An artificial bridal bouquet is an alternative to natural flowers. Wedding signs about the bride's bouquet Is it possible to take the bride's bouquet

Why are florists increasingly making two bouquets for the bride? NameWoman will help you understand the signs about “throwing a bouquet to girlfriends” and the ban on parting with your flowers.

Don't give away your wedding bouquet!

That's the turn! It turns out to part with your wedding bouquet - Bad sign. You can give the flowers to hold only for a short time to the groom, and no one else, otherwise it is believed that you can give your family happiness to someone else along with the flowers. And this is another reason that many people decide to buy a bride's bouquet in two copies - one for themselves (the groom hands it to the bride), and one to throw it to the bridesmaids (bride's parents or the witness bring it to the banquet). By the way, the second bouquet does not have to be a duplicate at all, it may differ (including being lighter and more suitable for throwing due to its “flying qualities”) and can even be made from artificial or specially dried flowers.

The Most Generous Creative Bridal Bouquet Throwing Option . A special wedding bouquet is ordered, consisting of several separate parts. When the bride throws this flower arrangement, several small bouquets will fly into the air at once - for several girlfriends.

What should a bride do with her bouquet after the wedding? Previously, it was considered very important to keep it for many, many years as a talisman of love and a talisman of family happiness. There was even a special "recipe" for using such a talisman. The flowers were carefully dried, and the wife sewed their petals inside her husband's pillows. It was believed that thanks to such a ritual, the husband would always think only of his wife and would never go to the side.

Properly selected flowers enhanced the magical effect of the amulet. Their number also mattered. For example, 11 roses is an ideal number for a gift to your beloved spouses, meaning a single heart and a single meaning of life for two. 19 roses are recognized as classics of the wedding bouquet and it is believed that they are the ones who say "together for life". And 29 roses are considered a confession of eternal love. Well, the most tender and wedding ones are pink roses. No wonder the magic bouquet in the photo on the left above from the site is called "More than love". charm delicate roses also in the fact that it is very easy to dry beautiful rosebuds.

To make complex bridal bouquets of dried flowers look the most aesthetically pleasing and please the eye for a long time, now the girls are again turning to florists for help. Do not forget to first hide the most beautiful and largest petals ... for the husband's pillow.

And if ... not toss the wedding bouquet at all?

In fact, in Russia, brides did not throw bouquets. Flowers were treated much more delicately, which can be noted by a modern newlywed. So, according to tradition, the bouquet had to be given blindly from hand to hand. Unmarried girlfriends started a round dance around the bride, and she (with knotted or simply eyes closed) at some point, at the behest of intuition, blindly approached one of the moving girls and handed her a bouquet.

Modern brides not only sometimes throw Stuffed Toys in wedding dresses instead of a bouquet, but also gladly adopt the original wedding traditions other countries. For example, instead of throwing/delivering a bouquet, they act like true Greek women: before the start of the “dance program”, they write the names of unmarried girlfriends on the soles of their shoes with a felt-tip pen. Which name will be erased earlier - that girl and the next one to marry.

Maria Nikitina

Even though it’s the 21st century, we still continue to believe in various signs. Some consider them funny, others believe in them with all seriousness. The bride's bouquet has interesting, unusual signs. If you would like to organize traditional wedding, then you should familiarize yourself with the customs associated with the main symbol of the celebration. What signs refer to the wedding bouquet?

How did the tradition of "Catch the Bride's Bouquet" originate?

According to legend, earlier, when flowers were not given much importance, bridesmaids tried to touch her dress or veil - this was considered a good omen. Sometimes the dress of the hero of the occasion was even endangered, because some ladies tried to tear off a piece of matter from the dress “for good luck”. To divert attention from her person, the girl threw them flowers. The one who caught them was considered lucky, who would soon meet her future groom and get married.

In Russia, the girl did not throw the wedding bouquet, but handed it over to an unmarried woman. It was done this way: unmarried friends stood in a circle and danced, the culprit of the wedding, standing in the center of the circle, handed flowers at random with her eyes closed. It was considered a good omen for a girl to receive this accessory. AT modern interpretation flowers are allowed both to be thrown (Western custom) and handed over (Old Russian tradition).

Signs associated with flowers in a wedding bouquet

An old custom says that before the wedding ceremony, the groom himself must purchase flowers for his beloved. Each flower in the composition symbolizes the relationship of a guy to a girl. If the young lady accepted the flowers, it meant that she agreed to marriage.The bride's bouquet has signs that we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

  • Roses - mean the tender affection of a man for a woman. However, their meaning also depends on the color of the roses. So, white roses symbolize tender affection, the complete readiness of a man to marry a woman to whom he gives a composition of flowers. Red - love and passion. Yellow symbolizes friendship rather than love. Tea roses mean an early parting, as the man is not yet ready for family life.

