Bright images of the bride for Halloween: all the nuances of makeup. Unusual bride makeup for Halloween: be the most irresistible How to make up a dead bride

The image of the dead bride from the Tim Burton cartoon is one of the most replicated images on Halloween. And it is no coincidence! Behind the spectacular appearance is hidden not too heavy technique, and the outfit freely allows you to show your imagination. So let's take a look at how to make Halloween Corpse Bride makeup yourself at home.

The traditions of the holiday involve the release of "evil" to the earth on the night of October 31 to November 1, accompanied by mass festivities in the form of otherworldly monsters, cartoon characters, etc. To be in the trend of the event, you should definitely take care of the festive costume, hairstyle and make-up. The more colorful the selected character, the brighter there will be a holiday. Halloween Corpse Bride makeup is a great option for a fun party.

The main accents of the future image are:

  • deathly pale, with blue, skin;
  • black make-up eyes;
  • tragic face.

Technique for creating make-up “corpse bride” do-it-yourself

We can make the “Corpse Bride” makeup for Halloween using makeup, gradually applying it with our own hands. Instructions for performing actions will be as follows.

  1. So, in order to give the face a pallor corresponding to the corpse bride, it is necessary to prepare a toning base for the face and neck. To do this, you can use light powder, which must be mixed with blue shadows, and mix until a homogeneous consistency. Scary Halloween makeup "Corpse Bride" suggests cyanosis of the skin, so if your costume does not include gloves or long dress, then do not forget about the rest of the open areas of the body so that they do not stand out from the overall picture.
  2. To give relief to the face, shadows blue color(more saturated than the main skin tone) highlight the cheekbones, wings of the nose, emphasize the hairline, temples, the area around the nose
  3. Around the eyes we create spectacular bruises with the help of shadows of blue and purple flowers. Shadows are applied step by step to the entire moving eyelid and the area around the eyes. Carefully blend the transitions between shades to achieve the desired effect.
  4. Halloween makeup for girls in particular created image- makeup of a dead bride from a cartoon, involves black eye makeup, made with black eyeliner or cosmetic pencil. Smoky-eyes lines should not be clear, they should be carefully shaded, giving the image an ominous look. An alternative shade of make-up performance can be a dark blue, purple liner.
  5. To give makeup a tragic look corps bride - use make-up eyebrows. The make-up scheme involves using a black soft cosmetic pencil to give the outer corners of the eyebrows a pointed look, and draw the inside slightly raised - this trick will help you recreate the makeup of a dead cartoon bride at home.
  6. Spectacular "corpse spots" can be performed with a sponge or brush for blush and blue, green shadows. Dip the brush in the shadow of the chosen shade and put a few light marks on the face without shading their outlines.
  7. Finishing off the Corpse Bride makeup for Halloween, mascara and a pale pink lip make-up will be the best touch. An excellent solution can be lips powdered with foundation, slightly covered with lip gloss.

Halloween involves the creation of a frightening image, therefore, in order to add some spice to such a make-up, you can additionally depict a hole on the cheek with the help of black shadows.

Do not forget about the rest of the details of the image! To harmoniously fit into the theme of Halloween, do not neglect a suitable hairstyle, as well as an obligatory attribute of a corpse bride - a veil.

Video: master class on creating makeup for the heroine of the cartoon “Corpse Bride”

Basic rules for applying the right makeup

To do beautiful make-up, it is not enough just to have a set of quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. A neat make-up always looks spectacular, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform, emphasizing her dignity and causing enthusiastic compliments. Despite the fact that makeup is a predominantly female art, not every lady owns it. And the presence of the most expensive and elite cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result if you do not master the rules for its use. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly, you can look spectacular and attractive in any situation, even without having an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes.

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to a woman's face, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully obscured. Depending on the time of day and function, makeup can be daytime (close to natural) and evening, that is, intended for a solemn exit.

Everyday makeup refers to plain sight. It is designed to mask minor imperfections, give the face freshness and emphasize its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, the correct day makeup will only enhance the natural charm of a woman, while he himself will be invisible. Evening "make-up" is usually complicated, requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use decorative elements, glitter, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

Regardless of the type of makeup chosen, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and powdering the skin, liner eyebrows, eyes, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

Preparing for the makeup process

Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. Make-up should be applied correctly only on clean skin. Therefore, first you need to remove the remnants of makeup, wash, wipe your face with tonic. Next, we determine the type of skin. Dry skin is important to moisturize with a day cream. In the case of oily or combination skin, apply a mattifying agent or base.

