What kind of love does a romantic guy have. Romance through the eyes of a man

Romance... What do women imagine when they hear this word? Of course, these are chic bouquets of flowers, candlelight dinner, beautiful confessions in love and other pleasant little things and surprises. This makes it possible for a woman to feel loved and desired, to feel her exclusivity. But finding such a man is often quite problematic, because it is believed that a real man should not be gentle and overly sensitive, so even if a man is a romantic by nature, he will try to hide this quality. So it remains for women to sigh sadly, dreaming of a romantic man. And surely from the environment of an unfortunate woman who craves romance, there is such a girlfriend or acquaintance who has more than enough of this romance, and here the woman begins to wonder, am I really so bad that my man does not want to be romantic with me?

But think about it, are all these attributes of a romantic life so important? The romanticism of a man does not at all mean that he has the brightest and most sincere feelings for you, nor does it mean that if romance does not manifest itself in any way, then he is indifferent to you. At the same time, a woman often does not understand such a simple truth and judges a man precisely by his romantic mood, this is partly correct, because a man is judged by his actions, but actions are not necessarily expressed in serenades under the window and candlelight dinners. The ability to earn money for yourself and your family, while not spending it on various trinkets and daily gatherings in restaurants, is also, by the way, an act. You take into account all the gifts and flowers that a man buys for you, but at the same time you forget that he himself bought a house for you, a car, and he also paid for a vacation to Turkey. For some reason, this is taken by women for granted, and for romantic deeds, a woman turns a blind eye to many of the shortcomings of her chosen one.

As soon as such a romantic comes home with a chic bouquet of flowers, they are ready to forgive him everything, and another man is greeted with a joyless look, even if he was not guilty of anything. It even happens that a woman can forgive a man for treason, assault, with a smile on her face, saying to everyone: “Oh, well, he’s such a romantic!”. And moreover, many may not notice an unhealthy relationship in a couple, but see only the external effect of their relationship - flowers and passionate declarations of love. So all the same, what is really important for happiness in a couple - the opinion of others or how a man really treats you?

Another take on romance

If you really understand, then for romantic men it is important not to make the woman he loves pleasant, but he is captured by the very process of courtship. At the same time, his self-esteem rises quite a lot at your expense, he makes you romantic surprises, and in response you look at him with loving eyes full of admiration.

Relationships become a game for him, and when one peak is conquered, he will immediately want to master new ones, which is why such men are often fickle and switch from one woman to another. It is easy to fall in love with beautiful gestures, and it is this man who achieves this, but this imaginary romance often lacks sincerity. Of course, not all men are meant here, and not necessarily, if a man does a romantic act, then there is some tricky subtext behind this, perhaps he just wants to do something nice, the point is that if a man does not do romantic things towards you surprises, this does not mean at all that he does not love you and is not suitable for a relationship, you need to think deeper, and not in stereotypes.

You can contrast a romantic man with a more serious-minded man, they are also called the offensive word “rusk” and are cited as a negative example of a man. You can often hear various unpleasant stories about them: “I was so expecting at least a flower from him for our date, but he came empty-handed ...”, “I do so much for him, but he doesn’t appreciate it at all, I don’t have any surprises suits”, “And mine for the whole day will not call even once, will not hug once again, will not say that he loves ...”.

Such men will not call you once again, they will not give flowers for no reason, he is more decisive and serious, perhaps with him you will not get as many emotions as you need, but with him you will feel confident and reliable. Often such a man just needs time to open up and start talking freely about his feelings for you, but if he really says something, he will not say it for a red word, but will say it sincerely and with all his heart, and that will be valuable such recognition.

Therefore, the advice is this: if you come across an unromantic man - do not be sad about this, he can be more sensitive and loving than the most true romantic, he will only do this when he lets you into his life, and this takes time and patience .

So what kind of love romantic guy? First, let's think about what a romantic guy should look like. Of course, stories from childhood draw images of such princes in our head without fear and reproach, elegantly dressed, pretty and aristocratic.

