How to behave during childbirth, a woman in labor is useful. How to behave during childbirth and contractions so that you can give birth easily and without breaks. Behavior before birth

Every expectant mother should know how to behave during childbirth, attempts and contractions. It is necessary for her own health, too, correct behavior directly affects the pain of childbirth. And, no less important, any mistake can cost the baby's health, because passing through the birth canal is a huge stress and stress for a small, vulnerable organism.

In this article, we will look at the most common mistakes young mothers make and give tips on how to avoid them. Let's touch on the topic of ruptures - damage to the tissues of the perineum. Contrary to popular belief, most of it is not at all due to a mismatch in the size of the fetal head and the vagina, and due to the incorrect behavior of the woman in labor.

Correct posture for childbirth

The posture adopted by the woman in labor plays an important role during childbirth. There is a consensus among obstetricians different countries no. In some places there are traditions when a woman gives birth on her side, but in most states, including ours, childbirth takes place in a reclining position.

The main thing here is that you can neither sit nor lie on your back. First, the passage of the child through the birth canal is difficult. Secondly, there is a risk of compression of large vessels in the back and lower back - the aorta, the lower vein. This can lead to oxygen starvation and asphyxia.

Proper breathing

How to behave during childbirth and contractions, when particularly painful sensations occur, women in labor should know in advance. If she attended courses for expectant mothers, then from them she probably learned the importance of proper breathing so as not to tear. Their own, special techniques exist for each stage of childbirth - initial and attempts.

A woman in labor with her burden is not left alone. An obstetrician will help her with advice, he will also explain about breathing at certain stages of childbirth. In general, it is enough to master three basic techniques:

  • breath count- practiced with early, not too painful contractions; during the fight, a breath is taken (4 counts), after a few seconds, a slow exhalation (six counts);
  • doggy style breathing- indispensable for acute, painful contractions; counting in the mind is not kept, inhalations and exhalations at a fast pace, observing the rhythm;
  • intense breathing- practiced during attempts, when the child is expelled from the uterus; at the beginning of the next attempt (its duration is about a minute), a deep breath is taken, then, directing the effort into the lower abdomen, the woman exhales with force, as if trying to put out the candle.

The importance of proper breathing during contractions and attempts cannot be overestimated. It makes childbirth less painful, accelerates the process of expulsion of the child, saturates the mother's body with oxygen.

Correctly pushing

The obstetrician also helps the woman in labor to correctly perform the exorcising efforts, so we must follow his instructions.

  • We push not in the head, but in the lower abdomen. It will be more difficult to determine the point at which you need to make efforts without the correct posture.
  • We make maximum efforts during the peak of the attempt - for one attempt (about a minute), you need to have time to make 2-3 expelling efforts. It is during this period that both the woman in labor and the child act synchronously.
  • You can not push until the cervix is ​​fully dilated - strong contractions, a feeling that the birth canal is ready for childbirth and the pressure of the baby's head create a desire to push. However, premature efforts lead to perineal lacerations and fetal injury.

To learn in advance how to behave during childbirth, attempts and contractions is the key to an easy delivery. The main thing is not to rush and obey the recommendations of the obstetrician.

Greetings my dears! Inessa is in touch with you again. Today we will talk with you on a topic that many women are even afraid to think about: Childbirth, how to behave correctly. If you have already been lucky enough to experience all the delights of childbirth, then you understand what it is about, and if you just have to pass this test, then I wish you good luck and patience. Let's start with the fact that childbirth is usually divided into 3 stages, which have their own time frame. Next, we will consider each of these stages separately, and I will give you recommendations on how to behave in each of them.

If you're not giving birth on the other side of the screen, then let's go!

Stage 1 of childbirth: how to behave?

How long does labor last and how does it start? This question will not leave indifferent any primiparous girl. After all, the unknown scares us the most, that's how we are arranged.

Usually a woman learns about the onset of labor with a decrease in the interval between them, and also if she has . As a rule, a reliable harbinger of an early birth is the situation when the cork has come off, outwardly similar to a clot of mucus streaked with blood.

The first stage of childbirth, or as it is also called preparatory, is the most unbearably long and painful, which is divided into 3 phases:

  • latent or latent phase - neck 3.5 cm;
  • active phase - up to 8 cm;
  • descent phase - full disclosure.

