Caring for the skin around the eyes. Proper eye care

The most delicate and receptive area on the face is the skin. There is almost no subcutaneous fat, there are practically no muscles, as a result of which the skin has a high predisposition to stretching. The appearance of the first wrinkles often begins in the area around the eyes.

Timely care of the skin of the eyelids will help to maintain an attractive appearance and youth for a long time, because due to the unusually delicate structure and lack of subcutaneous fat, the skin around the eyes dries out rather quickly and loses its former elasticity.

Even for young girls whose eyelid skin is in excellent condition, it is better not to ignore skin care around the eyes.

Care products

  • You should carefully select cosmetics for the skin of the eyelids.
  • It is unacceptable to use conventional cosmetic formulations intended for the face. These products are too “heavy” for the delicate area around the eyes, they provoke stretching, which will subsequently lead to the formation of new wrinkles.
  • You should choose light, moisturizing formulations.

A wonderful option would be special natural-based oils, which are sold in almost all pharmacies. They are presented in a fairly wide range, so you need to carefully read the description of their compositions in order to choose the option that suits your skin.

In addition, attention should be paid to the constituent components of cosmetics, for example, after products containing lanolin, redness and swelling may appear. It is better that the cream contains retinol, vitamins A, C, E and copper.

These elements have a slow effect, but they are very well absorbed into the skin, activating the production of collagen, as a result, the skin acquires elasticity and freshness. Means containing alcohol or caffeine have an immediate effect, quickly increase the elasticity of the skin, but in parallel, its short-term dehydration occurs.

Important Care Steps

For successful skin care around the eyes, you need to carry out the following procedures:

  1. cleansing;
  2. moisturizing;
  3. food;
  4. toning;
  5. protection.


Before you take care of your eyelids, you need to cleanse - this is an important, systematic and mandatory process. Often, make-up removal is performed using a special milk. However, recently a product containing two types of liquid in one bottle has gained high popularity.

The top substance consists of ultra-light oils, they perfectly clean waterproof decorative cosmetics. The lower liquid contains soothing herbal extracts, it is used to remove ordinary cosmetics and soothe irritation.

It is permissible to use fatty and oily products only for removing waterproof decorative cosmetics. When using contact lenses, it is advisable to purchase a non-greasy make-up remover lotion and use regular mascara instead of waterproof.

When removing decorative cosmetics, the main thing is not to rub or deform the skin. It is also unacceptable to rub a cleanser into it to avoid absorption. It is advisable to remove makeup with a barely perceptible pat on the skin.

Do not remove makeup from the eyes with very hot or ice water, especially with the use of soap. It can cause considerable damage to the skin of the eyelids, which is quite difficult to eliminate later.

Hydration and nutrition

The eyelids are in motion every minute (not counting sleep), as a result, without the necessary moisture, stretch marks and wrinkles under the eyes can form at the age of 25. Therefore, the most significant component of caring for the skin of the eyelids is good hydration, moreover, starting from young years.

To moisturize and saturate the skin around the eyes with useful elements, appropriate care formulations are used. They lack a variety of oils, which, when applied, blur and, flowing into the eye, provoke irritation.

These funds must certainly be officially approved by ophthalmologists. It is desirable to use creams for women with increased dry skin, due to their nutritional composition, they balance the amount of fat missing in the area around the eyes and eliminate minor wrinkles caused by lack of moisture.

It is advisable not to lubricate the eyelids directly with the cream, because there is a possibility of various fats and oils penetrating the eye.

Eyelid care involves the correct use of cream for the skin around the eyes. Because even the most effective and expensive remedy can cause wrinkles and puffiness if applied incorrectly. To gently apply the cream, it is advisable to use the ring finger.

This tool should be applied in small doses, making light, circular, barely perceptible movements along the massage lines. If available, light tapping with fingertips under the eyes is made.

Due to this, the product is well absorbed into the skin, its stretching is prevented and blood circulation is activated.

