Happy birthday greetings to a friend. Happy birthday greetings to a friend. Happy birthday friend. Happy birthday wishes to a friend a poem

I wish you friend
On this birthday
Only positive around
Sea of ​​pleasure!!!

Friend, happy birthday,
Let all dreams come true
Problems, defeats -
In time they will be forgotten!

Always walk confidently
Along the white stripe.
And in life, I'm sure
Will carry you!

You are a reliable person
Words worthy of the best.
I am grateful to you
For trust and friendship!

On my birthday I want
Wish you great success
Bright and beautiful feelings
More money, louder laughter!

There is no such friend anymore
And it's not even a secret!
You are so wonderful
Comrade is the most expensive.

Let the birthday come soon
He invites a crowd of guests to your house.
And everything they want in a moment
Fate will come true!

You are real, true friend,
Don't let me down and don't sell...
Let there be no blizzards in life
Any whim comes true!

Have plenty of different blessings,
Hurry up to do good...
I am immensely glad on your holiday,
What made life hold us together!

Today is an unusual day
We celebrate your birthday!
My friend, let in your soul
There will be peace and joy.

So that you live every day
As if he is the most special,
To not forget friends
And the money sticks to you!

At this holiday
Let me hug you my friend!!!
We will decorate the company
Your solemn leisure!

Before that I would like
Wishing you much...
So that you eat deliciously
It was sweet to sleep at night!

Let all difficulties disappear
Your life will be comfortable
Money will not be transferred...
And your friends will be with you!

You always have an opinion
And the character is firm, stubborn.
Friend, today is your birthday
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Let problems be easily solved
And does not crush the burden of heavy troubles.
Everything planned comes true
In life there will be time for sports,

For career and entertainment
On parents and the weaker sex.
So that worthy hobbies
You have found for yourself on the way !!!

My friend, you are an unusual guy!
The most deserving man!
Your character is strong, like a stone,
But you are soft inside.

I have infinite respect for you
I have penetrated for many years.
Accept this birthday
My congratulations!

Happy birthday buddy
Happy to congratulate you!
Better than you are - you will not find,
I'm sure of that!!!

We've been together for a long time
They ate a hundred pounds of salt.
I wish you strength, patience
And successful hundred years!

Dear, most irreplaceable, faithful, very smart and talented friend of mine! Happy Birthday to you. Let life constantly, almost every day, prepare surprises especially for you and fulfill the most important, desired dreams.

Happy birthday I congratulate!
Joy, luck, happiness of being!
Let laughter lengthen the eyelid for a long time
And grief does not howl for you like a wolf ...

On holiday I promise to support you,
So that his meeting is not in vain ...
Let the years slowly flow after the year
And daily work brings joy!

The merits of those cannot be counted,
What have you been able to absorb.
I wish you the kindest words
Hear from your loved ones!

To be true to honor and love,
Debts, do not accumulate resentment.
As conceived - and live,
Be able to sincerely appreciate everything!

Young, successful, strong,
Bright, smart and active!
About friends like you

Write in books and poems!
Here's what I wrote -
I wish you new strength

So that you can build
I will make all my dreams come true!
If so, I'll come to help.
All problems to drive away!

Congratulations for a friend -
This is the best of poems!
That is your merit, believe me,
You are ready for everything for us.

You know how to value friendship
Think with a sober mind.
So let everything you believe in
Performed with gusto!

Wish a friend -
cool girlfriend,
Gazprom shares
And a Porsche at home.

My faithful friend, we have known each other for so long,
And I want to wish today
Your fate is the slightest breaks,
As before, always win.

Let the bright sun illuminate the road
And this light will never go out.
Relatives, loved ones surround me all the time,
And happy life sends affectionate greetings.

Happy birthday buddy
Let all sadness go away
And everything you strive for
It will happen to you.

We have been friends with you for a long time
We've been through so much
Never hard with you
All accomplishments are ahead.

I wish you happiness
And good luck and love
So that all your bad weather
The winds of wandering carried away.

And, of course, health
Longevity, fire,
So that the eyebrows do not droop
Long years later.

