Subject Lessons for Sunday School. Interesting Sunday School Ideas 1000 Sunday School Ideas

Target: Meet the new kids. Take an interest in the children's progress. Tell what they will be doing this year in the classroom.

bible story: Jesus chooses disciples (Matt. 4:18-22)

Golden Verse: “I called you friends because I told you everything that I heard from my Father” John 15:15

During the classes

1. Greeting. Organizing time

Welcome the children. Greet them with love.

2. Prayer

The new rhyme will help you set up the kids in a prayerful mood, position them for the time of worshiping the Lord. You can use a rhyme from the materials of the last school year.

Rhyme for prayer:

I will close my eyes
I'll fold my hands
Lord Jesus
I pray and say:

Thank the Lord for the summer, for the rest that children and adults had. Ask for blessings on a new academic year. Thank you for the new children who have appeared in the group.

3. Song

Think back to the songs you learned last year.

4. Games on acquaintance

Children, I really want to make friends with you, it will be especially pleasant for me to meet new ones, to become their friend .... (Try to remember the names of newcomers when meeting. Homemade badges (tags) will help you. A badge can be made from a piece of notebook paper and attached to the child’s clothes with tape. Badges can be made colored, curly: a flower or a heart, or a smiley face. Write the names of the children with a marker. Make badges for all kids).

1) "Remember the name"

Purpose of the game: remember the names of all the children of the groups, as well as remember the names of the newcomers.

Children join hands and form a circle. The first participant calls his name, the second - the name of the previous player and his own, the third - the names of the two previous ones and his own, and so on. Thus, the last player must name all the babies.

Additional rules: 1). Anyone who made a mistake or did not remember someone's name should say: "Oh, I forgot!"; 2). Calling the name of the baby, be sure to look into his eyes.

2) "The most-most"

You name the property of a person, and the children shout in chorus who it is in their class. For example:

the most dexterous, the most honest, the most generous, the strongest, the most industrious, the most cheerful, the most inquisitive, the most courageous, the most kind.

We have learned so much about ourselves! How kind, generous, cheerful, reliable you are! You are wonderful!

Use a new rhyme that will help you set up the guys for the perception of the biblical story:

Rhyme to get attention

Children, please come here.
We will listen
God's words.

5. Bible story

Guys, last year at our lessons we met the Lord Jesus. For us, Jesus became the best friend.

Our story today is from the Bible (have the children put their hands close together and then open them like a book. Repeat the gesture several times).

When Jesus lived on earth, He told people about the Heavenly Father and the Kingdom of God. One day, while walking along the Lake of Galilee, Jesus saw two fishermen on the shore. These were brothers: Simon, he had a middle name - Peter, and Andrei. He called them:

Andrew, Peter, follow Me! - I think that He even waved his hand to them, like this (show how and ask the guys to repeat this gesture). Now you will not catch fish, but people. You will tell them about God, that He saves from sin and death!

Both Peter and Andrew "immediately" is written in the Bible, which means immediately and quickly, they left their fishing nets and went after Jesus.

Then the Lord Jesus saw two other fishermen, also brothers. Their names were James and John. They helped their father mend the fishing nets. Jesus called them, and they immediately left their nets and went after Jesus (show the “follow me!” gesture again, let the children repeat). Then Jesus called many more disciples. But the closest, whom He called friends, were 12 people.

They followed Jesus everywhere - their Lord and Teacher. Fellow disciples carried out the assignments the Lord gave them. He loved His disciples and called them friends. In the Bible - the Word of God, such words are written: "I called you friends, because I told you everything that I heard from My Father."

Friends-disciples of Jesus listened to all the words of the Lord, asked to teach them to pray, listened to all His parables and teachings. They also learned from Christ to preach about the kingdom of God, talk about God, and heal the sick. They helped Christ and people.

The disciples were always close to their Teacher. When Jesus died and rose again and returned home to heaven, the disciples, whom the Lord called apostles - messengers, continued His work. They testified of the miracles of Jesus, of His death and resurrection, of salvation from sin and the Kingdom of Heaven.

In our classes we will learn from Christ, listen to the Word of God, learn to be friends, play, sing, do different crafts. Jesus wants us to learn to learn, to be friends, to forgive, to help each other. And most importantly - to know the Lord more, to get acquainted with new biblical stories and try to do as God teaches us.

6. Golden Verse

“I called you friends because I told you everything that I heard from my Father” John 15:15

Explain to the children that Jesus chose disciples and He called them friends. Jesus loves each of us and also chose us and called us friends if we follow Him - the Lord and Savior, love Him and tell other people about Him.

7. Practical use

1) Game - "friend"

Children become in a circle. The facilitator pronounces the words, and the children perform the actions. You can sing the entire text.

