Sauna stones: what breeds to choose, laying and care rules. Which stones are better and more useful for a bath How to choose river stones for a bath yourself

The quality of steam and the duration of heat retention in the bath depends on many factors, including the stones in the stove.

How to choose a suitable filler so that the steam is soft, so that it does not tickle in the throat, so that there is no need to throw firewood once again?

Let's look at all the options available to the owner of the bath.

What stones for a bath to choose?

To begin with, it is worth talking about what they generally are. There is three main sources of their occurrence:

  • exit to the surface of magma;
  • weathering products or deposition of biological remains;
  • transformation of existing rocks.

Igneous rocks
are among the most durable and heat-resistant. They are best suited for our purposes.

But sedimentary rocks It is categorically not recommended to use in the bath - they are soft, easily and quickly destroyed under the influence of temperature and humidity.

metamorphic rocks- the result of the transformation of both igneous and sedimentary rocks under the influence of pressure, temperature, gases and solutions. Of these, the most interesting quartzite(the result of the metamorphosis of quartz sand), as well as soapstone.

The easiest way to distinguish stones is by hardness. The harder (and denser) they are, the more suitable for our purposes.. (Although the talc in soapstone makes it quite soft, this is more of an exception.)

Now let's decide, here we have stones lying around: how to choose the best ones for a bath and what are the good ones that we are offered to buy?

In nature

You won't spend a dime if you just pick up the pebbles that are on the ground. Take a hammer with you - geological, if you have one, or a regular one. Try to split the vending specimens. Look at their cleavage - you should be interested in the internal structure, the presence of inclusions. Give preference to stones with a homogeneous structure, without inclusions, pores, cavities. It is desirable that the sound when stressed be sonorous ( deaf - a sign of cracks and voids).

The collection point can be any place away from landfills, industrial zones and railway tracks- there the stones can become contaminated with creosote and other substances that can not only spoil the pleasure of the bath, but also cause harm to health. After all, the same creosote is a carcinogen.

IMPORTANT! Connoisseurs advise collecting on the banks of rivers that have their source in the mountains.

It is also good to have a Geiger counter with you, because it makes no sense to drag stones with an increased background radiation into your bathhouse, which, in general, not so rare in nature and without human intervention.

After collecting the samples, subject them to further research. Start with calcination. Heat the stones so hot that they become red-hot, then drop them into warm water. According to the test results, leave those that have retained integrity.

The next test is the presence of gases inside minerals. Dip the stones in the water and watch if air bubbles appear on their surface. You do not need these, because you cannot check the composition of the gases contained in them.

Select several fractions - large (up to 20 cm), medium (up to 10 cm) and small (up to 6 cm). For an electric furnace, only a fine fraction is needed.

IMPORTANT! Talk to knowledgeable people in the neighborhood, old people can tell you where it is better to take stones. Surely there is a place that is used by more than one generation of local residents.

On sale

There is no need to do research here. You are being sold a product that must be certified. And this means that neither excess radiation, nor harmful gases, nor other troubles from these stones for a bath can be expected. Just do not forget to ask the seller to show the relevant documents.(By the way, it’s worth checking, because instead of jadeite they can sell another pyroxene, or even not pyroxene at all - watch the video for tips on how to distinguish a fake.)

As for the variety of species that are on sale, we will talk about this later.

Chiseled or polished?

No matter where the stones come from, they will in any case be in one of two forms: either chipped, with sharp irregular edges, or rounded. If the roundness of the outlines is the work of human hands, then these are called "boned", "tumbling" or "polished". Rivers and seas cope with such work no worse than a person.

But how to choose stones for a bath from these varieties? This could be considered a matter of aesthetic preference for the owner, but there is a difference for the bath itself:

  • chipped have a large surface, so give off heat more easily;
  • rounded ones fill the space less densely, so between them better air circulation.

In addition to this, there is difference in stone care- sharp edges often break off and can clog the stove, which requires more thorough cleaning.

IMPORTANT! So, if you want the stove to keep warm longer and not cause problems with care, take smooth, rounded stones.

Bath stones: characteristics and properties

Above, we have already skimmed over some of the important properties of stones, but it is better to consider them in more detail.

Ability to tolerate high temperatures

You need to understand that sellers will easily tell you the temperature ... of melting, passing it off as heat resistance. In fact, a wood-burning stove will not give the melting temperature of stones, because the maximum figures that the flame temperature reaches are a thousand degrees with a little, that is, some stones have a margin of several hundred degrees more. But for the destruction of the stone, a lower temperature is sufficient. Therefore, heat resistance is measured by the number of cycles that a stone of a given breed can withstand before destruction (cracks appear). It's about about the "heating-cooling" cycles, which constitute the main thermal load.

IMPORTANT! Heat resistance is a measure of how long a given stone can last in your oven. The choice of stones for the bath should be carried out according to this characteristic.

It is logical that the most resistant will be those rocks that were born during volcanic eruptions. Their material has withstood the test of fire and pressure. Of them the highest heat resistance of silicates.

The silicates themselves are divided into:

  • ultrabasic;
  • basic;
  • medium;
  • sour.

The difference is in the silica content.

IMPORTANT! Acidic minerals are not suitable for sauna stoves. The best will be ultrabasic and basic, in which silica is up to 53%.

