Little Princess: Victoria Boni's daughter Angelina. Style of star children: daughter of Victoria Bonya and Alex Smurfit - Angelina What is known about the new wife of Victoria Bonya

Victoria Bonya is a former participant in the Dom-2 television project, a popular television and radio host. Now the girl almost all the time lives abroad. What is known about Victoria Bona and her new husband, read our article.

Alex Smerfit is the ex-husband of Victoria Boni. Officially, the lovers did not formalize their relationship. Vicki has a daughter from Alex. The girl's name is Angelina. She was born on March 17, 2012. Vika was with Alex from 2010 to 2017.

It is known that the couple was in a relationship for more than five years. Despite having a child, Alex and Victoria could not keep their love. The couple decided to leave.

After the break, the presenter said that her feelings for Alex faded away, and therefore they broke up. The girl could not stay with her lover even for the sake of the child. However, there is another reason why Bonya broke up with her previous husband.

Victoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit

According to celebrity fans, her relationship with Alex was destroyed by model Taylor Howard. Social media users noticed that ahead of the breakup, the man followed Taylor on Instagram. Later, fans noticed that Alex's profile picture and the model's profile picture were taken in the same locations. Therefore, the couple vacationed together.

It is not known which of the versions of the separation of Alex and Victoria is more truthful. It is possible that Vika's ex-husband decided to have an affair with the model after he realized that he would not succeed with the former star of House-2.

Recall that Victoria confirmed the rumors about parting with businessman Alex Smerfit in early February this year.

The girl's fans suspected something was wrong when her joint pictures with her husband stopped appearing on Instagram. Subsequently, the girl confirmed that she and Alex were no longer a couple.

Despite the breakup, young people continue to communicate, as they have a joint daughter.

Now on Victoria Boni's Instagram, you can often see pictures in which they are depicted together - Alex, Vika and Angelina. A celebrity often leaves comments on such publications in which the word family appears.

After breaking up with Alex, the TV presenter went headlong into work. Perhaps this is how the girl tried to cope with the accumulated pain and disappointment in her ex-spouse. Despite the fact that the girl chooses quite wealthy men as her chosen ones, she always works to be able to provide for herself and the child.

Victoria Boni's new hobby

In the spring of this year, information appeared on the network that Victoria Boni had a new lover. After parting with her husband, the telediva did not suffer from loneliness for long. At least Russian journalists were sure of this.

The press repeatedly wrote that after moving from Monaco to the States, Victoria decided to actively pursue her career. Someone from the celebrity’s entourage let slip that in the USA Victoria not only works, but also establishes her personal life.

Victoria Bonya with a new chosen one Allen

In April, the Russian media were full of headlines that said that Bonya had found a new one for herself. young man. It became known that his name is Allen Jeffrey Beyer. The young man lives in Los Angeles and works in the entertainment industry.

The public was struck by the fact that the young man was 18 years younger than Victoria.

At that time, Victoria claimed that she and Allen were just friends. How their relationship subsequently developed, and whether it developed at all, is not known. Perhaps the media attributed the novel to the TV personality, which in reality did not exist. It is possible that Victoria and Allen really were friends, since since April there has been no more information about their possible romance in the press.

Latest news from the life of Victoria Boni

At the end of September, Victoria Bonya hinted to fans that she had new husband. The girl's hint was especially ambiguous, since Vicki's finger was emblazoned wedding ring. It was his girlfriend who demonstrated as evidence of changes in her personal life.

Subsequently, it became known that Victoria Bonya had not yet officially married. Nevertheless, she calls her new chosen one none other than her husband. It is known from unofficial sources that in the next two years, the lovers plan to consolidate their relationship in the registry office.

Victoria Bonya and Allen on Instagram

Victoria Bonya said that her new husband is a public figure. Plus, he's not American, as many might think. All information regarding the new chosen one, the TV personality tries to hide. She is not ready to reveal all the cards to the fans. The intriguing marital status of the former member of House-2 creates additional PR for her. Many people wonder if the girl was really able to find a replacement for her ex-husband so quickly.

Victoria Bonya

The girl also said that the new chosen one managed to find an approach to her daughter. For Victoria, this is very important. She wants the child to feel loved.

