Heartfelt congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter to grandmother. Congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter to grandfather

Congratulations on the addition -
Wonderful granddaughter appearance!
Peace, tranquility, warmth, comfort
Let them come with the girl.
Let parents - diapers,
Rompers and undershirts,
All the pains of education.
Well, and other "suffering".
Well, what about you? Pleasure,
Endless fun:
Indulge and pamper
Just buy gifts.
Accept love and affection
Sing songs, read fairy tales to her.
Get younger day by day
Loving your sunshine!

Remember, dear ones, how they play patty.
The children gave the granddaughter to the grandfather and grandmother!
In crumbs, pink squeaking joy is your best,
Your sweet happiness and growing love.
Never let the glorious little one get sick!
Well, you cherish her every minute,
And teach everything in the world with the wisdom of mentors!
And get younger with happiness, expecting great-grandchildren!

Such happiness has come to you
It can't be better
You are very lucky in life
Happy birthday to your sweet granddaughter.
Such a gift was given to you,
No wonder your children tried,
They definitely saved you from boredom,
You are the happiest in the world.
Let the beauty grow
And definitely happy
And every day let it give you
Smiles, laughter and life force!

“More joy than a granddaughter,
It just doesn't happen in life! —
Everyone in the world without exception
That's what all grandmothers think!
Finally this is happiness
It came to grandmother's house,
Immediately joy appeared
It was so warm inside!


Keeps you warm!
Let the beauty grow
Relatives to admiration!

Love and mood!

You have already received the status of grandparents,
We sincerely congratulate you on your granddaughter's birthday!
A ray of sunshine, a little heavenly angel,
God's gift, Blessing, this wonderful baby!
I wish only pleasant worries for the whole family,
I understand all these worries, troubles,
Let the road in the life of the granddaughter be illuminated with light,
On your faces, let the wonderful tears of happiness only sparkle

Granddaughter is born! We heartily congratulate you on wonderful event great importance! We wish the baby to be as beautiful and smart as her mother's mother!

The appearance of this crumb is a quivering moment not only for parents, but also for you, the newly-made grandparents, because it is your granddaughter who will return the pun of youth to your quiet life, make you lose 20 years from your shoulders in one fell swoop, and forget about diseases. May your sweet little lady be healthy and enjoy life with you.

Congratulations grandpa
With a bright-eyed granddaughter!
The girl will smile
And wave his hand.
grandpa happily
Wink in response:
"Better than our granddaughter
Not in the whole world!”

You are full of joy
And a holiday in the yard
After all, another one was born
Beauty in the family!
Let your granddaughter become
The most beautiful of all
The smartest and happiest
May she be successful.
In the meantime, the point and the point
I want to live long
To enjoy the sun
And raise a girl!

The Lord gave you a granddaughter,
Why not congratulate?
There is someone to hold on the handles,
Who kisses cheeks.
In spite of, not for something
You will love her.
All girly gossip, secrets
You can share with her.
While she's a baby
Let it grow healthy
Waking up with every look
That spring that lives in you.

The sun is laughing now because of the clouds,
We congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter!
From now on, the days drowned in worries,
Happy grandma and grandpa.
After all, you need to give her so much affection,
Feed, drink, play, rock the stroller...
But let these deeds console you,
After all, your granddaughter is the best in the world!

We heartily congratulate
After all, your dream has come true
Little granddaughter in the family
You were born lucky.
May she be healthy
Let it grow for your joy
Only sweet smiles
Every day brings to your house.
Let the baby become good
Joy to you for years
To laugh, not to be sad,
You will never be with her.

A granddaughter was born to you in joy!
May the light of her beautiful eyes
Keeps you warm!
Let the beauty grow
Relatives to admiration!
Let it bring to your house every day
Love and mood!

Congratulations, grandpa!
Well, let's go now - hold on:
With the advent of the miner
Your life will become brighter!
These ears, eyes, pens
They cover up the whole world!
May the granddaughter be healthy
And grandfather will be happy!

God's miracle visited your house,
In the sky, a new star of happiness lit up!
Grandma and Grandpa shed tears of happiness,
After all, their granddaughter was born today!
I wish the little princess only happiness,
Rainbows in the sky, sweet life always!
I heartily congratulate your whole family,
Let only joyful life be this year!

On this joyful day, the most beautiful and charming girl, your granddaughter, was born! I congratulate you with all my heart! Let it grow and give you joy with its victories and achievements!

Little heels, pink ribbon
There was a little girl in my life.
Your happiness is the main thing, dear angel,
To our great joy, a tiny lump.
Let the native granddaughter be the very best,
Let healthy grow as a reward for mom and dad,
Happy and beautiful, smart and lucky,
Cheerful, carefree, beloved, the best.

