Congratulations on the evening of the meeting of graduates in prose. This page does not exist Cool toast to classmates

Each of us is no longer a child. We have matured, everyone has their own way, but we will never forget a wonderful time - this is school time. You always want to return to that happy and carefree time, where you are still small, and there are still many interesting and unexplored paths ahead. We went through a lot together - we explored the world, learned by copying from each other, fooled around, made friends, grew up and fell in love. It is immutable in our memory. I wish you the same childish and carefree joy, lightness, purposeful decisions and great happiness in the present. Let that which has not yet been achieved, be sure to come closer to you!

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, instead of funny braids - with hairstyles on their heads, with smart faces and almost all with gray hair in their hair - these are my dear classmates. It's good that we've gathered here, putting aside all our affairs for later, temporarily resigning our duties as responsible parents. Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, bogged down in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything, and only such meetings give us the opportunity to remember the carefree school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. My dear classmates, God grant you all endless happiness and good health for many years. Live positively, always smile and let the news from you that reach us always be kind and wonderful.

Today old friends got together again! To talk about life and tell who is capable of what, what he has achieved, tell about his life, find out what's new with friends and remember the days of old! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that only faithful friends and sympathetic people, everything that was conceived came true, and what is dreamed of came true. And let the spark of those pleasant joint memories of long-standing events always burn in all your hearts. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth, happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful children.

Dear friends! How joyful it is in our souls from our meeting. Let us have matured and become more important, but at this table every year we will always remain the same perky boys and girls who once shared seats at their desks, learned something new together, experienced, rejoiced, fell in love. Everyone has their own path in life, and I want to wish that we all have it easy, happy, full of only good events and people, and that every year, when we get together, we always have something to tell each other and something to rejoice about together!

How many years have passed, and we are all the same young, cheerful. Everyone has their own business, but we remain important to each other and are happy to meet. Such happiness that time did not spoil our relationship. I would like to see each other more often. May there be more moments in our lives that we will remember in this company.

It seems that only recently we were sitting at our desks, waiting for a call for a break, answering at the blackboard ... And now we ourselves take the children to kindergarten and school, teach lessons with them, remembering our school years. Let's make promises to each other - never grow old in soul, remain the same girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved life.

I congratulate everyone on the day of the meeting of graduates and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a wonderful pastime with old friends, beloved teachers, and good acquaintances. May this day give everyone a lot pleasant experience, happy memories, sincere smiles, strong hugs, happy moments. Don't forget your school, remember your teachers, call your schoolmates, stay the same cheerful people!

Friends, today we are already adults, independent individuals, but not so long ago we all sat at our desks and timidly waited for a change! Let this meeting briefly return us to childhood, but the fun time of study will always remain in our memory. We wish teachers health, patience and strength to bring up more than one generation!

A beautiful bright day has come, the day of meetings of graduates. Today you can immerse yourself in happy academic years and warm memories, to regain youth for a moment and become the same mischievous boys and girls who sat at the same desk and ran along the same corridors. Do not pay attention to wrinkles and gray hair, do not compare yourself with solid bellies and statuses, just return to your childhood on this day and become as happy as in your wonderful school years.

We haven't seen each other for many years and have become different people, but the moments of our childhood, spontaneity and naivety are forever preserved in our memory ... Without these details, none of us would have become ourselves, so thanks to the school, classmates and teachers for these precious moments, You are always with me, in my heart and I will never forget you!

When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us feels excitement and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t need to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will affect itself. But it is this very excitement that can fail at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it’s a shame, because you really wanted to be on top and be remembered by classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful ... .

To avoid this, we suggest taking with you a couple of poems, toasts (comic or lyrical) and table games for classmates written by real professionals in their field (thanks to the authors), which can help out and, for sure, entertain and delight your classmates.

We offer toasts and table jokes to meet with classmates:

1. A verse about the 80s - for a meeting with classmates.

I wanted to be a child again, in the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing, it seemed like forever!
Where New Yearthe kindest holiday! He smelled like tangerines forever!
And every person was proud of his Country of Soviets!
Where is the soda in vending machines with one cup for all!
"Irony of Fate" in cinemas, for kissing - no interference!
Ice cream cost a penny, and popsicle - wow! Already twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on the bench, they were not happier on earth!
Where songs spilled from open windows
About how "maple makes noise, and about Alyoshka's love."
Where the world was woven from goodness and light ... But where to find all this again?
I wanted to go back to my childhood again ... But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
Return it, there is no means! And only in the soul - a distant warm light.

2. A toast to school friendship.

You graduated from high school a long time ago
So they counted - ... ... years.
The people are still cheerful
At least someone is bald, and someone is gray.
Still laughing out loud
Hope is still full
And charming "girls"
And the boys are ready to fight.
We drink for victories, for accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
We drink for desires embodiment,
For friendship - it is not more important!

3. A toast about classmates on the 20th anniversary of the meeting "Upper class!"

It's been twenty years now
From graduation party
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life shook.

Who is immersed in a career
Someone writes books
Someone happily in love
Who has kids.
I'll raise a glass to you
Let everything be - the highest class!

4. Toast “Let's drink to our old deeds!

It would be time to see each other more often -

There would be occasions to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to catch up now.

Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers

Let's drink to our old deeds.

And we wish habitually, in Russian,

May our life be carefree!

5. Welcome speech Thirty years later"

Thirty years ago you stood the same way
Holding hands with excitement in the soul,
Before the big road adult life
We dreamed, we already made plans.
You chose the path under sensitive guidance
Teachers, parents.
Rushed into life with a little regret
About the school and about the desk for two.
And childhood imperceptibly left
And it was somewhere far away.
But you studied further and worked,
And you meet families.
Now you have taught your children
After all, time does not stand still, it goes forward.
And the meeting of former students, mind you,
Gives energy for many years!

