Clothes for a bachelorette party with a photo - themed parties and outfit ideas

Invitations, accessories, decor, menu, venue - all this you think about when you start preparing for a bachelorette party. It would seem that everything is under control, nothing is forgotten. Or not? But what about the costumes? What is a bachelorette party without fun and interesting costumes?

Every bride wants the wedding and all its stages to be memorable, spectacular and truly beautiful. That is why you should be attentive to the preparation, take into account all the nuances and think through the details in advance.

There are so many options for dressing up for a bachelorette party. It can only be a separate element, for example, a colored veil for girlfriends and a snow-white veil for the bride, or you can simply make a flower bracelet on your hand, a wreath on your head. However, most often brides choose for their bachelorette party interesting costumes, allow themselves and their girlfriends to look like they are embarrassed or unable to do in everyday life due to a work dress code.

Strong and independent

When a modern girl is called strong and independent, then this should be regarded as a compliment. To emphasize these qualities, we bring to your attention stylish trouser suits with butterflies for the bridesmaids and a snow-white cocktail dress for the hero of the occasion. Firstly, the classics are always in fashion, and secondly, photos from such a bachelorette party will look impressive and stunning. Oh, and speaking of legs, don't forget to tell your girlfriends that heels are a must. This option is suitable for a mafia-style bachelorette party or for a gangster party. Well, if you are all in costumes, then the holiday should be chic and memorable:

  • Bubbles of champagne in beautiful glasses;
  • A table in your favorite restaurant;
  • Walk around the city in a limousine.

The motto of such a bachelorette party: to be stylish!

Country Style

Love westerns? Go crazy with the cell in any way? Are jeans and loose shirts the perfect combination for you? Then we offer you and all the girlfriends invited to the bachelorette party to dress in plaid shirts and denim shorts - a great excuse to flaunt your slender legs. And if you tie a shirt in a knot, then the image becomes sexier and more interesting in a matter of seconds. The bride can be distinguished among everyone with a cute and comic veil, and offer her girlfriends to tie a bow-shawl on their heads. Such a suit is a mix - country style at its best, but at the same time there is also a touch of Pin-Up. This is great idea for a hen party-picnic, because it is convenient and beautiful, and you can participate in competitions. Order a photographer for your holiday, and then enjoy cute and such valuable photos.

Serious and dangerous

Someone might think that a bachelorette party is fun, jokes, laughter and loud music. But we will tell you honestly, a bachelorette party is a serious event if such beautiful police officers become its participants. Policemen costumes are not a new idea, but certainly not without originality. All you need for the look are handcuffs, fake guns and caps. To replace the full uniform, the bridesmaids may come in black, and the bride will directly choose a white and black outfit.

Such costumes oblige to a certain celebration and style. Then and competitive program, and all entertainment must be tailored to the images. We can assign roles as you see fit. Perhaps the bridesmaids will detain the culprit of the bachelorette party, or maybe you are all doing a top-secret operation to catch a dangerous criminal.

flower mood

Every girl loves flowers: field or cultivated, potted or cut, dried flowers or ephemeral flowers. But there is no one who does not like the floral print. That is why such an idea for a bachelorette party - a win-win. Light floral dresses in retro styles are suitable for summer bachelorette parties, fluffy skirts will add charm and femininity. Let the bride choose a bright outfit for herself, and the bridesmaids stick to pastel colors. Complete the image for a bachelorette party of amazing beauty flower brooch for hair. Such outfits suggest gatherings on the summer terrace, an abundance of beautiful desserts and sweet cocktails, perhaps light French music and a good mood.

If your wedding is played in some color, then you can steal this idea for a bachelorette party. For example, a pink and white wedding suggests that the bridesmaids' dresses will be in different shades pink. All interior details and accessories must also be kept in the same color scheme.

original design

The typography is now experiencing its best period, for example, you can order printing on T-shirts. There are many ready-made phrases and pictures, and you can also come up with something of your own. Dress the bridesmaids in white T-shirts with the inscriptions: "bridesmaid", "witness", "I'm next", "we walk until the morning" and so on, but for the bride the inscription is obvious. Classic white t-shirts can be diluted with tutu skirts. Usually they choose either one-color skirts for everyone, or rich different colors for each. Such an outfit for a bachelorette party is an opportunity to feel like a child, have fun and take a lot of cool photos. Be a real barbie this evening, ride around the city at night in a chic limousine with a glass of champagne.

