Bracelets made of elastic bands on the fork of the scheme. Weaving from elastic bands on a fork for beginners: master classes on bracelets and key rings. Weaving from rubber bands on a fork - Fishtail

Weaving bracelets from colored rubber bands has become a hit this year. The occupation is very exciting and accessible to everyone and everyone, regardless of gender, age, income level. Even if you do not have a special machine, you can first try on a slingshot, fork, or even. In this article, we will learn how to weave elementary rubber bracelets on a fork.

How to tie a rubber band bracelet on a fork?

There are many types of rubber band bracelets that can be woven on a fork. This is a fishtail, and a French braid, and, and a zebra, and many others. By the way, craftsmen weave not only bracelets on forks, but also various figures.

Whatever type of bracelet you choose, you will need the following materials:

  • an ordinary table fork (sometimes two);
  • many multi-colored rubber bands;
  • fasteners;
  • hook or toothpick (it is more convenient to work with a hook);
  • photo or video tutorial or your own imagination.

Step-by-step weaving of bracelets from rubber bands on a fork

Now we will learn how to weave a bracelet called a fishtail (or herringbone).

The process is quite simple, but the bracelet looks original, especially if you use rubber bands different colors. In this master class, we will use only blue rubber bands, but you can choose them at your discretion.


Master class of weaving bracelets on a fork No. 2

Let's try to complicate the task and learn how to weave a two-color and wider bracelet. So, how to weave such a bracelet from rubber bands on a fork? We will need a fork, rubber bands of two colors and a toothpick.


  1. And let's start by putting on a lilac elastic band, folded in half, on the middle cloves of the fork and twisting it with a “figure of eight”. The next two elastic bands are also twisted with a “figure eight” and put on two teeth on the left and right.
  2. Next, using a toothpick, we grab the lower loops from the middle teeth, bring them up and release.
  3. Now we put on the elastic bands on the right and left without twisting. Raise the lower loops up.
  4. You should get the following.
  5. We repeat all the manipulations in the following sequence: 1 elastic band in the center and 2 along the edges. Two rows of each color, after which we change to another.

The ever-growing interest in a new type of needlework - weaving from elastic bands, contributes to the emergence of new techniques and methods of weaving, there are interesting schemes weaving. And today we will talk about a very amazing type of weaving. With an ordinary table fork, we will weave bracelets masterpieces.

You have colorful Rainbow Looms, but no loom or slingshot. By the way, we have already talked about how to weave rubber bands on a slingshot. So, you don’t have a loom and a slingshot, you can take an ordinary table fork and make wonderful rubber crafts.

Weaving bracelets and figurines from rubber bands on a fork

What can be made from rubber bands on a fork, how to start weaving from rubber bands on a fork what bracelets can be made without a machine tool and a slingshot. You can make not only bracelets from rubber bands on a fork, but also various figures and key chains. This is an amazing miracle - the transformation of multi-colored rubber bands on a fork into beautiful bracelets and animal figurines.

Weaving from elastic bands on a fork is very captivating, not only simple bracelets, but also complex multi-layer bracelets, wonderful figurines and animals. If you are just starting out and don’t know how to do it yet, then video master classes will help you.

Bracelets that can be made from rubber bands on a fork: a cute bracelet with flowers, a fishtail, a bracelet with one big flower, and others.

Weaving from rubber bands on a fork of figures: a hamster from rubber bands, a guinea pig, a minion, a koala from rubber bands on a fork, a rabbit, an owl, an ice cream keychain, a heart, a rose flower.

Weaving from elastic bands on a fork video - a bracelet with flowers

on a fork with a large flower

Weaving from rubber bands on a fork - Fishtail

French braid - weaving from rubber bands on a fork

Video master class of weaving rubber bands on a fork

Original bracelet made of elastic bands weaving on a fork

Weaving a hamster and a guinea pig from rubber bands on a fork

Figurine Minion - how to weave rubber bands on a fork keychain video master class

Koala weaving from rubber bands on a fork video

Weaving a rabbit from rubber bands on a fork

Rubber band egg weaving on a fork video

Snake figurine - weaving from rubber bands on a fork video

Keychain Owl weaving from rubber bands on a fork

Keychain heart made of rubber bands on forks

Weaving a rose from rubber bands on a fork

Love to wear rings and bracelets? Rainbow products are in fashion today, which can be made by both children and adults. In order to weave a bracelet, a hook and a special machine are most often used, but what if there is no machine? No problem, experienced needlewomen they can weave rainbow bracelets on their fingers and even on a fork. Each method has its own advantages, because patterns of different sizes can be obtained. It turns out that you can use the same scheme, but get completely different products if you use a machine tool, fork or fingers. In this article, we decided to tell you how to weave a bracelet with a regular table fork.

- fork;
- rubber bands;
- clasp.

1. Take an elastic band, fold it in half and twist it into a figure eight. After that, carefully slide the rubber band over the middle tines of the fork.
2. Now, in the same way, twist another elastic band and put it on the two extreme teeth.
3. Repeat the same on the other side.

4. Take another elastic band, fold it in half and put it on the middle teeth without twisting. With your fingers, grab the bottom elastic band on one of the teeth and throw it up, do the same with the other middle prong.