Be brave like a wild boar
Strong as the king of beasts.
Strike with your success
Never, friend, do not be shy!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Victory Achievements.
Everything that I once dreamed of
Let him follow happiness.

And in the family love and loyalty,
And success in all matters,
Entertainment - infinity
And confidence in friends.

I am very lucky to have such a wonderful friend! I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you worthy days, prospects in everything and well-being. Let all the conceived things be realized without problems. Let health not let you down, be lucky and purposeful.

Dear, happy birthday! Let your roads be straight and not thorny, your emotions only positive, your prosperity growing day by day, and in your first aid kit there will be only iodine and a band-aid. Whatever you have in mind - good luck, energy, strength, success and happiness.

My priceless dear friend! Today, on this bright day, I wish you to always be on top, strive to do something new every day, see the world, and always keep life in good shape! Be inspired and inspire people with your actions, be generous, but don't forget about yourself. Happy birthday!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May your life be sweet, and a smile always shines on your face. Let the spark burn in the eyes, and there will be many ideas in the head. Let your hand squeeze, only a reliable hand, and only bright and kind dreams. Never get sick and remember friends.

Dear friend, Happy Birthday! I wish: unreasonable happiness, sharp turns, personal success, creative inspiration, romance, comfort, tenderness, passion in the heart, goodwill in people, climbs to Olympus, helpers, friends, everything that makes this world be brighter, better, more beautiful.

Buddy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! You and I have gone through so much together, and you are like a brother to me! I want to wish you to remain as open, positive and friendly, achieve everything you deserve and go towards your goal without turning off!

Happy Birthday my dear friend. May every day promise you success and joy, may every business bring success and benefit, may every idea lead to dreams and fulfillment of desires. My friend, be happy in life and always stay true to yourself.

Happy birthday my wonderful friend. I wish you inner wealth and great inspiration, brilliant prospects and a high financial position, eternal happiness and good luck without a doubt, true love and an optimistic mood.

Happy Birthday my dear friend. I wish you never to lose the passion of your heart and the confidence of your soul. May life be full bright ideas and holidays, funny jokes and stories. Be invulnerable, strong, invincible and happy.

My friend, today, on your birthday, I want to wish you care and love from relatives and friends, smiles and joy, no matter what. Treat unforeseen troubles with humor. And may your wishes and dreams come true.

Buddy! Happy birthday!
I want adventure
I wish you fabulous peaks
I wish you love from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you more positive
Live luxuriously and beautifully.
Good sunny days
So that there are no enemies in life.

Less trouble
And in people - adequacy.
And happiness, joy, good luck.
And a suitcase full of money!

Happy Birthday Buddy!
You do not sour on this day.
We'll find the mood
And we will drive away the migraine.

Let ladies give smiles
Let health over the edge
And let the happiest
You will, remember!

Let the expectations come true
And things are always arguing
Any doors open
At the heart - joy, warmth.

I wish you on your birthday
Good, loyal friends
And incredible luck
There are many happy days in life.

Happy Birthday, my friend!
Let everyone around want
Peace, happiness and smiles
Never know mistakes!

So that in love you are always lucky
Every day to bring good!
Set goals and strive for them
And achieve heights in everything!

It's your birthday today
You accept my friend congratulations,
Be loved, you are very happy
Do not grieve - neither day nor night ...

To the goal devotedly, your own, go,
Good luck - waiting, let it ahead ...
Be the best in the world
And always a priority!

I wish you friend
May you live another hundred years.
Let the dwelling be a full bowl.
And in love I wish you victories.

May luck be everywhere
It's following you.
And I want you to believe in a miracle
And he pursued his dreams.

What's for a friend on his birthday
All the more desirable and more important?
To want and be able
What was planned came true
To make the house a full bowl,
In it - fun over the edge,
And love to be real,
Strength for everything - more than enough!
And meet without regret
next birthday,
Every day so that, as a gift,
For you was new and bright!

On a glorious birthday holiday,
What do you wish a friend?
Strength, goodness and mood,
Never lose heart.

