Do-it-yourself rugs from old things: how to give a second life to T-shirts, tights, towels and jeans. Master class: Making a frame for weaving How to weave a patchwork rug on a frame

I was seriously captured by the topic of making rugs on the frame. I already know where to go next, but so far these are my first steps and first rugs. Even with the laborious work of preparing the patches for weaving, the rug "weaves" very quickly.

I wove my first rug last December.

I have been interested in this topic for a long time, I like homespun things. When the project finally matured, I introduced my husband to my ideas and persuaded him to make a frame. Here's a clickable close-up photo so you can see the details of the frame.

A detailed description of the frame can be found in the article. . In the same article, you can watch the very first video. I later commented on it. The video is called Patchwork rug woven on a frame (with comments)

The rug is made with the same weaving as weaving baskets, the main technique called "rope". The rug that you see in the photo above is woven with a straight and reverse rope, which form a "pigtail" ornament.

And this is a video with some details of the process.

At the beginning of this year, following the same principle, I wove a second patchwork rug

Weaved with the same technique, with a rope, but already straight. Appearance I liked the rug more for several reasons. Firstly, I finally decided that it is still better to sew the shreds together on sewing machine and, especially in split fabrics, it is better to hide the sections, which means that they are also stitched on the machine. With the technology that I found on the Internet, similar action not provided. But I don't like sticking out tatters. Therefore, I prepare strips for weaving in a special way. How? This is covered in the video. Preparation of a flap for weaving rugs, rugs without a loom.

And finally, the features of weaving a rug with a straight pigtail

The thickness of the rugs depends on the thickness of the patchwork ribbons prepared for weaving and the density of weaving. So far, I've wove it very tightly. But I want to experiment with a more rare, not dense weave. I think it shouldn't be bad.

And just recently I made a third, fun checkered rug. This is a fundamentally different weave. Thanks to him, the rug turns out to be of a different texture and look, although the source codes are the same - rags! Admire, specially hung a number of two different rugs.

But I'll talk about it next time!

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If you have a lot of old things in your closet, it's time to give them a second life! Believe it or not, these practical and eye-catching rugs are woven from discarded T-shirts.

To make this rug, you will need loom. You can make such a machine with your own hands from improvised means. You will need a picture frame and nails.

Galvanized finishing nails with a diameter of 1.8 mm and a length of 5 cm (50 mm) are best suited. This is enough for a frame measuring 35 by 25 cm. Stuff the carnations along the frame at a distance of about 1 cm, stepping back from the corners about 3 cm.

The number of nails in each row must be odd.

Cut the fabric into long, narrow strips and sew them together to make a tape several meters long (take into account the length and width of the frame and the number of rows in each layer of decking). Knitted fabric is easier to work with, because. it stretches better.

Pull the straps over the frame. Start with a cross deck. At the end of one of the tapes, make a loop and hook it to the second from the edge of the frame studs on the long side. Stretch it to the opposite side, hook it on the second from the edge of the carnations on the other side, pull it back. Wrap around a loose stud, skipping one, and pull the tape through to the opposite side. After filling the entire frame, fix it on the last nail.

Perform one more flooring in each direction. That is, if the first time you started with the second nail from the edge, start with the first, and wrap the tape around those nails that you missed last time.

Pin the layers together. To do this, remove the upper (longitudinal) decking tape from the outermost nail, dive under the lowest transverse tape and put the loop back on the nail (over the second transverse decking tape). Fasten the loops on each stud in the same way. Move the strips of the first longitudinal deck (second layer) so that they are always between the strips of the top layer.

Now remove the tape from the opposite side, pass it between the longitudinal rows (diving under the bottom one and covering the top one) and put the loop back on the nail. Pass all remaining ribbons between perpendicular rows in a checkerboard pattern. As in the previous step, don't forget to shift the ribbons of the second layer.

When all the weaves are completed, remove the rug from the frame, crocheting each loop through the previous one.

Use the finished rug in the hallway, as a hot stand or as a pad for chairs and stools.

For more information on how to weave a rag rug on a frame with nails, see the video tutorials:

I want to tell you a story about weaving a carpet, with the help of the children themselves and with the means ... and with all those things that are already not enough for them and what it would be time to get rid of - unnecessary clothes.

I note: the same thing can be made from new noble threads and fabrics, even, I bet, it will come out prettier. But what is the special pleasure - to make beautiful out of a completely hopeless one. It's about the materials used. And you will undoubtedly consider the rest of the advantages when you understand how simple it is, and how the children like the process itself, and you - the result.