5. According to this principle, weave the entire bracelet, without twisting the elastic with a figure eight. To make it convenient to pry off the bottom elastic band, you can use a toothpick. To make the bracelet rainbow, alternate color scheme rubber bands.

6. To complete the weaving, transfer the elastic bands from the extreme teeth to the nearest middle ones.
7. Throw the lower elastic band from each middle tooth over the upper one.
8. Take a new elastic band, fold it in half and put it on the middle teeth. Now throw the bottom one through this gum from each tooth.

9. Throw the elastic band from one middle tooth to another so that the elastic band remains on one. Put on the clasp and the bracelet is ready!

It is interesting that the pattern during weaving on the fork turns out to be smaller and more accurate, unlike bracelets on the loom. Using a fork, you can come up with your own patterns for weaving bracelets, as well as try to weave some kind of figure.

Useful video: How to make a rubber band bracelet with a fork

Knitting with rubber bands today has become interesting entertainment for children around the world, so sometimes new patterns and weaving methods are a flight of children's imagination. At first glance, it may seem that they are very colorful, but summer is ahead, so do not be afraid of bright jewelry!

Rubber bracelets are an indispensable accessory for any fashionista. There are many variations of such bracelets, as well as ways to weave them. In this master class, we will consider and weave an Asterisk bracelet. We will weave on two forks.

To weave a bracelet, we need:

  • rubber bands latex white, pink, yellow and purple;
  • two forks glued with adhesive tape;
  • hook;
  • clip.

Weaving stages

1. To begin with, we glue two forks with adhesive tape so that their cloves are directed away from each other.

We start weaving. Take the gum of the main color, we have it white. We throw it on 4 cloves of one fork, turn it with a figure of eight and put it on 4 cloves of another fork. In the center between the forks, the elastic band intersects.

2. Now we put one white elastic band on the leftmost cloves of both forks. We take another white elastic band and put it on the extreme right cloves of both forks. Next, take the rubber Pink colour and put it on all 4 cloves of one fork, twist it with a figure eight and put it on 4 cloves of the second fork.

3. Remove the very first white gum. The one that we put on at the very beginning. Flip the fork and do the same.

4. Take the gum again white color, put on 4 teeth, twist with a figure eight and put its second end on 4 teeth of the opposite fork. We put on a pink elastic band on the two central cloves of both forks. Next, we put on one pink elastic band on all 4 pairs of cloves. That is, to the leftmost clove of one fork, then we stretch the same elastic band to the leftmost clove of the other fork. And so with each tooth.

5. Next, we throw off the two central elastic bands that are stretched over all 4 teeth on each fork. One white, one pink. We unfold the forks and do the same.

6. Next, take two white elastic bands and put one on the extreme cloves of both forks.

7. Now we remove 2 lower elastic bands from each extreme clove. From one fork to the other.

Next, we hook the topmost gum on the middle right clove and transfer it to the extreme right clove of the same fork. And from the middle left prong we transfer the topmost gum to the leftmost prong of the same fork. We do the same with the second fork.

8. We put on one white elastic band on the extreme cloves of both forks.

9. Remove the bottom two elastic bands from the extreme teeth. We do this with the second fork.

We have finished weaving the first star. Next, put on a rubber band. yellow color, since the next asterisk is yellow, onto the two central cloves of one fork and drag its second end onto the two central cloves of the second fork.

10. Now remove the pink gum from the middle cloves of both forks. We hook the yellow elastic band and stretch it over all 4 cloves of one fork. We unfold the forks and repeat the action.

11. Next, we put a white elastic band on all 4 cloves, turn it with a figure eight and pull its second end onto 4 cloves of the second fork.

12. Next, we put a yellow elastic band on the two middle cloves and pull its second end onto the two middle cloves of the second fork. Now we put on one yellow elastic band for each pair of cloves of both forks.

13. Again, remove the two elastic bands that are worn on all 4 cloves. We turn the fork and do the same. We put 2 white elastic bands on the extreme cloves of both forks. We remove 2 lower elastic bands from the extreme cloves. We unfold the fork and also remove 2 lower elastic bands from the extreme cloves.

Just as in the beginning, we transfer the topmost yellow rubber bands from each central clove to the adjacent extreme one. Again we put on two white elastic bands on the extreme cloves of both forks. Now we remove the 2 lowest rubber bands from each extreme clove of both forks.

Further weaving is similar to the previous row. Only instead of yellow gum we wear purple.

14. So weave until the bracelet reaches the length you need. Do not forget to alternate the colors of the asterisk in the same sequence. We have pink first, then yellow and purple.

Once the bracelet is long enough, we will settle for having three elastic bands on each fork. One on the middle teeth and one on the extreme. To finish the bracelet, we transfer the rubber bands from the extreme teeth to the two middle ones. We unfold the fork and do the same. Next, we put one white elastic band on the middle cloves of both forks. We remove the bottom three elastic bands from one fork and from the second. Now we remove the gum from one fork and transfer it to the two middle cloves of the other. Now two elastic bands are put on two cloves of one fork. We put on a clip.

