What is the fine for transporting children without a seat. A child in the front seat - how old can you drive under the new law

From the Rules traffic it is clear that the transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraints. This is due to the fact that the car is a source of increased danger. Let's talk about everything in order.

Fine for transporting children without a seat in 2018

Parents and carriers must take care of the safety of children during the movement of transport, for which a special restraint was created, in which the child must be seated and which must correspond to his height and weight. If such a device is missing or incorrectly installed, then the driver will be fined for the lack of a child seat for a child in the car in 2018 and the lack of fasteners for him is absolutely no excuse. Therefore, before neglecting this rule, think and read this article, in which you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

What is a child restraint

How much is the fine for transporting a child without a child seat in 2018? To begin with, we will establish what a child seat is. According to GOST R 41.44:

a child restraint system is a collection of elements consisting of straps or flexible elements with buckles, adjusting devices, fasteners and, in some cases, an additional device (for example, a cradle, a removable child seat, an additional seat and/or impact shield) that can be attached to the inside of the vehicle body. The device must be designed in such a way that in the event of a collision or sudden braking of the vehicle, the risk of injury to the child in the restraint is reduced by limiting the mobility of his body.

Classification of child seats

Child restraints are divided into five weight groups:

    group 0 - for children weighing less than 10 kg;

    group 0+ - for children weighing less than 13 kg;

    group I - for children weighing 9 - 18 kg;

    group II - for children weighing 15 - 25 kg;

    group III - for children weighing 22 - 36 kg.

Punishment for not having a child seat

It is logical that driving with a child if there is no child car seat in 2018 can be dangerous for him, and for an infant under one year old without a cradle that holds the child in a position lying on his back or stomach, it is impossible at all, otherwise injuries may be caused in a car collision incompatible with life.

The punishment for the lack of such a device is not very serious, but it hits the pocket, especially those who are engaged in business and carry out mass transportation. We answer your question: what is the fine for driving without a child seat for a child? According to paragraph 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of the requirements for the transportation of children established by the SDA - entails a fine on the driver in the amount of 3,000 rubles, on an official responsible for transportation - 25,000 rubles, and for a legal entity carrying out transportation - 100,000 rubles .

Is a child seat required?

As paragraph 22.9 of the SDA says, transportation of a child without a car seat is in no case allowed! Children under 12 years of age must be transported in vehicles equipped with seat belts, transportation must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat car - only with the use of child restraints. Otherwise, in case of non-compliance with the law, the traffic police will impose an administrative fine on the irresponsible driver for transporting children without a restraint.

It is better to take care of the safety of children in advance, because when purchasing a seat for them, you can forget or not even think about what the fine for transporting a child without a child seat is. It is worth recalling that even if the driver has a seat, but the child is sitting in his arms or not fastened, then in violation of the Rules, he will have to bear responsibility.

What is the fine for a child not wearing a seat belt in 2018?

According to GOST R 41.44, there are several types of belt for a child:

    belt - a holding device consisting of belt straps with a buckle, adjustment devices and fasteners.

    seat belt - complete, consisting of a waist belt, a shoulder restraint and a strap passing between the legs, if any;

    Y-shaped belt - the form of the connection of the straps of which is formed by a strap passing between the legs of the child and the shoulder straps.

All of them are designed for the safe transportation of your child, and if the driver did not provide it in accordance with the Rules, and the inspector stopped him for verification, another question arises: how much will the traffic police take for an unfastened child? We remind you that the driver can get off with a fine of 3,000 rubles, and officials and legal entities will “fly in” for 25,000 and 100,000 rubles.

Fine for violation of transporting children in a car at night

Transportation at night is very dangerous. The driver's attentiveness and reaction speed are reduced, so the transportation of children at this time of day is strictly regulated by law.

Night time is considered the interval from 23.00 to 06.00, and the fine for incorrect transportation of children according to traffic rules in 2018 at the specified time of day will be in the amount of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 4 to 6 months, and for officials and legal entities - 50,000 and 200,000 rubles (clause 5 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

The fine for not having a child seat is comparable to an inexpensive restraint, so it is better to spend this money on the safety of your children than pay for fines. If you are nevertheless discharged, we advise you to pay within 20 days. The advantage of such haste is that it will be in the amount of 50% of the amount of the fine. Good luck on the roads!

