When is the holiday of the medical worker celebrated. Medic's Day - the history of the holiday. How the holiday is celebrated

In June, Russians celebrate the Day medical worker which falls on the third Sunday in a row. This year, the holiday will be celebrated on June 17.

But, not only Russia celebrates this day, but also other CIS countries: Belarus, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan. However, not all countries have this holiday on the 17th.

This holiday is common and is dedicated to all workers in this field, from the paramedic to the surgeon, from the head physician to the nurse. Doctor's Day is celebrated by everyone who is related to medicine, we will not list the full list of professions, since it is very wide.

On this day, it will not be enough to say thank you to the professionals in white coats. It expresses respect and recognition of the merits of those who daily save lives, protect against diseases, help restore the joy of life and self-confidence and their own strengths.

The history of the holiday

This holiday was included in the list of professional holidays modern Russia still from Soviet times. The first time the Medical Worker's Day was celebrated in 1980, when a special holiday was actually established for medical workers, the Therussiantimes website reports.

After the collapse of the USSR, the holiday migrated from the Soviet past to the present. In 1991, the President signed a decree on the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days.

Traditions of the Medical Worker's Day

This holiday can be called the most formalized professional holiday in the country. It is dedicated to summing up the results in the field of medical care, encouraging distinguished doctors, and voicing the main problem of medicine. By this day, they always try to coincide with various meetings, conferences, meetings and round tables where doctors gather.

As a rule, on this day, the Regional Administration holds solemn awards for outstanding physicians. This list may include not only heads of departments, but also ordinary ordinary doctors and nurses. The most distinguished representatives of this profession are awarded with certificates, diplomas, memorable prizes. The heads of each medical institution are trying to write out monetary incentives and bonuses to their employees.

On this holiday, everyone tries to congratulate each other and say a lot of pleasant and warm words. If it is not possible to do this in person, then you can use the phone or leave your congratulations on the website of the medical institution.

The medical profession is one of the oldest in the world (Photo: Dmitry Kalinovsky, Shutterstock)

Eternal feat - he is on your shoulder,
Your hands are sleepless and holy.
I want to bow low to you
People in white coats.

Music by E. Kolmanovsky,
words by L. Oshanin
"People in white coats"

Every year on the third Sunday in June


Kazakhstan, Moldova and

According to a long tradition, they celebrate

Medical Worker's Day

(Medic's Day).

The basis for celebrating this professional holiday is the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 3018-X of October 1, 1980 "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 9724-XI of November 1, 1988 "On amendments to Legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days. And this tradition continues today.

The profession of a doctor is one of the oldest in the world, and at present it is in demand literally everywhere. Each of us at least once in our lives turned to the doctor for help and treatment. Indeed, even at the very beginning of a person's life - at the birth of a baby - doctors are directly involved. And modern healthcare and the efforts of doctors are aimed not only at treating diseases and maintaining human health, but also at its development.

The editorial board of the "Calendar of Events" project sincerely congratulates medical workers and veterans on their professional holiday. We are grateful to you that in the most difficult moments you come to the rescue and save our lives. We wish you even greater responsibility, cordiality and indifference to patients.

Other holidays in the "International Holidays" section


Day of the medical worker in numbers

Day of the medical worker in other calendars

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Russia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Ukraine

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Belarus

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays in Armenia

Medical Worker's Day

Holidays of Kazakhstan

related holidays

Day of the otolaryngologist

medical holidays

Purple Day (Epilepsy Day)

medical holidays

international day of the nurse

medical holidays

Day of the pharmaceutical worker of Ukraine

medical holidays

All-Ukrainian day of fight against breast cancer

medical holidays

See all related holidays from the section "Medical holidays" The holiday is represented by:

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Nobler and more important!
A life saver is a paramedic
He heals ordinary people.

I wish you good health,

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Diagnoses - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Actions of confident, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Colleagues to experienced, not mediocre.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but in a zigzag,

Go through life so that you have a victorious step,
High salaries, career growth,
To achieve everything with inspiration and simply,
Without tachycardia up to climb,
And donors of happiness so that you do not need.

Work with a smile, with normal pressure.

And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for being!
Happy Medic Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

Happy Medical Day, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of my own. May life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

People in white coats ... bow to you,
Per sleepless nights, works.
For the lives saved once,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and very much needed by everyone,

After all, without you, a person is nowhere.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble is on the side!

Health workers, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health
Happiness, joy, all the best!