To the one on the right - smile,
To the one on the left - smile,
To the one on the right - bow,
To the one on the left - bow.

Give a hand to the one on the right,
Give a hand to the one on the left
Now you walk in circles
Walk with your friends.

To the one on the right - wink,
To the one on the left - wink,
The one on the right - hug,
Hug the one on the left.

And everyone is friends again! So our game has ended, which teaches us to be friendly and love everyone!

2) Exercise "Earth like a ball"

Place a small tennis ball in each child's palm and say:

“Our Earth has the same shape as this ball. It is round (ask to repeat after you - “The earth is round”). This is how the Lord created it - our God (let the children repeat “the earth is round, God created it this way”). From space, it looks as small as this ball. But it's actually very big. She is very beautiful, blue color. (Prepare pictures with views of the planet Earth in advance to consider them).

There are many people, animals and plants on Earth. We humans are all connected to each other. God wants us to respect and love one another. If we treat other people the way they would treat us, then life around us will become better.” God wants us to do well and be friends with everyone. He also wants us to keep the Earth from evil: do not litter, do not break trees and bushes, do not torture animals, take care of nature.

How is life for each of you? (Children, holding the ball in their palms, alternately tell about themselves: first name, last name, how old, cherished dream).

8. Bottom line

I know that God loves each of you. He knows the name of each of you and wants to bless everyone, that is, make them happy. It all depends on us, do we want it? I hope that each of you will strive to please God, to do only what pleases Him and all people.

9. Prayer

Lord, I thank You for these children, that You again gave us this meeting with them. Bless them, keep them in Your hand, protect them from sin and evil. May Your name be glorified! Amen.


Game "Big affectionate game"

Children become in a circle. Turn on the music or sing a song together (preferably about friendship). We move in circles to the music. When the music has stopped, you need to hug the one on the right, pat on the head, hands and say "God loves you and I too." Then again we stand in a circle, not necessarily in our original place, then turn on the music and move on the opposite side. When the music stops, turn again, now to the left and repeat: hug, stroke, say "God loves you and I do too." Each time it must be a new person.

In the Sunday School of the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, an unusual lesson was held on the topic: “We set the festive table.”

During the traditional joint tea party, during which conversations usually take place, the teacher of the circle "Decorative and Applied Art" Nikolskaya Ksenia Igorevna held interesting activity for serving the tea table. Everyone loves to drink tea at any time of the year, it warms you on cold winter evenings, cools you down on hot summer days, gathering family members or friends at the same table. Tea completes any meal, and in most cases, it is followed by non-compulsory heart-to-heart conversations. To make the ceremony more enjoyable, you need to know some rules.

Elizaveta Malinovskaya, a graduate of the Sunday School, spoke about them at the beginning of the lesson. After graduating from school this spring, she does not leave her chapels and continues to attend circle classes, including a theater studio, and also helps organize Sunday tea parties. According to the girl, even washing dishes and cleaning tables for the guys in her beloved Sunday school is a joy for her. Liza prepared a message for the event, which she read to her younger friends: “Every day everyone drinks tea: in the morning - as a rule, for cheerfulness, in the evening - for relaxation. An important part of the preparation of this process is the table setting, that is, its preparation for tea drinking. Serving components include a beautiful tea service, unusually folded napkins, sweets beautifully laid out on plates, as well as the aroma of freshly brewed tea. From all this emanates comfort and tranquility. It is from the table setting for tea drinking that the mood at the table largely depends. Table setting for tea drinking is selected taking into account all the nuances, for example, the number of people, the purpose of the invitation. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to set the table before the guests arrive, but the tea itself should be brewed when the guests are almost on the doorstep.

Elizabeth’s story was continued by Ksenia Igorevna, who also mentioned the peculiarities of Russian tea drinking: “Guys, in our school we drink tea from a samovar, this item has become rare these days, it has been replaced by teapots. The samovar has been an attribute of the Russian tea table since ancient times, and without it, perhaps, one cannot even imagine more than one Russian tea party. In addition to the fact that water is heated with the help of a samovar, it was often a work of art. This is evidenced by the famous Tula samovars, presented in the exposition of the Tula Museum of Samovars, where you went on an excursion. In addition to the samovar, a teapot for tea leaves is placed on the table. A feature of Russian tea drinking was that tea was poured from teapot in cups, and then diluted with boiling water from a samovar. Tea used to be served in glasses, cups came into vogue much later. In order not to burn their fingers on a glass of hot drink, they were placed in coasters, which could be made of silver or an alloy of copper and nickel. These days, tea from cup holders can be enjoyed while traveling on trains. long distance, as it is the most convenient hiking option. Usually in Russia they drank tea with pastries, rolls, dryers, honey, fruits and berries, and they also loved crushed sugar. Treats can be different, it depends on the wealth of the owners. Now there are a variety of beautiful porcelain and faience tea sets.

