Which is better: gauze diapers, diapers or disposable diapers? How to make diapers from gauze or diapers

Since the appearance on the shelves of the first disposable diapers, disputes between their supporters and opponents have not ceased. There are many myths surrounding diapers that gauze diaper advocates cite in an attempt to convince new mothers to use traditional methods proven by generations of ancestors. In reality, only a mother can decide what is better than diapers or diapers, or diapers, and we will help make this decision balanced and deliberate.

What is better to choose: diapers or diapers?

  • The main advantage of disposable diapers / pampers is the simplicity and convenience of their use.

Thanks to modern absorbent substances, every 3-4 hours is enough to make the baby feel comfortable. This saves a lot of mother's time, which she can devote to playing with her child, herself or her husband.

  • The second argument in favor of diapers is keeping the baby's skin dry.

Modern diapers instantly turn the liquid into a gel, while the baby's skin remains dry, which minimizes the likelihood of diaper rash, irritation and dermatitis.

Pampers are especially convenient to use at night so that the baby does not wake up every time the diaper is wet. This practice will ensure a comfortable night's sleep for all family members. Disposable diapers make it much easier and more pleasant not only to walk with the baby, but also to go to the hospital, the store and other public places where it is not always possible to quickly change a gauze diaper.

Opponents of diapers insist that:

  • Pampers create a "greenhouse effect" that is dangerous for the genitourinary system of an infant. It is believed that diapers can cause infertility in boys, and cystitis in girls. In reality, there is no evidence of the negative impact of disposable diapers on the reproductive function of boys, because until the age of 7-8 they do not produce spermatozoa, which can be negatively affected by elevated testicular temperature. Inflammation of the bladder in girls is more often caused either by improper care of the child in general, or by changing diapers too infrequently.
  • The second argument against diapers is the alleged curvature of the legs of a newborn with the constant use of disposable diapers. In fact, the legs of a baby in a diaper are in a natural position, so it cannot cause any negative consequences.
  • If for newborns the use of disposable diapers can be justified, then for older children they are considered the main obstacle to potty training. At the same time, supporters of gauze diapers forget that babies begin to consciously control the processes of urination not earlier than 1.5 years, and in most cases it is recommended to postpone potty training until the age of 20-24 months.

Thus, the only real reason for not using diapers is their high cost.

With regular changes per day, you will need 6 to 10 diapers, and if your family budget cannot handle the extra load, it is worth considering other options.

Gauze diapers: advantages and disadvantages

What are diapers, what are their advantages and disadvantages, we found out, now we will deal with diapers.
Low cost and the ability to make do-it-yourself gauze diapers becomes a major benefit for many mothers who do not want to spend large sums on diapers. Gauze diapers can be reused after washing and ironing, which also saves the family budget.

At the end of the article, we have prepared additional material for you. Download the checklist "How to properly dress and change diapers" and caring for your baby will bring you nothing but joy!

It is believed that the natural materials from which gauze diapers are made are safer for the baby, especially when in contact with wet skin. Gauze and cotton pass air well, without causing an increase in the temperature of the skin.

On the other hand, gauze diapers do not retain moisture, but partially absorb and partially pass it through. In this case, if not, dermatitis will appear on the skin of the crumbs. Mom will have to get used to the constant need to wipe puddles after the baby and clean carpets and furniture, which will leave traces of children's urine. Washing will also be added, because clothes and diapers get wet along with the diaper.

AT wet diaper the baby will constantly wake up at night, not allowing the parents to rest calmly. A gauze diaper is not suitable for long walks on fresh air, because wet clothes combined with cool air cause discomfort and can be dangerous to the health of the baby.

Mothers are often faced with the fact that the gauze diaper cannot be securely fixed on the child's body. With any movement, the diaper can slip, especially if your baby has already begun to crawl or walk.

Although gauze diapers are reused many times, they take a lot of time to wash and iron, which most mothers never have enough. Moreover, the energy required to operate washing machine and an iron sometimes turns out to be more expensive than buying a pack of diapers.

Pampers or diapers, which is better?

Only the mother can make the final decision to use gauze diapers or diapers. If you feel tired and don't have enough time to take care of yourself and your husband, use diapers. They will save a lot of time, which is so necessary to restore strength and energy after pregnancy and childbirth.