Life goes in an endless circle.
It's like a train is going faster and faster.
Where are you now, friends - girlfriends
Komsomol youth of my?

How long have I not seen you!
Our paths didn't cross.
Let's get together with old friends.
How much longer do we have to go?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,
And goodbye in the apple orchard.
Motor ship and scarlet dawns.
Leningrad and swans in the pond.

High school graduation. Merry sad holiday.
And the teacher's big order:
Growing up, you sometimes, at least once,
Take a look at your favorite class!

Let's remember how we are together, the whole crowd
They escorted the guys to the Army.
Wishing to achieve military glory,
They were waiting for letters from their soldiers.

Gradually dispersed around the world.
The world has changed, become different.
Only by phone send greetings
To my gray-haired classmates.

We do not need sad dates,
So that friends for round table call.
We were always close by.
Can we turn back time?

Years go by and sometimes
Passing by, we do not know
All the friends who are close to us at heart.
Thinking about his own.

So let's meet guys!
And we'll light our Cool Light.
Let's remember all the cases, events, dates,
Let's dive into youth for an hour.

Laying out family albums
Let's drink sweet wine together.
Let us become our common home
The school class is the native side.

7. Joke “Reaction after meeting classmates. “

Gray-haired ate .. Gray-haired drank
And remember what they were.
Wrinkles on the foreheads. Sclerosis in the eyes.
And the silent question excites:
“What has become of us over the years?
And who are all these freaks around?
Are gray-haired aunts childhood friends?
And the grandfather, on the contrary, is the neighbor's kid?
Yes, life is not a picnic, but a complete kaknik!
Terrible tsunami worldly waves,
Lush roses withered from time to time,
Why such wild metamorphoses?
When they ate and drank everything,
Then they howled at the top of their lungs ..
And everyone thought: “GREAT GOD!!
Really and I .. with such a mug

8. Joke about the Odnoklassniki website

Son came to me, rogue,
And he asked sadly:
"Classmates, father -
What it is?

What kind of site is this
Where are the gray people
In real waving his hand,
Drowning in fornication?

Where the path to change is visible,
The goal is clear and the means
Where they want to return
In the Brezhnev childhood?

Where is their peace disturbed?
Where do they spend their nights?
What kind of site is this?
Explain to me, father?

I drew my son to me
And he said sadly:
“Database of the FSB -
That's what we are!”

9. Joke “Meeting, years later”.

A sketch about how classmates meet after a different number of years can be used as a liner to a toast: “Let's drink to the fact that we will be glad to each other even after 100 years, as in the first years after graduation!”

When they meet in a year- kissing and hugging ....

- when they meet in five years- hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people !!” and then they go somewhere together.

After 10 years- they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters. and share news with interest

-In 20 years- they say hello on the run and say: “We need to get together somehow” and scatter, without agreeing on a meeting.

After 30 years- almost sincerely say: “You look great” and immediately start talking about grandchildren. and

After 50 years- open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: “And who are you?”

10. Dedication to the evening of the meeting.

February. Saturday. Meeting evening.
A school we know to tears.

smiles. Joy of meeting
The motive is familiar. Bouquets of roses.

Memories. Conversations.
Business card exchange. Success.
And reconciliation of the old quarrel,
And children's, as once, laughter.

Recall in the milk of frogs
When we get hard.
You look - and jump out to land,
And the soul will be light.

We were taught to think in school,
Prove. Let's not be right.
We were taught to adult life,
Which is not made of flowers and herbs.

Here the blizzards and blizzards have died down,
The snow melted again.
And our souls also warmed,
And familiar eyes met.

Yes, life has abandoned us
It's scary to even remember.
We lived now, rejoicing, now loving.
But today, on this beautiful day

We met 30 years later!
Now power and important such,
We have become more patient and wiser.

Forgetting about time, age and worries,
Let's remember the carelessness of school days.

11. Joke “School day mode”.

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.

Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
late. Failed.

Turn. behavior.
Deuce. Head teacher Disappointment.
Finding out. Call.
Stair running. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Deuce. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. Fight against vice.
Jokes. Laugh. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Relaxation. cartoon program.
Telephone. A computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. A diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Tomorrow morning repeat:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger..

Collection posted for review

Toasts and table jokes to meet classmates
A collection of table jokes and sincere toasts for the evening of the meeting


Graduation toasts Congratulations for all occasions

  • Home –>
  • Toast –>
  • For the holiday –>
  • Alumni meeting

Homecoming Toasts 10

It seems that quite recently we got together only at school desks. We were noisy, quarrelsome, somewhere rude and condescending. But still we had the main advantage - mutual assistance and support. I am very glad (a) that after so much time we still have it. There is also free access to alcohol, so raise your glasses to real friends!

Dear my classmates! Today we have gathered here to remember our youth and sweet school life. Although we are now almost old people, I still wish that our pleasant memories of school will never dissolve in our souls and hearts! For us!

Remembering the school, we smile again:
Forgotten swing, first love.
Anxious silence during the control,
And the smell of sweet buns coming from the dining room

Now we have matured, knowing our worries:
Family and children, fatigue after work.
But again, here we are together today,
As in distant childhood, we laugh heartily.

I'm so glad to see you all here. As I can see, time has beaten us all a little, but you know, despite the years that we lived apart from each other, I can never forget those wonderful times of hopes and dreams that we spent together. Let's drink to those wonderful days and to these wonderful people.