  • Orchids - mean extreme affection, loyalty to a woman. Signs say that orchids symbolize dedication and tenderness towards a woman.
  • Gerberas - symbolize easy relationships, flirting, great friendly sympathy.
  • Lilies - characterize young man as a reliable, stable man. He expects from his chosen one a thorough approach to family life.

Chrysanthemums and gerberas are elegant plants that will be appreciated by the hero of the occasion. To create such a flower arrangement yourself, watch this video clip and you will surprise the girl with your ingenuity!

  • Chrysanthemums - the beloved is sincere towards his lady. He trusts her with both love and financial matters.

What to do with the bride's bouquet after the wedding?

After throwing the wedding accessory, it will remain with one of the unmarried friends. But an old sign says that by giving away the main symbol of the celebration, the bride deprives herself of love. What then to do? Order two wedding arrangements! One of them will remain with you, saving your family union, and with the help of the second, you should determine which of your friends will get married soon. In the West, a newly-made wife takes care of the flowers for one year, after which she burns them. A bright flame emanating from dry petals - good omen for a couple.

Marriage is not only a holiday and the most joyful event in a person's life. This day is associated with a huge amount of trouble and preparations: choose a dress and a restaurant, write invitations, visit a beauty salon.

You need to take care of even such an insignificant detail as. The signs and traditions associated with it are very important to observe at the ceremony.

The Importance of Traditions for Newlyweds

Customs and traditions celebrate the creation new family. All the rituals performed on this day are aimed at blessing the newlyweds on happy life. Any deviation from tradition is considered a bad omen or a good omen. With its help, you can find out how the newlyweds will live.

What do flowers symbolize

The tradition of using a bouquet at a celebration was preceded by another custom. The guy collected flowers and gave them to the chosen one. Each flower told about the feelings of a lover. If the girl accepted a sign of attention, the guy could woo her.

Nowadays, the bouquet is selected taking into account the preferences of the bride. Today only professional florists know the language of flowers. However, those wishing to observe ancient traditions must remember that:

  • has long been considered the main symbol of love. White Rose personifies sublime feelings, red - passion and carnal desires. It is undesirable to use yellow and tea roses for a wedding celebration;
  • talk about friendship. Husband and wife should be not only passionate lovers, but also friends towards each other;
  • testify to the serious intentions of the future spouse. He expects the same intentions from the chosen one, chosen as his wife;
  • - a symbol of fidelity and affection for a loved one.


The bridal bouquet is handled with care. There are various signs about a wedding bouquet and they great amount. For example, there are signs of what to do with a wedding bouquet during and after the wedding.

Petals are used as a talisman of marriage bonds. To do this, they need to be sewn into the pillows on which the newlyweds sleep. Petals can also be showered on your children on their wedding day. It is believed that such a ritual will bring them happiness and parental protection.

How to throw flowers

One of the main signs about the bride’s wedding bouquet says: unmarried, she will soon meet her betrothed. This tradition is connected with the desire of single women to get something from a friend who has already managed to get married. Together with the item received from the young wife, it was supposed to receive part of her luck, helping to meet the beloved man.

Lonely friends often tried to tear off a piece of a veil or dress. To avoid damage to the wedding attire, a more “legitimate” way to get good luck was invented. In the middle or at the end of the holiday, the bride turned her back on the unmarried girls and threw her bouquet. Fate itself was to determine who would get the energy of success contained in wedding flowers. In order for an abandoned accessory to bring happiness to the girl who caught it and not deprive the newlywed of good luck, you need to take into account the nuances.

  1. Before throwing, the bride needs to turn around her axis three times.
  2. You should mentally pronounce the words of a wish for happiness to a friend.

The tradition of throwing flowers originated in Western culture. In Russia, it looked different. Lonely friends led a round dance around the hero of the occasion. The bride had to stand in the center with her eyes closed. At a certain moment, the round dance stopped, and the newlywed held out flowers to the one opposite her.

Expert advice! After the bouquet is caught by one of those present, the bride must take it back. If this is not done, according to the sign, the new family will not be happy and will soon fall apart. You can give a girlfriend only one flower for good luck in her personal life.

How to buy

The acquisition of flowers also includes a considerable amount of superstition. To bridal accessory brought good luck, you must observe the following signs with a wedding bouquet.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Perhaps a rare wedding is complete without flowers. They are presented by guests to the bride as a compliment and good wishes, with the help of a bouquet, a ceremony is performed at which they will find out who will marry next, and, of course, various buds and compositions are involved in the design of the celebration. Most often, fresh flowers are used at a wedding, but there are those who prefer the practicality of artificial decor.

Can artificial flowers be used for wedding decor?

