The scenario of the New Year's party “The New Year is coming to us. Scenario of the anniversary of a woman in a gypsy style Gypsy for the new year script

Gypsies in bright outfits with incendiary dances, hysterical guitar picks, soulful romances, indispensable fortune-telling and flowery speech, generously sprinkled with compliments and jokes - always a show, always a holiday at any event. On this page, scenes with gypsies for the anniversary are selected, but they can be easily transformed for any holiday: New Year's party, wedding, corporate party and others recreational activities both family and collective.

For gypsy outfits, you will need multi-colored bouffant skirts, large bright scarves and multi-row beads. And gypsy men can be dressed up in red shirts, hats with bright ribbons Yes, tuck your trousers into your boots. Of course, this is a minimum, so proceed from your capabilities and expediency.

The role of a gypsy does not have to be played by a beauty, because the purpose of the scenes is not to charm the hero of the day and guests, but to cheer. Therefore, your fortune-teller can have the appearance of a kikimora, be of a very solid size, or even a man in disguise - it all depends on where and for whom the entertainment is held. The main thing is that your actor be talkative, resourceful, witty and able to perfectly improvise.

"Divination" gypsy cards can be printed on cardboard in a much larger format than regular cards. On one side, print a "shirt", and on the other there may be options: wishes, predictions, images, photographs - be guided by the purpose of the cards and do not forget about humor! If you want to make the “cards” reusable so that you can use them on other holidays (if you are a toastmaster, for example), then laminate them and pick up a box of the right size.

The "cards" that your fortuneteller uses can be not only props, but also become an interesting gift for the hero of the day. In this, being bored on the “shirt”, you can make anniversary inscriptions or depict the hero of the occasion. For such cards, also choose a beautiful gift wrapping. After the end of the number, put them in it, and solemnly present it to the hero of the day as a keepsake.

Scenes with gypsies at the anniversary can be separate numbers, alternating with other entertainment, or they can be given a certain part of the event, announcing to those present that a gypsy camp has come to visit them. As an option, all those present suddenly found themselves in a gypsy camp. All this is very easy to beat if you have several scenes with different characters and participants in the holiday playing their roles.

Surely, the children present at the festival will take part in the costume show with great pleasure, so either invite the guests to prepare gypsy outfits for the children in advance, or stock up on a heap of scarves and beads to make a quick improvisation.

Another great character in gypsy shows is the scientist bear. If you have a suitable clubfoot outfit, then you can shock the guests with bear dances and other tricks by dressing up a man of suitable dimensions.

A gypsy show at an anniversary and other holidays is not difficult, but incendiary and bright! Improvise, put a lot of fantasy and humor into the numbers, and your guests will remember the holiday for a long time!

"Gypsy in Love" (anniversary)

To the melody of the song "Shaggy Bumblebee" comes out, limping, Gypsy with a bouquet.

(Name of the hero of the day)! soul!
How good are you!
You bloom like a scarlet rose!
And I'm still not cured of chondrosis.

Yes, you, apparently, did not recognize me, beauty?
I've been in love with you three times!
Once - when I was still in school.
Well then at night I dreamed about you!

And another time - when you got married,
Yes, I lost my left leg.
Otherwise, I would have stolen you, dear.
You were the only one so beautiful!

And fell in love for the third time
When he was treated in a sanatorium.
How I saw you, (name),
My heart sank so!

That's what chondrosis does to men...
Oh, I brought you five roses.
I give the first rose for happiness,
Let the second and third bring good luck,
Fourth rose - health, success,
And the fifth is your ringing and gentle laughter.

Well, I almost forgot again
When I hurried to you alone,
In a nearby horse camp
I bought, (name), for you!

One of the guests comes out to the music and, together with the Gypsy, they drive the hero of the day in a circle.

“Yes, gypsy, it was true…” (to the hero of the day)

Our life is a continuous endless road with turns and pits. And she rushes forward like a gypsy wagon, counting minutes, weeks, years along the way. And only on such a big anniversary as this one, we have the right to stop the wagon for a moment and turn back time, remembering the lived and experienced

You hear?
There was a noise at the door.
The gypsy camp will be happy
Congratulations on a glorious anniversary!

Pour the wine, black-browed ones,
Let our feast go merrier.
Here are the young gypsies
Appeared at our doors!

Gypsies enter the hall to the music and sing.

We know, though capricious nature

From the movie "Ah, Vaudeville, Vaudeville ..."

We know, even though nature is capricious,
Will not change either the age or the people.
A new fashion is emerging
We, gypsies, are invited to the anniversary!
We came to the party today
To sing, dance, tell fortunes.
So that fun swirls you all,
So that there is no thought of being bored!

What can I say, what can I say.
That's the way people are.
And we celebrate the anniversary
Today we will be together.

So greet us
Welcome guests, amicably.
We propose a new toast,
Everyone needs wine!

Gypsy 1 (to the hero of the day):
How long have we been waiting for you
we are waiting!
We do not dare to pour on our own!

Gypsy 2:
Wait, don't rush, my friend,
You drink this liquid now.
Come out, dear, to the center of the circle,
Gypsies will tell fortunes for you!

Gypsy 1 (shows a deck of cards):
Here is a deck of fortune-telling cards -
Take one for yourself.
I'll tell you beautiful
Was that in your destiny.

Take the first card
And answer quickly:
“Yes, gypsy, it was true,
But I forgot about that!

Here is the six of hearts -
The grooms stood in a row
The girl drove them crazy...
Do the cards tell the truth?

Yes, gypsy, that's right, it was,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2:
Here is the cross cavalier
He came to you, orders to accept.
He became your favorite.
Is the map telling the truth?