It would be foolish to think that the people with whom you spent almost 11 years side by side mean nothing for the course of our life, as well as for the installations with which we sail along it. Let's drink to an accident that brought us together in the same class for several decades.

Graduation toasts
Graduation toasts


Alumni Reunion Day in Prose

Congratulations in prose on Alumni Meeting Day

Joke "Meeting, years later"

A sketch about how classmates meet after a different number of years can be used as a liner to a toast: “Let's drink to the fact that we will be glad to each other even after 100 years, as in the first years after graduation!”

When they meet a year later, they kiss and hug ....

When they meet after five years, they hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people !!” and then they go somewhere together.

After 10 years, they smile broadly and say: “How many years, how many winters. and share news with interest

After 20 years, they say hello on the run and say: “We need to get together somehow” and scatter without agreeing on a meeting.

After 30 years, they almost sincerely say: “You look great” and immediately start talking about grandchildren. and

After 50 years, they open their eyes wide and, in response to a greeting, ask: “Who are you?”

Years later, we again gathered at the same table. Already completely different concerns: work, family, children. Each of us went our own way, but, as before, we are connected by wonderful memories from a carefree school life.

Dear classmates, how great it is to meet and plunge back into school life, remembering teachers, funny moments, who copied from whom, who was in love with whom, who pulled whom by pigtails. It's like going back to childhood again. So let's meet more often, so that like this, sitting all together and remembering our school past, immerse ourselves in carelessness and become younger in soul, although it is not so old with us anyway.

Just yesterday, it seems, we were sitting at our desks, disrupting lessons and coming up with nicknames for teachers. Of course, many have undergone cardinal changes in their families and lives, but, having gathered here, we all feel like tomboy schoolchildren. Let's drink to this wonderful tradition of meeting and to all of us who support it.

Today is such a wonderful evening, one of the evenings that allows you to return to your school years and remember everything that was dear to us when, how well we spent carefree days, how wonderful and kind our teachers were. Let's raise a glass for the fact that there are such evenings of meetings and that we can see each other at least every 5 years!

Alumni Reunion Day in Prose
This section of the website contains the Alumni Reunion Day in prose. Only the best, beautiful and sincere congratulations in prose.

Alumni Reunion Day is a bright event. These are memories of
school pranks and strong friendship, the first teacher and the first
call, important exams and an exciting graduation. This is a chance to meet
with classmates and tell news about yourself. Congratulations on this
great opportunity!

Congratulations on a bright occasion for spiritual meetings, memories,
laughter, conclusions, summing up, Happy Graduation Day! Let
no matter how fate has developed, everyone lives in the heart
joy, peace reigns in the soul, happiness shines in the eyes, faith leads
yourself. Health, well-being, a serene future, a peaceful sky above

Someone with a mustache, someone with small bellies, for a place of funny
braids with hairstyles on the head, with smart faces and almost everything with
gray hair - these are my dear classmates. How good that
we have gathered here, discarding for later, all our affairs, temporarily folding with
themselves as responsible parents. Spinning around like a squirrel
wheel, stuck in the quagmire of life, we forget about everything and only
such meetings give us the opportunity to remember together the carefree
school years and dreams that were destined to come true or not. Native
my classmates, God bless you all with endless happiness and strong
health for many years. Live positive, always smile and
may the news from you that reach us always be kind and

Congratulations on this wonderful event! I want at least these couple
hours to forget about your age and relive all those feelings
which are already forgotten. May everyone really gather on this day,
who has been associated for a long time. I just want to enjoy the conversation and
warm memories!

On this day, I want to remember the brightest moments from our
school life! How funny, naive and somewhere stupid we were.
I wish you to spend this evening having fun, plunging into the past. Together we
learned everything: to love, to be friends, to act according to conscience. I wish everyone
fulfillment of desires, health and good luck!

It seems that only recently we were sitting at our desks, waiting for a call to
change, they answered at the blackboard ... And now we ourselves take the children to kindergarten and
school, we teach lessons with them, remembering our school years. Let's give
promises to each other - never grow old in soul, remain the same
girls and boys who believed in miracles and sincerely loved

Today is the day of our meeting - the day of the meeting of graduates, guys,
who left the walls of their native school and set off on the path of an adult
life. I think that each of us very often recalls voiced
changes and funny school stories that instantly raise
mood and bring us back to our youth. I want to wish everyone
try not to miss our meetings, always remember our golden
time and a happy carefree time.

Today old friends got together again! To about life
chat and tell who is capable of what, what he has achieved, about his
tell life, find out what's new with friends happened and remember the days
past! I would like to wish everyone a successful life path, so that on it
met only true friends and sympathetic people, everything that is intended
but the reality was embodied, and what the dream came true. And let in
all your hearts, the spark of those pleasant joint
memories of past events. I wish you all peace, kindness, warmth,
happy days and fabulous nights, healthy parents and successful

On this February evening, inspired by memories of wonderful
years of school life, I wish you to plunge into those carefree days again,
when you were children, forget for a while about your age, regalia,
status, social position, remember the wonderful moments of the first
love and carefree youth!

There is a great opportunity to plunge into the world of childhood again. Let
you will be able to feel the same carefree, cheerful
and mischievous as many years ago. Have fun, enjoy, socialize.
Remember the most unique years of life.