So, let's begin?
Look what I found in the shed:

Do you really have something like this lying around in your country house or nearby? Yes, perhaps it was once a window frame, but such a story did not suit me. I needed a base for weaving a carpet :)
And for this it is necessary to make fasteners for transverse rows, looks something like this:
(distance 5 cm, top and bottom)

And at home, why not take any frame, even from a photo or painting? Or even a sports hoop (I myself spied this on the open spaces, then the rug will be round).
Various manuals on home weaving say that: "... make the distance between rows 0.5-1 cm." But, in fact, it is necessary to build on the materials used. In my case, these were knitted stripes 3-4 cm wide and canvas made of 1 cm cotton bias tape. Knitwear is a good thing, but it is better to lay an inextensible base in rugs, for example, longitudinal cotton threads. Then he, if he walks a little, then only in width, without losing his main form.
You ask where to get knitted stripes? Everything is very simple, sort out the wardrobe and everything knitted (any in general), which is of absolutely no artistic and practical value, cut it calmly into shreds (did you think where did the real grandmother's rugs come from?). T-shirt, T-shirt, skirt - cut along with the side seams, starting from the edge of the product and spiraling upwards. And if you delve into the topic and come up with a drawing, then anything can become materials for coloring the carpet, even artificial fur or yarn. The more unusual the texture, the more unusual the result is guaranteed.
At first it looked like this for me:

Hereinafter, I suggest switching to black and white when evening photos so as not to injure you with a merciless red color. All because this occupation, home weaving, is so meditative and relaxing that God himself ordered them to do it in the evenings. And we spent these evenings with great pleasure at the machine. But alas, the wooden background and poor lighting will successfully turn any photo into a chic red something.
So, welcome to the twilight :)
While you are cutting everything that comes to hand into shreds, you can give the children their part of the work, wind the chopped threads into balls:
Montessori never dreamed how wonderful it works fine motor skills in simple coiling.

Then, if a random thing turned out to be an unnecessary color, throw it into the dye, it definitely won’t get any worse. AT children's version In general, the brighter, the merrier. I had Batik dyes for fabric, but it's too greasy for a rug. But I had no choice, I'm in the village. Therefore, I recommend that you choose more economical and simple dyes for painting.

Then, dry our pasta:

Although, here you can not repeat my mistakes, but simply first dye the fabric itself, and then cut it, right? :)
Later I also came to the same conclusion, but I will still add a photo of pasta.
And then we have the best part. We fix the transverse cotton canvas on the fastenings we made.
We pick up the first ball and ... and then I don’t remember. Woke up - rug.
Well, almost like that, honestly :) It's absolutely breathtaking! Even a child with an absolutely restless temperament (from the word in general) stuck to the machine for several days. Yes, it turned out not absolutely perfect, but in such a product it is, firstly, completely unnoticeable, and secondly, can you imagine what pride a person has from realizing his results? Not every business brings such pleasure and such an easy, pleasant result.
But let's get back to the process.
On the transverse warp threads, we begin to lead the first longitudinal row. Everything is simple here: we tied a knot and then we thread the ball through one thread. Moreover, the ball is not very desirable big size, so that it is more convenient to thread it through the rows.

We finished the row and then in the reverse, checkerboard pattern, without breaking the thread (tying the end of one ball to another), we spin to the size we need. Each row of fives, like a scallop, is pressed against the previous one.

This is what one princess did for almost six years in one sitting:

And then, while she was distracted, I could not stay away and also meditated with great pleasure. Approximately 20 cm :) I turned out to be not alone, the whole room ran into the curious. Such excitement.
A red cat on a red background is something.

Weaving such a rug will not be difficult. If you love unusual wicker things, then this master class is for you. The rug is thick and warm. You can weave it from old knitwear, but you can use strips of any fabric. The edge of the rug is crocheted. We need a frame with nails. The size of the rug depends on the size of the frame. The distance between the nails depends on the thickness of the yarn used and the desired density of the rug. In the photo, the distance between the nails is approximately 1 cm.

Watch the video on how cleverly weave such rugs:

Another option for weaving a T-shirt rug on a frame with carnations

To weave a rug, you will need a frame (a photo frame will do). You can make it yourself in size 30 by 45 cm with rows of carnations stuffed along the long sides with small smooth hats. The distance between the nails is 2.5 cm. Please note that, unlike the first option, the nails are driven in only on two opposite sides of the frame.

We pull the warp threads on the carnations in pairs. The base can be neutral color. If you tighten the rows tightly, then it will not be visible at all. If you weave freely, then keep in mind that it will be visible.

Now take the working thread and start skipping it under the warp thread, then over it.