Before serving a tea table, it must be covered with a tablecloth - festive for special occasions and simple for daily tea drinking. The tablecloth creates the background of the table, its color must be chosen to match the color of the dishes. Do not forget that a certain tablecloth needs an appropriate tablecloth. So for round table- a round tablecloth, and for a square tablecloth, respectively, of this shape. A napkin is an indispensable element of table setting for tea drinking. Usually napkins are placed under cutlery for each member of the feast. They can be beautifully folded or special rings can be used. Tea couple - a cup and a saucer are placed in front of each place at the table.

In parallel with the story, the children were shown photographs of festive tea tables and offered to try to set the table. With great interest they arranged dishes and refreshments, rolled up napkins, giving them graceful forms. The guys had the opportunity to show their talent and arrange all the serving elements to their taste, keeping the rules in mind. As homework, in order to consolidate the material, the students were recommended to draw a festive tea table for the next lesson, as they imagine it.

One of the table-setters, Mikhail Nikolsky, said at the end of the lesson: “I liked the lesson. We ourselves arranged the dishes in a certain sequence and laid out treats on the dishes. I remember how to add sugar to tea correctly. A sugar bowl with a spoon is placed on the table, and each guest pours sugar into his cup with this spoon, but without putting it into tea. To stir sugar, each guest should have their own individual spoon, which is located next to the tea pair.

“I love drinking tea, especially with strawberry and cherry jam. My birthday is coming soon and I will ask my mother to allow me to lay the tea table myself when the guests arrive. Now I know how to do it!”, - shared a second grade student Dima Zavarzin.

Tatyana Shitova

Today we will not dwell on what is subject lessons for Sunday school . It is best to see this directly in the examples. We have found several suitable subject lessons that you can immediately use in your classes.


This subject lesson is taken from the site flamecreativekids

You can come up with your own description of this story.

Here is a brief description of this idea.

A transparent empty glass is our heart.

An effervescent, dissolving tablet is an insult.

We add a pill to an empty glass and say that when we are offended, this resentment weighs heavily in our hearts (I'm sure you can present it colorfully and creatively with examples from your life, find out if the children had a similar experience)

And we cannot get rid of the burden of resentment ourselves. We can get used to it, but as soon as we see the offender, we immediately feel this offense.

We need help from God. (You can read scriptures about the help of the Lord) Pour water into a glass. The tablet starts to dissolve. Bubbles appear and burst. At this moment, we are talking about the fact that when we ask for help from God, He comes to our aid, heals our heart, dissolving the pain of resentment. The tablet does not dissolve immediately, it takes time. Likewise, the work of God with resentment in our heart does not disappear immediately. This is a healing process.

Show creativity and imagination in this story.

The presentation of the gospel on the fingers.

Thumb: ok (OK)

When we want to tell someone that we are doing well, we give a thumbs up. At the same time, when we talk about God, we put our finger in the same position, saying that our God is good. God is perfect, and since He created us, He wants only good for us. Place your finger up.

Pointer: you did wrong.

We use the index finger to point out to someone that he or she has done something wrong.

Bend all other fingers, and point with your index finger at the person you are talking to.

The very moment we sin against God, He points His four fingers at us. We want to go our own way, not God's. We do not want to do anything for God, despite the fact that He created us and wants the best for us.

In this sentence, you can point the finger at yourself too.

Most Outstanding Person: Jesus Christ.

This finger is the tallest (usually)! We can say that Jesus Christ is indeed a Great Man. He stands above all. No one can point fingers at him because He never sinned. He voluntarily died on the cross for our sin, and therefore we can again stand without lack before God.

Extend all the fingers and show that the middle finger is the longest.

Finger with ring: wedding ring- a symbol of love and unity.

This is the same finger on which a wedding ring is put on. The wedding ring is a symbol of the love and unity of the couple who got married when they agreed to enter into a single relationship until death. At the same time, the sinner can have a completely new relationship with God when he is willing to give his life to Him. God will become his Father.

Place the ring on this finger. If you are married, this would be the perfect example when you use your own engagement ring. If not, then borrow from someone. But don't forget to give.

Little finger: farthest from the thumb.

This finger is farthest from him. You and I are like that finger when we want nothing to do with God. When we want to live the way we want. By doing this, we can never close the distance between us and God. And when we stubbornly deny what Christ has done for us, that distance between us and God remains forever.

You can bend fingers two through four, leaving only the thumb and little finger straight to focus on the distance between thumb and little finger.