Here is such a bracelet turned out!

Needlework, especially creation various decorations is gaining more and more popularity. Cute bracelets made of elastic bands began to appear on the hands of not only children, but also adults. This type of creativity originated in America and conquered the world with its simplicity of execution. In 2014, the material became more widespread and thus became available to needlewomen. Girls and girls love to weave, because they enjoy the jewelry they have created with their own hands, and the process itself captivates them.

There are many ways and patterns for weaving rubber band bracelets at home. This is a worthy alternative to sold jewelry, besides accessories self made will give you more emotions. To start weaving original products, you need to stock up on materials and study the technique. Weaving is not as difficult as it might seem, the main thing is a little patience and a desire to achieve results.

Preparatory stage - tools and kits

In art needlework stores you can see special sets for weaving. They include multi-colored parts, connecting elements, a crochet hook, a slingshot, a loom. The kits differ in the composition of colors, quantity and are well suited for beginners.

The lightest band bracelets for beginners

The easiest techniques include "fishtail", "French braid", "dragon scales". Each of these options fit differently. " Fish tail» you can quickly weave on your fingers, for knitting « french braid"It is better to use a slingshot, and a fork is suitable for" dragon scales. Let's look at the easiest way - "fish tail".

Fish tail

The first pattern that is studied at the beginning, the “fish tail”, outwardly resembles the weaving of an ordinary braid. To perform it, you will need rubber bands, a connecting clip and skillful hands.

The technique is quite simple. The first elastic band in the form of a figure eight is put on the middle and index fingers, and the other two are put on without twisting. Next, the bottom must be removed from two fingers, so that it forms a loop around those two. After that, another elastic band is put on top and twisted from the bottom, which was the second in a row. Thus, the entire bracelet is woven, that is, each subsequent one braids the previous double loop. When the accessory is the desired length, fasten it with a connecting clasp. Fishtail can be done in 15-20 minutes.

Video lesson

french braid

The French braid bracelet looks impressive on the hand. It will appeal to beginners for its simplicity. To perform, you will need a slingshot, a hook, a connecting clasp, elastic bands of two colors.

  1. We put on the first elastic band by twisting it in the shape of a figure-eight onto a slingshot. We string the second, of a different color, without twisting. So all subsequent gum will be placed. In this case, the colors alternate: one of one color, the other of another.
  2. The third elastic band is put on and the lower one is removed with a hook so that it forms a loop around the second and third.
  3. The fourth is getting dressed. Now weaving goes according to the "French braid" pattern.
  4. From one column, only the middle elastic band is discarded, and from the other, only the lower one. The middle one is discarded only if it is between two other colors.

After throwing off, a new rubber band is put on, and so on. When the desired length is woven, drop the bottom elastic bands of each column in turn and finish the action with a connecting element.

Video example

dragon scale

For weaving using the “dragon scales” technique, you will need a slingshot or fork, a hook, a connecting clasp and two colors of elastic bands. The choice of a fork or a slingshot depends on the width of the product. "Dragon Scales" is interesting for its delicacy. Depending on the number of columns when weaving, the bracelet will have a certain width.

To weave a wide version, you need to correctly dial the number of the first elastic bands and not get confused in their weave. I will consider knitting on a special machine using eight columns.

  1. The first row begins with throwing rubber bands over pairs of columns (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8).
  2. The second row - we throw rubber bands on other paired columns (2-3, 4-5, 6-7), that is, in a checkerboard pattern from the first.
  3. The first two rows we put on elastic bands twisted in the shape of a figure eight.

The process consists in the fact that from each column, where there is more than one elastic band, the lower one is crocheted. The next rows are performed similarly to the first.

Weaving on a fork

A fork is a cutlery that is in every home. With the help of this simple device, you can make an unusual decoration. The fork can be used as an alternative to a slingshot and a loom when they are not at hand.

How to weave bracelets on a slingshot - video lesson

A slingshot is a special tool with two or four branches. On it you can knit complex decorations that will differ beautiful weaving. Needlework consists in putting on elastic bands and throwing the loops created, thus, a pattern is obtained, the complexity of which depends on the combination of elements.

How to weave on fingers

With weaving on the fingers, beginners start from scratch. In this form, the index and middle fingers of one hand are used. Elastic bands are strung on them, from which the first bracelet is obtained.

Weaving on the loom

More complex patterns can be woven on a special loom that looks like a rectangle with three rows of posts. More often, only part of the machine is used, and the whole is used only for large products. For example, the “dragon scales” pattern is more convenient to weave on the loom.

At first, needlework will not seem so easy. To avoid difficulties follow useful tips.

  • Carefully follow the scheme and execution technique.
  • Use contrasting colors in the initial stages of work.
  • Mark difficult places.
  • Try new techniques.

Rubber bracelets are very functional, they are not afraid of moisture and do not fade under the influence of sun rays. Bright and original look on the hand. And if you add imagination and zeal, then with their help dreams will come true in a new artistic masterpiece to the delight of everyone around.

Perhaps weaving will become an interesting new hobby that will replenish the stocks of jewelry for yourself and your loved ones. Learning new creative techniques will help you create original accessories!