Yes, gypsy, that's right, it was,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 1:
You always stood your ground
Yes, and now your opinion is stubborn.
But in real life it comes in handy...
Do the cards tell the truth?

Yes, gypsy, that's right, it was,
But I forgot about this!

Gypsy 2:
Pour the wine quickly
Let it sparkle in glasses.
There is a reason, and we drink very friendly,
So that everything turns out well!

Gypsy 1:
We wish miracles and luck,
Faithful, devoted many friends.
We lifted your spirits
On your wonderful anniversary!

“Hereditary fortune teller. Services"

Witchcraft Firm ‘Magic The Sfera’
Level 5 Master Magician and Necromancer Orb Spider Tarantula

- I will help in a quarry, a pit, a ravine, under a bush ...
— Restoration of karma, barracks, aqueduct.
- I take cockroaches out of a binge, a dead end, I transport them across the street, along the route of Susanin ...
- Love spell, lapel, twist, collar, top-down, back and front ...
“I see the future, I remember the past, I state and shape the present…
- Trance, hypnosis, card tricks, weather forecast ...
- I charge water, vodka, creams, anti-dandruff shampoos, the new Fairy, batteries ...
- I return the infidels, I bring out the lost, I warm the cold, I sing the sober, I love ****.
- Fortune telling by hand, on cards, dominoes, guessing riddles ...
- Fortune telling on coffee grounds, old tea leaves, bouillon cubes.
- 100% black magic, 81% white, 78% green, 63% blue, 15% red.
- Work on a personal plot: a plot from the Colorado potato beetle, removing spoilage from tomatoes.
— Flying in a mortar, on a broomstick, a broomstick, a ‘Samsung & Son’ vacuum cleaner…
- I arrange a sabbath, a hut, a brawl, barbecues, ...
— On sale candles church, automobile, hemorrhoidal.
— Work from photos, screenshots, sketches, amateur sketches, isometric drawings.
- And I can also use a typewriter ... and not only on a washing machine and not only on a typewriter ...

"Gypsy Fortuneteller"

This number is good for the new year, but you can perform it for an anniversary, bypassing the guests. The largest paragraph is for the hero of the day, the rest is for guests.

Sounds like a gypsy romance. A gypsy appears in the hall.

- Oh, my beautiful, why are you looking at me like a cat on sour cream? Do you think I will deceive you? I'll tell you, my good, that's what I'll say: when you drink you need to know when to stop. Otherwise, you can drink less.

So let's pour Russian vodka into foreign glasses and drink so that in the new year there will always be someone to share any mood with. Let's drink to all of you and your friends!

Give me your hand, my golden one! I'll tell you, my dear, tell you the whole truth. Oh, I see the road, this is the road of life. She goes uphill all the time, you, my diamond, will become a big boss. Oh, women will love you, and some men will be interested.
You will have a car. I just can’t make out whether it’s a white “Bentley” or a green “eye”.
Ah, my dear, I see a brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You can buy a cottage outside the city, because you will give an apartment for debts.
And now give me a coin, my rich man, gild the pen, for what I told you fortune. What do you think, I'm lying? No one has ever complained about me, that I will not say, it comes true!

And you, my beauty, laugh in vain. In your eyes I see the night! Dark night, dark, but passionate! And also, my yacht, your husband, will leave you! Will be gone in the morning! He will run for beer, it will be bad for him, you have pity on the man, run away yourself!

And you, my clear falcon, oh, not good thoughts, oh, not good! Don't you know what's in your head? So I'll tell you! I'd rather show you! (Further on the situation, impromptu).

Sound Thought Game.

"Gypsy Aza"

A gypsy woman enters the hall and sings verses in a gypsy manner (melody - optional Yu).

Good evening gentlemen. I am the gypsy Aza
I came to you here by order.
On the table, oh, stacks, oops, oops, buds.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this pile is mine.

Anniversary, dear,
I see you are happy.
How many friends side by side -
you rather pour them all!

What can I say to you gentlemen?
glad to meet you!
I will dance for you
a whole long evening.

On the hands of the bracelets slowly click,
And all the peasants touch me by the skirt.
This on ne, on ne, on ne, I'm not an obsession!
I can tell you for a fee.

Gild my pen, just don't be scared,
It is better not to find Aza, do not even try.

You, my handsome, all your dreams will come true,
And your heart, dear, will be filled with happiness.

Give me your right hand, or maybe your left hand,
I will always do everything for my friends for free!

The gypsy walks around the table and guesses.

You will live well, bathe in luxury,
and you yourself know with whom to enjoy for a long time.

And I'll tell you: smile, dear,
because with your smile you are very beautiful.

And I'll tell you - go for it! And don't miss out!
Happiness is near - do not yawn! You will run into him soon.

And I look into your eyes, I see luck in them,
because this time it can't be otherwise!

You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren,
it will be fun and there will be no boredom.

Our lives are changing
everything in it is changeable,
but luck awaits you
and love will come to you.

Three lines on the hand
lily petals:
it's you and it's him
and it's the two of you.

Here the mobile phone is ringing, urgently call,
I just don't get days off!
I move my hand, I shake my foot,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.

Ai na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh, Aza is leaving
And your business card
here - leaves you.

Oh, you are winter nights,
everything is covered with frost,
You call sometimes
I will come to you then!

"Gypsy - Fortune Teller"

A gypsy woman enters the hall and addresses the guests:

Good people, I'll try to surprise you.
And I'm surprised by
That I can predict the fate of everyone.
Which one of you will solve the riddle
He will know his fate.

So my riddle is:
Who has a heel behind his nose?

The gypsy approaches the one who guessed the riddle and starts fortune telling with him. Then bypasses other guests.

We continue fortune-telling - gild the pen ...
I wish my predictions come true!

