Christmas fun. New Year's greetings from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden Christmas scenario with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Author's note: About three years ago we showed it at Christmas in our church. If the church, traditions, foundations allow you to use fairy tale characters, then this scenario may well come in handy. We work with children with disabilities, so we often speak for the children the words of their role, help them get out or go on stage in a wheelchair. This is a great encouragement for children, their parents and for ourselves. Physical limitations should not interfere with their creativity. I am very grateful to God that I can write poetry. And this script is for the glory of Him alone! It would be a great honor and privilege for me if anyone wants to use it. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Characters: Father Frost, Tree, Children, Night, Baba Yaga, Star, Lambs, Shepherds, Wise Men. (Depending on the number of children, you can increase or decrease the number of wise men, lambs, shepherds).

There is a Christmas tree (a girl in a Christmas tree costume, or hiding behind a real one). A tired Santa Claus comes out, dragging a bag of gifts behind him.

Here again the hall is full of people,
And smile again
And again to please the children,
Stay with them for the holidays.
Oh, how tired I am of walking the Earth.
From year to year, from end to end, and all to no avail,
Everywhere they shout "Give gifts
And light the bulbs on our Christmas tree."

1. Hello, Santa Claus!
2. Have you brought us gifts?
3. Light our Christmas tree
4. Have fun help!
(They dance around the Christmas tree. They sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." They run away with gifts).

Oh no, this life is not for me.
I hate the Christmas tree and the children.
When will I get a gift,
Will I not see a change in my life?
(continues sadly)
How quiet! Every noise is gone
And even the tree does not disturb the night.
Of course she's so lucky
That even disassembles evil.
She wasn't even cut down.
Dressed up in the middle of the park.
Oh, tree, if you could say
Where can the heart find joy?

What troubled you, my friend?
Why does your heart hurt?

FATHER FROST (looks at the Christmas tree in surprise:
Oh, I don't know, only in the heart suddenly
The thought came to life that only you could help me.

Oh no! I can't help you
But soon my friends will be here.
And what happened on that special night -
They will tell you a story without hiding it.

I know a lot of stories myself
And how your help me - I do not understand.

Don't rush, my friend!
(calling friends)
Friends, no time to sleep!
It's time to tell everyone the story!

That night was special
All around were sleeping peacefully.
And every sound rushed away
In the swift distance.
And in this darkness of the night
Our Savior is born
Left for you and me
Heavenly abode.
I came to give forgiveness
To all of us, without exception,
Came to suffer for all of us
For our salvation. (Leaves).

Something I can't understand
Not New Year, and birthday?

If you want to know the truth -
Have a little patience!

(with a desire to prevent Santa Claus from hearing the Christmas story):
Hello, Santa Claus!
Did you bring gifts for the children?
Your deed is very good -
You don't take gifts.
You are very kind and very generous -
Do not know you problems and troubles.
After all, you give out gifts -
Save yourself and your life.

Santa Claus (with pride): Oh, how wise your words are.
I know - I'm very generous!

Drive this guest away
Dying can only help.

BABA YAGA (Yelke):
Hey, you, am I bothering you?
I'm just enlightening my grandfather.
(speaks further to Santa Claus)
And someone's birth somewhere
You don't need no doubt.

You wish him only evil -
You brought lies and pride.
From them death forever!
The Star would come soon!

I was lucky by God's will
Burning in the sky for a reason.
Lighting the way to eternal salvation
shines star of bethlehem.
I want to burn always, I'm very bright,
So that every sinner can see me
So that every ray of mine, sparkling in the night,
The path illuminated to Jesus, not melting. (Leaves).

About that guiding star
I didn't get to hear it.

And you, grandpa, do not listen,
Come on, I'll cover your ears.

FATHER FROST (repels Baba Yaga):
I beg you, Christmas tree, hurry up
Call your other friends.
(Baba Yaga temporarily leaves the stage)

Oh, Santa Claus, don't rush
Be attentive to stories.
And as a result, maybe
You will open a new path in life.

1. How hard it was for me to believe
That in the poor manger - the Lord Himself,
That all doors were closed
Before the One who gives life to people.

2. To be a witness to the birth
Great Savior, King,
Which will bring salvation to people,
In spite of all the sins of those people.

