Write a Happy New Year to your loved one. Happy New Year to your beloved man, boyfriend. New Year's greetings in verse for a loved one

Relax.by continues to "equip" its readers with congratulations of all stripes especially to be ready for absolutely any situation. Here we have collected bright and memorable, full of love and hospitality new year greetings men - boyfriends, husbands, friends, fathers. Forget about gender stereotypes, even the most emotionally uninvolved and restrained men will be pleasant my sincere congratulations Happy New Year 2020, because it’s not the occasion that matters, but the attention and attitude. Let's be courageous and kind-hearted, open and loving together with relax.by!

Happy New Year greetings to your beloved guy

Let New Year good luck to you
In a whirlwind of snowflakes will bring
My love is in addition
It will always save you from troubles!
Darling, I wish you
One joy for the whole year
Let everything go that upsets
The Lord will save our love.

My beloved, I congratulate you on the New Year, let this holiday be one of many happy days in our life with you. May every day of the year, and not just the New Year, be filled with solemn joy and expectation of a miracle. I wish both of us to get everything we want from the coming year.

Champagne sparkles in glasses, and our shadows on the snow
We are as much in love with each other as we are...
Make a wish, close your eyes and wait:
Twelve. Old year left behind.
New Year's Eve is full of miracles,
And I can give you a royal gift today
Great Mystery of Love
And this starry sky
We will be happy, my love, Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings to husband

Beloved, dear husband
I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
That summer heat, then cold again
Around us they walk in a round dance.

Beloved, know: you are for me
More important than all the people in the world.
You are a friend, you are a husband, my family.
There is no happier on the planet!

My dear husband, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and say again how much I love you! You are the most reliable, faithful, strong and affectionate husband in the world! I promise never to leave you, to care and love for many years!

Behind so many days
What we lived with you.
And today, as before,
We are in love with each other.
Let the bad all go away
Snowy winter veil,
Well, in the future we will
Happy always with you.
The best husband in the world -
My passion and best friend!
Happy New Year! Expensive!
My beloved husband!
In the coming year
I wish that I
Became only loved
Because I love you so!

New Year's greetings to a friend

With all my heart, with all of me
I congratulate you!
I wish you happiness, joy
To this New Year
Was cheerful and playful
More jokes, songs, laughter,
Never be sad
Laugh and joke more.

So, dear friend, Happy New Year!
He's on the doorstep... Meet me!
Whether we like it or not its coming,
And he will come! And not for tea
With whom I would meet the coming year,
You mentally clink with me
And drink this cup silently...
For our quiet holiday with you.

New Year's greetings to father

Dad ... in these two syllables
Respect and severity
Admiration and pride
Strength is in the hands.

You confidently squeeze
The helm of the family battleship,
Feel free to guide him
New year ahead.

Dad, we wish you
So that the grip does not weaken.
We understand the importance
Your good deed!

You are my father and I am today
I want to sincerely wish
So that on this New Year's holiday
You were happy and could dream!

And so that everything that was dreamed of
In the year of the Rat, you could gain!
Let joy be your companion
Yours on the path of life!

New Year's greetings to brother

Happy New Year
From the bottom of my heart, brother
I want to wish a lot
Enough for a year.

If only I could have the strength
Magician and fakir,
To conjure you
All the riches of the world!

I have no wealth
But I wish you
So that every dream
Became a sweet reality!

A special holiday has come today,
Breathed in the world with a frosty breath,
And congratulations, my beloved brother,
Happy New Year to you!

And let him bring
You, like in Venice, it's summer,
And, as in the Emirates, a huge income,
And it's like dawn in Paris.

As in a native home, warmth and care,
As in a sweet embrace, passion ...
All in all, have a great new year.
In prosperity, in love and in happiness!

In this wonderful winter holiday to the most beloved person in the world, I send mine tender congratulations! Never be sad, remember that what you wished for will definitely come true, the main thing is to believe in it! Our love will help us cope with any sorrows and hardships! The blizzard will sweep away the bad that has accumulated over last year, and new snowflakes will bring the best that can happen to us in the future!

Dear (name), accept New Year's greetings from me! I want you to stay as positive and kind! So that sadness never appears in your heart, and the road to all achievements would go without hindrance! Remember, happiness is in your hands, the main thing is to remain the same purposeful!

Darling, let new year star you will be given a quick career advancement, financial stability, creative inspiration. Vivid life emotions and pleasant pastime to you!