During this period, not only the cervix opens, but the birth canal for the baby is softened and smoothed out. For all women, this stage takes a different amount of time, although doctors have adopted an average duration of 8-12 hours, and with subsequent births 6-8 hours. What can not be said about the rapid and rapid childbirth, when the whole process lasts from 2 to 4 hours.

What do we have to do

If you understand that this is the beginning of childbirth, and not another uterus training, then you need to perform certain actions:

  1. Your first and wisest decision will be lie down for a little rest. Why do you need rest? The fact is that further you will need a huge supply of energy, and by the end of the first period and the beginning of the attempts, you will simply be exhausted.

  1. When it is no longer possible to rest, and the contractions become more intense, then you need to more upright. You can stand, walk, sit in a special chair with a hole or on the toilet. All this will help the neck to soften and open under the pressure of the baby's weight.
  2. Are contractions already quite painful? Hooray! We are coming to the end of the first stage. In the meantime, concentrate and relax, take each contraction with open arms, don't panic and don't be afraid, so you will not delay the birth process.

If you think about it, what are you afraid of? If childbirth has begun, then they have only one way out - to end! And fear will only slow down the process. You don't want to suffer any more time, do you? Then free yourself from the chains of fear and take all these torments for granted because very soon you will meet a new little man who will enter this life thanks to your patience and efforts.

  1. Go to the toilet in a small way need as much as possible more often, which will facilitate the work of both the uterus and your baby, even if every 5 minutes.
  2. Good for helping you relax breathing exercises. Are you able to do it? If not, then I will teach you.

Latent phase

In the latent phase, you need to apply the tactics of economical breathing. How to do it? Lie flat on your back and place your hands on your stomach. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and then slowly exhale into the tube. Did your arms go up first and then down? If yes, then you are a big smart one - the technique is done correctly! Such breathing helps to tune in to the desired mood and accelerates the opening of the neck.

Then the active phase begins, when even and calm breathing becomes simply impossible. How should one breathe properly in such a situation? Probably everyone has heard of dog-like breathing, during which a woman breathes quickly and quickly through her nose during a fight. At the beginning and end of the fight, you need to take a deep breath and exhale.

As a result of these actions, the process of the birth of a blister will not only speed up a little, but you will also be able to mentally prepare and endure contractions more easily with less loss of energy and strength.

Stage 2 childbirth: how to behave?

With the beginning of the second stage, the forces leave the body at an incredible speed, and when it begins to seem that there are no more forces, it appears - the whole meaning of your life. The first baby cry, a storm of emotions, happiness, joy and fear, all this now overwhelms the mother, pain and emptiness go nowhere, and the third stage of childbirth, examination, suturing are trifles that already worry a woman a little.

How to behave correctly so that the meeting with the baby takes place as soon as possible and without negative consequences for both mother and baby?

The main assistant during attempts, again, is proper breathing. The most common mistake many women make is pushing in the face. It turns out that in fact the woman is pushing, but wrong. Such attempts are not able to lead to the advancement and release of the child from the birth canal. Therefore, the answer to the question: “How to push properly?” - lies in a special breathing technique:

At the moment of the contraction, take a deep breath, then exhale slowly and direct all the effort to the stomach. To understand that breathing is performed correctly, pay attention to whether you feel tension in your head or face as you exhale? If you do not feel tension, then you are doing everything right.

Of course, the most important thing at this stage is to listen to the doctor and midwife, because who, if not they, knows how and when to push, and when to be patient and wait. So keep your mind clear, don't panic, and listen carefully to instructions!

Stage 3 of childbirth: how to behave?

This period is the easiest and painless compared to the previous two, but no less significant, since the further health of the woman in labor depends on it. Usually, at this stage, a woman reacts quite calmly to all the instructions of doctors, and in general she clearly perceives everything that happens.

Why is this happening, because the pain of childbirth has not yet been forgotten, contractions, albeit less painful, are still present, and tears, tears and cuts hurt, and the whole body aches. But nature, as you know, is a skilled and intelligent creator. Immediately after childbirth, the woman's blood in large numbers the hormone oxytocin is released, which, in addition to numerous functions, is designed to cause a feeling of happiness and joy, the woman is in euphoria, so it does not prevent the doctor from performing further manipulations. Even suturing is perceived quite calmly.