3. He was born so poorly, imperceptibly,
In the barn, among the sheep and darkness,
To save everyone without fail
From iniquity, sin and vanity.

4. To glorify the Heavenly Father,
Obedient to the very end
To leave no one in chains,
Who will accept the call of the Savior, the Creator.
(Having circled around the Christmas tree, they run away)

Santa Claus (ashamed):
How wrong I lived
When he grumbled and was indignant,
After all, I was in beautiful houses,
When he was invited to the kids.

Yolka: I'm glad that our Santa Claus
Not so cold inside.

I only ask, tree, do not torment,
Call your friends soon.

THE SHEPHERDS COMING OUT (behind them the thoughtful Baba Yaga comes out insinuatingly):
We're just ordinary, poor people
On the field, we guarded the sheep at night.
"From now on, there will be great joy for everyone" -
The angels sang with joy.
"Glory to God in the highest"
A song poured from Heaven.
Joy of salvation
Spread across the world. (Leave)

Santa Claus (thoughtfully):
And peace on earth
And goodwill in people!
(continues impatiently)
Hurry, friends, hurry
I want to continue.

BABA YAGA (trying to distract him):
You can't listen to that!
You better drink or eat
Get some sleep, dream!
Well, why are you silent?
(Looks into the face of Santa Claus)
Santa Claus: Don't interfere!

When you gave gifts, our kind Grandfather,
I thought there was no limit to your generosity.
Well, now hope not for the ears -
Listen with your heart, listen with your heart.

The star illuminated the way for us,
which we were walking.
Myrrh, gold and frankincense
We brought it as a gift.
We recognized the King in the Child,
Though in a poor manger He lay.
Who will open the heart for Him,
Receive the gift of eternal life!

BABA YAGA (to the sage):
There was a smart guy - just horror!
Gifts, gold - these are fairy tales!
The way back is waiting for you -
Go, go! Need a hint?

BABA YAGA (to Santa Claus):
Who do you believe, Santa Claus?
Try to remember your life!
Only you give gifts -
Nobody else! Well? Well?

Santa Claus: Go away!
(Baba Yaga stamps her foot in annoyance, but does not leave the stage yet).

I look at you, my good friend,
And I see that you listened carefully.
Come on, stand in a circle
Listen to more kids.

(They stand around Santa Claus, but facing the audience. Baba Yaga is trying to lure them away and take them away from the Christmas tree):
1. The sun shines for us from the sky for nothing,
The moon gives us a smile
And the air we breathe for free
The night is full of stars.

2. And spring rain is not for a fee
Nourishes grain fields.
Sunrise turns to sunset
Sunset - dawn - for me.

3. We do not pay for bird songs,
For the gentle rustle of the breeze.
And a gift with joyful excitement
A clear river runs.

4. Today we sing praises to the Baby,
That he came into the world to show love.
Loving, wash away sins with your blood,
Save us all and teach us to love.

Praise God Together
On the day of such a celebration.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Christmas Day!

(Baba Yaga, who was trying to prevent Santa Claus from hearing the news of Christ, angrily takes the bag with gifts and leaves the stage. All the other characters come out)

FATHER FROST (with reverence):
Now I want to glorify the name of the Lord,
Let glory and praise rush up
Because you, Lord, have revealed yourself to me,
And holidays now have a new meaning.
May the Star of Bethlehem shine forever
Above you, dear, day and night,
May it light your path to eternity
Sadness, pain, fear will drive away.
I am grateful to you, good friends,
That you shared this news with me.
My life with God will be new,
And I will not hide my joy in the song.


1. Leading.
2. Santa Claus.
3. Snow Maiden (Russian).
4. Snow Maiden (Ukrainian).
5. Baba Yaga.

For 15-20 min. before the start, the pedlars at the entrance ask riddles in the foyer.


HOST Hello guys! Hello parents! We are glad to welcome you to our Christmas tree. Let's pray according to the Orthodox custom before the start of the holiday.

Everyone sings the troparion to the Nativity of Christ, turning their faces to the nativity scene.

Departure of Santa Claus.

HOST Hear guys? Have Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden already come to us? Let's make a surprise for them: we'll dance, and as soon as they come, we'll sing their favorite song. What do you think is the favorite song of Ded Moroz and Snegurochka? (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” We are building a round dance.) Well, we are already ready, but Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are still gone. Maybe they got lost in this big palace? Let's call them out loud so they can hear.
TOGETHER Santa Claus! Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus appears.