There is a sign according to which only live buds should be in the bride's bouquet, and replacing them with artificial ones promises the newlyweds a substitution of sincere feelings. And some even think that such a decor is only for funerals. However, all these are superstitions and obsolete stereotypes.

Wedding bouquet of artificial flowers

Bouquet of artificial flowers with satin ribbons

Bouquet of flowers from beads

Agree that a healthy atmosphere in the family depends on its members, what's the point of blaming the bouquet for problems? And there really is no logical connection between artificial flowers and a cemetery at all, because in the Christian religion, live plants have been worn to the church and to the grave from time immemorial, and bright plastic wreaths are nothing more than a ritual business.

Well, as for the creation of inanimate flowers, then modern designers and manufacturers have stepped far ahead.

On sale you can find individual buds and compositions from various materials, which outwardly practically do not differ from the natural original

These are real artificial masterpieces, from the word "art" in the literal sense.

And now let's try to sum up, weigh all the pros and cons of choosing artificial flowers for wedding decor.

Arguments against"

Here, probably, supporters of the Eastern teachings of Feng Shui would be the most active in favor of fresh flowers. From their point of view, artificial plants should not be present at the wedding, as they take away positive energy, while real ones (even cut ones), on the contrary, give it to everyone around.

The second drawback of artificial flowers lies in the absence of a real natural aroma, liveliness and tenderness. Of course, you can impregnate the composition with different fragrances and it will smell nice, but it cannot be compared with what is created by nature.

A bouquet of artificial flowers can be very beautiful, but it will not exude fragrance.

Bouquet of artificial flowers in the hands of the bride

Arguments for"

Inanimate flowers on a holiday cause unpleasant associations for many. Meanwhile, if you put aside prejudices, decor from artificial materials has a lot of advantages.

  • Durability and durability. A bouquet or composition will delight you not only throughout the entire wedding evening, but for many years after it. In most cases, artificial flowers are not afraid of multiple touches, falling, cold and sudden changes in temperature. In addition, there is no need to fear that the bouquet will wither, unlike cut live plants.
  • Diversity. Yes, the flora on the planet is already rich in shades and shapes, but if you really want something unique, inimitable, then you should think about an alternative option made from artificial materials. So you will create absolutely any composition, combining those varieties that cannot coexist in nature. For example, collect a bouquet of flowers from all seasons and grown on different continents, or even make some kind of seven-color flower or a fabulous scarlet flower.
  • Hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Flower pollen is considered a fairly common and strong allergen. No one is immune from an undesirable reaction to living plants on the wedding day: neither the guests nor the newlyweds themselves. To avoid unpleasant incidents, it is better to choose artificial flowers to decorate the hall.

You can, of course, be attributed to the arguments in favor of artificial flowers over living ones and the cost. But remember that it will remain quite controversial (if it is not about a plastic bouquet).

Some designer masterpieces can hardly be attributed to cheap jewelry, because they are made not only beautifully and efficiently, but also from valuable, rare materials.

In addition, this is an exclusive work.

So, you have made a choice in favor of decorating the banquet hall with artificial flowers. The next step is to decide on the palette of colors, plant species. So that the design is not too clumsy and tasteless, it is better to take one, two or three varieties of flowers as a basis.

Next, carefully consider where the compositions will be located, what they will be in size and shape. Most often, the presidium, tables for guests, the entrance arch, as well as the photo zone are decorated with flowers. If you are not sure that you can make a harmonious design on your own, entrust this responsible task to the designer.

Artificial peonies in vases at a wedding

Large artificial flowers for a wedding

Arch with artificial flowers at the wedding

Wedding area on the street with an arch decorated with artificial flowers


Artificial flowers at the wedding are stylish and beautiful decoration, it is only important to choose the right compositions and harmoniously place them in the hall. Bouquets of various materials are no longer considered something unusual, extravagant and are in demand among many brides. Both artificial and natural flowers have their advantages and disadvantages. What to choose for a wedding, everyone decides for himself.

May 3, 2018, 17:22

Increasingly, the choice of girls falls on the artificial bouquet of the bride. It allows you to embody any ideas, will delight the newlyweds with its beauty for many years. But what will the people around you think?

Is it possible for the bride to have an artificial bouquet

The concept of an artificial bouquet does not evoke the right associations for everyone. Usually plastic buds come to mind unnaturally bright colors. Modern floristry offers brides artificial bouquets in a stunning design that cannot be distinguished from real ones. Original compositions can also be made up of brooches, chains, plants and even products. The main thing is to show imagination.

The most traditional option is an artificial bridal bouquet used as an understudy. It is made for throwing into the crowd of unmarried girlfriends. In addition, it can be presented to the witness. She can keep it in her memory of the wedding. Such an understudy for throwing is most preferable, as it serves as a kind of symbol of the wedding, which the lucky one will keep for himself. He will remind you of this good luck, of the wedding in general, and will become the talisman of the new family, if the omen works.

