Break in non-leather shoes. How to quickly break in shoes that are too tight - proven tips. Summer fabric shoes are small. How to stretch shoes made of fabric and oilcloth

This problem is familiar to almost everyone: in the store, new shoes fit perfectly, exactly on the leg, and there was no limit to your joy, but as soon as you went to work in them, they began to rub mercilessly. What to do? How to break in tight shoes so that you don’t torment your legs and ruin your shoes?

First of all, a few tips for buying shoes.

Don't try on new shoes in the morning. Toward evening, the leg swells, it becomes a little larger, so experts advise trying on shoes in the afternoon.

Make sure that in new shoes the position of the foot is securely fixed. If they are too narrow, do not rush to buy shoes one size larger! The leg will “walk” in them, slide, and as a result, corns cannot be avoided. The main thing is that the shoes are perfect for you in terms of completeness.

How to break in tight shoes? Practical recommendations

As much as you love your new pair of shoes, don't rush to flaunt them in public. To get started, walk around the room - at least half an hour. Usually the problem is solved within about a week, if you are not too lazy to “walk” around your own apartment for 30 minutes every day. If you are afraid of corns, preliminarily cover with a band-aid those places of the leg in which these “decorations” usually appear.

If you feel that the shoes are a little tight, before putting them on, moisten the inside of the shoes with alcohol or vodka. After that, immediately put on clean cotton socks and shoes, walk around in them for half an hour or an hour.

Another reliable "folk" way to break tight shoes is to scald them from the inside with a small amount of boiling water and put them on right away. This method is well suited for shoes made from natural materials - leather, nubuck, suede, velor. The material will stretch under the influence of hot odes and “sit down” on the leg, taking its shape. And don't worry - clean water won't leave any marks on your shoes!

The old proven method of stretching tight shoes is very effective. Shoes should be stuffed with damp crumpled newspaper and left to dry on their own, not on a radiator or near heating appliances, but at natural room temperature. If you heat shoes stuffed with wet paper, they will dry out, of course, much faster, but at the same time they will become covered with ugly bumps, which are almost impossible to get rid of.

One of the most simple ways stretch tight shoes - treat them from the inside with a special stretching spray that can be bought at a shoe store. It should be noted that this spray is only suitable for shoes made from natural materials.

Finally, main advice- keep a sense of proportion! If your size is 39, do not buy size 37 shoes, even if you really like them! And don't overdo it in trying to stretch new shoes - some overzealous girls stretch their shoes to such an extent that they then simply lose them almost on the go. If you carefully consider the fitting process, you won’t have to stretch anything.

Why rubs shoes? This question always arises when the fact is revealed that the purchased shoes, which correspond to the size of the foot and have been tried on several times in the store, suddenly turned out to be cramped in everyday use.

Criteria for quality shoes

Shoes - important detail the appearance of a person and one of the main foundations for the formation of his image, must meet such criteria as:

It is on these principles that such an important thing is chosen. And what a disappointment sometimes happens when the shoes you put on for the first time rub, which causes great discomfort when walking. In proportion to the appearance of calluses on the legs, the mood deteriorates catastrophically. It is not always possible to return a tight pair of shoes back to the store, buying another one is expensive, and not everyone can afford such unplanned expenses. at home?

The easiest way to spread tight shoes- give it to a shoe workshop, where it is stretched on special equipment. But you can try to take rescue measures yourself, at home. What to do so that the shoes do not rub?

Immediately after purchase

Firstly, you don’t need to go out in new shoes immediately after buying them, otherwise pain, discomfort and blisters will become an unpleasant end to a hard day.

Painful sensations in the legs can be relieved by immediately immersing them in hot water after removing the shoes. If blisters are found, dip your feet in a warm green tea bath for 10 minutes to soothe pain, reduce the likelihood of infection, and kill bacteria.

You need to break in the acquisition gradually: first better at home(preferably a few days), giving the foot time to get used to new shoes or boots. It is recommended to pre-lubricate the legs with a fat cream. Then you can overcome short distances in new shoes: for example, to the nearest store.

If the seam of the shoe rubs, it should be treated with alcohol, lubricated with soap, rubbed with a candle or tapped on it with a hammer, putting a piece of material on top. The skin will lose its rigidity and stop rubbing. The procedure must be repeated several times until the desired result is obtained. What else can I do to keep my shoes from chafing?

old newspaper way

It is possible that the above measures will not have the expected result. In this case, if leather shoes rub, you can try the newspaper method, which was widely used in Soviet times. It was necessary to take a large number of newspapers, soak them in water, tear them into small pieces, with which to push tight shoes “to the eyeballs”. After these manipulations, the shoes should be left to dry for about a day. Moreover, drying should be done in a natural way, without placing the shoes next to the battery or other warming devices. In most cases, the result met expectations. Maybe, newspaper way not everyone will like it. The problem remains: rubs shoes. What to do? What other measures can be taken?

