Tape manicure. Manicure technique using ribbon for design. French manicure with duct tape

Scotch is not only a breed of dog and a type of whiskey. Under this name, many types of adhesive tape are combined, used for both minor and not very minor repairs, fastening all kinds of announcements, in painting practice. Fashionistas also loved it. In this article, we will talk about how to make a manicure using adhesive tape.

Where does beauty begin...

Whichever design option is chosen, you should always start by giving the nails the desired shape, removing all burrs and eliminating other problems. The bitten edge of the nail will look disgusting, even if something is depicted on it. Unless, of course, this is an elaborate image that not everyone can understand.

  • align the length of the nails;
  • give the nails the intended shape;
  • remove the cuticle;
  • polish the nail;
  • apply base coat.


At home, you can use ordinary single-sided tape. It is suitable for simple drawings.

  1. Base coat is applied.
  2. Waiting for complete drying.
  3. Stencils are cut out of pieces of adhesive tape.
  4. To get rid of increased stickiness, adhesive tape is glued to the hand.
  5. The stencil is transferred from the hand to the nails, in the intended sequence.
  6. A second color is applied over the adhesive tape.
  7. After drying, the stencil is removed.
  8. A new stencil is glued on top of which a third color is applied.
  9. After drying, the tape is removed.
  10. If desired, the nail is covered with a fixative.

geometric patterns

The principle of operation is very similar to that described above, only a special thin nail tape is used, or a regular one is thinly cut.

  1. On top of a well-dried base coat, many narrow strips are superimposed in a different order.
  2. The "tails" of the strips must hang down so that they are convenient to remove.
  3. The nail is covered with the following color.
  4. After drying, the strips are removed, if necessary, a fixative is used.

Geometric manicure with adhesive tape can be made multi-colored. Set borders with stripes, and decorate to your taste and skill.

Lunar manicure

This type of manicure, along with a jacket, is very convenient to do with adhesive tape. If the holes are not rounded, but sharp. Then it is enough just to set the shape with ribbons. In order not to spoil the manicure, it is highly recommended to use tweezers to remove the tapes. The photo below shows just a variant of such a manicure.

In the case of rounded holes, the shape is cut out of adhesive tape, and the nail is painted over before and after applying the stencil. Moreover, the stencil can be both a bed and a nail outside the bed.

Decorative tape

Until now, we have analyzed the techniques in which the adhesive tape was removed. But now a decorative adhesive tape has appeared, and now we will consider a manicure with adhesive tape, used as an independent element.

There are a lot of options for manicure tape on a well-known Chinese site. At the same time, quite reasonable prices. You no longer need to cut strips from ordinary tape. Everything is ready. And given the variety of colors, it is now not necessary to remove it. As well as worrying about increased stickiness. With him, this problem simply does not exist.

  1. The base color is applied to the prepared nail.
  2. After drying, the surface is degreased with alcohol.
  3. Tape is applied.
  4. The excess is trimmed with a razor or sharp scissors.
  5. Covered with a layer of fixative.

The video contains ideas for manicure with adhesive tape.

In general, with the help of such a simple tool as adhesive tape, you can implement almost all designs. In some cases, he works as a stencil, and then the next color is simply applied on top of it, within some boundaries, and the master can draw the idea, or maybe even the decor itself.

Even a beginner can handle the first method, especially if the design is simpler. The second method requires certain skills and abilities. The third is suitable, if not for everyone, then for many. In any case, the main desire and not be afraid to make a mistake. After all, the beauty of nail design is that you can try again and again. These experiments with hair can have consequences, and everything that you draw on your nails can really be washed off with a special liquid. So keep it up! And use different types scotch tape in your life and in different ways!

How to make a manicure with adhesive tape? In order to create a unique, fashionable and creative option, it is not necessary to apply for a service to a beauty salon. It turns out that at home it is possible to carry out a high-quality manicure using adhesive tape. Sounds tempting, perhaps worth a try and enjoy the end result.

Every woman wants her image to be unique and individual. Therefore, it is common for the beautiful half of humanity to constantly look for something new. Using the technique of creating a manicure with adhesive tape, any woman will be able to depict such a pattern on her nails, which will become her additional highlight.

Preparing for the nail coloring process

In order to carry out a manicure with adhesive tape, you will need the following:

  • varnish, which will serve as the basis (it is he who will level the surface of the nail plate);
  • varnish to create the main background;
  • multi-colored tools for creating various patterns;
  • a transparent ingredient that will serve as a fixative;
  • adhesive tape for nail art, it should have excellent adhesion to the plate itself and not leave a sticky imprint.

