratitude
When we fill up our car.
Let your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck on it, do not turn anywhere!

We congratulate you today
And with all our hearts we wish:
Oil flowed so that, like a river,
Bringing profit to all of us.

Let the gas rush through the pipes
And to have his reserve.
So that the factories do not stand,
So that the house does not freeze.

To rush into the distance cars,
Both bus and subway.
So that everyone appreciates you,
For you to live happily.

Congratulations on the day of the oilman, guys!
You are the backbone of our valiant country.
You are the miners of untold wealth,
And they are always faithful to their profession.
We wish you promising new wells,
Pipelines for hundreds of thousands of miles.
Your hard work, believe me, is very important.
Be happy! Patience and strength!

Congratulations on the day of the oilman
You, friends, we consider it an honor.
What to say here, what to add?
We are glad that you exist!
Black mark of oil
You are marked forever.
Sun over your head
New wells and victories!

A year before the introduction of the professional holiday of oil and gas workers in the USSR, the 100th anniversary of the formation of the domestic oil and gas industry was widely celebrated. In the autumn of 1864, in the west of the Kuban region near Anapa, for the first time in Russia, mechanical percussion rod drilling of oil wells using a steam engine was used. In 1865, drilling work there ceased, as oil exploration began on the Kudako River.

On February 15 (February 3, old style), 1866, the first oil gusher in Russia gushed from a mechanically drilled well in the valley of the Kudako River.

The news of the first oil gusher in Russia attracted the attention of various circles of Russian society to the oil business. Siberian industrialist Mikhail Sidorov in August 1868 began drilling the first oil well in the Russian North on the banks of the Ukhta River in the Pechersk Territory. In the same period, the first exploration work for oil using machine drilling.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in the world in oil production.

The extraction of natural and associated petroleum gas (hereinafter referred to as APG) in the country, as of the beginning of 2018, was carried out by 254 producing enterprises.

In 2017, the total gas production (natural and associated petroleum) in Russia increased by 8% (+50.9 billion cubic meters compared to 2016) and reached a record level for the entire period of existence of Russian gas production - 691.1 billion cubic meters, including natural gas - 605.7 billion cubic meters (an increase of 8.8% compared to 2016); and associated petroleum gas - 85.4 billion cubic meters (an increase of 2.5% compared to 2016).

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Every year on the first Sunday of September, Russia celebrates the professional holiday of gas and oil workers. The official name of the holiday is "".

In our country, the gas and oil industries are the main ones. And it is, of course, not only about the sale of raw materials abroad. It must also be remembered that any production in one way or another depends on the uninterrupted supply of gas and oil. And the life of people, and agriculture, and food production, and transportation, and much, much more are tied to the results of the work of gas and oil workers.

This professional holiday has been celebrated since 1980. Then it was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The changes made to the legislation on holiday dates did not affect this holiday: as it was celebrated in the USSR on the first Sunday of September, it is celebrated today in Russia. On the same day, the holiday of gas workers and oil workers is celebrated in Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.

How is the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers celebrated?

It is customary to organize corporate events. In addition, various sports events are timed to coincide with the holiday with the participation of not only adults, but also children and youths. In cities, concerts are organized with the invitation of famous performers, including in open areas. Salutes and fireworks in honor of Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers in many Russian cities have become a good tradition.

Manager of the holiday agency, which has repeatedly taken part in the organization of corporate parties in honor of D nya gas workers and oil workers , shared with us the secrets of the "oil and gas holiday":

- The staff of oil and gas enterprises is getting younger, so traditional holiday scenarios do not particularly attract them. They ask for more drive, humor, dynamics and less officialdom. Thematic events are of great interest.

Is it worth tying the scenario of the day of gas workers and oil workers on professional topics? Of course it's worth it. One thing - new year event when talking about work is clearly superfluous. And quite another - a holiday dedicated to the profession.

Because Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers falls at the beginning of September, when it is still warm outside, corporate events can and even should be held on fresh air. For example, a few years ago we organized a festive " Zarnitsa» for gas workers under the slogan « Pioneer gas workers are examples for all the guys!". Both young people and workers of mature age with the same enthusiasm tied red pioneer ties, put on caps and, divided into two teams, took part in the competition. The cooks prepared food on a fire, then there were songs with a guitar and dancing on the grass - the holiday was a success and left a lot of positive emotions.

Of the thematic events held, I would like to note corporate party of oil workers "Gold Rush". Oil, as you know, is called black gold, so we renamed the oilmen into gold miners for one evening, gave them hats and neckerchiefs, gave the chief a sheriff's star, and the chief accountant - wooden abacus. The event itself was called the "Gold Rush", as "gold miners feverishly want to relax and will certainly do it right today." The party with a lot of themed jokes, games, professional performances and, of course, dancing caused a "feverish delight". This idea can also be used for corporate parties of gas workers, because not only oil is called gold (black), but also gas (blue).”

Day of oil, gas and fuel industry workers: toasts, congratulations

Roll call-shout-toast. The host reads out the line, and the people of the professions named in it answer in chorus: “ Here! ».

Are there drillers and machinists here?

Welders, bulldozers?

Geologists, operators, technologists?

Chemists and metrologists?

KIPovtsy and specialists?

Laboratory assistants - well done?

Engineers, masters?

Locksmiths, accountants?

Refuelers and drivers?

Bosses and leaders?

Is everyone gathered? Well done! Let's drink to you guys!

Comic poem-congratulation:

Gas and oil not to be extracted -

The state will not exist.

gasman, oilman

All Russia is pulled.

The case is paramount

For all the people -

oil wells

And gas pipelines.

Helmet for export oil and gas -

Foreign countries will provide meat.

Eat only algae

We are without this industry.