Wet towel handling

An affordable way to solve this issue is to use vinegar. It requires moistening a small towel, which is placed in tight shoes and left overnight. After drying, the shoes should fully take the shape of the foot and no longer cause discomfort. You can wrap a box of new shoes with a wet towel, and leave it for several hours. This will create a moist environment that will make the skin supple and soft. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated more than once. After such actions, the shoes will break in much easier.

Stretch shoes with alcohol

How to break in new shoes at home? Tight shoes from the inside can be rubbed with vodka, alcohol or beer, then put them on your feet and walk around the house for a while. Alternatively, the inside of the shoes can be sprinkled with boiling water. You should be aware that alcohol is not suitable for tissue and suede shoes he can ruin her appearance. In this case, it is better to choose a different way of wearing.

Or put in the freezer

Rubbing shoes - what to do?

You can take advantage of the cold: you need to put plastic bags in tight shoes, fill them with water and tie them tightly. Then place the shoes in the freezer. As the water freezes, it expands and stretches the shoes.

Sprays to help

What to do so that the shoes do not rub? You can use store-bought products, in particular special sprays, the action of which is aimed at stretching tight shoes. Sprinkle the rubbing areas with an aerosol, then immediately put on a new thing and walk around in it for several minutes (preferably in woolen socks). You may have to repeat this action several times, but in the end the result will please you: the legs will become comfortable in the update. For more quick effect before applying the spray, it is recommended to warm up the shoes from the inside with a hot hairdryer.

In order not to buy a special product, you can use the usual deodorant available at home, which is applied on the sides of the foot, as well as on the back surface from the heel to the ankle. Working as a protective lubricant, it will protect the foot from friction.

You can fill the toe of your shoes with a little lambswool, a breathable, airy material that, unlike a napkin, will not roll into a ball. Or you can use cotton swabs.

Also, to double the protective effect, you can purchase an anti-chafing foot balm at the pharmacy, with which to lubricate the legs in places where blisters and corns form.

Often, rubbing of the skin on the legs and the formation of calluses occurs due to the constant displacement of the foot from side to side. To avoid this, you can use tightly fixed and not moving gel or silicone insoles.

Still rubbing shoes. What to do?

You can reduce pain in the instep (which is important for high-heeled shoes) if you purchase foot instep pads that are glued to the front of the shoes (sandals, boots) where the foot fits the shoe.

So that new shoes do not rub, you can use soft strips sold in stores that need to be glued on the inside.

As an analogue, in places of rubbing, you can stick an adhesive plaster. There are also small silicone pads (heel pads) on sale that are attached to the heel counter in places of friction and do not allow the formation of corns. You can stretch shoes to the required size and comfortable shape with special blocks that are present in the assortment of shoe stores.

A few shoe tricks

  • If for some reason the shoelaces are left without tips, it is recommended to smear their ends with nail polish. The latter will harden, and the laces will easily enter the holes.
  • If light-colored shoes have lost their appearance, they can be easily repainted black: rub with a raw potato, then smear with black cream and clean to a shine.
  • Spots that appear on colored shoes can be removed by rubbing them with lemon peel.
  • If new shoes stain stockings, it is recommended to sprinkle the inner surface with talcum powder.

How to keep your shoes attractive and well-groomed

In order for shoes to be worn for a long time, always look well-groomed and attractive, you need to keep them in a dry, warm place and often rub with cream. It is worth remembering: the better the shoes, the less problems with it after purchase.

Be sure to make several fittings before buying. It is better to do this in the afternoon, when the leg has larger size than in the morning. You should always carefully look after your own legs, and then new shoes will not bring discomfort, but sheer pleasure.

From this article you will learn:

What a joy it is to buy a new pair of shoes! We imagine how great these shoes will look with your favorite dress, how strict will play in a new way. pantsuit! And even though the desired shoes are half a size smaller, we buy them. But how could it be otherwise, if this is the last pair of the model you like, and even at a discount! This is where the problems begin. It turns out that shoes that seemed so comfortable in the fitting room of the store suddenly cause a lot of inconvenience: clenched fingers, heels rubbed into the blood, unbearable pain in the legs, terribly hard soles, straps cut into the skin. Familiar situation? What to do if new shoes are tight? Let's try to figure it out together.