Congratulations and poems for the reunion 20 years later

Like yesterday our bell rang
Our sonorous, farewell to the school,
Then we did not go with you to the lesson,
They wrote messages in albums.
Like yesterday was our graduation
Dancing, dressing up, laughter and fun,
In the morning we returned home,
Everyone was happy, everyone was in the mood.
And now, who would have thought that we would meet,
Twenty years later, in his native school,
We were all children back then.
Now we have new roles.
Some of you have become a great father,
Someone already, maybe pampers grandchildren,
Someone remained the same youth
Someone is following the figure.
We have changed, we are adults,
Many of us have mortgages
But we managed to save our friendship,
True, we are no longer children.
We have families, work, business,
But still gathered today
We will not be able to forget the school, friends,
Let's remember the past today.
Let's remember the exams, our glorious class,
All the changes, lessons and plans
At school, each of us dreamed
What he will grow up to be.
Let's remember the neighbor on the desk, calls,
Let's remember the very first teacher,
Let's remember the answers at the school board,
Let us remember our faithful elder.
Let's remember everything, we have an evening,
Although, we can meet more often,
Let's try with you friends
For no reason we gather!

This date is twenty years
Oh, honestly, I can't believe it!
In honor of this date, our banquet,
We couldn't help but meet!
Today we will discuss
What is our life full of?
And remember with nostalgia
Old times!
Today there will be many phrases:
"Do you remember this?"
After all, we have so much in common
Moments full of light!
I am at the end of my speech
I want to raise my glass
Thank you all for meeting
I missed you so much!

And remember, 20 years ago we were young and beautiful graduates,
we thought about what would happen next and which way we should choose. Today we
gathered again, and now each of us clearly knows that he
wants from life, everyone has already achieved a lot and built their own happiness, and
someone else is building. My friends, I want everyone
wish it was our not last meeting graduates to
every year we got together and remembered our fun school years,
our prom, a beautiful dance, sonorous laughter and loud changes.
Be happy and successful guys!

20 years have passed
Since graduation,
Here to meet your childhood
We are back again.
native corridors
greeted with silence,
And it seems to us that
We returned home.
Graduates at a meeting
They recognize each other
Sometimes not right away
In 5 minutes.
These meetings in memory
Will stay with us
Our friends, girlfriends,
Our mature class.

At heart we are all students
Happy meeting you! Graduates,
Let's remember together
How we all studied at 5,
And someone, however, and 2
Or 3 barely...
Okay, what to list
Let's celebrate the meeting!
And how many years have passed since then
How much water has flown?
Rushed exactly 20 years
But there is no sadness in us at all!

School, school, so recently
We stepped over the threshold.
20 years have passed
Experience, wisdom - our result.
May the meeting be wonderful
Let it take us to youth
Let the evening give it
Rest us from all worries.

We met in a friendly class
Full 20 years later.
We remember our youth
We are smiling, but sad.
Let the bond between us only grow stronger
May everyone be lucky in life
We are the same as before
Two decades doesn't count.

Twenty years went by so fast
We failed to notice
But during this period we are with you
Grown up, matured
And today will take place
Meeting of all graduates
This holiday has been long awaited.
Everyone was ready for it!

Met you guys
After 20 whole years,
Have lived a lot
Joys, losses and troubles.
Let, as before, be friendly
Our beautiful, noisy classroom.
Gather at the glorious school
Let us have an offer.

We have been with the school for a long time
Dear goodbye
There were many things
Different things happened.
Twenty years later got together
We are after parting
Again with beautiful youth
Let's fasten our hands.

20 years have passed since
How we graduated from school
But today the conversation
It will flow, to know, in a different way,
Not like the old ones
Let's remember the jokes and tricks ...
To you - love, beautiful words,
Everything to have what you wanted!

Gratitude to the teacher at the meeting of graduates in prose in your own words

Beautiful and kind, sincere and original words big
thanks to the teacher, class teacher at the meeting evening
school graduates after 5, 10, 15, 20 years, wishes in prose from
former students in their own words.

Every year, on the first Saturday of February, the former
classmates and teachers. In 2017 express gratitude in prose
dear teachers of the school and meet classmates can 4
February. (date, number)

Our dear, respected teachers!

We came to the homecoming evening tonight, bringing with us
feelings of regret and gratitude. Today, after
many (5,10,15, 20) years from the date of graduation, comes the realization
that the wonderful years spent within the walls of this educational
institutions, keep the most pleasant memories of a bygone childhood. How
it's a pity that we can't come here every day as before...

And of course, we are no longer your mischievous students, but serious
adults, we want to thank you, beloved teachers, for the knowledge,
thanks to which we now have prestigious professions, for your
wisdom, thanks to which good relations in the team have been preserved
of our class, for your care and participation in all our affairs!

Low bow to you!

Dear teachers!

Thank you for your teaching talent, for your generosity, for the joy
discoveries you gave to your students. For the colossal
efficiency and creative attitude to their duties!

Gratitude in prose in your own words

Dear (name of teacher)!

We are all together again on this day. Probably we, your boys and girls, have grown up a little more ...

And you, as before, look at us with care and love. For you
we will always be children. Thank you for the warmth of the soul that you are without
tired of giving us! For your wise parting words, which, like beacons,
lead us along the path of life.

We always remember you and say: "Thank you!"

Our dear, most classroom teacher(name and patronymic) !

Not a single evening of the meeting of graduates can do without the main
people, thanks to whom we all took place in this life - our

A teacher is an innovator and a keeper of traditions at the same time. Only
thanks to you, each new generation receives modern knowledge and
moves forward, and at the same time, thanks to you, everything is saved
most importantly, all the basics of raising children.

The work of teachers is a great work! Thank you, (name of teacher)!

Our dear teacher, we thank you again!