Ability to retain heat

Another important characteristic of bath stones is heat capacity. It is measured by the amount of heat that a body can absorb per unit of its mass. The measurement is made when the temperature rises by 1 degree.

For a bath, those pebbles that are able to retain as much heat as possible, giving it away for a long time, will be the best.

Here is a small table showing the specific heat capacity of some types of bath stones:

As you can see, the numbers suggest that ugly and non-semi-precious stones may have a higher heat capacity than their expensive counterparts, although, of course, jade's performance is also not bad.

The size and number of stones

We have already talked about this. In the bath, specimens from 5 to 20 cm are needed, if the stove is not electric. They will be laid out in layers: first the largest, then the middle fraction, and at the top - the smallest. The fact that the dimensions are limited to the specified range is due to the properties of sauna stones: when the size is too small, the stone does not gain and does not hold heat due to its small mass, and larger ones are more prone to breaking.

As for electric furnaces, the choice of a fine fraction is due to the small distance between the grates and the need to fill the space as densely as possible.

Stones and human health

This is a rather touchy subject. Many mindlessly repeat what they have read or heard about the fact that certain (most expensive) bath stones can cure diseases. However, we could not find a single statement of science in favor of the healing power of stones. For this reason, we will not name diseases and advise to treat them with the help of bath stones.

But as for the harm, then the situation is more studied. Sudden changes in temperature affect any stone. Sooner or later destruction begins, in particular, produces dust that is harmful to health if inhaled. It has already been said above that the best rocks for us contain silica in an amount of up to half of the composition.

The action of silicate aerosols is twofold: mechanically irritating to the respiratory organs and chemically, when they enter the tissues and blood. The latter applies only to those who are forced to breathe daily, for example, quartz dust.

IMPORTANT! It goes without saying that no one is trying to compare the scale of industrial air pollution with an ordinary bath. But when it starts to tickle in the throat, when the steam loses its softness, this is already a cause for concern and replacement of stones.

Another source of harm to health is the accidental ingestion of foreign matter, which happens in factories or near transport routes. (We talked about creosote above.)

In general, you can not worry about harm if you take clean stones of suitable breeds, and then regularly sort them out and wash them.

By the way, if you think that the metal is not subject to destruction, then this is a mistake - the cast-iron "stones" of some grades of cast iron become covered with scale, rust (food grade stainless steel is devoid of such shortcomings up to 700 degrees), and all this also gets into the air we breathe. Therefore, it is not very clear why at the same time it is categorically not recommended to take stones with an admixture of iron and it is advised to “dilute” the stones with cast iron ingots.

About some varieties of bath stones

Bath ceramic stones

Apart from natural stones artificial ones are also used, for example, ceramic stones for the stove in the bath. On sale you can find German ceramic stones, which cost over 7,000 rubles for a package of 20 kg. Pleasure is quite expensive, but the heat resistance of ceramics is higher than that of natural stone . But the thermal conductivity and heat capacity are lower.

IMPORTANT! Ceramic stones heat up easily, but also cool down quickly.

Instead of German ceramics, ceramic insulators for power lines (broken) are also quite suitable. In addition, there Russian manufacturers bath porcelain balls. At a price of 250 rubles per kilogram, they will cost less than German ones. Chinese ones are even cheaper.

When thinking about whether it is worth spending money on ceramics, take into account that the stones will have to be renewed every year (not all of them, of course), ceramics will last longer. Plus it's less dusty.

As an option, to compensate for the rapid cooling, ceramics are "mixed" with stones.

Cast iron bath stones

If the task of the heater is to keep warm longer, then metal should be combined with stones in the backfill. This is how we improve thermal conductivity. Percentage combinations can be different, and it depends on the stove. You will have to select experimentally, guided by personal tastes in relation to steam. Try options 50x50 and 70x30 (cast iron stone, but vice versa is also possible). You should not completely fill the heater with cast iron, because in addition to quick heating, you will also have a quick cooling.

It's worth knowing that cast iron rusts although the rate of its rusting depends on the brand. What you can buy in the bath shop is mostly gray cast iron. Connoisseurs prefer cast iron alloyed ChKh16 and ChKh20, which is distinguished by both heat and wear resistance.

IMPORTANT! It is undesirable to use cast iron in stainless steel furnaces. Their combination can rust even heat-resistant steel.

As for the shapes and sizes, there are options: you can buy balls, but their brand is SC20, which is not very good. In addition, there are also cast-iron bars and bricks. There are artistically designed cast-iron stones for a bath in the form of cones. Any form is suitable, only the elongated one should be put on the priest.

Yes, and one more thing: each stove has data in the passport on the mass of the allowable load of the heater. At equal volume with stones, cast iron has a mass greater by 20-30%.

River stones for a bath

The stones, the source of which was a mountain river, have a unique "smell", which is revealed only during a long fire (2 times longer than usual). Otherwise, it all comes down to the right choice, because your task is to find igneous rocks, and they are on the banks of rivers and seas, and in an open field (through which a glacier once passed a long time ago).

In appearance, sedimentary and igneous can be very similar, so you should take the advice of one geologist on how to choose stones for a bath yourself:

ADVICE! Pick up the stones you like - either already wet or dry. Wet the last ones thoroughly with water and leave, in the morning take away only those that have had time to dry completely.

The reason sedimentary rocks take longer to dry is because of their porosity.