What to do at home if shoes are tight

There are many ways available to help you stretch tight, tight new shoes while still maintaining the look and feel of the material. We will tell you what to do at home if the shoes are tight, and how to deal with the problem using the means available in everyday life.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing liquids

Shoes are very tight in the fingers, what should I do? Any alcohol-containing liquid that is in the house will come to your aid:

  • Take 50 ml of alcohol, vodka, cologne and pour half inside the shoe.
  • Soak thick socks or stockings in the rest of the liquid, put them on, then shoes and walk around the house for a couple of hours. This is usually enough for the shoes to take the shape of your foot and stretch.

Do not take thick socks if you do not want your dress shoes to turn into galoshes after the procedure. Medium-density fabric socks are good.

Socks and warm air

Want to know what to do if your new shoes are too tight? Use a hair dryer! Yes Yes! This method involves the use of thick woolen socks. For stretching, you will also need a hair dryer.

  • Put on your socks and try to pull the right pair of shoes on your feet.
  • With a hot jet from a hair dryer, warm up, but not more than 1-2 minutes, the most problematic places in which the shoes press the most.
  • Wait for the shoes to cool completely without removing them.
  • Repeat the procedure several times until you feel that the shoes are sufficiently stretched.

Use a special leather conditioner to moisturize your shoes after heat treatment. This method is suitable when you do not know what to do if seemingly comfortable shoes are tight in the little finger. In this case, treat the little finger area with a stream of warm air.

old newspapers

This method is suitable for shoes from faux leather. With such products, one must be especially careful, since cracks may appear on the material with strong stretching. So:

  • Tear old newspapers into small pieces.
  • Fill them with water and let them soak well.
  • Stuff shoes tightly with swollen paper pulp.
  • Leave to dry naturally for a few days.

If your shoes feel tight in your toes, try the following with ice:

  • Put whole plastic bags inside your shoes.
  • Fill them halfway with water and tie off.
  • Place the shoes in the freezer for a day.

Gradually turning into ice, the water will stretch the shoes. This method is suitable for products made from natural materials.

wet towel

Stretching leather shoes can be done in a simple way. You need to moisten a towel with hot water and wrap your shoes with it. Leave until completely dry. Then put on shoes and walk around the house for 20-30 minutes. This method is the answer to the question of what to do if the shoes are a little tight.


The essence of the procedure is identical to the method with newspapers. Any cereal or grain will do, as well as oatmeal. When the ingredients swell, the shoes stretch. Proceed in the following order:

  • Fill shoes with grain/groats. It is better to use a nylon sock and pour cereal into it.
  • Pour in water.
  • Leave for at least 10 hours, then remove the mass and carefully wipe the surface inside the shoes with a dry cloth.
  • Put on shoes and walk around the apartment until they are completely dry.


To stretch shoes and boots made of artificial material, you can use raw potatoes. The method is very simple:

  • Take a few large potatoes.
  • Place peeled tubers in shoes. Make sure they fit closely together.
  • Leave for 10 hours (approximately overnight), take out the potatoes and wipe the inside of the shoes with a damp cloth to avoid starch stains when dry.

What to do if suede shoes are tight? Use the potato method, this is a great option for shoes made of soft materials.

If self-stretching does not work, you are afraid to spoil the delicate material of the product, or you need to perform a significant stretching of a size or more, contact the professionals. This will be the most hassle-free solution, and its execution in the workshop will take no more than 1-2 days.

How to stretch shoes from a particular material


Genuine leather products are the most pliable to stretching, as a rule, they quickly and easily take the shape of the foot. But at the same time, the skin tends to dry out after a long break, while the products become harder. We will tell you what to do if leather shoes are tight:

  • Use vegetable oil or vaseline. Moisten a cotton pad with them and wipe the leather product from all sides. Carefully treat those places where the shoes are especially tight. What to do if the shoes are too tight in the heel? Lubricate only this area of ​​the shoe. If compression is felt locally in one place, apply oil products there, do not treat the entire surface of the shoe.
  • You can treat the shoes with a 3% vinegar solution. To get rid of the pungent odor, after the shoes are completely dry, leave them in an open place for airing.
  • Remember the method described above with cereals / grains. It is more convenient to carry out such a procedure at night, and in the morning, getting rid of the swollen mixture, all that remains is to wipe the stretched shoes from the inside.

Suede leather

Suede shoes require more delicate handling, try to be especially careful. So what to do if suede shoes are tight? The dressing of the material of suede shoes or boots is softer, the models quickly take the necessary shape of the feet, so a natural way of stretching is suitable - just put on suede shoes with thick socks and walk around the house for a couple of hours. Usually, two or three such “outputs” are enough.

