Belt and trousers combination. Men's belt: how to choose, how to wear fabric and leather men's belts. Casual men's belt

At our disposal, I mean men, there are not so many things with which we can diversify our appearance, unlike the female. The stiffness in this area makes us much more scrupulous about the choice of this or that accessory. After all men's fashion conservative and less subject to change, and as a result, we change our wardrobe less often, which pushes us to more thoroughly study the item before buying. In today's article, I will give a few simple tips About, how to choose men's belt .

A narrow strip of fabric or leather that encircles the waist, oddly enough, primarily performs a decorative function. Since, they should already hold on to you even without additional help. Moreover, you can not wear a belt at all - this is acceptable for trousers (however, I insist that you should definitely wear belt with jeans). However, I would recommend not to miss the opportunity to emphasize individuality with men's belt anyway.

Types of men's belts

To put it simply, there are two main styles of clothing - classic and informal. And men's belt- not an exception. To distinguish one from the other, you need to understand the main principle: everything classical has a strict form, discreet colors, moderation in details; everything informal - bears the imprint of freedom, individuality, which means it tends to unusual shapes, bolder colors. Global differences between styles are described in the article.

Classic men's belt

The width is less than everyday, traditional colors are black, brown. Leather material. Buckle - simple, rectangular, color - silver, sometimes gold, small size. In general, if we talk about the size of the buckle, then there is a dependence: the larger, the less official style is assumed.

Casual men's belt

There can be absolutely various options limited only by your imagination and good taste.

How to choose a men's belt

Leather men's belts First of all, you need to check the quality of the material from which they are made. There is a universal rule that applies not only to the topic of today's post: the better the material, the longer the thing lasts and the better it looks. Run your fingernail along the back of the belt. If a trace remains, then the skin is soft and pliable, which indicates good quality. On the contrary, old hard leather is immune to such tests and should not be taken.

A poorly stitched belt and protruding ends of the threads also do not add points.

When choosing a belt for many, the brand is crucial. In my opinion, this is not the case when you need to overpay. Better, focus your eyes on quality.

Which buckle do you prefer?

In the vast majority of cases, an open simple buckle will the best option. is philosophy.

In addition, there are two more types of closed ones: with an anchor on the back.

And with a clip, which does not involve holes. They are mainly found on fabric belts.

There are belts with interchangeable buckles. For some, this opportunity will be a reason to buy just this type.

Men's belt size

The belt is popular in quality, which entails a corresponding problem with determining the length.

Knowing the following tips will help you correctly navigate this issue:

Take your jeans waist size and increase it by a couple of points. For example, if it is 34″, then the belt should be 36-38. It's in inches, which is useful if you're shopping on ebay because almost all of the measurements are US. In our stores you just have to convert to centimeters by multiplying by 2.54. Thus, 38 pp is approximately 95 cm. In any case, there is no more reliable way than trying it on directly in the store.

Next, you need to take into account the length of the tail on the left when buttoned up: for classics, this is about the size of the thumb (from the beginning of the joint), for casual, it can be more - but in both cases men's belt length should not reach the second belt loop.

A good size will be one in which the above conditions are met, and at the same time the belt fastens on second or third hole.

How to wear a men's belt

First, you need to decide - either a belt or suspenders. I mentioned this in an article about .

Secondly, do not wear it under the label of jeans - this is a bad form.

Leather men's belts are appropriate in any set. If you wear chinos or cargo pants, this is fine. fabric belt.

Exotic leathers - I mean the skin of ostrich, snake and other reptiles - should be used with care. They tend to draw extra attention to your waist, and if this is undesirable for you, discard such materials. The same applies to bright colors - use only with due confidence.

The braided belt is suitable for different occasions. But be careful with formal wear, as its voluminous texture can drown out the modest matter of the suit.

Suede is also a fairly common base. As you understand, the combination with suede shoes is the most successful here.

Combine the color of the buckle (gold or silver) with the color of other accessories: watches, cufflinks, tie clip. Wedding ring- exception.

The color of the belt, if it is a sufficiently strict dress code, should be combined with the color of the shoes.

casual style - a combination of shoes and a belt

Naturally, as soon as black boots appear in your arsenal, the next purchase should be a black leather belt. In smart casual style, this dependence is not paramount. But still, in order to achieve harmony, you need to choose the color of the belt to match another leather accessory - a watch strap, bracelet or bag.

on the left - a combination of a belt and a watch strap, on the right - the colors of the belt and buckle with a bracelet

A glossy belt looks with well-polished boots, a matte belt with matte ones.

The greater the contrast between the belt and trousers, the more sporty the look.