You have put so much effort into us, and how much you have experienced. We are not
could then understand and appreciate your work, sometimes they were stupidly offended, and
maybe they offended you. Now we know that you were one of those people
who built our destinies, sincerely loved all of us, cared,
gave invaluable advice. Thank you for your kindness!

How happy we all get together again, with the whole class, as if in
past time. How glad to see you again - our dear cool
supervisor (name of teacher)! And again pictures of school days are drawn,
when we were carefree, and you opened the way for us - the way of knowledge,
road to life.

We thank you for all your work - so hard and priceless,
for your wisdom and support. It is very important to us today.
Thank you, dear (name of teacher)!

Cool congratulations on the evening of the meeting of graduates 10 years later

Today we are in a hurry to school
Like 10 years ago
And my classmates
Everyone is happy to see.
Our girls blossomed
During these 10 years,
And next to them are the men,
There are no traces of the boys.
Meet the classes with silence
Everyone sits at the desks
What a pity that school years
It won't happen again.

Behind is not only school,
Even the university!
But here we come again
After 10 long years!
Let's talk a lot
the kindest, warm words,
To make life happier
This Graduation Day!

Dear graduates, 10 years have passed since we were
beautiful graduates and stood on the threshold of this school in anticipation of
something new and joyful. Now each of us is independent,
confident and happy in my own way. I wish you all great success
undoubted luck, excellent mood, and, of course, cheerful
memories of school years.

10 years have gone by
Here we are together again.
Graduates met
Again in the old place.
How long have we lived with you
They believed, they loved.
I want these years
We have not forgotten the age.
I wish to stay
Bold and young
Inspired by a dream
Bright and noisy.

How fast did you grow up?
We are with you guys.
10 years have already passed -
Rich in experience.
Seems like yesterday
Graduation walked
And about the life of a complex, adult
We were dreaming.
Let pleasant meeting will be,
Let the connection not be lost
Let everything that was thought
Happens faster.

We said goodbye to school
Exactly ten years ago
And today everyone gathered
Every meeting is glad,
Let's remember together today
School, our graduation ball,
Let's talk to each other
Everyone will be himself!

Ten years ago guys
We left school.
But love for native land
We didn't push back.
I wish you all well
Gather more often
Be young at heart
In our present.

Let the school years be far away
Happy meeting you, graduates!
It's been ten years,
And again the class saw the light
Smiles bright, mischievous,
I heard the sounds of simple words.
I wish you all well
So that the joy lasts!

Today every graduate
Come to your class, of course, glad!
Girls - colorful flower garden,
And the boys have their own parade!
Yes, matured ... 10 years
Gone in the last call.
But there is no sadness and sadness,
May all life continue to be easy!

Happy Alumni Day Poems

Happy Alumni Day
I want to congratulate you.
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
Such bright phrases:
More optimism in life
And a lot of happiness ahead.
Lots of health in the body
And pure, sincere love!

alumni, alumni,
School years are far away.
We have changed, we have grown
Flew out of alma mater.
I wish each of you
In a family of great happiness,
Were at work so that success
And a lot of achievements.
Don't forget those friends
With whom all youth rushed by.
To be close people
So that connections are not lost.

Graduates, friends, my family,
How nice to see you at this hour.
You have become so serious
But once ... first class.
It's good to meet us today
With that, I congratulate you, friends.
I wish you well, hundreds of smiles
And just a bunch of good stuff.

How long have we not seen each other
How many winters and how many years
Didn't even really talk
Only: "Hello!" and hi!"!
Finally we're all together
Like in the old days
We will discuss all the news
Who, than life is full!
Because on a wonderful evening
We are in the circle of school friends,
Let's raise for this meeting
All glasses quickly!

After many years we met
To say "Hello" to each other again!
Our school is remembered
We always remember the teachings of light!
Dear friends, congratulations
With the fact that we had to meet,
Happiness to everyone, I wish you health
Do not regret what has gone!
And look forward, striving for the heights,
To lay hands on success
Drive expensive cars
Love everyone and have a great time!

After so many years we met again
So I want to know a lot about all of you,
What study, work, family,
And even secrets that we can not know!
Friends, classmates, I love you,
I heartily give congratulations poems,
I wish you to be very successful
They gave birth to sons and daughters for happiness!
Health, fun, good luck friends,
I wish you love and recognition!
So that youth warms everyone around,
Your house was warm, cozy and kind!

Here's a joyful moment
Here is our meeting.
Like many years ago
Our graduation party.
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Peace and tranquility
Let bad weather and sadness
Never touched.
Let life be joyful
True friendship will be
Happiness with joy live
At the root of our destinies.

Somewhere our former years?
Is there something ahead?
So let's share hope
Let's look at each other.
Joy, pride, impressions…
We are one like no other
Our friendship continues
Enough for another hundred years.
Meet me in a noisy company
Many, many more times
Our release - I'll say what I think -
The best, no embellishments!

Let's raise our glasses, dear friends!
For many years that we lived together;
For ups, downs and memories -
May our wishes come true!
Let life open its horizons
And lay the carpet path!
To the loud applause of Fortune
We will walk with each other's support!

Today is a joyful and very bright day,
After all, we are all together again,
How many different, common topics we have,
Again, we are all united.
Let's remember all the old days
All our school and childhood moments,
And life was so carefree and bright
Filled with happiness and fun!

Congratulations at the meeting of graduates to classmates poems

How many years have passed, it's scary to remember!

We were shaken around the world by fate,

But to meet with your favorite school

We always got together.

Now familiar faces

They beamed with smiles again.

And the soul calls us to have fun,

Her love for school has not dried up.

