What to give a godson for a boy's christening. What do they give for christening to a boy and a girl. What parents and grandmothers give for christening. What godparents give on a bright day

Every child reacts very violently to gifts. But there are so many interesting things around that it is sometimes difficult to decide on a present. Baptism is an important event in life, which is celebrated in a special way, on a grand scale. What is best to give a boy for christening is an eternal question, to which you can find many interesting answers. By the way, in Orthodoxy it is considered the norm if a newborn has only a godfather. It is he who presents the gift cross, blessing the child. At the same time, the presence and even the presence of a godmother is not at all necessary. Strict rules adopted in the Orthodox faith:

  • The godmother, who has been relieved of her burden, is allowed to be present during the sacrament of baptism only 40 days after the birth. In addition, she needs to undergo a special rite of purification.
  • The godmother's menstruation period is the time when she is forbidden to participate in the christening ceremony. During the sacred rite, the godfather holds the child in his arms.

What gift to choose a boy for christening

The main donors at the christening of a child are godmothers mom and dad. Their direct duty is to give the godson the most significant gift.

After all, they get the role of spiritual parents, mentors in life, which they must fulfill in heaven and earth. According to custom, godparents present a cross - a traditional attribute of a Christian. It can be made from wood, silver, other metal, however, the best option would be a cross from gold. The metal is durable, does not lose its appearance for many years. In addition, gold, along with silver, is considered a symbol of protection from the machinations of the devil. At the christening of a boy, they traditionally give:

  • Kryzhma, psalter, icons, children's Bible, amulet, measured icon.
  • A silver or gold spoon "on a tooth", a rattle made of precious metal.
  • Pillows, blankets, bed linen.
  • Embroidered underwear, clothes.
  • Children's books, sweets, toys.
  • Valuable gifts, jewelry, money.

Kryzhma for baptism: what is it, why is it needed

Kryzhma- a special gift, which, according to popular belief, has a spiritual meaning, a hidden meaning. It is believed that if a person keeps it for a long time, then he thereby protects his happiness. During the rite of baptism, a baby is wrapped in kryzhma after being dipped in holy water.. It subsequently becomes a reliable amulet against the evil eye and ailments. It is believed that a bed sheet can cure a sick child. It is enough to cover a sick baby with a sacred flap, and he will get rid of the disease, temperature during the eruption of the first teeth. After the ritual, it cannot be washed, especially used for domestic needs.

As before, so now the role of the kryzhma is performed by a piece of natural white fabric. It can be decorated with braid along the edge, decorated with embroidery. Instead of a flap, you can use a regular linen or terry towel. It is customary to embroider the name, date of birth of the child. Such an attribute is difficult to subsequently confuse with ordinary underwear. Kryzhma hides after the baptismal ritual in a special linen bag, stored together with a baptismal candle, a curl of the baby's hair.

Do boys give icons

A boy can be baptized donate an Orthodox icon. Such a present will become not only a mandatory attribute. The holy face will be a symbol of faith that will settle in the soul of a small person. The Orthodox Church believes that the icon will become a symbol of hope, a bright ray in the darkness of darkness. It will help the growing child to choose the right path, determine the moral values ​​within himself, save him from doubts and anxieties. Everywhere they give for christening nominal icon. It depicts the saint after whom the child is named. He will become the patron of the little creature for years to come. The icon given to the boy during the rite of baptism is placed on the table next to the bed. They arrange it so that when waking up, the icon is in the field of view of the baby. It will help to instill love for God from an early age, protect from the evil eye, the bad influence of others.

It is proved that even their own parents can unwittingly jinx the baby. This happens unconsciously, especially during periods of nervous upheaval. The icon will become a reliable protection and stronghold.

Traditional gifts for boys

Church-approved gifts are religious prints, amulets, amulets, personalized icons with the faces of saints. Bibles for kids will help the child to get acquainted with God, spiritual matters. Bright colorful pictures will arouse interest, will become the first reference book for a growing tomboy. Along with kryzhma, it is customary for boys to give shirt and cap. They are selected to match the kryzhme, clothes can be simple or festive. Traditionally, it is decorated with embroidery, ribbons, lace. The standard colors of the robes are white, ivory, beige. The decor is preferably blue, in different shades and tones.