By the way, complaints about river stones for a bath can be associated precisely with an error in their choice. Because the right stones will serve faithfully up to 3 years- no "shots", cracks, coloring.

Now about the time of collecting stones. It is best to do this in august, when the water in the river will be at a minimum, and you can select specimens that have been in the water for a long time (if that “smell” is important to you).

Those who decided to collect stones in the field, the best time is right after plowing.

White stone for a bath - quartz

is a separate issue. It is chosen not only for its beauty, but also because sellers talk a lot about the piezoelectric effect, which ozonizes the air. Heating really leads to the formation of quartz on the surface electric charge. And we will not vouch for the rest.

IMPORTANT! The main disadvantages of quartz are low heat resistance, and as a result, a short lifespan in the furnace.

Composition of quartz
it is almost pure silica (silicon dioxide), but without impurities, quartz has no color at all (it is rock crystal).

And if it is white, then due to various impurities - water, gases (CO, for example), minerals (calcite, actinolite, rutile, etc.).

Either the reason white color there may be minor cracking. It is logical that in last case such stones will live in the furnace just a little.

White stones for the bath are mined in the appropriate shops, and they are expensive.

Green stone for a bath

Under the definition green stone for a bath "two minerals are suitable - jadeite and jade. Both are the most valuable and most desired stones. True, many will have to save money to purchase them.

- an excellent stone of the class of plutonic igneous rocks (formed at great depths from magma), which guarantees its heat resistance and long-term operation.

It contains up to 60% silicon dioxide, the rest is oxides of aluminum, sodium, iron, calcium, magnesium. More often than green varieties, whose color is due to an admixture of chromium, white or gray jadeite is found, the latter being cheaper.

According to the chemical composition, it is difficult to assume the healing properties that this stone is usually endowed with (there is a mineral albite with almost the same composition, but formed at a shallower depth, and no one talks about it). Silica, As you already know, included in all bath stones, and the listed metal oxides in their pure form do not treat anyone.

Therefore, we venture to suggest that the reputation of jadeite was born among adherents of alternative medicine. In addition, it belongs to semi-precious stones, which affects both the price and value.

another expensive bath stone, whose main purpose is art or decoration material. Jade is similar in composition to jadeite, but at the same time it has a very different structure: it has fibrous, which, by the way, provides him with great strength. It would be more accurate to compare its structure with felt.

The green color is not due to chromium, but to iron. White jade is valued much more than green. However do not expect that high-quality stone will be sold for baths, and for lower quality samples, the strength will be less, although also sufficient.

The heat capacity of jade is higher than that of jadeite - 1.1 versus 0.88 kJ / kg * C.

Well, well, with the stones at least a little, but figured it out. We hope that with our advice you will not have any problems with how to choose the right stones for the bath.

In contact with

When building a sauna or a bath, the owners are interested in the cost and quality of the building material for finishing the structure, but stones are often forgotten. But stones are one of the key attributes of a steam room, which allows you to ensure the maximum benefit from wellness procedures. This is an important part of the design, because warm and healthy air comes from them.

Proper use of natural stones allows you to effectively regulate the temperature of air heating and steam generation in the steam room.

Criteria for choosing stones and useful properties

To create a camping bath, you can use river pebbles or cobblestones located next to the recreation area. A stationary steam room should be built from high quality materials that can be purchased at specialized stores. Such minerals are mined in places where there is no radiation activity. The packaging indicates that the product has been tested by radiation control.

To select the material, it is checked by category:

  • Heat accumulation. A property can be defined by external parameters. A good mineral has a high specific gravity, density and a homogeneous structure. It keeps warm for a long time.
  • Dimensions . Properly selected material will last a long time and will delight the owners with its appearance. For a wood-burning stove, large stones are chosen, with a diameter of 70 mm to 130 mm. For some furnaces, small ones are used - with a diameter of 50 mm to 60 mm. Salt stones have become a versatile material that can be of any size.
  • High temperature resistance. The rock should not chip and crack. To test for strength, it is necessary to knock on it with a hammer or other stone. In addition, a test in the steam room is suitable. The rock is heated red-hot and with a sharp movement is placed in ice water. Nothing will happen with quality material.

Immunity to elevated temperatures

The stones used in the steam room should not lose their healing properties and become unusable. This parameter determines the number of heating and cooling cycles that a certain mineral is designed for before the first signs of damage appear.

To check the stone for this parameter, you can use two methods. The first is to hit the stone with a hammer, the second is to heat it up and lower it into cool water.

The main features of the high quality of the material are the absence of cracks, splits and damage.

Heat capacity or ability to retain heat

The main characteristic of sauna stones is the ability to accumulate and retain heat, followed by heating the air in the steam room.

The higher the indicator, the longer the stones will be able to retain heat even after the completion of the furnace process.

Structure homogeneity

High-quality stones for the stove in the bath should have a uniform structure without additional inclusions of other rocks. This will ensure more uniform heating and prevent possible delamination.

In addition, the surface should not have chips, minor damage or cracks.

Shapes and sizes

A similar parameter has an aesthetic function when using stones.

Experts recommend giving preference to stones round and oval shape with a smooth surface. This form contributes to rapid heating, uniform distribution of heat over the entire surface and efficient vaporization.

