Day of workers of the oil and gas industry resolution. Day of the oilman and gasman - all about the holiday

Bearing in mind that on the first Sunday of September Russia celebrates the Day of Oil, Fuel and gas industry, we wanted to find a serious, significant event for the entire industry in our new column "Accent". Of course, it turned out to be not easy to find - traditionally, the "big media" are silent. They do it so professionally that sometimes it just takes envy ... Even the Americans, led by Musk, showed how you can light (and the word "light" - without quotes) on the occasion of the approach of such a holiday, and we have silence.

Part 1.

The news found in the news sections of professional industry sites is more than just iconic, it can be simply epochal. But - it is "may", because the last word will be for geologists. Why can't you just take it and tell what exactly happened? Yes, because there is a suspicion that people who are not connected with the industry know little more about oil, its exploration and production than about the nuclear project. Are we used to reading about oil in the news? Yes, only about how prices jump and jump, sometimes throwing out such knees that the people of Kiev - and they only gasp enviously. We also know about billions of dollars and millions of barrels, fragmentarily about all kinds of pipes. Even particularly handshake gentlemen like to call Russia a "gas station country", about Arab sheikhs sitting on gold and platinum thrones, washed simply by the oceans of that oil. Well, and, of course, that extracting oil is the simplest and most common thing: you threw a pipe into the ground, and the oil flooded. So: to throw out the news is one thing, but to explain what it really means for the industry and for the whole of Russia is quite another.

Let's briefly "go over" oil - what it is, what they eat with and what stereotypes in their heads should be canceled once and for all. I propose to start with stereotypes. The most common of them, which journalists sin - "there are lakes and seas of oil underground, you just need to find them and immediately stick a pipe with a larger diameter."

Let's remember once and for all: there are no such oil lakes underground. The earth's crust is composed of rocks of different mineral composition and density. Rocks with a relatively low density, which have the ability to contain mobile substances (oil, water, etc.), are called reservoirs. These reservoir rocks, saturated with oil, form oil fields. Oilmen never deal with “lakes” of crude oil, they always have to figure out how to make this or that type of reservoir “give away” what it contains. To do this, the collector must also have such a property as porosity - to have pores, and pores that communicate with each other. It is quite logical that the main reservoirs of oil are sandstones, sands, dolomites, limestones.

Let's continue the reasoning, based on logic - our main tool in the search for truth in any natural science branch of knowledge. If the reservoir is a very thick layer, oil will have to be collected in the mode of a kind of “vacuum cleaner”, leading an imaginary “hose” along each crack. Comfortable? No. So, take out and put in oilmen not just a collector, but one that is limited from above and below by layers that are poorly permeable to oil - for example, layers of clay or gypsum. That's when everything is in order - there is a puff "pie", from which it is convenient to pick out the filling. But such oil-bearing layers differ from the jam pie of our childhood in the most important thing - the oil "pie" is always big and thick. Oil reservoirs are hidden underground at depths of a kilometer or more, which means that all this “kilometer or more” puts quite a lot of pressure on the reservoir layer, and the same solid “support” presses on the reservoir layer from below. This is the reason why oil literally escapes from the well: the collector is squeezed from both sides, and suddenly the drill gives a way out! And, again, it is logical that the reservoir layer cannot have an infinite area - sooner or later dense layers merge with each other. The oilmen call such a reservoir, squeezed from both sides and limited in area, without further ado, called a "trap".

Oil collector (diagram), Photo:

This is the same "trap". And the “gas bubble” at the very top is also not accidental in this diagram. After all, oil is formed not from the remains of dinosaurs (another stupid myth about oil), but from much smaller organisms - from phytoplankton, which, in the process of turning into oil, also releases gas. Gas is lighter than oil - so it squeezes it up, where it forms just such a "cap".

I hope that so far nothing complicated has appeared in the reasoning, so we continue - still relying on logic.