On the this moment, 2020, children under 12 years old in a car equipped with seat belts, we are required to transport in a child car seat or some other device that ensures the safety of the child. Regardless of whether we are transporting a child in the back seats or in the front seat (Exception - children from 7 to 11 years old can be in the back seat without a car seat, fastened with seat belts). Traffic rules regulate the transportation of children with one single paragraph - 22.9:

22.9. Transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle.
Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat car - only with the use of child restraints.

It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a motorcycle.

In the summer of 2017, the rules for transporting children to road transport significant changes have been made. Significant innovations for 2017/2018 include:

The ban on leaving children under the age of 7 in the car (a fine of 2.5 tr. for Moscow and St. Petersburg and 500 rubles for the rest of Russia) is enshrined in clause 12.8 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, and liability for non-compliance with the rule is in clause 1 Art. 12.19 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.
Children aged 7 to 11 are now allowed to carry without a child seat, but only in the back row of seats and with fastened seat belts (changes in paragraph 22.9 of the traffic rules of the Russian Federation),
The concept of "other devices" used by parents who put a pillow under the child's belt has been cancelled.

At the moment, a draft amendment has been prepared, changing the Rules of the Road regarding the transportation of children. In particular, the mandatory child seat threshold has been reduced to 7 years, as we discussed above.

The fine for transporting children without a car seat for 2020 regulates, and amounts to 3,000 rubles for an ordinary driver.

3. Violation of the requirements for the transportation of children, established by the Rules of the road, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on the driver in the amount of three thousand rubles; for officials - twenty-five thousand rubles; for legal entities - one hundred thousand rubles.

The penalty applies whenever a child under 12 years of age is transported without child car seat. As you can see, the amount of the fine for the lack of a seat is a significant part of the cost of the car seat itself, and it is not known how many such fines and for what period can be issued. It's no joke, but for a couple of times for three thousand rubles you can buy not the best, but still a child car seat, which at least somehow ensures the safety of transporting a child.

The penalty for not having a child seat is also applied in cases where:

  • the child sits on the arms of an adult (mother / father), even if he is fastened;
  • the child is too large for a child car seat and other restraints, although the age has not left the need for such transportation;
  • the child is sitting in a child seat, but not fastened with seat belts (the safety of transporting the child is not ensured);
  • more than one child is in the same car seat;
  • regular seat belts have been removed in the car (now there are almost no cars in which seat belts would not be provided for on any passenger seat). If there are seat belts only in the front seats, then the child must be transported in the front passenger seat in a car seat.

The penalty for not having a child seat does not apply in cases where:

  • the car is not moving (transportation is simply not carried out);
  • the child is not fastened with a child car seat, but with a "booster", FEST, is in a frameless car seat, etc. in the back seat, if this ensures the safety of transportation.

How many fines if transporting 2 or more children without a child car seat?

Since the punishment under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for 2020 is provided for the transportation of children in violation of the Rules of the Road, and not for the violation of the transportation of each child in the car, then the fine for transportation without a seat is one, no matter how many children are in the car at the time the violation is stopped . Thus, if our car is at least completely full of children, and there is not a single car seat in this car, then there is still only one fine, since there is only one offense - transporting children without a car seat.

How can a traffic police inspector check for a car seat?

Many people are familiar with the situation when the inspector opens the car doors on his own to check whether the passengers are fastened with seat belts and / or whether there are children in child car seats. Of course, this is illegal - the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs describe any procedure for detecting an offense and prescribes for most of them (except visual) their own procedure, including a preliminary corresponding protocol. In this case, in order to open the doors, the inspector needs to draw up an inspection protocol with the relevant grounds entered into it, a video recording or an invitation from two witnesses.

But most often the inspector himself in a demanding tone asks the driver to open the door. In this case, he again only asks, and the request can be refused. If he requires it, then ask under what administrative procedure such a requirement was put forward. However, of course, it is always better to open the doors if there is no violation on your part.

