Accounting day of the year. What date is the accountant's day in Russia: the rules and traditions of an unofficial holiday. Other forms of congratulations

An accountant is not a person who knows how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers correctly. This is a specialist who is fluent in accounting and works on this concept in accordance with applicable law. To pay tribute to professionals in their field, this world holiday was established.

When is celebrated

International Accounting Day is celebrated every year on November 10th. The Russians officially do not have such a date in the 2019 calendar. But the inhabitants of the country still celebrate it: some together with the whole world on November 10, and someone on November 21, on the day of signing by the first President Russian Federation Law "On Accounting" in 1996.

Who is celebrating

International Accounting Day is celebrated across the globe. He is professional holiday all people involved in accounting.

History and traditions of the holiday

Luca Pacioli, an Italian mathematician who lived in Venice (1445-1517), is considered the founding father of accounting. It was he who wrote the book "The sum of arithmetic, geometry, ratios and proportions", in which he singled out a whole chapter for material about the main provisions of modern accounting principles. She also contained detailed story about how accounting is done in Venice. The treatise was issued on November 10, 1494. It was this date that was chosen for this holiday.

Since most of the representatives of the profession are women, bouquets of flowers, boxes of chocolates, postcards, various souvenirs and small receptions at firms, factories and companies are traditional on International Accounting Day.

About the profession

The first accountants were still in ancient India. Basically, their work consisted in accounting for agricultural activities. And only in the XV century the word "accountant" appeared, thanks to the ruler of the Roman Empire, Maximilian the First.

The duties of these specialists include:

  • tax and management accounting;
  • preparation and submission of a report to the tax office;
  • work with waybills, cash and personnel documents;
  • payroll;
  • cooperation with credit organizations and banks;
  • accrual of personal income tax and payment under civil contracts;
  • direct participation in the inventory and much more.

Depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the terms of reference may lie on the shoulders of one person, several people or an entire department. Based on the characteristics of production, it can expand or contract.

The profession of an accountant is in demand and well paid. In order to become such a specialist, you need to get a higher specialized education and at least 1.5-2 years of practical work skills. And only after many years a person dealing with accounting can safely call himself a professional in his field.

In Russia, it is customary to celebrate a professional holiday - Accountant's Day. It is dedicated to all specialists whose activities are related to calculations and reporting. Therefore, employees of related professions are often ranked as accountants. Find out what accompanies this significant day.

Origin story

Since keeping track of changes in legislation, keeping records and preparing reports is not an easy task, it was decided to introduce a new professional holiday. It is especially important for employees who have worked in the organization for a long time. What day is Accountant's Day Today almost everyone knows. But how did he appear?

The emergence of a significant date was associated with the publication of a new law on accounting. The day of the official signing of this legislative act by Boris Yeltsin in 1996 has traditionally become significant in Russia.

Later, at a meeting of the executive committee in 2000, the issue of legalizing this event was discussed. It was decided to apply to the Ministry of Finance with a request to establish a professional holiday.

The event was a success, but there is one nuance: it is impossible to set a specific date for an accountant's day for all regions of Russia. The reason is that the mentioned normative act was adopted in certain regions in different time. For this reason, the date of the celebration is different. But experts need to know the exact number. Let's look at this issue in detail.

How to celebrate and what can be donated

The holiday - Accountant's Day - is usually celebrated with colleagues, relatives or friends. Much depends on the tradition of the company. You can organize a celebration right in the office at the end of the working day or get together. For example, in a cafe or in nature.

Since most of the representatives of this profession are women, you can give flowers, sweets, postcards on this day. Male accountants are handed souvenirs, diaries, leisure accessories.

The main task for everyone is to be able to create a friendly atmosphere and prepare beautiful congratulations.

When accountant's day in 2019 in Russia

Most Russian specialists celebrate this holiday on November 21st. Although no date has been set at the federal level. It intersects with another professional holiday - the Day of the employee of the tax authority. Since the activities of both spheres are interconnected and have much in common, joint honoring is possible.

What date is the day of the accountant In different cities

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, it is customary to celebrate the holiday on November 16 and 15, respectively. In other regions, the date may be radically different. The table provides detailed information:

What date is the day of an accountant in Ukraine

According to Presidential Decree No. 662, adopted in 2004 and signed by L. Kuchma, the holiday is officially celebrated on July 16. In 2016, this event took place on a Saturday. In Ukraine, it is celebrated by teachers, students, university graduates. Auditors, tax specialists, and economists are also joining.

When is celebrated Day of chief accountants

The financial well-being of the enterprise and error-free reporting to the tax authorities are tasks that cannot be successfully solved without outside interference. These processes should be conscientiously controlled by chief accountants, solving many issues daily.

So, the editors of one of the popular accounting publications decided to remind others about the importance of these specialists. And therefore initiated a professional holiday - Day of the chief accountant. It is usually celebrated on April 21st.

