Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Albuquerque International Balloon Festival. How did the balloon parade begin?

As children, all of us loved air balloons- a bright and colorful symbol of the holiday. But over time, we grow up and begin to enjoy more global things. For example, more impressive balloons, especially if they can also lift us to the clouds. In one of the US cities, the love of air, flying and fantasy has grown into a global international balloon festival.

How did the balloon parade begin?

Big things always start small. From an idea, from an idea, from a fantasy that one day several entertainers decide to bring to life. In 1972, a few people who were in love with the sky decided to have a wonderful holiday. It was this year that the first balloon festival took place in Albuquerque. Then only 13 aircraft took to the skies to celebrate the birthday of the radio station from New Mexico in a big way. At that time, special sites were not prepared, volunteers did not work, and an impressive program was not drawn up. All the spectators just stared at the sky, standing at the parking lot of the mall. And, despite the simplicity of the event, people liked this impressive action so much that the holiday became traditional.

In 1973, within the framework of the festival, the first competitive flights were already held among representatives different countries peace. So the festival became international. Two years later, the date of the event was confirmed - the balloons rise in October. And in 1978, the festival had its own “trick” - flights in the dark. Then a pilot from California took to the skies at night. This slightly risky experiment was successful and also became a tradition.

Due to the great popularity of the festival, the number of applications simply exceeded all reasonable limits. That is why in 2001 the organizers made a tough decision and began to rapidly reduce the possible number of participants. Gradually, the number of balls decreased from 1,100 to 400-700, depending on the year and the program. In 2011, the festival set a world record according to the Guinness book for the most numerous flight on balloons launched as soon as possible.

On the this moment Balloon Festival is one of the most famous and exciting events. After all, festivals in the United States have a colossal scale and focus, but it is the sky of Albuquerque that attracts more than others to this day.

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What to expect this year from Albuquerque?

Traditionally, the action takes place in early October and lasts up to 9 days. This time, the 2017 International Balloon Festival will begin on October 7 and will last until October 15 inclusive. The time of the event was not chosen by chance, since it is during this period that windless, warm and sunny weather reigns in Albuquerque.

As in previous years, participants and guests will be welcomed at the large area of ​​Balloon Fiesta Park. Its total area is 365 acres, of which 78 acres are allocated for areas for taking off balloons. Usually, more than 800,000 visitors from all over the world come to New Mexico to see the wonders of heaven and feel the breath of wind on their faces. And all of them will not be bored, because the program promises to be amazing.

On the official website of the event, the organizers posted a complete list of entertainment and upcoming competitions. And they were chosen for every taste. Master classes are traditionally expected from experienced aeronauts. Everyone can not only watch how the balls rise into the air, but also rise to heaven in a basket.

The main highlight of the event is the parade of balloons of the original form. Dreamers and inventors from year to year innovate, giving their ships an original appearance. All 9 days of the festival from the launch pads you can see how the characters of fairy tales, cartoons and computer games rise to the clouds. There are also many variations on free themes. Either way, this is a spectacle not to be missed.

In addition, festival guests love night flights. They are held not specifically at night, but in the wee hours. The aeronauts raise their ships as high as possible, and the audience admires the reflections of the still night sky and the glow on the canvases of the balloons.

It goes without saying that in addition to flying, many other events are held at the park site. Master classes are arranged, various attractions are installed, musicians, acrobats, magicians perform. Gastronomy representatives from all over the country come to Albuquerque to treat visitors with their products. In general, the balloon festival is more like a global fair. With only one difference - a lot of aircraft in the sky. This year, about 600 participants are expected, who are quite ambitious.

On one of the days of the festival, a massive flash mob is held, when all the balloons rise into the sky in two “parties”. This mass and grandeur is breathtaking.

Well, the cherry on the cake is a large-scale fireworks display on the last day of the festival. This evening the sky is painted not only with the colors of balloons, but also with bright flashes.

We solve organizational issues

To get from Ukraine to the city of Albuquerque, USA, you should apply for a visa category B1 / B2 indicating the purpose of the trip "tourism". Having received the coveted document, order plane tickets. Despite the fact that Albuquerque Airport is the central one in the state of New Mexico, getting here by a direct flight from Ukraine will not work. You will have to make at least two transfers in Chicago, Stockholm, Munich, Amsterdam, Toronto or in a number of other cities. Variations are plentiful. Another option is to take a direct flight to Los Angeles or New York and from there take a train to Albuquerque.

