Congratulations on Day 9. A holiday with tears in your eyes: beautiful congratulations to veterans on Victory Day. Freaks start a war, but peoples suffer

I am happy to congratulate you on Victory Day! For many decades, on this spring day, our entire country has been rejoicing in freedom, independence and peace, which our people were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts! I wish that no generation in the future will have to experience the hardships of war!

Our dear veterans, with a feeling of deep gratitude, we congratulate you today on Victory Day! Our sincere gratitude and deep bow to you for the peaceful sky, the happy smiles of children, for our Motherland. Your heroism, determination and unwavering selflessness we will remember forever. Health and long life to you. We are proud of you!

Many years ago there was a war
She was a terrible misfortune.
But victory came as a reward,
With military parade marches!

And the whole country rejoices, sings,
Have fun, people celebrate!
Every spring at the beginning of May
We mourn, remembering the dead...

And the survivors after the war,
Old veterans and gray-haired,
We sincerely congratulate you on the Victory,
We wish them happiness, joy, health!

Let, louder than fireworks, words of eternal gratitude fly to the whole world to millions of people - to those who have preserved this clear, blue sky, green fields and sparkling rivers for us, for Russia! We wish you to see this respect in the eyes of others. Health to you and your loved ones. Happy Victory Day!

Let it never be forgotten what an ordinary person did in the days of the war. Soldier, peasant, youth and boy. They believed so strongly in luck, in the country, in themselves, and they knew for sure that Russia would not be given to anyone. Let the fireworks fly up on this day, let the songs of those distant years be sung today. Happy Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day today
Congratulations to everyone,
Peace and goodness to you
We always wish
Our grandfathers and fathers
Won back theirs
Didn't sleep, didn't eat
And still they didn't give up
The fascists were boldly expelled,
From my native land
And let the bad years
Long gone
We are still proud
And we thank you with joy.

Today we congratulate everyone
Happy Victory Day,
May there be peace and laughter in life,
And let the troubles go away forever.

We give this congratulations to everyone,
So that happiness in the world does not end,
Let these couple of cute lines
Read to all veterans.

On the great day of remembrance, Victory Day, I would like to congratulate all, and especially the main heroes of the occasion - veterans. To thank them for their deeds, for the lives given in the name of saving the country. Wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, years. Peaceful sky above your head!

For the victory of our grandfathers
I'll read a couple of lines
With this great holiday
Congratulations to everyone today!
For courage, bright feat
We owe everything to you!
Let's drink, brothers, do not be shy
Front-line we are one hundred grams!
And then not relaxing
We will fill the glasses urgently,
And then one more time
Why not see the war for sure!

We remember, love, honor and know
That the blood shed is not in vain
I sprinkled drops on the banner,
She is for peace and goodness.

And let sometimes life be merciless
Scourging you without war:
You are strong in spirit, you are merciful
Do not ask, sons of war.

We, as descendants, on Victory Day
We will pay tribute to you,
For the eternal memory of the legend
We will tell our sons about you.

May 9‒ the holiday of the Victory of the Red Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
On June 22, 1941, the pre-dawn silence was suddenly broken by explosions of roaring shells. Thus began the Great Patriotic War. Then no one knew that it would go down in the history of mankind as the most bloody. No one guessed that the Soviet people would have to go through inhuman trials and win. Rid the world of fascism, showing everyone that the spirit of a Red Army soldier cannot be broken by the invaders. No one could have imagined that, along with the male warriors, the old men, women and children would heroically defend the earth from the fascist plague.
This bloody war lasted 1418 days and nights. She took over 26 million human lives.
For the first time official congratulations happy Victory Day, our Soviet people heard in the early morning of May 1945. And now from year to year in all countries of the former union state this significant holiday celebrated with parades, festivities and numerous volleys of fireworks.
Congratulate veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as your relatives and friends on Victory Day with original poems. please good wishes and colorful postcards.

Eternal memory and glory to our grandfathers,
who gave us a peaceful life!

Happy May Ninth! Happy Victory Day!
Free country, big
We were given by our grandfathers.
Appreciate the grace of the earth!

Today is a holiday: Victory Day!
And I hasten to wish you:
Let there be more light in the soul
Let there be grace in the house!

Thank the granfather for the victory!

Today and years are already gray
Since the end of the war,
But congratulations on Victory Day
Grandfathers and great-grandfathers country!
Thank you dear family
who protected us then
And defended Russia
At the cost of military labor!
We congratulate you with love,
And great-grandchildren will remember the day
Drenched in your pure blood,
When the lilacs were in full bloom!

May 9 is a day of light and joy,
Holiday of Victory and Holiness!
May it be the day of eternal fidelity,
Great courage, honor and valor!