Before you start extracting oil, you need to find it, and in a decent amount. Yes, modern methods searches have long since become strictly scientific - no dowsing. Aerial photography, seismic exploration - a lot is used. But let's fix the obvious: for the correct interpretation of all the data received, the most important tool in the world is required - the human head. Professional geologists who collect data, analyze them, draw conclusions - have been, are and will be a key factor in the successful discovery of new oil fields. Appreciate geologists, respect geologists, cherish them and cherish them, do not insult them by comparison with office plankton and other crackles, and - most importantly! Don't stop growing beards! Geologists are the salt of the Russian land, as well as its alkali, oil, gas and uranium. I beg you - make yourself a note-notch about this, okay?

The search for either oil or gas always has a probabilistic character - not because geologists eat their bread in vain, but because mother nature disposes of it this way. All theoretical research ends with a very exciting event: the drilling of test wells. Why gambling? Statistics show that one successful exploration well accounts for 5-10 empty wells. World statistics, not Russian. Do you remember, maybe, reports from the world's highest drilling rig "Troll" in the Norwegian part of the North Sea "walked" on the Internet?

Drilling rig "Troll", Photo:

The field that is being developed with the help of this miracle of engineering is called Ekofisk. They were able to find it with the 200th (two hundredth - in words) attempts. 199 dry exploration wells and only after that - success, and a grandiose success.

But, since the decision has already been made to “run through the oil”, let's not deal with the search thoroughly, let's immediately move on to what is described in the world of crackles with the words “poke a pipe”. How are oil wells drilled? We start again with the destruction of another stereotype: oilmen do not drill wells, but ... build them. You may not believe me, but I have an unkillable argument in reserve. Representatives of the most cruel profession - employees of the tax authorities, attribute wells to the fixed assets of the enterprise, and the cost of their arrangement - to capital investments.

What is a well? Again we call on logic to help, again it is quite enough. A well is a mine working, the diameter of which is much less than its length, and the diameter is such that it does not provide for human access to it. What are the requirements for a well?

- its design should provide free access to the bottom of downhole equipment and instruments;

– the design of the well should prevent the collapse of the walls of the well;

– the design of the well should prevent the flow of oil from one layer to another;

- the design of the well should provide the possibility of sealing the wellhead, if necessary.

Yes, the terminology here is simple: the wellhead is the upper, surface part, the bottom of the well is its lower part.

“Poke the pipe” ... We drill 30 meters down with a large diameter, put a pipe with a diameter of 324 mm - we call this “direction”. We cement the space between the walls of the direction and the walls of the rock. We will not cement it - it will wash out the rock during further drilling. The direction is ready - we reduce the diameter of the well, drill to a depth of 500-800 meters. We lower a new pipe string - now with a diameter of 168 mm, again cement the space between the pipe walls and the rock walls. Done - built "conductor". Why is it needed? Up to a depth of 500-800 mm (depending on the region) - a zone of fresh waters with active water exchange, below - a layer of salty waters. We do not isolate - the Khan of that fresh water. We built a conductor - now you can go down to the target depth. Now pipes with a diameter of 146 have already gone, but we continue and continue cementing the same space. Two kilometers of cementing, three - as much as necessary, we will cement as much. Do you agree that the well is being “built” and not drilled?..

Do you think this is all "wisdom"? If only... there are wells different types- study the diagrams, no additional words are required here.

Three types of wells, Photo:

Three drilling methods, Photo:

So, in short. I really hope that now, in response to the phrase “I poked a pipe - and the oil flooded,” you will begin to react a little differently than before.

Okay, let's keep running. So they "poked the pipe" - what's next? Oil flooded? At first - yes, it flooded, since no one canceled the laws of physics. The pressure at the bottom of the well is less than the pressure in the reservoir - the energy of the reservoir itself pushes the oil up. But gradually the pressure inside the reservoir decreases, and the oil itself does not want to move anywhere. What to do in order to select it from the reservoir completely and completely? A whole set has already been developed, so to speak, special events: water, gas, steam, chemical reagents are pumped into the reservoir. Water is the cheapest and easiest way, but not very smart. The injection of water saturates the collector with water so much that the water begins to look for a way out and breaks to the bottom of the well - and instead of oil, water suddenly starts gushing out of it. You can pump gas into the same gas cap - but only in cases where this cap has a good volume. No cap - coolants are pumped: steam or chemicals that provide exothermic reactions in the collector. It does not work? Gases are pumped into the entire reservoir - carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen, flue gases. AT last years learned how to pump surfactants, use polymer and micellar flooding. The last "squeak": microbiological methods, when bacterial products are introduced into the reservoir or ensure its formation directly in the reservoir.