You can speed up the process and stretch out a pair of suede shoes in one evening. For this, an unusual way using beer is suitable. Moisten your shoes with a foamy drink from the inside, walk in them for a couple of hours, take them off and leave them in the air for another hour so that the smell of beer disappears.

Fabric and artificial materials

For models from artificial materials All of the above technologies apply. Only water can cope with the stretching of fabric shoes.

Can be applied cold water or douse a pair of shoes from the inside with boiling water. Then put on thick socks and wear them in as you walk around the house. It will take several hours, and sometimes more than one such procedure.

Patent shoes

The best way to stretch patent leather is to use vodka. Why moisten thick socks with it, but do not wring them out. Put on shoes and walk in them for several hours until the socks are dry.

What to do if new shoes with heels are tight? Start breaking in your shoes ahead of time at home, just put them on more often and wear them for two to three hours a day. Take your shoes to the office, walk around in them indoors, and if you feel tired, you can easily change them to your usual pair of shoes.

What to do if the shoes fit well in width, but are too tight in the toe? Stretching methods used do not help. Know that with improvised methods without the help of specialists, you can stretch shoes by half a size. If this is not your option, then it is better to give up the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstretching the shoes you like on your own.

Professional Shoe Stretching Tools

Professional tools and tools for stretching shoes can be purchased at shoe stores or departments household goods in supermarkets. Major manufacturers of mechanical and chemical shoe stretching products - Salamander, Salton, Kiwi - have proven themselves well on the market. Take advantage of their products.

  • Mechanical stretching pads are usually made of wood and equipped with screws that can be adjusted to the desired size. mechanical way very effective, but at the same time it does not spoil the shoes at all, even if they are made of thin leather.

    Shoemakers, when asked what to do if the shoes are tight on the sides, will first of all recommend using blocks with special nozzles that can easily imitate the individual bulges of your foot. Lasts are also suitable if you do not know what to do if the shoes are tight in the instep.

  • Chemical preparations are represented by a variety of sprays and foams. It is enough to treat them with the inner surface or the necessary area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoe, put it on and walk around the house for an hour and a half. Your new pair of shoes will take shape.

Still, try to choose shoes according to size. Not only the comfort of the feet when wearing your favorite model depends on this, but also the service life of the shoes.

How to choose the right shoe size so that the shoes do not sting later

Shoes that are not chosen in size not only cause inconvenience to their owner. If the shoes or boots are small, then a long stay of the foot in a compressed state disrupts the proper circulation of blood in the legs, leads to a curvature of the bones, provokes hallux valgus deformity of the big toe - that very painful bone.

A pair of shoes is no less dangerous when it is large. This is usually the fault of men who choose shoes one size or even two more, as they seem wider to them. It is worth considering that shoes that are longer than your foot violate the smoothness of the rolling movement, the fingers cannot control the free space in the toe, and therefore, when walking, the foot hits the sole too hard. This stress on the joints eventually leads to muscle spasms and foot cramps. This is exactly the case when the hackneyed expression "leg cramped" comes to mind.

What to do if new shoes are tight and rubbing? So, the first requirement when buying shoes is choosing the right size.

Keep in mind that some people's feet can vary in length, so go for the one that is longer. Choose shoe manufacturers that use half sizes, if this is not possible, then purchase a larger size, and correct any inconvenience with half-insoles or gel pads.

We told you what to do if the shoes are too tight. But it happens that the shoes fit you in general, the size is yours, but it still feels a little tight somewhere. There is a natural desire to take a pair of a size larger. Under no circumstances should this be done. Do not complicate life and better choose another model.

The fact is that when buying, many lose sight of such an equally important parameter as the fullness of the foot, mistakenly associating it with the width of the boot. This is somewhat incorrect. The fullness of the shoe characterizes the girth of the foot in its widest part, usually near the toe, in the area of ​​the protruding bones near the thumb and little finger.

Again, do not forget that human feet are not symmetrical, so you need to measure both of them and choose a larger result. Take measurements better evening, during the day the foot swells and increases in width.

For a perfect shoe fit, the instep of the foot must also be taken into account. It is usually divided into normal, low and high. The rise is determined visually when examining the middle upper part of the foot from the ankle to the toes.

Correctly choose the completeness of the purchased shoes, use the advice of sales consultants who will help you understand the digital and alphabetic designations of this parameter. Keep in mind that the Russian, European and American metric systems for determining the completeness differ. In Russia, numbers from 1 to 12 are used with an interval of 4 mm. A similar marking method is used by European manufacturers, but the designation varies from 1 to 8 in 5 mm increments. In English-speaking countries (USA and UK), it is customary to denote completeness with letters from A to F.