There are many options for disposable diapers on the market, from the usual diapers and haggis to Japanese alternatives that are gaining popularity. When choosing a particular brand, be guided by the possibilities of the family budget and the reaction of the baby's skin to the diaper.

If you can't make a definitive decision about what better diaper or diapers, try to combine the advantages of diapers and gauze diapers. For example, disposable diapers can be used at night and during walks or outings. At home, you can get by with gauze diapers in combination with waterproof panties. This option will help potty train your baby over time and save time on washing clothes and cleaning when the child learns to move around the house on his own.

There are no medical contraindications for the use of both diapers and gauze diapers. Which option to choose for your child, only you can decide, focusing on the state of the family budget, your well-being and the availability of free time.

: a list of required items.

Read on for our next article!

Useful comments from a pediatrician and a visual comparison of the most popular diaper models from the Test.tv network channel

Download the checklist "How to dress and change diapers"

With the birth of a child, a mother has a lot of questions related to caring for a baby. Learn how to properly dress and change diapers in our checklist.

Until disposable diapers were invented, there were no other options: in a family where a child was expected, gauze diapers for a newborn were made in advance with their own hands. It was the first baby clothes at the beginning of life.

Now gauze diapers are increasingly giving way to disposable diapers and are considered a legacy of antiquity. But do not immediately discard the option of gauze diapers.

Is it possible to do without gauze diapers?

The first three days after birth, the baby's intestines are freed from meconium (original feces). These days, diapers or gauze diapers get dirty relatively rarely.

But after a week, a newborn's stool can reach 10 times a day.

In the maternity hospital, few people use gauze, self-sewn diapers. They choose diapers or use maternity hospital diapers, which are given out in the right amount. In addition, they do not need to be washed by yourself, which is very convenient.

Weigh all the pros and cons

So what, after all, to prefer for the hygiene of the newborn: gauze diapers or diapers?

Pros of a homemade gauze diaper:

  1. Cost savings: it is realistic to prepare 25 pieces from one package of gauze;
  2. Ecological and natural material, does not irritate the skin of the child;
  3. The baby's skin breathes: the gauze product is able to ventilate the air, protecting the mucosa and skin of the newborn from overheating;
  4. The gauze diaper is easily "customized" to a specific baby;
  5. In the presence of washing machine no problem with washing.

Gauze diaper has disadvantages :

  • it is difficult to fix on the child and slides;
  • wet, it irritates the skin, diaper rash appears (you can read more in the article Diaper rash in a newborn >>>);
  • presence of leaks. When the child has urinated, he has to change clothes, including outer clothing;
  • the child is restless, wakes up wet several times during the night;
  • regular washing, 25 diapers are barely enough for a day;
  • long walks are impossible, babies pee often, you won't get far in a wet diaper. We have to go back to change the baby.

Against this background, the advantages of disposable diapers captivate: the child is constantly dry, sleeps soundly at night; no need to change his clothes and change the bed, wipe the puddles.

Do-it-yourself diaper for a newborn

It is the high cost that prompts many mothers to make a gauze diaper themselves. It's very simple. You will need a rectangular gauze flap.

  1. For a newly born - 60x100;
  2. Infant up to three months. - 80x100;
  3. For babies older than three months, there are three options for making gauze diapers - with different gauze consumption
  • Kerchief;

A cut 90x180 is folded in half horizontally, then diagonally folded in half. The kerchief came out, and its edges can be overcast (manually or on a typewriter). If the product is for single use and will not be washed, this is not necessary.

Let's put the baby on the scarf. We raise the lower end of the scarf between the legs, we wind the side edges behind the back, where the belt is tied up.

  • Rectangle;

Gauze 60x100 is folded four times in length to create a rectangle 20x60. We spread it along the length of the girl under the back, and the boy in front. We skip the second edge between the baby's legs, fix it with a belt or a diaper at the waist.

  • Hungarian diaper.

We take gauze 60x60 or 90x90 by the top and fold it in half, then around the right corner, and fold it in half. A square came out, which we bend diagonally to get a scarf. Then we turn the product over, and fold the free corner of the gauze several times. We put the child on the compacted middle. We pass the lower end between the legs, and overlap the side parts of the product with a belt.

