Beautiful congratulations and cards Merry Christmas. Miracle in pictures: the most magical Merry Christmas greetings in words and in animated cards Big Christmas card

Dear friends! We wish you a Merry Christmas! We want to wish that peace and comfort always reigned in your home. May all negative thoughts leave you on this bright holiday. May God give you strength and health.

Merry Christmas,
Let warmth come to your house.
There will be more happiness
Life will become much easier!

Congratulations on Christmas! And at this fabulous moment I want to wish you more goodness and love in your life, may your health not leave you. All the best !

A wonderful animated Christmas card will be a great gift for your loved ones and friends!

Dear Mom, Merry Christmas! I know that you love poetry very much, so I give you this wonderful holiday card with a poem!

Snow swirls overhead
The holiday of light is near.
This holiday is loved
Even adults and children!

Dear friend! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday! May there be no sadness and sadness in your life, and the power of goodness and love will always be with you!

Wonderful postcard with a Christmas theme. Give it to your loved one, and his heart will become even kinder!

Outside the window is soft, beautiful snow. It was already dark outside and the bright, full moon was shining. The whole family is going to sit down at the festive table, and a sense of calmness and peace is in the air!

Frosty Christmas morning. The townspeople have already gathered to go to the local church, where the most beautiful golden domes sparkle and shimmer with light against the blue sky.

I'll put a card with a poem under the Christmas tree for you. When you go to open presents in the morning, it will lie in a conspicuous place. The card will have the warmest and sweetest poems.

Merry Christmas, dear friends! May the Virgin Mary keep you from all troubles and hardships. Be kind and love one another.

The beautiful ringing of bells notifies everyone around that very soon the most fabulous holiday of the year will come!

A wonderful retro postcard dedicated to the Christmas theme! It depicts a little prince holding a wreath of red flowers in his hands.

On Christmas morning, a little boy distributes gifts to his brothers and sisters. They are very happy about this event and immediately start showing off their souvenirs to each other.

Lovely on Christmas Eve
I want to wish you happiness and good.
And an angel descended from heaven,
He brought us pieces of love and warmth.

In a fabulously beautiful, snow-covered arbor stands a wonderful sparkling spruce. Looking at such beauty, a great festive mood is guaranteed.

And what if everyone's favorite Santa Claus delivered his gifts not in a sleigh with magic deer in harness, but on a magic airship? As we can see, greeting card artists have been thinking about this for a very long time.

Beautiful Christmas candles represent the star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Jesus Christ to the Magi and showed them the way to the holy place!

Dear Christians, we congratulate you on this bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ! May at this wonderful moment your soul be filled with God's blessing and rise above all worldly problems and failures.

The tradition of congratulating on the holidays with the help of a postcard or a picture has firmly entered our lives. Our site has the largest selection, it contains greeting pictures and beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2020. You can choose original gifs or animations to beautifully congratulate your loved ones and friends on social networks, via WhatsApp or by e-mail. And it's all absolutely free.

Choose any of the pictures: Merry Christmas, Christmas Eve, animated postcard or with inscriptions and wishes and sincerely congratulate your friends.

Merry Christmas Cards

Our beautiful and free Merry Christmas cards will help you to congratulate everyone who is not nearby on Christmas Eve. The Christmas cards collected on this page will help you cope with holiday greetings easily and simply.

They are suitable for both congratulations on the Catholic and Orthodox holidays. Both new, creative and original, as well as Church Orthodox images with angels and biblical characters

Beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2020

Merry Christmas cards are a classic way to congratulate our loved ones, despite the distance. It is customary to send cool pictures for Christmas through social networks (Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte), by e-mail and by any other means.

Our catalog contains only new beautiful cards Merry Christmas 2020, which will certainly please every recipient. We regularly add to the collection of Christmas pictures, which means you can send them as often as possible, and it's absolutely free!

Merry Christmas Cards with Wishes

Giving each other gifts and congratulations on this day is a long tradition. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to congratulate a loved one or a loved one in person, and then congratulations come to the rescue in the form of pictures and postcards with wishes.

So we made sure that you do not have to search the Internet for suitable pictures for a long time and collected the best of them in one place. Some of them we have created ourselves and therefore they are completely unique and new.

And today we give them to you - our new and most beautiful congratulations on Christmas in pictures with inscriptions and wishes.