If you are reading this article, then this is already the first step towards a safe and easy childbirth. Next, you need to learn how to breathe correctly and understand your body so as not to lose your composure in stressful and extreme situations. Yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, special courses for expectant mothers will help you with this. Start by focusing on breathing exercises for 10 minutes a day. Also practice directing the attempt not in the face, but in the stomach.

Features of behavior in non-standard situations

There are situations that are quite rare, such as breech birth. Usually in such a situation, the decision is made to conduct caesarean section. However, it may also happen that childbirth will take place naturally. In this case, anesthesia is recommended because:

  • at any time, a decision can be made on the need for a caesarean section;
  • during childbirth in a natural way, they almost always resort to dissection of the perineum;
  • pain from contractions can simply cloud the mind, which is unacceptable, because a woman needs maximum attention and effort.

According to statistics, most often breech presentation occurs during early childbirth, when the baby is not yet large enough and has the ability to “surf the expanses” of the uterus.

Another situation is late delivery when the baby resists leaving his cozy warm house. In this case, often resort to stimulation of childbirth.

What stimulates labor activity:

  • administer intravenous oxytocin or prostaglandin;
  • pierce the fetal bladder to drain the water;
  • a tampon soaked in hormones is inserted into the vagina;
  • use special preparations.

In any case, stimulation is an intervention in the natural process, without which, alas, sometimes it can not do. How long does it take to induce labor? If you have not yet met your baby before 41 weeks, then you will be admitted to the maternity hospital, where you will be under the strict supervision of doctors who will decide your future fate, based on the situation.

How to tune in to stimulate labor?

The most important thing is not to panic and not refuse stimulation, because if the doctors decided on such an appointment, then they had a good reason for this. You can wait until childbirth begins on its own no more than 42 weeks with an ideal course of pregnancy. Otherwise, you simply risk harming your baby and yourself. Therefore, trust the doctor, relax and tune in, all your knowledge and skills will be required from you, because childbirth caused by artificial means is often more painful and difficult.

If you have personal positive experience in how to relieve pain during contractions and how to behave in general during childbirth, then be sure to share in the comments. I will be very grateful to you.

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Any woman is overwhelmed with a lot of emotions. This is the expectation of a joyful meeting, and unpleasant sensations, and the fear of the unknown. Childbirth is a big stress, and whether it will be positive or negative depends on many factors. In any stressful situation, especially in childbirth, it is very important to know the simplest rules of behavior: what actions will help you get out of this situation with minimal losses, and which ones can hurt. We will talk about harmful actions, about “impossible” in childbirth in this article.

Before childbirth

Even if all the waiting periods have already passed, as a rule, childbirth begins suddenly. And here it will be very important to maintain self-control and tune in the right way. With the onset of labor you can’t panic, randomly rush around the apartment, rush. The duration of the first birth, as a rule, is 10-12 hours, the second and subsequent births are faster (6-8 hours), but almost any woman has enough time to get ready, take a shower and get to the hospital. While the contractions are insensitive, it is difficult to distinguish them from the harbingers of childbirth. Unlike true contractions, precursors are irregular: their duration and pauses between them fluctuate, the duration and strength of sensations do not increase with time. True contractions come more than 8 times in two hours, their duration, intensity and frequency increases with time. The pauses between them are shortened. Change in body position, breathing and water procedures relieve the condition, but do not stop contractions. If you have decided that these are still true contractions, start getting ready for the hospital.

It is good if all things are collected in advance, because rushing around the apartment in search of the necessary pleasure in childbirth is not a pleasant one, especially since at the end of pregnancy the sense of balance is disturbed, weakness and dizziness may occur. Careless movement, especially when taking a shower, is fraught with a fall. You can't fall in labor! When falling, placental abruption may occur. In this case, the placenta separates from the uterus prematurely (with normal course placental abruption occurs only after the birth of a child), which leads to significant blood loss to the mother and threatens the life of the fetus.

If you forget any of your personal belongings at home, don't worry, because in all maternity hospitals, if necessary, you will be given hospital slippers, a bathrobe, a towel, and a nightgown. And everything else will be brought to you while you are in labor. Before leaving home, check only the availability required documents(passport, exchange card, insurance policy, childbirth contract, if any). Don't Forget Documents, because in its absence, doctors will not have documentary evidence of the necessary examination, which may serve as a reason for determining you to a special observational department or transfer to a special maternity hospital where women with suspected infectious diseases give birth. Considering that childbirth often begins suddenly, it is better to carry medical documents with you at all times.