We wrap the child like this:

  1. Lay a warm diaper down, and a thin one on top;
  2. The gauze triangle is spread under the back of the child;
  3. The lower end must be bent towards the navel between the legs of the baby;
  4. We wrap the waist of the newborn with the ends of the diaper;
  5. After that, you need to wrap the baby in diapers (read the article on the topic: Size of diapers for newborns >>>).

Suggested sizes vary, they depend on the physique of the baby. A meter by meter gauze fabric product is suitable for any newborn.

Diapers can be made not only from gauze. Don't hesitate to reach out to your friends and offer them to get rid of old, worn-out bed linen. It is softer - akin to gauze, so it does not scratch delicate skin baby. And it will last for some time. If there are a lot of such reusable diapers, then the soiled ones can be thrown away.

When making a gauze diaper for a newborn, use gauze purchased at a pharmacy. Your mothers and grandmothers will not fail to notice that the quality of gauze was better in the last century. It was denser, well absorbed moisture and breathable, and after many washes retained its shape.

Today, many mothers tend to make underwear for the baby not from gauze, but from old, repeatedly washed sheets.

Caring for the first linen for a newborn

For a baby per day, you will need at least 25 gauze products. While some are in use, others dry after washing. How to wash them? Is it necessary to iron? These questions are of interest, first of all, to mothers giving birth for the first time.

  • From children's urine, rinsing in clean water will suffice;
  • It is better to wash them by hand.
  • Having freed the contaminated gauze diaper from feces and washed it under running water, the diaper is immersed in water at a 60-degree temperature with pre-crushed laundry soap, children's or special powder for washing children's clothes;
  • So you need to soak the diaper for a while, then wash it;
  • After that, products for newborns are disinfected by boiling;
  • They are dried and ironed on both sides;
  • If your baby is older, boiling is no longer necessary.

It is undesirable to wash gauze diapers in the machine, as they quickly lose their shape. And you can’t clean the dirt well with your hands. Therefore, my advice: renew the stock of gauze products every 2 months.

What to choose in the hospital?

Previously, in maternity hospitals, only dreamed of the joint stay of mother and child. Children were kept in a common ward, separate from mothers. Before feeding a newborn (like any mother of a newborn, it is probably important for you to learn everything about the correct attachment of the baby to the breast >>>) they unfolded and examined whether it was clean. Wrapped in a sterile thin diaper.

Important! I recommend washing all clothes for newborn babies (except diapers), iron both sides, tie them in a clean diaper, put them in a bag intended for the maternity hospital.

Of course, you are not happy with the fact that you will need to wash, dry and iron gauze diapers daily. I can offer a golden mean: it is better for a baby to wear a diaper at night and during walks. It is advisable to use gauze products at other times. This cost-effective combined approach to newborn care has been adopted by many women today. Perhaps it will be acceptable for you too?

Disposable diapers entered the Russian market only in the 1990s, despite the fact that in Western countries they appeared in the middle of the twentieth century. Since then, discussions have begun about their benefits and harms, the impact on the health of the baby.

Popular diapers

Out of habit, many of all disposable diapers are called "Pampers", but this is only a trademark of one of the companies that produces these products. This name was assigned to them due to the fact that the company was the first to produce these goods.

Therefore, it is impossible to answer how a “diaper” differs from a diaper, if we are talking about disposable baby hygiene products. After all, it is essentially the same thing. On sale you can find various brands that produce disposable diapers. Among the most famous are Pampers, Huggies, Bella Happy, Merries, Libero and many others.

In their production, they use various materials, fillers, so they may vary in quality. But they have one purpose - they must absorb moisture.

Other types of diapers

To care for babies, you can use not only disposable "diapers", but also other options. If earlier parents had no options and everyone was forced to use gauze cuts, now parents can choose.

Understanding how diapers differ from "pampers" for newborns, one must understand that the first is the universal name for all baby hygiene products. They are disposable and reusable. The common name "pampers" is used for all diapers that must be thrown away after use. They are disposable. If parents use only them, then at least 4 pieces will be spent per day. And newborns can go more than 10 disposable diapers a day.