Team Lesson

Have you ever tried walking on raw eggs? Me neither. But here tried. The experiment will be successful if the participant is barefoot. For safety net lay something))). If you walk on dozens of eggs, they will not burst. The hardest part is getting into the top ten. The child will not do without help. Eggs do not burst (as the author claims). TOGETHER WE ARE POWER and no problems, difficult circumstances will crush us).

Lesson "You are wonderfully created" Origami box

You are wonderfully made

Craft: box

Scripture: "I will praise you, because I am wonderfully made." (Ps. 139:14a)

Concept: God created man.

Subject: a box with a mirror inside.

Today I brought this box with me. It contains something of great value to God!! What do you think - what could it be? (children's answers). You name very valuable things, and they could very well be in this box, but there is something else there. Invite the child to open the box and see what is inside. There is a mirror, and what do you see in the mirror? - myself!!! So - you are each of you) the greatest treasure for the Lord! When God was satisfied with what He had created and said that all creation is good, He decided to create man, and not as a by-product, but as the pinnacle of His creation. The first man was completely different from animals because he was created in the image of God Himself. He was not God, but in some special way he reflected God. Unlike animals, man had a soul that the Lord breathed into him. This means that the inner personality, which is the real "I", is immortal, and is able (by the original design) to speak with God, love God and obey Him. What a huge difference from animals! Look at you! Let's look at ourselves. (Note: Please do what you tell your children to do as well). Extend your arm and look at your palm. Now spread your fingers as far as you can. Clench your fingers into a fist. Now move your fingers very quickly. Turn your hand and look at it again. Look at the joints where the fingers bend. They look a little weird, don't they? All wrinkles on the skin in these places do not exist by chance. If they weren't there, you wouldn't be able to bend your fingers. How do your joints work? I can't say it. But I think they are very complex, because they help you work with your fingers. And who made your fingers work so well? (Pause for answers). Of course, God did it. Thank God for your joints. Now look at your palms. Feel the pads of your fingers. Press on the pad of your finger. Do you feel like there's a bone inside? Now touch the pillow again. Do you feel how soft it is? On your fingers, these pads do not exist by chance. If you take something in your hand, you won't hurt your fingers. Now feel your palm. Here the skin is quite thick. When you fall, you stretch your arms forward so as not to hit; what part of the hand touches the ground first? (Pause for answers). That's right, palms. That's why the skin is thick enough here - to protect your hands. Who made it so that you have soft pads on your fingers and thick skin on your palms? (Pause for answer). That's right, God did it. Could you make such soft fingers yourself? Do you know how to make such a dense skin? (Shake your head and wait for answers). Of course not. Only God can do this. Now let's sit quietly. Put your hand on your heart. (Help the little ones do it). Do you feel how it beats? Could you make him beat yourself? (Shake your head and pause for an answer.) Of course not! Only God knows how to make our heart beat. And now even quieter. Try to stop your heartbeat. Think about it. Can you stop the heart? (Pause for answer). Not! God made our hearts beat by themselves. We don't even have to try for it. Who arranged it so that the heart is constantly beating? (Pause for answer). Of course! God did it. Can you move your toes in your shoes? Now move your feet. Now bend your knees. Now let's be quiet again. Who made it possible for your toes, feet and knees to move? (Pause for answer). Of course, God did this too. Now everyone look at me. Let's turn our heads to the right. Left. Look at me again. Look at the ceiling. Look at the floor. What helps us to move our head in different directions? (Pause for answer). Of course, this is our neck. There is a throat inside the neck. (Touch your throat). The neck is like a small hard tube. In addition, there are bones and nerves inside the neck. (Feel the back of the neck.) However, when you move your neck, all those bones and nerves don't mix with each other. Can you create such a complex device as a neck yourself? (Shake your head and pause for an answer.) Of course not. Who gave you such a good neck? (Pause for answer). God did it! Only God could create such a wonderful neck. We can continue to look at our bodies further, but I think that you have already understood the meaning of my questions. I kept asking you about who could have done all this. And the answer was always the same - (pause for answer) God! Who created us - all that is inside and outside? (Pause for answer). God did it! So who owns what is inside and outside of us? (Pause for answer). Correctly! We belong to God. The Bible says that it was God who created us, and not someone else. It's easy to remember, right? Every time you move your arms and legs, think of God. Every time you think about your body, remember that God created it. Facts about a person: There are no people with the same fingerprints, retinas, the same character - everything is very individual.

Catch Me If You Can

THE IMAGE OF GOD: Confidence

TIME: 15 minutes

Very quickly, children will learn to understand how easily trust turns into doubt,

and how much they need Jesus to keep their trust.

Main truth: Jesus is the Son of God, I can trust Him with my doubts.

Unsharpened pencils

Hello! Turn on your brains. Today I have a three-part question for you.