To make the transition from trousers to a jacket more inconspicuous, which is good when short stature(in general, to increase harmony, horizontal stripes in any form should be avoided), you need to bring the shades of the belt and trousers as close as possible.

Is it possible to wear a narrow men's belt with wide jeans belt loops? Yes, if you coordinate it with the rest of the details: jacket lapels of similar width, narrow tie and tapered boot toes.

Even more interesting materials in our groups.

Choosing a belt for trousers and shoes is not particularly difficult - you just need to know a few basic principles for the compatibility of these wardrobe items and resist the temptation to purchase some very unusual and spectacular model. Later in this article, we will take a closer look at the features of combining belts with shoes, boots, trousers and jeans.

The combination of colors and shades

It is widely believed that the color and shade of the belt should match the color and shade of the shoes, or even be exactly the same. For example, American image maker Michael Anton writes that the belt "should match the color of the shoe"; a similar point of view can be found in Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible. However, such statements should not be considered an unshakable rule. The fact is that sometimes the belt can be noticeably darker or lighter than the shoes; moreover, in cases where you combine shoes and belts different colors, the image can turn out to be very elegant. The main thing is to avoid too catchy and dubious combinations. After all, it was not in vain that Bernhard Retzel, who wrote the encyclopedia male style"Gentleman", notes that "both leather and canvas belts should be in harmony with the color of the shoes" - mind you, it is "harmony", but not necessarily the same.

So, you can wear navy blue trousers with tan shoes and a dark brown belt; the image will turn out harmonious and rather restrained. Of course, a reddish-brown belt will also be appropriate here, but keep in mind that it will draw attention to your waist. Even if you have a slim one, do you need it? ... and do you need to add an additional bright accent to the image, especially when it comes to business clothes? Justin Fitzpatrick, who writes blog The Shoe Snob, thinks not - and writes that "if you're going to wear a shoe that's flashy enough, you shouldn't match it with a belt of exactly the same color, because the result will be too intense for the eyes." . A blue suit with red shoes and a red belt is overkill; such an image as if shouting "Look at me!" .

At the same time, it is worth adding that with black shoes it is really customary to wear only black belts, and with dark brown, as a rule, they wear dark brown. However, in casual looks sometimes they deviate from this custom, so do not be afraid to experiment if you are not constrained by the framework of any dress code. In general, when choosing a belt for shoes, you should pay attention to the overall similarity of colors. For example, if the shoes are brown with a reddish tint, then a brown belt with a reddish tint will work well with them, but it does not have to be exactly the same in terms of color saturation and “lightness” / “darkness”. If the pants are dark, then you can wear a dark brown belt.

Do not forget about informal looks, where you can easily combine shoes and belts of different colors. Say you can wear a belt with beige chinos and brown loafers. of blue color- there is nothing wrong with such a combination, although it is not very common. However, we recommend avoiding too sharp contrasts, among which Justin Fitzpatrick mentions the combination of green and red. The colors and shades of the belt and shoes can be different, but they should be in harmony with each other and complement each other, and not get into a skirmish and not attract everyone's attention. For example, an olive belt with beige chinos and brown shoes is a perfectly acceptable combination, while a red belt with dark green shoes is a much more controversial choice.

Combination of materials

Is it necessary to suede shoes a suede belt, and cordovan shoes - a belt of similar leather? No, which is why we recommend smooth calfskin belts in the first place, as they are the most versatile. These belts look perfectly acceptable even when combined with grained leather boots, but a grained leather belt combined with smooth leather boots can look odd. In addition, it tends to go poorly with typical summer clothing such as linen suits.

It is worth adding that woven leather belts, as well as textile models similar to them, are very versatile. They look informal, and it is undesirable to wear them with a strict dark suit made of smooth and thin fabric, but such belts are great for chinos, jeans, corduroy and tweed trousers, cotton and linen suits and some other wardrobe items.

Effect of buckle design on compatibility

The most versatile are belts with simple silver buckles; gold buckles tend to be slightly less versatile because they look less neutral. We recommend avoiding large designer buckles, which go well only with fairly thick jeans and massive informal shoes, and sometimes look silly and tasteless no matter what clothes you are wearing. Very small buckles - also not the best the best choice, because they usually don't go well with informal wear like jeans, as well as with things made of rather thick and textured fabrics.

Examples are not very successful combination belt with shoes

Width and edges of the belt

Two more small but important nuances are the width and processing of the edges of the belt. Classic strict belts that harmonize well with classic shoes, usually have a width of 30 to 35 millimeters. Some manufacturers save money and produce slightly narrower models, but this is clearly not the best option. The optimal belt width is 32-34 millimeters - you can combine many of these models with chinos or linen trousers, as well as with business suits and jeans. Belts that are 4 cm wide or more are in harmony only with informal clothing, such as jeans.