On Medic's Day, we sincerely wish:
Let gratitude flow like a river to you,
And even for many more years
This work remains the best.

We wish to cope once or twice

With any problem, no matter what happens,
So that in your life more than 10 times
Goodness, love and happiness appeared.

There are many doctors in the world
But I confess - you are from God!
To you, a good doctor,
I will take care of all ailments.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath

And faithful to her very holy,
Feel free to treat diseases
There is no better profession.

I want to wish you

Avoid all diseases
And good health, strong
All of us to please consistently.

Your hands are golden

A lot of people were healed.
My bow to the ground to you.
Happy Professional Day!

Who proudly bears the title of "medic",
He deserved respect.
Let the sun shine brighter in life
There is enough strength for everything.

Let the profession bring

Prosperity, joy and success.
Let all questions be resolved
Bosses appreciate it the most!

When you hear "Be healthy!",
You immediately remember the doctors.
Those who rush to help us,
Whose advice is always ready.

Wearing white coats

Nice guys.
Anatomy - on the "five"!
We will congratulate them.

In general, magicians of medicine,

Like an injection of penicillin
We will write a prescription for you.
And it is not more wonderful:

Ten drops of kindness

twenty drops of beauty
For a glass of happy life.
Stir until thick.

So that everything is fine -

Out of luck powder,
A spoonful of good health
We add with love.

A spoonful of sweet love

To seethe in the blood.
Mix everything well.
Take daily.

Good for health.

What else have we forgotten?
They took a spoonful of medicine -
We start the procedure.

Bitter, small

medical salary.
So that she grows faster
We add yeast.
It will be fluffy, it will be sweet.
You will be all right!

Your work is not more important in the world!
Profession - from ancient times and forever.

After all, everyone knows, both adults and children,

That the doctor is the most important person!

Sincere congratulations on the Day of the Medic.

We want you to always be lucky in everything.
We wish you warmth and prosperity
Go forward, to spite everyone's illnesses!

Happiness, peace to your families,
Good, sincere friends,
unlimited luck,
Bright and good days.

Grateful patients

And health to you,
Lots of happy moments
And all the best. Hooray for doctors!

Wish you good health
Very important and honorable.
For all the doctors myself
Ten grams will accept willingly.
For such a holiday
And Doctor's Day - once a year,
Here is what I wish again:
You are very lucky!
Who about what - I'm talking about one thing:
Joy, good luck in everything,
You will have everything in a bunch!

Vita brevis, ars longa, occasio autem praeceps, experientia fallax, judicium difficile.

Life is short, art is vast, chance is shaky, experience is misleading, judgment is difficult.

Every year, on the third Sunday of June, the entire healthy and sick population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, as well as Russian-speaking doctors scattered all over the world today, celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker.

Medicine is a delicate matter. Thinner East. Any wish to a physician can be interpreted in many ways. So just congratulations!

As a gift - a calendar of remarkable dates for the physician for the year.

Lest they forget what, when and under what slogan to celebrate!

(With a little history of some holidays)


29 World Leprosy Day


4 World Cancer Day

9 International Dentist Day

11 World Day of the Sick

The holiday was established on May 13, 1992 by Pope John Paul II. On this occasion, the Pope wrote a special message in which he stressed that civil society must guarantee best care for all the sick, to alleviate their suffering.


1 World Immunity Day

6 World Glaucoma Day

21st International Sleep Day

21 International Down Syndrome Day

First celebrated in 2006. The twenty-first day of the third month was chosen to show that Down syndrome is associated with 3 copies of the 21st chromosome.

24 World Tuberculosis Day is celebrated by decision of WHO on the day when, in 1882, the German microbiologist Robert Koch announced his discovery of the causative agent of tuberculosis. In 1905, R. Koch received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Day 27 Nephrologist


7 World Health Day

The annual celebration of Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. The events of the Day are held so that people can understand how much health means in their lives. And health organizations are called upon to decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world.

11th World Parkinson's Day

17 World Hemophilia Day

25th International Malaria Day in Africa

25 International DNA Day


1 International Asthma Day

8 International Day of the Red Cross

12 World Nurses Day

The professional holiday of nurses is celebrated on the birthday of one of the famous English women - Florence Nightingale, who during the Crimean War (1853-1856) organized the world's first service of sisters of mercy.

