Delayed psychoverbal development (sprr). real coping experience! Mastering hand massage for the development of a child's speech Massage zones for stimulating speech in children

Modern children move much less than their peers 15-20 years ago. Education at school is associated with a long static position of the body in a sitting position, at home the child continues to sit - at the computer or in front of the TV. Rarely does anyone prefer playing outdoors to a fun video game. The cervical spine suffers the most from this lifestyle. In this material, we will tell you how to properly massage the neck and collar zone for a child, what problems it allows you to deal with.

Why is it necessary?

At school and preschool age heavy load on the neck. As a result of prolonged sitting, and not always in the correct position, the child’s neck “numbs”, memory is impaired, learning ability is reduced, and unpleasant symptoms appear. Massage of the collar zone helps relieve headaches and relieve the child of dizziness. It restores blood circulation in the brain, relieves back pain.

The child's complaints about fatigue should not be regarded as a sign of his laziness, it is quite possible that these are the first symptoms of disorders in the cervical spine. Massage of the cervical zone allows you to relax the muscles that hold the vertebrae in correct position. The vertebrae gradually take the correct position.

Massage of the collar zone is good for the health of the heart, lungs, endocrine system. An accurate and correctly performed massage improves blood circulation and the transmission of nerve impulses to the parts of the cerebral cortex responsible for vision and hearing.

Massage of the neck of the baby is useful for the development of the muscles of the back, neck, shoulder groups. It strengthens the central nervous system, allows the baby to quickly learn new motor skills, relieves hypertonicity. Massaging the cervical-collar zone is also useful for babies from one and a half years old, especially those who experience difficulties with communication and speech - sessions help stimulate speech centers with established SRR (delayed speech development).

Indications for this kind of massage are osteochondrosis, increased physical activity, back pain, scoliosis and neurasthenia.

Massaging technique

Children's massage of the neck and collar zones should be performed carefully, strictly following the rules and techniques of such an impact. Massage techniques for different age groups children are different. Let's talk about them in more detail.


Mom should lay the baby on a flat hard surface on the tummy. The baby's legs should be directed towards the mother. If the child is still very small, he is no more than two months old, you can massage the neck only in the supine position with one hand, the second mother should support the legs of the little one. The massage itself for crumbs up to two months of age should be limited to only superficial strokes.

tricks baby massage classical ones are used, there is nothing exotic or overly complicated in them. Start the session by stroking the neck and shoulders, do it with soft circular and arched movements, without pressure. At the second stage, you can slightly increase the pressure and rub the neck and shoulders of the crumbs with your palms. The next stage is kneading. It improves blood circulation in deep muscle fibers. The massage is completed with light tapping movements that are carried out with the fingertips.

When moving your hands from your head to your back, try to touch with your palms, and when moving upwards in the opposite direction - with the back of your palms. When rubbing, you can “write out” with your fingertips any geometric figures, the main thing is that the movements have one direction - from the head to the back, and not vice versa.

When kneading, you can use pinching techniques, only you need to carefully monitor the behavior and well-being of the child. If the little one starts to cry or worry, reduce the intensity and strength of the impact, if this does not help, stop the massage and return to it when the child is in a good mood.

Do massage only warm hands. Cold touches will be unpleasant for the child. Use a massage oil or cream, this will make it easier for your hands to slip when performing techniques and protect delicate skin baby from microtrauma. End the session with gentle strokes.

Massage of the neck of the baby should last no longer than 10 minutes. Start with 2-3 minutes and gradually increase the length of the session to the indicated time. Avoid pressure and rubbing of the area of ​​the vertebrae.

Schoolchildren and preschoolers

The child is important to properly position in space. You can massage a lying child, which stretches its arms along the body, you can massage in a sitting position. You should not choose chairs with backs for the second option, they will not provide the correct location of the muscle groups of the neck-collar zone. It is better to use a stool.

In front of a seated child, there should be a table of such height that the child can rest his head on it in a sitting position. Place a small pillow under your head. If you don't have a stool, use a high-backed chair with your child facing the back. Then he will be able to put his hands and head on her, opening up sufficient scope for action for the massage therapist.

Massage techniques, as in the case of infants, are classical and are performed according to the same scheme: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration exposure. It is important to avoid massaging the vertebrae directly, and all movements must be performed strictly from top to bottom - from the hair growth zone to the shoulders. Try not to capture the area of ​​the shoulder blades.