Lotions are much lighter than creams, so they penetrate the skin faster. They help smooth wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.

The most effective and beneficial remedy is the gel for the skin of the eyelids, it is great for hypersensitivity, a predisposition to swelling and for owners of contact lenses. In addition, gels are allowed to be used on the eyelids themselves.

It is advisable to renew eyelid skin care cosmetics after 4 months, this will make it possible to prevent the occurrence of conjunctivitis and allergies.


The use of gels, lotions and tonics softens and restores the skin around the eyes. To give freshness, you need to cover your eyes with cotton wool treated with a tonic and hold these lotions for 10 minutes. Ice has an excellent tonic effect; parsley, calendula, linden, chamomile, mint or drinking water can be used to prepare it.

It is advisable to treat the skin around the eyes with ice daily, allowing it to dry. Experts advise using refreshing and moisturizing herbal formulations during morning and evening procedures.

Wrinkles under the eyes at the age of 30 are smoothed out with a variety of tonic, firming and nourishing masks. In addition, thanks to these masks, puffiness and pigmentation are eliminated.


The environment does not always have a beneficial effect on the face. Therefore, the skin of the eyelids must be protected from the weather.. On sale there are special seasonal creams. For example, winter, nourishing the skin, and protecting it from frost and drying. These creams are most often applied before makeup or just before leaving the house.

In intense sunlight, wear quality sunglasses. AT winter period this is much more important than in the summer, when Sun rays quite well fight off the snow, increasing their action. In this case, good glasses will protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Additional care for the eyelids after 25 years. Scientists believe that 25 years is the age limit, after which it is necessary to take a more thorough approach to taking care of the skin of the eyelids. Skin care around the eyes after 25 years should be more attentive and enhanced.

Skin that looks good up to the age of 25 and is free of wrinkles does not need to use anti-aging cosmetics. In addition to regular care, the following measures should be added:

  • You need to get yourself 8 hours of sleep.
  • Exercise to relieve eye strain and give them rest.
  • Add to the usual care the use of masks and products, including vitamins A, C, E, caffeine (to relieve puffiness), vitamin K (to reduce dark circles), magnesium, copper, zinc and magnolia extract.

Eyelid care after 40 years

Starting from the age of 40, the first symptoms of wilting appear, the skin becomes dehydrated and dries up. Due to a decrease in the performance of female hormones, spider veins and wrinkles gradually form near the eyes. By performing appropriate eyelid care after 40 years, it is possible to protect your skin and appear ten years younger:

  • Means are used that help to give the skin of the eyelids a fresh look and slightly reduce wrinkles (royal jelly, collagen, herbal extracts, beeswax).
  • Anti-aging cosmetic preparations and anti-aging procedures are used: lifting, masks, peelings and others.
  • Mandatory anti-stress procedures and UV protection are carried out.

The best eye cream after 40 is the one that promotes the renewal and regeneration of cells, the production of elastin and collagen. Thanks to this, the elasticity and softness of the skin can be increased.
By the age of 40, you need to teach the skin to respond stably to external influences.

Be sure to do herbal lotions and masks around the eyes after 40 years, as a result, your eyes will still radiate brilliance and energy.

Potato mask

This mask perfectly smoothes the skin around the eyes. Mix raw potatoes, flour and milk in equal proportions. Apply the composition on the eyelids, cover with gauze, hold for 15 minutes, wash your eyes with water.

Parsley mask

Thanks to this mask, the skin around the eyes is smoothed, they begin to shine again. Grind to a mushy state 1 tsp. parsley and 2 tsp. sour cream, Put the mass on the eyes, cover with cotton pads. After 15 minutes, remove the mask and rinse with warm water.

All procedures for skin care around the eyes are absolutely not complicated. The most difficult thing here will be to observe the systematic implementation of these recommendations. With careful care, you can provide the skin with the necessary nutrition and hydration, then it will delight you with beauty and health.