You will be fat and ruddy,
Raise geese and chickens.
The husband will drive up on a tractor,
will shout loudly: “Smoke break!
Serve dinner, wife
And a bottle of wine!

Surprises await you in life:
Hundred-program TV,
600th Mercedes
big house,
blooming garden,
Husband rich and teetotal
And many more wonders!

Your house will be a full bowl,
There is always an influx of guests,
And your wife is the most beautiful
There will be seven children.
And one day you will come drunk:
The step is uneven, muddy look ...
The wife will be sad and say:
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

If you want to be happy
Then you have this advice:
Eat a kilo of salt for breakfast
And a big bag of candy.
Then drink vodka.
You will be happy, even kill!

Your life will be happy and long.
With a color TV, with a white "Volga"
With a yacht flying in azure waves.
With a bronze tan on strong shoulders.

Pots of cabbage soup are waiting for you,
Vegetable vinaigrette,
Jellied offal
And dry food compote.
Well, it's time to reveal the secret:
So you're going to be a chef!

Kohl will not come out of you
sissies and crybabies,
That will give you life
New bucks!

Husband will buy earrings
And trendy boots
On the hands will wear
and do not ask for half a liter!

Waking up one day, you will see in the window
Prince Charming on a white horse.
With a smile in the saddle, he will pick up, loving,
And he will take you to distant lands.

There are many ways and things in the world,
But always be yourself!
Then the wide road
Will not become a narrow path!

You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!
Run, hurry up quickly!
If you buy a bag of tickets,
You will benefit from shoelaces!

You will soon be very rich.
Be known as a millionaire throughout the district!
Because an uncle will be found in America
Leave you a legacy without looking!

The news came to you:
There is no salt today!
And then, you look, yes you will give birth.
After all, everyone in the world knows
Children are born from salt!

You, so as not to be bored,
We must sing and dance.
Can't sleep at all at night
Entertain good people.
When people are happy
You will become a pop star!

You will be a noble knight
Beautiful, strong and simple.
Know how to intercede for the weak,
Stand firm for justice.
And for the love of a beautiful lady
fight, asking for her hand.
Know that love brings happiness
Not tight wallets.

There are many miracles in life
The road is wide!
But just try to sit down
On your horse!

I've been talking here, joking...
However, no one was pleased.
I see someone's sad eyes ..
Well, there will be songs and dances for you!

bag predictions

A gypsy can predict not only on cards or fortune telling by hand, but also have a bag with predictions in the form of small pieces of paper folded into a tube.

You can also stick predictions to sweets and distribute them to guests, or bake them in cookies (a popular pastime in some countries). The game can be played on any holiday, and predictions can be diversified.

Prediction options:

  • 1. If you take the initiative, success will not be long in coming.
  • 2. Important news will come very soon.
  • 3. The answer to your question is related to some man, perhaps well known to you.
  • 4. Something new will come into your life that will significantly affect your personality.
  • 5. You hope not in vain!
  • 6. The result of your actions may be unexpected.
  • 7. You are on the right track! Do not stop!
  • 8. You will finally be able to unlock the rusty lock.
  • 9. The results of the case that you have in mind may disappoint, or they may surprise you greatly.
  • 10. The problem is not where you think.
  • 11. Forward and only forward: the cause you are thinking about is right!
  • 12. Your goal is achievable!
  • 13. Success will come if you don't listen to anyone's advice.
  • 14. A time of doubt and hesitation has come for you. But don't worry - everything will work out!
  • 15. Time must pass from the sowing of grain to the harvest.
  • 16. Lead an ordinary life, but in an unusual way.
  • 17. Remember that true partnership can only exist between whole individuals.
  • 18. Be attentive to the clues of fate.
  • 19. Winning comes from what you have to give up.
  • 20. Act according not to old authorities, but to what you think is right for you.
  • 21. It's time to finish the old and start the new.
  • 22. Do not expect too much and do not think about the end result.
  • 23. Finish first what you started.
  • 24. Be patient, and if your decision is correct, the Universe will support it.
  • 25. Don't get emotional.
  • 26. Look after your health.
  • 27. Enjoy your luck and share it with people around you.
  • 28. Focus on the present.
  • 29. Don't expect quick results.
  • 30. Go with the flow of life without judgments and attempts to understand it.
  • 31. Trust what happens to you.
  • 32. Think and take your time with actions.
  • 33. It's time to act, even if you are required to jump into the void.
  • 34. Do not try to stubbornly show your WILL.
  • 35. Unexpected news awaits you.
  • 36. Look in the mirror and you will see a charming face.
  • 37. Tomorrow you will brush your teeth, and then thoughts.
  • 38. Your wish will come true this week.
  • 39. On Thursday, be careful - an interesting event awaits you.
  • 40. Everything will be fine! Just believe!
  • 41. A new acquaintance awaits you.
  • 42. Expect a surprise. Very soon!
  • 43. All your wishes will surely come true.
  • 44. You will soon find the lost thing!
  • 45. You will be very surprised at something!
  • 46. ​​You will do a useful thing!
  • 47. If you want to be successful, you must look like you have it.
  • 48. The best is the enemy of the good. Don't overdo it!
  • 49. The most stupid desire is to please everyone.
  • 50. What we pray for is what we receive.
  • 51. The winner differs from the vanquished only in that he rises one more time than he falls.
  • 52. In life there is the main thing and not the main thing, but we often waste our energy on trifles.
  • 53. Not as good as I wanted, but not as bad as it could be!
  • 54. Do what you must, and come what may.
  • 55. The other side of the crisis is new opportunities.
  • 56. When God closes a door, he opens a window for you.
  • 57. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
  • 58. Never be afraid to do what you can't. Remember, the ark was built by an amateur. Professionals built the Titanic!
  • 59. It's better to regret what you did, and not about what you didn't do.
  • 60. Whoever stands still, he goes back.
  • 61. What is not done is for the better.
  • 62. No one is defeated until he admits he is defeated.
  • 63. The struggle is always justified if you know what you are striving for.
  • 64. Do not rush into heroes until they call.
  • 65. These people and these events of your life ended up here because you yourself brought them here. What happens to them next is up to you.
  • 66. Never ask anything from anyone, especially from those who are stronger than you - they themselves will come and give everything.
  • 67. Only fools get lucky once. Smart people are always lucky.
  • 68. Evil is not in what enters a person's mouth, but in what comes out of them.
  • 69. Do what you can, using what is, where you are now.
  • 70. If you don’t believe in yourself, then you won’t start anything. And if nothing starts, then nothing will happen.
  • 71. Today, the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday has just come.
  • 72. There are no hopeless situations: even if you were eaten, you have at least two options.