The ninth of May is our symbol of Victory!
Her grandfathers got us with all the strength!
And we will not forget the brave heroes!
Let's build a happy world for our children!

Russians never start a war...
They finish it and always - with a victory!

Victory Day is a holiday of the whole country.
The brass band plays marches.
Victory Day - a holiday of gray hair
Our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and who is younger.
Even those who have not seen the war -
But everyone was touched by her wing, -
We congratulate you on Victory Day!
This day is important for all nations!

Happy Victory Day!
Happy Great Day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of grandfathers -
Your Fatherland, sons!
Let the enemy remember the Forty-fifth,
That they cannot defeat the Russians ...
We will love the country sacredly,
Appreciate our victory!

Victory Day - a holiday of honor -
No need for big words and flattery!
Thanks to everyone who fought
He won the victory for us!
Let everyone remember: both old and small
All those who fell with the honor of the brave.
And let, while the people live,
The memory of the past will not die!

Victory Day is the eternal memory of those
who gave his life for our life.

How more years passes from that difficult time, the more it is highlighted in the historical memory of the people (and, above all, common man) all the greatness of the Victory. We, the grateful descendants of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War We will always remember the feat of arms of those who, in the time of trials, defended the right of our people to freedom and independence. Eternal glory to the heroes of the front-line soldiers and home front workers! Eternal memory to the fallen! On this great holiday, let me wish all current veterans health, vigor and optimism! A low bow and eternal memory to all living and deceased heroes.

What to give a friend
On the holiday of May 9:
Souvenir, postcard, book?
Give her warmth!
I know it's often lonely
It happens to you!
Let's drink for us, friend,
My faithful, dear!

My faithful friend, front-line,
Bullet tested!
It doesn't matter that there is no star -
I'm confident in you!
May 9 holiday
Today we celebrate!
Remembering our victory
We pour one hundred grams!

Then there were neither "Muscovites" nor "bulbash",
neither "Khokhlov" nor "chocks" - that's why we won!

May 9 is a great holiday for our people and the entire Russian land. We are celebrating another anniversary Victory over Nazi Germany. Despite the fact that this day goes further and further into the depths of years, the victory is of great historical significance for our Motherland. Today there are so few people left to whom we can personally say "thank you" for this feat. I really want the present and future young generations to honor and respect this important memorable day and everything that stands behind it. Happy Victory Day!

May rejoices in honor of our Victory!
How many years have passed since that war,
But no one will ever forget the heroes -
Gratitude remains in my heart!

Happy Victory Day - the day of St. George ribbons!
Congratulations on a peaceful and beautiful life!
May they be quiet for another tens or hundreds of years,
And every spring is just as bright, warm, clear!

A low bow to grandpa for the fact that bullets did not reach us ...

War, it is war...
And those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that is drunk to the bottom,
No sweeter... even with fireworks.
War, it is war...
And to this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet - put on the orders!
And Happy Victory Day, veterans!

The music of yesteryear sounds
And fireworks are booming from all sides.
There are talks about the war in schools
On an important holiday - Victory Day.
"No war! "Yes" - to peace and good,
Sun and spring warmth!

For the bright sky, for the singing of birds,
For many happy and joyful faces
Today for you - all the tulips in the world!
Thank you, my dear veterans!
Throw away your troubles from the soul of past years ...
Fireworks for you on the Day of the brave Victory!

Freaks start a war, but peoples suffer.

A new spring has come.
Forty-fifth is calling us back.
Many veterans are not up to sleep -
These old wounds hurt.
So let our youth
This feat will never be forgotten!
"What you sow, you will reap"
Let us always remember this truth.

"Happy Victory Day!" - the county is thundering.
"Happy Victory Day!" sounds everywhere.
Let the memory keep those years
Well, the sky will always be peaceful!

Through smoke and pain
Knowing fire and death
Soldier, after all
Came home with victory.
Today me and you
Today the whole country
Front-line soldiers
Thanks for this!

Congratulations to grandfather
Happy Victory Day!
It's even good
That he was not in combat.
Was then as I am now
Vertically challenged.
Although he did not see the enemy -
Just hated!
He worked like a big
For a loaf of bread
Victory Day is approaching
Even though he wasn't a fighter.
Steadily endured all hardships,
Paying for childhood
To live and grow in the world
His grandson is wonderful.
So that in prosperity and love
Enjoyed life...
So that I do not see the war,
My grandfather saved the Fatherland!

On Victory Day, even birds
Congratulate everyone around.
Let the war never happen again!
Happy holiday to you, my friend!

Happy Victory Day! Let this holiday bring warmth
So that the heart, like tulips, blooms with heat,
So that the birds sing loudly in spring in the spring,
So that no one in the world would threaten war again!

