The most painful places for tattoos in girls. The most painful places for a tattoo

I am often asked about where it hurts the most to get a tattoo. In addition to the fact that the sensations of getting a tattoo (and everything else, in fact) are a purely individual thing, there are indeed a number of places on the body that in most cases are more sensitive than others. This does not mean that it is not worth hitting a tattoo there, if there is a desire - no one and nothing can stop you, just be prepared for the fact that you will have to endure sensations stronger than light scratches.

The back, in principle, cannot be called the most sensitive place on the body, its thick skin is even among the least sensitive places - that is why the back becomes an ideal area for the first tattoo. Firstly, there is less chance that you will get bored with the chosen drawing - you will almost never see it yourself, and secondly, the back is good for understanding what to fill a tattoo without enduring too much torment. But it is quite different with spine area, a place where nerve endings from all over the body gather. It feels like when several needles are poked into your spine at a speed of a hundred beats per second at the same time - it seems that you are not just breaking your back with a jackhammer, but also breaking your head with it, sometimes feelings magically respond in absolutely unexpected places, to the right and to the left of the spine itself. It sounds scary, but in general, of course, the pain is tolerable, otherwise no one would get tattoos on their backs, right?

Also in the top of painful places, of course, Feet and Hands. There is thin skin on the surface of the feet and there is practically no fat that can protect delicate bones from treacherous interference in human nature for the sake of aesthetics, sensations, image, religion, psychological needs (underline as necessary), the same is the case with hands. Thus, the tattoo needle transmits vibration not only to the skin, but also directly to the bones, tendons (also an unpleasant place), now and then shooting at reflex points. But how beautiful the tattoos on the feet look, in last years become especially popular.

One of the most painful places for many is the area ribs, as well as pelvic area. With the ribs, everything is quite clear, here, just as in the case of the feet, close to the surface (not everyone, of course), there are bones, tendons, which are additionally hit by vibration from the machine. The lower abdomen, hips are the most common erogenous zones, so it is easy to guess that it is there that tattooing will be especially painful. The disadvantages in choosing a tattoo for the lower lateral part of the abdomen include the fact that with age or during pregnancy in girls, such tattoos float and deform strongly, forming an additional headache in order to make a correction or cover-up*.

The biggest surprise for me was the power of sensations when stuffing a tattoo on shins, a place seemingly far from the bones and almost insensible to normal touch. On my personal body there are not so many tattoos to compare the pain, but of all the most painful for me was the tattoo on the lower leg. The feeling is not at all like the sensations in other parts of the body, over time, the leg spontaneously began to break out of the hands of the master, when it was already too late to turn back and after so many years my tattoo still needs to be constantly delayed correction. According to my friends, knee is also a sensitive place, for fairly clear reasons.

Surely, the most vulnerable place that is chosen for a tattoo is nipples. As you know, there are more nerve endings on the nipples than on the genitals, besides, in women this place is also an external manifestation of the mammary glands and can react to irritation both wildly exciting and wildly painful, depending of course on the degree of irritation.

Keep in mind that this is just a rough sketch of a tattoo sensitivity map and everyone has a different pain threshold. One girl I knew squealed in pain when I stuffed a tattoo on her wrist, for me the same place turned out to be almost imperceptible. The fact that getting a tattoo is a painful process will not be news to anyone, but if you really want it, this will not be a hindrance. The fact that a tattoo should be a conscious decision, expensive and painful, is its peculiar charm. Or maybe a secret masochist lives in you, so that pain can be perceived by everyone in completely different ways. At the end of this short digression, it is worth noting what every tattoo artist says before your visit to him: do not drink on the eve of the session, get enough sleep, have a hearty breakfast, do not be nervous. During our lives, we very often have to experience pain, sometimes it is the best indicator that you are still alive. After all, what is the point in life if you are in a room with soft walls, with all your might avoid what can hurt you?

Text: Sasha O.

*overlapping an unsuccessful or unwanted tattoo with another pattern

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding tattoos is "does the tattoo hurt?" or “How much does it hurt?”.
Any tattooed person will confirm that this question has indeed been asked hundreds of times already. But we expect that if you are interested in this headline, then it is really important for you to get an objective and honest answer to it.

So, "I want to get a tattoo, but I'm afraid of pain."
There are a lot of legends and stories around this wording, someone claims that it is a hell of a pain, someone says that he almost fell asleep while applying a tattoo. Some people faint because their blood sugar drops or they let fear get the better of them. But don't think that you are one of them.

Actually, it's unique. personal experience, which is influenced by many factors.