FATHER FROST Hello guys! Merry Christmas! But aren't the Snow Maidens, my granddaughters, here yet? (But isn’t the Snow Maiden, my granddaughter, here yet?) Where are they? (Where is she?) There are so many corridors in the palace, so many stairs - they are lost, apparently.
HOST Do not worry, Grandfather Frost, the guys and I have prepared a surprise for you - your favorite song.
FATHER FROST Do you really know her? (Yes!)

Everyone sings "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

FATHER FROST Well thank you, well pleased. Even though I’m old Grandfather, I love funny fun. To begin with, I offer you a game called "boa tail". We break the circle. To my right is the head of a boa constrictor, to my left is the tail. The tail quarreled with the head, (spreads the ends of the circle), and the head tries to catch up with the tail, and the tail runs away.

Music, game.

FATHER FROST What, it got hot? Nothing, now I will freeze you! Stretch your arms in a circle, and when I run past, quickly hide your palms. Whoever I hit is frozen and goes into the circle. One, two, three, let's start! (Music, game). And now the one who is frozen must complete my tasks. So, be careful: (and you guys help them). Right hand took hold of the left ear, carefully raised the left leg and plugged it behind the knee of the right leg, and now in this position we jump around the Christmas tree.


FATHER FROST Well done, you are frostbitten. However, I played with you here, but my snow maidens did not appear. What happened to them?

Music. Baba Yaga appears.

BABA YAGA What, the Orthodox gathered? Are you looking for Snow Maiden? And I know where they are, they left and will not come to you anymore. They have read my books, now they will forget about Christmas and Easter.
HOST How can we Orthodox Christians forget about Christmas?
BABA YAGA What do you know about Christmas? Now I will check you.

In what city was the Savior born?
-What gifts did the Magi bring to the Savior?
-What was the name of the king who wanted to kill the baby Christ?
-In which country did the Holy Family flee from Herod?

Wow, what smart kids!

FATHER FROST Listen, Baba Yaga, how do you yourself know everything about Christmas?
BABA YAGA Yes, I was once Orthodox, but now I don’t believe in your fairy tales. The Orthodox have no spiritual stability.

Snow Maidens appear to the singing "God is with us"

SNOW MAIDEN (RUSSIAN) Finally we found you!
SNOW MAIDEN (UKRAINIAN) It's good, there are a lot of children here!
SNOW MAIDEN (RUSSIAN) Merry Christmas, brothers and sisters!
BABA YAGA Yes, how is it! Yes, what is it! After all, our best recruiters worked with them! They had to forget their Orthodox past!
SNOW MAIDEN (UKRAINIAN) You wanted to piss us off, but we prayed.
SNOW MAIDEN (RUSSIAN) None of your books have shaken us, because God is with us.
FATHER FROST So you, Baba Yaga, are a sectarian agent, then?
BABA YAGA Exposed! Gotta flush!
HOST We won't let you go so easily! Come on, guys, join hands, stand closer to each other! Try it, Baba Yaga, run away! (Music, children do not let Baba Yaga in. She sits exhausted under the Christmas tree.)
SNOW MAIDEN (RUSSIAN) Guys, it seems to me that Baba Yaga should be pitied. Let's tell her about the Nativity of Christ, sing her a carol, because singing touches the rudest hearts!
SNOW MAIDEN (UKRAINIAN) Yes, let him hear how we sing garno!

Carol "Christmas, an angel has arrived." At the end, Baba Yaga begins to sob.

HOST What's wrong with you, Baba Yaga?
BABA YAGA Oh I love your song! For some reason, I immediately wanted to go to the temple, to bow to the Christ Child. I'll tell you a secret: I'm not a real Baba Yaga - I ordinary girl I even went to Sunday school. Yes, I met sectarians, I stopped going to the temple, I forgot all the prayers, I didn’t fulfill the commandments - so I turned into Baba Yaga.
FATHER FROST Nothing, it's never too late to go back. Really guys?
BABA YAGA Let me bow to Christ together with you, and from here I will go straight to confession!
HOST Guys, and now we all sing the kontakion of the holiday together and approach the den - to bow to the Christ Child. And then we invite everyone to the hall to watch the Christmas tale.