It can be a copy of a living original or have its own style. If there are doubts, but originality attracts, then two compositions will be the solution.

The Unique Benefits of Artificial Wedding Bouquets

A wedding bouquet made of artificial flowers is usually chosen in the following cases:

  • There is no possibility or desire to spend money on fresh flowers;
  • The weather is unfavorable for living plants (heat or severe frost);
  • Artificial composition corresponds to the concept of the wedding, decorations on the dress or in the hairstyle;
  • The bride or groom is allergic to pollen;
  • I want to keep this wedding accessory forever in its original form.

An artificial wedding bouquet will become a real lifesaver in case real plants cannot support the original one. color scheme weddings, for example, turquoise and gold. fabric or paper flowers can be made from any color material. The most important advantage of such compositions is the ability to embody any idea, decorate it with the attributes of the chosen theme.

Professionally done artificial composition practically indistinguishable from the real one. It can be made independently from dense silk and beads. In this case, it will not be just an accessory, but a piece of the soul and love of the bride, which she will treasure with trepidation.

What are artificial flowers

Modern materials and technologies make it possible to make flowers from cotton, silk, corrugated fabric, while it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real ones. A wedding composition made of fabric can become a masterpiece if you complement it with rhinestones, beads or brooches.

Fabric hydrangeas or wild flowers look most natural. They are especially suitable for a spring or summer wedding. In this case, mainly pastel colors are used: delicate lilac, peach and pink tones.

For winter wedding white fabric or paper hydrangeas are used, which can be additionally decorated with white lace.

  • For a winter celebration, buds knitted from wool are used - they will add charm and warmth to the image of the bride;
  • Roses, peonies, and fluffy buds are made from yarn;
  • Stunning buttercups are made from colored paper;
  • Also, a composition of one large flower is made of paper - this is one of fashion trends wedding floristry;
  • Cold porcelain - very original material to create buds;
  • Felt flowers are often used.

The advantage of an artificial wedding bouquet is that it can be not only floral

it important accessory bride, creating her image. With it, you can emphasize the style of the celebration:

  • For a rustic country theme, a bouquet of herbs, small bird nests and spikelets of wheat is suitable;
  • A retro-style wedding will be decorated with a composition of brooches fastened together with wires;
  • For an autumn wedding, decoration with dry multi-colored leaves is suitable;
  • In winter, you can use cones, dried berries and even Christmas toys;
  • A bouquet of butterflies is suitable for romantic natures;
  • For a sweet wedding, bouquets are made from cookies and sweets;
  • Nautical style involves the use of shells and starfish;
  • Even buttons are used.

So, before you think about compiling flower arrangement, it is worth thinking about the overall concept of the wedding. You don’t have to limit yourself to just the floral option if you like other decorations, such as cones or brooches. After all, this accessory should reflect the individuality of the bride, creating her unique image.

How to make an artificial bouquet with your own hands

In order to make flowers from fabric, you need a dense fabric - silk, cotton, satin or satin.

  1. Several circles of different diameters are cut out of the fabric, and the edges are scorched by fire;
  2. You can make cuts on them, but not necessarily;
  3. Circles must be superimposed from largest to smallest;
  4. They are sewn to each other in the middle and decorated with a bead.

Ready buds are inserted into artificial legs, which are sold in flower shops - the bouquet is ready. You can decorate it with a footboard for flowers made of paper or leaves.

In order to make an original thematic bouquet, you only need the selected elements (brooches, sweets, buttons) and a wire or porta bouquet. It is formed by a ball, so there will be no noticeable fasteners. Additional design is also not required so as not to overload the composition.

Before making such crafts, you need to practice to make everything perfect. The draft version can be used as a stand-in for throwing at the end of the celebration.

How to choose a bridal bouquet: artificial or live

Accepting a bouquet from the groom, the girl gives her consent to marriage. This is the most important accessory in the image of the bride, so its choice and composition must be approached responsibly. It reflects the individuality, femininity, romance of a girl.

When thinking about which bridal bouquet to choose: artificial or live, one should start from the season in which the wedding is played, the image, the wedding budget and, most importantly, preferences. In winter, a composition of cones and dried berries will look better than live flowers that withered after a few hours. In the spring, you can not refuse the classics, besides, the choice of seasonal plants pleases.

Natural flowers - classic version, with which it is impossible to lose. Artificial wins when it looks either very natural or very original. His appearance directly depends on its implementation. Tastefully selected composition and high-quality work does not look cheap or vulgar.

The groom can take part in the choice, because it is he who will present it to the bride as a sign of his love. Each wedding is individual, therefore, it requires a suitable flower arrangement for it.

Photo of artificial bridal bouquets: