How to celebrate carnival. Pancake week - from Monday to Sunday. Damn week. What are the names of the Maslenitsa days Sunday - farewell

Pancake Day

Maslenitsa(Pancake Day) is a favorite holiday among many nations. Each nation has its own traditions and customs associated with this holiday. In this post, I would like to get acquainted with the traditions of the celebration Shrovetide(Pancake Day) in England.

Maslenitsa(Pancake Day) in England is celebrated differently than it is customary in Russia. The celebration does not last a week, but only one day - the last Tuesday before Lent, as in almost all of Europe.

This day is called "Penitence Tuesday" - because of the indispensable church tradition to confess before the start of Lent.

What games and competitions are held on Shrove Tuesday in England?

In England, on Penitential Tuesday, it is customary to arrange various kinds of competitions, wrestling, fisticuffs. The most popular male competition to this day is football, which used to be not just entertainment, but also an important religious ritual. It was played even by the clergy and inside religious buildings.

But, of course, what Maslenitsa without pancakes? The culmination of all playful action is the traditional "pancake race".

The history of this interesting tradition on Maslenitsa in England goes back to 1445.

It is believed that the "ancestor" of this tradition was one forgetful townswoman, who forgot about the festive service and ran out into the street in what she was - in a kitchen apron, with a frying pan on which lay a ruddy pancake.

And now on the last day of Anglican and Catholic Shrovetide in London and other British cities traditional "pancake races" take place.

In the British capital, popular comic competitions on the last day before Lent are usually held at the Protestant Church of All Saints, located near the Tower of London. Teams of four people must run a relay race along a given route. Each of the participants will hold a frying pan with a pancake in their hands, which must be thrown up on the run and try not to drop it on the ground.

As a rule, members of the "pancake race" teams are dressed in original costumes. Here you can see housewives in starched aprons, office clerks in white collars, and clowns. Once the winner of such a race was a group of firefighters from one of the London fire stations, who appeared at the competition in full "combat" equipment.

The winners of the "pancake race" are traditionally treated to champagne, and then all the participants of the competition gather for a festive dinner at the Church of All Saints.

Competed in the complex of carnival fun and women. So, in the city of Olney (Buckenhamshire), the annual competitions in the run of women with pancakes still gather many spectators. The competition begins at the ringing of the pancake bell at 11 o'clock. 55 min. Every woman runs with a hot frying pan and a pancake on it. Special rules for such competitions have been developed:
firstly, participants must not be younger than 18 years old;
secondly, women should be in an apron and a scarf on their heads;
thirdly, while running, you need to throw and catch a pancake at least three times - on the stratum, while running and at the finish line.
The first of the women who passes her pancake to the bell ringer standing at the church door, receives a traditional kiss from him and is considered the champion of the pancake race for that year.

What is cooked in England for Maslenitsa?

Traditional Russian pancakes are a welcome treat on holiday table English. They are prepared according to the same recipe, fried until golden brown in butter. Filling them with fillings is not customary here and they eat hot pancakes, dipping them in honey, sour cream or jam.

Besides pancakes, Maslenitsa in England is generous with meats, smoked meats and various delicacies. Minced meat casserole and semolina pudding are especially popular.

From drinks on this day, hot ginger beer or red wine flavored with cinnamon and other spices is served. The culture of drinking alcohol here does not allow it to be abused. The English are by nature reserved and pragmatic, so they only drink for pleasure and in moderation. As for sweets, Maslenitsa housewives prepare homemade sweets from burnt sugar and apple cider vinegar, as well as candied fruits and fresh pastries.

Shrovetide (Pancake Day) in England: customs and traditions

One Tuesday in February or March different years which usually coincides with Fat Tuesday, is International Pancake Day.

Fat Tuesday (English Shrove Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day); French Mardi gras (literally "Fat Tuesday", Shrovetide); Polish Mięsopust (Meat Empty)) is a carnival holiday, the eve of Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent. The Lithuanians have Uzgovene, the Western Slavs have Myasopust, the Eastern Slavs have an analogue of Shrovetide. Fat Tuesday, or International Pancake Day, falls on February 12 this year. In 2013 Maslenitsa among the Eastern Slavs will be celebrated from 11 to 17 March. These days, carnival processions, booths, dance games, detours of mummers and musicians are held. "Fat Tuesday" (Shrove Tuesday) or "Pancake Day" is popular in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and some US states. On this day, the British bake neat pancakes. They are most often eaten traditionally - warm, sprinkled with sugar and poured over. lemon juice. Traditionally, many English housewives compete for the right to participate in the "pancake race" - a 400-meter race among women carrying a hot pan with a pancake in their hands, which must be tossed at least twice as they run. 30 participants are selected for the race. The race starts at 11 am when the church bells ring. The winner is the participant who manages to toss and flip the pancake in the pan. largest number once. In the English town of Albee, such a race has been held for 500 years. It began with the fact that once during Lent, one of the townspeople secretly fried pancakes in her kitchen. Suddenly a bell sounded. The poor hostess was so frightened that, forgetting everything in the world, she rushed to the church ... right with a frying pan in her hands and pancakes sizzling on it. It was in 1445

pancake run

The winner is rewarded with a ringer's kiss, honor and respect.