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter!
There is no greater happiness in the world
How to take your princess in your arms:
After all, she is like sunshine.
Let the baby be big and healthy
To your joy, it grows faster.
Will become smart, obedient, cheerful,
Definitely find happiness.
Let the skillful grow and comely,
Let good people meet.
let it grow a good person,
So that you are proud of your granddaughter.

Granddaughter was born not long ago,
And you rejoice in your own way,
That something has changed in your life
And strong enough
You don't close the doors anymore
Leading to the baby in the office;
Are you already a little tired? I do not believe -
Grandma is normal, and grandfather is invigorating ...
Let this little bitch whimper -
To the accompaniment of her whining
I want to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter!

From pure heart Congratulations on the birth of your wonderful granddaughter. Let your girl become a true reward for all your good deeds and high aspirations, let your granddaughter grow up as a happy girl to the joy of her parents and the joy of your heart.

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Let every day prepare something interesting and wonderful for the baby, let your baby be healthy and happy, let your granddaughter give unforgettable moments of joy for the soul and the purest joy for the heart.

I heartily congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter. I wish your baby to grow up as a cheerful and cheerful, wonderful and happy girl, so that she always rushes to visit you for a delicious compote with pies.

Rather, I would like to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter. I wish you to become good, loving and beloved grandparents, so that your granddaughter doted on and respected you. Let the little gold grow to your joy. I wish my granddaughter happiness in life, health and an easy life path. May grandparents always be a support and support for their dear granddaughter.

I hasten to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter! May the baby tirelessly please the eyes and hearts of loved ones. Let her turn into an angel for you, a ball of goodness, light, hope and warmth, giving a second wind and happiness to life.

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter. Now a sweet girl has appeared in your life, who, I hope, will become a real pride and joy for you. Let the baby grow in parental love, let her be surrounded by grandmother's care and grandfather's tenderness.

You have a very happy day today, your granddaughter was born! May she grow up healthy, happy and most beloved. Rejoice in her successes, first words and first successful deeds. This is your sun, which brought many bright rays to your family. Everyone wants their children and grandchildren to become worthy and proud of the family. So let it come true.

Congratulations on your newborn granddaughter! I wish the grown family - a wonderful and cozy unity in the joy of upbringing and guardianship, over the little miracle that you now have. Grow healthy, active, strong and smart. Smile a lot and always support each other. Happiness in your home!

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Now there is joy and hope in life. May your little girl grow up healthy and beautiful, may the granddaughter be the most beautiful flower in the flowerbed of grandma and grandpa, which will fill your life with the aroma of love and a sincere feeling of happiness.

Today, mom became a grandmother and dad became the grandfather of the most beautiful girl in the world! This is your granddaughter, beloved sun! Congratulations on this unforgettable day! Health to the newborn and joyful troubles to the grandparents!

To congratulate a grandmother on the birth of her granddaughter, it is important to choose beautiful, pleasant words. They should emphasize the importance of the event and become a fateful parting word for a newborn and a young grandmother. For example, on the day of the solemn feast, it is best to sincere congratulations in prose. But in a narrow circle, you can congratulate a young grandmother with cool poems, especially if she has good feeling humor. Such congratulations are well suited both for a family dinner in honor of a newborn, and for an official speech in a friendly work team.

Universal congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter for a grandmother in verse

Accept congratulations,

Granddaughter is just a lovely sight.

Let her star in the sky

Shines brightly on your birthday.

We want you to become

For her beloved herself,

An important experience in life to give,

Close to be like a second mother.

The girl is the most important

Kindness, attention.

We wish you health

Happiness, understanding.

With the birth

beautiful granddaughters,

Life will become in its declining years

Completely different:

You must give her

wisdom, understanding,

Family upbringing

Pay attention.

No doubt there will be a granddaughter

listen to all your advice,

And communication is more expensive

Than toys and candy.

Congratulations and wish

May everything always work out.

Lifetime chance to become a grandmother

It's given for nothing.

Path of pleasant worries

Give the mood

Let the granddaughter grow healthy

She - in the fate of luck!

Cool congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter for a grandmother

Congratulations! This day

Your whole family was waiting

good colleagues,

Close friends.

Ready packs of diapers

And mountains of rattles

Purchased a wardrobe

The car is full of toys.

We wish you, grandmother,

Don't groan and sigh

After stroller scooter

Get ready to buy.

Congratulations, grandma!