For wood-burning fireboxes, it is worth choosing large stones with a diameter of 75 to 125 mm. For energy-intensive electric heaters - up to 65 mm in diameter.

Varieties and breeds of stones for a bath

When building a bath, every little thing should be taken into account, so you need to find out what stones for the bath will be helpful. River rocks are suitable for the oven, but sea rocks are not suitable for laying, because they quickly collapse. It is forbidden to take soft bottom minerals for the structure, including limestone. When heated, it is destroyed and dust is formed. It enters the respiratory tract of people steaming in the bath.

For a sauna stove, materials with a high density are suitable. Heat transfer depends on this indicator. The minerals used in the process of heating in small quantities release useful elements.

It is not recommended to choose stones from sedimentary rocks, which are characterized by low resistance to temperature extremes and high water permeability. Also, cobblestones with a high silica content, which is susceptible to rapid crumbling, will not work.

The following types of stones are most in demand:

  1. pebbles;
  2. jade;
  3. gabbro diabase;
  4. soapstone;
  5. crimson and white quartz;
  6. porphyrite;
  7. basalt;
  8. Himalayan salt.

An inexpensive option for masonry is pebbles. The disadvantage of the material is that it has to be replaced annually, but you can stock it up for free by taking stones from nearby reservoirs. The composition of the pebbles includes various types suitable for use in the steam room. River pebbles have no special properties, while sea pebbles are filled with iodized salt and minerals.

The choice of breed must be approached responsibly, since the quality and benefits of the procedure, as well as the appearance of the room, depend on taking into account all the parameters. Properly selected bath stone has healing properties and helps to improve health.

Consider each type of stone separately.

The simplest and most economical version of bath stones is pebbles collected on the sea coast or on the banks of the river.

The material is durable, wear-resistant, durable and attractive. The pebble has an oblong flat shape, which makes it quite convenient to place it in the heater.

When choosing a pebble, you should pay attention to its color. There should be no colored spots on the surface of the cobblestones that indicate the presence of iron.

High-quality pebbles have a deep gray tint and a smooth polished surface.


An exotic and rather expensive stone for bath fireboxes. This semi-precious mineral with an attractive emerald hue is durable, wear-resistant, water-resistant and heat-resistant.

With strong heating, jadeite provides the formation of a thick and viscous vapor. Such a stone is immune to sudden changes in temperature and the appearance of cracks.

The healing properties of jadeite are in a special beneficial effect on all systems of the human body.

A simple and cheap option that is ideal for modern steam rooms.

Outwardly, it looks like marble, has the same dark color, differs in the high durability, durability and resistance to the increased humidity. Gabbro-diabase promotes long-term accumulation and rapid heat transfer. The natural structure of the stone is susceptible to uniform heating and low moisture absorption, which is especially important for steam rooms.

The largest deposits of gabbro-diabase are located in Karelia, which determines its reliable ecological component.

To get the maximum effect from gabbro-diabase, it can be used together with natural essential oils and herbal tinctures.

It is a natural and environmentally friendly gray material with good heat dissipation. Due to reliable performance, this material is used for lining stoves in baths.

When heated, soapstone does not emit toxic and hazardous substances.

An obvious plus is its unique healing characteristics. With regular use of soapstone in the steam room, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and starts metabolic processes in the body. The resulting vapor is quite light and pleasant to inhale. The soft heat produced by the stone is similar in effect to the heat of the sun.

Raspberry Quartz

Another representative of the elite minerals used in the steam room for wellness treatments. It is a durable, practical, refractory material with a high density index. Raspberry quartz has a rich purple color that looks quite attractive in a sauna heater.

Among other things, the material is resistant to elevated temperatures and cracking. This means that with excessive heating, it can be watered with cool water and not worry about its integrity.

To pick up a good raspberry quartz, you should look at the shape of the cobblestone. High-quality stones are smooth without chips, cracks and other flaws. Raspberry quartz has a positive effect in the presence of salts, chronic bronchial diseases, hypertension and muscle fatigue.

Quartz of this type, unlike its purple relative, is not distinguished by durability, wear resistance and immunity to temperature extremes. Therefore, with excessive heating, it quickly loses its performance - small cracks and chips appear.

The main advantage of white quartz is the pure ozone that is released as a result of its heating. Ozone has a cleansing and rejuvenating effect on the human body.

Porphyrite is one of the least studied minerals that are used in modern steam rooms.

Such material perfectly tolerates high temperatures, is resistant to cracking and destruction, withstands a large number of heating/cooling cycles. In addition, porphyrite retains heat well and produces a large amount of thick steam.

Porphyrite has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, improves the condition of the skin, and is effective for severe headaches and sharp jumps in blood pressure.

With regular use, it needs frequent cleaning and washing of the surface.

Due to its good performance, the material does not crack and does not create dust when heated.

Pure and dense viscous steam obtained by heating basalt produces a powerful therapeutic effect. Basalt is used for frequent migraines, vascular diseases, spine, low blood pressure and colds.

Himalayan salt

This material is not a stone, however, it is quite successfully used in modern steam rooms. Salt has high healing properties and a unique beneficial effect on the body.

In terms of the number of useful components released into the air when heated, it surpasses all modern bath materials.

To find out which stones are best for a bath, it is recommended to pay attention to the size, shape, as well as their operational features.

