What do Italians give for Christmas? Christmas and New Year traditions in Italy. History of New Year's Eve in Italy

Unlike Christmas, New Year's It is customary to meet with friends, not in the family circle. On New Year's holidays, everything is decorated around with garlands, red ribbons, New Year's wreaths. On the squares of urban megacities there are huge elegant Christmas trees. Flower beds are planted under the trees. Formidable Venetian lions are also dressed up for the New Year - hats are put on their heads and white cotton beards are attached. The streets sparkle with colorful lights, thanks to the thousands of garland bulbs that wrap around the trees and facades of houses.

In order for the coming year to be successful, Italians wear red underwear. Therefore, on New Year's days, all shop windows are full of red gizmos. In general, on New Year in Italy it is customary to buy new things. Generally speaking, the New Year for the people of Italy is everything new. From here came the custom of throwing old things out of the windows on New Year's Eve. However, due to the high risk of injury, walking under the balconies of Italian houses, this tradition has long gone out of fashion.

AT new year's eve all attract good luck. And they do it all possible ways. For example, in order to live in abundance throughout the coming year, in Italy it is customary to put coins on the windowsills or light candles.

New Year is also a New Year's feast , called the Supper of St. Sylvester. It starts at about 9 o'clock and lasts right up to the New Year. It is best if there are 13 dishes on the table, but you can limit yourself to 5-7 dishes. The main dishes are lentils (lenticchie, lentikkie), which in their appearance resemble coins, as well as pork, caviar, nuts and grapes. On December 31, they usually treat themselves to pork legs, as if seeing off old year. And with the onset of the New Year, dishes from the pig's head are served at the table. After all, the pig is slowly but surely moving forward. bad omen it is believed to eat chicken dishes - after all, it is believed in Italy to hurry back. Also, for wealth and abundance, fish caviar is served at the table next year - and this is not surprising. Pork sausage is also served at the table. It is very oily and spicy, but every Italian must eat at least one slice to maintain the tradition. In some regions of the country, it is believed that the one who treats himself to a dish of Turkish peas will be lucky, and in other areas, in the first minutes of the New Year, they prefer to drink beer.

Grapes, so adored by Italians, play a special role . According to custom, 12 grapes must be prepared, and one should be eaten with each stroke of the clock. Whoever can eat the last grape in the first second of the New Year will have good luck throughout the year. After the twelfth stroke, the lights are turned off, and all the guests sitting nearby kiss.

Also on New Year's Eve they are treated to seafood, beans with honey, white beans. They bake pies, "pannetone", "torrone", "richarelia", etc. The traditional New Year's drink is Italian wine, and drinking champagne, besides French, is considered bad form.

After the traditional New Year's feast, everyone goes for a walk on the streets, where they continue to have fun. The most popular place on New Year's Eve Piazza del Popolo is the central square of Rome. Not a single New Year in Italy is complete without fireworks, crackers and firecrackers. The deafening roar from the explosions will not let you sleep in the New Year - and this is not accepted. The most beautiful fireworks are launched in Naples.

Of great importance is who to meet in the new year first on the street. A meeting with a priest, a monk or a small child does not bode well, but if you see your grandfather first, and if you also have a hunchback, then happiness is guaranteed for you for the whole coming year. Another tradition that originated from the villages is to bring “new” clean water to the house on January 1st. The Italians have this proverb: "If you have nothing to give to your friends, give new water with an olive branch." Traditionally, a baked turkey is cooked for lunch on January 1st. On this day, Italy celebrates the World Day of Peace, and the Pope of Rome, on the occasion of this date, serves a Mass in the Vatican (in St. Peter's Cathedral).

New Year holidays in Italy , of course, can not do without Santa Claus. True, the Italians call him. Such a symbol of the New Year, along with the New Year tree, was borrowed from the Americans and became widespread only in the second half of the twentieth century. Concerning Babbo Natale practically no different from the American Santa Claus. This is the same kind, ruddy grandfather in a red camisole and red trousers, with a white beard, a sleigh pulled by reindeer.

It is not customary to give gifts on New Year's Eve in Italy. . Besides, after Christmas they are no longer left. But he gives gifts to children. It happens on January 6th. By your appearance Befana similar to the Russian Baba Yaga. She has a hooked nose and her teeth protrude. Befana dressed in a long cloak, pointed hat and holey woolen stockings. Children look forward to her arrival, hanging their stockings from the fireplace. According to the legend, Befana comes at night and puts delicacies in stockings for children who have behaved approximately all year, and coals for pranksters. At befana fairies its own story ... but not New Year's but Christmas ...