Gifts not related to traditions, rituals

The boy, in addition to traditional presents, is presented with a lot of various general-purpose souvenirs. It is considered good manners to "give" to a child a certain amount of money. But before you give them, you must agree on the amount with the parents. If they refuse material values, it is best to listen and choose something else for the baby. It could be small household appliances, walkers, presentable stroller, night light.

You need to proceed from what the boy needs for the first months or years of life. You should not make rash gifts, it is important to bring something worthwhile, a thing that will come in handy in everyday life.

If the choice still stopped at money, then let some souvenir or toy become a companion of this present. The material things will go away over time, and a modest gift will remain a reminder of the christening for many years. Often given to boys for christening personal hygiene items, things for growth, shoes, outerwear. Before you run to the shops, you need to consult with your parents, discuss with them all the details of the purchase. Then the benefit of the gift will be maximum. After all, it will be unpleasant if the result of rash decisions is a thing that the child absolutely does not need. Parents in this matter are the best advisers.

What to give an adult godson

Almost all children are baptized at a young age, mainly in the first year of life. However, it also happens that a child who has grown out of a crawling age is attracted to the sacrament. With this turn of events, some of the gifts that are customary to give to newborns will, of course, become completely inappropriate for an older guy. What to give a boy if he is an adult? An obligatory gift for any occasion - pectoral cross on a chain. It will become a guardian for life. and Bible, icons, amulet, psalter. Diversify the tradition stands for icons, crucifixes and crosses, decorated with stones, carvings. Also allowed candlesticks, vessels for holy water. Modern guys are often bought discs with Orthodox songs, clips, films. An unusual gift that can please a teenager - puppy, kitten, other pet. It is rather a symbolic present, an attribute of friendship. Grown up children are given all sorts of gifts for christening furniture, household items. It will be appropriate a ring with the inscription "Save and save", as well as, as an option, expensive watches, medallions, bracelets. A pleasant, tasty gift that will be in place and on time - birthday cake, which will then be shared at lunchtime by relatives and friends.

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Original do-it-yourself christening gifts

Handmade is worth its weight in gold. Recent trends are a clear confirmation of this. If desired, a gift for the celebration can be made independently. Many godmothers are needlewomen who know how to perfectly sew, embroider, knit. Often they act as initiators and independently sew or decorate baptismal accessories for their wards. In this case, it is necessary to carefully select fabrics, finishes. For these purposes, natural panels, cotton lace, satin ribbons are ideal. A gift in which the soul will be invested will become doubly pleasant, useful for the child.

Unusual purchased gifts

In online stores today you can find a wide range of handmade products. Candy bouquets, designer postcards, plaster figurines, painted with acrylics,- fantasy has no limits! Especially popular in recent years have become plaster casts of the arms and legs of a child which will become a nice memorable home decoration for years to come. Fashion trend - chocolate fountains, which in the future will decorate any holiday of a grown-up boy. Another original idea children's clothing with prints. You can order it in the print design studio, while you are allowed to choose a sketch of the future picture of your own free will. Exclusive present - an excellent solution to the issue with a christening gift.

The christening of a child is not just a rite, it is an important attribute of the formation of a person. It has a huge impact on the future, the fate of the child.

This is a responsible step that the boy's blood parents share with his spiritual father and mother. Gifts on this day are a symbol of communion with goodness, peace, righteousness. They are presented with special feelings, sincere wishes to the boy. Everyone around wants the life of the future man to be successful, only good people met on his way. So that strife, enmity, recklessness will never break his peace and peace. It is, of course, important for parents, physical and spiritual, to see their boy happy. Today, one of the most popular gift options for preschool and school children is a cell phone; And christenings are no exception. The only question that arises is whether it will harm the child. Let's watch a short TV show and decide for ourselves whether your godson needs such a present: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK69M1eFGaU

Together with God's grace on the day of Baptism, the child acquires his Guardian Angel and two more significant people in life - godparents, who are instructed to raise him, together with his parents, as a sincere Orthodox Christian. Traditionally, this bright event is celebrated with a festive dinner in the circle of relatives and friends. Parents prepare treats, and guests give memorable gifts to the newly baptized.

Gifts for the Baptism of a boy: traditions

It is customary to give a newborn a silver spoon with Orthodox symbols or a personalized inscription for Christening. It is kept as a keepsake or used for the first feeding of the baby. You can choose a spoon with a neutral decor or Orthodox symbols, for example, topped with a cross or an angel. Such a spoon can be presented to a child of any gender, but there are spoons especially for boys - with blue enamel or the inscription "Dear godson".

A boy over 1 year old, as a reminder of the Sacrament of Baptism, you can give a silver cup or a set of silver dishes. Of the simpler options - thematic puzzles, board Orthodox games.

The Bible, the Prayer Book, the book-biography of the Holy Patron, a pilgrimage excursion are suitable for a teenager.

What icon to give a boy for Christening?

There is a long tradition of giving a child a dimensional icon with a namesake patron on Christening. It is written by the icon painter in advance. The height of the icon is equal to the height of the baby at birth.

If it is not possible to order a measured icon, the godmother or father gives the godson an ordinary nominal icon with the patron saint, it is better to purchase it in a church shop at the temple. If there is no icon in the church with the face of the namesake Saint for the boy, you can choose the image of the Savior, one of the revered Saints, for example, Nicholas the Pleasant, or the Guardian Angel.

Is it possible to donate money for a baby's Christening?

Not knowing what to give a boy for Baptism, you can present a cash envelope for the needs of the baby. Parents, at their discretion, will dispose of the present, buying the child the necessary things, clothes, toys. There is no specific amount that needs to be given for Christening. Everyone defines it according to their financial capabilities. The main thing is that giving should come from a pure heart.

What should godparents give to a godson?

The role of godparents at Baptism is very important, since they are the main participants in the Sacrament in addition to the child. The recipients, instead of the one being baptized, renounce the devil and are united with Christ, thereby giving a promise to bring the baby to God.

gifts from the godfather

On the day of Christening, the godfather must give to the godson, which the priest will put on the newly baptized at the end of the Sacrament. It can be either a product made of gold, silver, or a simple metal cross. The cross must comply with the canons of the Orthodox Church and be consecrated (this can be done on the day of Baptism). To wear a cross, a chain is selected, a gaitan of the optimal children's length of 40-45 cm or a cotton rope that can be cut to the desired size.

A good gift for a godson from the godfather would be a gold or silver one with the face of the patron saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Christ the Savior, a pendant with a Guardian Angel figurine or a silver bell. The latter has long been considered a powerful amulet that scares away evil spirits.

Previously, the godfather fully assumed the financial costs associated with the organization and celebration of Christening. Today, his unspoken duty is to make a donation for the rite of Baptism. If desired and possible, the godfather can also pay for photo and video shooting in the church as a gift.

Gifts from godmother

The godmother at Christening should give the godson a kryzhma and a baptismal shirt. A good solution would be to choose ready-made, where the garments are combined with each other in style, shade and fabric quality. A newborn baby can be given a set with a baby's undershirt, which will be easy to put on a body that is wet after the font, and with a cap with strings, so as not to overcool the baby's head. As for the headdress, you need to check with the priest in advance, since the boys do not need it.

The color of christening clothes for a boy is white. Embroidery and lace can be blue, silver or gold. Traditionally, crosses, floral ornaments, vines, angels, doves are embroidered on baptismal accessories. Optionally, you can order a nominal cap or a shirt with an embroidered name of the child, the date of Baptism, the prayer "Save and save." Before Epiphany, clothes need to be prepared - washed or, at least, steamed with an iron and, of course, brought to the temple in an ironed form so that the clothes look neat in the photographs.

In addition to the set, the godmother can give the godson warm knitted socks, a bib for communion, a bag for a curl, a bag for storing christening clothes after Baptism.

Baptism gifts for a little boy from grandparents

Grandparents often give tea to the grandson on the Christening for a tooth. Preference is given to this particular metal because of its beneficial properties for the body: silver ions bind and remove toxins, improve metabolic processes. In addition, water and food in silver dishes are disinfected from bacteria and viruses.

Grandparents can present their grandson with an icon of St. Nicholas, George the Victorious, Panteleimon the Healer or a wooden panel with angels.

It would be appropriate for a little boy for christening from his grandparents to give a warm blanket, knitted, a souvenir pillow with an embroidered prayer or parable.

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Christening gift ideas for a boy from relatives

From aunt and uncle

An aunt or uncle can give a nephew a valuable souvenir with the symbols of the holiday, for example, or a silver tray with a personal inscription: the date of Baptism, a prayer. A memorable gift will also be a silver / gold medal, a silver amulet, a rattle, a figurine, a box.

More practical gifts not related to Baptism are also allowed. After asking for advice from parents, a boy from his aunt and uncle can be presented with a bicycle, a sports corner, a wall bar, a feeding table, clothes, a large soft toy from his aunt and uncle for Christening.

From a brother or sister

An original and memorable gift from a brother or sister will be a handmade item, for example, a photo frame, a postcard with three-dimensional elements, an embroidered picture.

Some time ago, we lost contact with the church, so much so that it was not customary to advertise the very fact of the baptism of a child. In the USSR, this could even affect the career of a person: both the one who baptized and the one who was baptized, although he was a baby and did not understand anything yet. Today, the attitude towards faith has changed, many of us have returned to our original religious roots, but at the same time, not everyone can boast of knowledge of folk traditions regarding Orthodox christening. People do not even know what can be given to children for this holiday, and what not. There is, for example, for some reason a belief that it is impossible to give pectoral crosses, and no one better than a priest will answer this question and explain that a cross brought as a gift is not at all a harbinger of imminent death or misfortune.

Sometimes even relatives do not understand that this day is some kind of special one, and that it is celebrated not only in church, but also later at home. But once on the christening tables were bursting with treats, almost the whole village gathered for a holiday, they sang, danced, danced round dances. In general, we had fun in every possible way. If you know the measure in such a celebration and do not create inconvenience to the hero of the occasion, since he is still small and goes to bed early, then why not joyfully celebrate such a date as the day of dedication to God of a born baby? And of course, do not forget about the christening gift for the little one.

What gift is customary to give for christening and why

Often children are presented with a small silver spoon or cup on such a day. This dish can be used in the future for feeding the baby. Since this holiday is directly related to the church, many consider an icon to be the best gift. Which one to choose? By the name of the guardian angel. Previously, the baby could not be called in any way until the moment the priest baptizes him. It was the clergyman who was charged with the duty to name the baby. It was chosen according to special books - the holy calendar, because the parents had a good idea on what day they needed to carry the child to the temple so that he would receive a name that they themselves would like. Naturally, at home, the child can be called by some name, and then the parents can guess according to the holy calendar when to come to church for christening.

For this occasion, the child will need not only a cross, but also special clothes, a dowry. Today you can buy baptismal kits, and many young parents know this name. A cap, a shirt and a thin diaper are included in such a set of clothes. It bears a name that is not at all familiar to many - kryzhma. With this name, it can be separated once and for all from other diapers used by the baby. A good idea for a christening present is this set. You just need to figure out who and what should give: mom and dad, godparents, grandparents, as well as other guests, if a celebration is going on on the occasion of baptism.

What do godparents give for christening

Today, either good friends or one of the relatives with whom good relations are maintained are invited as godparents. It is the godparents who are supposed to buy and give a cross to a child. Usually the priest or other ministers of the church suggest which cross is better to choose for the baby. Also, a gift is presented from godparents to godfathers - the godson's parents. Godparents, in turn, are godfathers to the father and mother of the baby and receive gifts from them.

godmother gift

The godmother can give not only a cross, but also a baptismal set. It can be a beautiful kryzhma - a satin or cambric diaper with special embroidery on an Orthodox theme. Caps and shirts with similar embroidery are also purchased. The peculiarity of the kryzhma is that this diaper is considered sacred for a baptized child. It is on her that they take him out of the font and wipe his body. It is unacceptable to use it for the usual swaddling of a baby, even after the ceremony has been completed. This thing needs to be saved. There is a belief that she will bring health to the baby when he is very ill. Of course, the church itself will deny this, because signs and faith are incompatible. But can a child believe consciously, because he still understands little? Here, parents have long adapted kryzhma to this matter, in this way they once again “remind” the disease that their child is under the protection of God, and force it to retreat. This attitude was also to the rest of the baptismal clothes.

Also, the godmother can bring alms to the temple. Do-it-yourself loaves, bread, sweets, fruits are accepted. It is better for the temple to ask about such a gift in advance: are products accepted at all? Initially, they were intended to feed the needy, and when it was in tradition, the temples knew how best to dispose of the gifts brought. Now it is more necessary to simply pay for the baptism of a child, and if the godparents take on these costs, it will be wonderful.

godfather gift

The godfather can also present a cross. A cross is more suitable for a child, in which the edges are rounded. They won't hurt a child by accident. A chain for a cross may also be included in the gift, but priests do not recommend wearing a cross on a chain for a small child. It is best to initially wear it on a ribbon or string. When the child is sleeping, it is safer to hang a cross at the head of the bed to prevent the child from accidentally tightening the ribbon or rope around the neck. The chain is kept until the baby grows up and becomes more conscious. Then you can wear it.

It is important to know that the cross itself and the chain must be consecrated in the church. If these items were bought in an Orthodox shop, then they have already been consecrated. If in a jewelry store, then this is not a fact. It is advisable then to give these objects to the priest, so that he consecrates them in advance.

The godfather is often the organizer of the feast, where he buys Cahors. As a rule, there is no large libation at the feast gathered for the sake of the baby. And the baby does not need extra noise. Strong alcohol is not used at all, but Cahors can be used. Also, a bottle of consecrated drink can be given to the parents of the baby. They can keep such a present at home. Good church wine can stand for a long time. It will not spoil, even when the child grows up enough to take a spoonful of this drink for health. When to start giving a child a drink containing alcohol is up to the parents.

General gift from godparents

Godparents together can present an icon to the godson. If they do not find an icon with a saint, whose name the child will be baptized, then they can choose a universal option - any of the icons of the Mother of God. The Mother of God patronizes everyone, regardless of the name.

In addition to religious gifts, it is not forbidden to give something secular. Typical gifts for children - toys, books, wearable clothes - all this is acceptable not only for a birthday, but also for christening.

What to give a boy for christening

If a child does not get white kryzhma, then blue or green tones are more suitable for the boy. It is better to consult with the priest about the color. Favorite silver spoons or cups are also suitable. Other gifts can be anything. The Church does not in any way restrict parents, godparents, or other guests of the holiday in this regard. The gift may have a religious orientation. For example, a boy can be presented with a scapular and a Bible. It is better if a believer does it.

If the family in which the baby was born is not rich, then she will be ready to accept any gift for the boy.

It could be:

  • bath;
  • walkers;
  • playpen, etc.

Sometimes a child of kindergarten age is baptized. Such a boy can be presented with clothes, a scooter, educational games, books. If finances allow, then you can look after something from children's furniture. And for those who have a modest income, you can simply buy a photo album in blue tones for a child.

If the guests have some photos of the hero of the occasion, then you can make a collage or wall newspaper along with the album, which will decorate the room where the holiday will take place. There you can put not only photographs, but also clippings with text, which describes the characteristics of the name received by the hero of the occasion.

What to buy for a christening gift for a girl

There are also no special "girlish" gifts on the day of baptism. The same silver spoons and baptismal attributes are suitable here. Kryzhma can be chosen in pink, yellow or beige. A Bible or gospel for children can also be given as a gift to a girl.

If the hero of the occasion is quite a baby, then her parents will be happy with any infant dowry:

  • baby high chair;
  • changing table;
  • baby food warmer, etc.

Some guests even manage to come up with such gifts as an imitation of a diaper cake. This idea is suitable for children of both sexes, only blue tones are traditionally chosen for the boy, and pink for the girl. The same colors are usually used for photo albums. Nevertheless, it is not forbidden to present a white photo album to christening. It may have angels on it.

Gift ideas for baby christening from guests

When a lot of people gather for a holiday dedicated to christening, then there can be a lot of gifts. It is only desirable that they do not repeat. Of course, this is not about tasty gifts - everyone will eat them right there at the table, but about icons and other things that remain with the child for a long time, if not for life.

1) Icons

An icon or a large icon is just the case when it is best to keep the gift with you all the time. The icon can be carried with you everywhere, and a large icon should be kept in the house. There are no strict rules about who should give icons. Therefore, the images of saints can be presented by all guests. And here it is better to agree on who exactly will give which icon. It is good to collect different icons, with the image of Christ, the Virgin, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and also with the saint, whose name the baby is called. Such a set of icons can already be put on a shelf by the crib of a newborn.

2) Stroller, bicycle

Individual vehicles are also welcome to be baptized. These things are always needed. First of all, the little man will need a stroller: without it, it is impossible to walk with a child in the air. You can also give a kangaroo backpack or a sling - depending on what is more convenient for the mother to carry the baby.

Next, the baby will need a sled. It is good to choose a sled with throwaway wheels. As soon as you have to run into a road cleared of snow, you need to press a lever on such a sled so that the runners rise and the wheels take their place. Let such sleds be more expensive, but it will be easier for mom to manage them.

A growing baby will need a balance bike, and then a bike. You can also donate a scooter or a small skateboard.

A holiday will be incomplete if a beautiful cake is not served on it. Since the parents of the baby usually have no time to bother with such a complex treat, one of the guests can bake it. Surely there are craftsmen who can make the cake not only tasty, but also decorate it according to the theme of the holiday.

Angels, storks or hearts will look good on such a cake. The image of doves and flowers is also welcome. You can decorate the cake as you wish, using berries and fruits. It is not forbidden to use even exotic gifts of nature. After all, Orthodox countries are located not only in the middle lane, but also in the subtropics! Suffice it to recall where this religion came to us from: from Byzantium. The main thing in the treat is to be tasty and beautiful.

4) Gingerbread for christening

Baking or buying themed gingerbread cookies in a church shop is a tribute to the old tradition of christening. On these holidays, the whole village usually gathered, and everyone brought there what they could. Many women baked gingerbread in the form of birds, rabbit ears, angels, bells, etc. All these gifts were brought to the table. And how could one family, especially with a baby, feed so many guests? So the whole world prepared for the holiday and therefore celebrated it on a grand scale. Let not so big companies gather today for christening, but cute gingerbread cookies on the table will be very appropriate.

5) Clothes, toys

The child is growing fast. In the first year of life, he needs a lot of clothes, because he grows out of some sliders and blouses, and he immediately needs others. That is why giving clothes for a child of the first year of life is very appropriate. Even if not all items are useful (for example, they will not be in season), then it is quite possible that the offspring in the family will not be the only one, and then the suits and overalls can go to a sister or brother.

Toys are a gift right on target. After all, it is not addressed to anyone else, except for the baby himself. And these are the items that are the only value for him. This is his little world. A great toy for a baby is a mobile above the crib or a starry sky projector.

What to give a grandson or granddaughter for christening

As a rule, the grandparents of the baby give everything for growth. You can even give a girl some jewelry, only these gifts will lie until their time. For boys, you can also provide such a present. Men also wear chains around their necks. Sad as it may seem, but in such gifts - with a delay - often older people hide a secret meaning: they say, I will die, and my grandson or granddaughter will be provided with these jewelry. With the same context, ancient icons or religious books are presented as a gift. This is quite logical: to leave a family heirloom to the younger generation so that it has an owner for as long as possible.