Reusable options do not absorb moisture, so they cause more trouble for parents. They must be changed after each bowel movement of the baby. But the baby's skin does not come into contact with synthetic materials and breathes.

Benefits of diapers

Disputes about the benefits and harms of individual hygiene products for babies have been going on for more than a decade. But parents continue to use new developments, occasionally thinking about how the “diaper” differs from the diaper.

Disposable options are necessary in order to prevent the delicate skin of the crumbs from contacting the irritating effects of urine and feces. After all, not always parents can rinse the baby and change his diaper immediately after a bowel movement. The skin remains dry and warm, and the baby does not feel discomfort. Therefore, it is worth figuring out how a “diaper” differs from a diaper (reusable), and choose what is more important to you.

Manufacturers also claim that the special design of the inner layer allows you to maintain the balance of the “right” microorganisms on the skin, preventing the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. In addition, the baby remains calm, the mother does not need to change his clothes every hour and spend several hours a day on washing and ironing. Parents have more free time to spend with their children.

Disadvantages of disposable diapers

But if "diapers" had only advantages, then there would be no constant debate about their potential harm. So, some children experience allergic reactions when the skin comes into contact with the synthetic inner layer. However, some of them are quite strong. In some cases, changing the company or type of disposable diaper helps.

In addition, the disadvantages include the appearance of diaper rash and irritation. But they, as a rule, are associated with the improper use of these hygiene products. Having figured out what is the difference between “pampers” and diapers, many believe that disposable hygiene products can be left on until they leak. But they must be changed at least every 6 hours. Newborn babies need to do this even more often.

The design of disposable hygiene products

It can help you figure out how a diaper differs from a “diaper”, photo. But it will not show the design features of disposable hygiene products. They consist of several layers. The outer one is waterproof. It is made from polyurethane or polyester. And inside the disposable diapers have special moisture-absorbing layers. They can be made from cellulose or special chemical gels. The gel-forming material is able to absorb moisture up to 55 times its own weight. The inner layer is made of a special absorbent material.

In addition, all disposable diapers are equipped with special Velcro, which can securely hold the "diaper" on the baby. They vary in size and shape; for older children, special disposable panties have been developed.

Device for reusable hygiene products

It is necessary to understand the design features of conventional hygiene products for babies in order to understand how “pampers” and diapers differ. What is the difference between these products, it will become obvious.

Ordinary reusable diapers look like a regular piece of cloth or gauze. triangular shape. It is difficult to fix it so that it does not get off the crumbs and rub it. For a child who is in the ordinary, you must carefully watch. Indeed, with their untimely change, the child develops diaper rash, contact dermatitis may begin. In addition, mom does not have to hope for a restful sleep at night. The child needs to be changed several times. Ordinary old diapers do not protect against leaks, so all things, bed linen are wet.

Natural swaddling system

Now, modern reusable panties are gaining more and more popularity. They are made of merino wool or cotton with a special waterproof impregnation. Inside them are inserted special inserts from a bike, flannel or the same gauze. These designs combine the convenience of disposable "pampers" and the hygiene, naturalness of conventional cloth diapers.

The natural swaddling system, which is becoming increasingly popular, consists of using a cloth diaper equipped with buttons or ties, an absorbent special insert and pants designed for better fit. Such systems are often chosen by those who are tired of figuring out what is better and how “pampers” differ from diapers. Reviews of natural swaddling can be found very diverse. Someone will not want to change the inserts in reusable diapers 10-15 times a day, while it is more important for others not to pollute the environment with used “diapers”.

Selection rules

Thinking about the difference between a "diaper" and a diaper, many parents are trying to choose what is closer to them: their comfort and dryness of the baby's butt, or noticeable savings and care for the environment. Many stop somewhere in between. They use reusable diapers at home, and choose "pampers" for walking and sleeping.

With the price of baby care products and the increasing incidence of contact allergies, many opt for a natural swaddling system. Of course, this requires a little more effort from parents than when using disposable diapers. But supporters of this system argue that this allows the mother to adjust to the rhythm of the child, to feel it better. It has also been observed that such children are more quickly accustomed to the potty.