For the new year 2016? Only a gypsy-style costume party, because, it seems, the ability to have fun is in the blood of this people! Gypsy style is easy and fun, because this New Year's Eve party outfit is the easiest to put together. The main thing is that everything you wear should be bright, large and free. Isn't this the embodiment of gypsy life: somewhat defiant and at the same time free, like the wind in the field?

New Year's costume in gypsy style

In outfits, give preference to rich red, green, blue, orange, yellow and other bright shades. It is good if the fabric is shiny. Lurex is hardly appropriate, but silk and satin are just right. Of course, you can not do without the skin. Choose things with a loose fit. Must-have for girls - long wide skirts and oversized blouses, capes and ponchos, for guys - loose shirts (trousers are still better in shape) and vests.

Pay attention to details. What is a gypsy costume without glitter, gold and silver? Buttons, a buckle on a belt, spurs and studs on shoes will give the image a real gipsy-chic, and without it, even the brightest suit will look faded. Do not be afraid of large stones: the “richer” the clothes look, the greater your chances of becoming the star of the party.

Choose jewelry to match decorative elements costume: as large and conspicuous as possible, with stones and shiny elements. Such that magpies flying past turn around at you! Moreover, both girls and guys should think about jewelry. The minimum set for the first ones is large earrings, a noticeable necklace and bracelets, as well as large rings and rings. Ideally should be woven into the hair thin chains and bright ribbons.

Guys should take care of finding a thick "gold" or "silver" chain (yes, thicker!) And a ring, and even better - a signet. To complete the image, it is good to get a smoking pipe - it looks impressive. In addition, each girl should prepare another bright scarf or shawl for the holiday. They do not have to be thrown over the head, it is enough to cover the shoulders. Well, men will look like real gypsies in hats.

Hair and makeup

Guys can skip this part of the article, but girls should linger. It will not work to create a spectacular and believable gypsy image without suitable hairstyles and makeup. It is better to let your hair down for a party, after curling the curls or creating a wave. You can make a couple of thin braids and weave bright ribbons into them (or both). Bunches will also look great, only they should be decorated with bright combs, flowers or hairpins.

The main rule of gypsy makeup: forget about faded tones!

As for makeup, here you can afford experiments and violations of generally accepted standards. According to the rules, there should be only one accent - either on the lips or on the eyes. But not this time! If you are going to transform into a beautiful gypsy, feel free to make a rich smokey eye and paint your lips with scarlet lipstick - this combination, combined with a suit, will not surprise anyone. A bright manicure seems to suggest itself.

If one of the men nevertheless decided to read this part of the article, then for them - a nice bonus. The image of a gypsy can also be improved with a hairstyle. Go through your hair with styling gel or wax for a glossy effect. Looks like an Italian mafia? Excellent - it means that it looks like a gypsy.

Note to the owner of the house

All these tips are useful for those who are going to a gypsy-style New Year's party. But the situation changes dramatically if you act as a host. Even the most spectacular and well-organized costume party can always be ruined. For example, having come to a holiday in jeans and a sweatshirt - “I’m sure I won’t be the only one there ...” And there are such people at every party.

To prevent this from happening, take care of the costumes of the guests in advance. Even at the invitation stage, briefly describe to everyone you are waiting for to your place what exactly they can wear to fit into your new year story. You can send invitations by e-mail, attaching a couple of suitable photos to them.

For a gypsy party, large jewelry, defiant false manicure, flowers in the hair and transfer tattoos will come in handy.

But even with this approach, you run the risk of spending a week preparing your house for the holiday and meeting a third of the guests in jeans on the doorstep (“Probably, I’m not the only one who decided not to bother”) and about the same evening dresses and in heels ("It's New Year, everything should be beautiful). So it is in your own interest to make sure that everyone present looks appropriate. Keep a small stockpile of themed clothing and accessories for those who show up out of shape.

For girlfriends, you can prepare colored scarves, beads and bracelets, and for friends - hats and scarves around the neck. Flowers will probably come in handy too. Girls can decorate their hair with them, and guys can use them as boutonnieres. The measure is not very costly and simple, but in the end everyone will be comfortable, and you will feel that you did not waste time and effort preparing for your gypsy party.

We create an atmosphere

Costumes are only half the battle. A party is first and foremost about the atmosphere. To arrange a real gypsy fun, the party room will have to be modified. True, this does not apply to spaces decorated in the boho style. It is he, the bohemian-gypsy, that by definition contains what is characteristic of a free people: a lot of precious brilliance, bright colors and a complete lack of rules. Otherwise, be prepared for change.

New Year in gypsy style is not complete without divination cards!