Vika's new husband gives the girl plush toys. Such gifts are Angelina's real passion. Recently, a celebrity's chosen one sent her daughter a huge toy leopard, which now guards the girl's sleep.

What is known about the new wife Victoria Boni

As we have already said, Victoria Bonya tries not to talk about her new husband. From unofficial sources it is known that the young man is a foreigner, originally from Italy. His name is Frederick.

Recently, Victoria showed in a video two huge bouquets of flowers, one of which consists of 101 roses. The girl showed a note to the bouquet, which says that it is intended for her daughter Victoria. Users decided that in this way the new lover Vicki is trying to get Angelica's attention.

Victoria Bonya boasted a huge bouquet from her lover

The TV presenter herself decided not to comment on such assumptions. The girl only noted that at her age she was not given such gifts, so Angelica was very lucky.

How fans of the former star of Dom-2 reacted to her husband

Fans of Victoria Boni were more than surprised by her statement. Users of social networks did not expect from the TV presenter that she was going to get married and calls the new chosen one her husband. Although they are not yet painted with a young man. Also, fans are worried about the age of the new chosen one of the TV personality. Many do not understand why Vika often prefers guys younger than her. According to most, such a relationship is unlikely to end in something serious.

Victoria Bonya does not reveal the true name of her lover, remembering the past bad experience when the girl kept showing her fans her personal life with her husband Alex Smerfit.

Her current husband turned out to be a very romantic young man. Vicki's social networks now and then appear pictures in which a celebrity is depicted with chic bouquets of flowers. Users believe that these bouquets are given to her by a new chosen one. Vika looks very happy in the pictures.

Express poll from Victoria Boni

Having figured out what is happening in Victoria Boni's life, is it true that she has a new husband or is this another fiction of the yellow press, we invite you to learn a little more about the TV personality.

So, for example, when asked how many fans or admirers she has, Victoria Bonya replies that she has neither one nor the other. She does not want those people who liked her to call themselves her admirers or fans. The girl believes that she has no fans. But she has like-minded people who share with her what she does. For them, she arranges virtual meetings on the expanses of social networks. In real time, the girl answers questions about herself and her personal life.

Victoria Bonya believes that the key to having like-minded TV stars is feedback. Vika easily makes contact with those who want to communicate with her. She was not used to hiding from the public. At least some events in her life she prefers to ignore those around her.

To all those who in the future want to develop their page on social networks and turn it into a blog, Vika first of all recommends working on feedback. If users of social networks cannot communicate with the person they are following, they are unlikely to show even slight activity in his profile.

Victoria Bonya with ex-husband Alex and daughter

Bonnie has a dream. She wants to create a closed women's community where her like-minded people could find answers to exciting questions.

Is Victoria Bonya happy now

Victoria Bonya says that she and her new man happy together. The girl is offended by the fact that many consider her a windy person. She characterizes herself as a woman devoted to her man. She wants to set a good example for her daughter. faithful wife and loving mother.

O ex-husband in numerous interviews, Vika prefers not to speak. She believes that a lot more has already been said about Alex than was necessary.

Victoria Bonya with her daughter Angelica

Information has repeatedly surfaced in the press that ex-spouse Victoria Boni already has a new darling. Like the TV presenter, Alex decided not to waste time and quickly establish a personal life. New love does not prevent a man from communicating with ex-wife and daughter. Alex loves Angelina very much and is ready to spend as much time with her as possible. Vika does not interfere with communication between father and daughter.

Unlike many couples in Russian show business, Victoria Bonya and her husband were able to part amicably, without drawing attention to the "divorce". In fact, you can’t name their separation, since the former lovers were not officially scheduled.

There are global changes in the life of Victoria Boni. Recently, a former participant in the infamous television project Dom-2 announced her separation from her common-law husband, millionaire Alex Smerfit, and now it turned out that Bonya was going to seriously settle in America, where she moved from Monaco. In favor of the fact that Victoria plans to stay in sunny California is the fact that she found a school for her five-year-old daughter Angelina.


Bonya announced this on her official page in social network Instagram. “I’m a big sleeper, but I can say that California affects me in a completely opposite way. It’s a pleasure to get up early in Los Angeles. You have enough morning energy for the whole day, and you still have time to do a lot. to gymnastics, and now we’re in a hurry for dinner. 😜,” wrote Bonya.