The durability and accuracy of the make-up, as well as the time spent on its creation, largely depend on this stage. It is important to pay attention to every little thing, try new techniques and choose a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will be worked out over time, and then the question of how to apply makeup correctly will no longer arise. On a cleansed and moisturized face, makeup lays down better and retains its durability longer. It is not allowed to apply new layers on the already existing "plaster". Definitely needs to be done. In general, the more the skin rests from cosmetics, the better it is. appearance and condition. If you have free time or during the weekend, you can practice the use of face masks made by yourself or from a store assortment. The frequency of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

Washing with water for adult skin is not enough, it must be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. The cleansing is completed with a tonic or lotion. Care is selected depending on skin type and season. A caring agent can be a fluid cream, a nourishing or moisturizing cream, an emulsion.

How to apply foundation and foundation

Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out with the help of a corrector, concealer. They can "hide" dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding veins, pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect, foundation and powder should be applied, which also provide an even complexion.

To choose the color of the foundation, it is tested: it is applied to the inside of the brush.

For oily or combination skin, you can use products with a mattifying effect that will absorb excess sebum and eliminate oily sheen.

  1. Let's make a base. Before applying the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you will need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should opt for a product with a matting effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, we hide circles, swelling under the eyes with the help of a corrector. Do this with the fingertips, soft patting movements.
  2. Apply foundation. It should cover the sharp boundaries of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face more “soft”, gentle. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. We apply cream. Do not make too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and most expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze a little cream on the inside of the palm of your hand and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the borders of the face to its center. Blend thoroughly all over the skin. Lightly powder the foundation layer with a soft brush - this will give the face a natural look.

In order to come up with an interesting image for Halloween, just remember your favorite horror movies and cartoons. Take Corpse Bride as an example. The cartoon was released on the big screens back in 2005, and the image of the main character turned out to be so colorful that it is still used to create Halloween costumes. Let's also try to "nightmare" others on All Saints' Day!

Corpse bride costume
What does the corpse bride look like in the cartoon? A long wedding dress, a little tattered by time, white gloves, a veil, a diadem of flowers on her head and pronounced sad eyes. We will try to achieve the same effect!
Let's start with the costume - there are a lot of options in online stores, but if you want to do some needlework, you can create the bride's wardrobe with your own hands. The first option - take any White dress, wedding or just evening. Of course, it is better if it is in a retro style, with "grandmother's" lace and a corset. The next step is to give it a slightly "rumpled" look. You can cut the hem of the skirt, sleeves, corset on the back in several places, and also make large stitches with black thread. Stain the dress with black paint: just spray it from a long distance on white cloth. You get the effect of "just out of the ground."

Another option is black short and enough fluffy dress. It can be “dusted” with baby powder or ordinary flour, embroidered with white threads, decorated with a skeleton painted with fluorescent acrylic paints. In addition to this dress, black long gloves with interesting decor, for example, with skulls, spiders, bones.

Corpse Bride Makeup
When making a make-up of the corpse of the bride, be sure to highlight the eyes and lips. You can randomly apply blood spots and scars to your face. Many make out even the area around the mouth with surgical stitches. The classic option is to use a special face painting for makeup, namely blue, black and white colors from the palette. We make up the face in a blue tone. In the closed state, we completely paint over one eye with black color, the second with white with a black stroke, put a black dot-pupil in the middle. Bright scarlet or flashy pink lips, and the image is ready!

If there is no special makeup, you just have to brighten the skin of the face to the maximum with foundation, powder and concealer. We generously circle the eyes with a black pencil and draw along their contour. long eyelashes. It remains only to walk along the curves of the eyebrows, making them thick, clear and strongly raised up.

Makeup for a partner

Bride with blue hair: hairstyle for the deceased bride
For a corpse bride look, buy a wig or individual strands of black, navy blue, or gray color. You can color your curls with special varnishes or crayons.
A stylized wreath of thorns, dry darkened leaves, a torn veil and a veil are suitable as a hair accessory. You can take a bouquet of dried flowers or a toy - the skeleton of a dog, as in a cartoon. Pick up something "terribly interesting" in the gift shop.

Manicure and additional details
The best manicure option for the deceased bride is its complete absence: nails with jagged, without varnish and with a black “mourning” border under them. If there is no desire to mock your hands like that, you can simply paint over the nail plates in black or red. Or “spoil” a set of false nails.