Gypsy interior

To make the space look gypsy, it should be transformed from floor to ceiling. Put a colorful rug or rug under your feet, and bright bedspreads and pillows on the sofa and chairs. Hang bright pictures on the walls, and on the chandelier - the same shades of ribbon, beads, a shiny disco ball and the like. Arrange bright trinkets, figurines, etc. on surfaces. The rules are the same as for clothes: the more, the better.

A good way to fill the space with the spirit of free gypsy life is thematic photographs and paintings. If the house has images of horses, fields, a road with a cart, a girl in the sun, standing waist-deep in thick grass - get them from the mezzanine, shake off the dust and hang them up: their finest hour has come.

In the interior you will need satin pillows, blankets and paintings.

If nothing like this is found on the farm, it doesn’t matter - there is a solution for hastily. Find these pictures on the Internet and print on thick paper. Then, using glue (adhesive tape, clothespins), attach to twine or twine and hang such garlands throughout the apartment. They will constantly fall into the field of view of the guests and keep them on the wave of the party.

Table setting and festive treats

Without anything in new year's eve you definitely can’t do it without long gatherings at the table. Therefore, serving should be given no less attention than the interior. Prepare a bright tablecloth. Remove from the sideboard the dishes that you consider old-fashioned and have not been taken out for ten years. Lay out salads and pour champagne into crystal vases and glasses: when else can all these items fit if not today?

The most atmospheric solution for a gypsy-style New Year's party, of course, would be gatherings around the fire. So if the celebration is planned somewhere outside the city, do not miss the opportunity to arrange barbecues or barbecue parties. The company is going to the city? It's great if the apartment has a fireplace. Then the feast can be arranged closer to the source of living fire. If nothing like this is expected, the mood can be conveyed with the help of dishes.

A desktop fire source is also suitable for divination

In principle, a gypsy party does not require any special dishes. The main thing is to arrange them effectively. At the forefront are the same bright colors and shine. Let there be more fresh herbs, tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as colored peppers on the table. The same goes for drinks. Complete the menu with bright juices and pour them into transparent glasses. And of course, choose good wine for the feast.

There will be just right bright napkins and rings for them. Do not forget to also put some kind of thematic figurine on the table: either from shining metal, or depicting a horse, a gypsy, a wagon, etc. It is good to decorate the serving with a bouquet of flowers (you can use coniferous branches with a bright, noticeable decor). A variety of colors and materials will only benefit: serving should give the impression that it was put together by representatives of several generations of a family that, moreover, was constantly moving.

Decorate the table with divination items, candles and spruce paws

Music on New Year's Eve

Traditional soundtrack new year parties- TV with the constant congratulations of the head of the country and the "Irony of Fate". You can, of course, limit yourself to the creative successes of Zhenya Lukashin and the Russian language teacher Nadia, but this is unlikely to fit into the conceptual picture of a gypsy party. Therefore, in order not to destroy the atmosphere, it is better to get confused and work on a playlist. In addition to the sacramental "Shaggy bumblebee for fragrant hops ...", the following will be appropriate.

  • Guitar. What are gypsies without a six- or seven-string girlfriend? Feel free to download collections with things performed on classical guitar from the Internet. Textbook works and various arrangements of modern hits are perfect. Even tango and flamenco will fit into the concept: they also have a completely gypsy passion.
  • Incendiary ethno. Mexico, Spain, Italy, Romania, Hungary, etc. – you can also find suitable tracks in the collections of folk music of these countries or its modern arrangements. Pay attention to Jewish music. A variety of klezmer bands can become a real storehouse of great melodies for your holiday.
  • Goran Bregovic and Wedding and Funeral Orchestra. This Serb is known as the king of Balkan music. His name speaks for itself and does not need special comments. At a gypsy party, you can safely put any album.
  • Emir Kusturica and No Smoking Orchestra. In the playlist, he walks in pair with Bregovic. The same Balkan motifs, the same gypsy irony, the same instruments and drive. For the musical background, you can take both albums and sound tracks for films - after all, Kusturica is primarily a director.
  • Gogol Bordello. Evgeny Hudz from Kiev and his friends are the musical incarnation of crazy gypsy passion. There is no other way to call it. Even Madonna appreciated it. At one of the charity concerts, the star performed, together with the guys who are now adored by the whole world, her famous La Isla Bonita, combining it with the gypsy wedding song Pala Tute. Gypsy-chic in things from Gogol Bordello is a guitar, a violin and a crazy drive.

Top 7 Gypsy Party Tracks

  1. Emir Kusturica - Djinji, Dinji Bubamara
  2. Gogol Bordello
  3. Amsterdam Klezmer Band
  4. Gipsy Kings
  5. Goran Bregovic
  6. Barcelona Gipsy Klezmer Orchestra – Djelem Djelem
  7. Jennifer Lopez - Ain't It Funny

New Year's entertainment

A gypsy-style party can't be quiet. This night there will be a lot of music, fun and noise. In the old days, a real gypsy party was rarely complete without guitars, songs and a bear. Now the animal will have to be abandoned, but the rest is warmly welcomed! And not only it.

Fortune telling is the first and main "ingredient" of a gypsy party!
  • Card reading. This task should be undertaken by the hostess of the house. Stock up on a deck of cards and a bag in which you will keep them and what will “gild” the pen. Estimate the texts of "fortune-telling" in advance: think about what you will say for each of the possible "values" of the cards. Of course, wishes should be only good and with a fair amount of humor. You can guess during the whole party and not only on the cards, but also on the hand. The proceeds can be donated to a good deed - perhaps this way the guests will be even more interesting.
  • Karaoke. What are gypsies without songs! Be sure to give some time at the party to the microphone and backing track. You can sing anything, but it is better to include old romances in the program. So each participant of the musical evening will be able to imagine himself as a gypsy, bringing soulful songs at sunset (or at dawn). Here, by the way, the “Shaggy Bumblebee” will come in handy. If someone from the company plays the guitar, that's even better. Just remember to ask the guest to take the instrument with them.
  • Dancing. Without them, the gypsies cannot be imagined either. After spending some time in the atmosphere set by the interior and music, guests simply cannot resist and start dancing. So when organizing a space for a party, be sure to provide a place for dancing.
  • Fireworks. A lot of light, flashes and bright lights - all this also fits into a gypsy holiday. Set off a big fireworks display if possible (but don't forget about safety measures!). If this does not add up, be sure to go out with the whole company to the street with sparklers and blow up a couple of firecrackers. The only thing not to do is to launch sky lanterns. For all their beauty, they are completely non-environmental (you can throw away boxes from fireworks and crackers yourself, but not the remains of a flashlight). In addition, this is a trap for birds: they fly into the light, get tangled in fabric and rods, and then die.