In fact, this is not an indicator of romance at all. Among the characters who outwardly fit this image, there are many callous and dry people. Therefore, a romantic guy can look completely different. How? - there are many answers. For example, a romantic at heart might ride a motorcycle, dye their hair radical colors, and play in some kind of underground band. Or wear glasses and write ingenious programs at your computer. He can also be a football, basketball or even boxing star. These images can be listed indefinitely, because romance is not an appearance, but a state of mind.

What is the love of a romantic guy? Real. Such young people are not inclined to prevaricate and get acquainted with a girl for sex. Although there are instances who sinned with this, until they met the one and only, and did not understand that they really like to be romantic. In general, it is love that opens romance in people. It helps to remember all the best that is in us and to show it.

Romantic deeds exist great amount, and each man carries them out in his own way. For example, a man can do for his girlfriend romantic evening. But. How he will carry out this action depends only on his temperament and lifestyle. You can, for example, take your beloved lady to the shore of a river, lake or sea. But how will the young man do it? Some send a limousine for their woman, others take her on their bike, and still others choose a good old bicycle, as a reminder of the Soviet song in which a young man drove a bicycle for a long time and stopped him in the meadows. By the way, a bouquet of meadow flowers is also very romantic. Still, it is more pleasant for a girl to receive live and fragrant flowers, collected with her own hands. Their smell and freshness amaze any lady. This is what true romance is.

Poems and songs are also quoted by true romantics. Such young people can always dedicate a song to their beloved girl or a verse of their own work. The dedication will definitely take place in a romantic setting or in front of numerous spectators. If the young man is not endowed with some talents, he will still figure out how to impress the girl. Romantics are ready for anything. They dedicate poems of great poets to their ladies, standing under the balconies of nine-story buildings. In addition, they find acquaintances from local groups and serenade under the windows. Such young people can draw a portrait for their beloved or make a film. Guys climb trees to hang balloons and posters with congratulations to their dearest and most beloved.

Indeed, romantics are ready for anything. It is their inscriptions on the asphalt that we see in many yards. They are the ones who order romantic dinners and songs on the radio. Yes, let someone think that this is banal, but you must admit that many young people are not even capable of this. That is why, any out of the ordinary case is considered romantic.

But, in fact, romantics always try to show their girls that they are the best, most dear and beloved. In every little thing, they try to show their feelings and emotions, to emphasize their attitude.

Always remember that love makes all people sentimental. Therefore, you should not consider calm or rather rude guys as unromantic. They can also begin to show their feelings if they meet exactly the one they can love for life. Agree, it happens that bad guys suddenly change before our eyes. Suddenly, they start buying flowers and cards, choosing chocolate and shopping. Stuffed Toys. For many men, romance is revealed even in such small things.

In addition, romance can be non-standard, because all girls are unusual in their own way. A gift from a rare game for a gamer or a rare medieval pendant for a Goth can also be considered romantic. You can never measure romance under some standard rules, situations and decisions. For each girl, romance can be her own, special. Someone wants to live with a sweetheart in a tent, in the mountains, but for someone the most romantic will be a vacation at sea, in a beautiful hotel. The peculiarity of romantic guys is that they can guess these desires and unexpectedly fulfill them. Yes, indeed, another feature of romance is surprise. Even the smallest, but sweet surprise, always becomes a reason for a girl to rejoice. Romantic guys understand this and very often try to guess the simple desires of their loved ones. They come up with a variety of ways that can cheer up a girl. Romance is manifested not only in pompous acts, but also in the ability to simply saturate the day with bright colors. Ice cream bought on time or a flower plucked from a flower bed is also romance. The main thing is to feel the mood of the girl and guess what she really wants now.

Love opens up new horizons in any person. It is she who makes all men do crazy things, and, precisely, this crazy woman is a special manifestation of romance. Depending on the fantasy and financial situation, romantic actions are very different from each other. But, they are always united by the desire to do something pleasant and special. Every girl has cherished desires, which a romantic guy performs to the best of his ability. Romance is not the amount of money invested in a gift, but the feelings that it conveys. Such is the love of a romantic guy ...