Disposable diapers make life easier for moms and save time on household chores. However, the rise in prices for imported products has done its job: now diapers have become a necessary luxury for many. Necessary, because without them a visit to the doctor and a long walk with the baby is still difficult. At home, the baby can also be swaddled in gauze / cloth diapers, which are easy to make from a piece of material. Consider the question: how to make gauze diapers.

Gauze diapers for newborns are again at the peak of popularity: convenient and cheap. But grandmothers have always been against diapers, disapproving of newfangled one-time panties. But diapers used to be inexpensive, and you could buy a lot of packages at once - change several times a day, and the baby's underwear is always clean. And at night, how convenient! The baby is sleeping, and the whole family is also resting.

But diapers have significant drawbacks:

  • allergy;
  • high cost;
  • Greenhouse effect;
  • the habit of defecating in "panties".

Allergies and skin irritation are possible due to prolonged contact of feces and urine with the body. It is no secret that mothers cannot always notice the emptying of the crumbs in time and change the diaper. So it turns out that the baby is forced to be in a dirty diaper for an unknown time.

The influence of the greenhouse effect on the reproductive function of expectant mothers / fathers has not yet been studied, but it causes concern. For example, a method of castration of lambs is known - in the summer they put on warm pants. This is especially dangerous for baby boys!

Another disadvantage of disposable diapers is the baby's habit of defecating in a diaper! The child develops an acquired reflex - you can poop right into your pants, and your mother will replace them with new dry ones. It's convenient and fast. Then mothers have to wean their babies from this habit for a long time, especially if they are used to walking in diapers for up to two or more years.

Therefore, it is better to put a diaper on a baby in exceptional cases - a trip to the clinic, winter walks in the park, trips to relatives.

In other cases, you need a reusable gauze or diaper diaper, which is easy to sew on your own.

Gauze diapers

Consider the advantages of cloth diapers - gauze and chintz:

  • eco-friendly;
  • inexpensive;
  • skin breathes;
  • no rashes.

The main advantage of a gauze / diaper diaper is the breath of the baby's skin. The fabric structure allows the body to breathe and does not form a greenhouse effect. And diapers from diapers/sheets can serve several generations of babies - they are durable. If diapers are changed on time, there will be no diaper rash on the skin, and they do not cause allergies.

You can make / sew a reusable diaper yourself, or you can buy it ready-made in the store:

Disadvantages of gauze/cloth diapers include:

  • constant washing;
  • frequent change;
  • impossibility of use on walks.

Advice. However, modern mothers can easily combine: wear diapers at night and for a walk, and use diapers or gauze during the day at home.

We sew ourselves

How to sew gauze diapers with your own hands? It is not difficult, the main thing is to get enough gauze.

To make a diaper out of gauze, you need to stitch the edges so that they do not crumble.

Then, from the gauze blanks, it will be necessary to fold the material in three ways:

  1. scarf;
  2. rectangle;
  3. in Hungarian.

Dimensions of blanks (in centimeters):

  • for the Hungarian method: 60x60 (90x90 - for a big baby);
  • for a rectangle: 60x100.

There will be several sizes for the scarf:

  • for newborn crumbs - 60x120;
  • from a month to do - 80x160;
  • after three you can do - 90x180.

To make blanks, you need to stitch the material along the edges. In the case of a diaper or a cut of a sheet, overcast with a zigzag so that the edges are not thick.

baby swaddling technique

We fold the diapers "kerchief"

So, we prepared gauze diapers with our own hands. How to make a "kerchief"? To do this, a piece of gauze / diaper must first be folded twice in half: first straight and then diagonally. We put the baby on the scarf, and pass the free lower end between the legs. Then you need to make a “belt” from the side ends: either tie them, or tuck them in, or use Velcro for fastening.

Folding into a rectangle

How to make a rectangular diaper? Fold the gauze cut several times to get a rectangular shape 20x60. Tuck the top edge (the one under the back), lay the baby and pass the free edge between the legs. Further, the diaper can be tied with a string or secured with a belt. You can also wear sweatpants on top.

Rolling in Hungarian

The Hungarian way of swaddling is somewhat similar to the "scarf". How to do it?