New Year's movie

If you still do not intend to watch for the one thousand one hundred and twenty-ninth time how the same Zhenya Lukashin eats flooded fish, and the bore Ippolit crawls on his cheek with a freshly presented razor, guests can be entertained with another film. To keep within the theme, choose films about gypsies themselves, as well as about travel and freedom. By the way, it will fit perfectly into the theme and the hippie-themed movie!

Gypsy films and series will help create an atmosphere

Top 3 Movies for a Gypsy Party

  1. "Black cat, white cat" by Emir Kusturica. Two gypsy barons, who already seem to have got everything they wanted, are embroiled in a complicated story twisted by their negligent offspring. In order to calmly while away their old age, surrounded by untold wealth and relatives, they have to remember the old and get involved in a story with chases, shooting and cunning. An excellent comedy from the master of gypsy stories Emir Kusturica. For gypsy parties, you can safely take any of his films. Another great option is his Arizona Dream with Johnny Depp.
  2. On the Road, Walter Salles. Screen version of the cult novel by Jack Kerouac about the youth of the 40s. The generation is illustrated by the example of several friends who travel around America. The company also includes heroes, in whose images Kerouac brought writers William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. You can admire the excellent game of Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart.

For whom: children 8-18 years old
Location: auditorium.
Duration: 1 - 1.5 hours

Attention! Attention! _ (date)_ in the Palace of Culture "Assembly Hall" the solemn presentation of the "Golden Fir Branch" award will take place. Everyone is welcome. Ticket price - 42 smiles, 1000 handclaps, 5000 body movements in the dance. We are waiting for you.

You will see the super-megahit "Disco Crash", chic gypsies, the charming Baba Yaga, the one without whom no holiday is complete - the venerable cop and many other extraordinary people. And, of course, the main guests (part-time presenters)- Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. Come, you won't regret it.

(The chiming clock sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come in)

Father Frost: - Oh, where did I get to? Oh yes. On holiday. Right, right. School, 1? So you didn't get lost. Well then, Happy Holidays, my dears!

I went around all the neighbors

Didn't find any fun.

I came here, and here there are blizzards,

They whispered to me about fir trees,

But I didn't get their hint.

I was very far from them.

Snow Maiden: - Grandpa, what's not clear here? They whispered to you fir branches. Yes, not just spruce, but golden spruce. Doesn't that mean anything to you?

Father Frost: - No, but what?

Snow Maiden: - Well, grandfather! Do you even remember what day it is?

Father Frost: - No, but what?

Snow Maiden: - Today is the New Year. And what happens every New Year, do you remember?

Father Frost: - I do not remember. And anyway, where did I go?

Snow Maiden: - Well, grandfather! Today, a celebration dedicated to the presentation of the "Golden Spruce Branch" will take place here.

Father Frost: - Oh, yes, yes, yes. So today is going to be a holiday.

Snow Maiden: - Finally, grandfather, you remembered. Well, now it's time to congratulate our guests. Happy New Year! We wish you happiness, love and great patience.

Father Frost: - Well, okay, that's enough. I know you like to chat, but it's time to start our New Year's celebration. After all, the “Golden Branch” is looking forward to its winner. Well, granddaughter, I give you the right to announce the first nomination.

Snow Maiden: - Thanks. Do you know, grandfather, who won the nomination "Hedgehog ditties"?

Father Frost: - Not.

Snow Maiden: - I know. In the nomination "Hedgehog ditties" won the smallest hedgehogs of our Christmas tree

8th grade performance

Father Frost: - A star came to give them the "Golden Branch"

(Appears on stage……)

Star: - Our dear hedgehogs, we congratulate you on a well-deserved award. We wish you to celebrate the New Year without problems and without hassle!

(Give a prize, sing the song "Happy New Year!")

Father Frost: - I did not know about the nomination "Hedgehog ditties", but today our guest is the birthday of the year-rabbits. We meet them.

(Performance of the dance of rabbits,)

3 gypsies come out with screams, noise.

1 gypsy: - Hey, beauties, what a nice prize you will receive. It's a pity to give.

2 gypsies:- Gild the pen - I'll give it.

3 gypsies:- Hey, give it. Don't torment your soul.

1 gypsy: - Well, hold on.

2 gypsies:- For the fact that you are such a good dance, we will tell you fortune.

3 gypsies:- Give me a pen, beauty, I will predict the whole fate.

1 gypsy: - I see a killer whale walking next to you. And with him his relative.

2 gypsies:- Oh, they will bring you happiness for the whole year.

3 gypsies:- I see a merry life for you, oh, good, oh, long.

1 gypsy: - Good prediction?

2 gypsies:- But we didn't just come here today. We will still tell the hall.

3 gypsies:- Daughter, darling, gild the pen.

1 gypsy: - I'll tell you the whole truth, not the truth.

2 gypsies:- Dry, dry, dry, dry.

3 gypsies:- I will bewitch, bewitch, infect and give birth.