It is hardly possible to imagine a love relationship without romance. ideals romantic love penetrate into our souls literally from childhood. And about Scarlet Sails from the romantic work of A. Green, many remember.

Definition of romance

Romance is, firstly, a special mindset that involves idealization surrounding reality. Secondly, it is a collection of emotionally uplifting ideas, thoughts, feelings and conditions of existence. Thirdly, romantic image life presupposes the predominance of optimism, positive emotions and lofty feelings, as well as altruism and dreamy contemplation. At the same time, spiritual values ​​come to the fore, and everything material and pragmatic recedes into the background or is completely ignored. Romance can be both a permanent attitude and a temporary state.

Romance is a lyrical mood

The romantic mood that arises during the period of falling in love and attraction is characterized by elation, lyrical mood, daydreaming and an elevated attitude towards the person - the object of passion. From this series, the expression "with a sweet paradise in a hut."

Romanticism is emotionality and sensitivity, vulnerability and insecurity. The romantic says a firm "no" to gray everyday life, selfish interests, political squabbles, career aspirations, material wealth. When two people are in love and are passionate about each other, then external world ceases to exist for them. They may not even notice the presence of other people nearby.

Romance is multifaceted and perceived differently, each individually. These are signs of attention, and tenderness, and care, and compliments, and extreme adventures, and courtship methods. Ideas about romance in a relationship are often shaped by movies, books, and novels. The result is a standard set. Romantic for someone may be the time of year (in this regard, spring and autumn are leading). Commonly accepted attributes of a romantic relationship are stereotypes such as coffee in bed, flower petals around, candlelit dinners, and lyric poetry.

Romance is mountain heights and campfire songs

You can romanticize any aspect of life, as well as the way of life itself. There are romantically perceived professions and forms of leisure. For example, pilots, cosmonauts, scouts, volcanologists, etc. have the halo of a hero and attraction for the opposite sex.

There is a category of people who see romance in getting closer to nature and living in extreme conditions. These are climbers and climbers, tourists and avid travelers. In addition, a bonfire, night stars in the sky and songs with a guitar of a certain content create the appropriate mood. Indeed, there is a lot of romance in such a pastime. However, for an unusual, unprepared or purely urban person, the pluses turn into minuses, and love relationships are destroyed. This happens for several reasons.

  • Firstly, the enterprise itself is presented exclusively in iridescent colors, and when difficulties arise, they make a stunning impression.
  • Secondly, a superficial and one-sided acquaintance with the subject plays a negative role. The chosen pastime and its participants are idealized. For example, all climbers are bold, cheerful, sociable and kind people. And with a detailed penetration into the lesson itself and close acquaintance very unpleasant moments and sides open up with people, which destroys the illusory picture created in the imagination.
  • In addition, in difficult trials, partnership qualities are tested, responsibility for others increases, and a special community of people arises. But at the same time, femininity is leveled - especially for mountaineering.

Although climbing in itself is a special romance. It is not for nothing that climbers themselves call it “the school of marriage, not courage” - many couples in love arose in the mountains and foothills. And it is also a path to glory, a test of strength and a way to find out the true value of the human spirit.

Stimulus for relationships and love

Romantic relationships are usually remembered for a long time even when they do not end in a serious romance or wedding. And then, as memories, they can give pleasant moments.

Emergence stimulant romantic mood it can be a landscape, a place of residence, a book read, a song heard, a movie seen, communication with someone, etc.

Actions can also be romantic. Often they are devoid of logic and common sense are risky and reckless. For example, for the sake of loved ones, people travel great distances, skydive, compose poetry, or even abdicate if they are members of royal dynasties. And the more difficult the project is, the more amazing the idea.

The desperately unexpected actions of men make an impression on women. There is an impressive scene in the film "Dowry" (1936) when Paratov throws a luxurious fur coat into a puddle on the street so that Larisa Ogudalova will pass and not get her feet wet.