Pancakes that did not fall from the pans during the races are then eaten together by the spectators.

A similar tradition exists at Westminster School in London - a pancake baked with horsehair so that it does not fall apart is tossed in a pan, and then the students try to grab a larger piece.

For reference: in the West, thick pancakes are called pancakes, which is usually translated into Russian as pancakes. And thin pancakes - crepes.

In Italy, International Pancake Day is celebrated on March 8th. On this day, locals bake pancakes with a variety of fillings and not only eat them in large quantities, but also arrange real battles with them.

With songs and dances, with games and fun, the whole “pancake week” passes. Each day of this week has its own name and its own rules of celebration.

When is carnival celebrated

Maslenitsa is celebrated seven weeks before Easter. Since it is determined by the lunisolar calendar, it does not have a constant meaning and changes every year, therefore the Shrovetide holiday falls on a new date every year.

Monday - meeting

On this day, they meet a wide Shrovetide, dress up a stuffed doll, sing "oncoming" songs and build snow slides.

From early morning, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law send the daughter-in-law to her parents to help with the housework.

In the evening they go to the matchmakers, and in a sedate, unhurried conversation, places and times for festivities, visits and celebrations of all seven days of Shrovetide are discussed.

By folk traditions if a person spent Shrovetide week in boredom, sadness or quarrels, he will be unlucky and unlucky throughout the year.

We wish you a delicious and fun Maslenitsa!

In addition, the holiday had several other important meanings. Firstly, it helped to strengthen family relationships. For example, in the countryside, they arranged a kind of bride-to-be: they put them at the gate posts and forced them to kiss in front of everyone.

Also, according to tradition, young couples were supposed to “go out to people”. Husband and wife dressed up, got into a painted sleigh and went to friends and relatives who were walking at their wedding a year ago. In addition, many rituals took place on Shrovetide week, which

Secondly, Maslenitsa week because during the festivities

Thirdly, on Maslenitsa, the people splashed out accumulated over the winter negative energy, and approached the Post "cleansed".

The entire Maslenitsa week is divided into two periods - the Narrow Maslenitsa and the Wide Maslenitsa. The Narrow Shrovetide, when it was possible to do chores, includes the first three days: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

All other days of the week - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - refer to the Wide Maslenitsa. During this period, all work stopped, and mass fun began.

Monday - meeting

On this day, the father-in-law and the mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law from the very morning to the father and mother, and in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. Together they agreed on the time and place of the festivities, and also discussed the list of upcoming guests.

By the first day of Maslenitsa week, snowy mountains, booths, swings were being completed. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead. Shrovetide effigy made of straw and old clothes they did the same on Monday and drove them through the streets in sledges all week.

Tuesday - win

A day that was especially exciting for unmarried girls, since the bridesmaids were arranged for a flirtation - many olive rites were reduced precisely to matchmaking, so that after Lent they would have a wedding. As a rule, this happened on Krasnaya Gorka, which falls on the first Sunday after Easter.

On the second day of Maslenitsa, young people went skiing down the mountains and eating pancakes in the morning. All relatives and friends gathered, touted Maslenitsa, saying: “We have snowy mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor!”.

The mummers walked the streets and rode on troikas or even simple sledges. Performances were held in street booths, one of the main characters of which was Petrushka and the Shrovetide grandfather.

Wednesday - gourmets

Photo: Mikhail Dzyabenko

By the middle of the week Maslenitsa was gaining momentum. They began to celebrate it en masse in all houses - they baked pancakes, invited guests. Also on this day, the mother-in-law showed affection for her son-in-law and invited him to a treat. In the villages, beer was brewed together.

A brisk trade began on the streets. They sold sweets and drinks: gingerbread, roasted nuts, hot sbitni and tea.

Thursday - revelry, fracture, wide Thursday

This day was the first day Wide Maslenitsa when all kinds of fun were built, fistfights, horseback riding. Various contests and competitions were held, culminating in mass feasts. The culmination of the fun of this day was the capture of the snowy town.

Festivities and games, in which a large number of people participated, helped to throw out the negative energy accumulated during the winter and resolve various conflicts between people. This is one of important points in the celebration of Maslenitsa - it was necessary to approach Great Lent “cleansed”.

Friday - mother-in-law evening

The son-in-law was supposed to, in response to the recent mother-in-law's hospitality, also demonstrate his good relationship to her and to her loved ones. If he violated the traditions, this disrespect for the son-in-law was considered an insult and dishonor.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings

And his other relatives. If the sisters were unmarried girls, then the wife could call her unmarried friends. If the sisters-in-law were family, then, for her part, the wife also called married friends or relatives. The daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law a gift.