Eternal summer

If you have a themed bachelorette party, then you need to select the appropriate outfits for it. For a Hawaiian party, flower necklaces, fun glasses (you can even make your own), swimsuits, shorts or skirts in a floral bright print, jewelry in your hair and as many rich colors as possible are mandatory. Even in winter, a Hawaiian party can brighten up the cold landscapes outside the window, stock up on umbrellas and straws for cocktails, fruit platters or fancy sweets. Look at the options on the Internet, a variety of dessert designs are very popular now.

Wild West

Continuing the theme of stylized parties, we note an option for especially risky ones. A cowboy bachelorette party is interesting and memorable. It is not necessary to look for horses and pistols, but the rest of the paraphernalia should be. Bridesmaids wear denim shorts and plaid shirts, look for stylish cowboy boots and hats, maybe even neckerchiefs. But the bride can add femininity to her image and put on a light dress under a cowboy vest. Entertainment and games at such a bachelorette party should be in line with the general theme, who knows, maybe you will shoot at targets, or maybe arrange horse racing. Seriously, for a holiday in this style, it would be ideal to visit a hippodrome or a stable, first the guests ride on horseback, and then you can move to a quieter place for emotional conversations and groovy competitions.


A bachelorette party costume is another important component of the overall atmosphere, but no matter which option you choose, the main thing is good company and a great mood!

Organization of a bachelorette party is usually the responsibility of the bridesmaids, but it is better to choose the images for your holiday together so that they suit each of you. In this article, we have collected 6 irresistible images for a bachelorette party for you and your girlfriends.

1. Classics in a modern interpretation

The most common option for any bachelorette party is skirts and t-shirts / t-shirts. So that your images are not too hackneyed or provocative, you should think about modern interpretation such outfits. Tulle skirts knee-length or ankle-length will be an excellent main look. They can be either the same color for girlfriends and excellent - for the bride, or different for everyone. Instead of regular T-shirts or wrestling shirts, choose more stylish option: blouses or even shirts made of knitwear or cotton. They can be not only plain, but also with a print: for example, a light floral pattern or a modern geometric ornament.

2. Black and white contrast

You can emphasize the image of the bride due to the color: classic white for her and black for her friends. But the design of the image can be completely different: like classic Cocktail Dresses, and skirts with blouses or even trouser suits. By the way, the latter option will look especially original at a bachelorette party in a nightclub or in another stylish place.

3. Thematic outfits

For weddings in a certain style and theme, you can prepare a bachelorette party in the same style. Then you should choose the appropriate images! For example, for a wedding nautical style striped dresses, t-shirts and white skirts or shorts will do. For a rustic or boho wedding, loose sundresses made of cotton or silk, as well as original accessories, are suitable. And you can choose a special theme for the bachelorette party. Bachelorette parties will look original in the style of a crazy tea party, breakfast at Tiffany's or according to the scenarios of other romantic films. When choosing this style, remember not only the outfits, but also the decor.

4. Cocktail outfits

If your bachelorette party is planned not in a club, but in a cafe or restaurant, then you should choose more classic cocktail looks. To make your outfits look harmonious, you should choose similar styles, colors or patterns. But do not forget that this is a bachelorette party, which means that the dresses should not resemble the classic images of bridesmaids. You can add some playful accessories to the dresses or pick up a not too formal design: for example, make a translucent back.

5. Pajama party

You can arrange a cozy holiday and spend a bachelorette party at home, in a country hotel or in a rest home. Lay in bed, watch movies, drink champagne, take care of yourself and have spa treatments. For this format of a bachelorette party, pajamas are perfect! But you can prepare them in one style, for example, in the style of the 50s with pants and shirts. In such images, you can arrange an informal photo shoot for your beloved girlfriends.

A bachelorette party is a kind of farewell to your free life, so you need to have some fun. The tradition of celebrating a bachelorette party came to us quite recently, so few are familiar with how to organize a farewell to a "bachelor" life.

The main thing in the article

Ideas for a themed bachelorette party

So that you remember the celebration for a long time, you should not organize boring gatherings in the women's circle. Be sure to choose a theme for your bachelorette party. You will have a fun themed party.