Merry Christmas pictures with angels

The entire Orthodox world celebrates Christmas from January 6 to 7, 2020! Christmas pictures with angels are very popular these days! Postcards with gentle angels will be a great congratulation for children.

Bright holiday of Christmas!
There is no happier celebration!
On the night of Christ's birth
A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries
She shines for us like the sun.
Warms the soul with faith
To make the world a better place.

Gives sparks of magic
Bright holiday of Christmas!
Peace comes to every home...
Merry Christmas!

On Christmas holidays, Ukrainians are given an additional day off. Previously Glavred already figured out .

Now it's time for Christmas greetings. Glavred chose only the most beautiful Christmas greetings in prose, poetry and pictures.

Merry Christmas greetings in prose

Merry Christmas! Let your home be filled with warmth and comfort. All dreams come true, even the smallest ones. The hearts of loved ones and relatives will be warmed by love and care. The surrounding people will be kind and sympathetic. And the Christmas star always lights the way!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! My congratulations to you on the now-born Christ and prayerful wishes to grow all your life in Christ to the extent of His age. How to purify the heart in order to approach the great piety mystery: "God appeared in the flesh?" I wish you the help of the Divine Infant Christ in your charitable deeds.

The brightest, best, festive mood. Joy, sparkle in the eyes, smiles, positive thoughts and luck, spiritual harmony and only real people nearby. Let a fairy tale come to the house, a ray of warmth and light will protect every day. Believe only in the best, then all pleasant meetings will not be accidental.

I congratulate you on Christmas and with all my heart I want to wish bright and happy moments of life, great joy and grace, generosity of soul and mercy, good health and a friendly loving family.

Merry Christmas greetings short

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill towards people! Christ is born! We praise Him! One birthday for the whole world!

Merry Christmas! I wish you bright thoughts in your head, prosperity in the family, success at work, comfort in the house, health of the body, good spirits and love in the heart!

2 sms - 116 characters:

Good luck, joy, kindness,

Warmth, love, luck in the house.

So that life is happy

All the best to you family. Merry Christmas!

3 sms - 146 characters:

Merry Christmas! I wish you health, luck and love. May harmony and understanding reign in your home. Love to you and fulfillment of cherished desires.

Merry Christmas: Poems

2 sms - 101 characters:

Merry Christmas,

With winter pure magic.

I wish you great joy

May the Lord protect!

Merry Christmas!

Let happiness come to your home.

From love, let the hearts melt

Mischievous eyes sparkle.

May God reward you with luck

It will give you strength and inspiration.

Christmas star beam

May it keep you from trouble

I wish everyone well

On the bright holiday of Christmas.

I hasten to congratulate you on Christmas,

Wish you strong faith

Do not mope, do not lose heart

And trust in God.

Let the light of good luck give

star of bethlehem,

Never let it touch

Home is your need.

Merry Christmas!

Celebrate it wisely

So as not to lie face down in the salad

And there was peace and harmony in the family.

Let happiness beckon

And give income

Whole money bag

Let it shock you!

I wish you Christmas

Live easily and without sorrow

So that relatives always wait

And friends did not forget.

So that six days a week were

Holidays and weekends

Vacation ten times longer

And the salary is every five days!

Our life is unthinkable without a holiday, and especially without Christmas. This ringing of bells, kind smiles around, faith in the best and love in the air - all this is always expected with all our hearts.

Christmas is the brightest event in our life. This is the hope for salvation, for the best and brightest. Merry Christmas greetings in postcards, poems, cute pictures can really please those who are not near you on this great day.

Christmas has its own traditions. First of all, this is the gathering of the whole family together at a common table. It is important to congratulate all those whom you cherish and love so much. But if suddenly someone dear to your heart is far away, you can give him a little joy by simply sending a beautiful Christmas card with good wishes.

It is important to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Do not leave negativity in your life, get rid of it, open your heart and soul to goodness and love. A greeting card to help you. This is the easiest and most touching way to remind yourself and your feelings. And you can download a card with congratulations on Christmas on our website.

With the right word, you can pour out your soul, confess your love, beg for forgiveness. But happiness, as you know, is in the little things. It is not worth giving pompous gifts on a great holiday, your attention is the best present on this day. Those right words can be found on Christmas cards.

Sincere congratulations pour from the heart. This moment is important for any person who wants to reflect in his wish all devotion, love, respect and attention. To these pleasant words, you can attach postcards in verse with congratulations on Christmas. We bring to your attention an amazing selection of bright pictures for free.