And also good luck, happiness,
Be loved and love.
Do not meet bad weather along the way,
Cherish our friendship.

Let problems and worries
Always resolved in a moment.
Respect at work
And spiritual warmth.

May there be chaos in your life
From: happiness, joy, flowers...
Build yourself a Penthouse
May it be the best of palaces!

Friends, so that there are many in it!
So that comfort reigns in the house,
Comfort was present in everything,
It was beautiful "there" and "here"!

So that all your dreams come true
Success walked with you
To make you a happy friend
And with a full charge of life!

Do not choose a friend on merit,
A pood of salt must be eaten with a friend.
Don't call anyone a friend.
It's great that I have you!

I wish you a birthday
Go forward boldly towards your dream.
Love, warmth, smiles and luck,
And always be on top of everything!

Always let your house be a full bowl,
You look with optimism into each new day.
For many years our wonderful friendship,
And how much lies ahead of us!

Happy birthday congratulations!
What do you wish a friend?
We've known each other for a long time
Seems like there's nothing to say
Everything is trite, everything is boring,
Everything is formal, etc.
But let's take the courage,
We wish you again
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Because you are so
Fighting, dashing, hot,
Fair, groovy,
businesslike, principled,
You don't waste your words.
Well, let it all be trite.
Happy Birthday! Be healthy!

Funny birthday greetings to brother, friend

Bright emotions, many friends!
Fabulous colors and burning passions!
Thirst big from unearthly love!
Let whatever you want happen to you!
Lots of wealth, big career,
Sweet life, as in a fairy tale night,
Happiness, good luck, success in business,
Let everything be like in your wildest dreams!

Happy birthday wishes to a friend

real man
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Be the best everywhere
Be reliable and cheerful
Never hang your nose!
Let now, on your birthday
Everyone will give from the heart:
A lot of happiness, mood,
And, most importantly, love!


You are solid and smart
And surrounded by attention!
You know how to command
And everywhere you always have time
You deftly turn the wheel,
In business wise and cunning,
Always sharp on the tongue!
We wish you a lot of happiness in life
Let the bad weather go away
And the sun is brighter every day
After all, we still live!
May the Lord keep from troubles
Many joyful victories!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

We are bound by friendship with you forever,
A wonderful, dear, dear person!
I want to congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you all the best, don't hide anything.
May your life and leisure be joyful,
Successful, lucky, rich, be my friend,
Let troubles bypass you
May there be happiness in the soul, peace in the heart.
And a faithful companion in your life,
Let there be love so that you bathe in it!

Birthday wishes for a friend

I wish
So that on your birthday
The bag was sent for you
With money - it's for luck!
With laughter - just for you!
Drink a glass of wine standing up!
Happy birthday to celebrate
And you never know sorrow
Live happily for a hundred years!

Funny SMS congratulations happy birthday to a friend

I send you congratulations
Happy birthday friend, happy birthday.
On such a day, everyone lives in anticipation
wonderful wishes,
Well, at least I respect you
I say that you ... I do not want.
I do not want gray and gloomy days,
And more happy, beautiful!

Birthday greetings to a friend

____________(name)! Happy Birthday to you! I wish you heroic health, prosperity and well-being of the family, so that you live to see the golden wedding! Soul - peace and good luck! Happiness to you, joy and love! Happy birthday to you, friend!

Funny birthday greetings for a friend

My cool friend, funny friend,
Good friend, dear kind!
Everything will be for you
Happy birthday I'm happy
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Wishes leave!
Listen, friend, now here,
Get rid of work
Just drink and be merry.
And life will be wonderful!
frolic in nature,
And enjoy love!
Travel the world
At night, drink a glass of kefir!
Yawn sweetly in the morning
And welcome guests!
Throw a huge feast
So that no one grieve!
Much joy to you
Be a dream come true!

Funny birthday greetings to a friend

Believe in a dream
Never give up!
Greet the morning and smile!
Always enjoy your life
Only bathe in glory rays!
To please loved ones with your success,
Just be happy and young!

