Crosby what a company. Crosby (shoes): reviews, manufacturer. Trekking shoes. New Age in Crosby World

Crosby (Crosby) - Scottish trademark, under whose name a large assortment of shoes for men, women and children is born. All collections of the brand attract buyers by the fact that they consist of a wide variety of shoes for sports, travel and just everyday wear. The brand's products belong to the middle price category, but during discounts and sales, a pair of good Crosby leather shoes can be bought for a relatively meager price.

Long way from Scotland to Russia

For more than a century, Crosby has been a family business that has become not just a way to earn money, but a real tradition. There are many interesting rules, customs and traditions in the Crosby family, and they are all related to shoes in one way or another. Crosby has been making shoes for six generations and the quality continues to grow. This is not surprising, because even the name Crosby, translated from English, means "quick walk", and this is far from a mere coincidence.

The history of the Crosby trademark began in the 19th century, however, according to other sources, the first shoe manufacturers in the Crosby family appeared in the 12th century, when the whole family came to live in Dumfries County in Scotland. Orlando Crosby was fond of working with leather, and, despite his big name, he sewed harnesses for horses and shoes for his entire family.

Only in the 19th century did a shoe factory appear in the county, where shoes for hunters began to be produced. It was the only factory of its kind in the entire country. Very quickly, the brand's products began to spread throughout the country, buyers fairly appreciated its high quality. Soon the range of products grew, sports shoes began to be produced, as well as casual collections. Already in the 20th century, Crosby's production facilities expanded beyond the borders of the country, the company's branches began to open in India and China, where Crosby shoes continue to be produced today.

New Age in Crosby World

A very important role in the life of the company and the brand was played by Jason Mark Harris, who in early 1987 ended up at the factory. It turns out that at that time this two-hundred-year-old business, in which the spirit and strength of the Crosby family was invested, had to close due to financial troubles. Jason was able not only to fully restore all its former glory, but also to increase the success of the brand. Analpa.Inc bought out part of the Crosby family business in order to always participate in the management of the brand. An important condition of the deal was that all the personnel who had worked in the factories for a decade would continue to do so. And today, under the arches of the production workshops of the company, whole families work and are no longer in the first generation.

Despite the fact that the Crosby brand has been known all over the world for more than a century, this brand came to Russia only in 2012. The first boutique in Moscow has become not just a place where you can buy shoes of the brand, but a real exhibition, a museum. Here on the elegantly finished shelves you can see models from collections that were released 50 years ago. Of course, you can’t buy such rare items, but it’s interesting not only for fashion historians to look at them, but also for those who understand that what was in fashion yesterday will return to the catwalk tracks tomorrow.

Shoes Brand

Crosby is a brand that gives shoes for the whole family. In the brand's collections you can find Crosby boots for adults and children from 1 year old. If you want to find Crosby sneakers, you can find models in all colors and shapes, and most importantly, do not get lost among hundreds of unique designs.

Crosby is further proof that centuries of tradition are of the utmost importance in any craft. Every pair of shoes is imbued with the spirit of designers who strive to make them the best for you, the buyer.

Crosby is a Scottish brand famous for its footwear for all genders and ages. Surprisingly bright and comfortable, Crosby products do not forget their main principle: shoes should only be of the highest quality!

Brand history

Officially, Crosby's path to fame begins at the end of the 19th century, when the brand's first shoe factory was opened in Scotland. However, the owners themselves prefer to count their success story from earlier years - from the 12th century, the time when the Crosby family began to engage in leather business, producing leather goods for horse harnesses and shoes for loved ones.

The first products of the family factory were hunting boots, which, due to the highest quality and comfort, were popular even among members of the royal family. Further, footwear for sports was included in the assortment, and only much later the products occupied almost all areas of the market.

Having gone through many difficulties and collaborations, today Crosby is an international holding whose products are represented in almost all corners of the planet.


Most of the assortment is still occupied by shoes made of genuine leather of special dressing. As a result, the material receives wonderful elasticity, while maintaining high parameters of heat and air exchange. There are also products made of other materials in the price list.

All Crosby shoes are available for both men and women. Separate children's collections are formed, made according to all safety and convenience standards. Products can be divided into three main areas:

  • sport. Lightweight, soft and comfortable shoes for an active lifestyle. The collections contain models for both general high loads and those aimed at certain sports.
  • outdoor. Chic trekking shoes for long outdoor trips. Styles for added durability and moisture resistance while maintaining comfort. Pairs are produced for different weather and climatic conditions.
  • casual. Lovely, trendy cuts for everyday wear within the modern city. The widest range of shoes for hot and cold, rain and snow, long walks, runs or a strict office dress code.

Official website / online store Crosby (Crosby):


Foundation date:

Official site:

The Crosby brand is a product nurtured by six generations of shoemakers. The trademark origins in Scotland: this is where the family business took hold and gradually spread to all corners of the world. The brand's credo is convenience and freedom of movement for everyone, which is by no means unfounded, even the surname Crosby itself literally means "walk fast".


The assortment range of the brand is extremely large: at Crosby you can put on a representative of any gender, age and foot size. The model range of children's shoes starts for the age of one year.

The color and texture solutions of shoes are so diverse that even the most fastidious customer will find shoes to their taste here.

Even the surname Crosby literally means "walk fast".

If earlier the brand produced shoes of a very different style: sports. casual style, romantic, classic, then since the Crosby design studio is managed by Mark Harris, the assortment has noticeably replenished with sports comfortable shoes. At present, the brand has finally decided on the vector of development - now the range of shoes is entirely sports and casual style.

The specificity, production "zest" of the brand is that absolutely any pair of shoes, whether it be sneakers, hunting boots or shoes, are equally comfortable. The quality and comfort of shoes do not crowd out their beauty, but rather serve as a pleasant bonus.

How to order Crosby brand shoes?">How to order Crosby brand shoes?

Official Crosby website:

Any pair of shoes you like can be bought by you from anywhere in Russia. You don't have to go to the boutique, the shoes will be delivered directly to your hands or to the nearest post office.

To do this, you just need to contact the official Crosby website - Select the category you are interested in: men's, women's or children's shoes. Next, select the seasonality of the collection - autumn-winter or spring-summer, and use the filter to quickly select the color and style.

The payment method and all order details will be indicated immediately after you add the selected product to the basket.

Trademark History

According to information received from the modern generation of Crosby, the roots of their family business in the distant 12th century, it was then that the family settled in Dumfries County.

The Crosby shoe factory was founded in the 19th century and at that time was the only manufacturer in all of Scotland. The market monopoly and the respected name played their part, the brand's fame soared to the international level.

Gradually began to open branches of factories in China, Vietnam and Korea, business steadily went up. However, the cruel and competitive 21st century has made its own adjustments, and the brand has been forced out of its leading positions. The disappointed family at first wanted to completely close the production, but then luck smiled at them again: the famous football player and designer Mark Harris, having learned about the impending collapse, offered Crosby to sell his business to Analpa.Inc, a large shoe corporation. Since then, new models of the brand have been created by the designers of the Mark Harris studio.

The brand appeared on the domestic market in 2012. Today in Moscow there is a boutique museum, the exhibits of which are rare pairs of shoes from Crosby.