Celebration options:

  • Holiday on a yacht. If you live in big city, rent a yacht or motor ship. Don't forget the buffet and dancing. If space permits, organize a dance party with a DJ. You can beat the holiday on the ship as a party in a marine style
  • Party at the club. This is the classic and most affordable option. So, you do not have to order a stripper, because the night program in such an institution provides for the performance of dancers of the erotic genre
  • Limousine ride. Rent a fancy car, don't forget to buy drinks and food. Visit beautiful places in your city. You can combine such a bachelorette party with a photo shoot
  • Extreme party. It is suitable for lovers of extreme sports. You can start it with skydiving. Some cities have interesting underground cafes in the style of the Addams Family
  • Spa party. This option will allow you not only to put yourself in order, but also to relax properly. Purchase a spa membership for the most common treatments. Be sure to include massages, face masks and wraps in the program.
  • Picnic. Outdoor recreation is appropriate in the warm season. It is best to organize a celebration at the camp site. Of course, you need to buy products and think over the menu. If the hostel is outside the city, you should take care of the transfer.

Ideas for a bachelorette party at home

This celebration option is suitable for economical women. After all, most of the expenses go to the organization of the wedding. Many consider this option boring, in fact it is not. After all, a bachelorette party at home is not just eating goodies at home and drinking, it is fun and an interesting pastime.

Options for celebrating a bachelorette party at home:

  • Pajama party. It's a classic pajama party. Girls gather at the bride's in the evening, putting on pajamas or nightgowns. They eat pizza, drink beer or martinis and talk interesting stories. This option is ideal if there are very close friends among the invitees. Evening smoothly turns into night and morning. All girls spend the night with the bride.
  • Spa party. In order to get a lot of pleasure and benefits for the body and face, it is not necessary to go to the Spa. It is enough to invite a massage therapist and a beautician to your home. All girls will be delighted with such a bachelorette party
  • Party in oriental style. All girls do appropriate makeup and wear translucent tunics. Evening passes under east music. Girls smoke a hookah, sitting on pillows and drinking wine
  • Business evening. This is a fun idea for girls who love to cook or sew. A chef from some restaurant is invited to the bride's home and conducts a master class on cooking sushi or rolls. Organize a soap making workshop handmade or a beautiful vase of coffee beans
  • Striptease evening. A stripper is invited to the bride's house. He dances an erotic dance, and the girls drink champagne and chat.

Be sure to prepare contests for a home bachelorette party, so you won't be bored.

How to make an unforgettable bachelorette party in a club?

Decide on the theme of the party first. After all, some clubs offer an excellent striptease program, and in some the main direction is disco or music in the style of the 80s. Ask your friends where they want to go. If among your friends are former members of the school choir, invite them to a karaoke bar.

  • You can rent a VIP room. This pleasure is not cheap, but you can retire and do whatever you want.
  • Send out invitations. Be sure to include a dress code. Clothing depends on the theme of the evening
  • It is necessary that the friends come to the club in advance and congratulate the bride together
  • Be sure to discuss the menu and drinks in advance. It is also important to discuss financial matters. Drinks and cocktails are not cheap, so bridesmaids may agree to help financially
  • Consider Gift Ideas
  • Prepare contests and purchase everything you need for them
  • You can meet already at the bar or order a taxi and pick up all the participants of the bachelorette party right from home

Funny competitions for a bachelorette party

Bachelorette party contests can be focused on the bride or bridesmaids. Usually, aptitude contests are held for the future wife. Girlfriends organize fun and moving contests.

Variants of competitions for a bachelorette party:

  • Professional suitability. For this competition, you need to prepare answer options. The presenter should have questions in the folder. For example, what should a wife give her husband for his birthday? Answer options: moped, bicycle, lunch or your own version. After the competition, the bride is awarded a diploma of "suitability"
  • Honest answers. For the competition, all the girls sit in a circle. It is necessary to light a long match and pass it in a circle. On whom it goes out, he must sincerely answer the question. Questions are printed on leaves and folded into tubes. Such convolutions are chosen randomly.
  • Pantomime. This is a traditional competition during which the invited to the bachelorette party are divided into two teams. The host thinks of a word related to the wedding. One of the girls shows what the host thought without words. For example, veil a wedding cake, a fight of guests.