  1. Fold the piece in half with the fold down.
  2. Fold the resulting rectangle so that you get a square.
  3. The top edge of the square must be folded up to make a scarf.
  4. Now the resulting shape should be turned over.
  5. We seal the middle of the structure.

What to do next? We put the baby with his ass on the compacted middle and draw the free end between the legs. Now it remains to lay the side ends on top of each other and tie the "belt". From the free ends, you can make ties, or you can fix them with Velcro.

Waterproof panties

These textiles can be worn for a walk with the baby. Panties are made of waterproof eco-friendly material, and inside are trimmed with a special absorbent compound.

If you put an additional folded gauze or cotton fabric inside the panties, you can put the baby to sleep.

The inner lining of panties can be made of several materials:

  • gel filler;
  • bamboo;
  • fleece.

The most stable are panties with a gel filler, the most unstable are those with a fleece lining. In fact, the fleece should be changed after each emptying of the crumbs. However, carpets and the sofa will be saved from getting wet.

The big disadvantage of such products is drying. Panties must not be dried on a radiator or by heating: only in the open air. In high humidity indoors/outdoors, panties can dry up to four days.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

So we have a new boy. And immediately - especially if this is the first child - completely contradictory advice is pouring in: feed on demand, feed by the hour, walk right away, do not walk for up to two months, do massage, do not massage ... And, of course, if this is a boy, then speech Definitely going to diapers. To wear or not to wear?

If you are a supporter of diapers, then you will immediately receive a lot of negative information: it will be written up to seven years old, it will not get used to the potty for anything, the baby is threatened with all kinds of rashes and irritations, and - oh horror! You won't have grandchildren! Yes, the last argument is very difficult to ignore, right?

On the other hand, the first few months of constant diaper changes may also not be available to everyone, especially if there is no automatic washing machine in the house.

So, let's try to figure out together how real all the "boy" problems that are associated with diapers are, and whether gauze diapers or nakedness would be better.

Pampers: myths.

Myths are primarily possible infertility of your baby(in the diaper, the temperature rises, the testicles overheat and the quality of future sperm drops). Unfortunately, the results of too inconclusive studies (small sample, inaccurate results) are cited to prove the reality of this danger. For example, German pediatricians published the results of measuring the temperature of the scrotum based on a study of 48 children. Any person involved in research will say that 48 is a little small in order to draw more or less accurate conclusions about the entire male population of the planet. In principle, all such attempts to measure the temperature of the scrotum indicate the following: in a gauze diaper, the average temperature of the scrotum is 34.9 °, and in a diaper - 36 °.

Indeed, there are a number of studies proving that a constant increase in scrotal temperature leads to a decrease in sperm activity. The essence of such studies is this: volunteers were seated twice a day in a hot bath (45 degrees - clearly above the comfortable temperature) for half an hour. After two weeks of such bathing, it was possible to detect a slight decrease in spermatozoa.

However, 36° and 45° - there is a slight difference, right? Again, we are forgetting the wonderful testicular cooling system. It is not difficult to heat the skin of the scrotum, but between the testicle and the environment there are 7 protective shells and a powerful thermoregulatory system of the testicles.

How to prove its effectiveness? Studies have been repeatedly conducted to study the activity of spermatozoa in residents of hot countries. The conclusions in such studies are repeated: if the testicle is healthy, the protective membranes are functioning normally, then the temperature increase environment does not deprive a man of the opportunity to have children.

In addition, the problem of cryptorchidism has already been studied quite well. Cryptorchidism is such a “variant” of the development of the genital organs of the baby, in which the testicle remains in the tummy, and is not excreted into the scrotum. In the baby's tummy, as you understand, the temperature will also be higher than "free" - on average, by 5 degrees (and not one, as in a diaper). At the same time, the thermoregulation system in the abdominal cavity functions worse due to the “wrong” arrangement of the vessels and arteries of the testicle.
So, according to experts, the timely treatment of cryptorchidism is the removal of the testicle into place before the age of two years. In this case, the testicle will function normally. Accordingly, an increase in temperature around the testicle by 5 degrees for two years (and without any air baths) does not threaten the baby with the threat of infertility.

But few people go in diapers for more than two years - and the temperature there is much lower than in the abdominal cavity.