The edges of the belts that you plan to wear with formal items such as business suits should either be stitched or very carefully and beautifully finished and dyed. The corresponding models are the most versatile - they often successfully harmonize not only with suits, but also with unpaired trousers, chinos and strict-looking jeans. Braided belts, which are naturally not stitched at the edges, are also versatile, but they sit lower on the formal scale, pairing with the vast majority of jeans, chinos, and some not-too-slim and not-too-formal suits.

ⓅMen's wardrobe differs from women's not only in the number and type of components, but also in the principles of formation. So women's fashion is very fleeting, so ladies have to regularly update their wardrobe, both with basic elements and accessories. Whereas the strong half of humanity does not have many opportunities to give their image of exclusivity and originality. Although, there is a detail with which you can bring your image to perfection - and this is a men's belt, which you can choose from the link: At all times, the belt was positioned as an indicator of the status and high social position of a man. Today, this accessory plays rather the role of a decorative element, with which you can give your image completeness and style.

Detail to detail

Well, in order for the men's belt to cope with its main, that is, decorative function, it must be selected in accordance with certain rules.

Like the choice men's shoes, and the choice of a belt is primarily focused on the main wardrobe, or rather on its style. So today you can buy belts:

  • classic, which are distinguished by a simple form, are made in the traditional color palette and devoid of various decorative elements. Even the buckle on the classic belt is simple. This is the perfect complement to business suit and to the same classic shoes. The material for the classic belt is genuine leather (no options);
  • informal, which can be made not only from genuine leather, but from fabric or substitutes. Belts from the "informal" group may differ in color variety, be decorated with original buckles and have different sizes. This accessory is ideal for jeans, as well as for casual style;
  • sports, which are made from rubber, rubber or special textiles. You can wear these accessories with both jeans and sportswear. But in any case, this is an invisible accessory, since the “sporty” belt should always be hidden under a T-shirt or sweater.

Business style must be business

For those who are not ready for fashion experiments, you can follow the "golden rule" according to which accessories are under men's suit are selected in a single style, color and texture design.

You can view the catalog of various accessories here.

That is, the same black lacquer belt is best suited to lacquered black shoes. Although, a belt made of black smooth leather will look no less stylish.

If the shoes are made in brown or dark blue, maroon or gray, then there are two options for choosing a belt:

  • tone-on-tone;
  • neutral classic (black or brown).

By the way, when choosing accessories, you also need to consider the color of the suit, shirt and tie. But you don’t need to limit yourself to white and black, otherwise there is a risk of looking too formal and boring.

*Comment: The editors are not responsible for the content and opinions expressed in articles marked with a Ⓟ.

To become stylish, it is not enough to wear fashionable clothes this season. The male image consists of a mass of details, each of which has a huge impact. Our fashion is limited by tradition, standards and often dogma. It's hard to go beyond. Here you need attention to detail - accessories. Neckerchiefs, ties, cufflinks, watches, pocket square and a trouser belt make the image of a man unique.

The list goes on, but today we are talking about the belt. Accessory is not as simple as it seems. This is not just a piece of leather or textile with a metal buckle. If you think that it is only needed to support trousers, then you are deeply mistaken 🙂 The variety of materials, design, plate shapes and functions makes the belt an indispensable part. Let's try to decide what kind of belt you need and how to choose it.

How to choose a men's belt

The main thing to remember is that we do not choose a means of supporting pants, but a fashion accessory, the highlight of the image. Therefore, any trousers, jeans or pants should be selected according to size. Clothing should not fall down to the knees without the support of a belt. First of all, we combine the accessory with shoes:

  • We choose black belts for black shoes, brown belts for brown shoes;
  • The ideal option is obtained by combining a belt, shoes and a watch strap. In this case, the strap may differ, both in color and in design;
  • If the shoes are multi-colored, choose a belt in the general range.

The buckle is just as important. If unsure, choose classic shape without inscriptions, patterns and other excesses. Silver color, as it should be better fit to any clothing.

Pay attention to cost. Cheap pressed leather or synthetics quickly stretch, crack and lose appearance. It is better to spend money on products made of genuine leather. By the way, belts of domestic manufacturers are quite affordable amounts.

Types of men's belts

It is necessary to choose an accessory based on the style and functionality of the model. It is customary to divide belts into three types: classic (trouser and denim), sports and casual. In our opinion, all of them should be in the wardrobe. Let's figure it out.