People around you will again be able to feel the attractiveness of your gaze. The above tips are elementary and will not take a lot of time and a lot of effort, but the effect of this simple care will please you in years to come and justify all expectations and hopes.

A delusion that must first be eliminated. Preventing a problem is easier than spending a lot of effort and money to solve it. It is necessary to take care of the skin around the eyes at least from the age of 18. In the case of young girls, skin care should be taken from the moment you start using mascara.

It is believed that the appearance of wrinkles is genetic and it is pointless to fight them.

Yes, we are similar to our parents and we have a similar set of genes. But our parents did not have the opportunity to take care of the skin from a young age. And we don't know what they might look like if they had the same amount of knowledge and the same wide selection caring cosmetics, as we have today. If you take care of your skin consciously, you can defeat any genetic predisposition - a conclusion obtained from our own experience.

Use a facial cleanser as an eye makeup remover

What is the difference between these tools? Facial cleanser dissolves impurities: make-up and skin oils. The skin around the eyes has practically no pores, so there is no fatty secretions on it. A face wash dries out the area around the eyes, which leads to moisture loss and more rapid appearance of wrinkles.

Eye makeup remover, on the other hand, only removes makeup. It maintains the necessary balance of moisture in the skin, additionally softening and moisturizing it.

Apply cream around the eyes occasionally

A person blinks 10,000-40,000 times a day. In addition, facial expressions create an additional load on the skin around the eyes. Women almost every day put on makeup and stretch their skin. So this area requires regular daily care. The minimum program is a moisturizing cream in the morning and evening. If you work at the computer for a long time, soothing eye gel will help you relax your eyes. This gel has a cooling effect. It will quickly relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.

Use only one skin care product

For example, you are worried about dark circles under your eyes. You buy a special gel with a roller to solve this problem - and nothing else. These types of products are designed to perform a specific task - to reduce dark circles under the eyes. They do not moisturize the skin and do not provide complete care. Add a moisturizer for the skin around the eyes to such products.

Applying eye cream incorrectly

Many complain that they cannot use eye creams because the eyelid swells. Such situations arise due to improper application.

The fact is that any cream or gel on the skin spreads within a radius of about 1 cm. When we apply the cream close to the eyelashes, it gets to the ciliary contour and into the eye itself. This results in irritation or swelling.

The cream should be applied along the orbital ossicles, in no case on the mobile upper eyelid or on the bag under the eyes, close to the eyelashes. An exception is those products, in the instructions for which it is recommended to apply on the moving eyelid.

Life hack: apply eye cream in the area of ​​​​the so-called third eye. Thus, you will slow down the appearance of wrinkles in this area and reduce existing ones.

Stretch the skin around the eyes

This action also leads to premature aging of the skin. Applying cream to massage lines, you increase the effectiveness of all caring procedures.

  • On the ring finger we collect the required amount of cream - about the size of a match head.
  • We distribute the collected amount of cream on the ring finger of the other hand and apply the cream pointwise around the eyes.
  • We put the first point at the outer corner of the eye, then - several points under the eye to the bridge of the nose, then - from the bridge of the nose under the eyebrow.
  • With light movements, without stretching the skin, we rub the cream in the same direction: from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose and from the bridge of the nose under the eyebrow.
  • Do not apply the cream on the moving eyelid and close to the eyelashes.

Only use sleep masks when traveling

The habit of sleeping with a sleep mask every day reduces eye strain. When we sleep, light hits the retina even when the eyelid is closed. The mask prevents light from entering the eyes, which leads to relaxation of the muscles around the eyes, to deeper sleep and quality rest. Try it, the difference is noticeable almost immediately - you get much better sleep and look rested.

Until the age of 25, a woman has the appearance that nature gave her, and after 25 - the one she deserves. And due to stress, lack of sleep and lack of care, she often deserves the first wrinkles, “fallen” eyelids and bags under her eyes. In this guide, you will find answers to frequently asked questions and help you choose the best eye cream for you. All about how to properly care for the skin around the eyes so that it does not become flabby and dry at the age of 25, read further on the site.