How comfortable the shoes will sit on your foot depends on the correctly chosen fullness. If the fullness is too small, the shoes will compress the foot, cause discomfort and specific pain. At the same time, the model pair very soon turns into trampled, ugly shoes that have lost their original appearance.

Your fingers will be in constant tension in shoes that are too wide, and constant friction will lead to calluses and corns.

To choose the right shoes, use the unspoken rules:

  • The physiological characteristics of a person are such that during the day our feet tend to swell a little, so get shoes around the time of the day when you plan to wear them in the future. Shoes for everyday wear are best bought in the afternoon, shoes for evening outing - after 18 hours.
  • Don't make hasty decisions. In the store, after trying on shoes, get up from the ottoman, walk around the salon for about 10 minutes, rise on your toes, evaluate the convenience of the chosen model even before buying.
  • Ask a sales consultant to help you choose suitable couple. The specialist knows the assortment of the store, knows how to professionally determine the size, can give advice and talk about the shoe trends of the season.

Pay attention to the material from which the shoes are made. Preference, of course, is best given to natural raw materials of the top and lining. In the process of wearing, such models easily take the shape of the foot. In addition to the fact that you will be comfortable, the shoes will retain their aesthetic appearance longer. Natural materials are hygienic, due to good breathability, the feet do not sweat, there is no unpleasant smell, and the risk of fungal infections is reduced.

Important property comfortable shoes– Proper arch support. For comfortable long hours of walking in the shoes you like, use special insoles, do not abuse the wearing of sports models and flat shoes.

Women should not refuse shoes with heels. It is the heel that makes female image more attractive and sexier. Orthopedists advise to wear comfortable shoes on a daily basis with a steady small heel no higher than 3-4 cm. A huge selection of shoe models on offer will allow you to remain feminine during the day, and leave high stilettos for evening or special occasions.

Use our recommendations for choosing shoes. We talked about the most effective ways to stretch shoes, now you know what to do if the shoes are too tight. Try to stretch them yourself at home or seek the help of specialists. Take care of the condition of your shoes, and they will serve you for more than one season.

Where to buy quality shoes

If you are interested in new men's and women's shoes from Italy, visit our Vivendi store. Here you will find models of the best Italian designers. The presented range will allow you to get acquainted with the latest trends in both women's and men's shoe fashion.

Our advantages:

  • DELIVERY IS FREE! Delivery to any region of Russia is free, subject to purchases worth more than 20,000 rubles.
  • PRICES BELOW THE MARKET AVERAGE. Thanks to direct deliveries from manufacturers, we offer shoes with a minimum margin. In addition, the store regularly holds sales and discounts.
  • QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE. We carry out the delivery of shoes from Italy on our own, and therefore we are 100% sure of its quality.
  • CHAIN ​​STORE IN MOSCOW. If you need to evaluate the look and quality of shoes with your own eyes, visit one of our stores.
  • CONVENIENCE OF PAYMENT. Cash and non-cash payments, bank cards and electronic currency - you choose the most convenient payment method. A reliable user data protection system makes the purchase safe.
  • SHIPPING MULTIPLE SIZES FOR TRYING ON. Order with delivery several options of sizes, models at once and choose the most convenient one.

The problem with new shoes in most cases is that they are a bit tight. Stretching such a pair will not be difficult. The same procedure may be required if the shoes become stiff after cleaning.

When to Stretch Your Shoes

There are many ways that tell you how quickly you can increase the size of shoes. It is worth remembering that shoes can be carried only in width, but not in length. This option can be provided in the workshop, but even then only in relation to certain materials.

Synthetic materials are quite poorly stretched due to their composition. Some materials do not react in any way to hot air. Natural compounds are more susceptible to such effects. If the material of the boots is made of dense and thick enough leather, then you don’t have to worry about the fact that the product will be damaged.

With expensive products made of thin leather and suede, you need to be more careful, because in this case, as a result of mechanical stress, the material can be damaged. You can stretch the material if the product rubs your legs, and also if there is some discomfort when wearing.

At the same time, you should not take on such an event if the shoes are simply small. Stretch it will not work to the size that is required. In this case, the skin can simply lose the fats that are in it. Because of this, the material will become drier and more brittle. Therefore, after stretching, it is required to treat the product with a cream.

Genuine leather and suede

Natural materials, such as leather and suede, are quite soft and elastic, and therefore you can stretch shoes from them even to a size at home. Moreover, tools such as boiling water and a hair dryer work much better than others, since exposure to heat makes the material more pliable.