Courtship and gifts

Romance in relationships involves beautiful, intricate and complex forms of courtship, rituals, courtesies, gifts and pleasant surprises. In this regard, flowers for no reason, an unexpected text message, in things, a change in the usual environment, joint traditions and holidays on significant dates for your couple (for example, the day they met, the first kiss, etc.), etc., are useful.

But the main thing is that at this stage the relationship does not end, but develops and becomes stronger. And since men and women often perceive romance differently, it is important for people to understand each other and focus on the desires of a loved one, otherwise you can harm and ruin relationships. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to discuss with each other what someone likes and what not, listen to the opinion of a loved one and find common ground, common interests and shared desires. And the thoughtlessly and stubbornly shown initiative is perceived as a negative. It is also important what stands behind romanticism. And then after all, it happens that there is romance, but you can’t rely on a person.

Positive points

Romance makes both relationships between people and life in general more meaningful. Every day can become a holiday thanks to completely simple things and cute little things - a bouquet of flowers elegantly laid for a meal, a sounding melody, good wishes etc.

Those who are romantically inclined see the beauty around them deeper and brighter. This applies not only to the object of love, but also to many other things - nature, works of art, literature, etc. It is no coincidence that romance is called "the poetry of the soul."

  • She maintains the freshness of relationships and the intensity of passions.
  • It is able to dispel boredom and refresh the routine of familiar relationships, induce a state of euphoria and relieve fatigue from a monotonous life, worries and troubles.
  • It helps to attract attention, win the heart of the girl you like and charm the woman you love. Therefore, both men and women should not forget about the importance of romance in a relationship. This is a beautiful courtship, and compliments, and flowers, and much more.

The Other Side of Romance

Romantic manifestations help to start a romance, and achieve your goal in love. But romance is sometimes boring and tiring. After all, in life you have to not only admire the setting sun and bright stars, but also constantly solve problems, overcome everyday difficulties and do things that are not at all romantic.

What looks like romance at first can become boring, annoying and addictive over time. Even worse, when romantic actions turn into a routine, become monotonous and taken for granted. Of course, just as it is impossible to eat a single delicacy, so in a relationship the taste for what is initially perceived as a delicacy is dulled.

A romantic person - what is he?

R Omantic, as a rule, has high goals, bright intentions and lofty desires, but often does not know how to realize all this in reality and put it into practice. In addition, he himself is not ready to make efforts and work hard. He is more of a humanist and dreamer than a realist and practitioner.

Other people's interests are more important for him than his own: he worries about his loved ones, pities the disadvantaged and wants to help those in need, but his good intentions must be carried out by someone else. And if far-reaching and optimistic projects are born in his head, then he does not think who will carry them out and “at whose expense the banquet”.

"Let's have a party!" calls the romantic. And if it is reasonably objected to him that funds and human efforts are needed to organize the event, then he immediately retorts: “Well, I wanted everyone to be well, and you are clipping my wings!”

R The omantic is an altruist by nature, he folds in a situation of competition and is able to sacrifice himself, but he is not inclined to compromise. And he is unlikely to count on something, wait and give in. If he didn’t succeed right away, as he wanted, then he would rather give up everything at once and withdraw into himself, rather than begin to fight for success. And he will also plunge into depression or will seek a way out and solace in bad addictions and bad habits more often than other people. A romantic often rushes from one extreme to another. For example, enthusiasm and sadness, love and longing, passion and apathy alternate, and the mood is unstable. R love, independence, individual freedom, justice, high aspirations, moral ideals and lofty goals. He suffers from the imperfection of both the surrounding world and people. And at the same time he wants ideal relationship and great love - eternal and pure.

Platonic love fits into the picture of romantic relationships. This is an elevated relationship based on spiritual attraction and romantic sensuality, without physical attraction, which is considered base. Romance is often accompanied by asexuality, contemplation and admiration for the object of worship.