Self-adhesive tapes are different in their properties; adhesive tape with a low degree of stickiness is suitable for this procedure. Before the staining process, you need to check whether the tape is suitable for the procedure. To do this, you need to glue a piece of tape to the plate and, when peeling off, see if there is a trace left after it or not. If a visible imprint remains, then the tape is not suitable for use.

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Manicure with adhesive tape: features

Today, the technology of applying geometric patterns is very popular. Manicure with adhesive tape allows you to independently create a pattern that will be not only fashionable, but also unique. Here the field for fantasy is not limited, and any woman can create a pattern in any color scheme with an individual pattern. At first, it is better to practice simple lines, gradually, with skill, you can complicate the patterns.

Read also: Making a nail design with a varnish that changes color with temperature

To make a manicure with adhesive tape, you need to carry out the following steps:

  1. First of all, a base varnish or a therapeutic composition that cares for the nails is applied to the surface of the nails.
  2. After the first layer dries, you can apply a background varnish (the pattern itself will be of this shade).
  3. You can proceed to the next step after the background layer has completely dried.
  4. Now you need to cut shapes or strips from the tape (it all depends on your imagination) and stick them on your nails. In this case, the overhead stencil must be well smoothed.
  5. In the future, a varnish of a different shade is applied.
  6. When the varnish is completely dry, the glued stencils are removed.
  7. In order for the new manicure to please with tape for longer, you will need to cover the created masterpiece with a fixing varnish.

If, according to the plan, drawing some more pattern on the nails, then you will need to repeat the steps of the fourth paragraph.

After the manicure is completed with adhesive tape, it can be supplemented various decorations(rhinestones, sequins).

There is no time to play with fiction for a long time manicure design? Scotch to the rescue! Today, there are many new products for decorating nails in stores, and one of them is manicure adhesive tape.

It can be of various colors and textures to create an ornament or transparent to divide the nail into zones. This accessory costs mere pennies, so feel free to buy the whole set!

With the help of multi-colored stripes, fashionistas have the opportunity to create awesome graphic drawings. Such a manicure looks stylish and extraordinary, it will definitely attract attention!

"So simple!" decided to inspire you by collecting 25 ideas for manicure with adhesive tape.

Manicure ideas with tape

enjoy nail tape not difficult at all. It has an adhesive layer, thanks to which the strip fits perfectly both on a clean nail and on a nail coated with varnish or acrylic. Glue the adhesive tape only on top of the already dried varnish - so it will definitely last a long time.

  1. Unusual combination glossy varnish with metal.
  2. Very concise: glue the strips nail zones, which should remain without varnish. When the nail polish is dry, peel off the strips of tape and seal the manicure with a clear coat.
  3. Chic and shine!
  4. Gentle violet color underline in white. Simply blot the striped nail over the color coat with a foam sponge soaked in white polish
  5. For those who need more contrast.
  6. Very original color combination!
  7. Bright, but not vulgar.
  8. Another example of a combination of varnishes with different textures.
  9. For an evening out!
  10. Monochrome is always appropriate!
  11. It remains only to choose the right outfit ...
  12. I love these solutions!
  13. An original classic.
  14. Manicure for special occasions.
  15. Fun design for everyday use.
  16. Let's remember geometry lessons!
  17. If you love pink...
  18. Turquoise motifs.
  19. Very cool combination of textures!
  20. I think it's a masterpiece!
  21. Here you have to try...
  22. A worthy end to an elegant look.

Many girls are attracted to abstract drawings in clothes and interior items. Wanting to emphasize their individuality, beautiful ladies tend to transfer the geometric composition of shapes and lines to their nails. To make the patterns clear and repeat each other on each finger, you need to use stencils. At home, the easiest way to make an abstract manicure is with adhesive tape.

This unusual way of decorating, oddly enough, appeared relatively recently. What kind of drawings can be created with scotch tape? Absolutely any patterns - everything that you can only think of. Connect your imagination and create a unique design inspired by the manicure ideas in the photo and video that we have prepared for you with pleasure.