How to properly place stones in a sauna stove

Each individual furnace requires a different amount of material. The one used for lining the pipe is not included in this list. When the mass of stones is large, the furnace warms up longer. With a small amount of them, you can not get the required volume of steam. The optimal mass can only be established experimentally.

The material is pre-dried, the bookmark in the chamber should be as dense as possible. At the same time, air should fill it by 15%, but not more.

The method of laying cobblestones in the oven is indicated on the factory packaging. If they were purchased without containers, then it is worth following some recommendations for laying out stones.

The bottom of the chamber for the heater is laid out with small cobblestones, which are distinguished by the absence of healing properties. They retain heat well. Such minerals include talcochlorite, peridotite and basalt.

Such a layout scheme helps to increase the heat capacity of the steam room and ensure a uniform flow of water.

The upper layers should consist of large rocks, such as white quartz or jadeite. It is not recommended to compact the stones during laying. The stones in the sauna stove should be stacked tightly to each other. If you don’t like the masonry, then you can sort it out, change the material in places and choose a more compact version.

For electric furnaces, small-diameter minerals are used, placed between the heating grates at a short distance. Large cobblestones will create additional difficulties in the laying process and lead to the formation of voids between individual elements. And this, in turn, is fraught with heat losses in the room.

The optimal height for laying stones for the formation of dense steam is 30 cm. This will ensure that water quickly hits all layers for a dry, clean and enveloping steam.

Proper care of bath stones

Periodically, the heater needs to be cleaned of damaged materials and replaced with new elements. Even the most durable and wear-resistant minerals become unsuitable for further use and require timely replacement.

The decrease in the main characteristics, the appearance of sharp and unpleasant odors during the heating process is the basis for replacing the stones. Masonry is replaced 1-2 times a year (with intensive use - up to 4 times).

After the audit, the whole elements are thoroughly washed with water and carefully laid out on the heater.

Proper laying of bath stones contributes to fast and high-quality heat transfer, the formation of clean and thick steam. To do this, it is important to follow simple rules of operation.

There are the following criteria for choosing stones for a bath:

  1. Safety. This is the most important criterion, since it depends on it how safe it will be to stay in the bath. In order not to doubt the reliability of hard rock, they should be bought only in specialized stores. The use of pebbles that have been collected by oneself is highly undesirable, as they cannot be tested for toxicity.
  2. Structure. It is important that they have a homogeneous structure, without cracks and blotches, since stones that are heterogeneous in structure will break and fail faster.
  3. The properties of these rocks also play an important role. To date, there is a fairly decent selection of bath stones of various properties, each of which has one or another ability. It is only important to make the right choice here.

Bath stone requirements

High-quality hard rocks for a bath must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be resistant to high temperatures. In order to check how strong they are, they need to be heated to red, and then abruptly thrown into cold water. If their base cracks, it means that they do not fit. If they remain intact, then such stones can be used.
  2. Have the ability to retain and release heat. Not all solid structures are capable of this, so they also need to be checked. Usually, the ability to accumulate heat is in those breeds that have good weight, density and uniform structure. Much also depends on the type of stone.
  3. Have the correct shape and size. For each type of bath, you need to select certain instances. For example, for wood-burning stoves, large breeds should be used, the size of which will be in the range of 7-14 cm. For electric stoves (for compactness), it is better to use small round breeds with a size of no more than 5-6 cm.

Which stones are suitable

It has a very attractive appearance, as it is characterized by lightness and a variety of gray shades. Its advantages can be called:

  • strength;
  • good thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to use it both for cladding and for internal functions;
  • medicinal properties in the form of the release of enzymes that favorably affect human health.

The disadvantages of soapstone is that it cools rather quickly and has a high cost.

It is one of the most sought-after hard rocks for baths. This can be justified by its following advantages:

  • reliability;
  • safety;
  • good tolerance to high temperatures;
  • attractive appearance - has shades of green;
  • the ability to normalize blood pressure and relieve stress;
  • high strength.

The only disadvantage of jadeite is its too high cost.

It is a volcanic rock that has the color of dark marble. It is mined in Karelia, which is famous for its environmental friendliness. Gabbro-diabase has the following advantages:

  • good strength;
  • low water absorption;
  • low cost.

However, gabbro-diabase also has disadvantages:

  • after heating, it quickly cools;
  • when overheated, it begins to emit an unpleasant odor;
  • with its use, essential oils cannot be used, as it begins to form soot;
  • it often needs to be sorted out, because if this is not done in time, then damaged copies will emit waste, which in turn will clog the furnace.

It is a black breed. It is the strongest of all bath stones. Also, in its arsenal are such advantages:

  • it perfectly tolerates sudden temperature changes;
  • has good water absorption and heat capacity;
  • does not emit bad substances;
  • has a long service life.

It can only be called a minus black color, which can not always fit comfortably into the atmosphere of the bath.

This is a fairly original and durable stone, which has an attractive purple color. When he is in the bath, he immediately becomes his decoration. In addition, raspberry quartzite has the following advantages:

  • hardness;
  • long service life;
  • crack resistance;
  • it does not emit any harmful substances.

The disadvantage of raspberry quartzite is that sometimes already split stones can be found among solid stones.

It is an environmentally friendly rock, which has a translucent color. It has such advantages:

  • very impressive appearance;
  • naturalness;
  • good heat retention.