Beloved, I congratulate you on the New Year, a truly wonderful holiday that deserves to be celebrated. I believe that today you have an ever deeper faith in positive changes that can happen in the very near future. I want to wish you inner harmony, and may winter fairy tale will be able to find an opportunity to warm up for real. Honey, how I want to know that you are happy with our joint New Year's holiday, the opportunity to make wishes for the next 12 months at the same time. May happiness certainly come into your life and give bright emotions, allow you to fully enjoy positive events. I am always ready and want to be there to inspire new exploits, to allow me to believe in a happy future, to caress with my femininity and tenderness.

They say New Year's Eve is the night of wish fulfillment. I wished that you were always the happiest on the whole planet. I am sure that this will certainly come true. Happy new year darling!

Do not forget , to your relatives and friends.

Sincere congratulations on the new year to your beloved in your own words

The best and dearest, I congratulate you on the New Year! May all your plans come true this year with ease, may life bring only pleasant surprises, so that every day is filled with smiles of loved ones, joy and good emotions. Happiness and many bright events to you in the new year!

Beloved, let the sorrows that grieved you in the departing year remain in the past, let the failures remain there (there were few of them, but still), sadness and Bad mood. Let's drag it into the coming year, and multiply only joyful minutes in it, lucky moments, Happy Smiles, good mood. May the new year entering into rights bring prosperity and a comfortable life, may everything go smoothly in work. Let the authorities not be angry, but only praise enough, let the family please, and let the faithful friends be near.

Happy new year darling! I am happy that you appeared in my life and became a close and dear person for me. Now my life has sparkled with bright colors. Every day of communication with you brings me joy and pleasure. It's great that fate gave me a meeting with a real man. May the coming year bring us many wonderful days. I love you!

Beloved, with the upcoming New Year's miracles and upcoming changes! I wish you not to get tired of happiness and swim in the bottomless ocean of my love! I will forever remain your affectionate Snow Maiden and will not allow sadness and failure to invade your life! Let our relationship be strong, like a January frost, and full of romantic moments, and success does not leave in any endeavors!

My dear, beloved. I want to wish you a Happy New Year. You are the light of my life, you are my inspiration, you are consolation and joy. May this year bring you many new ideas, may all your plans come true, may failures bypass you. But no matter what this year brings you, know that I am always with you, regardless of whether we are near or apart. And my love will be your guiding star. Happy New Year, dear.

My beloved and only, Happy New Year. I wish this year to be a year of good luck and great achievements for you, so that it brings prosperity and high prospects. Dear, may the wish you made on New Year's Eve come true as soon as possible. May my love and support help you overcome any difficulties. May our relations become even stronger and stronger this year.

The best congratulations on the new year to your beloved in your own words

I don't want you to leave my life. I want the New Year to give me the happiness of being with you, we don’t have much time left on our earthly path to waste it in vain. May the New Year save us from all fears. Ring my door, my love!

In just a few minutes, the chimes will begin their usual midnight battle, which means it's time to say a few important words to your loved one. On the day when we met, a small miracle happened - between two strangers, a relationship was born real love. Despite many troubles in life, an endless stream of problems and turmoil, we were able to adequately carry our bright feeling through the years. I wish you, my dear, great patience, because I am far from perfect, unlimited understanding and faith that together we will overcome everything. Happiness to you in the New Year!

You are strong, courageous, purposeful, smart, generous. Many women admire you. And I am one of them. In this new year, I wish to increase all your wonderful qualities. Set unrealistic goals and solve difficult problems. I believe you will achieve everything. Happy New Year real man! With new happiness! Love and harmony, health and understanding, respect and fulfillment of all dreams!

May the New Year be the year of five peaks for you! The first peak that will submit to you this year will be love, which will give life a new meaning and fill it with the most vivid impressions. The second peak will be FRIENDSHIP. After all, if you have real friends, then life is a success! The third will be the peak VOCATION. From here, the path to success and the fulfillment of your cherished dream will open for you! The fourth peak is WELL-BEING. From the moment your foot touches this peak, all obstacles ahead will disappear. In the end, you will find yourself on the last, fifth peak, from which all the others will be visible, and once on it, you will understand that the fifth peak is HAPPINESS!

The Buddha says: Ultimately, only three things really matter: how much we loved, how easy we lived, and how simply we gave up the unnecessary. I wish you to adopt these principles too! Live easily, do not carry the burden of the unnecessary, and let love give you the most vivid feelings of happiness. Happy New Year!

Favorite! May the next 365 days be better for you than the past ones, may the new 12 months give hope and confidence in a brighter future, and may every new minute of your life be brighter, happier and more fun than before. Happy New Year dear!

You will find beautiful wishes for the new year

My beloved, I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you to remain as good and caring, as reliable and dear. I wish you to realize all your undertakings this year, so that you continue to move towards your goal and never stop. Happy New Year dear!