12 World Hypertension Day

15 International Family Day

Day 17

19 International Hepatitis B Day

20 World Traumatology Day

20 World AIDS Day of Remembrance

27 International Multiple Sclerosis Day (MDRS)

30 World Asthma and Allergy Day

31 World No Tobacco Day


Third Sunday - Medical Worker's Day

1 International Children's Day

14 World Donor Day

26 International Day Against Drug Addiction and Illicit Drug Trafficking


On the 6th - I don’t know how doctors will evaluate it, but this is neither more nor less than the Day of Kisses, which, as you know, have a beneficial effect on health. And for my art. Find an article about kissing

22 So that not only doctors, but also their patients and just healthy people remember the importance of brain health, the World Federation of Neurology established Brain Day.

28 World Hepatitis Day. It was celebrated on May 19, until 2011. Now, such changes - it is celebrated on the birthday of Baruch Blumberg, who discovered the hepatitis virus. In 2011, the scientist died, so it was decided to postpone the date of the holiday.


1-7 World Breastfeeding Support Week

6 International Day "Doctors of the World for Peace"

8 International Day of Ophthalmology

9 Day of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon - the patron saint of all doctors and healer of the sick

The Orthodox Church celebrates on August 9 the Day of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, the patron saint of all doctors and healer of the sick. His name means "all-merciful". Having a special gift from God, Saint Panteleimon unselfishly healed the sick and suffering. He was beheaded in 305 by haters of Christ.

13 World Day of Lefties


Second Saturday is World First Aid Day

10 Suicide Prevention

15 fight against lymphomas

23 fight breast cancer

26 contraception

28 anti-rabies

Day 29

world heart day

Held annually in last sunday September, since 2000, and is supported by member organizations of the World Heart Federation from 100 countries. Each year is dedicated to a specific theme.

International Day of the Deaf the last Sunday in September.


international day of the doctor

On the initiative of WHO, the first Monday of October is celebrated as International Doctor's Day. This is a day of solidarity and active action by doctors from all over the world.

1 International Day of Older Persons. Gerontologist's Day

2nd day of the urologist. world ostomy day

6 International Asthma Day

8 World Day of Sight

10 World Mental Health Day

It has been celebrated in the world since 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health. The purpose of Mental Health Day is to reduce the prevalence of depressive disorders, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, drug addiction, epilepsy, mental retardation.

12 World Arthritis Day

12 International Day for the Protection of Vision

There are now more than 180 million people in the world suffering from serious eye diseases. Of these, about 40 million are blind. Every five seconds, one adult goes blind in the world, every minute a child goes blind. The economic cost of eye disease worldwide exceeds $28 million a year. At the same time, in 75% of cases, blindness is caused by diseases that can be cured in the initial stages or prevented with the help of preventive measures.

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

This day takes place on the second Saturday in October. Hospice and Palliative Care Day is organized by the World Palliative Care Alliance, which includes regional and national organizations that support the development of such care around the world.

15 International White Cane Day. world handwashing day

The history of the white cane as a symbol of blindness dates back to 1921. In the British city of Bristol, there lived a young professional photographer, James Biggs, who lost his sight after an accident. Should have started new life, and he began to learn to walk around the city on his own with a black cane. But he soon realized that neither passers-by nor drivers reacted to his cane. Then he dyed the cane in White color. And she became visible. This innovation was picked up by all the blind not only in England, but throughout Europe, America, and later Russia.

16 World Anesthesiologist Day

16 Allergist Day

20th World Osteoporosis Prevention Day

29 International Psoriasis Day

31 Sign Language Interpreter Day


2 World Pneumonia Day

Day 7 speech therapist

11 Day of the ophthalmologist

13 International Day of the Blind

14 World Diabetes Day. Day of the endocrinologist

16 International Day for Tolerance

16-23 International Herpes Week

International No Smoking Day

Celebrated on the third Thursday of November

17 World Day Against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Third Sunday in November

20 World Children's Day. Pediatrician's Day


1 Day of the neuropathologist. World AIDS Day

3 Day of the Disabled

A few statements about the profession of a doctor of people who left medicine for writing

Anton Chekhov

1. No specialty sometimes brings as many moral experiences as a medical one.

2. The profession of a doctor is a feat. It requires selflessness, purity of spirit and purity of thoughts.

Vikenty Veresaev

A doctor may have an enormous talent, be able to capture the most subtle details of his appointments, and all this remains fruitless if he does not have the ability to conquer and subjugate the soul of the patient.

The doctor is not only an ancient profession, but also one of the most useful that is possible today. Mine professional holiday doctors have found relatively recently.