Features of the skin around the eyes after 25

The skin area around the eyes is like a litmus test, it is the first to react to negative lifestyle factors, age-related changes. This is primarily due to the fact that the skin in this area is very thin, only 0.5 mm, and under it there is practically no fat layer, no blood and lymphatic vessels, and no supporting fibers, which are collagen and elastin.

Therefore, it is so unprotected and sensitive, and even works almost continuously - the eye blinks about 24 thousand times a day. On the eyelids and the rest of the skin around the eyes, most ladies daily apply makeup of a very different quality, from which the skin also suffers.

But still, at this age, the body has sufficient regenerative functions, so with proper care, you can delay the process of withering for many, many years. Well-groomed skin after 25 years "stands on three pillars" - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

How to cleanse the skin around the eyes after 25

At this age, it is no longer desirable to wash with ordinary soap, it dries the skin. It is better to purchase a two-phase eye makeup remover. These two immiscible liquids contain make-up remover oils plus soothe and soothe irritations.

Cosmetic cream and milk with herbal extracts and vitamins will also cope with cleansing.

When washing makeup, do not press too hard and do not pull off thin skin. It is good to remove makeup in this way: squeeze the product onto cotton pads, put them on your eyelids and wait 30 seconds. Then, with gentle movements, erase the make-up from top to bottom.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids after 25 years

There are almost no pores and sebaceous glands around the eyes, so it is difficult for ordinary creams to penetrate the epidermal layer of the skin. Therefore, you need to choose funds designed specifically for this zone. They have a special structure and, thanks to the intensive components that make up the composition, moisturize and nourish the skin.


The gel is very easy to apply and leaves no residue and is quickly absorbed by the skin as it contains almost no fat. Thus, it is ideal as a base for morning eye makeup. Beauticians advise resorting to gels that increase blood circulation, relieve swelling, moisturize the skin well and prevent the first wrinkles.

When choosing, pay attention to gels with chitosan, vitamins and plant extracts - chamomile, mint, aloe, nettle, green tea, calendula. If the gel or cream has a high content of lanolin and fat, this is fraught with swelling and redness of the skin.

Useful life hack - keep the gels in the refrigerator. After a stormy night, say “thank you” to the cold gel when it reduces puffiness under the eyes. Thanks to its cooling effect, the eye gel is especially suitable for dark circles.


Girls with dry skin are more suitable for special creams. They make up for the lack of moisture and fat, which dry skin always lacks. For nutrition, creams with natural oils are suitable - avocado, rosehip, shea, and with extracts of royal jelly, ginseng, lecithin.


The consistency of lotions is more liquid than that of an eye cream, due to which they are better absorbed and do an excellent job of moisturizing, giving the skin freshness and smoothness, nourishing it. Rely on lotions with flower extracts, vitamins E, A, C.


Serum (serum, serum) contains highly concentrated active ingredients, it has practically no fats and oils and a watery texture. Due to its consistency, it is very quickly and completely absorbed by the skin, and also allows subsequent make-up.

Compared to other eye care products, the price of an eye serum is much higher, but at the age of 25, one application per week is enough.

Need to buy only cosmetics suitable for your skin type and change them every 3-4 months so that the skin does not have time to adapt to them and allergies do not develop.

  • If your skin is very dry and sensitive, a light textured eye gel is for you.
  • For combination or oily skin, use an eye serum more often, which has a mostly watery texture.
  • If the skin is normal, both light gels and regular eye creams will do.

The best cream for the skin around the eyes after 25: rating 2018

This rating is based on analyzes of the compositions and customer reviews of the world-famous IHerb store. They sell certified natural cosmetics, you can be sure that skin care products are made up of exclusively herbal ingredients.