In no case you can not get to the hospital by driving a car yourself. And although the first contractions are not painful, it will be difficult to predict their intensity after half an hour. Severe pain, discharge of water, will not contribute to a careful assessment of the traffic situation, and even a minor accident can lead to serious consequences. It is better to contact the ambulance service.

Never stay at home if you experience the following symptoms:
1. If the waters have broken
2. If spotting appears
3. If you are worried about headache, blurred vision, pain in the epigastric region and in the uterus.
4. If the child's movements become very violent or, conversely, they begin to feel bad.
In these cases, it is necessary to get to the hospital as quickly as possible, ideally by ambulance with medical escort. Before the ambulance arrives expectant mother you need to take a horizontal position lying on your side. Also, you should not gather for a long time for women whose previous births were fast or rapid.

Immediately after arrival at the maternity hospital, the filling of medical documents begins, which will be used by doctors during childbirth. Part of the data in these documents will be taken from the exchange card, part will be entered from the words. It is important to accurately answer all questions, in no case nothing to hide, even if it seems to you that they are not related to ongoing events. So, vacuum aspiration transferred 10 years ago can provoke bleeding in childbirth, and transfused into early childhood blood, hemolytic disease The child has. Of course, the doctor should be warned about such risks in advance.

The birth of a child is a great happiness for the whole family, but the birth itself is a serious test for both the body and the psyche of the expectant mother. Feeling the first contractions, most women panic and are lost in front of the inevitable unknown. In this article, we will look at the norms of behavior in the delivery room, as well as each of the stages of the birth process. Coping with your emotions is much easier if you have basic theoretical knowledge.

How to behave in the delivery room?

first contractions, Ambulance, maternity hospital, doctors: everything happens so quickly that most women in labor simply panic from the surrounding fuss. To make labor activity as comfortable and easy as possible, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Gather all the necessary things in advance: change of clothes for yourself and the baby, products, personal hygiene products.
  • Listen to the medical staff: try not to interrupt or shout, no matter how hard and scary it is for you. The main task of a doctor is to help you. Also, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
  • Breathe right- it is necessary to master the breathing technique in advance, by the end of the third trimester, bringing the acquired skills to automatism. This will help you calm down, relieve pain, and relieve pain from contractions.
  • Take a comfortable posture- consult with your doctor, and take the most comfortable position to relieve pain during contractions.
  • Try not to scream- this is very exhausting and takes away the strength that you will need during attempts.
  • Don't be alone. If all the medical staff left the office, and you feel unwell, do not hesitate to press the button and call a doctor to you. Childbirth is the case when it is better to play it safe.
  • Do self-massage and massage- this is will help relieve pain and reduce stress levels. If the birth is partner, the massage should be done by the spouse.
  • Push only on doctor's orders- no matter how strong the desire, amateur performance is unacceptable, as it can harm the baby.

Stages of the birth process:

- stage one: preparation

According to women who have gone through childbirth, contractions cannot be confused with something else. Spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen occurs at regular intervals. Then, these segments are reduced, and the pain becomes stronger. The first stage is a long and very painful preparation of the body for childbirth. In turn, it is divided into 3 phases:

  1. Latent- dilatation of the cervix up to 4 cm.
  2. Active- opening up to 8 cm.
  3. Transient- full disclosure up to 10 cm.

Important! Do not try to rush the natural process of childbearing. This can be fraught with tissue ruptures of the birth canal.

- stage two: attempts and childbirth

You are faced with an important and responsible task - to help the baby be born. Concentrate all your attention on following the commands of the doctors. Push and breathe as instructed by the medical staff. The baby's head will gradually approach the exit and may hide in the birth canal several times - this is absolutely normal, so you should not be scared. After the head comes out to a suitable level, the doctor will help the baby to free himself.

Reference! At the time of the birth of a child, a woman experiences a state of euphoria. It is caused by a powerful release of the hormone oxytocin into the blood.

- stage three: the exit of the placenta

This stage begins with rather weak and few contractions. As a rule, after 1-2 attempts, the placenta comes out of the uterus. It is very important that the uterus is completely cleansed - otherwise, doctors resort to surgery. At the end of the third stage, the mother is briefly left with the baby under observation, and then sent to the ward.

