Greeting cards with the day of the gasman. Postcards day of the oilman and gasman musical pictures for oilmen

Thanks to the holidays, we remember those to whom we owe warmth in homes, kindergartens, hospitals, offices, shopping centers. Let it be as warm in our homes as it is in your hearts! Longevity, health, always serviceable equipment and great prospects!

Congratulations on the Day of Oil and Gas Workers! Thanks to people with such an incredible profession as yours, the economy of our country is flourishing and growing stronger. May all your dreams and wishes come true thanks to your hard work!

Today we congratulate the representatives of the gas and oil industry! Thank you for your great work for the good of our country! Low bow to you! We wish new achievements and success in the professional field, as well as prosperity and peace to your home!

Today I would like to congratulate all oil workers on your holiday and wish you all the very best! All responsibility for Russia is in your hands, because thanks to oil we can drive cars and it always remains warm in our houses. Good luck!

I wish oil would flow like a river of large bills directly into your wallet.

Your work is difficult, it requires full dedication of time and effort. It is on you that the future of the whole world depends, thanks to you and your efforts, our country occupies one of the first places in gas production. I want to sincerely congratulate you on professional holiday and wish you good health, endurance and wealth.

Our oilman will get fuel everywhere,
And the gasman will definitely not leave him without gas!
That's why we all, my friends,
Things like this can't be forgotten!

Dangerous, difficult, sometimes scary ...
At the same time, we all need a job!
Happy holiday to you, and thank you for your work,
May success and joy await you everywhere!

We are all proud of you, because you are the pride of the country. Huge, boundless, thanks to you we provide gas and oil to neighboring states. Thank you very much for your exceptional contribution to the development of the motherland. On this day, I want to wish you the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and, of course, happiness in addition to good luck.

Congratulating you on the holiday, I want to note that you are a representative of a worthy profession. Thanks to oil and gas workers, our country is prospering and developing! Thank you for this work for the benefit of our great Motherland!

Good day! The holiday of "black gold" and "blue fuel" - the day of the worker of the gas, oil, oil products supply and oil refining industry since 1980 is celebrated on the first Sunday of September.
The oil and gas industries confidently occupy leading positions in the country's economy. This day is celebrated by all those involved in the exploration, production, processing, use of oil and gas, as well as design organizations, which makes up more than 15% of the country's population. Russia is one of the richest countries in terms of oil and gas reserves. We are major importers in the world, as it is customary to call "blue fuel" - gas.

Investments received from the development of these industries form a significant part of GDP. Every Russian knows such large companies as Lukoil, Gazprom, Rosneft. This profession is very prestigious, but at the same time it has a high danger and responsibility. Thousands of innovative projects are being developed by scientists and engineers striving for the rational use of the bowels of nature. On this day, birthday people receive their congratulations from the head of state, directly from their superiors, colleagues, relatives and friends. Solemn events are held at the highest level, with awards to people who have contributed to the development of the oil and gas industries. Well, we give our congratulations in the form of a selection beautiful postcards to the Day of the Oilman.

Beautiful pictures for Oilman's Day

Funny postcards for Oilman's Day

On September 2, 2018, all employees of the oil and gas industry should be congratulated. Every year they celebrate their holiday on the first Sunday of September. This year the date fell on the 2nd. This day is not considered a national holiday, however, it is fixed at the official level by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.1980 No. 3018-X.

Oilman, happy holiday!
We are on fire at work
But take a break today
In the circle of friends, relatives, family!

Let there be a cake on the table
So that you become completely satisfied!
Health, joy, love,
Excitement of the eternal in the blood!

Congratulations on the day of the oilman,
How precious and valuable your work is!
We no longer imagine
How do people live without fuel!

Therefore, we sincerely wish you
At work, only success,
For life to be a warm paradise
And nothing in it became a hindrance!

Your work is dirty
But the soul is bright and pure,
Let happiness splash over the edge
Like a barrel of oily oil.

Let the cup be full at home
To not know the need for anything.
Let honey, raisins and porridge with butter,
Guests are always welcomed in it!

To extract oil from the bowels,
It takes skill
And so the oilman
Worth respect.

That's why I congratulate him
Not at all ambiguous
Happy gas and oil day,
And fuel industry!

Prose for congratulations on the Oilman's Day

Congratulations on your professional holiday! On the Day of the Oil and Fuel Industry, I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your plans, the right decisions and successful developments. Health, purposefulness and good spirits!

Today, workers in the oil, gas and fuel industries, please accept my my sincere congratulations! I wish you a sea of ​​oil, large oil fountains and unlimited subsoil. Good health, strength, endurance and energy. Good luck in work and personal life.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday - black gold miner! I wish you easy changes, and that the earth does not regret giving you its resources. May life bring bright gifts, smiles and joyful moments!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday. Your work is priceless! Let your career only grow uphill, and let energy and success gush like a fountain!

Greeting cards with Oilman's Day

Specialists this direction carry out oil and gas production.

Today is also considered a professional holiday by employees involved in the processing of raw materials from which finished products are produced.