We congratulate each other on the meeting

Friendly family classmates,

We remember those who for the evening

For some reason they didn't come.

Exciting meeting of classmates -

An opportunity to meet childhood again.

One of the kind and sincere holidays,

That keeps us from forgetting our friends.

Graduates different years proud

And the school that let us fly

And the team that works

We wish you many, many years.

I congratulate everyone who chose the time

Came to school, dropping everything.

Let's throw off the burden of the past years,

We rejoice that fate brought us together.

My friends, graduates of the past years!

We grow up, but only from year to year

It becomes more necessary from youth hello,

What brought us together, regardless of the weather.

The February cold does not blow out the fire,

That in every heart flared up brightly.

After all, a meeting with childhood for you and for me

More than the most priceless gift.

Today we sincerely congratulate all:

Teachers, old comrades.

Let our sonorous laughter sound again at school,

And our childhood will look through the gray hairs.

Fleeting, time, classmates,

How many years have passed since then

As we sat at school at the desk,

Looking straight at the teacher...

How many paths have been taken since then

And there are no roads yet.

So after all, today we will remember everything,

How then he was not alone.

How much joy, fun,

How much selflessness, dreams.

May these wonderful moments

Will never fade. bridges,

What do we throw into childhood now

Never let them burn.

Remember how it was in autumn

Many years and many winters ago?

The past is gone, it's true

And we don't need to be sad about him.

As a child, the sun was radiant -

We will never forget this:

The school where we studied at our desks,

Strict as always teachers.

How much selfless joy

How many stupid, windy undertakings.

Let's sit, as before, classmates,

Let's mourn at the school table.

The past is gone, but not in vain,

From above, everything that was, was given to us.

An exciting occasion today

After all, the meeting again graduates,

And sad, and a little difficult,

After all, so much time has passed.

We have changed, we have grown

Everyone already has a family

But remember how the eyes burned,

And they were great friends.

How cool to touch now

Pieces of the past again.

And back to childhood for a little bit,

And suddenly turn back time.

When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us feels excitement and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t need to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will affect itself. But it is this very excitement that can fail at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it’s a shame, because you really wanted to be on top and be remembered by classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful ... .

To avoid this, we suggest taking with you a couple of poems, toasts (comic or lyrical) and table games for classmates written by real professionals in their field (thanks to the authors), which can help out and, for sure, entertain and delight your classmates.

We offer toasts and table jokes to meet with classmates:

1. A verse about the 80s - for a meeting with classmates.

I wanted to be a child again, in the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing, it seemed like forever!
Where the New Year is the kindest holiday! He smelled like tangerines forever!
And every person was proud of his Country of Soviets!
Where is the soda in vending machines with one cup for all!
"Irony of Fate" in cinemas, for kissing - no interference!
Ice cream cost a penny, and popsicle - wow! Already twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on the bench, they were not happier on earth!
Where songs spilled from open windows
About how "maple makes noise, and about Alyoshka's love."
Where the world was woven from goodness and light ... But where to find all this again?
I wanted to go back to my childhood again ... But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
Return it, there is no means! And only in the soul - a distant warm light! ..


2. A toast to school friendship.

You graduated from high school a long time ago
So they counted - ...... years ...
The people are still cheerful
At least someone is bald, and someone is gray.
Still laughing out loud
Hope is still full
And charming "girls"
And the boys are ready to fight.
We drink for victories, for accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
We drink for desires embodiment,
For friendship - it is not more important!

3. A toast about classmates on the 20th anniversary of the meeting"Upper class!"

It's been twenty years now
From graduation party
Both lucky and unlucky -
In a word, life shook.

Who is immersed in a career
Someone writes books
Someone happily in love
Who has kids.
I'll raise a glass to you
Let everything be - the highest class!

4. Toast "Let's drink to our old deeds!"

It would be time to see each other more often -

There would be occasions to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to catch up now.

Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers

Let's drink to our old deeds.

And we wish habitually, in Russian,

May our life be carefree!

5. Welcome speech " Thirty years later"

Thirty years ago you stood the same way
Holding hands with excitement in the soul,
Before the big road of adulthood
We dreamed, we already made plans.
You chose the path under sensitive guidance
Teachers, parents.
Rushed into life with a little regret
About the school and about the desk for two.
And childhood imperceptibly left
And it was somewhere far away...
But you studied further and worked,
And you meet families.
Now you have taught your children
After all, time does not stand still, it goes forward.
And the meeting of former students, mind you,
Gives energy for many years!

6. To my classmates

Life goes in an endless circle.
It's like a train is going faster and faster.
Where are you now, friends - girlfriends
Komsomol youth of my?

How long have I not seen you!
Our paths didn't cross.
Let's get together with old friends.
How much longer do we have to go?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,
And goodbye in the apple orchard.
Motor ship and scarlet dawns...
Leningrad and swans in the pond.

Graduation... Cheerful sad holiday.
And the teacher's big order:
Growing up, you sometimes, at least once,
Take a look at your favorite class!

Let's remember how we are together, the whole crowd
They escorted the guys to the Army.
Wishing to achieve military glory,
They were waiting for letters from their soldiers.

Gradually dispersed around the world.
The world has changed, become different.
Only by phone send greetings
To my gray-haired classmates.

We do not need sad dates,
To invite friends to the round table.
We were always close by.
Can we turn back time?

Years go by and sometimes
Passing by, we do not know
All the friends who are close to us at heart.
Thinking about his own.

So let's meet guys!
And light up our Cool Light.
Let's remember all the cases, events, dates,
Let's dive into youth for an hour.

Laying out family albums
Let's drink sweet wine together.
Let us become our common home
The school class is the native side.