The variant of the “crooked” manicure will also look spectacular. Cover nail plate an unobtrusive nude shade, and the edges, as in French, in red or black, but specifically make the border uneven. Or create bloody smudges on your nails.
In addition to everything, you can demonstrate the anatomy of the human body on your hands - draw bones on them. Green cartoon worms will look original on the hair.

The image of the deceased bride was repeatedly used by designers during the shows of their collections, for example, Vivienne Westwood and Givenchy, and Hollywood stars simply love to make up in this style on All Saints' Day.

The idea of ​​the black comedy "Corpse Bride" Tim Burton nurtured for 10 years. It will also take you a lot of time to create the image of a corpse bride, but at a party you will definitely be in the spotlight. Especially if you show up there arm in arm with your “made-up” fiance from the underworld!



The image of the dead bride is recognizable thanks to Tim Burton and his cartoon.

However, in itself, the image of the dead bride is much older, its history going back to the era of romanticism and vampire-style novels of the 19th century. And then they composed literally everything on the theme of otherworldly, afterlife, gloomy and gothic. Even Dumas and Pushkin.

Here, compare: "Groom" A.S. Pushkin, the scene of exposing the robber:

And this is Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride", the scene of exposing Lord Barkis:

In the literature of the 19th century, both images of a cruel and domineering vampire (of course, an aristocrat, a female version of Dracula) and images of an innocent maiden whom evil vampires are trying to drive to the grave were popular, but, being the bride of the protagonist, she either lives to be married, or the heroes avenge her. Often, the role of "vile bloodsuckers" is played by an aristocratic vampire, as was the case in the novel "Christabel" by Kutcher or "Carmilla" by J. Sheridan le Fanu. At the same time, the main villain of the story also often has a wedding dress and her “skeleton in the closet”.

Note that Burton's Emily is much kinder and more cordial, despite her anger and vindictiveness, and Victoria receives her help and support:

Emily acted rather gently with the main character, unlike her prototypes:

It is worth noting that the prototype of the dead bride exists in mythology, both among the Slavs and the Scandinavians. Meet Morana, she is the Snow Queen:

The Snow Queen, the mistress of winter, lives in the north, rides in a sleigh.

In a particular tale, she has an opponent - Gerda. In the prototypes of Andersen's fairy tale - the bride of Kai.

And here is what Pixar did from this pair of antagonists:

And by the way, Anna in this story is also a bride, opposing the real snow queen Elsa.

Here's another couple, this time also by Tim Burton: The White Queen and Alice.

Since Halloween, Samhain and All Saints' Day are the celebration of the transition of the year "to the dark side", the beginning of winter and the door to the underworld in combination, it cannot do without the goddess of cold and death. But why is the image of the goddess of death and cold associated with the image of the bride?

If we turn to the Slavic wedding ceremony, then the first half of this ceremony was ... the funeral of the bride. To show the transition of a girl from one family to another, she died with her parents, and appeared with the groom. Hence the very word “bride”, that is, a girl “from nowhere”. Here, too, Pushkin's fairy tale:

This was done because marriage is an important step in a woman's life, the transition from girlhood to the status of a woman, a rite of initiation.

Makovsky V. E. "Under the crown", 1884

Although sometimes the bride's parents lived on a nearby street, they saw her off as if the girl was leaving "to a strange side" forever.

So, back to the specific image for the Halloween carnival. As we found out, this character has the following characteristics:

  • aristocracy (and even royalty);
  • connection with the other world, night, cold and moon;
  • power over evil forces;
  • manic revenge on the groom;
  • dark and tragic past;
  • and, as a psychologist would say, “Gestalt incompleteness” (bride forever).

Let's look at the gallery of incarnations of the character from the cartoon Barton:

You can see that the most important component of the image is makeup, after it - a dress and flowers.

So let's start with makeup.

We have big selection, "what not to do". Compare:

The first picture shows "how not to", while the second is the correct option.

This is a realistic zombie makeup, the main tone is white.

Not blue

Those who make it blue are mistaken: shadows are made blue (not blue, but dark blue-gray): depressions on the face and body.

With the help of the study of chiaroscuro, an imitation of a skull covered with white skin, thinness and a place where the body is damaged is made. It is better to work out the damage separately, focusing on the zombie makeup tutorials, and it is better not to skimp on the damage, not to spare the beauty of the face.

In the second photo, much more attention is paid to the wounds and it looks better than in the first.