If in principle you are afraid of blood and injections, then of course it will not be easy for you. But if you choose a place on the body where you will not physically see the process itself, you will be able to reduce this fear a little. The needle moves up and down, pushing the ink just below the surface of the skin. The damage done to your skin is negligible, and many people don't bleed at all. The tattoo artist will also constantly wipe the skin, so even if there is blood, you will not see it. Excessive bleeding is only possible if you consumed alcohol or blood thinners such as aspirin before the process.

“So does getting a tattoo really hurt?”
The short answer is "YES, but to a different extent for each."

It should be noted that the tattoo needle does not go deep under the skin and makes about 10-15 injections per second. Speed ​​plays a big role here, because if she moved slower, she would pierce the skin. Our skin is made up of three layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Because the epidermis is constantly renewing, the tattoo needle must penetrate the dermis layer to make the tattoo permanent.
Other factors that affect the degree of soreness are the location on the body, the pain threshold, the skill of the tattoo artist, and the duration of the process.

“Where is the most painful place to get a tattoo?”
The least painful place for a tattoo is the inside of the wrist and the upper part of the shoulder.
The ankles, thighs and inner side of the calves are also insensitive, as they have a good muscle layer.
Pain worsens in soft parts of the body such as the neck AND the inside of the forearm.
Getting a tattoo directly on a bone (elbow, knee) is excruciating, as you feel the vibration of the entire bone, and sometimes adjacent bones.
Tattoos in the abdomen, on the top of the foot, armpits, under the ribs are the most unpleasant. Many girls get their first tattoo on the top of their foot… ah, if only they knew ahead of time.

Look at the diagram:

You can make your tattoo session more enjoyable by following these tips:
  • Eat an hour before the session;
  • Drink water before and during the session to avoid dehydration;
  • Think in advance what to wear - clothing should be comfortable and give access to the part of the body on which the tattoo will be directly located;
  • Get enough sleep the night before, no partying until the morning;
  • Just in case, stock up on painkillers such as Ketanov or Nurofen (just read the instructions) and make sure they don't contain aspirin;
  • Or buy a local anesthetic ointment;
  • Bring lollipops with you to keep your energy level up and distracted if necessary;
  • Take a shower before going to the master, but do not overdo it with perfume;
  • Do not drink alcohol the day before the session - alcohol thins the blood, prevents blood clotting and sealing the wound from infection;
  • Do not consume more than one cup of coffee per session day;
  • Do not get a tattoo unless you are sure of the sketch;
  • Don't settle for a tattoo if you see dirty equipment with used needles;
  • Don't get a tattoo if you have a cold;
  • for girls: do not get a tattoo during menstruation;
  • do not bring a whole support group with you, one person is enough - space is limited, and the presence of strangers can distract both the master and prevent you from coping with the situation;
  • Do not be afraid of pain and discomfort, they will end very quickly;
  • If the pain becomes unbearable, stop the session - you can finish another time;
  • Trust your tattoo artist.
And remember, after applying a tattoo, special care is required for it. Until the end of the healing process. We will tell you soon how to take care of it.

Good luck, and if you have any questions - ask, we will answer them.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

By imagining the sensations, you will more easily endure the process. The emotional state of the carrier affects not only healing, but also the quality of the pattern.

The pain caused by tattooing is comparable to burning when in contact with hot steam or boiling water.

Many people ask if it hurts to get a tattoo in certain areas. Where and how painful it is to get a tattoo reflects the scheme that can be found in any salon.

On it, the red zones indicate the highest degree of pain. The green marker marks the places where it is easiest to apply the drawing. Yellow reflects border zones.

Small drawings cause a slight burning sensation. When the master drives the needle, you feel a slight tingling sensation. If work is underway on multi-layered driving in of paint, the pain is expressed by intense burning.

A sensation of acute pain occurs when the cartilage and joints are covered with a pattern. The same applies to the area of ​​the halo of the nipple and facial skin.

Pain map the most painful places

The tattoo pain map shows the places where the nerve endings are concentrated. The degree of sensitivity depends on the amount of fat and the density of the muscle frame.

Hold me seven

Most painful places in both sexes:

  • face;
  • throat area along the line of the larynx;
  • nipple areola;
  • groin area;
  • places of folds;
  • outlets of bones and joints close to the surface of the skin.

The skin itself is resistant to the influx of unpleasant sensations. Discomfort depends on the transition point of the skin into the mezra (the connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscle).

Tattoo artist and safety equipment

How is the process different for men and women?

In girls under the age of 25, the skin has a thin structure. She is extremely sensitive to pain. Pain threshold rises with age .

Pain map

Zones of immunity increase . Places of deposition of fatty tissue cover the entire back, a large area of ​​the thighs, lower legs. Women practically do not experience pain when stuffing a tattoo on their chest.

The halo of the nipple, inguinal region, armpits, wrists, knees and elbows, a line along the radius are distinguished by particular pain in the zone of susceptibility. Women's tattoos do not cause discomfort on the shoulder blade.