Step by step instructions for manicure with tape

To make a manicure using a stencil, it is advisable to use not very sticky types of adhesive tape that do not leave a mark. Yes, to create avant-garde nail art medical adhesive tape is not suitable for you at all. To do original manicure, in addition to duct tape, you will also need:

  • Straight and curly scissors.
  • transparent base.
  • Decorative varnishes of various colors.

To get an idea of ​​how a duct tape manicure is done, here are some ideas for a stylish design.

Nail art with dyed tape

The design is very original and unusual. We will tell you how to make a simplified version of nail art using colored tape. The method is suitable for those who are just mastering the avant-garde style. With practice, you will be able to create more complex drawings and patterns.

  1. On a small piece of adhesive tape, paint three parallel strips with varnishes of different colors. They should be applied on the side that does not stick. Wait about 30 minutes for complete drying.
  2. During this time, cover your nails with a transparent base so that the manicure with adhesive tape lies more evenly and looks neater. Next, apply the main tone, in our case it is white.
  3. After the varnish has dried, cut triangles and stripes with scissors, as shown in the photo. Tightly stick figures from colored tape on your nails in a certain order. Apply top coat. Manicure is ready!

Stylish "zigzag"

To do spectacular manicure tape with a zigzag pattern, you will need curly scissors.

  1. Cover your nails with a clear base and apply a base color such as light turquoise. Wait for this layer to dry completely.
  2. Cut a piece of adhesive tape with curly scissors and stick it vertically on half of the nail with teeth to the center, as shown in the photo.
  3. On the rest of the nail plate, apply a varnish of a different color. Wait for it to set a little, carefully remove the adhesive tape from the nail. To make the manicure brighter, you can use a transparent base with sparkles as a top coat.

Black and gold "chess"

You can make a manicure with adhesive tape in a very original design. With a successful selection of color composition, the chess design will not go unnoticed.

  1. Cover your nails with a transparent base, and then apply the main tone, in our case - black varnish.
  2. With the help of adhesive tape, select a quarter of the nail in the shape of a square, as in the photo. Paint over the free part with golden varnish. Remove the adhesive tape after a couple of minutes. Repeat the procedure with all nails and wait for the varnish to dry completely.
  3. Next, using adhesive tape, select the square opposite diagonally to the previously painted figure. Color it in gold. Remove the adhesive tape - you should have a checkerboard pattern. You have almost done a manicure with adhesive tape, it remains only to apply the top coat.

Stylish Geometric Manicure Ideas

We have shown you some interesting designs and how to create them. With a little practice, you will most likely want to broaden your horizons and try other options. To inspire you to new experiments, we have prepared a collection of bright photos and an informative video lesson with large quantity different designs. Due to the ease of implementation, you can easily make a beautiful and spectacular manicure with adhesive tape.

As promised, we bring to your attention interesting video lesson. A foreign beauty blogger will tell and show you how to make a manicure with adhesive tape in several variations. Unfortunately the video was filmed English language, therefore, for ease of understanding, we recommend that you turn on Russian-language subtitles, if necessary. But this is not necessary at all, you can just enjoy the visual component of the video. Happy viewing!

Now you know how to surprise others with spectacular nail art. Experiment and implement the most daring ideas! Stand out and be unique!

Abstract drawings and geometric compositions can be not only in clothing items, but also on nail art. Figured details on the nails will help to embody the manicure with adhesive tape. Also, abstract nail art can be done with adhesive tape or stencils. Tape manicure as a way to decorate nail art appeared 10 years ago, and today it is not a secret for many how to make a manicure using such materials.

To do a manicure with adhesive tape at home, you need to use a material that is not very sticky so that it does not leave stickiness on the manicure. In this case, medical adhesive tape and electrical tape are not suitable. Stationery tape, designer tapes, stencils - the best materials for this design. In addition to them, you need to use: straight and curly scissors, a transparent base, nail polishes of your favorite colors, top coat.

See how to make a chess manicure using tape.

How to make "sticky" nail art: instructions

  • Nail art with painted tape - geometric design, looks avant-garde and neat. You need to start with simple shapes, ending with more complex compositions. On a small piece of duct tape, paint three parallel lines using different colors. The coating must be painted on the non-adhesive side of the material. Wait 10-20 minutes for the polish to dry. At this time, paint your nails with a clear base polish so that the design with adhesive tape has straight lines. Apply a base tone (beige or white) to your nails.

Once dry, cut out strips and triangles with scissors. Stick figures from colored tape on the nails so that a geometric pattern is formed. Fix the result with a top coat.