1 gypsy: - Give me money, I'll tell you the whole truth.

2 gypsies:- Thread says: you have butter, sour cream, you have money.

3 gypsies:- Put everything in the hem, spare nothing for your happiness.

1 gypsy: - I won't take anything. Everything will go to a love spell, lapel, twist.

2 gypsies:- Come on, don't break.

3 gypsies:- Do not regret anything for your happiness.

1 gypsy: - Hey, killer whale, good fellow. Ayda, I'll fold on the cards. (Takes the guy on stage)

2 gypsies:- I will tell you all the truth and falsehood.

3 gypsies:- Whatever you want and don't want, I'll tell you.

1 gypsy: - It depends on your pocket.

2 gypsies:- I see your pocket is full of holes.

3 gypsies:- Oh, yes, a long time full of holes.

1 gypsy: - Nobody wants to sew.

2 gypsies:- The wine lady fell to you.

3 gypsies:- Oh, your wife is vicious, jealous, prickly.

1 gypsy: - And here's another ace of diamonds for you.

2 gypsies:- The party is waiting for you.

3 gypsies:- They will call you don't go.

1 gypsy: - It will hit you hard there, you will start a fight.

2 gypsies:- Beaten, beaten, whipped like a dog.

3 gypsies:- Weak, frail.

1 gypsy: - Oh, listen, don't go.

2 gypsies:- And here's another six for you.

3 gypsies:- You will gear, there is such a sin for you.

1 gypsy: - In short, okay, son, I talked. The pocket is still full of holes.

(Dance "Gypsy Girl")

Father Frost: Enough is enough. It's time to announce the next nomination. You have the floor, Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: - Thank you, grandfather. In the nomination "Supermega modern dance" won..

(11th grade performance)

Enter Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga: - Fu, the Kazakh spirit smells. Yes, and I saw your dance. You can immediately see the ultra-modern dance. (gives prize) So I came to you, presented the prize and offer my nomination. Also folk. Get up, people, start a round dance.

(They lead a round dance)

Baba Yaga: - Well, how did you like my nomination?

Father Frost: - Yes, I liked it, but we forgot something about the "Golden Branch". Come on, Snow Maiden, continue?

Snow Maiden: - Come on, grandpa.

Father Frost: - In the nomination "The most lethal dance won

(Performance of the 8th grade, dance)

The cop comes out.

Mint: - Happy New Year with a new happiness

I want to congratulate you.

And I want a little more -

I want to give this order:

Sing, sing, have fun.

But you know the measure in everything.

Drink so that the New Year

Came to your house on time

To Santa Claus

I brought you many gifts

(Gypsies play games)

Father Frost:-. And now "our star" will please you again with his super-megahit Meet.

(Song of the 11th grade")

Snow Maiden: - Happy New Year, good people!

Father Frost: - My dear friends, countrymen!

Snow Maiden: - Glorious male brotherhood!

Father Frost: - And their beautiful half!

Snow Maiden: - Charming toddlers!

Father Frost: - And grannies-krasotulki!

Snow Maiden: - Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Father Frost: - What could be more important than health?

Snow Maiden: - Nothing.

Father Frost: - Health to you!

Snow Maiden: - Is it possible without happiness?

Father Frost: - Impossible.

Snow Maiden: - Good luck to you!

Father Frost: - Man is not born for sadness.

Snow Maiden: - Joy to you!

Father Frost: - What warms people's hearts?

Snow Maiden: - Love!

Father Frost: - Big love to you!

Snow Maiden: - What is more expensive than all riches on Earth?

Father Frost: - Good.

Snow Maiden: - Hurry to do good to people in the new 200_ year and he will repay you the same.

Father Frost: - And then life will become brighter and richer!

Snow Maiden: - Do not miss your chance


  • fake divination cards with wishes. You can use ordinary cards, stick on front side wishes. You can create, print and laminate your cards with wishes and any decor (for a corporate party, for example, cards with a company logo are suitable. For an anniversary - with a photo of the hero of the day and his family members in the form of kings, jacks and ladies)

Dancing, the gypsy enters the hall and addresses the guests:

Good afternoon Romale. I am the gypsy Aza
I came to you here by order.
On the table, oh, piles, oops, oops, buds.
That one is hers, and that one is yours, and this pile is mine!

I wanted to tell you what an obsession
I can tell you for a fee.
Gild my pen, just don't be scared,
You can't find better Aza, don't even try!

Who here wants to be enlightened
about luck and love
Come one by one to us
just get the money ready!

Aza takes out cards and invites the guest to choose the one that looks at him.

Card meanings

Distribute the cards by face value and suit as you see fit.

And I'll look into your eyes
I see good luck in them
Because this time
It cannot be otherwise!

Well, beautiful, gild the pen, I'll tell you what will happen tomorrow!
Oh, I see, I see everything! You'll have a hangover tomorrow!

And I'll tell you this:
Smile dear
After all, with a smile
You are very beautiful.

And you know exactly what will happen tomorrow
- Monday (if today is Sunday).

Ah, my precious one, I see the brilliance along the line of your life. You will be rich, you will have a lot of money. You will buy a cottage outside the city, because you will give an apartment for debts ...

To be you, beauty
Tomorrow morning with an asterisk
Pussy, fish, and give beer -
become a wife again.

Whoa, whoa, honey. Get serious....
. to your glass. Don't pass your mouth!

Wai, darling, be on the lookout
avoid cold from a partner of the opposite sex,
and then you will get sick!

Wai, darling, it will be bad for you ... .... you will have to go to work!

Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you!
In the morning, when you get on the scales ...

Wai, honey, I see you will be a big person!
Gain 50 kg!

You boss at work
wink with his right eye.
But don't hesitate to answer
he'll shove a report on you!