Here is the first part.

Who among you thinks he can catch a pencil with one hand,

thrown from the opposite end of the room? Yes, and you will be blindfolded.

Pause and let the children respond

You are not very sure of yourself!

Good. The second part.

Suppose I let you take off your blindfold. Now would you be able to catch the pencil? Yeah. Confidence is growing!

Give the children a chance to respond.

Now the third part. Which one of you will catch a pencil if I hold it right over your hand?

(Yeah, no doubt!)

Let's try now.

Let the guys split into pairs. Give an unsharpened pencil to each pair of children.

Find yourself a mate yourself and demonstrate the following. Have your partner hold their hand as if holding a glass.

Hold the pencil over your partner's hand. Let the guys repeat your actions.

On the count of three, drop the pencil.

(Science fact: by the time the eye sees the pencil fall and commands the brain, time is lost.

You will hear the sound of pencils falling all over the room.)

Change roles. Some guys will catch pencils all the time.

Let these guys first shorten and then increase the distance between the hand and the pencil.

Jesus knows our strengths and weaknesses better than we do. He also knows how quickly our confidence turns into doubt. The good news is that Jesus helps us through our doubts.

* What exactly causes you the greatest doubts? What helps you gain confidence? Tell us how you can show your confidence in God.

Jesus will strengthen our faith and give us the assurance that He is the Son of God. Put aside your doubts and put on His confidence!

Super Science Facts

Gravity is the force of attraction that exists in the universe between all particles that have mass. It is the force of gravity that attracts objects to the surface of the planet.

collage story

Having made this beautiful story in 3D using the collage technique. You can adapt this idea to biblical stories (e.g. "Jonah", "Jesus calms the storm", etc.)

Lesson Creation Day 3 (origami cherries)

Theme: Creation Day 3

Craft: Cherries

Golden verse: “… Lord! You have done everything in wisdom; the earth is full of your works." Psalm 103:24

Purpose: To continue the story of God's creation.

Lesson plan Day 3 - Land and life.

On the third day, God separated the earth from the sea and created dry land. He clothed the earth with trees, grass and plants. Emphasize the following: (showing pictures of unusual trees and telling facts about them) Beauty and variety in nature. Before us is the amazing nature of the earth's cover with myriads of trees, flowers and other plants, each of which has its own perfect form of outline; compare, for example, the mighty strength of the cedar and the carefully thought-out details of the smallest living plant. The earth bears the traces of the great Artist and Architect. The world shows not only a brilliant idea, but also beauty and perfection. Artists and photographers are happy to make copies of these beautiful pictures of nature, scientists study and discover the natural laws that govern our world, but God invented and created all this. And the more we think about it, the more absurd the idea becomes that these majestic landscapes with their complex internal processes arose just like that, by chance. Some Examples from Plant Life The average lifespan of trees in a city is only 8 years. For comparison, the maximum lifespan of trees in the wild: apple tree up to 200 years, pear up to 300, European pine - 500, oak - 1000 years, juniper - a maximum of 1500 years. 170,000 pencils can be made from a medium-sized tree trunk. African baobabs live up to five thousand years. This is one of the most revered trees in Africa. Its leaves, flowers, fruits, bark are used by the natives in the economy. The inhabitants of the savannas have a custom according to which everyone should plant baobab seeds near their hut. The locals have found a use for almost every part of the baobab. A coarse, durable fiber is made from its bark, which is used to make fishing nets, ropes, mats and fabrics. Quite effective medicines are obtained from the ashes of the baobab bark against colds, fever, dysentery, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, toothache, and insect bites. Young leaves are added to salads, dry ones are used as spices; in Nigeria they are used to make soup. Young shoots are boiled like asparagus. Flower dust is used to make glue. Fresh pulp resembles ginger in taste and is rich in vitamins C and B, and in terms of its nutritional value it is equal to veal. It is quickly absorbed by the body and relieves fatigue. The fruit pulp is also dried and ground into powder; diluted in water, it gives a soft drink, slightly similar to "lemonade", hence another name for the baobab - lemonade tree. The seed of the fruit is edible raw, and a coffee substitute is brewed from roasted and crushed. The dried hard shell of the fruit is used instead of a glass. Soap is made from the ashes of the burned fruit. Did you know that in Hainan (China) grows a "breadfruit" tree, or bolomi. Its fruits have the taste of melon and pineapple. Their size is huge, weighing about 35 kilograms. Breadfruit is nutritious but cloyingly sweet. The bones of the fruit can be fried. In this form, they resemble roasted chestnuts. Breadfruit rightfully bears the title of "King of Fruits" In Oceania, along with the coconut palm, which gives milk and butter, breadfruit grows. All types of trees of the genus Artocarpus of the mulberry family are called breadfruit. They bear fruit in "loaves" weighing up to 12 kg! In the pulp of oval fruits, starch accumulates, which, as it ripens, turns into ... dough. “If someone plants a breadfruit tree, he will do more to feed his descendants than a grain grower. cultivating his field all his life in the sweat of his brow .. ”- wrote James Cook. Usually breadfruit trees bear fruit for 70-75 years. On one tree, 700-800 "breads" ripen annually. The fruits are filled with sweet pulp. Drinks are made from unripe fruits, and something similar to bread is baked from ripe fruits. The fruits of the Indian breadfruit tree are impressive - up to a meter in diameter! The branches could not withstand such a load, so the "loaves" grow right on the trunk. The African breadfruit traculia has smaller fruits - up to half a meter in diameter and weighing up to 14 kg. In Madagascar, the patriarch of breadfruit trees has been preserved - 20 m high, trunk girth 50 m (!). It is generally believed that the tallest grass grows in the savannas and jungles. However, there are plants related to herbs that are five times higher than tropical grasses. So, a variety of millet growing in Vietnam reaches 15 meters, but this “grass” is not the largest, above it is a giant bamboo, reaching 30 meters. Bamboo is commonly referred to as reed, but this is incorrect, bamboo refers to herbs. Other examples can be given, for example, the slowest growing tree - white cedar - has grown by 10 cm in 155 years. Cork tree, durian fruit and more.