Victory Day is a holiday of spring,
The day of the defeat of a cruel war,
Day of the defeat of violence and evil,
Day of resurrection of love and kindness!
Memories of those who imagine
I set a goal so that from now on this day
It became a symbol of all the efforts of people -
In peace and happiness to raise kids!

I want to live peacefully in the world
Having not experienced battles,
And cherish the world!
Hooray! And Happy Victory Day!

May our borders be secure
And joy is reflected on everyone's faces,
The fields are green and the sun is shining
And in the world homeland flourishes!

Congratulations on Victory Day,
We wish you light in your heart.
A bold, strong, important holiday -
For our brave soldiers!
Let's remember ... Low bow to them
And fireworks from all sides!
So come on friends
We will appreciate, loving,
Our land, peace, rest
And love with all your heart!

Our country was defended by heroes,
Protecting everyone from a big scourge.
The sky above us is now blue
With this, I congratulate you with all my heart!
May the war not be repeated
Peace continues in our country,
Let her live and sleep peacefully,
Let's say "no" unequivocally to war!

And joy and tears in the eyes today -
There is no sacred holiday.
Flowers for a soldier in trembling hands
For a peaceful sky without troubles.

And the pain did not subside, and the memory is alive -
She only gets stronger with age.
Oh, how this war has inherited,
But still the victory is ours.

Salutes thunder, and the people rejoice,
"With Victory!" repeating again.
And in the eternal regiment everyone proudly walks
On the holiday of May 9th.

Congratulations on Victory Day!
And I want to glorify
The land that our grandfathers
They were able to take it from the enemy.

I wish peace, happiness
And good clear days.
May they always circle in the sky
Flocks of white doves!

Happy Victory Day! I wish that there is always a peaceful sky above your head, that this world every day gives only happiness, joy, cheerful smiles and sonorous laughter of children. May the echoes of the war remain only in books and films, may pride live in our hearts for the exploits of the heroes of the Fatherland.

Our grandfathers fought for peace,
We will always remember their deeds.
I congratulate you on Victory Day!
Let the star of pride burn.

May there be happiness and warmth
Let all barriers disappear.
May the soul always be light
Let health not leave!

Happy Victory Day!
May good reign.
The feat of our grandfathers
We have not forgotten.

glorious veterans
We thank,
On this holiday the main
Let's honor them!

Congratulations on Victory Day
And I wish on this day
Sea of ​​joy and light
And health, like flint!

The great holiday is not forgotten,
Even though years have passed.
I wish you good and happiness
The sky is always peaceful!

Happy Victory Day!
tribute to veterans,
That they managed to give us the world,
We are proud of their glorious feat,
We will remember and honor them throughout our lives.

And the fires of the obelisks will be lit,
Poppies will bloom in distant lands,
As if in memory of the glorious soldiers,
Who died in bloody battles...

Happy Victory Day to all of you!
I wish you all peace
So that all misfortunes and troubles
Dissipated like mist.

For the sun to shine brightly
No more war
And life to always bring
Only the most good days.

Great holiday - Victory Day -
History string native.
Reclaimed by our grandfathers
Its immeasurable price.

Their feat will be remembered forever!
We won't forget the names
Who are so heartless
The war was brutal.

Happy Victory Day -
Happy great day of my country!
We will not forget the feat of grandfathers -
Yours, Fatherland, sons.

Let the enemy remember the forty-fifth,
That they cannot defeat the Russians.
We will love the country sacredly,
Appreciate our victory!

At forty-five, exactly at six,
News of the victory announced!
People were crying, laughing,
And fireworks were launched into the sky.
But this holiday is for the country,
It cost a very high price.
We will always remember
How many lives were given then.
How many tears have been shed
It will never be forgotten.
Those who fought for their country
A few of them are already left.
Thank you veterans
We wish them good health and strength.
So that there is peace, love, peace,
And the sky is always peaceful overhead.
And so that at no time,
We didn't know what War means.

May 9, 2020 we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of Great Victory. For the inhabitants of our country, this is a significant date, "a holiday with tears in their eyes." On this day, both in a solemn and informal setting, warm congratulations on May 9 will be heard in verse.

Congratulations in verse on Victory Day May 9, 2020

Congratulations on Victory Day!
Let troubles go around your house.
Peace, blue skies
Happiness pure, big!

I congratulate you on Victory Day!
On the ninth bright May day
I wish you a peaceful sky
And next - sincere people!

Happy Victory Day,
Be happy always!
Let the war not repeat
Never in our life!

May 9 is knocking at our door,
I want to wish you good luck.
Appreciate the victory, we all need to work,
So that the war does not touch us all again!

I want clear bright days,
Let all troubles go away.
May there be peace in my country
I wish you happiness! Happy Victory Day!

Years go by, but a glorious feat
We will never forget.
We wish only to live in the world!