7. Joke "Reaction after meeting classmates..."

Gray-haired ate .. Gray-haired drank
And remember what they were.
Wrinkles on the foreheads. Sclerosis in the eyes.
And the silent question excites:
"What has become of us over the years?
And who are all these freaks around?
Gray-haired aunts - childhood friends?
And the grandfather, on the contrary, is the neighbor's kid?
Yes, life is not a picnic, but a complete kaknik!
Terrible tsunami worldly waves,
Lush roses withered from time to time,
Why such wild metamorphoses?
When they ate and drank everything,
Then they howled at the top of their lungs ..
And everyone thought: "GREAT GOD!!
Really and I .. with such a mug

(Source: abc-fiesta.r)u)

8. A joke about the Odnoklassniki website

Son came to me, rogue,
And he asked sadly:
"Classmates, father -
What it is?

What kind of site is this
Where are the gray people
In real waving his hand,
Drowning in fornication?

Where the path to change is visible,
The goal is clear and the means
Where they want to return
In the Brezhnev childhood?

Where is their peace disturbed?
Where do they spend their nights?
What kind of site is this?
Explain to me, father?

I drew my son to me
And he said sadly:
"Database of the FSB -
That's what we are!"

(Source: abc-fiesta.r)u)

9. Joke "Meeting, years later."

A sketch about how classmates meet after a different number of years can be used as a toast: "Let's drink to the fact that we will be glad to each other even after 100 years, as in the first years after graduation!"

When they meet in a year- kissing and hugging ....

When they meet in five years- hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people!!” and then they go somewhere together.

-After 10 years- they smile broadly and say: "How many years, how many winters !!!" and share news

-In 20 years- they say hello on the run and say: "We need to get together somehow" and scatter, without agreeing on a meeting.

-After 30 years- almost sincerely say: "You look great" and immediately start talking about grandchildren. and

After 50 years- open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: "Who are you?"

10. Dedication to the evening of the meeting.

February. Saturday. Meeting evening.
A school we know to tears.

smiles. Joy of meeting
The motive is familiar. Bouquets of roses.

Memories. Conversations.
Business card exchange. Success.
And reconciliation of the old quarrel,
And children's, as once, laughter.

Recall in the milk of frogs
When we get hard.
You look - and jump out to land,
And the soul will be light.

We were taught to think in school,
Prove. Let's not be right.
We were taught to adult life,
Which is not made of flowers and herbs.

Here the blizzards and blizzards have died down,
The snow melted again.
And our souls also warmed,
And familiar eyes met.

Yes, life has abandoned us
It's scary to even remember.
We lived now, rejoicing, now loving.
But today, on this beautiful day

We met 30 years later!
Now power and important such,
We have become more patient and wiser.

Forgetting about time, age and worries,
Let's remember the carelessness of school days.

11. Joke "School day mode".

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.
Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
late. Failed.

Turn. behavior.
Deuce. Head teacher Disappointment.
Finding out. Call.
Stair running. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Deuce. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. Fight against vice.
Jokes. Laugh. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Relaxation. cartoon program.
Telephone. A computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. A diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Tomorrow morning repeat:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger..

When going to a meeting with classmates, each of us feels excitement and it seems that there are so many words and wishes that we want to say to old friends and respected teachers that we don’t need to prepare specially: everything will be remembered and will affect itself. But it is this very excitement that can fail at the most inopportune moment and in the end, apart from a couple of traditional phrases, nothing will come to mind, and then it’s a shame, because you really wanted to be on top and be remembered by classmates as eloquent, witty and resourceful ... .

To avoid this, we suggest taking with you a couple of poems, toasts (comic or lyrical) and written by real professionals in their field (thanks to the authors), which can help out and, for sure, entertain and delight your classmates.

We offer toasts and table jokes to meet with classmates:

1. A verse about the 80s - for a meeting with classmates.

I wanted to be a child again, in the happy eighties,
Where it was so easy to live and sing, it seemed like forever!
Where the New Year is the kindest holiday! He smelled like tangerines forever!
And every person was proud of his Country of Soviets!
Where is the soda in vending machines with one cup for all!
"Irony of Fate" in cinemas, for kissing - no interference!
Ice cream cost a penny, and popsicle - wow! Already twenty-two!
And a couple of lovers on the bench, they were not happier on earth!
Where songs spilled from open windows
About how "maple makes noise, and about Alyoshka's love."
Where the world was woven from goodness and light ... But where to find all this again?
I wanted to go back to my childhood again ... But, as we know, there are no tickets there!
Return it, there is no means! And only in the soul - a distant warm light! ..


2. A toast to school friendship.

You graduated from high school a long time ago

So they counted - ... ... years ...
The people are still cheerful
At least someone is bald, and someone is gray.
Still laughing out loud
Hope is still full
And charming "girls"
And the boys are ready to fight.
We drink for victories, for accomplishments,
For the sun of our new days,
We drink for desires embodiment,
For friendship - it is not more important!


3. "Upper class!"

It's been twenty years now
From graduation party
And lucky, and not lucky -
In a word, life shook.

Who is immersed in a career
Someone writes books
Someone happily in love
Who has kids.
I'll raise a glass to you
Let everything be - the highest class!


4. Toast "Let's drink to our old deeds!"

It would be time to see each other more often -

There would be occasions to drink a hundred times.

No time! For real friends

There is only one way out - to catch up now.

Glasses - higher! Closer appetizers

Let's drink to our old deeds.

And we wish habitually, in Russian,

May our life be carefree!