The choice of date is not random. It is jokingly said that ordinary people measure seasons by seasons, and accountants by quarters. Indeed: the end of April is the reporting deadline and the opportunity to relax before the May weekend. A long vacation is a great motivator for employees!!!

The second reason why it became significant date April 21 - the release of the first issue of this magazine. The organizers hope that over time the holiday will receive official status in Russia.

International Day of Accountants

There is another holiday that you need to know about - International Accounting Day. It is celebrated annually on November 10 by all specialists related to accounting and reporting.

The inhabitants of Russia do not have an officially approved date, so some arrange a feast on the 10th, others prefer to wait until November 21st.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the appearance in 1494 in Venice of the first book containing information that became the basis for the development of accounting provisions. The Italian mathematician Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (Luca Bartolomeo Pacioli) was recognized as the author and "father of accounting". It described the features of accounting in Venice. The book was released on November 10, 1494, so that date was chosen for the international celebration.

Where to get funny congratulations and cards on the accountant's day

Target solemn event- to raise the prestige of the profession, to express appreciation and the importance of labor, which is of great importance for the economic development of the country. Colleagues give each other gifts, postcards, take photos for memory. But beautiful toasts and wishes must sound at the holiday.

Don't know where to get cool congratulations happy accountant day? We will help you solve this problem! First of all, decide on the form of congratulations.


Do you want to find a congratulation that is suitable for people with a sense of humor? Then you should visit An example is shown below:


There are cool SMS congratulations on the HelloPipple website. Among them - addressed to a colleague or girlfriend. You will find funny good wishes, with an assessment of professional abilities. Here is some of them:


pretty happy accountant's day card able to give pleasant emotions and good mood, because every person is pleased when they pay a little attention to him. Financial professionals are no exception. We advise you to look at the postcard on the following sites:

  • - there are animated postcards, with humor, with interesting congratulations;

  • - you can find here interesting musical [cards with Accountant's Day] with flash videos that will pleasantly surprise a colleague;
  • - the user is offered wide selection gif images that are easy to insert into a forum, blog or social network.

A large selection of postcards can be found in the "Pictures" section after entering the appropriate request in search engines. For example, Yandex or Google.
Cool happy accountant pictures can be downloaded, for example, on the site, or Here is an example of one of them:


Not a single festive feast is complete without good congratulatory words, but it’s quite difficult to come up with them yourself. Look ready-made options short or long toasts can be found on the sites:

  • tosti-i-pozdravleniya.smeha;

Examples of some of them are presented below.


An excellent addition to happy accountant's day card will become beautiful prose spoken sincerely. Do you prefer to congratulate a colleague in this way? Then we recommend visiting, where you will find good words for professional colleagues.

Other forms of congratulations

You can order a song on your phone. Then the recipient will receive a call with the selected congratulation. This can be done, for example, on the site "Congratulations" or "Fosik".

If you have vocal abilities, you can personally sing a song with happy accountant, written on the motive of modern musical compositions. Such a gift is original and undoubtedly pleasant. There are lyrics options for the songs, for example, on the site If you want to perform cool ditty, will help you.

The work of accountants requires care, utmost accuracy. It affects the success of the organization, so colleagues should appreciate the work of such an employee and prepare the best congratulations on Accountant's Day. We hope our recommendations will help!

history of the holiday

When is Accountant's Day celebrated in Russia

The work of an accountant is very responsible and complex. It requires a painstaking professional approach, because any serious mistake can cost the company a lot of money. Often these people find themselves in dangerous situations where they are made responsible for decisions made. Increasingly, modern accountants work remotely, on outsourcing. But this does not apply to very large enterprises, where the staff is staffed by a whole team of such specialists. Absolutely all professionals in this field celebrate their holiday on the twenty-first of November.

history of the holiday

It is not officially fixed at the state level. Representatives of the profession repeatedly addressed the head of state with this question, but so far have not received a positive answer. This is not surprising: each such request is considered very carefully. There are already many dates in the calendar that are of great importance for the population of the country. But the lack of official status does not prevent accountants from arranging a large-scale celebration for themselves every year.

The date for it was deliberately chosen: in 1996, namely on November 21, the law “On Accounting” was issued. It is the basis on which specialists work. Do not confuse this holiday with the Chief Accountant's Day - it is celebrated on April 21 and has a narrower focus.

For many years, Moscow Accountant's Day has been celebrated on November 16th. In addition, in some sources you can find information about the celebration of the Accountant's Day on November 25 or 28 - the day the Federal Law "On Accounting" of 1996 was published. In a word, confusion, quite uncharacteristic for this profession, loving accuracy.

The Art of Celebration

This day is dedicated not only to traditional corporate events, celebrations with friends and family. Much attention is paid to the training of young people who have just begun their duties. The issue of continuity in this area is very acute, because it is extremely important for new specialists to follow the experience of senior employees.