May in flowers, fireworks fly up,
On a holiday, joy is everywhere, congratulations!
May life always be successful.
Happy Victory Day! Happiness and luck!

Allow me to congratulate you, friends,
Since May 9, Victory Day!
May neither evil nor misfortune touch you.
Live, joy in the heart is not melting!

Do you remember the ninth of May
All those who once fought
So that you live, not knowing the war,
So that peace on earth does not end!

I congratulate you on the Victory Day,
I wish peace to your house
So that no sorrows and troubles
Never approached him!
To keep the sky calm
Only in memory was the smoke of battles kept.
Let hope always live in the soul,
Goodness and faith, happiness and love!

Poems with congratulations on Victory Day

We offer a selection of small poems that are perfect for you to congratulate your family and friends. May 9th you can send short congratulations Happy Victory Day as an SMS or message in messengers to any region of the country, and if loved ones live abroad - abroad.

In that may holiday, Victory Day,
May God give you warmth!
Let them avoid trouble
Happiness to you for many years!

Years go by, but a glorious feat
We will never forget.
Congratulations to everyone on Victory Day,
We wish only to live in the world!

Victory Day - fireworks!
This date is dear to anyone.
May the years of peace bring
Lots of happiness, joy and light!

May happiness smile on Victory Day,
Don't forget you "forties"!
And let victory beat in your heart
And veterans will be forever young!

Let the memory sound like a song
Let there be wars, troubles in the past,
Spring let the world bless.
Love and happiness! Happy Victory Day!

On the great Victory Day - congratulations!
Good, good luck from the bottom of our hearts.
May every year be full of happiness
May all good things happen!

I hasten to congratulate you,
Let friends be by your side
Let troubles not touch in life!

Happy Victory Day! May the world be forever!
Let the sun give you its light.
I congratulate you heartily
I wish to live without grief and troubles!

For peace, for courage, for faith in victory
A beautiful fireworks soars into the air.
May both children and grandfathers be happy,
And wars will never come to our world!

Happy Victory Day! It's not in vain
Our grandfathers fought.
To keep the sky peaceful
They won.

Happy Victory Day - glorious and beautiful!
From the world in the afternoon, kindness, great happiness!
May there always be luck in everything,
You will be given the best of destinies!

It is impossible to overestimate their feat -
The soldier who won in forty-five!
I wish you always Victory to honor
And remember those who fought once!

Happy Victory Day!
I wish you peace on earth!
Let the house be cozy
Let it be calm in it!

Happy Victory Day - a solemn day!
Peace! Happiness! Good luck in everything!
Live peacefully, with dignity, beautifully
And be proud of great Russia!

I wish you easy victories
And never get sick
I wish you happiness in life
And congratulations on Victory Day!

Happy Victory Day
And I wish peace to all
Live in love and understanding
Let there be fewer problems!

Years fly by like birds
But people remember Victory Day!
May peace be preserved
And life will always be calm!

On Victory Day, everything blooms, rejoices,
The old people put on medals.
May God give them life in the world,
Let the war go away!
Let fireworks and fanfares sound,
Praise those who won the war.
Happy Victory Day! I wish you
Enjoy life and spring!

Short poems for Victory Day

We are grateful to the older generation for the heroism and courage shown during the war years, for our calm life and the peaceful sky above our heads ...

On May 9, 2020, do not forget to congratulate veterans and older relatives on the holiday by sending them on Victory Day nice words with good wishes. Grandparents will be pleased to receive congratulations in verse from their grandchildren by May 9.

Dear our veterans,
You are an example for us for all years!
Despite age and wounds
Your soul is young.

You went through the years of fighting,
Defending the honor of your country,
For your children to live in peace
And they did not know the horrors of war.

We congratulate you on Victory Day
And we wish you many, many more years.
Be healthy, our grandfathers,
And live more than a hundred years!

War is war...
And those who are scorched by the fierce breath,
That bitter cup that is drunk to the bottom,
Not even sweeter with festive fireworks.

War is war...
And to this day, the old wounds ache.
And yet - put on the orders!
And Happy Victory Day, veterans!

Walking lightly,
May gave victory!
We remember today
Who protected us from evil.

Health to you, veterans,
Let the thread of happiness not break!
Your feat on the battlefield
We will never forget!

Today is a holiday - Victory Day!
I congratulate you, grandfather!
I want to be always happy
Healthy, kind and beautiful!

Waiting for you, beloved grandfather,
There are many victories in life.
Every day that you live
You only bring joy to us.

We wish you many years
Happy Victory Day.
And we want to tell you:
« Better than grandfather not to be found."

Dear granny - my wishes:
May joy reign on Victory Day.
Peace, comfort, charm
May fate generously bestow you!

Dear grandmother, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to our entire family!
On this Victory Day, we wish you
Happiness and health, hugs tightly!