It is impossible to make an unambiguous conclusion about the prohibition of certain types of restraint systems or devices; in accordance with the traffic rules, they must comply with the requirements; the Rules do not contain direct prohibitions. What regulations apply to airbags? Lawyers are often asked whether it is possible to put a car seat in the front seat according to traffic rules in 2018 with active airbags. We answer - the rules do not regulate this issue, therefore, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer. And most child car seat operating instructions prohibit the use of the product in the front seat with an active airbag. However, there may be exceptions, in some cases the manufacturer allows you to move the seat away from the front panel of the car.

Child car seats: rules for transporting children from January 1, 2018

Authorized persons of the traffic police in most cases carry out preventive measures with the names "a young child in a vehicle" - traffic police officers are located in the morning near preschool or school institutions, and inspect all cars. When is it possible to transfer children to the front seat In accordance with the norms of Russian legislation, young children can be in the front seat while the vehicle is moving only in a special car seat.
And until the age of 12. After this age, transportation of minor children is carried out on a general basis.

Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car

The minimum amount of punishment is 500 rubles and it is due for violation of the procedure for moving passengers. At the same time, closing a child in a car alone can be quite calmly interpreted as a violation of the rules for transporting children.

And in this case, the issue price is already 3,000 rubles. Paragraphs of the rules of the road for the carriage of children The rules for the carriage of children are described in the following paragraphs: 22.2 - transportation in the body 22.6 - organized transportation of children 22.9 - special requirements for the transportation of children.

It is paragraph 22.9 from July 12, 2017 that is fully set out in the new edition. On July 12, 2017, a new paragraph appeared in clause 12.8 - leaving a child in a car.

22.2. The carriage of people in the body of a flatbed truck is permitted if it is equipped in accordance with the Basic Regulations, while the carriage of children is not allowed. 22.6.

Rules for transporting children in a car from 2018

Such means of transporting children as pads (adapters) for seat belts, boosters (armchairs without handles and backs), as well as frameless (soft) have gone out of use. car seats. Carrying children under 7 years old in the back seat Children under one year of age should only be transported in the car in a special infant carrier that has special attachment systems to the rear seat.


It is as safe as possible for the child, and besides, it is convenient to use it as a regular carrier. In the infant car seat, nothing interferes with the movements of the child and he has enough space.

When driving, it faces towards the rear of the car, which ensures the greatest safety in the event of a collision. Car seats weigh an average of 10 to 15 kg and are ideal for small children, they do not restrict their breathing, but they take up quite a lot of space.

At what age can a child drive without a car seat?

The last one was July 12, 2017. Then amendments to the traffic rules came into force, which define new rules for transporting children in a car. The rules have become stricter. Some devices that were previously allowed in place of a car seat* can no longer be used.

In addition, a line was removed from the text of the SDA, which allowed the use of "other means to fasten a child using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle." That is, earlier it was possible to replace the car seat with a simple fabric overlay on the seat belt.

From July 12, 2017, according to the new Rules for the transportation of children, there is a division into two age groups: - under 7 years old; - from 7 to 12 years. Transportation of children from 0 to 7 years old For the transportation of babies up to a year old, the use of an infant carrier is recommended.


Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and a truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child. The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual for these systems (devices).

It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.

Child seat up to what age: traffic rules 2018

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It will be enough to fasten them with regular seat belts. And, here in the front seat of the vehicle, the child must be in a car seat, which must correspond to the weight and height of the child.


Also, you cannot transport a child under 12 years old in the back seat of a motorcycle. If the child is not fastened - a fine of 3000 rubles.

If a small passenger is transported in the front seat without using a car seat - a fine of 3,000 rubles. Transportation of children over 12 years of age To transport this group of children, drivers do not have to use car seats and other devices. However, fastening them with seat belts is a must. If the child is not fastened - a fine of 3000 rubles. Leaving a child in a car Children under the age of seven should not be left in a car without adult supervision.
What is regulated
  1. In case of ignoring the rules for transporting young children, drivers are brought to administrative responsibility on the basis of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
  2. The traffic rules regulate the procedure for transporting young children in any type of vehicle.
  3. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with clause 22.9 of the SDA, since it reflects the features of transporting children in the back seat of the vehicle.