(Source: znayka. net)

5. Welcome speech " Thirty years later"

Thirty years ago you stood the same way

Holding hands with excitement in the soul,
Before the big road of adulthood
We dreamed, we already made plans.
You chose the path under sensitive guidance
Teachers, parents.
Rushed into life with a little regret
About the school and about the desk for two.
And childhood imperceptibly left
And it was somewhere far away...
But you studied further and worked,
And you meet families.
Now you have taught your children
After all, time does not stand still, it goes forward.
And the meeting of former students, mind you,
Gives energy for many years!


Life goes in an endless circle.

It's like a train is going faster and faster.
Where are you now, friends - girlfriends
Komsomol youth of my?

How long have I not seen you!
Our paths didn't cross.
Let's get together with old friends.
How much longer do we have to go?

Let's remember the class, tent summer,
And goodbye in the apple orchard.
Motor ship and scarlet dawns...
Leningrad and swans in the pond.

Graduation... Cheerful sad holiday.
And the teacher's big order:
Growing up, you sometimes, at least once,
Take a look at your favorite class!

Let's remember how we are together, the whole crowd
They escorted the guys to the Army.
Wishing to achieve military glory,
They were waiting for letters from their soldiers.

Gradually dispersed around the world.
The world has changed, become different.
Only by phone send greetings
To my gray-haired classmates.

We do not need sad dates,
To invite friends to the round table.
We were always close by.
Can we turn back time?

Years go by and sometimes
Passing by, we do not know
All the friends who are close to us at heart.
Thinking about his own.

So let's meet guys!
And light up our Cool Light.
Let's remember all the cases, events, dates,
Let's dive into youth for an hour.

Laying out family albums
Let's drink sweet wine together.
Let us become our common home
The school class is the native side.


7. Joke "Reaction after meeting classmates..."

Gray-haired ate .. Gray-haired drank
And remember what they were.
Wrinkles on the foreheads. Sclerosis in the eyes.
And the silent question excites:
"What has become of us over the years?
And who are all these freaks around?
Gray-haired aunts - childhood friends?
And the grandfather, on the contrary, is the neighbor's kid?
Yes, life is not a picnic, but a complete kaknik!
Terrible tsunami worldly waves,
Lush roses withered from time to time,
Why such wild metamorphoses?
When they ate and drank everything,
Then they howled at the top of their lungs ..
And everyone thought: "GREAT GOD!!
Really and I .. with such a mug

(Source: abc-fiesta.r)u)

8. A joke about the Odnoklassniki website

Son came to me, rogue,
And he asked sadly:
"Classmates, father -
What it is?

What kind of site is this
Where are the gray people
In real waving his hand,
Drowning in fornication?

Where the path to change is visible,
The goal is clear and the means
Where they want to return
In the Brezhnev childhood?

Where is their peace disturbed?
Where do they spend their nights?
What kind of site is this?
Explain to me, father?

I drew my son to me
And he said sadly:
"Database of the FSB -
That's what we are!"

(Source: abc-fiesta.r)u)

9. Joke "Meeting, years later."

A sketch about how classmates meet after a different number of years can be used as a toast: "Let's drink to the fact that we will be glad to each other even after 100 years, as in the first years after graduation!"

When they meet in a year- kissing and hugging ....

When they meet in five years- hug and exclaim: “Bah, what people!!” and then they go somewhere together.

-After 10 years- they smile broadly and say: "How many years, how many winters !!!" and share news

-In 20 years- they say hello on the run and say: "We need to get together somehow" and scatter, without agreeing on a meeting.

-After 30 years- almost sincerely say: "You look great" and immediately start talking about grandchildren. and

After 50 years- open their eyes wide and in response to the greeting they ask: "Who are you?"

10. Dedication to the evening of the meeting.

February. Saturday.
A school we know to tears.

smiles. Joy of meeting
The motive is familiar. Bouquets of roses.

Memories. Conversations.
Business card exchange. Success.
And reconciliation of the old quarrel,
And children's, as once, laughter.

Recall in the milk of frogs
When we get hard.
You look - and jump out to land,
And the soul will be light.

We were taught to think in school,
Prove. Let's not be right.
We were taught to adult life,
Which is not made of flowers and herbs.

Here the blizzards and blizzards have died down,
The snow melted again.
And our souls also warmed,
And familiar eyes met.

Yes, life has abandoned us
It's scary to even remember.
We lived now, rejoicing, now loving.
But today, on this beautiful day

We met 30 years later!
Now power and important such,
We have become more patient and wiser.

Forgetting about time, age and worries,
Let's remember the carelessness of school days.

11. Joke "School day mode".

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger.

Breakfast. Tea. Briefcase. Notebook.
Shoes. Path. Crows. Check.
late. Failed.

Turn. behavior.
Deuce. Head teacher Disappointment.
Finding out. Call.
Stair running. Lesson.

Numbers. Rules. Torment.
Light. Window. Dreams. Visions.
Verbal counting. Example. Board.
Multiplication. Yearning.

Deuce. Disappointment.
Perspective. Punishment.
Optimism. Fight against vice.
Jokes. Laugh. End of lessons!

House. One. Hooray! Toys.
Soup. Pancakes. Compote. Cheesecakes.
Relaxation. cartoon program.
Telephone. A computer. Mother.

Meeting. Kiss. A diary.
Oh! Belt. Questions. Scream.
Excuses. Snot. Tears.
Exclamations. Threats.

Reconciliation. Textbook.
-Do it yourself! -Yes. Reshebnik.
Dinner. Bath. Relaxation.
Tomorrow morning repeat:

Dream. Alarm. Shower. Charger..

Collection posted for review