Happy new year darling! I wish you great happiness! You are my ray of light, my dear! I want you to always get what you want, so that difficulties are avoided, so that your health is heroic, dreams come true, and all year long pleases with its colorfulness, many discoveries. Love you! Happy holiday!

Precious and only man, on this first wonderful night of the coming year, I want to express admiration for your ability to combine and show masculinity and tenderness, iron will, character and touching care. I wish, beloved, that there are finances and forces for the implementation of the goals set, and desire and time for communication with me. Happy New Year, my strong, caring and beloved!

My dear, beloved, dearest person in the world! I'm so glad you are in my life! Thank you for always being there, for your support, tenderness and love. Happy New Year to you, my love! I believe that he will bring us only happiness!

Happy new year darling. I wish you to achieve all your goals in the new year, to achieve all the main successes. My dear, always be a good fellow, a magician, a kind man, a daredevil, a real magician. May the new year be rich, enchanting and happy. I wish you, dear, health, strength, confidence and easy ways to dream.

Happy New Year my dear! Let this magical holiday will give you a wonderful mood and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy! I wish you all kinds of success, interesting discoveries and vivid impressions in the new year! May our love only grow stronger so that even the most severe frosts can never get into our hearts! I love you!

Happy New Year, my favorite person! I want to wish you the most unforgettable emotions with me in 2019. May love warm our hearts. Stay healthy my boy! Good luck to you and good luck in everything. I love, kiss!

Beloved, Happy New Year! May your most cherished wish come true on this holiday, and on January 1 a new, even more exciting and colorful life will begin. May success accompany you in everything! Be an example in everything, the most courageous, the smartest, the most beautiful, the healthiest, the most-most!

My beloved, dear, on this holiday I want to give you myself, my love and affection! I wish you to remain strong not only physically, but also mentally. May there never be sadness and sadness in your eyes, and that you never see grief. Happy New Year, my sweet! I love you!

Darling, Happy New Year! May you have as much happiness as snow in winter, may our love become as strong as frost. I wish your life to shine like colorful lights on a Christmas tree. Let only victories await you in business, and I will always be there for you with a reliable rear!

Happy New Year to the dearest, most reliable and beloved, the most powerful and adored man in the world! You are my world, my light and my life. I share all your desires and dreams! From myself I give a sea of ​​kisses and tender hugs. Happy holiday to you, my love!

I want to wish you Happy New Year! You are insanely dear to me, and I wish you all the best in the world! May you be lucky, all the work and efforts will be justified, and your heart is warmed by my love!

Congratulate you with Holliday! I wish that the coming year will give you the opportunity to consolidate all your achievements and set new, higher goals for yourself! May this holiday give you only pleasant surprises and fill your heart with happiness, joy, tenderness and faith in the best!

Happy New Year to you, my beloved man! I wish that everything is fine with you in the coming year, that success accompanies you throughout your life, that your dreams come true, no matter what! May this year be a year of sky-high victories and happy upheavals for you!

Happy New Year, my love. I wish you a happy year surrounded by my love, true friends, understanding colleagues, pleasant acquaintances, unique opportunities, creative ideas and fabulous success. My dear, may this year give you good luck, prosperity and a tireless interest in life.

Beloved, my good, Happy New Year!
May he be happy for you.
'Cause I always have a reason
To admire the fact that I'm yours.

I wish only health in the New Year,
Good luck at work and in business.
So that you never know grief in your life,
Let happiness shine in your eyes!

My favorite, my best and dearest man! Let your life become more successful, happier, richer and happier with every chime. May all your dreams come true this year. I wish you constant inspiration for new ideas, special zeal to achieve them and logical rejoicing from the result. Happy New Year!

I love and love
I really appreciate you
On the coming New Year
May goodness come to you

Will be next to you
In a day, minute, hour any
Peace, luck, success,
Kindness and loud laughter

You be cheerful and healthy
Let the shelter glow with comfort,
Santa Claus will suddenly give
Happiness, joy chest!

My beloved man
May a good New Year
Love will give you
And it will bring joy.

Mistakes and insults
In the past we will leave
In the new only happiness
Let him go with us.

Let there be a New Year
For us, the year of love
And let him fulfill
Your wishes.

On New Year's Eve we will not take
Our past grievances
Drive away sadness and sadness,
Perturbation fluids.

I wish you happiness,
So that you are lucky in everything
For the energy to boil
Cheerfulness beat so that the key.

My dear, beloved. I want to wish you a Happy New Year. You are the light of my life, you are my inspiration, you are consolation and joy. May this year bring you many new ideas, may all your plans come true, may failures bypass you. But no matter what this year brings you, know that I am always with you, regardless of whether we are near or apart. And my love will be your guiding star. Happy New Year, dear.