Ideas for bachelorette party outfits

Here they usually do it based on the theme of the party. You can order the same outfits for all the girls from the tailor. But usually some kind of accessory is simply chosen, which should indicate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcelebration.

Outfit options:

  • If the party is cowboy style, then the girls wear jeans, plaid shirts and hats. Hats can be rented at the local theater
  • If you plan to relax in a club, then girls usually wear short dresses. To emphasize the idea of ​​the holiday, the bride wears a short white veil, and the bridesmaids wear a colored tulle veil. It's been very popular lately. You can combine girlfriends with the same garters on the leg. They must be different colors.
  • If you have a pajama party, then everything is simple, the girls put on pajamas. Of course, it's best if they are the same
  • Often they organize a party in a marine style. In this case, girlfriends can wear vests and captain's caps.
  • Party in the style of the 60s implies the presence beautiful dresses flared sun. Girls make babettes out of hair. It is desirable that the dresses are made from the same fabric. You can choose outfits different colors, but the same cut

Do they give gifts for a bachelorette party?

In general, there is no such tradition, but it is very pleasant to give and receive gifts. Accordingly, usually girlfriends discuss the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba gift in advance. Here you can do it in two ways:

Each of the girls will give something from themselves or girlfriends will collect a substantial amount and choose a good and the right gift. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, analyze the character of the bride. If she likes to cook, give something for the household. If she cannot imagine her life without sports, give a certificate to a fitness club. Ask the bride in advance what she wants.

Comic gifts for a bachelorette party

Such gifts will help cheer up and cheer up all those invited. There are many options for funny gifts, here are some of them:

  • Rolling pin with the inscription "Heavy weapon"
  • Intimate maid costume, cat or rabbit
  • Gifts from the sex shop
  • Boxing gloves with the words "I don't like to quarrel"
  • Immodest cake. Usually made in the form of a male torso. This gift must be made by a professional
  • Corset and stockings

You should not give a watch, a piggy bank, candles, figurines. It is believed that these little things can bring discord into married life.

DIY gift for the bride for a bachelorette party

Handmade gifts have always been valued the most. Of course you can prepare beautiful postcard. A scrapbooking photo album would be ideal. If you and your girlfriends love to cook, then you can bake themed pies. They are also called shameless. These are biscuit or shortcrust pastry cookies, which are painted with colored icing. Cakes can be in the form of a male genital organ or female breast. If the bride is in position, you can bake cookies in the shape of a baby and paint with icing in different ways.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for celebrating a bachelorette party. Choose a topic that is closest to you and your friends.

VIDEO: Chicago-style bachelorette party

For a girlfriend's bachelorette party, you need to choose the right outfit. If the bride did not announce a certain topic, then there will be no dress code and a democratic style will be chosen, and you have a lot of choice. You need to choose clothes that suit you, in which it will be comfortable, while the bride should remain the most beautiful.

In this article, we will look at how you can choose the style of outfits for bachelorette parties.

You can choose from dresses, jeans, shorts, trousers, and it is advisable to avoid white outfits.

Suitable and trendy jeans with a tunic or blouse.

Therefore, you should not dress too elegantly and add too catchy accessories to the image.

same style

Retro style

The retro style of any party looks elegant and stylish. You can choose a fluffy skirt or dress, lace blouse. Pay attention to the hairstyle so that it is designed in a retro style, for example, a bouffant.

  • Bachelorette party in the style of the 80s

In the eighties of the twentieth century, clothing was bright and unusual. For example, you can wear leggings bright color with a knee-length tunic or T-shirt. Jeans were popular blue color, jackets with broad shoulders, sneakers.

  • 1920s Chicago bachelorette party

Chicago style of the twenties is, first of all, gangster style. It is best to wear on such a bachelorette party pantsuit, which will emphasize the dignity of the figure, but a dress with a high waist is also suitable.

Bachelorette party in a marine style

The sea, summer are associated, first of all, with striped clothes, with vests. For clothes for a bachelorette party, small skirts, sundresses, shorts are perfect.

Complete the look with accessories with anchors and other nautical attributes. In this form, you can go to the beach and to the sea!

cowboy bachelorette party

This will be an original party before the upcoming wedding. The ideal clothes for a bachelorette party would be washed jeans, a plaid shirt, cowboy boots, a hat.