The male population has more pain zones. Nature has concentrated the fat layer in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, the back of the hand, and the front of the thigh.

Operations are painless. Relatively easy to tolerate application on the shins men's tattoos in this area are popular for this very reason.

Works on the collarbone are extremely painful for women, unlike men, they are applied more easily.

I'm not afraid of the injection...

Do's and don'ts before a tattoo session

For the work of the master, anesthetic ointments are used. That is why you should not consume alcohol and smoke before the session. This interferes with the normal response of nerve endings to the painkiller.

ATTENTION! The tattoo does not beat on the skin with severe inflammation, purulent and flaky areas. Work is not performed on zones with large quantity moles. If there are papillomas, the master should not do the work.

You need to come to the session refreshed and well-rested. Women should refrain from tattooing during menstruation.

During this period, sensitivity increases. You can't get a tattoo if you're sick or on antibiotics.

Preparing for a session involves choosing loose clothing. In the drawing area, it should not touch the skin at all.

How to anesthetize the process?

For tattooing, the most painful places are the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms, forearms and lower legs. In other areas, an anesthetic is applied.

It is applied 15-25 minutes before the start of the process. Due to this, during the session, a person does not experience anything but a slight burning sensation.

Does not cause allergies:

  • Nano Meter 2 Minutes
  • goochie
  • Mei-Cha X-IT
  • GEL Mei-Cha
  • BioQuick.

These drugs have a hemostatic increased analgesic effect. Basically, these are ointment gels.

They are rubbed into the skin, after which they soothe sensitive nerve fibers.

Where it hurts to get a tattoo

Each person has an individual susceptibility where it hurts to get a tattoo. For women, the most painless place on the chest. In both sexes, it is relatively sensitive to perform work on the neck.

Honey, tell me a story...

It is painful to open the skin around the foot on the leg. The operation on the knees, on the coccyx, on the palm is extremely sensitive.

The most sensitive places are the groin area, in men, the ribs and chest.

Areas of increased sensitivity include, the inner surface is riddled with many endings. As well as the inner surface of the thigh.

The same sensitivity in the armpit, in the area on the fingers, the inner surface of the shoulder near the elbow.

A separate topic for tattoo artists is the head. Here are located not only the nerve endings, but also the centers of various organs.

I got tired ...

Where is the least painful place to get a tattoo?

In both sexes, it does not hurt to open the skin:

  • on the forearm;
  • on the calf;
  • on the shoulder;
  • on the side of the thigh;
  • beat on the hand;
  • outer thigh (men);
  • back (for women)

Nerve endings come close only at the folds and in places of less fat accumulation.

side tattoo

Painless areas include a large muscle of the chest plate. This is a place where it does not hurt to make a tattoo of any size.

Many of the women who hit the paintings along the back of the spine did not experience any discomfort either. In both sexes, operations affecting the external are painless.

The processes of applying a tattoo for those who made the lower back have tolerably gone, on the back it is less pleasant to draw a drawing in this area.

To choose the very place for a tattoo, contact the master. He will indicate on the pain map in which place it is better to do the work.

They found each other...

If you do not have special preferences, the advice of an experienced tattoo artist will save you unnecessary negative emotions. As a result, your choice will be dictated by common sense and imbued with a sense of beauty.

Almost everyone who wants to perpetuate a drawing on their body is interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. On the one hand, this is a natural interest in the process of tattooing, but on the other hand, when a tattoo artist is asked where it does not hurt to get a tattoo, or whether it hurts to do it at all, the master can regard this as the client’s unpreparedness for tattooing. How painful is the drawing really and is it worth getting a tattoo if there is a fear of the procedure? Find out the answers to these questions before making a final decision.

To do or not to do?

Not only women, but also men are interested in whether it hurts to get a tattoo. And if the fear of pain prevails over the desire to get a tattoo, then definitely you should not rush. And if a trip to the tattoo parlor is postponed because of the pain of applying a tattoo, then it is quite possible that this is an intuitive feeling of the wrong choice of pattern or a hasty decision. In any case, if the desire to get a tattoo is not based on a momentary whim, then no fear of pain will stop you.

There is no single answer to this question, and each tattoo owner describes their feelings in different ways. But, the following factors significantly affect pain.

Psychological attitude

For those who get a tattoo for the first time, the main frightening factor is not the pain itself, but the unknown. Due to the fact that there is no idea about the upcoming pain sensations, fear appears. At the same time, during repeated sessions, when this fear disappears, the pain is tolerated in a completely different way. Of course, there are times when fear only intensifies, especially if the first tattoo session was very painful. With such an attitude, it is almost impossible to ignore the pain.