R the omantic is not only divorced from reality, he also has a certain infantilism (“ Kindergarten"). He will eagerly read poetry, and he will not bother to clean up the garbage around him. "Worldly" is unimportant to him when the longing for love and the desire for the high prevail. This is exactly how the hero of the famous film “Formula of Love” (1981) Alexei Fedyashev appears before us. R omantik, as a rule, is not a creator and creator of material values, but at best a creator of poetry and other works of art. He will not solve problems and will not always be able to provide for his family, but will sit back, whimper, complain and complain about fate. Often he is weak, defenseless, dependent and suspicious. A romantic, as a rule, does not know how to be a leader. He will promise you to get a star from the sky, but he is unlikely to be able to fulfill this promise.

But romantics see beauty where others do not notice anything good. A romantic is a knight and admirer who is disgusted by mediocrity. He is in awe of the object of adoration. His feelings are strong and deep, with a touch of dramatization and a share of adventurism.

Rose-colored glasses and pitfalls

Romantics tend to idealize the object of adoration and love. They consider it perfect and are sure that it is much better than it actually is. At the same time, he is endowed with qualities that he does not have in reality, and they expect from him what he is not able to do. But a loved one, as a rule, is perfect only up to a certain point. Therefore, romantically minded people are especially bitter to experience disappointment. After all, a realist understands that everyone has pluses and minuses, strengths and weaknesses. He sees other people's strengths and weaknesses. A romantic, firstly, notices only the pluses, and secondly, invents the positive qualities of the object of his love. And when it turns out that the object of passion, exalted almost to the skies, is imperfect, if not the collapse of life, then the destruction of the picture of the world occurs. Well, it suddenly turns out that the princess does not eat only ambrosia, but the prince snores and scratches himself in his sleep.

We can say that a romantic looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. And idealization, as a rule, does not end well for him. Women consider men who are too romantic to be weak and incapable of making decisions on their own.

Long romantic courtship they can be annoying, because sooner or later it is time to move on to a new, more serious stage of relations. And here the main thing is to learn how to alternate romance and everyday life, otherwise, sooner or later, disagreements will begin in a couple, risking causing a break.

This topic arose when my wife and I suddenly flew to Egypt for a few days. The atmosphere was conducive: the setting sun over the tops of the mountains, a path lit by lanterns in flowers, a balcony overlooking the sea, cold champagne in glasses. "Over the years, you become more and more romantic!" - my wife told me, who did not know yesterday that she would spend this evening here (I made her a surprise). I thought.

I never considered myself a romantic. Even vice versa. And then the thought appeared that romance is actually different and not every woman wants to experience it. Romance is for everyone. In the end, there is romance, as a state when two people, hugging closely on the seashore, just feel good.

And there is romance, as an act. Women expect actions from men, but we, we understand this, and are sincerely ready to do them, but we often do them not in the form in which you would like. It takes years life together and the sensitivity and wisdom of a woman, so that a romantic is revealed in a man. And even more wisdom to direct our aspirations in the direction you need.

Often, the romantic behavior of a man is understood by others as irrational, not amenable to formal logic. Like something unnatural. Or vice versa, they try to simplify it as much as possible, reduce it to the banal "who treats a girl, he dances her."

Like, if a man does a romantic act for you, it means that today he is counting on a bed, and tomorrow you will already be solving his problems. Ladies, make no mistake! The last, just the same firm calculation, the knowledge of what you expect from us. Men do real romantic acts for themselves, and only for themselves, even if the main role in them is given to someone else. However, I do not think that women are arranged somehow differently.

For someone, a romantic act is a height conquered for the sake of HER. For someone buying expensive jewelry. And for someone, perhaps, there is nothing more romantic than climbing the drainpipe to the window of the ward where his son was just born. But all this has one thing in common - in this way a man tries to prove to himself and others that he can still do something in this life, that he is not a two-legged animal, not just a machine for fulfilling his own and others' whims and tasks.

Therefore, the task of the lady is not to demand from men, and sometimes quite persistently, what you consider the lyrical part of the relationship, but to make the man himself want to make you main character your romantic adventure of a lifetime. Which does not exclude that a man should also try to understand what kind of romance a woman is ready to participate in. There is nothing worse than inconsistency.