Seat requirement A car seat is a specialized device whose main purpose is to transport young children. At the same time, the main task is to ensure the safety of the child when various traffic accidents occur, in particular when using emergency braking. The presence of a special device is considered a key requirement of Russian legislation.
According to the changed rules, they must go to the checkout together, and you can imagine what it will be like, for example, in winter. In addition, if there are two or three children under seven years old. An even more amusing incident is that, leaving the car, you will not be able to leave your young child, say, with a 17-year-old daughter, because the age of majority in Russia comes from the age of 18.

And what about the sanctions? The size of the fine for transporting children without car seats (according to the above rules), fortunately, has not changed yet. But even now it is quite tangible - 3 thousand rubles (part 3 of Art.

12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). Violation of the ban on leaving minors alone in a car will fall under the sanction of Article 12.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and will cost the violator 500 rubles. Although it will be possible to get off with a simple warning.

It is forbidden to transport bulky goods in the car with a child. Sometimes even personal items during an accident can harm a child if they are not properly secured with straps;

  • Do not forget to take all the necessary medical supplies with you on the road with your child.

    This is not only about a standard car first aid kit, but also about a wide variety of ointments, pills and medical instruments that may be needed in case of unforeseen situations;

  • According to the new rules in 2018, the use of child seats and infant carriers is necessary only in cars and trucks. A number of clauses were removed from the traffic rules that obligated drivers to use child restraint seats for transporting children on mopeds, motorcycles, tractors and other non-standard vehicles;
  • Never leave a child alone in a car, even for a short time.

Then amendments to the traffic rules came into force, which define new rules for transporting children in a car. The rules have become stricter. Some devices that were previously allowed in place of a car seat* can no longer be used. In addition, a line was removed from the text of the SDA, which allowed the use of "other means to fasten a child using seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle." That is, earlier it was possible to replace the car seat with a simple fabric overlay on the seat belt. From July 12, 2017, according to the new Rules for the carriage of children, there is a division into two age groups: - under 7 years old; - from 7 to 12 years old.

Punishable by an administrative fine. Initially, the fine was the same as for a seat belt that was not fastened, but since 2013 it has been 3,000 rubles, which is quite comparable to the price of the seat itself. This should save drivers from the temptation to "get off with a fine."

The driver must pay the fine. It is clear that a fine cannot be imposed on the child himself, because he is not 16 years old. But if the driver is not the parent of the child, for example, the parents are traveling with the baby in a taxi, then the responsibility lies not with the parents, but with him. The taxi driver may try to negotiate with the passengers who agreed to carry the child without, ask them to reimburse him the amount of the fine, but you cannot force them to do this.

Types of car seats

Child seats are categorized according to the child's age and weight.

Group 0+ - chairs for newborns and children infancy, i.e. up to a year, whose weight does not reach 13 kg. They differ from all other chairs in that they are installed against the direction of travel.

Armchairs of group 0+/I can be installed facing forward and backward. The first provision applies to children from six months to one and a half years, the second - to older children. This group covers children weighing up to 18 kg aged from six months to 4 years.
Chairs of other groups are installed exclusively facing forward. Group I - 9-18 kg, 9 months - 4 years, I / II / III -9 months - 12 years, 9-36 kg, II / III - 3-12 years, 15-36 kg.

If the weight of the child exceeds 36 kg, and its height is more than 1.5 meters, but the age has not reached 12 years old, it is supposed to be fastened with a regular seat belt equipped with a special adapter that does not allow the belt to move around the child's neck. The people call the adapter "indulgence", because if it is available, traffic police officers often "turn a blind eye" to the lack of a seat when transporting children of any age category.

car seat requirements

Even with a car seat, the driver can be fined if some rules regarding its use are not followed.
The seat should be installed in the safest part of the rear seat - in the middle or behind the driver.

The chair must be in good condition. External or internal damage to the frame, cracks and dents in the seat, worn belts are unacceptable.

If there is a seat in the car, but is not in it, but on the seat or in the arms of an adult, we can assume that there is no seat. It is punishable by a fine and discrepancy between the car seat and the age of the child.

Laws relating to exist in other countries. In France, for a trip with a child without a car seat, the driver can be fined €90, in Germany - €40, in Italy - €71. The American law is especially severe: in the USA the fine for such violation reaches $500.