Prayer with salt and water

Is God always there?

Key Truth: We feel the need to pray and serve God.

formula for success:

Ice cubes

thread salt shaker

small cup of water

Oilcloth tablecloth

Before the class starts, lay a tablecloth on the table, cut the threads and scatter the ice cubes.

God hears our prayers and answers them. Not because we remembered to pray this morning, or because we always go to church, but because He loves us. He is always with us!

Wet the threads with water. Now place the string on the ice cube. Wrap it with a thread and try to lift it up. (Of course, this won't work.) Let this remind us that without the help of prayer, we cannot overcome life's difficulties.

Once again, ask the children to wrap the wet ends of the string around the ice cube. Sprinkle some salt on it and wait for the salt to dissolve. Now try again and this time you will lift the cube. (Science fact: salt lowers the freezing point of water. Water freezes and the string freezes to ice.) You can lift the ice cube and it will hang on the string. God answers prayers. Pray, pray, pray!

Results of the laboratory experiment:

Recall a time when prayer helped you endure a difficult situation.

Drawing of the story "5 Love Languages"

Evangelism in the drawings "The story of the origin of the world"

Story of the origin of the world

I will tell you how the world came about.

In the beginning was God

He created all angels. They were created to praise God and exalt Him. One of the angels, named Lucifer, was created the most beautiful and superior to others. But one day Lucifer became proud and wanted to become equal to God. However, no one can compare with God. Therefore, a special place was prepared for Lucifer and his demons - hell. God created the whole world in seven days: earth, stars, sun, moon, animals, birds, fish and two people - Adam and Eve. They lived on earth and enjoyed every moment. But once.....

Evangelization in the drawings “God! Save me!"

Now we will hear a story that directly concerns each of us. This is a story about our life and it is called “God! Save me!". (You can also call the story "Save and Save"). (Write the title of the story.)

I want to ask you a question: “How many times in your life have you said this expression, “Lord, save and save”?”. I think often. Especially in very extreme situations, when our lives were in danger. Many of us wear a cross around our neck, on which these words “save and save” are also written. We all want God to save and keep us in different situations of our lives. One day.....



Elephant tails and adult knees

Door to Heaven

God hears

Guess who made you

God hugs us

watch your language

Hide and seek with God

Do not bother me

Glued to God with love

plant a garden

We play ball

Don't forget to salt!

god dolls

beyond comprehension

Long live smiles!

Rough cobblestones and smooth stones

Source of strength

Imitating God

All nature sings

Bosai Christians

Connected together

Washed in the blood of Christ

Color your world for Jesus

Rules of the game

look inside

Put on your headphones!

Look at Jesus

God's instructions for use

Weeding our gardens

Sieve for thoughts

Thank God!

The cure for worries

Cling to God

God is real!

Miscellaneous gifts

Walking with God

Caring for Creation

past and forgotten

God's dandelions

God's love forever.. forever.. and forever and ever

Grumblers and murmurers

In the event of a fire alarm...

Why do we say no

Circumcision for good

Avoid it!

Three in one

Do not worry

Love love love!

Death and new life

The True Meaning of Christmas

Christian fruit bowl

Evangelism in pictures.