By the way, on New Year's Eve, it was at the insistence of Befana Italians, not devoid of a sense of humor, deal with all junk accumulated over the year. Often they throw it all right out the windows. The more things you throw away, the more wealth the new year will bring. At present, the inhabitants of the country have refused it. This, of course, applies to the tradition of getting rid of unnecessary things by throwing them right out the window. At this time, it was simply unsafe to walk the streets of Italy.

In Italy, it is customary to celebrate the New Year cheerfully, and quite noisily. This is generally a noisy nation

This is due to the fact that the Italians scream quite loudly on this holiday. And given that Italians are very emotional people, one can imagine how loudly they can say goodbye to the old year, which is fading into the past. Moreover, following the Italian tradition, you can find out that the louder the old year, the more Negative energy can get rid of the one who celebrates the New Year. As a result, the New Year's holiday will start with an incredible with a pure heart those who participate in the celebration.

Italy belongs to those countries , where the authorities of the country officially allow the use of all kinds of firecrackers, fireworks during the holidays. And all Italians and guests of the country use this permission with pleasure. But even though the use of pyrotechnics can lead to traumatic situations, this cannot stop the Italians. Throughout the night, firecrackers are noisy in the city, and this continues until dawn. But there is a place in the country where the number of firecrackers and fireworks is incredibly huge. Of course, this is Naples.

Italy is a sunny country that attracts many tourists. But looking at its architecture, plunging into the atmosphere of friendliness, Mediterranean splendor and rich historical heritage is interesting not only in summer, but also in winter. And if you want to feel the lovely New Year traditions in Italy, then buy tickets for the period new year holidays.

Traditions of the Italian New Year

New Year in the land of wine olive oil and grapes are met widely, on a grand scale. For the New Year, every Italian family prepares a generous treat. Yes, Italians are recognized culinary specialists, they love to eat delicious food and treat everyone who has crossed the threshold of their house. An old tradition is to cook lentils for the New Year's holiday which symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The more of it to eat during the celebration, the better.

New Year in Italy is a variety of traditions and beliefs that are observed from year to year. The most famous of them is throwing away old things, clothes and even furniture. Often all this crashes out of the windows with a bang. Thus, Italians let new events, new things, new relationships into their lives, sweeping aside the obsolete and unnecessary.

Another tradition that is typical for Italy is breaking dishes at midnight. This helps get rid of negative emotions and heartache, which has accumulated over the whole year.

In Italy, it is customary to give red linen on New Year's Eve. Red color means love, fertility, luck. The most interesting thing is that the flaming gift must be thrown away the next day! Otherwise, don't expect anything good.

Favorite characters of adults and children

On New Year's Eve, Italian children look forward to Fairy Befana. She arrives at night and arranges gifts in hanging socks and stockings. But only diligent and obedient guys receive gifts. Naughty and mischievous people are gifted with a pinch of ash or coals. There's nothing you can do, they deserve it.

The second favorite character, without which the New Year in Italy is unthinkable, is Babbo Natale - Santa Claus. Outwardly, he looks like Santa Claus and travels around the country on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. At night, Babbo Natale goes door to door delivering gifts. But they are received only by those who wrote a letter with wishes and requests in advance.

fiery performances

Italians love to celebrate the New Year on the street, in a big company.. At the same time, everyone does not even scream, but yell, wave their arms, have fun and dance. But the most remarkable tradition is the launch of fireworks and firecrackers. This is a real extravaganza of fiery flowers and balls, and explosions and noise are heard for many hours in a row, drowning out all other sounds. In addition to the beautiful action, there is also a practical side to this. With loud pops and flickering lights, the Italians drive away evil spirits. The most spectacular fireworks are held in Naples.

Colorful Italian carnivals

On the eve of the holiday and after it, carnivals are held in Italy. The carnival in Putignano is famous all over the country. It starts on December 26 and sometimes continues until the first days of Lent. These days you can see a lot of colorful performances, games, costumes and carnival masks, dolls and funny characters from your favorite cartoons and movies.

In the New Year, Italy reveals the generosity of its people, it is rich in various rituals and traditions - pagan, secular, culinary. Plunging into this magical world on New Year's Eve is a real gift of fate and a real pleasure.