  • 1st place : Now Foods, 2 in 1 Corrective Eye Cream (30 ml) >>>

Vitamin K and mulberry extract reduce dark circles under the eyes, while a patented bio-complex naturally masks signs of fatigue in the eye area, and also promotes a cheerful and radiant look.

  • 2nd place : Derma E, Hyaluronic Acid & Pycnogenol Moisturizing Eye Cream (14 g) >>>

Contains moisturizing hyaluronic acid, which has a smoothing effect and helps protect the skin of the eyelids from premature aging. Green tea and vitamins A, C and E visibly improve the elasticity of the eye area.

  • 3rd place : DeVita, Revitalizing & Lifting Eye Cream (30 ml) >>>

Light nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes, reduces the appearance of swelling and wrinkles, optimal for dry skin.

  • 4th place : Weleda, Revitalizing Eye Cream (10 ml) >>>

With rosehip extract. For all skin types. Helps to smooth out small and fine wrinkles of the delicate skin around the eyes, reduces puffiness and dark circles. Does not leave a greasy film.

  • 5th place : Andalou Naturals, Revitalizing Contour Gel sensitive skin around the eyes (18 ml) >>>

Refreshes, restores, regenerates. For delicate and dry skin, has a texture that is quickly absorbed and leaves no residue.

  • 6th place : Aveeno Eye Cream (14g) >>>

Nourishes delicate skin around the eyes, making it younger and giving them a healthy look. Contains a complex with blackcurrant, which reduces the severity of wrinkles, removes swelling under the eyes.

  • 7th place : Kiss My Face, Revitalizing Eye Cream (14 ml) >>>

Smoothes wrinkles and nourishes the delicate skin around the eyes. Natural and organic oils moisturize and rejuvenate the eye area, suitable for all skin types.

How is the eye cream applied correctly?

Apply a few drops of cream around the eye area, spread them lightly, and then "beat" them into the skin with the pads of your fingers with light patting movements with slight pressure. Rubbing would cause the thin skin in the sensitive eye area to stretch and cause early wrinkles.

On the contrary, light palpation with eye cream stimulates blood circulation. This allows the active ingredients to penetrate deeper into the skin. Thus, the cream is absorbed faster and the optimal effect is better achieved.

Be sure to step back at least half a centimeter from the edge of the eyelids - if the cream gets on the mucous membrane, you risk literally washing yourself with tears.

Since the skin regenerates overnight, it is ideal if you apply the cream before bed. Thus, the skin is supplied with all the important nutrients required for the update. Apply the cream not immediately before bedtime, but a couple of hours before it.

How to tone the skin around the eyes if you are 25?

The easiest way to tone the area around the eyes is to apply ice cubes. Moreover, you can not limit yourself to ice from ordinary water, but freeze fruit juices, herbal decoctions (chamomile, mint, green tea), mineral water.

The old "grandmother's method" tones the eyelids - apply cucumber circles for 10 minutes. Green tea compresses are also suitable. It is enough to soak cotton swabs with liquid and hold on the eyelids for 5-10 minutes. It's simple folk ways perfectly remove swelling and swelling.

Ready-made tonics and lotions should not contain alcohol.

Salon skin care around the eyes after 25

Occasionally, you can visit a beautician and carry out chemical peels eye area, professional masks, mesotherapy, which is fashionable today. Spanish massage helps to achieve very good results - a special technique for the face that relieves fatigue and reduces age-related changes.

Anti-aging products for the skin of the eyelids

A common mistake 25-year-old girls and a little older - noticing a wrinkle in the corner of their eyes, they panic and run for anti-wrinkle cream. And anti-age creams are designed for a much older age and contain shock doses of collagen, lipids and lifting components. The temporary effect will be good, but with such an imaginary help you will accustom the skin to be lazy, and it may well produce collagen on its own.

Wrinkles and fatigue around the eyes appear if you do not protect yourself from ultraviolet radiation. So wear tinted glasses, spice up your summer style with nice hats, and use sunscreen – a protection factor of 10.