The kontakion sounds several times until everyone comes to the den (to the icon).

(In the book: Scenarios of performances and holidays of the Orthodox children's theater "Transfiguration". - Ufa: Department of Religious Education and Catechization of the Ufa Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, 2006. P. 123-125.)

Holiday script

"Christmas fun" 2017.

The date of the: January 7, 2017.

The script was developed by:

Rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon Mother of God"Inexhaustible Chalice" of the village of Varskie -Priest Vyacheslav Mamaev;

Davydova N.P. - teacher primary school MBOU "Varskovskaya secondary school" of the municipality - Ryazan municipal district of the Ryazan region.

Target : Expand and deepen children's knowledge of Orthodox holiday Christmas, its meaning and traditions of celebration. To promote the familiarization of pupils, their parents and guests with the traditions of Orthodox national culture. Develop Creative skills, to improve performing skills, the desire to give people joy. To educate spiritual and moral qualities: kindness, peacefulness, generosity.

Children go to the carol "Merry Christmas to all of you."

Pupils Sunday school sing the Christmas carol.

1. Lead. Hello, guys, hello, guests, it’s warm and cozy in our house, and it’s cold and blizzard outside.

2. Presenter: It's good that in these Christmas days we are all in our hall again today. More recently, New Year's songs sounded here, they danced round dances, Santa Claus came with the Snow Maiden, what else does Mother Winter bring us, what winter holiday(Nativity).

3. Lead. A star in the sky twinkling

Just barely appears

Everyone knows: good will come

Bright holiday of Christmas.

4. Guys, who was born on this day? Whose Christmas do we celebrate on January 7th?

(Children answer.)

5. Presenter: That's right, Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born.

5.1. Presenter: On the merry Christmas holiday of Christ,

Winter was decorated, fringe on the dress

From transparent ice floes, stars, snowflakes.

All in diamonds, pearls, in multi-colored lights.

5.2. Christmas has come -

We have been waiting for him for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people:

Have fun and sing.

5.3. On this winter day

Smoke curls over the chimney

The moon shines over her

And the hut is full of guests.

Here are the red girls

Coloring pages - sisters

Good fellows around

and Father at the table.

Gatherings here with us

We are all glad to see you!

6.- Truly sacred moments!
"Christ is born!" - we exclaim with you.
From century to century, let the world sing and praise
Christ birth with clean lips!

7. Today is our blesses the rector of the Temple in the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" of the village of Varskie - Priest Vyacheslav Mamaev.

8: A star shone above the mountain cave,

And Bethlehem slept in the silence of sweet dreams,

Great happiness happened then -

Christ was born for the world!

8.1: Why is the vault of heaven shining so clearly on this night?

What marvelous star sheds its light?

Beautiful angels fly in the sky.

The Nativity of Christ is celebrated with song.

Carol "I sing praise to Him alone."

9. Today the whole earth is bright,
And the bells are ringing
And the heart beats evenly
And praise sounds more harmonious:

ChildrenGlory to God in the highest and peace on earth!
Merry Christmas!

Carol "The night is quiet over Palestine."

10. Let's glorify Christ on our family holiday!

May all be touched by its beauty!


Light in my heart!

feast of the saint

The sun has risen.

Heaven is so clear

White day in the night

That baby in the manger

The star sends rays!

The Word became flesh

For our troubles


Nativity -

Eternal life light!

11. A star shines in the sky

Everyone come visit us here.

12. To those who worked and helped a friend,

A merry holiday will step on the threshold.

For tonight the Christ Child

He brought joy to everyone!

13. A miracle happened, a bright day came,

And in every heart he found joy.

After all, this evening the people rejoice -

The Son of God, the Savior, is coming to earth!

14. Peaceful angel, heavenly spirit
Light, joyful rays.
Today an angel came down to us
And he sang: "Christ is born."

15 : We came to glorify Christ
And congratulations on your holiday!

Carol "Have fun, triumph, good people, with me"

17. Christmas miracle
Again, God brought us!
So let in every heart
Christ is born!

Carol "Christmas".

18. The days from Christmas to baptism are popularly called Bright or Christmastide. These days, all people visit each other, give gifts, sing carols, wish health in the New Year. Let us also sing and dance, glorify the birth of Christ.