Each well has its own “character”, a set of features, each requires an individual solution. All these methods provide the final result: production continues for years, its decline is gradual, by interest per year.

Probably, you have already noticed that so far the story is not at all "holiday". Well, what can you do: in order to understand what a holiday is, you need to understand well what gray everyday life looks like. And this is really an extremely compressed story, in which there is and will not be information about what happens after the oil has left the well. Oil pipelines, oil refining deserve completely separate stories, but for now the goal is completely utilitarian: to ensure that in response to the words “poked a pipe and flooded oil”, there was a desire to poke something harder into something softer for such a talker. The work of our oilmen, our geologists is hard and not easy, the search for and production of oil require knowledge, skills and true love to this difficult and necessary profession. People who with their heads and hands have been ensuring for decades uninterrupted receipts of a lot of money into the treasury of the sovereign deserve our respect and respect.

Yes, as an announcement: the next note will be devoted to unconventional oil - the one that light hand Americans began to be called "shale". The path to one of them turns out to be thorny and intricate - well, yes, I want to be optimists, what can I hide! - one of the most important news of the XXI century. For those who are interested, please be patient.

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Every year on the first Sunday of September, Russia celebrates professional holiday gas and oil workers. The official name of the holiday is "".

In our country, the gas and oil industries are the main ones. And it is, of course, not only about the sale of raw materials abroad. It must also be remembered that any production in one way or another depends on the uninterrupted supply of gas and oil. And the life of people, and agriculture, and food production, and transportation, and much, much more are tied to the results of the work of gas and oil workers.

This professional holiday has been celebrated since 1980. Then it was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The changes made to the legislation on holiday dates did not affect this holiday: as it was celebrated in the USSR on the first Sunday of September, it is celebrated today in Russia. On the same day, the holiday of gas workers and oil workers is celebrated in Belarus, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan.

How is the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers celebrated?

It is customary to organize corporate events. In addition, various sports events are timed to coincide with the holiday with the participation of not only adults, but also children and youths. In cities, concerts are organized with the invitation of famous performers, including in open areas. Salutes and fireworks in honor of Day of oil, gas and fuel industry in many Russian cities have become a good tradition.

Manager of the holiday agency, which has repeatedly taken part in the organization of corporate parties in honor of D nya gas workers and oil workers , shared with us the secrets of the "oil and gas holiday":

- The staff of oil and gas enterprises is getting younger, so traditional holiday scenarios do not particularly attract them. They ask for more drive, humor, dynamics and less officialdom. Thematic events are of great interest.

Is it worth tying the scenario of the day of gas workers and oil workers on professional topics? Of course it's worth it. One thing - new year event when talking about work is clearly superfluous. And quite another - a holiday dedicated to the profession.

Because Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers falls at the beginning of September, when it is still warm outside, corporate events can and even should be held on fresh air. For example, a few years ago we organized a festive " Zarnitsa» for gas workers under the slogan « Pioneer gas workers are examples for all the guys!". Both young people and workers of mature age tied red pioneer ties on themselves with the same enthusiasm, put on caps and, divided into two teams, took part in the competition. The cooks prepared food on a fire, then there were songs with a guitar and dancing on the grass - the holiday was a success and left a lot of positive emotions.

Of the thematic events held, I would like to note corporate party of oil workers "Gold Rush". Oil, as you know, is called black gold, so we renamed the oilmen into gold miners for one evening, gave them hats and neckerchiefs, gave the chief a sheriff's star, and the chief accountant - wooden abacus. The event itself was called the "Gold Rush", as "gold miners feverishly want to relax and will certainly do it right today." The party with a lot of themed jokes, games, professional performances and, of course, dancing caused a "feverish delight". This idea can also be used for corporate parties of gas workers, because not only oil is called gold (black), but also gas (blue).”