The next item is the eyes. The best option there will be lenses “a la Manson” (insert BEFORE makeup):

If not, you don’t need to draw eyes, as in the first photo below, it’s better to do it, as in the second: the girl widened her eyes due to the white eyeliner of the lower eyelid.

Pay attention, Emily's entire eyelid is dark blue, so she closed her eyes:

In addition, you should not get carried away with brightness, do not do this:

It's better to do it like this:

but not so (too bright color lips)

In addition, the hair should not look like Malvina's wig, after all, the heroine lay in the ground for some time, they fell off. Adding color is a must. You can donate a blue wig, you can donate your own (dye with tonic, do not wash or wax for a week, dye strands with mascara, comb, felt and fluff, style).

A separate note: do not forget about painting the whole body, so that it doesn’t happen like this:

The best way out is to buy Wedding Dress in a second-hand store, arm yourself with scissors and spray paint. Silver, white (yes-yes), light gray and light beige will do. The more colors and the more neutral (“dirtier”) they are, the better. Pros use special texturers for this, but acrylic paints, and graffiti paints. There is no spray can - the paint is applied with a washcloth-sponge. Dress do not regret:

Shoes - any suitable in appearance and comfortable.

Flowers are best arranged in advance. An already withering bouquet is taken (better than a rose) and hung upside down until it dries completely. After that, dried roses are glued to a rim of small artificial (dim) flowers, supplemented with dry stems and leaves (pick up in the park).

The second option for flowers is to make a bouquet and a wreath of flowers that are resistant to drought: immortelle, yarrow, spikelets of herbs.

The veil is thin, dilapidated, not dense (and not a curtain).

And at the end of the article, a master class on creating makeup for a dead bride

Happy holidays!

Terribly good time of day, dear guests! Are you going to a super cool party in honor of All Saints Day and have already thought about make-up and costume? I recommend paying attention to the image of a Halloween bride who has risen from the dead. It has everything. This is a zombie and a sorceress, and of course, a bride in love, who has not been able to taste the fruits of a happy family life. In general, if you want to organically join the theme and attract attention to yourself, dress up as a dead bride. And I will help you choose the right make-up, in the pictures I will show you how to make it right at home.

What options for the image of the bride can be used

The dead bride is one of those Halloween looks that will not limit your imagination. The main thing here is the wedding attire and a dead expression on the face, and then it's up to the details. Colored make-up, fake blood, accessories and paraphernalia of the world of the dead will be used.

It is very important that the image turned out to be really creepy, inspiring real fear, despite the virgin beauty of the outfit.

So before putting on makeup, come up with beautiful story bride's death.

  • Perhaps the newlywed died under the wheels of a huge truck, and here the makeup will be appropriate - with a beveled part of the head, for example.
  • Or maybe it seems to you that the bride was shot right at the wedding by a jealous husband, as in the movie “Kill Bill”? You will have to sweat over creating a bullet wound in your temple, stomach or chest.
  • No less interesting is the image of a dead vampire bride. The legend is as old as the world. An old vampire was seduced by a young and pristine creature. Then the newlywed will have to depict bite marks with blood stains on the neck and it is possible to continue developing the topic, focusing on the bride's vampire make-up.
  • The image of a corpse with a cut throat and numerous wounds on the face looks very impressive. The essence of makeup is that you don’t have to specially disfigure yourself with cyanotic paints and smear your eyes and lips. On the contrary, this image is built on contrasts.

The dead bride must amaze with angelic beauty with wide open beautiful eyes, appetizing lips and even skin tone. She seemed to have died a few hours ago, so the traces of blood on her face are still fresh. Draw deep wounds on the forehead, on the cheeks, but most importantly, work on the cut on the neck. Use red-dyed corn syrup, liquid latex, and paper towels for lacerations. And don't forget the sad face!

  • Or another option - the bride was kidnapped and killed, wanting to hide some terrible secret. The features of this image will be sad eyes and a mouth casually sewn up with black threads. As you can see, there are a lot of options, choose your own and conjure over makeup.

One way or another, but all of the above images are united by an unhealthy complexion (choose gray, blue, greenish or white makeup), sunken eye sockets with bruises and abrasions, smeared makeup, scars, wounds and, of course, blood. There should be a lot of blood, especially in the places of fatal wounds for the bride. Hair, nails, dress and veil should be stained with blood.

And do not forget about a small but awesome detail - lenses. The dead bride may have white, clear, or completely black lenses with no pupil.