We are ready to forgive each other for a discrepancy in views, habits, lifestyle, but there is nothing worse than a mismatch in romance, when one is ready to rush towards adventures at full sail, and the other sadly looks at him from the sofa. One is ready to bare his soul, and in response he hears a poisonous chuckle.

Once upon a time, I came to my beloved girl in another city, literally with the last money. No, don’t think, I didn’t intend to live further at her expense, that’s all - both the return ticket and the hotel were paid, something was in store for the “ice cream parlour”, I was bringing her a modest gift, only it was already time to buy a bouquet of flowers nothing. So I bought one rose. One small flower, strict and proud, as it seemed to me, worthy of my beloved.

What was my disappointment when my beloved grimaced with displeasure and said: "Is this just one flower?" hid it in... a plastic bag. It hurted me. It really hurts to tears ... Much later, when this girl became my wife, we remembered this incident and she admitted that she was very shy at that first meeting, did not know how to behave, was spoiled by her then fans, who filled her with huge bouquets and was afraid that I would be stingy with her. In a word, a standard set of female stamps then wandered in her smart head.

Fortunately, this flower did not cause our breakup and later I recognized my beloved from the other side. But as a punishment, for a long time, for several years, I didn’t give her flowers at all, until the conversation about a carelessly forgotten flower and her tears melted some kind of ice in my heart and I didn’t want to look after her again with the thrill of a lover, and give flowers.

True, and she no longer expects from me brooms packed in cellophane. Tastes change over the years, however, as do our capabilities. Therefore, do not criticize a man for the actions performed for you, and, especially, do not scoff, do not scoff ... After all, you do not know what it cost him to perform this or that action. And what he will be willing to do.

In order to surely become the heroine of his novel and, by the way, find out if he suits you, you need to find out what kind of "novel" your man is writing. To do this, it is useful to know a man's hobbies, his hobbies, in which he shows genuine emotions.

Often coming to a man’s house, a woman looks around his dwelling with an economic look; her hand reaches out to destroy the holy of holies - a children's stamp collection, terrible - from her point of view - fishing tackle or a "mountain of iron": his climbing equipment.

It is amazing how tenaciously women snatch out of everything the most precious things for a man and immediately strive to get rid of them, as if hoping to replace them with themselves. However, there is also the opposite. When, after reading advice from books like "How to get married for two days", she makes what she thinks is a knight's move - she immediately pretends to be a fan of football, fishing, mountains and thinks that this will increase her chances of success. No need! Anyone who at least once dragged an "experienced climber" who was knocked down by a "miner" at the very beginning of the route, which even children who have been beaten by teammates at least once, for the fact that she yelled "goal" in the wrong way, will never buy for such tricks. Be yourself!

Admit that you are completely ignorant of the topic, and then the man will gladly take on the role of teacher, guide, senior and experienced partner on land and sea, and invite you into his romance. And if you understand, do not enter into an argument about who is cooler. There are no winners in the world of hobbies, but only people who breathe the same wind. If you're applying for a seat nearby, don't try to inhale more than he does.

And no matter what a man considers romantic, how active he would not be, two are involved in joint romance, which means that the heroine needs to play along, feel the importance of the moment, and in some part even take the initiative into her own hands. In life, it is rarely possible to organize everything so that a woman who falls asleep in an ordinary apartment wakes up in a fairy tale. As much as you and we don't want it. Sometimes we betray our intentions with leading questions, we are awkward on the way to your heart, we leave prepared gifts in a conspicuous place, or we forget about something important. It happens. This is how I once took my wife out for a couple of days to rest, having kidnapped her right from work, packed my things, but forgot the most important thing - a pack of daily contact lenses, without which my beloved cannot see beyond her own nose. And imagine, she agreed to spend the whole day without lenses, and said that this day, when I took her everywhere by the hand, was one of the most romantic in her life.