Day of oil, gas and fuel industry workers: toasts, congratulations

Roll call-shout-toast. The host reads out the line, and the people of the professions named in it answer in chorus: “ Here! ».

Are there drillers and machinists here?

Welders, bulldozers?

Geologists, operators, technologists?

Chemists and metrologists?

KIPovtsy and specialists?

Laboratory assistants - well done?

Engineers, masters?

Locksmiths, accountants?

Refuelers and drivers?

Bosses and leaders?

Is everyone gathered? Well done! Let's drink to you guys!

Comic poem-congratulation:

Gas and oil not to be extracted -

The state will not exist.

gasman, oilman

All Russia is pulled.

The case is paramount

For all the people -

oil wells

And gas pipelines.

Helmet for export oil and gas -

Foreign countries will provide meat.

Eat only algae

We are without this industry.

And will remain in the hearts

Ours for centuries

Oilman's names

And a gasman.

Toast. The oil and gas industry occupies a leading position in the energy sector of the economy of many countries. The importance of oil and gas production and transportation is discussed on TV, in the press, on the Internet, and in the family circle. Black gold and blue energy provide the country's energy needs, bring the Russian economy to a qualitatively new level. The work of oil and gas workers feeds the whole country.

There is one day a year when oil and gas masters gather in an informal setting to raise their glasses to those who are in the field, in the tundra, on the highway, at the drilling rig, away from home, are working, extracting black and blue gold for the country . Let's drink to the breadwinners of the country - gas and oil workers!

Toast. Imagine: you get up in the morning in a cold apartment and you can’t even wash your face, because the water in the pipes has frozen. You can't make coffee and make breakfast because gas stove useless. You walk to the place of work, because almost all transport costs. What is it - Armageddon, the end of the world or the beginning of the war? No, this is a picture of what would happen to our lives if there were suddenly no oil and gas. Today we raise our glasses to real heroes who will never let these horrors become a reality! For you, gas workers and oil workers, saviors of mankind!

Congratulations words. From time immemorial, people have worshiped gold, endowing it with high value. But gold has a strong competitor - oil. It was called black gold, which over time became more valuable. noble metal. Almost all countries of the world are in a hurry to exchange real gold for black. Gold miners have become a legend, and oil workers have become heroes! Congratulations, black gold miners, on your professional holiday! We wish you good luck and prosperity!

On September 1, 2019, a holiday is celebrated in Russia - the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers.

This professional holiday is celebrated on the first Sunday of September according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days”, as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988 N 9724-XI "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days".

The Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday for all those who tied their fate with the difficult profession of geologists, drillers, developers, builders, transport workers, technologists and many other oil and gas specialties.

The oil and gas industry is constantly increasing the levels of extraction and production of fuel and energy resources, thereby meeting both the country's domestic needs for energy resources and the fulfillment of export obligations.

Importance of industry for Russia

The fuel and energy complex is closely connected with the entire industry of the country. More than 20% is spent on its development Money. The fuel and energy complex accounts for 30% of fixed assets and 30% of the cost of industrial products in Russia.

It uses 10% of the products of the machine-building complex, 12% of the products of metallurgy, consumes 2/3 of the pipes in the country, provides more than half of the export of the Russian Federation and a significant amount of raw materials for the chemical industry. Its share in transportation is 1/3 of all cargo railways, half of maritime transport and all pipeline transport.

The greatest importance in the country's fuel industry belongs to three sectors: oil, gas and coal, of which oil stands out in particular.

The fuel and energy sectors provide at least 60% of foreign exchange earnings to Russia, allow you to have a positive foreign trade balance, maintain the ruble exchange rate. Revenues to the country's budget from excises on oil and oil products are high.

The role of oil in politics is also great. Regulation of oil supplies to neighboring countries is, in fact, important argument in dialogue with new states.

Thus, oil is the wealth of Russia. The oil industry of the Russian Federation is closely connected with all sectors of the national economy and is of great importance for the Russian economy. Demand for oil always outstrips supply, therefore, practically all developed countries of the world are interested in the successful development of our oil industry.