There are plenty of worries:

Teaching granddaughter everything

You will have to now.

And let it be easy for her in life

All the best is given

And you in your declining years

May everything return with care!

Granddaughter is born!

Accept congratulations.

Let your life change

Her appearance.

Let there be trust

family basis,

We wish you inspiration

For your new role.

Try to be funny

Always be active

In a pleasant routine

Forget about age!

Beautiful congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter for a grandmother in prose

They say that an apple does not fall far from the tree. A strong and strong-willed apple tree has not only a wonderful harvest of ideal apples, but also new seedlings, which now show off their own harvest. May your family garden grows with sweet and healthy apple trees as close as possible to each other, and let each young apple honor that beautiful and generous tree, without which it would not feel the warm rays of the sun.

A young grandmother is like Indian summer in nature. Like a continuation of the warm and sunny summer on the threshold of autumn, into which it is so pleasant to plunge headlong, to remember again about the hot summer days and enjoy the wonderful weather despite the inexorable force of time. Let the cares of the little granddaughter bring warm memories from the past, when you just as selflessly tried to give the best to your child. Knowing you, I can say with confidence - you will become the best grandmother in the world!

Another star lit up in the sky. it new life. Now her fate will depend on how much strength, love, care and time you devote to the young radiance. We wish your granddaughter a successful fate, and may her star begin to burn as brightly as yours over the years.

There is an opinion that God gives grandchildren so that we give them the best and what we could not provide for our children. Therefore, the status of a grandmother is a kind of lifelong mission. We wish you to deftly cope with new responsibilities and pass on to the baby your boundless energy and love for life, which we all admire so much!

In order for a tender and fragile bud to open with a beautiful and marvelous flowering, it needs proper care, daily watering and heat. Who better than a grandmother to know how to grow this wonderful flower, how much care to give it, and in what proportion to weigh severity and kindness? Let the little bud grow healthy, and I wish the happy grandmother inspiration and strength.

The birth of a granddaughter is a great happiness. We want to congratulate you on this wonderful event and new status. We want to wish you and the little princess good health, success in all endeavors and a cloudless future. Let the baby grow up as a glorious child and please you every day with her sonorous laughter.

Short SMS congratulations on the birth of a granddaughter for a grandmother

Congratulations and wish

Be happy with your granddaughter

After all, about such a grandmother

One can only dream!

We wish from the bottom of our hearts

You are proud of your granddaughter,

Become a beloved grandmother

Work hard over the years.

"Grandma" is your new status

You do not pull on the old woman,

So celebrate your birthday

Granddaughters to the fullest!

We wish to pass on to the granddaughter

Your experience and skills

Happy to be with her

Let every moment!

Happiness, joy and love,

stormy excitement

Let him give you

New addition to the family!

We wish, grandmother,

To achieve everything in life.

Let the granddaughter make

Smile constantly.

Congratulations and wish

Not only to become a grandmother,

And soon a copy

Gradually educate!

We wish grandma a happy

And always be cheerful

For the granddaughter the world is beautiful

Open with love.

We want you to manage

With diapers, food.

Play more with granddaughter

Get educated!

Great happiness - to be a grandmother,

Forget everything else for a while.

I want to plunge into worries with my head,

May your granddaughter be with you too.

We know love for granddaughter

Your limitless

Let fate be

And her personal life!

Congratulations on this day

Sincerely, frankly,

Let it bring into your life

Granddaughter joy forever!

Interesting poetic congratulations on the birth of a second granddaughter for grandmother

Fate gave you granddaughters,

And you became happy twice.

We hasten to congratulate on this day,

Let everyone know about it!

Twice as many dresses

gifts, rattles,

And porridge for two now,

And buy more toys.

We want you to manage

May happiness last longer

From granddaughters to receive

Love is twice as much!

Your heart rejoices

Two granddaughters now

They are not more expensive in life

More valuable, trust me!

Let none be your favorite

From now on, it doesn't stay.

We wish you more strength

Let everyone know

What is lucky in fate

You already twice!

Many believe that well-chosen words for wishes or congratulations can affect a person’s fate. And this has its own explanation. Congratulations for a grandmother on the birth of a granddaughter can not only be a formal recognition of a new family status, but also serve as a good incentive and impetus in life, a new awareness of family happiness. That is why choose words for congratulations in prose and poetry with love. Feel free to be sincere and choose those wishes that will serve as inspiration for the grandmother and a good prophecy for the little granddaughter.

Causes tenderness
Granddaughters little birth!
Gives happiness to the whole family
Well, doubly so for grandma!

Granddaughter will grow up
And help grandma
Will love grandma
It will be a joy to give her!