The directions of movements are as follows: from the edge of hair growth along the spine down, in an arc to the shoulders, shoulder muscles, shoulder joints. It is quite difficult to convince a preschooler to completely relax, and therefore it is better for children under 7 years old to massage in the prone position. From 8-10 years old, it is quite possible to conduct sessions in a sitting position.

Stroking at the first stage should be done with fingers and palm, moving from the head down and from the head to the shoulders. Rubbing is performed with hands clenched into fists. Kneading should be carried out with your fingers, carefully grabbing the muscles of the collar zone. Vibratory tapping at the final stage of the massage session is complemented by a slight “shaking” of the captured muscle. Avoid moving too quickly from stage to stage - "unheated" muscles are easily injured.

The duration of the treatment session for a child of preschool and school age- 15-25 minutes. The most painful part of the session is kneading. If the child already has spinal disorders, the neck muscles can be very tense. In this case, you need to focus on the individual reaction - if it hurts, you should reduce the strength of the impact.

If the muscle is stiff, go back a little and repeat the rubbing and warming phase. Gradually, the muscles will become softer, the systematic impact will help relieve tone and improve blood circulation.


Massage of the cervical zone is contraindicated if the child has tumors and neoplasms, there are wounds or abrasions on the neck. This type of massage effect is also contraindicated for children with heart diseases.

If a child in the acute stage has any diseases, especially those associated with fever, the session should be canceled until recovery. Teenage girls do not massage the collar zone during menstruation.

Do not massage the collar zone for children with impaired functioning of the central nervous system. With cerebral palsy, exceptions are made, but massage has a number of specific features that are difficult for a non-professional to master at home.

Massage of the neck and collar zones is strictly prohibited for children with tuberculosis and HIV infection.

For all the seeming simplicity of neck massage techniques, parents who have never learned this can make a mistake, and this mistake can cost the baby dearly. Therefore, it will be quite useful to visit a massage room in a clinic or a private clinic with your child at least once or call a massage therapist at home. This will be quite enough to see how the professionals operate. Feel free to ask a specialist what, why, why and how he does. After that, taking into account the technique described above, you can safely proceed to self-massage.

Independent therapeutic massage is prohibited only in exceptional cases, for example, with a syndrome short neck in an infant, with damage to the vertebrae in the cervical region as a result of trauma or congenital disease. Such a massage should be done by a specialist, the course of treatment should be supervised by a neurologist.

Before an independent massage, a mother or other adult who is going to conduct such sessions for a child should watch at least one video course that will help you visualize the features of the techniques.

The technique for performing massage of the neck and collar zone of the child can be seen in the following video.

Parents often turn to speech therapists in a rehabilitation center with such a request. In the minds of many people, speech therapy massage has a miraculous effect. Do all children really need speech therapy massage? We'll figure out!

Speech therapy massage - everyone needs it?

You need to understand that speech therapy massage is not a harmless procedure. First, he has contraindications. Secondly, sensations during speech therapy massage are not the most pleasant. From what has been said, it is already clear that it is not worth appointing him to everyone and “just in case”, but only if necessary.

indicated for certain disorders of articulatory motility, that is, in violation of the mobility of the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, lips, as well as facial muscles.
  • dysarthria - disorders of the innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus in children or adults (after a stroke).
  • rhinolalia;
  • mechanical dyslalia (shortened hyoid ligament).

Before prescribing a massage, specialist, speech therapist or neurologist, conducts a special survey mobility of the articulatory organs. It also checks for contraindications to massage.

Contraindications for speech therapy massage

Contraindications to massage are:

  • the presence of convulsions, convulsive readiness in history!
  • epilepsy;
  • feverish state;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • nosebleeds and tendency to them;
  • conjunctivitis (inflammation of the connective membrane of the eyes);
  • various diseases of the skin and scalp (infectious, fungal and unexplained etiology);
  • diathesis and other allergic reactions;
  • stomatitis or other oral infections;
  • herpes on the lips;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • excessive physical or mental fatigue.

Doubtful cases of prescribing speech therapy massage.

Often, speech therapy massage is prescribed for a child, with motor alalia, and even with autism. That is, in cases where the child does not have a violation of tone, and in general the innervation of the muscles of the speech apparatus. What in this case they want to correct with the help of speech therapy massage is not entirely clear.