Dead Bride by Tim Burton

All records for popularity are broken by the image of the corpse of the bride from the famous cartoon. If you watched the creation of Tim Burton, then you understand why. main character despite the gloomy beauty, it looks touching. And for Halloween, this is just what you need, especially considering the popularity of the cartoon.

In this case, everyone can do makeup with their own hands. The main thing is to study the instructions and approach the issue responsibly. The technique of this make-up is not so complicated, but without theatrical makeup or a set of aqua paints is indispensable.

So, in order. The corpse image of the bride includes:

  • dead complexion with an unhealthy blue;
  • dark make-up of the eyes;
  • pained expression.

You will need soft blue base makeup, blue, dark blue, black shadows, false eyelashes and cosmetic pencils.

Apply makeup step by step

The finishing touch of the make-up of the corpse of the bride is false eyelashes. Choose the longest and most unnatural in the spirit of a cartoon image. Dark eyelashes will look beautiful of blue color. For showiness, you can add some silver or black sparkles to them.

Impressed by the ideas with the images of dead brides and are already eager to fight and experiment? Hey, invite your friends on social media for a creative practice make-up and practice together, it's not that long before Halloween!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

Halloween is celebrated in our country on a grand scale every year. Theme parties on this night, they allow all adults to become a little children for several hours and take part in a grandiose masquerade. For reincarnation, you can choose any image, but the most popular are various and evil spirits. You can also draw inspiration from works of art, why not, for example, make yourself a “corpse bride” costume based on the eponymous animated film Tim Burton?

Ideas for inspiration

Legends about girls who suddenly died after receiving a marriage proposal and managed to return from the next world to their own wedding are in the folklore of many peoples. However, it was thanks to Burton's popular cartoon that the image of the dead bride became incredibly popular and replicated. A costume in this style can be made based on this animation tape, or classic version a dead girl in a once white dress, who decided to return to the world of the living. Just in case, we remind you that the “corpse bride” suit in style involves blue skin, and the same wreath of roses, a half-decayed dust-stained dress and traditional wedding accessories.

Choosing a wedding dress

The main thing in any fancy dress- This is the main clothing. The easiest option is to find a wedding dress that you don't mind ruining. You can decorate it in any way, tear it somewhere, specially stain it somewhere. However, such a pleasure will be expensive, because even a used wedding dress is not so cheap. You can take any white dress or sundress instead of a wedding dress. How to make a "corpse bride" costume with minimal costs? One way or another, you will have to buy a corset (you can find an inexpensive Chinese-made version), but it’s easy to make a skirt yourself. A rectangle of white fabric should be gathered along the long edge with an elastic band, but the hem can not be processed. If you know how to sew, you can make a “correct” skirt, for example, according to the “semi-sun” pattern. The Corpse Bride costume consists of a dirty, half-decayed dress and accessories. Do not be too lazy to tear the corset and skirt, get them dirty. The easiest way is to dilute black or brown gouache in water and thoroughly spray the outfit with it or even wet entire sections of the fabric.

Mystic accessories

Most vivid image the deceased bride will turn out if you add it with a blue wig. Could not find a similar accessory for sale? Don't be discouraged - try buying an inexpensive blond faux-curl wig and dye it. Halloween costume "corpse bride" should also be supplemented with a veil. Emily, the cartoon character, had her veil held on by a wreath of large blue roses. It is not difficult to buy such an ornament, and if you wish, you can independently glue artificial flowers of the desired shade to the rim. Do not forget to spray the veil dyed with dark water, you can tear it a little and fray its edges. If the costume will include stockings or tights, they should also be pre-stained. Complete the Corpse Bride costume with a small bouquet. Artificial white flowers can be dyed with blue dye and wrapped in "dirty" white tulle or blue cloth. If desired, the costume is complemented by gloves (which should also be splashed and torn) and jewelry.

Makeup and makeup

Halloween costume "corpse bride" will look as impressive as possible with proper makeup. If possible, get a blue, grayish or white face painting and cover all exposed skin areas with it. A less extravagant option is to use a white or lightest nude powder for the face, neck and décolleté. Brightly highlight the eyes, in addition to cosmetics, you can use false eyelashes. Optionally, abrasions, stitches or protruding bones can be drawn on the face. It all depends on your imagination and skills, as well as the materials at hand. As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to make a “corpse bride” costume with your own hands. If you start preparing for Halloween in advance, it will take you no more than 2-3 evenings to create it.