Granddaughter is unreal happiness,
Only real, literal.
Little, gentle princess,
So much love and interest in her!

Congratulations to my grandmother today
I wish my granddaughter good health
So that you are always happy
So that loved ones love!

Happy birthday to your granddaughter, my friend,
I hasten to congratulate, wish,
So that the baby does not recognize the blizzard,
Which often interferes with sleep!

I wish her health and success
She still has a long way to go!
So let all the obstacles disappear along the way,
She lived so that in eternal happiness and in love!

Grandma has a special task -
And spoil, and strictly scold.
And regret when the baby cries!
We will congratulate you today!

We wish grandma great happiness,
And do not spoil the granddaughter at all,
And do everything that is in the grandmother's power,
To convey great wisdom to everyone!

Was born to you!
Everyone admires her
All are happy for you!

Let the little princess
Lucky in life!
Smart and pretty
Let her grow!

Wiping tears of joy from your face,
Congratulations my dear!
This is God's gift - the birth of a child!
Granddaughter was born - she screamed loudly!

Let the guardian angel protect her
It leads along the paths of life!
What a cutie you have!
You are the happiest grandmother!

On this joyful day, the most beautiful and charming girl was born,
your granddaughter! I congratulate you with all my heart! Let it grow and give you joy with its victories and achievements!

There is no better pleasure in the world
Than perky children's laughter,
With the advent of a sweet granddaughter
Clouds will scatter in the sky.
Let it grow as it should:
And beautiful and sweet
To make grandma happy
She was the best!

Mom and dad repeat
Granddaughter is just a sight to behold.
Beauty will grow soon
And she looks like a grandmother

Be smart and beautiful
Be gentle and happy.
Let it be sharp on the word
But always ready to help.

Let it be strict with the guys
Heads will spin...
Mom will be the best daughter
Will be friends with my grandmother!

We congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter,
Now we wish you a lot of patience!
More free time
And the leg is now always in the stirrup!
So that at the first call you rush,
Walk with the baby, rock her,
So that you are happy together
And they forgot about any sadness!

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter!
There is no greater happiness in the world
How to take your princess in your arms:
After all, she is like sunshine.

Let the baby be big and healthy
To your joy, it grows faster.
Will become smart, obedient, cheerful,
Definitely find happiness.

Let the skillful grow and comely,
Let good people meet.
Let him grow up as a good man
So that you are proud of your granddaughter.

Grandma is mom squared!
Congratulations on the transition to a new stage of evolution! We wish the baby to grow up and successfully marry, so that one day you will become a mother in the third degree.

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter.
So that everything works out in your life,
Now there is a little baby in the world,
And that means even more fun!

Pink cheeks, blue eyes
A princess from a fairy tale was born.
For your granddaughter you became a grandmother,
No matter how much you love, it seems that it's not enough.
Melted the heart, gave happiness,
Little granddaughter fell in love with everyone!
May the light not fade before the prose of life,
So that the baby grows up kind, not capricious!

We want to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter,
Let's hope you pick her up soon!
Rocking and hugging, adore very much,
Never let anyone hurt you!

There is no such important event for any family,
like the birth of a beautiful girl! With the advent of a granddaughter, let sincere love, great happiness and a lot of joy reign in your soul!

We wish you good health
Don't be nervous, don't be discouraged
And at night to my beloved granddaughter
Get up for a couple with your daughter.

And help wash diapers
And if necessary, then feed,
Sing a lullaby to your granddaughter
More often on the hands to wear.

On this joyful day
the most beautiful and charming girl, your granddaughter, was born! I congratulate you with all my heart! Let it grow and give you joy with its victories and achievements!

Somewhere in the sky high
A new star has lit up.
It seemed to be far away
But it's getting brighter and brighter.
Children are our happiness
Destined by fate.
Congratulations on your granddaughter
Sweet, glorious such!

You are full of joy
And a holiday in the yard
After all, another one was born
Beauty in the family!

Let your granddaughter become
The most beautiful of all
The smartest and happiest
May she be successful.

In the meantime, the point and the point
I want to live long
To enjoy the sun
And raise a girl!

Granddaughter was born not long ago,
And you rejoice in your own way,
That something has changed in your life
And strong enough
You don't close the doors anymore
Leading to the baby in the office;
Are you already a little tired? I do not believe -
Grandma is normal, and grandfather is invigorating ...
Let this little brat whine
To the accompaniment of her whining
I want to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter!