Physical education to strengthen the skin of the eyelids after 25 years

In order not to resort to an eyelid lift in 10-15 years, make it a rule from a young age to periodically perform simple exercises:

  1. Tilt your head back, looking at the ceiling, open your mouth wide. Blink intensely for 30 seconds.
  2. Place your index fingers on the outer edges of the skin around the eyes. Lightly holding the skin with your fingers, try to lift your eyelids very high and fix them for 5 seconds.
  3. Tilt your head back, while lowering your eyelids as low as possible. Relax after 5 seconds.

Did you ask? We answer!

  • Will regular day cream harm the skin around the eyes?

Eyelids are always ophthalmologically tested, but conventional day creams are not. Therefore, it is undesirable to care for the area around the eyes with non-specialized creams. Their dense structure can negatively affect the thin skin around the eyes.

Suitable ordinary sunscreens, only light textures, such as lotions.

  • Will there be harm from short-term use of anti-age cream?

If you spread this cream on the skin several times, there will be no harm. Just choose a cream with an age mark closest to your age. But in no case should you constantly smear such creams - the skin gets used to extraneous action and stops producing its own collagen.

When you turn 25 is a wonderful age. You already understand people, you know how to enjoy life, you are young and beautiful. And if you start taking care of the skin around the eyes in time, then radiant eyes will look at the world without the slightest wrinkles and fatigue.

skin care essential at any age, even if there are no significant changes to it.

At 25, there comes a certain milestone, after which you need to take action. Then you will look young for a long time.

This is especially true for problem areas, such as the skin around the eyes. It is her healthy appearance affects your radiant look.

How does the skin change?

Beauticians argue is it worth using cream for the skin around the eyes before. But at 25 this is a must.

This zone is one of the most delicate, so outside influences affect it very badly. Small wrinkles appear, the skin fades.

It is permeated with many lymphatic and blood vessels, so care should be done carefully and regularly.. From the age of twenty-five, studies show, the aging process begins.

Girls at this age suffer from changes in contours, appearance. If no action is taken, the situation will worsen every day.

Be sure to moisturize the skin before applying decorative products. If you often use such cosmetics, then moisturizing should be done with adolescence.

Composition and properties

Most important rulesee age guidelines.

For 25 years, you can take the maximum cream, and then it’s better not to risk it.

Leather get used to artificial collagen and stop making it on its own.

You can damage the sensitive area with unsuitable components. What must be included in:

  • vitamins (especially E);
  • floral acid;
  • phytoestrogen;
  • essential oils;
  • useful extracts of green tea, rosemary, aloe, juniper, lemon, calendula.

They will be able to suspend changes, remove swelling, swelling and. Help in the fight against aging.

In summer and winter, you need to carefully moisturize the skin and control the contour of the eyelids, so it is best to use special gels. Well-moisturized skin is not prone to excessive wrinkling.

Watch out for individual intolerance to individual components, an allergic reaction will significantly worsen the situation. It is better to choose hypoallergenic cosmetics even if there were no serious seizures before.

Be aware that sometimes the age of your skin different from yours, consult with cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Sometimes they may advise taking a remedy for age group older, but the difference will not be too big, the maximum is advised to take the gel for thirty years.

In addition to anti-aging properties, creams can tone and soothe, improving appearance. Recommend some creams and gels Keep refrigerated, when cold, the product removes bags and swelling more effectively.

Choose a non-greasy product so as not to ruin your makeup and not weigh down your skin. Remember to protect yourself from the sun by combining a cream that has good SPF protection, with sunglasses.

Choosing a cream is an individual process, but it can be shortened by carefully reading the packaging. Remember about age and useful ingredients.

If you don't notice a major aging change yet, don't overload your skin with extra collagen. That is why it is not recommended to purchase a remedy from older age categories.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Popular brands

Among the variety of manufacturers it is difficult to decide on the right one.