Sunday - seeing off, kisser, Forgiveness Sunday

The last day of Maslenitsa is the culmination of all festive festivities. On Sunday, there was a conspiracy before the start of Lent. On this day, for all the grievances and troubles caused in the year. Traditionally, people greeted each other with a kiss. At the same time, one said: "Forgive me, perhaps." The second had to answer: “God will forgive you, and I forgive!”.

On Sunday it was supposed to commemorate the dead. They brought pancakes to the graves of loved ones, sometimes also vodka. Then the women on their knees asked for forgiveness from the dead. They bowed three times and said: “Forgive me (name), forget everything that I was rude and harmed you.” After that they left. Dear women, as a rule, tried not to talk. Silently, they came to the cemetery and also, silently, they left it.

Maslenitsa Photo:

Traditionally, True, at first a scarecrow was taken through the streets: they put it on a sled, planted it next to beautiful girl. Three guys were harnessed to the sled. Behind the main sleigh with Maslenitsa went other sledges. All this was called the Shrovetide train.

The effigy was burned outside the outskirts. The ashes scattered across the field. Before setting fire to Maslenitsa, she was given a pancake. And when the scarecrow began to blaze, the people said: “Burn, pancakes, burn, Shrovetide!”. Pancakes and leftovers from other holiday foods too

Maslenitsa Photo:

The songs on Forgiveness Sunday were no longer as cheerful as before. They often say that having eaten all their supplies, and now people will have to cut back on food and observe Great Lent.

Even though we got noisy Maslenitsa Week and Great Lent, today there is one more reason not just to talk about pancakes, but to bake again and even have fun - to make a race with frying pans.

And it will be completely legal, because this Tuesday is the International Day pancake(International Pancake Day). In general, it has been held annually on one of the Tuesdays of February since 1950 in the state of Kansas, USA.

But in the English town of Olney, it has been held for 500 years.

It began with the fact that once during Great Lent, one of the pious townspeople secretly fried pancakes in her kitchen. Suddenly, church bells rang out. The poor hostess was so frightened that, forgetting everything in the world, she rushed as fast as she could to the church in what she was and right with a frying pan in her hands, on which pancakes were fried. And since the frying pan was already very hot, the hostess had to throw pancakes on the way so that they would not burn and, in fact, would not fry to the frying pan.

Traditional pancake run in Olney

It was back in 1445.

At the same time, the residents of Olney, who saw this interesting incident with their own eyes, instead of scolding the hostess who broke the fast, unanimously turned this funny and unusual incident into a beloved and revered holiday tradition and popular entertainment.

Already since 1445 "pancake run", which were even officially supported and approved by the king himself, began to be held annually throughout the UK, and in Olney itself they became the most beloved and long-awaited entertainment competitions, after which a concert and dances were traditionally held.

On this day, all interested women, from 18 years old and who have lived in Olney for at least 3 months, dress in the clothes of hostesses, including long skirt, an apron and a cap or scarf, and run the whole distance from the market square along the church alley to the church 400 meters, not forgetting to toss pancakes in the pan. Having run to the church, the winner of the race must serve her pancake to the bell ringer, who, in turn, kisses the fastest and most dexterous hostess.

And the participants of the unusual race train all year round, so as not to “fall face down in the mud”. At the same time, only 30 hostesses are selected from several thousand applicants.

Well, and the pancakes that did not fall from the pans during the races are then eaten together by the spectators.

A similar tradition exists at Westminster School in London - pancake, baked with horsehair, so that it does not fall apart, is tossed in a pan, and then the students try to grab a larger piece.

In 1950, residents of the American city of Liberal, Kansas, also learned about this unusual competition when they saw photographs and a report about women running with pancakes in a local newspaper, after which pancake racing turned into an international event and even a holiday. However, the inhabitants of the city of Liberal went further, deciding to compete both within the country, among themselves, and with the British from Olney. The English, in their turn, proud of their already famous custom, readily agreed.

And since then, the English city of Olney and the American Liberal annually exchange delegates, holding races according to all the rules of real traditional competitions - with time registration, prizes and celebrations in honor of the winners. And pancakes that have not fallen from the pans during the races are considered especially prestigious to eat, and therefore the spectators also compete for the right to pick up the unfallen pancake among themselves.

The last day before the start of Lent, which is called among Catholics "Sinful Tuesday" (Shrove Tuesday), and in French - Mardi Gras ("Fat Tuesday") - that is, the last chance to properly taste delicious pancakes before a long and strict fast.

In our area, there are no such competitions - races with pancakes, but this does not make our people less fond of eating pancakes, especially at Maslyanitsa. Pancakes are also popular among the people. About one such recipe for lush pancakes on kefir you can read with us and cook at home. We will tell you some secrets on how to make pancakes really fluffy.