Japanese-style bachelorette party

Bachelorette party Hawaiian style

Lately popular Hawaiian parties with the most original If there is a financial opportunity, then a great option would be to spend it in the Hawaiian Islands, but it is very expensive.

For a Hawaiian bachelorette party, bright swimsuits, a pareo, or a top with a fluffy skirt, with flower beads around the neck, are suitable as outfits.

Bathing suits can be replaced with shorts, sundresses, T-shirts bright colors.
Add bracelets, beads, necklaces to the image.

No special outfit is needed if you are going to a spa or.

Here you will not only communicate sincerely, but also relax, get useful procedures for your skin.

After massage and care procedures, your whole company will look great, rested.

For example, a nurse's suit in the form of a white robe, shoes on high heels, bonnet and first aid kit, playboy bunnies with ponytails, or even ladies in puffy dresses and wigs.

At any bachelorette party, whether it is themed or not, the bride should stand out among her friends, it is desirable that there be a veil in the image. Hair and makeup are also chosen according to the theme of the party.

For example, a Japanese party will be characterized by a white face, black eyelashes, bright red lips, hair tied into a bun with a hairpin.

At a party in the style of the 80s, slight negligence and loose hair show through in all the details.

In other cases, it all depends on the girl's imagination and preferences.

Girlfriends should learn about the theme of the bachelorette party in advance in order to have time to prepare, think over the scenario, who plays what role, in order to give the holiday the right atmosphere.

And so that everyone enjoys the bachelorette party, great mood and joy.

Liana Raymanova June 18, 2018, 12:38

On the eve of the wedding ceremony, many couples spend hen and stag parties, following old tradition wires of bachelor life. If the guys are not too concerned about their own wardrobe, then the bridesmaids think over their images in detail. On the shoulders of the organizers of the party lies not only the choice of the venue, but also the question of what to wear to the bachelorette party.

How to dress for a bachelorette party for girlfriends?

A bachelorette party, unlike a wedding ceremony, does not require large expenses from the organizers. If you wish, you can significantly save on a dress for a bachelorette party by choosing a free style. However, most often the bride wants the images of her bridesmaids to be based on a single principle. If we consider a classic party that does not imply a specific theme, we can focus on the following clothing ideas:

  • Jeans and T-shirt. This is matching clothes for a bachelorette party for the bridesmaids, if you plan an active holiday or home party. In any case, such clothes will be comfortable and are probably in every girl's locker.
  • small black dress. Images in black are ideal for going to a club or restaurant.
  • T-shirts with slogans and tulle skirts. If in everyday life T-shirts with inscriptions look tasteless, then as part of farewell to the bachelor life, this wardrobe item will be very useful.

Photo of an outfit for a bachelorette party

The above options are suitable for any bachelorette party. Girls just need to decide on the nature of the party to choose the perfect outfit. If outdoor activities are planned, and most of the participants in the event are short of money, regular jeans will be the way out.

It is worth taking a more serious approach to choosing costumes for a bachelorette party if you plan to themed evening. Recently, nautical-style parties, which are usually attended in vests, have become very popular.

If you decide to choose original t-shirts with inscriptions, the choice of text on the fabric is of great importance. The easiest option is the inscriptions "bride" and "girlfriend". Phrases will look good on English language. However, the inscriptions best friend” should be avoided so that the remaining girls do not feel oppressed.

Photo of T-shirts with inscriptions for a bachelorette party

For lovers of original solutions, we can offer the following funny inscriptions on bachelorette party t-shirts:

  • "Girlfriends from the potty";
  • “she is getting married, and we have to wear these T-shirts”;
  • "gang of the bride";
  • "I'm next";
  • "I'm looking for a prince", etc.

T-shirts and T-shirts look equally stylish with both the same and different quotes. To make the bachelorette party fun, it is enough to approach the process of choosing the inscription on the bride's T-shirt with a fair amount of humor.

As for the search for an original T-shirt for a bachelorette party, there are also several options here:

  • independent application to the fabric;
  • drawing to order;
  • buying ready-made clothes.

Cool inscriptions for t-shirts for a bachelorette party

In order for T-shirts for a bachelorette party with inscriptions to look stylish, you need to choose the right bottom part of the outfit. According to stylists, chiffon skirts are elegantly combined with white T-shirts.