Massage can help where we are talking about the correction of sound pronunciation (if the child distorts the sounds of his native language). If there is no speech, then the child will not speak from logomassage.

In the case of non-speaking children, they refer to the activation through massage of certain areas of the brain associated with speech. It must be understood that such a correction method must be taken along with non-traditional methods, for example, acupuncture.

Perhaps this approach will bring some benefit in combination with other methods. However, it cannot be used as the main one, or even one of the main ones.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for speech therapists to make speech therapy massage difficult for children in a corrective plan just because they don’t really know what they really need to do with them.

Especially speech therapy massage is loved in clinics. Especially since the procedure is significant in the eyes of parents. Of the 20 minutes of class, 15 are spent on massage.

It is also impractical to do speech therapy massage without articulatory / mimic gymnastics or sound production following right behind it. Speech therapy massage allows you to prepare the articulatory organs for subsequent work. For example, a child has impaired lip mobility. The lip area is massaged, after which passive and active lip gymnastics immediately follows (necessary to form the way of certain sounds).

By analogy with muscles: before the main load, there is a “warm-up”. If you only warm up for 15 sessions, without the main training, then after such a “course” progress is unlikely to come.

Speech therapy massage is voluntary!

For some reason, the child may not be emotionally ready for a massage. For example, the child already has negative associations with any medical manipulations (injections, medical examinations, etc.), or the baby does not want an unfamiliar aunt to get into his mouth. After all, massage can be painful, especially for people with a low pain threshold.

In this case, the speech therapist tries to prepare the child, to establish contact. But if this does not work, you should not force the massage.

If you take comfort in the fact that the child will cry for 15 minutes, but there will be an undoubted effect on speech, then I can assure you that it will be exactly the opposite. There will definitely be no benefit, but the harm can be different: even greater distrust of parents, speech therapists and classes.

In order for speech therapy massage to benefit a child, it should not be performed against his will! No way! If the child resists, he tenses up, which means that the massage is qualitatively impossible.

Miraculous massage

There is always a temptation to search for a “magic button”, when pressed, the child will lose all speech problems (and it would also be nice in behavior and health ...). Speech therapy massage can be of great help to us, but it is just one of the tools that will work well when used correctly, and not “solo”, but in combination with other methods of speech development.

Indeed, often the fact that the child’s speech is incomprehensible to others is not only to blame for the violation of the mobility of the articulatory organs. Simultaneously there may be an underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, and violations of the syllabic structure of the word, and the grammatical structure of speech.

That's why it's so important a systematic approach to the correction of speech and general development!

If problems with the tone of the articulatory organs in a child are pronounced, it may be worth supplementing speech therapy massage with a general massage aimed at normalizing the overall muscle tone.

If your child is scheduled for speech therapy massage…

Try to find out in detail why the massage is prescribed (what exactly is not working for the child in terms of articulation - raising the tongue, pulling the lips into a tube, etc.), for what (what exactly do we want to achieve with the help of massage), what kind of massage will be performed ( relaxing or activating), whether it will be accompanied by articulatory gymnastics and / or setting specific sounds.

If the massage is not assigned to solve specific problems, it is better to refuse the procedure. Even if it's free. And spend the freed time on activities that are more necessary for the development of your child's speech.

Also make sure that the specialist has not missed the presence of any of the above contraindications in the child.

If the appointment of logomassage is advisable, and it will be carried out by a qualified speech therapist, listen to his recommendations. You may need to duplicate certain exercises from articulatory gymnastics at home.

What is massage for speech development?

How can it help improve a child's speech?

What types of speech massage can be done at home on your own, and which ones should be entrusted to a specialist?

We will answer these and other questions in this article.

Logopedic massage. concept

Logopedic (speech) massage This is one of the methods for correcting speech disorders. It helps develop the child's articulatory muscles and improve the condition of the nerves and blood vessels of the speech apparatus.. Massage relieves articulatory spasms and normalizes muscle tone. As a result, speech improves markedly.

Usually, speech therapy massage is prescribed for children from 4-5 years old, if they have speech development delay (SRR) or other speech pathologies (for example, dysarthria).

This method of logocorrection is carried out in combination with articulation, breathing and voice gymnastics.

Requirements for speech massage

Such a massage should be carried out by a speech therapist who has completed a special training course and knows children's anatomy and physiology. Otherwise, inept actions can harm the child.