Unfortunately, white quartz also has a number of disadvantages:

  • short service life;
  • frequent breakdowns from high temperatures, which it does not withstand very well.

Worth remembering

In order for your bath to be safe, you should know which stones cannot be used:

  1. It is strongly not recommended to use those stones that were collected from railway embankments, since they are already treated with creosote, which is a very strong poison. It can severely poison a person when heated. It will be impossible to remove this smell.
  2. Do not use soft types of pebbles, for example, limestone, because, firstly, it is very harmful, and secondly, it quickly collapses, turning into fine dust.
  3. Also, do not use sea pebbles, despite the fact that many consider it an excellent option just for this purpose. The fact is that marine rocks do not withstand high temperatures and crack.

It is important to know the following rules for the care of cobblestones:

  1. They should be checked for defects and cracks. If they are found, then it is better to replace the stones with new ones.
  2. If essential oils are used in the bath, then the heater must be regularly cleaned of carbon deposits.
  3. Once every two months, it is necessary to conduct a thorough revision of the state of the surface of the cobblestones and dry them in the fresh air.
  4. They need to be watered daily with warm water. This will extend their service life.
  1. It is not recommended to combine several types of hard rocks in one bath at once, since each of them has its own special properties;
  2. When buying cobblestones, you need to know that they must be tightly packed in bags or boxes;
  3. When laying stones, you should know that you need to put the largest stones down, and the smallest ones up. It is also better to make three layers, in each of which leave access for air and steam.

An indispensable equipment for any steam room is a stove-heater, but what stones are better to use for a bath and how to choose them?

Much depends on how correctly the choice of the mineral is made. Good stones are not only the saturation and aroma of steam, but also the duration of heat transfer, improving overall health.

What should be the best stones for a bath and what to look for when choosing? The main requirements include several factors.

  1. The mineral must be resistant to high temperatures, frequent heating and sudden changes in temperature. It is not so difficult to check this when buying, you need to hit the surface hard with a hammer - a high-quality stone will not crack or crumble. A serious test can be carried out in pairs - heat the stone, and then throw it into cold water. If cracks and chips do not appear on the surface, such a mineral is great for a heater.
  2. A high-quality stone should accumulate heat well. When buying, you should pay attention to indicators such as density, high specific gravity, homogeneous structure. All this suggests that the mineral will quickly heat up, perfectly retaining heat and giving it away for a long time.
  3. Size and shape. For each type of stone, there are individual requirements for appearance, for example, pebbles should not be small, best form for her - a little flattened. Stones with a diameter of 7-13 cm are recommended for wood-burning stoves, 5-6 cm for electric stoves. In any case, the stones should not be too large or small.

8 best types of stones for a bath

Which stone is good for a steam room? For a modern bath or sauna, you can choose minerals various types, but the optimal ones are 8 types of minerals:

  • pebbles;
  • white quartz;
  • soapstone;
  • gabbro diabase;
  • crimson quartzite;
  • jade;
  • vulcanite;
  • porphyrite.

Each of these stones has advantages and disadvantages, differs in appearance and conditions of use.

In baths and saunas, you can use such a common mineral as sea or river pebbles. It is a common stone that is rarely used on its own.

Most often, the first layer is laid out with pebbles, after which comes a layer of soapstone. When choosing pebbles, it is recommended to give preference to slightly flattened stones, which are much easier to lay in the heater, providing a snug fit and better heat dissipation.

In addition, dense laying will help to avoid water getting on the metal of the grate, that is, the service life for the furnace is significantly extended.

The choice of stones for a bath is very simple, but it is not recommended to use pebbles with red veins or bright red spots, which indicate the presence of iron oxides in the composition. It is undesirable to use soft pebbles, as they can be harmful to health, releasing dust when heated.

White quartz for ozonation

What are the best bath stones? If the main issue is health, then you should choose white quartz, which ozonizes the air when heated. This is a very beautiful translucent mineral, environmentally friendly and extremely effective in improving overall well-being.

But the mineral is extremely short-lived, as it is used, it is necessary to regularly sort out the heater, remove cracked stones, replacing them with whole ones. In addition, the cost of quartz is one of the highest, that is, it is not suitable for a daily bath.

To pick up best option for a bath, it is recommended to pay attention to gabbro-diabase - a practical and economical stone that enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Mineral with low level water absorption is mined in Karelia, it is environmentally friendly and safe. But when using it, you should take into account some features:

  • when heated, the stone emits a specific aroma;
  • for gabbro-diabase, essential oils and tinctures cannot be used, since soot quickly forms on the surface of the mineral;
  • as it is used, the heater should be regularly sorted out, removing destroyed and cracked specimens and replacing them with whole ones (crumbs can easily clog the grate, which is quite difficult to clean).

But the cost of the mineral is quite low, which makes its use so popular.

When deciding how to choose a stone for a bath, it is recommended to pay attention to raspberry quartzite. This is a very beautiful and difficult to process mineral with high strength, supplied in a chipped form.

The basis of the stone is quartz with an unusual crimson hue and a fine-grained structure. The surface of the stone is smooth and has no sharp corners, the mineral is dense, its water absorption level is low.

When heated, the mineral normalizes blood pressure, improves overall well-being, and has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system. Quartz is resistant to cracking, it can be used to produce rich steam with a pleasant aroma, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the steam room. But when choosing, stones with cracks should be avoided, as they will quickly split during heating.