Classic trouser straps

It is not difficult to distinguish a classic model from a casual one. Strict products are made of not thick leather black or Brown. Plus a strong buckle. Well, colored belts, especially those made of fabric, are definitely made for a casual wardrobe. Some "gurus" believe that wearing a belt with a classic suit is optional. I guess, yes. But the highlight, which distinguishes the shirt and trousers, looks great.

Pay attention to the material. The classic belt can be made from both natural leather and artificial. The standard width is from 3 to 4 centimeters for a trouser model, 4-5 centimeters for a denim model. The buckle is metal or plastic. AT classic models do not use massive, non-standard buckles. Remember, colored belts should not be in this category. Alternatively, you can contact the workshop and get a unique product made to order.

Do not rush to choose, try the product in tension. The belt should not stretch more than 2 centimeters. If it does not stretch, it will not be comfortable to wear. If it stretches strongly, then after a while the deformation will take critical forms.

Since leather belts are usually pressed from two pieces, try bending the product, twisting it slightly. The quality of the connection of the layers will be noticeable.

Casual belt

Everyday models are very diverse. There is no rigid binding to color, shape and material. This applies not only to the base, but also to the buckle. Just be careful with labels. A buckle with words or symbols should be in the subject. Pay attention to the width. Casual models can be wider and reach 5 centimeters. Buy the product according to the size of the loops on the pants.

Now for the buckles. You can choose the classic form. Looks great with chinos or jeans. But unusual buckles are also welcome. The choice depends on your wardrobe. The use of one mechanism or another depends in part on the material of the belt. Clamping buckles are often completed with fabric models. For the skin, this mechanism is deadly. In the case of leather, automatics and semi-automatics will be of interest. You can choose an open buckle or with an anchor. There are no hard recommendations. Decide for yourself. By the way, casual lovers are recommended to take a closer look at the braided belt. Interesting models combining different materials. This is what makes it unique.

Sports belts

In these products, the functionality is tied to the material. The basis for the manufacture is rubber, rubber or durable fabric. It's nice to have a belt like this. Most importantly, remember that the accessory can only be worn with sports or denim items. In the case of jeans, the belt must be hidden under a T-shirt, jumper or sweater. Never attempt to wear these belts with classic trousers or a suit.

What is the result

Men underestimate the belt. It is believed that it only fits the formal style and performs a utilitarian function. A persistent delusion that must be fought. Try to buy a men's trouser belt. A few are better different models. Try different combinations, use all the elements of the wardrobe. Do not miss the opportunity to diversify the image. Good luck with your choice!

One of the few accessories that are constantly present in a man's wardrobe is a belt. It turns out that choosing a men's belt is a whole science. This strip of leather most often serves not only to keep the trousers in their rightful place, but also complements your image, making it complete and harmonious. And as ancient people believed, the belt - the prototype of the modern belt - protected the owner from an evil word or evil eye. And the ancient warriors used their wide belts to protect their stomachs. According to the rules of modern etiquette, a belt must be present on your trousers. It is a must-have accessory in a man's wardrobe. It should be noted that if you like to wear suspenders, then the belt will be absolutely out of place in your wardrobe. And, conversely, using a belt, you should not wear suspenders. How to choose a men's belt and not miss, but be satisfied with your purchase?

1. Decide what you will wear your new belt with. Modern belts are divided into two main types: casual and classic. You can't wear a casual belt to a strict business suit. So when choosing a belt, keep the unity of style.

2. It is desirable that the belt matches the watch band, and the belt buckle matches the watch face.

3. For a classic belt, the buckle must be simple, without unnecessary logos or stones.

4. You should choose a men's leather belt not for a suit or trousers, but for shoes. The top of elegance will be a belt that is correctly selected and combined with shoes, not only in color, but also in texture.

5. Too expensive belt requires the same suit. Otherwise, it will look out of place.

6. The belt should be at least four to five centimeters wide. These belts are recommended for men. Narrower belts can be afforded by teenagers and young people, not older than 20 years old.

7. The length of the belt is also an important point. It is very important that the belt covers you with a small margin, but no more than 20 centimeters. If the belt you like is too long, it must be shortened. And you need to do this immediately after purchase.

8. If the men's belt is chosen correctly, corresponding to the size, then it should be fastened in one of the middle holes. When purchasing a belt, be sure to pay attention to spare holes. It is better if you have at least 1-2 holes left in stock.

9. By the way, choosing a men's belt in the salon or company store, you can immediately make additional holes. Never do this yourself at home. In this way, you reduce the life of the new belt.

10. Modern belts can be made of both leather and leather substitutes and durable fabrics. Don't expect a non-leather belt to last.