Together with Merry Christmas

Let the guests rush to your bright home.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Golden Egg".

Old woman. Hey old man, wake up quick!

Old man. Are there wolves at the door?

What are you talking about old woman?

Old woman. Yes, look what I found!!!

Our hen Pestrukha laid an egg under a bush!!!

Old man. Well, took it down!? What's the deal?

What are you, baba, stunned?

Old woman. Yes, the egg is not simple,

And look - gold!

Old man. Golden???


Did we get rich?

Old woman. Oh, it burns - blinds the eyes !!!

Old man. Miracles!

Old woman. Miracles!!!

Old woman. Oh, it burns, it burns like heat! There would be no fire!

Old man. You lock him in a chest. (knock on door)

Old woman. There is no one at home!!!

Look, the neighbors, as luck would have it, inadvertently brought!

Old woman. On Wednesday I will go to the city.

There is a market on Wednesday.

There are many rich people

I will sell them an egg.

How they give me a pile of money, throw me rubles,

I'll get myself a sheepskin coat

I am a Siberian sable.

Here I will buy new things -

Different skirts - forty pieces.

Blue floral shawl
I'll fill the chest to the brim!

Old man. What are you talking nonsense

Look, a young lady was found

Dress up in different rubbish.

No, if we are rich, I will build instead of a hut

Three-storey chambers and gazebos in the corners!

Old woman. Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old, do not be blissful!

We live no worse than others.

We don't need floors.

And for these pavilions your neighbors will laugh at you!

Old man. Let them laugh, I don't mind!!!

Old woman. Come on, don't scream!

A rolling pin fell to the floor,

Cast iron rattles in the furnace.

Oh, the white light is not dear to me!

Old man. Am I the owner or not!?

Old woman. Oh, the egg rolled!

Rolled and broke.

And there was no shell left, everything had gone somewhere !!!

Old man. So what are we up to!?

From miracles one trouble!

Let's live as before

And work as always!

And you can fix a fur coat and you can fix the house.

Old woman. Only that can be seen reliably, which is given to us by labor!

Old man. Open the door, old woman! What do we have to hide now?

Old woman. Hey neighbor, hey neighbor! Don't forget your friends!

Come in for an hour - I have good kvass!

And pickles, and jams,

Come in without hesitation!

(Grandma appears - Riddler)

Mysterious Grandmother : Hello good people! I am Grandma-Riddle, I congratulate you on Christmas!

Leading: Hello Grandma- Riddle! We wish you a Merry Christmas too!

Leading: Grandma, tell the kids why they call you "Riddle".

Mysterious Grandmother: I am not just a grandma. I tell everyone fairy tales, show them, and I know many more riddles and play games.

Leading: Will you play with us? Do you guess riddles?

Mysterious Grandmother: My riddles today are not simple, but Christmas. Can you guess?(Children answer.)

In the whole world a celebration

Because (Christmas)!

Not in palaces, and not in tents,

Baby Christ sleeps in (manger.)

How can they find the King?

The path will show them (star.)

There is no more humble in this world

Young girl (Mary.)

This angel brought the message

What will be born to Her (Christ).

Travelers went to the census for a long time,
They did not find a place in the city:
Under Bethlehem - bare steppe,
The poor became their shelter ... (Nativity scene)

Cave, manger, haystack,
Born in her ... (Jesus Christ)

In temples the face of those who sing sings:
“Virgin of the Most Substantial…” (gives birth)

This song, we know so
It is called ... (Kondak)

Shined in the dark sky then
Lighting the way, holy ... (Star)

Simple people learned the news.
In the night when the roosters did not sing yet,
They hurried to the baby's manger
And they glorified God ... (Shepherds)

Behind the star, appearing
From the road blue
To Bethlehem they keep a long way
On three camels ... (Magi)

(Santa Claus appears with a bag and sings "Christmas carol")

Father Frost. carol, carol,

You give me a pie

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money.

Who will not give a pie,

That's a chicken leg.

Grandmother-Mystery. How many years I have lived, but I have not seen Santa Claus go caroling.

Father Frost. And why am I worse than other mummers - a bear, a goat, a buffoon? I decided on holy days to visit the guys again, to play. And then after Baptism, it’s time for me to go to the forest, add frost, fix ice bridges on the rivers, put more snow on the fields so that the earth - mother gives more harvest.