Grandpa is happy and grandma is happy.
Their love and joy were born.
Birth brings joy.
With your granddaughter! Well, what luck!
Dear child, kind eyes,
I want to give with an abundance of affection.
A naive blush plays on the cheeks,
A small fluff covers the head,
We look at the angel ... I can’t even believe it
That in the future a stately girl will grow up.
Save, God, baby, shelter from bad weather.
We wish the baby great happiness!

The same thing today
This little granddaughter!
This little granddaughter
It's even scary to pick up.

We will rise as if in a parade,
To bring gifts:
Grandma and grandpa for joy
The granddaughter will grow.

And to the delight of mom and dad,
Smiling and joking
You grow up happy yourself
Our sweet child.

You are our beauty
Light-princess, look.
Maybe Dasha, maybe Masha?
All the pain is ahead.

Congratulations, congratulations
Congratulations old people.
Did you say what you want?
With your granddaughter, this is your fate.

Do your best for her now.
Holte, indulge sometimes.
And smile more often
Like today and now.

There is no greater joy for you to find -
We've seen everything along the way:
Bright youth, children, work,
But something was missing for happiness.
The birth of a granddaughter lit up life,
Has given you troubles and joys.
We congratulate you on a bright birth,
Grandma and grandpa for consolation.

With the birth of your lovely granddaughter!
Let it live with a smile.
May the world around be wonderful
And there will be a full house of laughter.

Let the beautiful princess
Growing in the arms of kindness
Let childhood be happy ...
And full of peace and warmth.

There is no greater happiness in the world
How to take your princess in your arms:
After all, she is like sunlight.

Let the baby be big and healthy
To your joy, it grows faster.
Will become smart, obedient, cheerful,
Definitely find happiness.

Let the skillful grow and comely,
Let good people meet.
Let him grow up as a good man
So that you are proud of your granddaughter.

Granddaughter is a man from God,
She can be pampered
After all, a harsh parent,
You don't need to be with her.

Congratulations and I wish
So many bright days
Spend playing with your granddaughter
You will have more fun with her.

She will grow up and become
Visit often
Who can, if not a granddaughter,
Love you so devotedly.

We congratulate you today
With this bright glorious day!
Happy birthday granddaughter
And we are expecting grandchildren!

May she grow beautiful
Kind, sweet, mischievous,
Helping Grandma and Grandpa
He loves his loved ones with all his heart!

You are not old anymore
seen a lot
I know for sure your duet
Didn't see that.

I am very, very happy for you
Granddaughter, you were born.
For the garden of the soul to flourish
I heartily congratulate you!

Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter
We welcome you today from the bottom of our hearts!
We understand your feelings
Babies bring joy!

They make us wiser
More generous, kinder!
And fill life with warmth
And bring happiness to the house!

I want to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter,
This is such happiness. Just a gift from heaven.
Well, what else to say here or add,
May her life be full of miracles.

Let there be tears in life only from happiness,
Let her love warm her every day.
Let the granddaughter conquer all bad weather,
All the while rising to a new level.

Was born to you!
Everyone admires her
All are happy for you!

Let the little princess
Lucky in life!
Smart and pretty
Let her grow!

Grandmother and grandfather with the birth of a granddaughter,
We sincerely congratulate you now
What could be better than this day
And on earth continue you.

May your granddaughter be happy
It brings joy to you and your parents,
God bless her with good health
May she be lucky in everything in life.

Gently and passionately love the baby,
Often give your hugs,
Let her know firsthand
How dearly you love her.

Ah, what joy: replenishment!
A beauty was born in the family,
Grandma and grandpa with excitement
Waiting for the arrival of the granddaughter. On the bench
No time to sit from now on:
The house is full of the happiest chores!
Soon, choosing a name for the girl,
Bake your guests a christening cake!
Let the baby grow to the joy of all,
He loves sports, plants and books!

To the light of your beautiful granddaughter
The parents made
You drink happiness with a full cup -
You definitely found joy

The second youth, of course,
Always comes with grandchildren
May your joy last forever
To never be sad!

I am very, very happy for you
Granddaughter, you were born.
For the garden of the soul to flourish
I heartily congratulate you!

A huge holiday in the family:
There are already more of you.
For new generations
Now the time has come.

Don't be sorry for your granddaughter
Patience and strength
We wish grandfather
He wore a wheelchair.

We wish grandma
I cooked porridge for my granddaughter.
Accept congratulations
So sincere ours!

Please accept these congratulations from us,
You will become the best grandmother in the world!
We wish health to both the granddaughter and you,
Let it grow by leaps and bounds!
May you always be happy
May she have happiness and success in the future!

As if just recently
They played a wedding, sang songs -
Today, the granddaughter was born,
And the birds chirped.