The child will never be potty trained. This is myth number two. In fact, rarely does anyone pee in a diaper before school: everyone is potty trained. And, of course, the age at which the baby begins to consistently use the potty depends only on his inner readiness and on his interaction with his parents in this matter. Naturally, if the presence of a parent's diaper relaxes and frees from the need to pay the child's attention to the potty too often, then this joyful event - potty training - may occur a little later. Of course, carelessness about potty training can sometimes take strange forms: for example, a child is 4 years old, and he is still walking around in disposable diapers ... And, unfortunately, every year this seemingly comical, but in fact ugly situation is increasingly repeated . Manufacturers of diapers indulge in this, every year increasing and increasing the size of diapers. It is quite possible to choose disposable diaper on a first grader - strange, right? Of course, it is important not to be among the parents who are looking for a diaper for the first grader, and in time to start the process of potty training.

Pampers: real problems.

The real problems include the incompatibility of the baby and a particular type of diaper. The most-touted diapers may not fit the child - they just didn’t fit and that’s it! Allergy to the priest and continuous diaper dermatitis! Usually helps to change the manufacturer.

Naturally, you should not "overexpose" the baby in a diaper in order to save money - this will not lead to anything good. Again, after the "pokaka" diaper needs to be changed immediately, even if you just put it on. And, of course, you don’t need to wash and dry already used diapers: these are not diapers, harmful microorganisms remain in them - yes, yes, sometimes thrifty grandparents can come up with this.

In principle, all real problems are solved quite simply: by the correct selection of diapers and the correct use of this convenient item.

And if at the same time you still don’t forget about regular air baths for your beloved little priest (the more, the better!), then calmly use a diaper and don’t really listen to the formidable prophecies of friends and relatives.


If mom has the time and desire to use diapers, great! The main thing at the same time is not to forget about the health and strength of the mother herself (dad, grandmother - any person caring for the baby). It's like on an airplane: first you put on an oxygen mask on yourself, then on the child. The mother of the baby should not resemble a zombie, constantly hanging, washing and changing diapers, even if all relatives and neighbors unanimously say that only diapers will provide the boy with healthy genitals.

Firstly, as we found out, there are no particular problems from using diapers, and secondly, if you are a busy mother and do not have time to change diapers on time, then the harm to the baby from wet diapers will definitely be much more than from diapers.

If the use of diapers does not bother you and you have the time, desire and strength for this - please! This is your personal choice! The kid - with the right use of both, and the other - all the same.


Personally, we have been holopopile and disembarked (pissed in the bath) from birth.
For me, the pluses were obvious: the baby's butt - and pussy - is ventilated (personally, it would be very uncomfortable for me to constantly walk in a huge sanitary pad, so I judged by myself). We pissed in the bath, so the baby was usually dry. Some mothers who practice holopopism indicate another additional opportunity for establishing contact with the child and the fact that it is sometimes difficult for babies to poop and pee on their own, and by landing you help the child. Let's not discuss this moment now, because, I think, every parent has the opportunity to establish contact with the baby through the roof. Naturally, they saved a little more on diapers, since they were used only for a walk in the cold season and for a night's sleep (in the first six months).

- not all pies could be caught, so sometimes we were wet (we - because we usually lived in a sling on our mother).
- if the apartment is cold, then you won’t be particularly hungry.
- one way or another, the cost of washing increases (you wash diapers, slings and those adult clothes that your beloved son managed to describe - and not only describe)
- far from every mother will have the time and energy to constantly plant a baby - and in infancy they pee oh how often! But just don’t set yourself up initially for the fact that planting is very difficult. Try it! It suddenly turns out that this is a very organic and convenient option for you and your baby (especially if you practice co-sleeping and breastfeeding on demand).

In fact, it doesn't matter which way you choose for yourself. If the baby is not allergic to the pope and you do not cause him any inconvenience, he does not care. Naturally, air baths are necessary for the priests, you can’t live in diapers all the time. If you manage to organize air baths for a boy 24 hours a day, you are just a star! If not, do not scold yourself, think that you are a bad mother. Use diapers for yourself and do not torture yourself. Focus, please, first of all on yourself, on your desires, capabilities and strengths. A calm and cheerful mother is much more important for a baby than an exhausted mother and a butt without a diaper.