First, creams are presented in different price categories but this does not always affect the quality.

Secondly, some really effective products can be overlooked due to not too bright packaging.

Of the most suitable for twenty-five years, cosmetologists call:

  1. Remedy Clinique All about eyes. Notable advantages: hypoallergenic, fast absorption, high level of moisture.
  2. "Clean line" presents eye cream perfect skin. It's perfect for twenty-five, too. Suitable for daily application.
  3. “Lemongrass and parsley” from Green Moms. Gets rid of bags and dark circles quickly. Protects from ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Isofil by Uriage.
  5. The light structure is quickly absorbed, and special light-reflecting particles make the look radiant.

  6. Benefits companies Shiseido is quite active, so if you do not notice noticeable changes yet, it is better not to resort to it. It is considered the best Japanese anti-aging agent.

Skin care is something that a modern girl cannot neglect.

Therefore, at 25 she is easy need to pay attention to eye cream.

They not only remove mimic wrinkles, but also correct the contour, remove swelling, give the look a radiance, keeping the skin youthful.

Do not chase after too expensive means, just pay attention to composition of creams and gels.

Is it possible to make a hydrophilic oil for washing your own hands? find out right now.

You can learn about skin care products around the eyes after 25 years from the video:

Last time, we studied the structure and physiology of the skin around the eyes, found out where circles, swelling and wrinkles come from.
Today we will look at how to care for this area in order to prevent the appearance of signs of aging. And if the process of withering is already actively underway, at least slow it down or try to reverse it.

Skin care around the eyes from 16 to 45 years

As with normal skin, the first step in skin care is cleansing.
Only at first it is a cleansing of decorative cosmetics, and then there will be a general cleansing of the skin of the face, including the eye area.
It is very important to use gentle, gentle, specially designed eye make-up removers. When removing, and so there is a mechanical effect that is not very useful for the skin of this area, so it is necessary to soften at least the chemical component of cleansing.
Facial cleansers will not be able to properly dissolve decorative cosmetics, they simply are not designed for this. But they can cause irritation and dryness, especially if these are products for oily skin.
The Mary Kay line has a special product - oil-free eye makeup remover. The product is two-phase, the water phase is mixed with the oil phase when shaking, thus all persistent pigments, water-soluble ink, etc. are easily dissolved. At the same time, the product has passed all the necessary tests and is approved by dermatologists, ophthalmologists, and allergists. Suitable for very sensitive skin around the eyes.

After make-up removal, we usually wash our face with a product that is most suitable for our skin type, but we must pay attention that if products for dry skin do not harm the skin around the eyes, then it is better not to use products for oily skin in this area so as not to cause dryness and irritation. . Keep this in mind when washing.
The toning stage is also common for the entire face.

AT young age 16-20-25 years are normal enough light textures with sodium hyaluronate and plant components that moisturize and prevent aging. The sooner we start using such products (and ideally from the moment of hormonal changes), the longer we will keep youth and health in this zone.

The Mary Kay line has a wonderful product for these purposes - soothing eye gel. It is suitable for any type of skin. And if at a young age it can be used as a mono-product, then in the future it can enhance the effect of age-related products, and also be used as a mask for additional hydration and elimination of swelling.

When the first signs of aging appear, namely fine wrinkles, at 20-25 years old, you can start using products with anti-aging components, for example, with peptides that promote the natural production of collagen. It is very good if the product contains natural oils, they will maintain the epidermal barrier and prevent further dehydration and aging.

anti-aging eye cream TimeWise. It contains shea butter, which has an excellent protective, softening, moisturizing effect. In addition, shea butter is a source of vitamins A and E, necessary for the normal functioning of the skin.

From about 30-35 years old, it is necessary to use products that are even more saturated in formula.
They should contain peptides that stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, amino acids, vitamins and natural oils.

At Mary Kay, this product is TimeWise firming eye cream.

To be continued...