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New Year in Italy: bright photos and videos, detailed description and reviews of the New Year's Eve event in Italy in 2020.

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Italians are hot and temperamental people, which is why they always celebrate in a fun and big way. This is especially true of the New Year holidays, which begin with catholic christmas and end with Epiphany (here it falls on January 6).

A festive atmosphere hovers over Italian cities already in November, the country at this time miraculously transforms, the aroma of coffee, hot chocolate and New Year's magic mix in the cool December air.

Owners of shops and restaurants compete to see whose showcase will be more elegant. Ordinary residents do not lag behind them, decorating with garlands, spruce wreaths and red ribbons on their windows and balconies. New Year trees rise on the main city squares, and next to it is the obligatory attribute of Catholic Christmas - the Nativity scene, a small exposition with figurines of biblical characters that tells about the birth of Jesus Christ and the visit of the Magi to him.


chief winter holiday for Italians is Christmas, which is traditionally spent in the family circle. Believers on December 24 attend a festive service in the church, but most go there the next day. On the festive table necessarily present baked chicken or turkey, different kinds pasta, as well as special pastries with dried fruits and candied fruits.

New year's night

On New Year's Eve, all Italians have a lot of fun, as a rule, they spend time in a good restaurant or a nightclub in a noisy company of friends. That is why all entertainment establishments strive to diversify their entertainment program and offer some special menu. But you won’t be bored on the streets that night either: concerts, theatrical performances, pyrotechnic shows and much more are held on the squares.

Recreation and shopping during the New Year holidays

It is during the Christmas holidays that the peak of the ski season in Italian Alps. In addition to skiing, tourists are also guaranteed an interesting show program in numerous nightclubs and resort bars. And those who prefer a more relaxing holiday can join the locals on New Year's Eve during festivities, and celebrate the holiday in accordance with ancient Italian traditions.

But not only the festive atmosphere attracts tourists from all over the world to Italy on New Year's days, because it is at this time that the big sale season, during which you can make purchases, while saving a lot.

“Italy is a land of dreams with golden fruits,” wrote the Frenchman Emile Zola. The German poet Goethe said that "he who has seen Italy, and especially Rome, will never be unhappy." Italy is able to charm anyone! This is a country of sun, sea, delicious food and love. Its color will make the holiday unforgettable. The Italian theme will be relevant for both New Year's corporate party, and for a narrow party in honor of the anniversary. This is an opportunity to have a hearty meal, drink excellent Italian wine, nostalgia for old Italian music and leave this event in memory for a long time.

If this topic is close and interesting to you and you want to organize a holiday in Italian style, our script may come in handy. The program is built in the form of a virtual trip to Italy. Guests are invited to visit iconic places and have a good time at the same time. The structure of the script allows you to easily rework it by removing some components and introducing others. With slight adjustments, the script can be used to set up a teen party.

Party in Italian style: decor

The room can be decorated in the colors of the Italian flag: green, white and red. Multi-colored ribbons and balls will make the venue not only “thematic”, but also bright. The colors of the Italian tricolor can also be repeated in table textiles (for example, a tablecloth in one color, and napkins in two others).

playful festive atmosphere will create garlands of triangular tricolor flags. Mini flags of Italy placed in vases will decorate the table.

The best decoration of the feast will be ... food. For many, Italy evokes pleasant gastronomic associations. So, on the tables you can put transparent vases with a variety of pasta, including colored ones. Tomatoes, pizza, oranges and olives will delight you with taste and create the right entourage.

You can hang enlarged images of an Italian boot on the walls different colors and sizes. Posters with views of Venice or reproductions of paintings by Leonardo da Vinci would also be appropriate.

Italian Style Party Scenario: Virtual Journey

1. Obtaining a visa

The host asks the guests if they want to go to Italy and spend a holiday there, traveling to the most interesting places in this wonderful country. Guests, of course, agree.

To go on a virtual tour, you need to get a visa. It will be issued only to those who pass the test for knowledge of Italy. The facilitator offers to start testing immediately.

The visa test is conducted in the form of a quiz. It is better if it is a quiz in pictures - this format is simpler and more interesting. If it is possible to prepare sheets with task pictures printed from the Internet, it is worth giving preference to him. If this is not possible, an oral quiz will be held.