Numerous subscribers immediately reacted to the publication of Victoria and literally bombarded her with questions. “Will your daughter live with you? Bonnie's fans were excited. However, while Victoria did not answer them.

It seems that the personal life of the model is getting better. Earlier, Vika announced that she was in love again. Bonya announced her feelings in an Instagram broadcast. She said that she was not worried after breaking up with her common-law husband Alex Smerfit and was already “married without five minutes”. “Yes, I’m in love again. I’m in love with such a man that you can’t even imagine such wisdom. I just love his brains. I really love people with brains,” Bonya announced. However, Vika did not want to declassify her new lover.

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Lisa - the daughter of figure skaters Alexei Yagudin and Tatyana Totmyanina, who became parents for the second time in early October, and today the daughter of TV presenter Victoria Bonya and businessman Alex Smerfit - Angelina becomes the heroine of our column.

On March 17, 2012 at 21:10 Moscow time, Victoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit became parents for the first time. Their daughter Angelina was born at the Fondation Lenval's Santa Maria Clinic in Nice, as Victoria announced on her Twitter page:

We were born quite crumbs - 2760 grams and 47 centimeters. I was born 51 centimeters and 3200 grams. The first children are always smaller than the second. Brother will be bigger, then! I am very happy, I probably didn’t even know what happiness was before! We are at home, we were discharged, we feel great! The daughter was named Angelina Letizia, not in honor of any actresses, but in honor of the fact that this is a gift from God and the gift is Angel.

A few months before the appearance of Angelina, Victoria moved to live in Monaco. "I left for the sake of the child's health, air and sun!" - the TV presenter told the subscribers. In addition, here, in Monaco (we add on our own), the Alex Smurfit family lives, in particular, Angelina's grandmother, who does not have a soul in her granddaughter. When the baby grew up, it became clear: Angelina is growing up as a real beauty and a true "commander".

Angelina is the only child in the family. She is constantly surrounded by universal attention, love and affection. But I try to be strict with her. Not always, however, it turns out, but someone has to! (Laughs.) All the other members of the family spoil her and indulge her whims. I explain to them that it's time to learn how to say no to Angelina. The daughter requires a lot of attention and knows how to manipulate relatives to achieve her goal. She knows exactly which "buttons" to press, who has what weaknesses. Grandmother in general does not have a soul in her and does not refuse anything. Dad too... For example, my daughter wants to take some thing, Alex tells her: "No, you can't!" In response, Angelina laughs and takes what she needs. Usually this is where it ends. And when I say: "Angelina, no!" - she understands that the jokes are over, - Victoria said in an interview with HELLO! .

Victoria Bonya with her daughter Angelina
Angelina Smurfit

Angelina Smurfit

Victoria did not publish Angelina's photo only for the first time, but when the girl grew up, cute photos with her daughter began to appear on the TV presenter's Instagram page. FROM early childhood Angelina dresses stylishly and concisely, moreover, both her mother's and father's fashion preferences are read in her images. Since Angelina is very active and cheerful child, she, like her dad, loves comfortable things in casual style. Jeans, sweatshirts, printed t-shirts, cotton shirts and sneakers - these things the girl puts on for walks to run and play freely. But, like a true lady, Angelina cannot imagine her wardrobe without princess dresses, ballerina skirts and other truly girlish outfits. Often a girl and her mother wear the same dresses and sundresses, and these moments are especially pleasing to Angelina:

Angelina just loves trying on my things. Shoes, hats, handbags, already got to the fur coat! Surely all mothers of small (and not very small) girls also face this regularly.

Victoria admitted to HELLO! that she always chooses clothes that emphasize her character and personality. She is guided by this principle when choosing outfits for her daughter, therefore, when Angelina fell in love with pink color, Victoria did not oppose this at all:

Finally, we "got sick" with pink!