For massage, a massage probe or only hands is usually used.

It is worth paying attention to the room in which the massage will be carried out. The room must have children's toys, a couch and chairs. There should be no items that can scare a child - for example, medical instruments. The room must be warm.

The procedure is carried out with clean hands with trimmed nails, without cuts on the skin and jewelry. Another option is to wear disposable gloves.

Parents can do some elements of speech therapy massage at home, after consulting with a specialist. And you can also use lightweight options for speech therapy massage - for example, massaging a child's hands to funny poems.

Which specialist prescribes speech massage

Speech massage is performed only according to indications and on the recommendation of a neurologist.

It is he who, having examined the baby, decides on the need for this procedure. A neurologist can prescribe a massage both on the recommendation of a speech therapist, and without it.

Indications for carrying out

Indications for the procedure are such violations:

  • ZRR - delayed speech development (i.e., later mastery of oral speech in children under 3 years old);
  • dyslalia (impaired pronunciation of sounds);
  • dysarthria (limited mobility of the articulatory muscles and disorders of the speech nerves);
  • ZPR - delay mental development(i.e. a violation of the normal rate of development of attention, memory, thinking, etc.).

Contraindications for use

There are a number of restrictions for speech therapy massage. These include:

  • diseases such as acute respiratory infections and tonsillitis that have recently been transferred by a child - you must wait at least 10 days before a new procedure;
  • purulent or fungal diseases on the skin of a child or a speech therapist;
  • hematomas on massaged areas;
  • infectious wounds on the skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vascular or capillary diseases;
  • acute allergic diseases.

At home, you can massage the palms for development fine motor skills. After all, it has long been known that there are many nerve endings on the palms, the stimulation of which develops speech.

To achieve a noticeable effect, it is better to practice every day, about 15 minutes.

Massage should be carried out in the form of a game and accompanied by children's poems.

First, passive massage techniques are used, when an adult makes massaging movements. Then they move on to active massage techniques that the child himself performs.

Passive massage techniques

  • "Sun". The child's hands are stroked on both sides with the fingertips, as if by the rays of the sun.

The sun beams strokes us, caresses.
The sun, like mom, only one happens.

  • "Forty-white-sided". The baby's hands are stroked on both sides with spiral movements.

Forty-forty, where have you been?
- Long away.
She chopped firewood, stoked the stove, carried water.
She cooked porridge, fed the children.

  • "Blizzard". The hands on both sides are stroked in a zigzag manner.

Blizzards whistled, snow flew,
A big blizzard made the beds.
And the blizzards had no time for sleep.
In the morning we looked at the garden - snowdrifts in the garden lie like pillows.

  • "Snail". The edges of the palms are rubbed and lightly pinched.

Fat crawler, curl house!
Crawl along the path
Crawl on your palm.
Crawl, don't rush, show your horns.

  • "Saw". With the edge of the palm they “saw” along and across the child’s palm.

I took to drinking,
She screamed and sang.
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broken tooth, tooth.

Active massage techniques

  • "Beasts". It is necessary to massage the fingertips (five lines on one hand and five on the other).

Children love all animals: (thumb)
Birds and lizards and snakes (forefinger)
Pelicans, cranes, (middle finger)
Hippos, sables, (ring finger)
Pigeons and capercaillie, (little finger)
And crossbills, and bullfinches, (thumb)
They love the mountain goat (forefinger)
Monkey and donkey (middle finger)
Porcupine and hedgehog (ring finger)
Turtle and snake. (little finger)

  • "Garden". The phalanges of the fingers are massaged for each stressed syllable of the poem.

We have grown garlic
Pepper, tomato, zucchini,
Pumpkin, cabbage, potatoes,
Onions and some peas.
We picked vegetables
They fed their friends
Pickled, ate, salted,
They were taken home from the cottage.
Goodbye for a year
Our garden friend!

  • "Clicks". The palm is pressed to the table, the fingers are divorced. The other hand raises fingers one at a time, then releases, and the finger clatters to the table. The poem is pronounced like this: for each line - a massage of 1 finger.

Chipmunk raised his ears. He heard a sound in the forest:
- What is this loud knock, knock, knock, knock, knock?
- Let's go, - said the badger, you will see this trick for yourself:
This woodpecker sat on a bough, and without wings and without arms
He is looking for where the beetle is hidden, and a knock is heard!