In a word, even when committing a romantic act, the hero can fall off the horse - be indulgent - help him cope with the situation and turn it in your favor and in his favor ...

Material group Wisdom of Love

We need to part. Katya sat on the bed and tried not to look at Igor, stunned by the news.
-Why? - Igor could hardly pronounce, because suddenly everything was dry in his throat, and his head was spinning.
Katya jumped up and began to quickly get ready.
-Say only one thing: Why? -Igor did not try to stop her, because all the forces suddenly left him and his legs gave way. So he stood, leaning against the wall, arms folded over his chest.
- You know, Igoryash... I thought a lot... You... well, how can I tell you. You are too romantic. I do not see such a man next to me.
The door slammed, and for another minute Igor looked at the place where Katya's handbag had just stood.
It would seem that the situation is not out of the ordinary. Well, which of the men has not experienced such a situation - girls leave, leave, relationships collapse. But here things were somewhat different. The fact is that the third girl is already throwing Igor, explaining his act by saying that he is too romantic. Maybe women have changed priorities in life? Or maybe Igor just chose the wrong women for himself?

What's wrong with a man being romantic? Or in our cruel age of speed, feelings are not honored? Are women really ready to change gentle and shy Pierrots for rough Harlequins? And here's another thing ... I wonder where the very line goes for romance, beyond which this "too" begins.
Let's figure it out together, and start by finding out what romance is.

Having opened Ozhegov's dictionary, we read: “Romance is something that contains ideas and feelings that emotionally elevate a person; living conditions, environment, conducive to an emotionally elevated attitude. creative pursuits."
A romantic is - "A person imbued with romance, high feelings."
We conducted a survey among Internet users aged 19-35 years. And here are the results.
To the question "What is romance?" most of the respondents answered that this is such a state of mind and inextricably linked together such concepts as love, relationships, feelings, the desire to be near, the feeling of falling in love and everything that accompanies this state.

Nikolai, 35 years old: “Romance .... when a person believes in light, goodness, love and happiness - sincerely!”

Igor 19 years old: "Romance .. well, I think it is state of mind a person with whom you really want to do some kind of act, from which close person will be very nice. and you will feel good that you will see her happy eyes. »

Although in romance, far from everyone sees light and warm.

Aleksey, 24, believes: “Romance is “pink snot”, but necessary for a man and a woman to maintain relationships ..”

Asking the question “A romantic man, what is he like?” I tried to imagine romance and I was surprised by the result. I do not see a single image of a romantic man. Girl, please, and a dream in the eyes, and an enlightened face. But the man ... The romantic suddenly broke up into 2 completely different images: the first - "picture" - a sleek, kind of macho in a tuxedo frozen on the page love story, and the second is its complete opposite - a washed out stretched sweater, worn out pants, dirty shoes, unshaven, shaggy, an old backpack behind his back - some kind of eccentric geologist with a guitar.

And what did the girls answer to this question?

I would like to note that in all descriptions the image of a romantic was reduced, in general, to a single understanding.

Olya, 21: Romantic? Well, this is a man who pays a lot of attention to a girl, gives flowers, and not necessarily expensive gifts.

Katya, 26 years old “Sentimental, vulnerable, gives gifts all the time, candles, dinner and so on. He constantly asks how the girl is doing and whether she still loves him.

Ira, 30 years old “He knows how to surprise, and not necessarily with gifts, a choice of places for recreation, some kind of surprises”

Although not all girls are unanimous in their opinions, some are skeptical about the existence of romantic men.

Anna (21 years old): "At this stage, this is a relic humanoid, and the probability of meeting with him is equal to the probability of meeting with a Yeti. And no t-test will help.”

Let's sum up a little. Girls see signs of romance precisely in increased attention, pleasant surprises, and showing interest. It would seem that women do not require anything unearthly and supernatural from their men. Quite understandable are ordinary desires and at the same time the question “Do I need romance in a relationship?” The answers were very diverse and one might say the opposite.