Happy New Year greetings to your beloved boyfriend

Beloved, in the old year there were many different events, both good and not so good. I wish you that in the coming year there will be as many good and positive people around you as possible! So that everything that does not happen always ends well! And I also hope that next year, we will meet together again! I love!

Happy New Year to your beloved

I love you so much, my one and only! I want fabulous New year's night helped us to become even closer and fulfilled our most cherished desires! I already made my own: I want us to always be together! Happy new year darling! May this New Year bring you good luck in all your endeavors! Be happy!

New Year's greetings in verse for a loved one

My favorite!
Let the New Year bring you no worries,
But only joy, happiness, pleasure!
Always be able to find good solutions!
Let our relationship only become stronger,
Let go away resentment and doubt
And let things always work out,
And let life be fun!

Happy New Year greetings for a loved one in verse

Happy New Year to you, my love!

On this festive day in January

New Year's fairy tale

Again, let it draw you in.

May it fill you with magic

Let your eyes shine!

Happy New Year to you, my love

With a year of happiness and tender love!

New Year's greetings to your beloved

Dear my beloved
Happy New Year!
I will always be with you
And I wish you love.
Happiness, joy and success
Let them accompany you.
For me, you are the best.
Let everyone know about it!

New Year's greetings to your beloved

I don't want you to leave my life. I want the New Year to give me the happiness of being with you, we don’t have much time left on our earthly path to waste it in vain. May the New Year save us from all fears. Ring my door, my love!

Happy New Year greetings to your loved one in verse

Let love warm you
Even in the cold and frost!
New Year will dispel the longing.
Let love become stronger!
Santa Claus - beautiful, bright,
Gives us out of the bag!
wonderful gifts,
Spare no wallet!
May all desires be fulfilled
Guess what you are in the night!
Let there be no parting
Everything you want has come true!

Happy New Year to my beloved husband

Darling, how glad I am that I have you! You know they say: "As you meet the year, so you will spend it"? Therefore, I want this day and the whole year to be the happiest and most joyful for you! Happy New Year!

New Year's greetings to your beloved

Beloved, precious, dear,
I congratulate you on the holiday.
May the coming year bring peace
Your soul that rushes about, loving.
I want to see joyful, happy
You always, my dear, my beloved.

Beautiful Happy New Year greetings to your loved one

Snowflakes are flying, circling in a waltz,
And everything around, as if in a fairy tale ...
May this year bring joy
So that everything will come true,
What did you think that night
And so that happiness warms the soul,
And filled everything with ringing laughter,
The house was cozy and beautiful,
May success come in your career!

Happy New Year greetings for a loved one in verse

My love, Happy New Year!
Happiness comes to us in the house,
All adversity will bypass us -
We'll live the best!
May everything we dream about
Will surely come to us
Everything will be fulfilled, we know -
After all, that's what the New Year is for!

Happy New Year wishes for your beloved brother

Happy New Year dear brother
Be financially rich!
Let the money mountains
All will be yours soon!
Euro you row with a shovel!
Be healthy and rich!

Happy New Year SMS for your loved one

Favorite! New Year fully personifies my feelings for you - you are my most desired, mysterious and long-awaited! You are my future!

Happy New Year greetings for a loved one in verse

On this night of performance
New Year's Eve!
I wish you,
Drive doubts away!
I wish you success!
And a career to up!
I want more often
I could hear your laugh!
For you to be satisfied
Everyone in the world always!
For you to be mine
I love forever!

Happy New Year greetings to your beloved man in verse

Let the New Year's candle burn brighter,
I wish you much happiness!
I believe that love is for us for years,
And never part with you!
I wish you success
And in the New Year with a dream to meet!
And let happiness be in your destiny,
And you will never part with him!

Happy New Year, beloved, beloved

Happy New Year, I congratulate you
Let the magic candles burn
And not far off at all
Christmas magical rite!
And on the windows forest patterns
Will draw a strong frost!
And snowflakes, circling in the open,
They will call you to a round dance
From the bottom of my heart, good luck
Happy days and wonderful nights!
Let happiness be your companion
Get lost in it quickly!

New Year's greetings to your beloved

Under the chiming clock
Under the fireworks of champagne
In the blaze of blinding lights
To you, my love, I wish the sun clear
And many happy days!

New Year's greetings to your beloved guy poems

New Year is knocking on the house
Grandfather Frost is coming with a bag!
Open the door wider
And believe in my love!
The best guy in life
Let everything in life be in vain:
So, red car
Don't take the subway!
And also - a big cottage,
To not loom at home!
Money - a full wallet,
To buy gifts could!
For me, my beloved,
They will keep me warm!
Let them warm in the cold
I want to be lucky!