Many years ago, an ocean liner from the White Star series sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from England to New York. The ship was called TITANIC and it was her first voyage. The ship's designer boasted that even God would not sink it. Having sixteen watertight partitions, four of which, even when filled with water, will not lead to the flooding of the vessel. The Titanic was called unsinkable. All 2224 passengers easily believed the assurances of the ship's designer. Unless a few of them thought about eternity, sailing through the waters of the Atlantic, where the depth was more than 3 kilometers. The ship was full of entertainment, its reliability gave a sense of security, as the ship went at a speed of 22 knots. It looked like the ship was about to set a record, but not the one the passengers were expecting. The Titanic received warnings about a possible collision with icebergs, but they were not taken into account. After all, many thought about LIFE, about the new life that awaited them in a free America. New perspectives, work, happy life All this was promised by America. No one even thought about something bad .... (continuation of the text download.)

Lesson 5th Day of Creation (Origami Swan)

Day 5 of Creation Craft: Swan Key Verse: “The earth is the Lord's and what fills it, the universe and all that lives in it,” Psalm 23:1.

Subject: pictures depicting various birds, fish, animals.

Day 5 - Animal world. It is said that on the fifth day God began to create the animal world. First, He created the inhabitants of the seas and rivers, from small fish to huge whales, as well as the world of birds. Why do many of them have similar features? As we should have expected, One great Designer endowed the same characteristic features many animals, birds and fish. Evolution or creation? The fact that one fish resembles another in some way indicates that they were created by the same Creator. But whoever claims that this similarity proves descent from common ancestors must solve an impossible problem. How, then, to explain that, for example, two species of fish can have exactly the same eyes, while the rest of the organs are different? Proponents of evolution are trying with all their might to reproduce visually the evolutionary process, as they imagine it from the beginning to the present day, but they are not able to do it as required. An infinite number of details do not converge on their scheme.

Day 6 - Animals and people. On the sixth day, God created all land animals, cattle, reptiles and beasts. Residents of cities rarely have the opportunity to see these creatures in nature, in all their variety of species and behaviors. Even watching them on the screen or in the zoo, we cannot fully appreciate the merits and unique features of various animals, insects and other living creatures. But an unprejudiced examination will lead us to the conclusion that they were created by the Divine hand. Even unbelievers are forced to use expressions such as "Nature has given animals these qualities" to describe the wonders of the animal world. Nature, they say, becomes almost a living creator! Has anyone noticed how the authors of natural history textbooks try to attribute to animals the ability to change in accordance with environment? However, Jesus said that even a man cannot add even one cubit to his height (Matthew 6:27), no matter how hard he tries to do so. Some biologists reject the idea of ​​God, but attribute god-like abilities to the simplest creatures! Bottom line: The biblical story tells us about God, who invented and created the whole world and us. He has endowed us, His highest creation, with a special ability to know, love, and obey Him. Do we honor and love our Creator? Do we realize that we owe our existence to the Lord God? Does God enjoy fellowship with us, or do we treat Him like strangers? Maybe we use and enjoy His blessings without thinking about the One Who gives them to us? Do we accept everything good as it should be, and blame God for everything bad? The Bible warns us; Remember your Creator in the days of your youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1).

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Cathedral of Saint Mark. Basilica di San Marco - "Basilica of San Marco" - the Cathedral of Venice (until 1807 - the court chapel at the Doge's Palace), which is a rare example of Byzantine architecture in Western Europe. It is located on St. Mark's Square, next to the Doge's Palace. The cathedral, decorated with numerous Byzantine-style mosaics, is the location of the relics of the Apostle Mark and many valuable art objects taken out of Constantinople during the Crusades. The narthex was added to the cathedral at the end of the 12th-13th centuries and is decorated with mosaics by Venetian mosaicists. The mosaic cycle is dedicated to Old Testament subjects; The model for a number of Old Testament compositions was the miniatures of the early Byzantine manuscript of the Book of Genesis located in Venice, later known as the Cotton Genesis (VI century). Small domes, vaults and lunettes of the narthex are covered with mosaics. The mosaics of the dome are dedicated to the biblical theme of the Creation of the world. The dome is divided into three circular bands arranged around a central composition of golden scales. Contains 26 scenes dedicated to the first chapters of the book of Genesis, and is accompanied by a text in Latin: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Genesis 1:1-2). Each of the six days of creation is dedicated to a separate scene, on which, according to Eastern iconography, the figure of the Creator is depicted as a young Christ with a cross-shaped halo and a high cross in his hand. On all scenes, the Creator is accompanied by the figure of an angel, symbolizing each day of creation. An interesting scene is the blessing of the seventh day, in which God, seated on a throne surrounded by a heavenly retinue, blesses an angel, symbolizing the Sabbath. The following scenes of the dome are dedicated to the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall into sin and expulsion from paradise. On the scene of the expulsion from paradise, in the background, among the tabernacles of paradise, a cross is depicted as a symbol of the upcoming salvation.