To work in this area, it is worth going through a difficult path from a university graduate to a practitioner with experienced workers.

In Russia, the location of oil and gas is mainly in the Urals and Siberia, so many people have to work in difficult climatic conditions.

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry, from the bottom of my heart, happy professional holiday. We wish you good health, good luck in all your endeavors, a lot of joy and all the best. Let every day give you only bright moments, let the salary be worthy. All the best to you, prosperity, prosperity and family warmth. May your dreams come true, may everything go well with you. We wish you a great mood, luck and all the best.

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry, please accept our sincere congratulations on your professional holiday. Your work is the basis of our strong life. With skill and flair, you are looking for new deposits. May you always be lucky in everything. May luck never leave you. We sincerely wish you great success in your work and great happiness in your personal life. Patience, endurance in work, great willpower we wish you. May only good news always please you, may good luck follow you around. positive Greeting Cards flowers day of the oil and gas industry.

Today's life is simply impossible to imagine without oil and gas. Drilling new wells, extracting black gold, providing the country with a blue flame - these are the main criteria for the work of oil and gas. Allow me to congratulate the workers of this important industry from the bottom of my heart and wish you good health, great happiness, patience and self-confidence. May your dreams come true without fail, may hope, faith and love always go next to you. All the best to you, joy, luck and family warmth.

Let today, on this wonderful holiday of workers in the gas, fuel and oil industry, keep warm in our homes, let engines hum in cars, let every person realize how important and difficult the profession of an oilman or gasman is. We wish your happiness to flow like a river, and your salary weighs on your pockets! Only beautiful musical postcards for oilmen to download for free.

Anyone who is in any way connected with the oil refining and gas industry Today we congratulate you on a great holiday - the Day of the Oilman, Gasman and Thermal Engineer. Let the work be successful and focused, comfort will forever settle in your homes along with the heat produced, health does not fail, and the salary only pleases!

Today, on the Day of Gas, Fuel and Oil Industry Workers, we would like to wish all representatives of such a difficult and dangerous profession a huge bag of success, streams of laughter, a sea of ​​positive and good mood. We wish you to find your most precious treasure at the bottom of the mines - health, love and understanding.

Today we can't get anywhere without oil, we can't cook cabbage soup and heat our house without gas, we can't start a car without fuel. We wish all workers in the oil refining industry today to leave helmets, wells, drilling machines aside and enjoy the holiday to the fullest in the circle of relatives and friends! Pictures are different good wishes download postcards for oilmen with inscriptions.

Our congratulations fly to those people who every day drill, hit, dig, pump, extract the black and white gold of our country. Gas workers and oil workers, please accept our sincere congratulations, we want you to always be able to get out safely, and the wealth of the earth's interior never ends!

Today we congratulate our heroes of the country - oil and gas workers, for their work, for warmth in homes, for traffic and many other earthly privileges. May the working team be friendly, peace and peace reign in the family, may each time you descend into the bowels of the Earth, you return from there unharmed and healthy.

Man tends to get from the depths of the miraculous creations of nature. So our oilmen extract the necessary resources to give us everything we need to normal life on the ground. Let there be enough work for you and your descendants for centuries, let the trade flourish, giving people work and housing, heat and gasoline for cars.

Please accept our congratulations, workers of the gas, fuel and oil industries. We wish your life to have more ups than downs, more smiles than sadness. Let everyone's heart burn with a hot fire of love, the soul pours fountains of kindness and warmth, and the body radiates energy, vivacity, strength and youth. Find free gifs of oil pro day soon.

We send a huge hello to all workers of the oil and gas industry and sincerely congratulate them on the holiday. Let work inspire you, let every weekday turn into a holiday. We wish you Siberian health, Caucasian longevity, good luck in all your endeavors. May all troubles and misfortunes disappear forever, may your families live in prosperity and love. Have a good mood you, a lot of joy, patience and all the best. May the Lord always protect you, may fate be favorable.

Dear workers of the oil and gas industry, please accept sincere words Thanks for your important work. The work of many spheres of the economy depends on you, it is you who provide the country with black gold and blue flame. We congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best. May all your dreams become reality, may luck always open doors for you, may work bring you pleasure. All the best to you, happiness and kindness.

Honor and praise to the workers of the oil and gas industry. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday, wish you cloudless happiness, inspiration, success in all your endeavors. Let weekdays become a holiday for you, let work bring pleasure, let all things go like clockwork. Good health to you, peaceful sky above your head, luck and good mood. May your life be long and happy, may every day give only pleasant moments, may fate generously endow you. All the best to you and prosperity. Heartfelt postcards for oil workers good mood on their professional day.

Today, all congratulations and best wishes to all oil and gas industry workers. May luck smile at you, the way work brings inspiration, may the house be a full bowl, and peace and comfort reign in families. Good mood to you, peaceful sky above your head, decent salary and all the best. We wish you inexhaustible energy, patience, self-confidence. May your dream come true, may happiness be endless, may a good angel protect you from troubles and evil.