  • Manicure with tape with a zigzag pattern - to perform it, you need tape or tape, curly scissors. Paint your nails with a transparent base, then apply the main color (choose light shades). When the layer is dry, take curly scissors, and cut off several pieces of adhesive fabric, sticking them vertically to each nail plate, affecting half of the nail.

Do not remove the fabric, but paint the open part of the nails with a varnish of a different shade. When it sets, carefully remove the adhesive coating from the nails. Brightness of the design will add a top coat with sparkles.

  • Nail design "Lunar nail art" - for its implementation you will need stencils, nail polishes. You need to make a manicure according to the same instructions as the previous ones, but you need to fix the stencil on the hole of the nail so that it covers the lower part of the nail plate. You will get a “linear” well, which can either be painted over or left colorless.

Geometric manicure options

The ideas of figured manicure at home do not end there. With the help of adhesive tapes, you can create many more varieties of nail design. Manicure with adhesive tape "Chess Design" - original design, which is simple to do. Execution instructions:

  • Paint your nails with a transparent base, when the layer dries, apply the main color on it (choose black, blue, red, plum or another dark shade).
  • Using two pieces of adhesive tape, highlight ¼ of the nail, painting the free part with silver, white or gold polish. After a few minutes, remove the fabric, and do the same with the diagonal part of the nail. As a result, you get a "chess" pattern on the nail plate. Fix the result with a top coat.

Manicure with the use of tapes "Vertical stripes". It is done easily and quickly. For him, you will need three colored nail polishes, a thin manicure brush, adhesive tapes, a base and top coat, and scissors.

  • Apply the base on the prepared nails, wait until it dries.
  • With scissors, cut vertical thin strips 2-3 mm thick so long that they completely cover each nail.
  • Stick each of the tapes so that there is a gap between each, press them well.
  • Apply multi-colored varnishes to the free part of each nail using a thin brush. When the coating dries, you can remove the tape.
  • Seal the result with a top coat or glitter polish.

French manicure using adhesive tape or a stencil - for its implementation you will need white varnish, transparent or top varnish, a thin brush, adhesive tape or stencil, scissors. If you buy a kit for a jacket, there is already stencil paper in the kit. Step-by-step instruction:

  • Apply a clear base. When it dries, cut out strips of adhesive material that completely cover the edges of the nails.
  • Attach tape to the edges of the nails. Paint them with a clear or top coat, wait for them to dry.
  • Remove adhesive tapes, fix the result with a finish coat. french design can be decorated with decorations in the form of sequins, patterns or rhinestones.

Check out three ways to create a french manicure with tape.

Heart manicure ideas are a curly design that will require adhesive paper or a stencil. Using nail scissors, carefully cut out a small heart on 10 pieces of paper. Apply a base coat on your nails, then a light pink polish. When the coating dries, attach paper to it so that the heart-shaped pattern is on the edge, or in the center of the composition. Paint the figure with white or red varnish. You can cut out several hearts on paper, and if you have a curly stencil, then nail art will turn out faster.

Designer stencil for curly nail art

Using a manicure design tape as a stencil - using it, you can create a curly pattern of any shape. Stylists came up with this material so that it helps to easily apply varnish and paint over the boundaries of free space. In appearance, the ribbon is thin, reminiscent of New Year's rain. On the inside of the material sticky layer. You can use it in two ways: the first - as a decor, the second - as a stencil. If you decorate nail art with a shiny ribbon, then it will quickly wash off under water, so this decor is enough for one time. But if you decide to create beautiful lines using it as a stencil, the pattern will be persistent and rich.

Ribbons are sold in different colors: gold, silver, pink, blue, yellow, purple, blue, green. Try to make the following composition according to the "cage" pattern. The design can be applied on 1-2 nails, the rest can be made up bright color. Use the varnish of any shade you like, choosing the appropriate tone of the tape for it. For example, a dark pink decorative ribbon is suitable for a light pink coating.

Apply the base on the nails, then the main color. When the layer is dry, cut off 8 small pieces of tape. Diagonally, place 4 pieces on one nail plate, and 4 more pieces perpendicularly. Then use nail scissors to correct the result. Apply a layer of transparent fixative to the result, and wait for it to dry. You will get beautiful and even lines, the figure depends on how you glue the material to the nail plate. With a thin, adhesive tape, you can make the contours of vertical and horizontal lines, squares, rhombuses and triangles, the borders of the smile line on the jacket.