On the basis of the demonstration of scenes of the mosaics of the dome of the Cathedral of San Marco in Venice, you can make an unusual presentation on the topic "Creation of the World"

Cathedral of Saint Mark. Basilica... On the basis of the demonstration of scenes of the mosaics of the dome of the Cathedral of San Marco in Venice, you can make an unusual presentation on the topic "Creation of the World"

Cathedral of Saint Mark. Basilica di San Marco - "Basilica of San Marco" - the Cathedral of Venice (until 1807 - the court chapel at the Doge's Palace), which is a rare example of Byzantine architecture in Western Europe. It is located on St. Mark's Square, next to the Doge's Palace. The cathedral, decorated with numerous Byzantine-style mosaics, is the location of the relics of the Apostle Mark and many valuable art objects taken out of Constantinople during the Crusades.
The narthex was added to the cathedral at the end of the 12th-13th centuries and is decorated with mosaics by Venetian mosaicists. The mosaic cycle is dedicated to Old Testament subjects; The model for a number of Old Testament compositions was the miniatures of the early Byzantine manuscript of the Book of Genesis located in Venice, later known as the Cotton Genesis (VI century). Small domes, vaults and lunettes of the narthex are covered with mosaics. The mosaics of the dome are dedicated to the biblical theme of the Creation of the world. The dome is divided into three circular bands arranged around a central composition of golden scales. Contains 26 scenes dedicated to the first chapters of the book of Genesis, and is accompanied by a text in Latin: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Genesis 1:1-2).
Each of the six days of creation is dedicated to a separate scene, on which, according to Eastern iconography, the figure of the Creator is depicted as a young Christ with a cross-shaped halo and a high cross in his hand. On all scenes, the Creator is accompanied by the figure of an angel, symbolizing each day of creation. An interesting scene is the blessing of the seventh day, in which God, seated on a throne surrounded by a heavenly retinue, blesses an angel, symbolizing the Sabbath. The following scenes of the dome are dedicated to the story of the creation of Adam and Eve, their fall into sin and expulsion from paradise. On the scene of the expulsion from paradise, in the background, among the tabernacles of paradise, a cross is depicted as a symbol of the upcoming salvation.

Topic. Obedience. You will need. Blindfolds for each participant in the games (bandages should be dark and not enlightened). Rules of the game. For the game, make pairs of playing children. Give each pair the name of a flower or animal. For example, chamomile, bell, sheep, kitten. Dilute...

"Fort Boyard" at the edge of the forest

What an “obstacle course” is, those dads who served in the army, were fond of tourism, or at least went to pioneer camp. And everyone probably watched the program “Fort Bayard”. Every gambler, and even more so a child, would like, just like her heroes, to test himself on ...

Theatrical volume doll with an opening mouth

Making this doll requires great care and patience. For its manufacture you will need the following materials: 1. Foam rubber (20 mm thick). 2. Foam rubber (10 mm thickness). 3. Leather (leatherette or leatherette) black and white. 4. The fabric is red. 5. Cloth (or paper) is black. 6. The fabric is pink or...

RIDDLE POEMS (for children)

Who came up with this world So wonderfully able? Who gave life to people, Well, of course, .... (God) Mountains, grasses and flowers, And the beauty of the forests - This is all a gift to us From the Lord - ... (Father) He was born in a barn by a Virgin, An angel announced this, That in a manger, in a gray cave, the Infant - God lies .... (Son) God of the people of all...

"Choose a friend from the Bible."

The hotel offers a list of people from the Bible. Children should say about each one whether they choose him as their friend. Why? And if not, why not? 1. Saul 2. Noah 3. Moses 4. Pilate 5. Judas Topic: To help children understand the difference between people's good deeds and bad deeds, and teach them to choose their friends.


Children stand in a circle, hold hands, and without disengaging their hands, they try to get confused. One child is the leader. He tries to unravel the tangle. Theme: Sin so confuses people that it is very difficult for people to get rid of it. Sin, like a snowball, attracts other people.

"Who is the main character?"

Prepare a list of Bible stories. Ask the children to name the main character in the story they know. For example: 1. Flood (Noah) 2. Israelites crossing the wilderness (Moses) 3. Sermon on the Mount (Jesus) 4. Building of the temple (Solomon) 5. Raising of Lazarus (Jesus) Topic: Repetition...

Terms of the game: Colorfully color the picture. Children take turns rolling the dice. If you stand in a circle, or a story on the topic to the picture, or answer the teacher's question. If you stand on the arrow - move forward along the white arrow, back along the black arrow.