Medical alcohol

In addition to alcohol, you can use a triple cologne. To apply the method, it is required to treat the inner surface of the product with the selected agent and carry a couple of hours after that. You must first test the solution on an inconspicuous area.

Boiling water

This tool needs to be applied quickly enough. In order for it to work, a few seconds are enough, and therefore it will be necessary to carry out the event quite quickly. Pour boiling water into the steam and immediately pour it out. Then wait a while to let them cool down a bit. After that, you need to start breaking in your shoes, not forgetting to first protect the skin of your feet with tight socks.


It is required to insert bags with cereals into shoes and pour water over the cereal. After that, it is necessary to wait about 8 hours until the grits swell and act on the material.


This tool is no less effective than boiling water. It is required to soften the leather on the shoes with hot water. This can be done as follows: fill plastic bags with hot water up to a quarter, and then put it in the freezer. After complete solidification, you can take out the shoes, wait until the ice begins to melt, and only then pull out the bags.

Moisturizing with a towel

It is required to moisten a towel in boiling water and wrap a pair of shoes with it. In this state, you need to leave shoes for up to 5 hours, regularly moistening the material.

cowboy method

This method says that you will need to put plastic bags in boots and pour bran inside, and then pour water. After some time, the mixture will swell, due to the pressure, the size of the pair will increase.

farm way

This method is similar to some of the previous ones: you need to change cereals and bran for oats and other types of grains that are available on any farm, and then also add water. The grain will begin to swell, making it easy to increase the size of the product.

Patent shoes

This procedure over patent leather shoes should be done as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the top coating. Stretching this material is possible only if the bottom layer is made of thin natural or artificial leather.

After making sure that this is actually the case, you can proceed to the operation to increase the size of the pair. This will require the use of an alcohol solution. The main active ingredient must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. This event is not a pleasant one, and therefore you should be sure that shoes cannot be expanded in other ways.

  • It is required to moisten the socks in the resulting solution, put them on and start wearing in a pair for an hour or two, depending on how quickly the socks dry. After that, you need to take care of your legs, since alcohol dries the skin quite strongly.
  • You can also use another method. It will require either special pads, or again your legs. It is necessary to lubricate the inner surface of the shoes with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly, and then put on the shoes, having previously protected the legs with tight socks. Particular attention during processing is required to be given to the most rigid and hard areas that need to be stretched more than others.

Rubber Shoes

Rubber shoes can be made from different materials. Classic - durable rubber that cannot be stretched. The situation is much better when it comes to shoes made of PVC. This material is easily deformable, and therefore it will be quite simple to increase the size of such a pair.

First you need to check what boots or boots are made of. This will require not so many materials: a lighter or a match, a needle, an awl or a knife. A metal object must be held over the fire until it heats up. Then you can try to melt the shoes. It is required to do this in an inconspicuous area, so that later there are no traces of such vandalism.

In this case, do not pierce the shoes through. If the operation was successful, then you can start the stretching procedure. You can stretch tight shoes by using boiling water. It is required to pour water into the boots and wait up to five minutes. This time will make the shoes noticeably softer, making it possible to stretch them.

It is required to put on thick socks made of wool or mohair in advance to protect the feet. Then you need to pour boiling water and carefully wipe the boots from the inside with a towel. This is required in order not to wet your feet. Subsequently, it is worth some time to trample and walk in this pair to adjust the size. Then you need to put the shoes in cold water and leave them there for a while. At the same time, you should not wear this pair for the next couple of days, so that the material hardens as best as possible.

Nubuck shoes

Nubuck shoes are quite finicky in terms of the means that can be used in order to stretch them qualitatively at home. First of all, no greasy creams and petroleum jelly can be used for this material, since in this case it will leave stains and stains that cannot be removed.

It is also worth making sure that the pair is made of natural material, and not artificial. First of all, you will need to wear the product on your own daily for some time. In most cases this should help. But if the miracle did not happen, then it is worth resorting to other tricks.

In a shoe store, you need to purchase a special foam that is designed to stretch narrow shoes. At the same time, it is worth making sure that it is suitable for this material. The use is extremely simple: you need to distribute the product on the inner surface of the product, put on thick socks and walk around the house in a pair for several hours.

Children's shoes should be given to the workshop, where the craftsmen will do everything better with the help of wooden blocks that they have available. They can also offer another level of service: stretching in length, which is quite difficult to do at home.

Faux leather

Faux leather is a fairly complex material that should be worn in a certain way. Leatherette stretches rather weakly, and then cracks begin to appear on it, and therefore shoes made from it are quite cheap.