Development of the oil industry

Oil has been extracted by mankind since ancient times. At first, primitive methods were used: collecting oil from the surface of reservoirs, processing sandstone or limestone soaked with oil using wells. The first method was used in the 1st century in Media and Syria, the second - in the 15th century in Italy. But the beginning of the development of the oil industry is considered to be the time of the appearance of mechanical drilling for oil in 1859 in the United States, and now almost all the oil produced in the world is extracted through boreholes.

Over a hundred years of development, some fields have been depleted, others have been discovered, the efficiency of oil production has increased, oil recovery has increased, i.e. completeness of oil recovery from the reservoir. But the structure of fuel production has changed. For a long time, the oil industry, which was in the first place, is overtaken by the promising gas industry. (Now coal accounts for only 15% of tons of standard fuel, gas - 45%, oil - 40%). The declining oil industry is in trouble.

In Russia, the first oil wells were drilled in the Kuban in 1864, and in 1866 one of them produced an oil gusher with a flow rate of more than 190 tons per day. At that time, oil production was carried out mainly by monopolies dependent on foreign capital. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia ranked first in oil production.

In 1901 - 1913 the country produced approximately 11 million tons of oil. A strong decline occurred during civil war. By 1928, oil production was again brought to 11.6 million tons.

In the first years of Soviet power, the main areas of oil production were Baku and North Caucasus(Terrible, Maikop). Mining was also carried out in Western Ukraine in Golitsya.

Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus in 1940 produced about 87% of the oil in the Soviet Union. However, the dwindling reserves of the oldest regions soon ceased to satisfy the demands of the developing industry. There is a need to look for oil in other parts of the country. Deposits were discovered and put into operation in the Perm and Kuibyshev regions, Bashkiria, which led to the creation of the largest Volga-Ural base.

New deposits were discovered in Central Asia in Kazakhstan, oil production reached 31.1 million tons. War 1941 - 1945 caused severe damage to the regions of the North Caucasus, which significantly reduced the volume of oil produced. However, in the post-war period, with the parallel restoration of the oil-producing complexes of Grozny and Maikop, the largest deposits of the Volga-Ural oil base were put into development. And in 1960 it already produced about 71% of the country's oil. Technical innovations were also applied (maintenance of reservoir pressure), which made it possible to significantly increase production.

In the 50s, 38 million tons were mined, in the 60s the figure increased by an order of magnitude - 148 million tons. The end of the 60s was marked by the equipment of the industry with the latest technical inventions and the improvement of technologies. Over the period from 1961 to 1972, more than 3.3 billion tons were mined. tons of oil.

Such a rapid growth in the change in the ratio between potential reserves (the size of promising oil and gas fields exceeds 11 million km and explored ones, which have especially decreased in old areas. At the same time, growth was provided by new developed fields in Western Siberia (Sredne-Obsky district and Shatsky districts), Belarus , Western Kazakhstan, the Orenburg region and Udmurtia, on the continental shelf of the Caspian Sea.Back in 1970, the Volga-Ural region produced about 61% of oil, but already in 1974, new promising fields were discovered in the early 70s in Komi and the Arkhangelsk region (Timan-Pechora oil and gas province), the Eastern regions have become the main oil production areas.These are Western Siberia, Kazakhstan, the Mangyshlak Peninsula, Central Asia and the Far East (Sakhalin).The unique West Siberian oil and gas basin of capital began to emerge.

Economic and geographical characteristics

Before the revolution, almost all oil production in our country was concentrated in the Caucasus, where 97% of oil was produced. In the 1930s, new oil fields were discovered - in the Volga region and in the Urals, but up to the Great Patriotic War The main oil-producing region was the Caucasus. In the 1940s-1950s. oil production in the Caucasus has decreased due to the depletion of deposits (its production there is currently of local importance, in Russia it is the region of the North Caucasus). Oil production in the Volga-Ural region, on the contrary, increased greatly, as a result of which this region moved into first place in the oil industry of the USSR.