From the airport or from the railway station to the festival site can be reached by taxi or metro. But it is better to go straight to the hotel. His reservation for the festival period should be taken care of in advance. The festival is popular and is considered the largest international event in the States. That is why places in hotels and hostels are sold out in advance. You can rent a room here from 1,500 to 7,000 hryvnia per day. It all depends on the area and the level of comfort.

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The cost of an entrance ticket for one session for guests from 12 years old is $10. The visiting system is posted on the official website of the event, where you can immediately order the necessary tickets. In general, the festival consists of 14 sessions. On each of the 9 days of the event, there is a morning session and 5 evening sessions. The park opens at 4:30 am for the morning session and at 3:30 pm for the evening session, closing around 9:00 pm. It is not necessary to be in the park all the time, because you can see balloons flying into the sky from other, adjacent areas of the city.

Visitors come to New Mexico every year to see the magic. Huge, but at the same time light balls soar into the air. Who knows, maybe this year you will be lucky enough to see a new record - the largest balloon in the world. And without this, in the open-air park for more than a week you can admire a fairy tale. And feel like a conqueror of the world, having risen to where you can see all the beauty of autumn nature.

The Albuquerque Aeronaut Festival is currently in what is called its prime. It has already passed the stage of formation, when no more than 13 balls rose into the sky. Now the festival site covers an area of ​​54 football fields, and last time it was attended by 250 pilots from around the world and even from New Zealand. Currently Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is considered one of the largest air shows in America.

The festival program includes various competitions, a competition for the most unusual balloon, meetings with pilots and pleasure flights in hot air balloons, evening shows with rich illumination.

Every morning at 5.45 the festival will be opened by Dawn Patrol. This show became possible to hold 30 years ago. In 1978, a California aeronaut developed a system to fly a hot air balloon at night. Since then, this "morning" has appeared - aeronauts rise into the night sky as high as the light allows you to see the landing site.

Last year, the absolute winners of the festival, who took the first two places, were residents of Texas. The third went to a pilot from New Mexico. The next three places went to pilots from Arizona, Florida and Canada.

Every year, in the first week of October, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Balloon Festival takes place. In 1972, this city was deservedly chosen as the venue for the festival: the mild climate and relatively flat terrain are the most important for the flight of balloons.

It is a bit difficult to get to the festival itself, from 5 am at the entrance to the park a huge queue of cars begins to gather, which stretches for several kilometers. And no wonder, people from other countries and states came to Albuquerque just to attend this holiday! The feeling of a holiday did not leave even outside the festival, visiting guests were everywhere - in shops, parks, restaurants (this is another place that was difficult to get to during the festival).

The most interesting thing is the balls in the form of various shapes. Every year we look forward to new balloons. So, for example, this year we received balls in the form of the famous Elvis Presley and the jester. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and rainy at the weekend, so the owners of the balloons did not take risks - this is not a cheap pleasure, one such figured balloon can cost up to a million dollars, and it is extremely difficult and expensive to repair it.

The evening program of the festival included various shows, varied cuisine, attractions. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, be sure to visit the festival, the impressions will remain with you for a long time.

And now I suggest you look at the photos taken at the festival, I hope they will charge you with a positive mood for the whole week!

If you suddenly want to participate in something incredibly large-scale, colorful and impressive, the first thing to think about is visiting the international balloon festival held in the American city of Albuquerque.

Back in 1972, only 13 balloons took to the skies here, but this was enough to start celebrating the aeronautics festival every year, in which the whole world began to take part over time, and its entertainment was so off scale that people came to look at it huge amount of people.

And now, for more than 40 years, an event opens its doors in October, allowing not only to walk among thousands of giant multi-colored balloons, watch their flights, but also fly yourself.

Swinging majestically in the air currents, pouting giants make their way to the suburbs, flying over the picturesque mountains of Sandia and the Rio Grande. Incredible splendor literally does not allow visitors to the festival to let go of cameras. No wonder the event was awarded the title of "the most photographed spectacle in the world."

In such a long history, it is impossible to even remember the whole variety of balloons launched into the skies over the state of New Mexico. It was like a classic Balloons, and rather atypical specimens made in the form of cartoon characters, castles, animals, birds, etc.

All this enchanting action does not stop even at night. The illuminated balloons taking off into the sky look just great, for the most part they resemble more illustrations for science fiction films than a real event.