Grandmother-Mystery. We are glad, Santa Claus, to see you, but you sing the wrong carols.

Father Frost. So how should it be?

Grandmother-Mystery. Carols should bring joy glorifying Jesus Christ and His Birth, and not "beg".

Do you guys know carols?

Let's play. One of you will read a carol, and we will have to praise it with friendly applause or stomp our feet if this carol is not good. Ready?

(CHILDREN sing carols):


Let's go more expensive

Yes to neighbors with Kolyada

For gifts crowd.

carol, carol,

Christmas Eve!

Open chests -

Get the patches!

Kolyada - carol

Give grandma a pie.

Don't give me a pie -

Let's take the cow by the horns.

Do not give cakes

Let's break the windows.

Ay, doo, doo, ah, doo, doo

And I'm going to the house. The stove is heating pancakes.

Give me a sausage - extends his hand

I'll take it home.

Give me another one, I'll be generous!

Give me a third

Do not drive with a whip -

Grandpa will eat

Three beards

Mustache nod

And remember you!

To all good people
We wish you well, gold, silver!
fluffy pies,
Soft pancakes!
Good health!
Butter cow!
All. To whom we sing songs, it will come true,
That will come true, it will not pass.

good health,

Butter cow!

Merry Christmas!

I congratulate you and Merry Christmas,

that came to your house.

I wish everyone, everyone, that you be healthy!

You have lived together for many years.

Father Frost: Christmas time has come happy days,

And bright lights lit up on the trees.

Christmas tree

We're on fire today too!

The variegation of its elegant

She makes the kids happy.

Round dance "Come to us Christmas tree"

Father Frost . Christmas - fun party. So let's have fun together. Do you want to play? The game is called: "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?". I will name different items for you if you hear the name Christmas decorations, you need to raise your hand up and say "Yes." If I name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, I must restrain myself and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Game: "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?".

Here comes the holiday
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who guys can confirm-
Hanging on its branches...
Top star? (Yes)
A loud buzzer? (Yes)
Petenka-parsley? (Yes)
Soft pillow? (No)
White snowflakes? (Yes)
Bright pictures? (No)
Spider web ball? (Yes)
Old boots? (No)
Chocolate bars? (No)
Horses and horses? (Yes)
Cotton bunnies? (Yes)
Mittens - gloves? (No)
Red lanterns? (Yes)
Breadcrumbs? (No)
Bright flags? (Yes)
Hats and scarves? (No)
Apples and cones? (No)
Kolya panties? (No)
Tasty candy? (Yes)
Snow papers? (No)

Father Frost: Well, thank you guys, guessed all the riddles.
Father Frost: Are you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands
Yes, put it behind your back
Who will I touch
I'll freeze those jokes.
Mysterious Grandmother: And II want to play with the guys. And play the game "Repeat". Be careful guys, repeat all the movements after me.

And it's cold outside

Well, everyone took up the nose!

There is no need for us to beat the buckets,

Well, everyone took their ears,

Twisted, turned

Here are the ears warmed up.

Knocked on the knees

They shook their heads.

Patted on the shoulders

And sunk a little.

- That's warmed up. Are you warm?

Grandmother-Riddle conducts the game "Guess".

Mysterious Grandmother . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess - ka, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

(to the music, children imitate playing the pipe)

Father Frost . You are drinking milk!

Mysterious Grandmother . That grandfather children play the pipe.

Father Frost . Eh, didn't realize!

Mysterious Grandmother . Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the balalaika.

Father Frost . You are scratching your stomach.

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather, these are children playing the balalaika or the guitar!

Father Frost . Well, again, bad luck!

Mysterious Grandmother .

Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

To the music, children imitate playing the violin.

Father Frost (offended). What is this? Are you pulling my beard, Santa Claus?

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather, these are children playing the violin.

Mysterious Grandmother Come on, dear Santa Claus,

Love us.

Guess, Santa Claus,

What are we doing now?

Children imitate playing the piano.

Father Frost . Yes, you sort out the cereal.

Mysterious Grandmother . What are you, grandfather! The children are playing the piano!

Father Frost . Oh, how stupid I am! Oh, thanks! Taught the old man!