Until recently, it was the most important area in terms of explored oil reserves. Here were opened known deposits, as Romashkinskoye, Bavlinskoye, Arlanskoye, Tuimazinskoye, Ishimbayevsky, Mukhanovskoye, Kitel-Cherkasskoye, Buguruslanskoye, Korobkovskoye. Oil production in this area is inexpensive, but the oil of Bashkiria contains a lot of sulfur (up to 3%), paraffin and resins, which complicates its processing and reduces the quality of products. Perm and Orenburg are adjacent to them in the north and south.

In 1960 the first oil field was discovered in Western Siberia, and since the beginning of the 60s, about 300 oil and gas fields located in the vast territory of Western Siberia, from the Urals to the Yenisei. Shaimsky, Surgutsky and Nizhnevartovsky oil-bearing regions are outlined, where such fields as Samotlorsky, Ust-Balyksky, Fedorovsky, Megionsky, Sosnitsko-Sovetsky, Aleksandrovsky and others are located. In 1964, commercial oil production began there. In later years oil industry Western Siberia grew at a very rapid pace and in 1974 outstripped all other regions of the USSR in oil production. Oil from Western Siberia is different good quality, high economic efficiency of production. At present, Western Siberia is the main oil-producing region of the country.

The Ukhta oil region is located in the northeast of the European part of Russia (the Tibugskoye and Vaivash fields). It provides oil to the north of the European part of the country. Not far from it, at the confluence of the Usa River with the Pechora, a group of oil fields is being developed (Timano - Pechersk oil and gas province). Part of the oil produced here is delivered by pipeline to Yaroslavl. In addition to the main oil-producing regions, oil is produced in the north of Sakhalin Island (the Okha field). From Sakhalin, oil is delivered via oil pipelines to the mainland - to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. There is an oil field of local importance in the Kaliningrad region.

There are signs of oil content in the vast territory of the North, Eastern Siberia and the Far East.

The country's oil industry has entered a qualitatively new, more complex stage of development, when it becomes necessary to sharply increase the volume of prospecting and exploration, especially in Eastern Siberia, in the depth zones under the gas fields of Western Siberia, in the shelf zones of the seas, the formation of the necessary production and technical bases. Oil production has begun in the Arctic, on the shelf near about. Kolguev (Peschanoozerskoe field).

Oil, gas, fuel -
industry is the most important in the country,
Workers today in these industries
I congratulate you on the holiday triple.

You produce both gas, and oil, and coal,
And all the energy rests on you,
You accept congratulations today,
We wish happiness to each of you.

May all resources be obtained,
And tasks, workers, are only closed,
Happy holiday - great and brave,
Gas workers, skilled oil workers.

Let luck not resist
And the salary only gets higher
Let the boss appreciate, respect,
And the size of the premium - does not offend.

We wish you a great day
conquer new country step,
Go to the azure seashore
And taste the kebab there soon!

Oilmen - our heartfelt greetings,
Accept congratulations today
Let the whole white world rejoice,
Raise your flags higher!

Let oil always flow like a river,
And the gas goes, enriching the country,
To thunder your glory for centuries,
And all desires, immediately fulfilling!

Happy Oilman's Day, we congratulate you with the soul,
We will not tire of thanking you sincerely,
Let happiness be together, one path,
Will go with you, bring you joy,
And let health become stronger, stronger,
After all, your work is very necessary for us,
May good luck arrive in time for you,
And may all your dreams come true now!

Oil and gas is your path
Can't be underestimated
The importance of your work
The whole country is proud of you.

Congratulations on this day
Let everyone remember him.
Let your work be respected
And they raise wages.

There will be oil and gas in the bowels -
There will be cash.
And like fuel in a pipe
Let there be happiness in fate.

Friends with the bowels of the earth
And I know where their soul is
In the season of frost, blizzard and cold
Warmed so many of our souls

That the whole country is grateful
For heating hot heat,
For heat batteries and pipes,
For difficult and important work.

Let everything continue to work
To keep consumers warm.
We want reasonable prices
And only bright changes.

Let the oil flow like chocolate
Let the wages rise
Let health not let you down
And happiness at home is truly waiting.

Glorious city flourishes
Life goes on, rages, boils!
It's time for us to say "thank you"
To those who will not spare their strength
For comfort and progress,
For science - for all of us -
Knowing how always useful
Oil and fuel and gas.