Boiling water

Pressing shoes spoil the mood, and to soften the artificial leather, you need to use ordinary boiling water. It is worth taking boiling water into a container and putting shoes there, and then stretching with the help of blocks or your own legs. But the method must be used with caution, since not every couple can withstand such violence.

hair dryer

A hair dryer is in most cases used if you want to stretch a certain area of ​​​​the shoe. You can try to heat the steam completely, but in this case the success of the event is less likely, since certain areas have time to cool down, while others remain hot.

Therefore, it is required to distribute heat on the pressing areas, then put on shoes on tight socks and wear them until the shoes cool completely.

Cereal products

Depending on the height of the shoe, it will be possible to talk about the amount of costs for the implementation of the method. It is required to insert plastic bags into a couple, fill them with cereals and pour water. It will take about noon to stretch, because during this time the croup will swell and increase certain areas.


This method can also be used to expand shoes. However, do not be too zealous in its execution, since in this case you can deform the shoes, and not stretch. It is worth putting wet, crumpled sheets of paper inside the pair and letting them dry.

Cream or Vaseline

You can stretch shoes using these tools. However, the method of application is somewhat different from that which was produced in relation to the lacquered product. After careful processing, it is required to wait for the component to be absorbed into the material. This takes up to 3 hours, so be patient. After a long wait, you should break in your shoes for half an hour.


Tight textile shoes can be broken in at home. You will only need to stretch them if they are only a little tight, because in other situations there is nothing you can do with them.

Since this material is still artificial, it is quite difficult to do something significant with it. Usually sneakers and sneakers are made from textiles. The easiest way is to just spread them in the usual way. If this does not help, you need to help in more serious ways.

Such shoes are quite easy to deform, and therefore you should monitor the uniform stretching of the product. It is recommended to use newspapers for this. More precisely, it is worth soaking the product in water and stuffing it tightly with newspaper. At the same time, it is worth worrying about the paint not being imprinted on the inner lining. Also, another disadvantage of the method is that the product can stick out, and therefore it will be necessary to glue it in the future.

General methods

There are ways that may be suitable for various kinds products and therefore require special attention.

Water bags

If the shoes are tight, the easiest way is to stretch them in this way. To do this, you need to insert bags with the required amount of water inside the product and put it in the freezer so that the bag does not change shape. Leave until frozen, and then defrost and pull out the bags with the newly melted water.


This method is the most gentle, inexpensive, and also time-saving, since you only need to fill the previously moistened shoes with newspapers, evenly distributing them over the inside of the product so as not to deform it where it is not required.

Soap and paraffin

Paraffin can be rubbed on tough areas, left for several hours, and then removed. You can take a string laundry soap, add water to form a paste, which you want to place on problem areas, and wash off after a few hours.

Fat cream

This tool will help soften the shoes so that they do not rub. To do this, it is recommended to carefully lubricate the inside of the product, and then carry it for a while to increase the size of the shoe.


Steam has a gentle effect, and therefore with its help it is easy to stretch the shoes. To do this, you can use a steam generator, an iron or a pot of boiling water. It is required to slightly moisten the shoes and walk around in it at home.

Special funds

The market presents a large number of means with which you can easily break shoes in such a way that they will no longer reap. At the same time, they will sit exactly on the leg, because after processing with the chosen agent, you will have to wear them in on your own, adjusting them to size and shape.

Stretching individual pieces

It often happens that it rubs only a certain place. For example, if the shoes are the size in length, but narrower than required. In this case, it is required to stretch certain places so that the pair does not rub.

Narrow and stiff heel

It is recommended to soften the back with soap or a candle. Also, for this purpose, you can gently and easily tap the heel with a hammer. It is recommended that before using other methods, try to stretch the product by walking in shoes on woolen or any other dense sock. If it doesn’t help, then it’s worth stuffing the product in this place with the help of balls from socks or paper after such wearing and leave it overnight.

Narrow toe

Breaking in shoes that pinch your toes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Leather and suede shoes can be put in the freezer with water bags in the toe area. It is better to moisten lacquered and leatherette with alcohol, soap or paraffin in the area of ​​​​the toe, and then wear it in for a while. You can use a hair dryer to heat the toe of the product and wear shoes until they cool.

Stretch the shaft

The shaft is most easily stretched using the cowboy or farm method. Also, an assistant will be a freezer, in which you can put boots with a bag of water in the bootleg. If the material allows it, then it is better to use boiling water and carry a couple on your own legs.

Depending on the material and type of footwear, different methods are required. How long can shoes be stretched? Slightly. When natural compounds, it is possible to add up to one full size. In the best way, such a stretch will be done in the workshop.