If such a position disgusts you, then it's okay: give more cheerful gifts, and without delay. Grandmothers can arm themselves with crochet or knitting needles and knit something for the baby. Grandfathers can build a model of a sailboat, a car or an airplane. Needlework is only welcome, besides, it can also become a family heirloom.

You can present the little girl with a box for various little things. How to deal with it, it's up to the parents. You can give the baby this item to play if it does not pose a danger to the baby. If it is a porcelain or glass box, then it is better to give it to use later, when the child can handle it carefully.

The main thing is warmth and participation in the fate of the child, and not the material value of the gift. Baptism is more of a spiritual celebration.

The baptism of a child is not only a significant event in the family of every believer, but also a headache for godparents and guests about what can be presented for a baby's christening. After all, I want the present to be not only appropriate, but also as useful as possible.

Someone prefers "hackneyed" gifts, but for someone it is fundamentally important that the gift be symbolic or take part in the very implementation of the ritual. Consider all the possible options for presents that are given for christening.

Traditional christening gifts

Baptism according to Orthodox traditions is the second birth of a child. As on any other holiday, it is customary to present gifts to the hero of the occasion on this day. You can, of course, get by with a standard set of toys, clothes or sweets. But it is much more interesting to choose such a gift for the baby, which will become symbolic and will remind you of this important event.

The most common traditional baptismal gifts for a girl or boy can be considered the following:

This gift is very useful, because you can then feed the baby from a spoon. Such an item is also used to disinfect water, for which it is enough to lower it into a jar of water. On the spoon you can make an engraving with the name of the baby.

It has been noticed that in those children who used silver utensils in childhood, milk teeth do not turn black.

This gift is one of the most important. Not knowing which icon to give for christening, you can opt for an icon with the image of the Guardian Angel. They usually put it at the cradle, believing that in this case the baby's sleep will be strong and serene. Suitable as a gift and any icon of the Virgin. You can present the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. An icon depicting the face of a saint, the patron saint of a baby, is perfect as a gift.

  • Children's Bible
Traditional gifts for babies are bed linen, blankets and various toys. It is better not to give clothes, because the children grow out of it too quickly. On the other hand, if possible, you can give a nice dress or blouse. To emphasize the importance of the event as a spiritual and intimate process, a gift can be made. This is especially important for those who will become mothers and godfathers.
It is also customary to give gifts to godparents. Usually the godson's parents give them scarves or shawls to show their health care.

If you feel like needlework, embroider a prayer for your godson on a towel or blanket. Such a gift will delight the parents of the baby at the time of its presentation and the child when he grows up. Such gifts accompany people throughout their lives.

You can make a toy. Sew a soft, rag bear or make a rattle, pyramid or cubes with the help of tools. If you approach this process with love and patience, the result can be more than impressive.

If you don't have the time or opportunity to create your own gift, ask your parents what they'd like to receive. Usually these are highchairs, playpens, hanging carousels and much more. If you are not the baby's godfather, you can give any baby things you want.

It is considered good form to congratulate the parents of the godson on this holiday. You can order flower delivery or a large gift basket with sweets or fruits. It is very important that there is no alcohol in such a basket.

What to give for christening to an adult?

A person who decides to be baptized as an adult can be given all the same traditional things - an icon of the saint whose name was baptized, a pectoral cross, a baptismal shirt. Adults are especially fond of gifts that were made by their own. Therefore, a shirt embroidered on the cuffs and collar will be an ideal option.
In case you do not have time to make a full-fledged gift with your own hands, attach a self-made postcard to the gift.

If you want to give an adult something less intimate and religious, choose sweaters, hats, or even mittens. The main thing is that you put your hand into the creation of these things.

Usually, after baptism, a large festive table follows. At such a celebration, alcohol has no place. An excellent and unusual gift can be a samovar, thanks to which the godson will be able to treat all his guests with strong delicious tea.