We went with my son to my grandmother. My son is already 11 years old and putting him in a child seat, as well as using a triangle, is at least stupid. He just buckled up with a regular seat belt. Literally a few meters later, a patrol stopped us, and the traffic police officer issued a fine for driving without a child seat.

When I began to resent the fact that my child was tall and it was stupid to buy a child seat for him, the inspector threatened to deprive me of my rights.

As a result, I received a substantial fine and was forced to complain to the head of the inspectorate. What came out of this, and what information I have today, I would like to tell in my note.

Changes in the current legislation regarding fines for transporting children without a seat

First of all, it should be noted that the absence of a child seat for several years now has been considered an offense and is punishable by a fine of 3 thousand rubles. This rule is spelled out in Art. 12.23. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The last changes on this issue were made back in 2017 and touched on the following points:

  1. A ban was placed on leaving children under the age of 7 in the car. Failure to comply with the rule entails a fine of 2.5 thousand rubles for the capital region and 500 rubles for the regions.
  2. Children aged 7-11 years are allowed to be transported without a seat, but only in the back seat and fastened with a belt.
  3. Canceled all "other devices" used by drivers as a lining under the belt.
  4. Children under 12 years of age are not allowed to ride motorized vehicles.

In other cases, the traffic police rules of 2019 impose a fine in the amount of 3,000 rubles, and a protocol is drawn up in relation to the driver who violated the listed points.

When paying the accrued amount within 20 days from the date of the imposition of such a penalty, electronically, the citizen receives a discount of 50% of the penalty amount. As a result, it will be necessary to pay only 1500 rubles.

How to choose the right seat for a child, so as not to get a fine

When buying a seat for transporting a child, many drivers rely solely on the manufacturer, which is fundamentally wrong. In addition to this parameter, other characteristics should be taken into account, such as:

  • what height and weight the product is designed for;
  • materials and fasteners used;
  • what is the chair cover made of and how safe is it for the child.

It is important not only to avoid getting a fine for a child seat, but also to protect your baby as much as possible from injury and danger to his health. The choice of a suitable product should be made taking into account the following characteristics:

User group based on the age of the childChild's age, yearsWeight, kg.Characteristic
«0» 0-1 to 10"cradle" for the baby, installed in a horizontal and folded position
«0+» 0-1,5 up to 13The child is placed in a reclining chair, and the device is located on the back or face.
"one"1-4 9-18 Placed along the way.
"2"3-7 15-25 It has a back and can be adjusted according to the height of the teenager.
"3"7-12 22-36 The chair has an adjustable backrest and is fixed with a regular seat belt.

To purchase a suitable chair, you should take into account the described points. This will allow you to comfortably arrange the child during the trip.

How to behave if the inspector issues a fine

I have already noted that the fine for the lack of a child seat is issued by a traffic police officer, but the actions of a law enforcement representative are not always lawful.

The reason for taking such a measure may be the lack of a special design, provided that the passenger is less than 12 years old, weighs up to 36 kg and has a height of 150 cm or less.

Requirements for the age and height of the child are imposed due to the fact that the driver or legal representative of the child is not required to carry documents proving the age of the child. All physical characteristics, the inspector determines visually.

After issuing a fine, a citizen is given 70 days to pay it. The starting date is the day the protocol was drawn up. Such a fine is subject to the current discount of 50%, provided that the penalty is paid within the first 20 days after the decision is made.

What circumstances are contrary to the operation of the law

Sometimes, certain clauses of Russian legislation contradict real circumstances and the driver is not able to fulfill all the requirements. It is for this reason that often, the imposition of a fine for violation of this provision often causes dissatisfaction on the part of the population.

The situations might be:

  • it is difficult to transport children with disabilities, namely with disabilities;
  • a driver who has received a fine continues to drive with a child without a seat;
  • children with physical indicators exceeding the above parameters, namely, accelerated children, must also be transported in special chairs;
  • Older vehicles that do not have seat belts do not require the use of a child seat.

All these points are controversial, and citizens often begin to sort things out, rather than pay a fine.


As a result, we can conclude that transporting children without a seat is not just a violation of existing traffic rules, but also an opportunity to protect a child from possible injuries when a car gets into an accident. In case of violation of this requirement, the guilty person is fined.