There are several ways to answer the question of how to break tight shoes. But before proceeding with actions, it must be remembered that only Genuine Leather. Other materials are extremely difficult to stretch without violating their integrity. It is pointless to stretch shoes that are small in length.

There are several reasons why we buy shoes that are smaller than necessary. Knowing them, you can avoid mistakes and choose the most comfortable pair for your feet.

  • If your legs are noticeably swollen, then it is better to make a purchase in the afternoon. Then you choose a slightly larger size, and you will not be tormented by the question of how to break in shoes that are too tight.
  • Take your time to buy a very nice and cheap pair, because in a hurry you may not notice that it is a little small for you. Try on, walk around the store a little, making sure that neither the left nor the right shoe is squeezing your feet.
  • For those who changed their minds when they came home and wanted to return their shoes, there is always such an opportunity. Therefore, keep the receipt and get acquainted with the rights of the consumer.

For stretching the skin there are folk remedies and funds produced by specialized companies.

Sprays, creams and pads

Some shoe stores sell special spray foam and cream. The funds are applied to areas of the shoe that are especially pressing. On delicate suede shoes, the foam is applied only from the inside, and on smooth skin inside and out for greater effect. It softens the material, making it easy to stretch.

After that, you should put on socks, put on shoes and walk around in tight shoes until the foam dries. If necessary, this stretching procedure is repeated for several days in a row.

For those who want to break in new shoes quickly, you can suggest using a last, such as in shoe shops. After treating the skin with the same spray, and applying the block at night, you can test the result in the morning.

Alcohol solution or vinegar

A well-known recipe for breaking shoes is the use of vodka or an alcohol solution. Immediately, we note that suede shoes cannot be stretched in this way. Vodka moistens the inner surface, put on shoes and walk in them until the skin dries. Since the alcohol evaporates quickly, you won't have to wait long. Then repeat the process until the shoes take the desired shape.

For those who know how to break tight shoes with vodka, we offer another method that uses vinegar. They take 3% vinegar, moisten the inside of the sock with it and stretch the new pair by wearing it. This allows you to slightly expand the lower part, give more freedom to the fingers.

Water use

When there are none at hand special means you can use plain water. To do this, wet cotton non-shedding socks, put them on and put on shoes. You should walk like this until the socks are dry.

This method also applies to suede shoes. Although it stretches very well, it happens that the first days of the shoe are very tight. You can quickly break in a new suede pair by resorting to the above method. Just be careful with suede and do not let water get on its surface, otherwise the shoes will lose their appearance.

If the model requires especially careful handling, then you can moisten it by wrapping the shoe box with a wet rag and leaving it like that for several hours. This is the most gentle method of exposure to moisture. Then the moistened shoes or sandals are worn in the usual way.

Sometimes in order to make it more convenient leather shoes, pour boiling water inside for a few seconds. But this method should be applied to shoes or boots with great care, as they can simply stick out.

The original way is to use water that is frozen. It is known that water expands when frozen. If you place a tightly closed bag of water inside a sneaker or shoe and then send it all to the freezer, the ice will expand the leather shoes.

How to soften skin

Many are interested in whether it will be possible to carry leather shoes after long-term storage. You have probably noticed that if the shoes are not worn for a long time, they become a little tight and seem to narrow. The material dries and hardens, and at the same time there is discomfort when worn, calluses appear on the feet.

In this case, you can soften with Vaseline or vegetable oil. The same products are suitable for artificial leather. Just remember to thoroughly dry your boots afterwards. In addition to softening, natural vegetable oil helps to get rid of sole skip. Just put some oil on a clean, dry sole and rub it in.

Best to apply Castor oil, because it does not leave a smell, it is quickly absorbed and gives the skin elasticity.


An old and proven way to expand shoes is newspapers. With its help, even things made of artificial materials, as well as fabric, are increased in fullness.

First, the shoes are held over the steam for several minutes so that they are slightly moistened and warmed up. Newspapers are soaked in water, squeezed out, and I begin to put them inside the shoes. It should be laid very tightly and carefully, repeating the shape of the shoe, otherwise your shoes will become crooked after drying. Stuff the newspapers as tightly as possible so that they slightly widen the rise, as if increasing the volume.

After that, you need to leave the shoes to dry naturally at room temperature. You can not put it on a heater, battery or leave it in the bright sun. The drying process should be even and gradual.

When the newspapers are completely dry, they are taken out and given some increase in size. Instead of newspapers, you can use any paper or old socks.

You can find other ways to increase the size of beautiful, but not very comfortable shoes. Some use beer, others use paraffin or oatmeal that swells when wet, even peeled potatoes to slightly stretch the skin. But still, it is better to buy boots, sneakers and shoes of the right size and not suffer.