  • "Ball". It is necessary to roll a massage ball with “spikes” between the palms.

I will ride in my hands
My ball is good.
To always be healthy
Clever and cheerful.

Facial massage for speech development

During this speech therapy massage, the specialist works with his hands on the forehead, cheeks, nose, mouth and chin of the child. The massage complex includes stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration of these facial areas.

forehead massage

Massage is carried out in the following way:

  • stroking movements of the palms move from the middle of the forehead to the temporal part;
  • kneading hands massage the forehead from the eyebrows to the top of the forehead;
  • with vibrating movements of the hand or a vibrating massager move from the eyebrows to the upper part of the forehead.

Cheek massage

  • kneading and rubbing movements are directed along the muscles of the cheeks - from the corners of the mouth to the temples;
  • light strokes of the cheeks move from the cheekbones to the bottom of the jaw.

mouth massage

This area is massaged like this:

  • smooth, stretch and rub the skin upper lip from the middle to the corners of the mouth;
  • massage the lower lip with similar movements.

Chin massage

The chin is stroked and kneaded, starting from the bottom and moving to the corners of the mouth.

Massage of the collar zone with delayed speech development

Massage of the collar zone helps children with STD not only develop speech, but also improve general physical state organism.

When exposed to the collar zone, the work of the nervous system is activated, blood supply improves, those zones in the cerebral cortex that are responsible for speech are saturated with oxygen.

A massage session usually lasts 15-25 minutes. It does not cause pain or discomfort to the child.

Massage of the collar zone should be carried out by a speech therapist or neurologist.

Specialists prescribe a course for about 20 sessions, and after 1.5-2 months it is recommended to repeat it. With daily use, the positive effect of the massage will be noticeable quite quickly.

Before the procedure, you need to make sure that the child is not afraid and that he is relaxed.

The child is placed on the couch on the stomach, arms are lowered along the body.

Massage is carried out as follows:

  • With light stroking movements, they move from top to bottom along the neck, without affecting the vertebral region.
  • Rubbing movements, stronger, massage the same area with 3 phalanges of the fingers.
  • Then the trapezius muscle is massaged with 3 phalanges of the fingers.
  • Kneading movements work out the upper back and shoulders of the child.

Logopedic (speech) massage - effective method speech correction in children with STD and other similar disorders. To achieve the greatest effect, it is used in conjunction with other methods of logocorrection - articulation, breathing, voice gymnastics, etc.

Speech therapy massage is carried out only by a specialist on the recommendation of a neurologist. During the procedure, the speech therapist acts on the muscles of the articulatory apparatus with the help of hands or a massage probe.

The neurologist appoints the child and the massage procedure of the collar zone. With the help of it, the work of those parts of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for speech improves.

Parents can also develop their child's speech through massage, for example, by doing hand massage daily or by doing some elements of speech therapy massage after consulting with a specialist.

As responsible parents, you must understand that mental health should be given as much attention as physical health. The ability to speak correctly and beautifully, to correctly express thoughts directly depends on how much you are ready to invest in your child.

In order to prevent speech therapy problems, as well as to eliminate them, you can master hand massage for children to develop speech, which will become your baby's favorite pastime.

There are many ways to develop speech. Few people trust massage, as they consider it more fun than therapeutic. And in vain. Scientists have long proven that stimulating certain points on a child's palms can work wonders. The sooner you start working on the development of hand motor skills, the sooner the baby will speak and learn to think.

There is an opinion that a seven-month-old peanut should be able to show at least one finger from the cam (most often it is the index or thumb). In this case, he should not have problems with speech. Light stroking of the hands must be carried out from birth.

What is it for:

  • the mood of the newborn noticeably improves after tactile contact with relatives;
  • he calms down and relaxes;
  • there is an improvement in blood circulation;
  • the skin becomes softer.

The baby begins to “feel” his fingers and learns to control them.

How effective is it?

Even primitive people used their hands to communicate. With the advent of speech, gestures help to add clarity to what is being said. Psychoneurologists say that a strong connection between pronunciation and gestures has been preserved in the cerebral cortex. Improvements in pronunciation after exposure to the hands were noticed as early as the 19th century.

Children with developed hand motor skills have a large vocabulary, stable memory and pronounce sounds more clearly even during their formative years.

It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to see the result.