You are a rich fan
call to nature -
He has 6 acres in his garden
and the potato beetle gnaws!

you with vision problems
may soon expect:
See no trouble
do not notice fools!

Your health line
will take you far!
We would look for the end
only our wife will kill us!

I see the queen of spades
interested in you!
Selling his apartment
to buy you a Mercedes!

Eight babies a year?
It's impossible!
Oh, you're not married!
Be careful!

I see everything, I know everything, in the morning you will run for beer,
in the evening - for the girls!

You will find a treasure in the apartment,
he is in the wall where the wardrobe is.
Well, if you don't find it...
update the interior!

You will receive an inheritance
uncles of seven -
House in Paris, villa in Nice
and some islands!

They say love is mutual
all submissive age!
Fall in love every year now
you will be up to a hundred years old!

Get ready for the great battle!
Did you eat red caviar?
Pink salmon will come to take revenge!

They will give you two bags of happiness today,
one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!

Long think girlfriend
with whom to go down the aisle:
At seventy four
finally get married!

I see the house - the cup is full,
almost overflowing!
For my fortune-telling to come true
pour a strong cup!

Friends will be around you today. Friends are faithful, devoted.
Can you tell me what to call them? Sharik, Bobik and Polkan.

You're in for a big loss...
You will lose your tie.
You will search all night, in the morning you will find ... On the belt of a neighbor.

The boundless gave you, the unknown gave.
You will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

Be careful tomorrow....
and look, do not fall asleep in a neighbor's plate.

My golden, great love awaits you.
…..Weighs 120 kilograms!

Your husband will become an oligarch,
will take you everywhere
But turn into an engineer
if you drink!

Your husband is a secret overseas prince,
to break him down,
When the children are all asleep
kiss hard!

On the hand are three lines of lily petals:,
This is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you!

Our lives are changing
everything in it is changeable,
But luck awaits you
and love will come to you.

An unexpected gift
fate will prepare for you:
What is now after drinking
clear head!

Oh, my good one, they will lay eyes on you today,
I know for sure. Then also the heart, liver, tongue,
and on top of something long, so thin………’s hard to see.
…..ahhh herring!

You will sing so that the neighbor will cry.
And everyone else will fall asleep!

Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table,
by the evening will bring certain results!

Today you may be inclined
to be alone with someone!

Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money,
The one you lose today.

The prospect of unbridled fun attracts many, especially if there is an opportunity to get out of the usual business rut. A great occasion is a fun, incendiary gypsy party, because gypsies fundamentally do not recognize boredom and monotony. The party therefore should take place in an atmosphere not just festive, it goes without saying. The organizers can try to convey the spirit of nomadic freedom, the romantic flavor of the gypsy freemen. So that the participants at least a short time they forgot that they are modern business people with their own clear schedule.

Where and when

The most convenient, of course, is in nature: the bank of a river or lake, a forest glade, a lawn, etc. will do. The main thing is that it is warm and the weather is good, the gypsy camp will be at home everywhere. You can also indoors, for example, in the estate of a gypsy baron. Scenery will be needed different for such cases, here the imagination of the organizers can manifest itself to the fullest. It will not be difficult to remember items related to the gypsy: horseshoes, cards, huge "gold" earrings and coins. All this can be used to decorate the scene, whatever it may be.

As for the time frame, it is worth counting on relatively long term, at least for a day. Therefore, it is better to use the weekend, when people are going to rest anyway. A gypsy-style party will help make their weekend truly relaxing, with a complete change not only in activities, but also in lifestyle in general. It is recommended not to start the party early so that people have time to sleep well after the work week. It’s simply not possible to finish such an event early, it’s too exciting. So the party may well turn into a picnic with an overnight stay, only in a gypsy way.

What is the best way to invite

Invitations should not go beyond the general style, if it's gypsy, then gypsy in everything. Invitation cards can be made in the form of a silver horseshoe or a Tarot card. Or, in the appropriate font, write the text of the invitation on very old paper, yellowed from time to time. Where can I get one - just soak a normal leaf with infusion of cinnamon with coffee and let it dry well. The result is exactly the same: the paper looks old and worn. Rolled into a scroll and tied with a piece of twisted rope, such an invitation will emphasize the overall color.

Appropriate dress code

In invitations, it is desirable to indicate not only the time and place of the event, but also the dress code. This should not be a problem, although classic gypsy costumes are made from very heavy fabrics. If possible, costumes can be rented from a nearby theater. Quite modern outfits are also suitable, but they must be bright, colorful, not only for women, but also for men. Loose hair will give a gypsy flavor, long skirt, a flower in a lush hairstyle for women. Men can be offered a bright shirt, a vest and an earring in the ear, but larger. Piercing for this purpose is not necessary, a clip is enough. The guide will be pictures from the Internet, of which you can find a lot.


The menu of a gypsy party cannot boast of national characteristics. The food of the gypsies is the same as that of the people of the area where they live. Unless nomadic life is conducive to all sorts of culinary delights, so treats at a gypsy party should be simple. The emphasis is on meat dishes, vegetables, herbs. In nature, of course, shish kebabs, cakes made from flour of various varieties, fish are like a delicacy.

In general, it is better to choose something that is easy to cook on a fire. Sweet dishes and confectionery should also be simple, but bright. Alcoholic drinks may, if desired, not be limited to red wine, this is not for everybody. Red wine for gypsies is traditional, quite acceptable and something stronger. Entertainment must also be distinguished by a special gypsy spirit, but the imprint of modernity is inevitable on them. Well, if they sound, as a background, recordings of real gypsy music. There are also modern songs that show a completely gypsy character. And, of course, gypsy dances, horses and bears - here, as they say, the Internet will help.