Mysterious Grandmother Great and smart Russian people,

How can we be without riddles?

Our riddles are not simple

Yes, they are just as interesting.

Riddles for parents:

Winter drummer? (frost)

Christmas tree homeland (forest)

A female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs (blizzard)

Santa's snitch (staff)

An object artistic creativity Santa Claus? (window)

Nickname of Santa Claus? (Jack Frost)

New Year's "sculpture" created from natural material(Snowman)

Mysterious Grandmother: Christmas is a celebration of glorious miracles. I have a box that becomes magical at Christmas and can fulfill any wish. I wish you to grow up healthy, kind and happy.

Do you want to play?

I have fulfilled one wish of yours.

Live in my box funny Games and fun.

As soon as I open the casket, they are right there, jumping out after each other, inviting me to play.

(Grandmother-Riddle and Hosts conduct games for children and parents) He takes out attributes from the box in turn:

    Scarf - game "Zhmurki". Guess what game we will play?

    Snowball game "Snowballs".

    Ball - game "Bubbles".

4. Bag - the game "Running in bags."

5. toilet paper- Snowman game.

Leading. Thank you, dear guests, for coming to congratulate us.

Thank you, Grandma, for meeting and greeting.

Leading: Our holiday is over! Christmas fun is over!

For a new happiness, for Christmas

Ugly, lentil wheat,

On the field with shocks,

On the table with pies

For everyone to be healthy and rosy.

We sow, we sow, we sow, Merry Christmas to everyone!

Father Frost : On this Christmas holiday

We wish from the bottom of our hearts

So that all your dreams

Performance found.

For good health

The family was filled with happiness

So that you are surrounded everywhere

Only hearty friends!

Grandma Riddle : Let Christmas come to your house

WITH good mood

And may you have a whole year in everything

Luck accompanies.


God bless! Peace be with you people!

May there be joy everywhere!

Live in friendship Do good,

By the mercy of Christ God you give thanks!

Let the carols sound all around, They bring joy to your house,

They bring health and success, Fun, joy and fun.

All: Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas!

Friends! I brought you news
(After all, after all, I am Santa Claus)
What will soon be on the doorstep
Year New! He's already on the road!
The one who learned the rhyme
I put a gift in a bag
Which I will fill to the top!
And all desires will be fulfilled
To those who believe in miracles from childhood!
And you will receive gifts at night!

Bored all, as I can see.
I'll clap my mittens -
In a moment I will sprinkle with snow
light eyelashes
I will border with lace
Gloomy windows -
Let them lead on glass
Children's palms.
I'll scatter on the snowman
In a row on each branch.
I will give away all gifts.
Happy New Year, kids!

Glass pattern on your window:
Here I am, Santa Claus ran through the breeze,
Let frost prick cheeks, ears, noses,
After all, my mittens stroke you.
I brought a bag of gifts under the spruce,
Let's all say: "Hurrah, Santa Claus!".
I congratulate you, my children,
May they not live in your hearts evil ice!
Great health, friends and warmth,
I tell you this, children, loving ...
A year has flown by unnoticed for us -
Your smiles made me rich.
I saw you again, I came to you again,
Through the storm and snow I found your Christmas tree,
We lit the fires, sang a song, friends -
Now it's time for me to go home!

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
I brought you gifts.
I brought you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter,
A sea of ​​happiness and success!
Happy New Year,
And I wish you all
Long, long life in happiness
In vain do not grieve,
Much health, happiness to you,
And live without bad weather!

What guys stings your nose
And your feet are cold?
Soon Santa Claus
Will be on the doorstep!
Red caftan and hat
familiar beard...
An armful of gifts is carrying -
Happy for him kid!
“Well, meet soon!
Sing, dance and laugh.
Dismantle sweets quickly
Poems for me do not spare!
May the New Year come
Will be truly kind
Gives to everyone around
Happiness, success and health!”

Hello kids!
Who wants candy?
I am a bag
Brought to you.
Blizzard on the street -
Let's keep each other warm!
And our round dance
Snow Maiden leads.
A beautiful Christmas tree
We are smiling.
Happy holiday, kids!
Though I rarely see you
But I love you all
I give gifts!
Happy new year to you
Be healthy!

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the script of any new year holiday, which is why it is important to do it in an original and fun way, so that it would be interesting to the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring action known to everyone by heart. And if this is even more so, you can’t spoil the New Year’s fairy tale for children.