Execution technique

Talk to your pediatrician. He will recommend suitable exercises. Regular massage can be carried out starting from three months. In the absence of problems with neuralgia, the procedure will be reduced to light stroking, kneading the fingers, rubbing and pinching them.

Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap or disinfect with alcohol. Take a few drops baby oil and rub them into your palms. Firstly, it will soften them before contact with the baby's skin, and secondly, it will warm them a little. Hands must be warm.

Closer to six months, you can add small items: balls, rubber rings, pencils, a terry towel.

Techniques that are optimal for manipulating hands:

  • stroking fingers from top to bottom;
  • rubbing in a spiral;
  • rotation of the brush clockwise and against it;
  • pressing on the pads;
  • alternating finger flexion.

Be sure to finish the procedure with a pleasant stroking of the palms.

Passive massage techniques

Massaging movements should be performed by an adult.

How to do passive exercises and what techniques are suitable?

  1. Snail - kneading the palm in a spiral from the edges to the center.
  2. Blizzards - zigzag movements on the palms and fingers.
  3. Spider - "sawing" the palm from top to bottom and diagonally.
  4. Magpie-crow - tapping on the palm and bending the fingers.

Techniques of active influence

Having mastered passive games, involve the child in the actions.

Suitable exercises are:

  1. Garden - one hand stretches out the fingers of the opposite hand, as if it wants to harvest.
  2. Balls - roll a round object with the help of palms. You can take pimply rubber and plastic balls.
  3. Iron - one hand strokes the palm of the other.
  4. Helicopter - use a pencil to imitate the movement of a propeller on your hand.
  5. Catch-ups - ask your fingers to run around your palm.

It's great if you use rhyming lines or short poems when doing the exercises. As a last resort, emotionally describe each action. The little one is sure to love it. Such techniques are suitable for violation of diction and pronunciation of any complexity.

Interesting options for finger gymnastics

It is difficult for an older baby to sit still during even short-term manipulations. Perform actions in the form of an exciting game.

What can be used?

  1. Fairy tale with hands. Imagine that each finger is the hero of your favorite fairy tale. Let the character tell his words. Fingers can also stomp wonderfully flat surface. You can play shadow theater with your palms. Experiment, these games do not require special skills.
  2. We take paper. Crafts from paper balls will interest any little genius. You can use them as parts of a snowman or even toss them from hand to hand. Ask your fidget to hit a paper ball into a plastic cup or bucket. This game is useful for the development of coordination and stimulates speech.
  3. Useful cereal. Pour any cereal on a large tray. Most often they take buckwheat or semolina, but you can choose any of your choice. Use your fingers to draw on the croup so that the baby feels like a real artist.

Any manipulation must be good mood all family members. Don't take it as complicated. medical procedure and you will definitely succeed. And your baby will soon please you with smart statements.

Hand massage for the development of child's speech video

A specialist can diagnose (diagnose) a delay in the speech development of a child from the age of 3-4. There are many reasons why a child falls behind the norm. All correctional work, which is aimed at overcoming the delay in speech development, should be carried out by different specialists: psychologists, teachers, physicians. Only with the coordinated interaction of all professionals, we can talk about a positive end result.

A significant role in working with children with speech pathology is given to logocorrection. An experienced speech therapist, using special methods and techniques, examines a child with STD and plans his further work. The composition of this work, as a rule, also includes a special logomassage, since speech therapy massage with ZRR is effective remedy in the fight against disease.

Basic concepts and requirements for speech therapy massage

High-quality speech therapy massage with delayed speech development gives an excellent result in eliminating speech disorder. The number of sessions is calculated individually for each child with RDD. Sessions should generally be held daily. In order for the specialist to this procedure child, he needs to undergo special training - medical courses, while studying in detail the anatomy and physiology of the child's body, in order to avoid causing injury to him.

Important! It is strictly forbidden for a specialist to massage with jewelry on his hands or affected skin. Nails should be trimmed, hands clean and warm.

In practice, two types of massage are used:

Type of massage Application features
Logopedic massage Contributes to the normal functioning of muscle tone and improves the functioning of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus.
Collar zone massage It allows, with the help of a certain effect on the collar zone, to saturate with oxygen and increase blood circulation in that area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which is directly responsible for speech.

Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to carry out the procedure if one of the following diagnoses is observed:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • fever, chills;
  • infectious diseases of the skin (herpes, ulcers, dermatitis);
  • lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes);
  • infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • oral infections (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • high / low blood pressure.

Tools in the work of a speech therapist

During the procedure, the specialist can use the following tools for speech therapy massage:

  • professional vibration massagers;
  • massage probes;
  • arms.

Whatever technology and working tool the speech therapist chooses, one of the first and most important aspects in the work of a specialist is the ability to find contact with the child, to relax him.

Venue for massage

A number of requirements are also presented to the office for the procedure. It should be equipped with everything you need: children's toys, a couch, a stool and a chair for work. If the procedures are carried out in a hospital, then those things that can scare the baby (medical instruments, visual aids and materials) should be removed from the office. The treatment room should always be at a comfortable temperature.

The technology of speech therapy facial massage

In logocorrective work with children, speech pathologists use speech therapy facial massage along with traditional forms and techniques. Classical massage for children with speech delay is carried out with hands. There are four basic techniques used in behavior:

  • stroking,
  • trituration,
  • kneading,
  • vibration.

Its implementation consists of manipulations on different parts of the face:

  • cheeks,
  • chin.

Each movement is repeated 8-10 times.

forehead massage

Produced as follows:

Action What is done Notes
Stroking movements Palm From the middle of the forehead to the temporal part.
Kneading movements Hand
Vibration Hand or vibro massager From the eyebrows to the top of the forehead.

Cheek massage

The next step is to massage the cheeks. During execution, kneading and stretching movements are used. They are produced from the corners of the mouth up to the temples in the direction of the location of the muscles of the cheeks. After they move on to light stroking from the cheekbones to the bottom of the jaw.

Nose massage

mouth massage

At the next stage, the specialist does a mouth massage. To do this, stroke and stretch the skin from the middle of the upper lip, smoothly moving to the corners of the mouth. For the lower lip, similar actions are carried out. The type of movement is stroking, rubbing and vibrating.

Chin massage

The procedure ends with massaging the chin. To do this, use the technology of stroking and kneading movements from the chin to the corner of the mouth. Type of movement - stroking and kneading.

A well-performed procedure is overcoming a diseased stage on the way to overcoming speech pathology.

Massage of the collar zone for a child with ZRR

Scientists have long proven the relationship between the collar section and the function of communication (speech function). The cervical-collar department is not only the neck, it consists of many other components, namely:

  • region of the cervical vertebrae,
  • back of the neck,
  • upper muscles of the shoulder girdle,
  • side of the neck,
  • supraclavicular pits.

Knowing the structure of the collar zone and the mechanisms of action, with the right technology for carrying out manipulations, you can get a good result. It is this type of procedure that helps to approach the norm of speech skills and ensures the full functioning of the nervous system. Massage for a child with ZRR should be done in order to directly stimulate the speech areas of the brain.

Speech delay - massage of the collar zone, the technology of its implementation

As soon as the child is completely relaxed and the master is convinced of a satisfactory condition, after that, you can begin to massage the collar zone with ZRR. He is placed on the couch with his back up, arms extended along the body. Children with RDD who have scoliosis have their heads turned to the opposite side of the curvature. Next, the manipulations described in the table below are performed.

Action What is done Note
Light stroke from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the area of ​​​​the spine.
Stroking from top to bottom Palm Without affecting the spine area. The pressure increases.
Trituration 3 knuckles
Squeezing 3 knuckles The trapezius muscle is actively massaged.
kneading Hand The upper back and shoulder joints are being worked out.

The first sessions start from 15 minutes, and in the future they increase the time to 25 minutes. When performed correctly, the baby should not feel pain. Therefore, massage with RRR of the collar zone should be protected from strong rubbing and kneading in order to avoid pain in the cervical segment.

Important! Massage with a speech delay for a child is accompanied by a speech therapist talking with the baby, and it is important to use every minute and encourage the child to talk and develop communication skills.

Massage course

To obtain a good result, the specialist prescribes a whole course of massage of the collar zone with ZRR. This is a minimum of 20 sessions and possibly an increase in their number. After 1.5 - 2 months, this course can be repeated.

Positive dynamics is noticeable after several procedures. So, children with RDD, who have signs of hyperactivity, after the procedure become calmer, their general well-being improves. This type of procedure will help a child with STD to quickly not only cope with speech disorders, but also improve it.