Angelina SmurfitVictoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit with their daughter AngelinaVictoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit with their daughter AngelinaAngelina SmurfitVictoria Bonya with her daughter AngelinaVictoria Bonya with her daughter AngelinaVictoria Bonya and AngelinaVictoria Bonya and Angelina

In addition to beauty, Angelina inherited other qualities from her mother. For example, she also loves to be the center of attention, and she is delighted with applause. It is quite possible that the girl will want to follow in her mother's footsteps and try her hand at television or fashion. But, according to Victoria, future profession daughter depends only on her desire, and she and Alex will support her in everything:

The most important thing for me is that in the future my child feels protected. Pray that Angelina grows up happy man with a kind heart and a beautiful soul. Well, we, her parents, in turn, are ready to do everything to provide her with a decent life. And no matter what path, no matter what profession she chooses, we will support her and help her realize all her plans.

We wish you happiness and success friendly family Smerfit!


Click on photo to view gallery Alex Smerfit with daughter Angelina
Victoria Bonya and AngelinaVictoria Bonya and AngelinaVictoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit with their daughter Angelina

Lasted seven years. The couple met in 2010, and on March 17, 2012, the lovers became parents. In her microblog, Victoria does not often share details from her daughter's life with fans. But the girl has a separate profile on Instagram, followed by more than 30 thousand people. However, today the star published on her page a tender picture with her 6-year-old daughter, which touched her subscribers very much.

Victoria Bonya with her daughter Angelina-Letizia

“She knows how to make me smile at any time,” Bonya wrote in English. “What a joy it is to have children. Amazing photo. Full of love and tenderness”, “Beauties! Mom's joy", "Daughter is a copy of dad," the fans of the star "" emotionally reacted.

It is worth noting that the appearance of Angelina-Letizia into the world did not save the relationship between Victoria and Alex. In February 2017, the telediva announced her separation from the girl's father. To avoid rumors and speculation, Bonya immediately that the gap is not associated with quarrels and betrayals. True, she did not give details. For the sake of the daughter, the ex-lovers maintain a warm relationship. Angelina-Letizia continues to see her father.

Victoria Bonya and Alex Smerfit with their daughter Angelina-Letizia

Victoria Bonya and Pierre Andurand

After that, Bonya, during a live broadcast on Instagram for the Denchik TV vlog, stated that it was hers, for which the oligarch paid her. The words of the TV presenter were passed on to Anduran, who was in earnest. Subsequently, Victoria justified herself, saying that she was joking, and her words were misunderstood and distorted. She, who he ended up saying that he would like to part on a friendly note.

Exclusive video interview with Victoria Boni "Around TV"

TV presenter, actress and model Victoria Bonya spoke about the success of her daughter Angelina.

Victoria Bonya is a vivid example of a successful woman. The future star began her television career in the reality show "Dom-2", thanks to which she gained all-Russian fame. To date, Victoria has behind her such programs as Cosmopolitan, Video Version, Love Machine and Vacation in Mexico 2, where she acted as a host. Moreover, last year the telediva launched her own project “A Day with a Legend”. The heroes of the show were eminent athletes such as Daniil Kvyat, and their view of life, death, fears, values ​​and more.

Victoria successfully combines her career with motherhood. In 2012, the celebrity and her lover Alex Smurfit had a daughter, Angelina-Letizia. Today, Bonya lives in Monaco with her daughter and considers this place her home. The star, in an exclusive video interview with Vokrug TV, said that Angelina had already learned three languages ​​by the age of five, learned to cook and ride a skateboard.

« My daughter goes to gymnastics and, believe it or not, rides a skateboard! She also bakes, cooks, speaks three languages ​​- English, French and Russian, teaches poetry by Yesenin and Pushkin. She is very versatile, loves to be the first everywhere and in everything. Her mother's character is mixed with her father's", - shared Victoria Bonya.

Victoria admitted that recently her daughter forced her to start a microblog on Instagram. " Dad will kill me- the TV star joked. - Angelina asks every day how many followers and "likes" she has. She knows how to take pictures, turns a little sideways».

Recall that in 2010, Victoria Bonya began dating French-born Alex Smurfit, the son of an Irish millionaire. The public was waiting magnificent wedding, but even after the birth of their daughter, the lovers were in no hurry to register their relationship. In February of this year, Victoria announced her breakup with Alex. The TV presenter's fans were shocked by this statement, but in order to avoid rumors, Bonya explained: “ I will say right away that our parting is not driven by quarrels, betrayals, or family problems. We want to say this once. This is not a spontaneous decision, we came to it six months ago».