Irina, 30 years old: “A little romance never hurt anyone”

But Anna, 21 years old, strongly disagrees with her: “Girls of 11 years old need romance completely, but you know as well as I do that the terms of puberty have shifted down. Alas..."

Katya, 26 years old: “Everything is good in moderation. The qualities of romance will not harm a man."

Girls believe that romance is simply necessary in a relationship, but only in moderation. Let a man be able to become a romantic at least for a while. A kind of convenient function of a man.

Zhanna, 31 years old: “Now if he combined the features of everyday acumen and knew how to switch ...”

Everyone has long known that a woman is looking for a man who is reliable by her standards and who could be relied on in any situation. Life is life, but you still want to feel loved and desired. When asked if the girl would like to connect her fate with a real romantic, the girls answered as follows:

Katya, 26 years old: “If he is a romantic to the core, then no. A man should be able to be different.

Anya, 25 years old: “I agree to an easy friendly and trusting relationship. And what? You don’t always need extreme sports, sometimes you want to feel like this (I forgot the word) - an object of worship, desire, like Laura by Petrarch, well, or Gioconda by Leonardo.

Irina, 24 years old: “Let him be a romantic, the main thing is without insanity.”


A romantic man in a feminine ideal: Gentle, affectionate, caring, attentive, generous with gifts and flowers, but grasping in everyday life, he can easily switch from love lyrics to hard truth.
I wonder if these are found in nature? Or is it a literary and cinematic fruit? And in general, what do men think about this? Let's repeat the questions we asked the girls.

What is a romantic man? What is he?

Maxim, 20 years old: “As for me, a romantic man is a boring rag. I am not against romance, but it should be appropriate for the occasion, and it also seems to me that there should not be a lot of it, a little bit, so as not to become boring. I've talked to girls about this topic more than once. Most people really dream of a prince, but they meet not with princes, but with complete opposites. Why I still can't figure out why. As for me, I'm more of an adventurer than a romantic, although there are moments, but this is most likely an exception to the rule.

Vlad, 35 years old: “I think a romantic is one who does not spin in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Who can count how many stars are in the sky. Original and not boring, cheerful and gentle, perhaps so"

Andrey, 24 years old: “He is a rag for all men, a darling for women. But women are interested in him for a short time.

Maxim, 23 years old: “A modern romantic man is the one who can remember the forgotten old romanticism ala “playing the guitar through the window”, “flowers under the door with a note”, but above all, this is a state of mind that cannot be faked, learned. It has to be lived.”

Sasha, 28 years old: “I think that now romance is out of fashion, today's youth have a completely different head, but I think there are still exceptions. Romance, I think, as it was, has remained, it’s just that there are fewer romantics, I consider it romantic: walks in the rain, dinner by candlelight, give flowers at meetings, compose poems for your soulmate, etc. ”

To the question “Do women need a romantic man,” men answered like this.

Vadim, 32 years old: “Only if the girl is in full understanding with the man. But in general - it is necessary, the girls are very gentle creatures, and by the way, romantic.

Maxim, 24 years old: “Only in certain situations (for example, when they want that same romance).”

Sasha, 30 years old: “He is needed, but only at first. After the wedding, he should become prudent, economical and economic.”

To the question "Do you consider yourself a romantic?" 75% of the men we interviewed firmly and confidently stated: Yes, I am a romantic, well, or there is something romantic in me. The remaining 25% admitted: “There was once a romantic, but everything has changed and now a cynic ...” or simply answered briefly “No.”

While conducting a survey and thinking about the article, I thought about this: Romance is an integral part of our being, part of the meaning of our existence. Each person really appreciates those moments in his life when at least a small note of romance appears in it. Each person is afraid to miss out of his life what is her meaning is love, tenderness, understanding, attention from the opposite sex, and this fear is masked and hidden under what is called cynicism, rigidity, or something else. A man must be courageous - this is how we are inspired from childhood, but they forget that boys also know how to feel, experience, love. The boys are ready to give their warmth, to show what they are capable of, but the girls are afraid that in outbursts of tenderness, the boys will forget that life has other sides.
It turns out that way…..