Choosing a stone for a bath, you need to pay attention to the semi-precious jadeite with a beautiful emerald color. The strength of this mineral is 2-3 times higher than that of many popular bath stones, while the level of water absorption is low.

Jadeite has excellent heat capacity, it gives off heat for a long time, providing a unique atmosphere in the steam room with powerful saturated steam.

The big advantage is the ability to withstand repeated heating to sufficiently high temperatures, but the price of the mineral is not the lowest.

High performance, the ability to relieve stress and normalize blood pressure fully justify the cost of jadeite.

One of the most popular options is volcanic, or basalt. This is the most durable stone that can withstand repeated heating, featuring a high level of heat capacity and low water absorption.

This option is suitable for high humidity, while during use the mineral does not emit harmful substances or dust.

Of the advantages of basalt, it is necessary to note the intense heat transfer, low cost and very pleasant steam.

The use of vulcanite attaches bath procedures special charm, helping to strengthen the immune system. The cost of the stone is low, which makes it one of the most sought after for any type of sauna or bath.

To obtain a light and pleasant vapor, soapstone with a pleasant gray tint is often used.

During heating, this stone has the most beneficial effect on immune system and metabolic processes, while the vapor is extremely light.

Of the features of soapstone, it should be noted the absence of dust and harmful impurities, but the stones should be washed and calcined before use.

In the future, this will no longer be required, it is only necessary to periodically sort out the minerals, removing the damaged ones. Soapstone heats up about 2.5 times faster than ordinary brick, it retains heat for a long time and evenly gives it away during the entire bath procedure.

When choosing stones for a bath, many unfairly bypass such an option as porphyrite. This is an inexpensive, very durable and heat-intensive stone, which is able to maintain temperature for a long time, providing comfortable conditions in the wig.

Of the advantages, it is also necessary to note the healing properties of the material, the ability to relieve severe headaches and effectively fight migraines. Regular use porphyrite for a bath allows you to improve the condition of the skin, the respiratory system.

A feature of this stone is that when it is first heated, it emits a slight crackle, but there is nothing wrong with that, and the mineral will not be covered with cracks.

After the 2-3rd heating, all extraneous sounds will disappear, but the stone must be cleaned before each use. It should also be noted that during use, a light, very pleasant aroma is felt, which will add more charm to the procedures.

Which stone is best for a bath, everyone determines for himself, but when choosing, it is necessary to take into account its heat capacity, useful qualities, and resistance to repeated heating.

Among the variety offered, there are practical and inexpensive options, stones for light steam or relieving fatigue. All of them are resistant to cracks, heat up quickly and give off heat for a long time, providing an optimal microclimate for the steam room.

For some reason, when building a bath, the first thing they pay attention to is the selection of wood, materials for interior and exterior decoration, the choice of accessories, but they completely forget about stones. But it is the stones that are the important element that emits heat and hot air. In other words, the effectiveness of steam procedures depends on the correct choice of stones for a bath. So, which stones are best for a bath?

Bath stones: what should they be?

Sooner or later, everyone who decides to acquire their own steam room faces the question of which stones to choose for a bath. The question, by the way, is far from idle and requires a responsible attitude and theoretical knowledge, of course.

Bath stones should be characterized by high density. This is necessary for long-term preservation of heat and uniform heating of the air. The second condition is the uniformity of the structure, which makes it possible to prevent cracking when water enters. Uniform heating is able to provide instances with the same coefficient of thermal expansion. At the same time, stones should be environmentally friendly and safe for health, natural minerals are preferable.

As for the shape, the best bath stones are oval or round. The rounded edges promote uniform heating and productive air circulation. Consider the dimensions of the oven container: for a small oven, stones must be selected appropriately. The diameter of medium samples is 70-120 mm, small ones are 50-60 mm.

Good stones do not have inclusions (traces of other rocks or mica). Otherwise, rapid splitting cannot be avoided: after a while, the stones will begin to crumble and break into pieces. This can lead not only to clogging the chimney, but also poses a serious threat to human health.

Test for "professional suitability"

As you can see, bath stones should be special. But how not to make a mistake in choosing - how to choose stones for a bath that will benefit?

It is not difficult to check the material for strength, it is enough to knock on it with a hammer. But in order to know for sure whether a stone is of high quality or not, you need to heat it up and lower it into water. It didn’t crack, which means that the test for “professional suitability” was successfully passed.

Types of stones for a bath

Deciding which stones are suitable for a bath and which are not, only on the basis of the foregoing, is unlikely to succeed. It is not enough to know how they should look externally, you should figure out which breeds are designed to create the right bath atmosphere.


Deservedly tops the list of the best. This semi-precious stone has been known since ancient times - the Maya Indians made healing amulets from it. In China, jadeite enjoyed no less success - it was used for lining the imperial baths and making bath furniture - benches, tables, chairs.

Jadeite is formed in nature as a result of magmatic influence and has a lot of advantages, which determined its popularity. It is heat-resistant, durable, heat-consuming (slowly gives off heat), practically does not crack. An ideal candidate for use in the bath, not otherwise. In addition, jadeite is different long term"life", and due to low water absorption can be successfully used in steam baths.