Proposed scenario of a game moment with Santa Claus suitable for family holiday where many children gathered children's matinee(medium or senior group) or can become any . Here, children will be able to make some noise, and play, and dance an unusual round dance, and take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, animal footprints drawn

- Large DM gauntlet for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment(attached)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's holiday"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and, as it were, sings (recorded as a plus)

Father Frost:

Hello parents, teachers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I ran like the wind

And I flew in despite the weather

To a happy new year!

Yes, how could I not come here!

Here is a Christmas tree, laughter, serpentine, confetti,

And the time according to the new calendar,

And if you want, I will give you

Luck and joy for a thousand days,

And new stories. And new friends

Then happiness will surely come

Celebrate the New Year together!

Father Frost: I see that smart guys have already gathered here, who are already celebrating not the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me when we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Maybe more summer? Now I will find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that it happens only in summer - stomp your feet, if in winter - clap your hands. But first I want to hear how you stomp? (kids stomp) How about clapping? (clapping) And now we stomp if it is a summer phenomenon, and we clap - only if it is a winter phenomenon, right? Started!

(It is better to conduct such a noise maker or a shout-out at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

New Year's Noise Maker of Santa Claus for Children "In Winter or Summer"

Rain dripping in the morning (stomp)

A child rides on a sled (clapping)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clapping)

Picking berries from grandma's garden (clapping)

We are spinning in a festive round dance (clapping)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And pick mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Santa Claus is coming (clapping)

Chilling cheeks and nose (clapping)

Santa Claus runs and gently pinches and tickles the kids.

Father Frost: Oh, and out of breath while running and pinching. But I wanted to start a round dance, only our Christmas tree is not burning, such a turn. Can you count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: “Burn!”

So, we consider together: “One, two, three, our Christmas tree -“ Burn! ”

Something the tree does not burn,

So no one is screaming

All the kids need to scream

And most importantly loud and friendly.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - “Burn!”

Children's Christmas animation "Dance of Santa Claus"

Father Frost: Now you can lead a round dance. And do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dedmorozovsky dance. Let's stretch the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click the file)

Text(if done to a different musical accompaniment)

Raised the right arm (raise and bend at the elbow)

Raised the left arm (Same)

They clapped their hands, clapped (clap)

Feet stomped, stomped (stomp)

twirled one way, twirled the other way

And now to the music with adults.

Hands raised up (raise) how the trees shook (shake)

Neighbor's right ear pulled (pull)

Neighbor's left ear pulled (pull)

Higher than the handle, who is higher?

Aye well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "And I, and I"

Father Frost: I will now read quatrains to myself, and I would like to know if you girls and boys agree with me. If you kids also do the way I do or love the same thing, then shout: “Iya, and I”, and if you don’t agree, then shout together: “No, not me”,

I love to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

In the summer I hide in my cold, turning my fur coat out ... (children answer: “No, not me”)

I like to play hide and seek with my friends and, of course, chocolates ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

I also love all sorts of sweets and New Year's relay races. ... (children answer: “And I, and I”)

Relay race "Traces"

Sounds like music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Father Frost: Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer) I didn’t see it either, but I managed to see its tracks, and I reproduced these tracks so that you can follow these tracks. And I think you have seen animal tracks and even know who they belong to. (survey following).

(to download - click the file)

And now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will quickly follow the footsteps of Bigfoot. The condition is that the first team members follow only the tracks, they return back running not in the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. It's clear? Then they started.

(game in progress)

New Year's children's animation "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click the file)

(everyone is dancing)

Father Frost: Guys, where are my gloves? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let's all look for them together, help out Santa Claus (children will be able to find one, and the second (large) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides in advance in the hall and finds it himself)

Now I'm wearing gloves. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put on my mitten. Well, it's thick on the inside.

Yes, it's not simple: There are gifts, look!

(Hands out small gifts to children, takes out the rest of the gifts to each of the bag)

Father Frost: Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let NG meet together

Both adults and kids!

To fulfill hope

All cherished desires

To again, as before,

Parting became a meeting

So that the year passes like an hour,

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I will come here again

to see your faces

The holiday will repeat again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

The game ends with a fun round dance.

(to download - click the file)