Psychological attitude plays an important role not only in the first sessions of tattooing. With fatigue, poor health, anxiety, pain can be significantly increased. And even avid tattooists who visit tattoo parlors more than once a year note that pain is perceived differently each time. Therefore, by the time you visit the tattoo artist, you should prepare, tune in a positive way, have a good rest and, if possible, eliminate annoying factors.

Individual pain threshold

The perception of pain depends on individual tolerance. A person can fall asleep during tattooing or endure calmly for several hours, but after that feel unbearable pain, or vice versa, at the beginning he experiences discomfort, and after that he can endure several hours calmly. As a rule, women are more enduring, but react to pain more emotionally.

Professionalism of the master

Painful sensations largely depend on how the master works and what equipment he works with. Professional masters work only with high-quality modern tattoo machines, which greatly reduces the pain of the procedure. Tattoo size and application technique.

It takes more time to apply a large pattern, and, consequently, the wound surface of the skin will be larger. But even small tattoos can be quite painful if the main part consists of contours. For example, whether it hurts to get a tattoo on the wrist depends on the size of the design and its complexity. A drawing that covers a large area, as well as a complex detailed drawing, is much more painful than an inscription or a small simple drawing. This is due to the time of exposure to the thin and sensitive skin of the wrist, and the extent of damage to the skin in the most painful areas.

Place of application

As a rule, the most painful are the areas located closer to the bone, as well as containing a large number of nerve endings. It is believed that the most painful place for tattooing is the genital area, chest, ears and eyes. Tattoos on the neck are painful to do in the area of ​​the vertebrae, but due to the thin and sensitive skin, the sides and front of the neck may be more painful.

Tattoos on the leg are painful to do in the ankles and feet, due to a small layer of subcutaneous fat and a large number of nerve endings. Tattoos on the wrist are painful to do in places with thin skin and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbones. In addition, the areas of the ribs, armpits, elbow and knee joints, and the spine are painful.

It is believed that the least painful are the areas of the body that contain the largest fat layer between the bones and the skin. The most common places where it does not hurt to get a tattoo are the shoulders, since this area contains a fatty layer and a small amount of nerve endings. Also, not strong pain in the calves and buttocks, although tattoos are not so common on these parts.

What is used for anesthesia when applying a tattoo?

The most commonly used agents with a slight analgesic effect in the form of sprays or gels based on lidocaine or benzocaine. The use of local anesthesia in the form of injections is risky, and most tattoo artists refuse such drugs. Cannot be used for pain relief alcoholic drinks and narcotic substances, as well as drugs that increase bleeding, change blood pressure and disrupt blood clotting, as this will all affect the quality of the tattoo. In fact, the body itself takes care of reducing pain by producing endorphins, hormones of joy that are responsible for our mood and well-being. Often this explains the desire to make one more, and maybe more than one, tattoo.

Each tattoo artist is asked before the session: “Does it hurt?”. We tell you where it really hurts so that you don't ask stupid questions.

Tattoos hurt everyone: both women and men. The intensity of pain depends not only on the individual pain threshold, but also on some other factors. If before the session you didn’t eat properly, but drank the day before, or you caught a cold and don’t feel well, put the tattoo away. Otherwise, you will doom yourself to the torments of hell, unless, of course, you are going to do something more or less serious, and not a small heart on your hand.

But suppose you feel great. And so you come to the session in a great mood, the tattoo artist prepares your skin for tattooing, translates the drawing (or draws freehand, this is cooler), turns on the machine ... And you start to writhe in pain, twitch - and neither you nor a master who can make jagged contours due to your convulsions. Join an epic paintball battle on a real military training ground. Feel like a hero of a movie or game.

Just look at this pain map and think about where you can really endure hours of "acupuncture" sessions. If you are getting a tattoo for the first time, it is worth remembering that the most painful places of application are those that are not protected by fat and muscles, as well as those where a lot of nerve endings are concentrated. For example, it hurts like hell to hammer the knees, the shin area in front (where the so-called “dry bone”), ankles, feet, shoulder at the attachment point of the shoulder joint, back in the coccyx and spine, neck, ribs. It hurts to tattoo and the stomach, as well as the area under the chest.

It practically does not hurt to make a tattoo on the biceps, shoulders, soft tissues shins, buttocks, shoulder blades.

How to avoid hellish torment when applying a tattoo? You can use special anesthetic ointments, which are always in the arsenal good master. The ointment lasts 3-4 hours, and if the pain becomes too strong, it is better to interrupt the session and finish the tattoo in a week or two. In addition, you can take painkillers. And also - to be distracted to the maximum, talk with the master, watch a movie or listen to your favorite music. And breathe deeply.

Remember: when choosing a tattoo and the place of its application, it is better to think not about how comfortable and painless the session will be, but how much it will decorate your body. And beauty - it is such - requires sacrifice.