It is interesting to note that there is International Accounting Day or, in other words, International Accountant Day, celebrated annually on November 10th. This date was chosen in connection with the publication on November 10, 1494 in Venice of the work of Luca Pacioli (Luca Pacioli) "All about arithmetic, geometry and proportion." One of the book's chapters contained information on accounting accounts, and Pacioli has been called "the father of accounting."

Seminars, lectures, thematic meetings - in order to interest colleagues in the exchange of experience, a variety of events are held. On this day, management celebrates those employees that others should be equal to. This is a good opportunity to take stock of the previous period, develop new plans, analyze mistakes and correct actions.

Accounting is considered one of the most dangerous professions. Some researchers put it on a par with pilots, firefighters and policemen. This is due to the fact that in this area they work with finances, and it attracts many scammers and criminals.

There seems to be no official professional holiday for Russian accountants, but representatives of this very difficult, in many ways risky and highly respected profession have set themselves several dates when they can be honored. However, there was some confusion - there were four dates, and, characteristically, they all fall in November, when it is time to file tax returns and prepare for annual financial reports. It should be noted that today more than 3.5 million accountants work in Russia, and this profession is considered to be in demand and very profitable. Not only the prosperity of business structures, but also the economy of the entire state depends on the competent work of accountants.

What date is Accountant's Day in 2016

Most Russian accountants traditionally celebrate their professional holiday November 21, also celebrated on this day in Day of the tax authorities. This is due to the fact that on November 21, 1996, the first president of Russia Boris Yeltsin the law "On Accounting" was signed.

In addition, Russian accountants are off to accept congratulations and gifts November 25-28- one of these days the federal law of 1996 "About accounting" was published.

BUT 10th of November celebrated International Accounting Day, or international day of the accountant(International Accounting Day). The fact is that on November 10, 1494, a treatise was published in Venice Luca Pacioli"All about arithmetic, geometry and proportion", where there was also a chapter on accounting. For this, Pacioli is today considered the "father of accounting."

Congratulations on Accountant's Day

Today is a professional holiday
All those who know accounting:
Brings together reports, figures, acts,
Income counts all year round.

We sincerely congratulate you
Accountants of a large country.
Good luck, we wish you happiness
And dreams come true!

Let production flourish
And your work will give you a drive.
Let the profit be very large,
Well, the salary will be high!

Happy accountant's day
I want you today
Let the balance sheets and reports

All will be on your shoulder.

Let your personal income grow
Let the test not threaten
World of financial expanses
Let it be open for you.
The numbers lined up
To all accountants: "Vivat!"

congratulations today
Happy accountant day
And of course we will write
Kind words to you -
So that all reports are given,
Debit was friends with credit
All balance sheets were drawn up
And the computer was not stupid.
Happiness will be unlimited
Honor will increase
The premium will be excellent
And wages will go up!

Representatives of various professions have a day when it is customary to take nice words and organize celebrations. However, there is no official holiday in the Russian calendar. Therefore, Accountant's Day in Russia is celebrated on the day when the law on accounting came into force. Consider when the Accountant's Day in 2016 in Russia and the history of its occurrence.

Accountant's Day in Russia: date

There is a calendar of Russian official holidays, but you will not be able to find Accountant's Day in it. However, almost all accountants who work in Russia consider November 21 as their professional holiday. This day was not chosen by chance. It was on November 21 of the distant 1996 that the law “On Accounting” came into force, according to which representatives of this profession still work. In addition, the professional holiday of tax service employees is celebrated on the same day. This once again shows how closely these professions are connected.

However, for a long time in the capital this holiday was celebrated on November 16. In addition, there is information that the professional holiday of this profession was also celebrated on other days of November. Thus, with this day of the accountant there is much more confusion than with others, despite the love for accuracy of the representatives of this profession. In addition, there is also International Accountant's Day on the calendar, but in our country it is not celebrated globally.

Accountant's Day: the history of the holiday

The history of this holiday is almost the same as other holidays. It begins in 1996, when official documentation was signed on November 21, which is still valid in our country. This year, Accountant's Day began to be celebrated.

Any professional holiday, especially in our country, has a number of traditions and customs, which all representatives of this profession consider it their duty to observe. For example, the first persons of our country necessarily congratulate all accountants on their professional holiday, concerts are held in their honor. The celebration is held on a grand scale. Corporate parties are held at the enterprises, flowers, memorable and valuable gifts are presented.

Despite the absence of an official public holiday, this day is celebrated in small and big cities with great scope.

Accountant's Day 2016 is approaching. We have considered what date the holiday will be in Russia. It remains to be noted that if among your friends or acquaintances there are representatives of this profession, do not forget to congratulate them. So on this day every year great amount accountants take a break from numbers, reports, debits and credits to celebrate this wonderful holiday.