  • history of the holiday
  • The meaning of the holiday
  • Holiday traditions
  • What date do doctors celebrate
  • How to congratulate

history of the holiday

On June 21, 2020, doctors will celebrate International Medical Worker Day, which was officially established in 1980 at the initiative of the international organization Doctors Without Borders. Since 1981, the holiday has been officially celebrated not only by healthcare workers in Russia, but also by doctors from Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.

The meaning of the holiday

The importance of people in white coats is invaluable. Throughout their lives, they nobly fulfill their duty towards everyone. But not only doctors and nurses celebrate an international holiday.

All those who are related to medicine have every right to consider this day their own. Scientists, chemists, laboratory assistants, biologists, diagnosticians and orderlies, absolutely everyone is directly related to him.

The significance of the holiday, as a purely professional one, goes far beyond the scope, because not a single person can remain indifferent to it. There is no better opportunity to express my sincere love and gratitude to people who are completely devoted to their professional duty, restoring their health to millions of people.

Holiday traditions

There are no traditions of the Day of the Medical Worker as such yet. On this day, medical workers congratulate each other in close company. In addition, on this solemn day, concerts and congratulations are organized for them.

One of the traditions is honoring honored medical workers with awards. Health workers who have given their strength and knowledge for 20 years or more are celebrated separately and are awarded one of two titles: "Honored Doctor" or "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation." Since 2013, the "Recognition" award began to exist, which is awarded on this very day to high-class and selfless doctors of the Russian Federation.

On this significant day for medicine, students of medical universities are also not forgotten. Parties are organized for them in clubs, trips to nature with thematic directions. Also, numerous master classes and symposiums in various specializations are held throughout Russia. In a narrow circle of polyclinics, the administration awards honored workers with cash prizes.

What date do doctors celebrate

In 2020, the holiday falls on June 21st. Along with Russia, the holiday is celebrated by all CIS countries. Unlike the Russian Federation, where medicine celebrates a professional holiday every 3rd Sunday of June, in neighboring countries, its date must be specified, since it falls on different days. For example, in India it takes place on June 1st. In the United States, this day was renamed and is now called: "National Doctor's Day", and it is celebrated on March 30th. In addition, there are special holidays. Such as: Dentist Day - February 9, Traumatologist Day - May 20, World Ultrasound Doctor Day - October 29.

How to congratulate

It is impossible not to congratulate on this day all the health workers who helped in difficult times, maybe even brought many people back to life more than once. You can congratulate doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers on the website of the medical institution. It is not necessary to present congratulations in person; you can also congratulate and express your personal gratitude by phone.

Holiday traditions

For many, Medical Day is not just a holiday, it is equated to a day of solidarity, when every person tries to express his respect and respect to medical workers. And it doesn't matter if it's a doctor or an ordinary nurse - they work together for the benefit of our health. There are really few real doctors (from God), but they do exist. And if not for them, our world would not become more beautiful and healthier. In each medical institution, on the third Sunday of June, solemn meetings are held, where especially distinguished employees are awarded. After that, everyone goes to a festive banquet. On the part of the state, each medical worker is allocated a cash bonus, the amount of which is established at the state level. Thanks to this professional celebration in 2017, we emphasize the importance of the daily, painstaking and much-needed work of doctors and medical workers. People try to congratulate everyone who decided to join such a responsible, and at the same time, such an important cause as saving human shares and lives. Despite many difficulties and obstacles, every day our doctors try to conduct their work responsibly. Many of them win the recognition of citizens with their disinterestedness, professionalism and compassion.

Only those who have never been their patient are not afraid and are not afraid of doctors. Congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker - a holiday of one of the most formidable, but respected and sought-after professions. I wish you to carry your honorary title with pride and never lose inspiration.

Nurses, short skirts
Put on a suit, doctor,
On the day of the physician I wish from the night
Walk until morning!

Let health not fail
In a year, the salary will increase,
Let the crisis pass by
And only joy in life awaits!

Today is an unusual day
And it's not like it's a day off.
But in sick beds
No soreness!

All patients are healthy
Thank you doctors!
Do you have a prick? - No, what are you doing!
Everyone tells the nurses.

A solemn and important day,
Bring peace to doctors!
May everyone be healthy from now on
Become body and soul!

Dear doctors! Happy holiday to you! Thank you for your unprecedented strength and resilience, great enthusiasm and optimism. Let the inner voice never fail, but suggest the correct diagnosis.