How to make a tulle skirt with your own hands?

Although the market has wide selection fluffy skirts, in order to save money, every girl can make a luxurious tulle skirt with her own hands. In this case, you can not be afraid that someone will completely copy your outfit.

Photo of a tulle skirt for a bachelorette party

To make an airy skirt, you will need two types of fabric: tulle for the main work and satin lining. Fatin is a lightweight material in the form of a mesh, the size of the cells of which may vary depending on the characteristics of the material. In addition to the fabric, prepare the following items:

  • sharp scissors;
  • pins for fixing;
  • ruler;
  • soap;
  • pencil;
  • paper;
  • threads to match the main fabric;
  • tracing paper.

First with the help paper template from tulle we cut out four identical circles with holes for the waist in the center. The satin lining is made a little smaller in diameter. Then we collect all the circles and sew them on top, while attaching a tight elastic band. We process the resulting belt with a basting seam in order to subsequently pull off the skirt and create neat folds.

There is different models such skirts, however, the outfit will look most successful knee length and below. The more magnificent the skirt is, the more beautiful it will look. If each girlfriend is engaged in tailoring the outfit on her own, it is worth agreeing in advance on the color scheme. You can sew different skirts in bright colors or create the same outfits in trendy color Marsala.

Black bachelorette party dresses

No matter how comfortable classic jeans and T-shirts, most often a bachelorette party is held in nightclubs that imply a certain dress code. In addition, at a party, every girl wants to look like a fatal beauty.

Photo of a dress for a bachelorette party

If you're throwing a top-notch party and planning to visit a few nightclubs, it's worth seriously working on your look. And in order to keep up with the general theme and dress the same, arrange a bachelorette party in black dresses in the best traditions of Coco Chanel with your girlfriends. The ideal black dress should have the following features:

  • have an optimal length just above the knee;
  • be modest enough;
  • have a classic look.

The bachelorette party dress for the bride should be different from the outfits of the bridesmaids. A girl can attach a veil to her head or replace the shade with a brighter one.

If you decide to choose a short black dress as a dress for a bachelorette party, think over the smallest details of the image. Do not forget about graceful boats and a handbag to match, as well as take care of the services of a makeup artist and hairdresser. Black dress will surely become an ideal outfit for a bachelorette party, because every girl has it in her wardrobe.

denim bachelorette party

If most girls are on a tight budget, which is especially common in the case of a student wedding, you can go to the party in jeans. Skinny classic jeans blue tint always look stylish and sexy. It is enough to choose the appropriate shoes and accessories. Shoes can be:

  • boats;
  • sneakers or sneakers;
  • ballet shoes.

As part of the ubiquity sports style in clothing, all kinds of sneakers and sneakers have gained immense popularity. If you are planning to organize an incendiary party in nature, be sure to choose comfortable sneakers.

Photo of clothes for a bachelorette party

For a trip to a club or a restaurant, it is better to choose stilettos or thick heels. However, we all know that dancing in high heels for several hours in a row is an impossible task. Make sure you have comfortable shoes for changing.

Nautical party outfits

Recently, the nautical theme and the dress code for a bachelorette party are gaining more and more popularity. This is due to the successful colors, which allows you to choose an outfit for every taste. To make your girlfriends look harmonious, use the following colors in your outfits:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • azure.

However, wearing a pure white outfit is categorically not recommended for obvious reasons. It is enough to choose flying dresses of marine shades.

A universal thing for holding a sea bachelorette party will be vest. Take a thing from your man or get a new vest.

Nautical theme in clothes for a bachelorette party

Sea parties are especially relevant in the warm season as part of outdoor recreation or, ideally, for a trip on a yacht. As a bottom, denim or cotton shorts with bright straps are suitable. As for hairstyles, here you can give free rein to your imagination. However, remember that curls and light waves will look good in any situation.

If you are a bridesmaid and are organizing a party for the hero of the occasion, take care of all the details of the celebration. Professionals believe that 50% of the success of the event is created by the outfits and accessories of the guests.

Silver bracelet with enamel, SL(price link)

For the party to take place uniform style, it is not necessary to order dubious dresses of the same color and style. Discuss the images with your friends, and find out the possibilities of each participant in the upcoming event.