Test quiz in pictures. Three objects are depicted on a sheet (preferably large format). Only one of them has to do with Italy. Pictures are numbered. It is worth using at least 8 worksheets.

Guests can be divided into 2 teams. The facilitator shows the sheet to the team and offers to name the number of the picture with the correct answer. There is only one attempt to answer correctly. For a correct answer - 1 point. If the team remembers the name of the depicted person or the name of the object, they are awarded an additional point.

Task examples

1. Which one is Italian? The sheet shows Monica Bellucci, Penélope Cruz and Sophie Marceau. Correct answer: Monica Bellucci.

2. Which of these architectural monuments is located in Italy? The sheet shows Gaudí's Sagrada Familia, Leaning Tower of Pisa and Acropolis of Athens. Correct answer: leaning tower of pisa.

3. Which of them is an Italian fashion designer? The sheet shows Calvin Klein, Domenico Dolce, Christian Lacroix. Correct answer: Dolce Domenico.

4. Which of these cars is the product of the Italian car industry? The sheet shows Ferrari, sports BMW, Nissan. Emblems are worn. Correct answer: ferrari.

5. Which of these emblems is the coat of arms of Italy? The sheet shows coats of arms of Italy and two other European states. The inscriptions, if any, are erased.

6. Which of them is of Italian origin? The sheet shows soccer player Francesco Totti, Pope Benedict XVI, actress Claudia Cardinale. Correct answer: Totti.

7. Which of the symbols is the emblem of the Italian football club? The sheet shows coats of arms of Barcelona, ​​Milan and Real Madrid. Correct answer: "Milan".

8. Which shot is taken from an Italian movie? The sheet shows stills from three films, only one of which is Italian. For example, « Godfather”,“ Life is beautiful ”,“ Oscar ”(1991). Correct answer: "Life is Beautiful".

When preparing tasks, you can use images of various monuments and local landscapes. Musicians, painting and even words can all be included in the picture quiz.

Quiz - the first stage of the test for knowledge of Italy. Second phase - language test. The facilitator reads Italian proverbs to the teams (first in the original language, then in translation) and offers to quickly pick up a Russian (or one that has taken root with us) analogue. The more analogues the participants remember, the more points they will receive (for each analogue - 1 point).

  • "Chi ha la lingua va in Sardegna". Those who have a language will reach Sardinia (the language will bring them to Kyiv).
  • "Prendere due piccioni con una fava". Get two doves from one bean (kill two birds with one stone).
  • "La gallina vecchia fa buon brood". Good broth from an old chicken (an old horse does not spoil the furrow).
  • "Meglio essere il primo in provincia che il secondo a Roma". Better to be first in a province than second in Rome (better to be a big fish in a pond than a small fish in the ocean).
  • “Cacio e sano; se vien di scarsa mano". Cheese is good if you take a little (everything is good in moderation).
  • Lupo non mangia lupo. Wolves don't eat wolves (a crow won't peck out a crow's eye).
  • "È meglio un uovo oggi di una gallina domani". Better an egg today than a chicken tomorrow (better a bird in the hand than a bird in the sky).
  • Chi dorme non piglia pesci. Who slept, he did not catch the fish (he who gets up early - God gives him; you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty).

At the end of the test, the total score is calculated. Participants of the team that gave more correct answers at the end of two stages can be awarded small prizes with the symbols of Italy.

The facilitator reports that everyone passed the test without exception. Visas have been received, which means it's time to prepare for a virtual trip to Italy. The guide and interpreter will, of course, be the host. Italian music is on.

2. Arrival in Italy

So, here it is - Italy. An audio signal is heard from the speakers, after which an “Italian” speech is heard (the assistant presenter is with a microphone “off-screen”). If it is difficult to organize, the "Italian" may appear in the hall in person.

After each line "in Italian", the presenter gives a Russian translation.

Rousseau tourist, look drunk!
- Dear guests from Russia!

Rousseau money Italy expected!
- Welcome to sunny Italy!

Promised full, drunk.
- An exciting journey awaits you.

Pasta overgrown and puzanto grown.
- You will taste delicious Italian dishes.

Milano shop ah-lu-lu.
- Visit architectural monuments.

Machos ballos popinalya, millions of raking. Canaglia!
- You will get acquainted with our football - the pride of the Italian people!

Sicilito gangsterito all sit in politics.
- You will visit the Sicilian paradise.