We sincerely wish you
Live without burdensome worries.
Let love keep you warm
Every hour and all year round.
Loaded with important work
May it never be.
Your work is valuable and honorable -
Be happy always!

What would we do without you?
Let's be honest, what?
Gas would not burn in the house,
The tank was empty in the car.

Would freeze in winter
In a home with no heat...
Your industry is simple
She gave us comfort.

And wish you now
peaceful labor,
Don't let the gas run out
Never in the bowels!

It's not hard for you to get oil and gas,
And it's easy for you to drill a well,
After all, you are brave, decisive, reliable,
You are masters of your complex work.

Thanks to your work
Always warm in our apartment,
And the flame is light blue
Warms the soul, like a native.

And this Sunday in September
I congratulate you with all my heart,
Let the profits take off
So that the gas pipeline is continuous!

What is life without oil and gas?
And without fuel, sorry, nowhere.
No matter how you press it, the car is an infection,
Does not run when water is poured.

That's why I congratulate you today
(Suddenly pour free gasoline?)
Let the Christmas tree burn for you
Fueled car lights!

We fly into space and cover thousands of kilometers in less than 80 days on the roads of the world. We are able to operate gigantic machines and regulate the air temperature in our own homes. All this is possible thanks to people associated with the extraction and processing of oil, gas, coal.

History of the fuel industry

How to kindle a fire, the ancient people decided immediately - firewood, later coal. And oil, the existence of which was known already 6-4 thousand years BC, was used in construction in Babylon, for embalming mummies in Egypt, and only a few people noted its ability to burn and release heat.

Until the 19th century, oil was used only as a durable oil in church lamps in front of icons. In Russia, the first oil was brought to Moscow from Ukhta, in the north of the Komi Republic, in the time of Boris Godunov, it was then called “fire water”.

1846 (according to other sources - 1847) was a turning point in the history of the fuel industry - the first tower was built near Baku, and oil flowed like a river. By that time, they had learned to use it in the form of kerosene fuel for lamps and to purify it from harmful impurities.

Coal, despite the pace of development of oil fields, is still an important fuel for many sectors of the country's life. Gas production is also growing. All these natural resources never lay on the surface of the earth. A man won them back through great efforts and even at the cost of his life, therefore the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers is a holiday of serious, strong, strong-willed and courageous people who are able to overcome many obstacles.

Even in the southern regions, it is not easy to get oil and gas, and the work of a miner has always been considered the hardest in the world. Most of the oil and gas fields in Russia are also located in very difficult natural zones - in Siberia, the Far East, Far North, where it’s hard to simply survive, and work, no matter what, is three times harder.

Holiday of oil and gas workers in Russia

In Russia, the hard work of gas and oil workers has always been highly valued, therefore, on October 1, 1980, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR included in the Decree "On Holidays and Memorable Days" the Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers, setting the date of the holiday - the first Sunday of September.

Perhaps the date was not chosen by chance: autumn is the time when you need to take care of fuel more than anything else. Therefore, industry workers are remembered more often. However, the extraction of oil, "black gold", as it is called everywhere, involves not only the fuel direction. Crude oil is used to fix dune sands during construction, processed oil is used for motor oils, raw materials in chemical production. It is the basis for the creation of plastics, synthetic rubber, dyes, detergents and other necessary for a person products.

Considering huge role oil and gas in the economy of the whole country, the Russian authorities appreciate the workers in this industry. Every year, congratulations and awards are held, the best at the state level, concerts and films are shown on television, telling about the hard life of natural resource miners. This holiday has become a way to unite people of the profession, exchange experiences and just an occasion for meetings.

Day of Oil, Gas and Fuel Industry Workers in other countries

Oil, gas and coal are valued not only in Russia, but also in many other countries. Once this holiday was celebrated throughout the territory Soviet Union. Now, when the huge country is no more, some states still keep this holiday and congratulate their courageous and strong heroes in the same way as in Russia - on the first Sunday of September. These are Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova. In other countries, the date was determined by their own, depending on local laws and customs.