Proper behavior during contractions:

Contractions are a very painful process. It is only natural that you will want to curl up in a ball to wait it out. Of course, this is wrong. But what to do to ease the agony before the long-awaited meeting with the baby?

- keep calm

Obvious advice, which is very difficult to follow in the realities of life. The following tips will help you get in the right mood:

  • Be savvy in the matter. Nowadays, it is not so difficult to find quality literature on childbirth and motherhood. Knowing what awaits you ahead, you will not panic in the face of the unknown and will be able to more clearly coordinate your actions in the maternity ward.
  • Go to the hospital with someone who can support and comfort you. It can be a spouse or any other family member. The main thing is that you feel that you can rely on him.
  • Learn to breathe properly. Breathe differently during and between contractions. It relieves pain, eases labor and calms the nerves. Ask your doctor to teach you the basics of proper breathing and hone this skill at home in preparation for childbirth.

- take a comfortable posture

The following positions will help you get through the contractions phase:

  • Standing firm. You can stand with your back against a wall, a headboard, a chair, or your partner's shoulders.
  • sitting. Sitting on a chair during contractions is not the best solution. The child is gradually moving along the birth canal, and this position can slow down his movement. As an alternative to a chair, you can use a fitball or a toilet bowl.
  • On knees. Stand up, focusing on your elbows and knees, relax all the muscles.
  • Lying on your side. The desire to lie down due to pain and malaise is quite natural. It is easier to transfer contractions in a pose on your side, putting a pillow under your head and hips. You can use a special U-shaped pillow for pregnant women.

- is it possible to walk?

Walking and standing during contractions is possible and, moreover, even useful. The fact is that in an upright position, the child moves faster through the birth canal.

Important! In the absence of contraindications, try to take one of the vertical postures.

When a woman in labor lies on her back, a large belly with all its weight presses on large blood vessels. This often leads to increased pain, feelings of nausea and weakness.

- give a relaxing massage

Massage pleasantly relaxes the muscles, relieves painful spasms and calms the nerves. Here are the basic rules for massage during contractions:

  • Hands must be warm since the feeling of cold can provoke a reflex muscle spasm.
  • Creams and gels make it easier to slip and relieve pain. If necessary, you can use special painkillers: gels, ointments, oils. If you forgot at home massage oil, but do not want to do the procedure "dry" - ask the nurse for some Vaseline.

- do special breathing exercises

Much has been said about the importance of breathing. And indeed - each period of the birth process requires compliance with a certain breathing technique.

For example, at the stage of intense contractions, superficial “dog-like” breathing helps a lot: short breaths and exhalations through the nose and mouth.

When attempts come, it is very important to listen to the doctor's recommendations and push only on his command. The “candle blowing” technique will help here: inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, stretching your lips into a tube. With all the volume of air taken in, you must push the child to the exit.

- stay optimistic

A positive attitude is perhaps the most important thing during childbirth. Bright thoughts about the first meeting with a baby can overshadow any pain and gloomy thoughts. Set yourself up for the fact that this is one of the most happy days in your life and act!

Proper behavior while pushing

Attempts are the final jerk before you see your little miracle. Get together and concentrate all your attention on the doctor's commands: he sees the position of the child in the birth canal and, based on this, gives you commands to push. To do this correctly, follow a few conditions:

  • When the push started and the doctor gave the command, draw the maximum volume of air, and looking at the stomach, direct it towards the baby to help him meet you sooner. For one fight you need to push three times.

Important! Make sure that the tension does not fall on the head. This can be fraught with rupture of the eye capillaries and nosebleeds.

  • Get up and look at your own belly- so you reduce the load on the ligaments and muscles.
  • Rest between contractions- this is important in order to save strength and restore breathing.
  • Try not to scream. With a cry, you lose strength and exhale the oxygen necessary for straining activities.
  • Do not push when the head and shoulders appear. The obstetrician will ask you to switch to shallow "dog-like" breathing in order to pull the baby out without tears and damage to the soft tissues.


Despite the fact that childbirth is a completely natural process, you should not rely only on nature and intuition. Not only your well-being, but also the health of the baby will depend on your behavior in the delivery room.

Specially for- Elena Kichak