No less valuable are the healing properties of this greenish stone. Jadeite normalizes the work of the heart, stabilizes blood pressure, strengthens nervous system, relieves pain in the joints, dissolves salt deposits, treats diseases of the urinary system and enhances the overall human energy field. To feel the beneficial effect, follow the main rule - lay this stone on top.

Jadeite can be of two types: polished and chipped. Polished (tumbling) attracts with a smooth surface and outwardly resembles river pebbles. Due to its attractive appearance, it is often used to decorate baths and saunas. Chipped jadeite has an uneven structure, which contributes to an increase in vaporization. Indispensable for brick ovens assembled by hand.

Gabbro diabase

Dark-colored rock that accumulates heat and creates the right microclimate. The structure is granular, dense, resistant to external influences. A distinctive feature is a low water absorption coefficient, and for rooms with high humidity this is almost a defining property.

It is used for the construction of stone blocks, facing works. Concerning medicinal properties, then they are small, so it is recommended to lay the gabbro-diabase down, overlaying it on top with other, more useful stones. This approach will enhance the therapeutic effect of natural healers several times.

Please note that the stone is prone to cracking. The maximum service life is 2 years, but due to the democratic cost, this news is unlikely to upset you. It is delivered to stores in a chopped form, choose copies of rich black.


In continuation of the study of the topic "which stones are better for the bath" one cannot fail to say about soapstone. Despite its low weight, it is strong, dense and characterized by impeccable thermal conductivity.

This stone is of volcanic origin. But what is important is not the ability to maintain the structure even at a temperature of 1600 degrees, but the ability to transfer heat in a wave mode, which is identical to the rhythms of the radiation of the human body. This circumstance provides an opportunity to take advantage of the useful qualities of soapstone to the maximum.

A volcanic inhabitant improves immunity, normalizes blood circulation, restores the elasticity of blood vessels, removes phlegm from the lungs, speeds up metabolic processes, and therefore promotes weight loss. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds will be pleased with the results of scientific research: after visiting a bath with soapstone in the heater, a person loses 1.5 kg of weight.

royal stone

If you have not yet finally decided which stones are best for a bath, then do not forget about the royal stone. He was revered by Russian emperors and not only. The sarcophagus of Napoleon Bonaparte, for example, was also made from this stone. Raspberry quartzite, this is the official name of the royal stone, is loved not only for its usefulness, but also for its decorative effect. The largest deposits are located in Karelia.

So what is good about the "tsarevich"? Quartzite is the leader in durability and will serve you for many, many years. And it is also fire resistant (withstands temperatures of 2700 degrees) and dense. This makes processing somewhat difficult. A pleasant crimson shade will decorate any bath, fine grain and smooth structure allow you to create original decorative ensembles.

Put raspberry quartzite in the stove and you can easily forget about hypertension, muscle pain, chronic cough, salt deposits.


Many lovers of steam undeservedly bypass this stone. But in vain. An enviable heat capacity and the ability to maintain the required temperature for a long time should be used wisely. During the first heating, the porphyrite makes a crackling sound, but you should not be afraid - extraneous sounds will disappear after the second or third heating.

To achieve fragrant steam, the stone should be cleaned before each use. Porphyrite relieves headaches, skin inflammations, and has a beneficial effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

white quartz

For resistance to high temperatures, the Slavs called him "bath stone". The uniqueness of white quartz is in the oxygen content. After a sharp drop in temperature, the stone gives off life-giving ozone, which has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses the airways, restores the upper layer of the epidermis. It is noteworthy that the positive effect is felt even a few days after the bath.

White quartz is believed to be able to charge water with positive energy. It is enough to lower the stone into a bucket of water and the miraculous elixir is ready. It used to be used for drinking and making homemade masks and lotions.


When choosing stones for a bath, do not bypass peridotite, which attracts with its variety. color palette. It can be of different shades: from light green to deep black.

It has a high heat capacity, does not contain harmful components, evenly distributes heat when heated. It is better to lay it on the bottom of the furnace, covering it with other rocks on top. By reacting with carbon dioxide, peridotite purifies and disinfects the air.

  • sea ​​stones, contrary to popular belief, are not quite suitable for baths, because. are quickly destroyed. River specimens are twice as strong;
  • if an electric stove is installed in the bath, then the stones should be chosen in a small size;
  • if you want to collect stones yourself, then the best place for this - in the field, and not near the water, as many again mistakenly believe;
  • when buying in a store, try to select samples that are even and smooth - these will last longer;
  • layered stones are not suitable for a bath: sandstone, limestone, sedimentary rocks;
  • if a boulder makes a dull sound when struck with a hammer, it means that it is not of very high quality;
  • to speed up the heating, the stones are mixed with ingots of cast iron and steel;
  • to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to spray the boulders with essential oils, herbal decoctions;
  • the number of stones must be correlated with the size of the bath, on average, 6 kg of product should be per square meter.

As an alternative, artificial ceramic stones can be used, which perfectly withstand extreme conditions and have good heat resistance. Of course, they are not able to completely replace the gifts of nature, but they are quite suitable for the top layer of backfill.

Now you know which stones are most suitable for the bath, which means you will not make a mistake in choosing. In the choice, on which the quality of the procedures in general and your health in particular will depend. And in order to finally consolidate the information received, you should carefully consider the stones for the bath: photo examples presented in the article, and familiarize yourself with useful video about thirst.

Choosing stones for a bath: video