And will remain in the hearts

Ours for centuries

Oilman's names

And a gasman.

Toast. The oil and gas industry occupies a leading position in the energy sector of the economy of many countries. The importance of oil and gas production and transportation is discussed on TV, in the press, on the Internet, and in the family circle. Black gold and blue energy provide the country's energy needs, bring the Russian economy to a qualitatively new level. The work of oil and gas workers feeds the whole country.

There is one day in the year when oil and gas masters gather in an informal setting to raise their glasses to those who are in the field, in the tundra, on the highway, at the drilling rig, away from home, are working, extracting black and blue gold for the country . Let's drink to the breadwinners of the country - gas and oil workers!

Toast. Imagine: you get up in the morning in a cold apartment and you can’t even wash your face, because the water in the pipes has frozen. You can't make coffee and make breakfast because gas stove useless. You walk to the place of work, because almost all transport costs. What is it - Armageddon, the end of the world or the beginning of the war? No, this is a picture of what would happen to our lives if there were suddenly no oil and gas. Today we raise our glasses to real heroes who will never let these horrors become a reality! For you, gas workers and oil workers, saviors of mankind!

Congratulations words. From time immemorial, people have worshiped gold, endowing it with high value. But gold has a strong competitor - oil. It was called black gold, which over time became more valuable. noble metal. Almost all countries of the world are in a hurry to exchange real gold for black. Gold miners have become a legend, and oil workers have become heroes! Congratulations, miners of black gold, on your professional holiday! We wish you good luck and prosperity!

Although it does not belong to the calendar, the holiday of workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries commands undeniable respect. Who among us can do at least a day or two without all the benefits that these people provide? Despite the fact that the profession of a brave conqueror of the bowels of the earth has existed for centuries, this holiday is very young, it has been celebrated since October 1, 1980 on the first Sunday of September.

The state could not fail to celebrate with its own day those who provide one of the most important sources of income for the country, the work, without exaggeration, of all enterprises and organizations. Welcoming words of the President of the country and congratulations in the media are sure to sound in honor of oil and gas workers on the first Sunday of September. The time is right: children are starting their studies, millions of children's institutions are opening, and it's time to think about a new heating season.

On this day, those who, being on the farthest outskirts of our big country, does everything so that we can light the stove in our own kitchen or go to visit friends. They congratulate the workers who come in once a month to check the health of the column, and also the heroes descending into the dark deep mines.

Be sure to wish accuracy in calculations to those who carry out projects and only planned situations to those who work in natural conditions.

Let career growth grow up
Like an oil rig
Let health beat the key -
It won't be too much.

May your joy multiply
Good luck and prosperity to you
Let everything in life work out
And everything in it will be smooth.

Now times like these
No gas and oil anywhere.
We can't live without fuel
This means you should be appreciated.
Well then, we wish you
Fun, joy, kindness.
And let there be comfort in the house,
And let your family wait for you there.
May luck help you
Friends don't forget you
May the sun always shine on you
And trouble will pass.
Let it be easy on the soul
And let everything be fine.

We congratulate all workers of the oil, gas and fuel industry on their professional holiday! We wish that your work is always appreciated! So that the work brings the desired results, gives results and be a pleasure! Let everything work like clockwork. I wish you good health, a lot of strength, prosperity, development and prosperity! Happy holiday!

Workers in the oil and gas industry
I want to congratulate everyone on the holiday right away!
I wish you success in your hard work,
So that there is time for jokes and laughter.
Health and happiness, love and good luck,
So that you are richer every year.

Today is the day of hot workers,
Explosive, black and gold!
We wish you real emotions,
And the impressions are bright and cool!

We wish the ocean to have at home,
And to work in a yacht to dissect,
So that on vacation - great weather,
And fly in business class to the south.

We wish you endless health
energy for many years.
And a reason to work so, of course,
Never ran out anywhere and never!

Good in our country:
There is oil in it and there is gas in it!
All those who are engaged in their extraction
We congratulate now!

May there always be health
You bring good to people
After all, without fuel and gas
The world will collapse almost immediately.

Let the income grow
More often than not, there are awards.
And for your hard work
You are respected and honored.

There is a profession
No doubt not easy
After all, workers are specialists,
Well done in your business!
The whole country is supplied with good,
Gas and oil are pumped from the bowels,
After all, without fuel
Hunger, cold, just darkness.
A big pipeline
The house brings us comfort.
So accept our bow,
Live happily ever after
In families, so that there is order,
Every day of work is sweet.
unlimited salary,
Vacations are always what you need!

We are without oil, without gasoline
Not to live worthy of the winter,
And, as if without water,
We are nowhere without gas.
The one who gets it
Delivers to the apartment
He deserves the best words!
Happy gas day
And oilmen, all at once,
Those who are tied with fuel!

Today is your day, gasman,
Your contribution to the state is so great!
That's why you deserve
So that your holiday is held in high esteem!

We want to wish you
Get more gas
Let the towers here and there
It looks like mushrooms are growing!

And, of course, at work.
There were fewer worries
Not to be stressed at all
All the best to you, honest hard worker!

The country needs oil and gas
We do not want them from outside.
Everything is ours, dear,
Slightly really expensive.

But now we're not talking about that,
And about the cherished holiday.
All workers in that area
We heartily congratulate you.

We wish you health
And always with love,
Your family was waiting for you at home
And at work faithful friends.

Let every drop become gold
Once mined in the bowels of the Earth.
Do you know how to make nature
Give people their great wealth.
Intelligence is always as accurate as possible for you,
And wells - especially rich and full,
Let your salary always grow.
We remember you with gratitude
When we fill up our car.
Let your path be smoother and easier.
Good luck on it, do not turn anywhere!