When the first row is finished, pass the thread through the last warp thread and guide in the opposite direction. Make as many rows as you like.

When you decide to change the color of the working thread, simply cut and knit the end with a thread of a different color. If you want to make a rug with a fringe, connect the ends of the working threads of different colors, leaving the "tails".

Periodically tighten the woven rows to the very first row. Remove all knots and seams on the wrong side and carefully remove the product from the frame. Cut the loops in half, which were fixed on the carnations, tie knots - this way the weaving will be fixed, and you will get tassels.

Wicker rug is ready!

But on this we do not say goodbye, come again!

Carpets have been handmade for many centuries. To create an exclusive accessory for decorating your own home, you can use the most various materials in the form of thread and yarn, ropes and plastic bags, caps, terry towels, pebbles from the sea, traffic jams, etc.

The first thing that can be said about starting a master class on how to make a rug with your own hands is a manifestation of imagination, the application of perseverance and patience, and then you can create a unique product without difficulty.

And if you fill the rug with a removable pad in the form of an abrasive filler, then it will turn from a decorative one into a massage one.

The photo of the rugs shows that do-it-yourself flooring can be made from pre-prepared pompoms or pile threads, by knitting, weaving or weaving.

Knitted floor products

To make a knitted product, you need to prepare the following materials

  • cardboard sheets,
  • marker pen,
  • threads of various thicknesses,
  • scissors,
  • hook number 7 and above (can be replaced with knitting needles).

First of all, air loops are collected in the amount that corresponds to the rectangular size of the future carpet. To make a round product, it is enough to dial five air loops, connect them with a ring, and then, adding them in a circle, tie the workpiece.

For convenience, they came up with the “patchwork” technique, when several parts of the canvas are harvested, and then they are all sewn into a single product.

Pompom products

To make a rug from pompoms, you should get:

  • yarn,
  • crochet,
  • scissors,
  • construction mesh broken into cells, which will serve as the basis of the carpet.

Thread pom poms are easy to make. To do this, threads are wound on fingers or cardboard blanks.

Wicker patterns

A unique wicker product is made of thick cardboard at the base of the rug, multi-colored threads of different thicknesses and twine. The circle is divided into 32 sectors, which are indicated by a pencil.

The threads are intertwined with twine from the center, while it is necessary to monitor the density of the rows. At the end of the work, the cardboard is removed.

Woven copy

For the weaving process, it is necessary to prepare:

  • frame,
  • stick,
  • threads for the warp and villi,
  • a strip measuring 3 by 20 cm made of cardboard,
  • scissors,
  • thick needle.

Woven floor cloths consist of threads of the longitudinal and transverse directions, which intersect each other in a checkerboard pattern.

Such a product is obtained with the same image on both sides, therefore it can be double-sided.

Fabric and fur rugs

Soft ball-shaped fabric cushions can be used to make an attractive rug. For this, blanks are prepared.


A piece of padding polyester is laid out in the middle of each of them and the edges are sewn along the desired diameter. The resulting balls are fixed to each other.

old gizmos

Rugs from old things can be made by anyone who has accumulated unnecessary T-shirts, T-shirts and other knitwear.

For work you will need:

  • construction mesh, divided into large cells,
  • thick crochet hook
  • strips cut from old things.

A strip of fabric is placed under the prepared mesh in the center, and the ends are brought out with a hook and tied tightly. Side by side, in the same way, the next strip is threaded and also tightened with a knot.

Knitting is carried out in a spiral until the entire mesh is filled. From such strips, you can make pigtails in advance and lay out a carpet from them.


patchwork canvases

For the manufacture of patchwork home-made rugs, you need to purchase materials in the form of a base for the product, scissors, patches, needles, fabric glue and adhesive tape.

Separate patches are sewn into a long ribbon, then cut into strips, from which braids are woven. Then these braids are laid in rows close to each other and sewn together with threads.

Cloth of two contrasting rugs

I use two floor products in different colors, it is possible to create a unique piece with a zebra print.

On a darker canvas, future light stripes are outlined. The necessary stains are cut out of a light rug. In a dark carpet, the same cutouts are made in places where light ones will be placed.

Then all the prepared elements are glued with tape. Such an unusual and soft copy can become a favorite rug for children.

Pebble carpet

Such massage Mat from smooth pebbles, rubber mat, high-quality adhesive composition.


Before sticking the stones on the rubber base, they should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Other materials for creating carpets

A rug obtained by gluing flowers made from banknotes.

Carpet fabric knitted from strips cut out of colored plastic bags.

A copy of plastic bottle caps, which are fastened with fishing line.

Cover made from wine corks.

Photo of do-it-yourself rugs