Happy birthday wishes to a friend from a best friend

I join all the wishes that are addressed to you today and stand in solidarity with everyone who tells you today good words. But so that my words are not lost among others, I want you to know that it is worth meeting a reliable friend on the way, and for this I am grateful to fate. Let sorrow and illness pass you by, but even if a dark streak touches you, know that we will whiten it together! Happy Birthday friend!

Congratulations and wish happy birthday to a friend original

happy birthday today
I congratulate you
My wishes are many
To count everything is not destiny!
But I'll tell you one thing
It is very capacious!
be happy
Always and everywhere
And live well!

Happy birthday for a friend

My faithful and reliable friend. May life give you thousands of happy opportunities, and each of them will be used to the fullest. Happiness, good luck, prosperity and, of course, happiness in family life. Happy birthday!

Comic congratulations to a friend on his birthday

The day has come, I got out of bed,
congratulations wrote,
For you to read now
I wanted a lot here!
Fly to the moon
And pluck a star from heaven!
And stock up on money
what to drink with me!
Meet languid love
And jump up your career again!
Hook luck by the tail
So that there was a return!
And then rush to the country,
What was your happiness
Happy Birthday to You,
Joy to the ceiling!

Happy birthday sms to best friend

Happiness, joy and Have a good mood on this beautiful and special day - your birthday! Continue to delight us with your unique sense of humor and surprise us with crazy deeds!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend cool

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to always remain a real man. I wish you health and strength, courage and good luck Strong and reliable family. And always remember, no matter what happens, you have your true friends.

Happy birthday to best friend

My dear friend and respected person! I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you good health, real happiness, endless joy, mutual love and beautiful music in your soul! Thank you for your kindness and understanding!

Comic birthday greetings to a friend

Happy birthday wishes,
I'm in a hurry to tell you!
Here's what I'll tell you:
Enjoy from the heart
Every day of freedom
Manage your dream
And follow the fashion!
Drink and eat whatever you want
And don't know embarrassment
Not in love, not in money
Spend with great zeal!
There will be many and everything
whatever you want!
Just know what about friends -
You don't forget!

Happy birthday greetings and wishes to a friend

What I wish for my birthday
Am I with all my heart?
cognac, martini, vodka,
A little bit of pepper there
Sweet woman by the side
And health for ages!

Happy birthday to a friend

I propose to drink for you my dear friend. Let me wish you health, personal happiness, cash and non-cash, successful achievement of all your goals, a lot of love, and then many more years of life to enjoy all this!

Birthday greetings to a friend original

Friend! Today, on such a wonderful day, I want to congratulate you on happiness, health, good luck and success! As Pythagoras said: "Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends." Happy birthday!

Best birthday wishes for a friend

My best friend! You are congratulations,
Written from the heart, accept!
You won't find people like you on the planet!
And we became friends as children!
I wish you one thing - health!
Doubt, friend, fear is unknown to you!
You are not deprived of friendship and love!
And you will give a hundred points ahead to others in business!

Happy birthday to a friend

Happy birthday to a friend from a friend

We have known each other for a long time!
Together - in joy and sorrow ...
A friend like you is a godsend
For friends and for girlfriends!..
Wish you happiness
On your birthday - be happy!
Be healthy, love! And everywhere
Let friends be around!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose cool

How good, how great
That we are friends!
What exactly is today
You were born!
And on this wonderful day
I wish from the bottom of my heart!
May it come true
Cherished dreams!

Happy birthday sms to a colleague, girlfriend, friend

We wish you happiness and good luck in all matters, new meetings, new achievements and fulfillment of all desires!

Happy birthday wishes from best friends

Happy Birthday friend. Do you understand what you did today? In addition to the fact that you managed to be born today, you also managed to bring together your entire group of friends. In the bustle of days, it is rarely possible to call each other, and even more so to meet. But there is you, and there is your wonderful date, which means there is a great reason to get together and say how much we love you. Stay the way we know you. And we know you as a reliable, cheerful and witty friend. You are kindness. And we will wish you a lot today. And for starters, let's say together: "Happy birthday, friend!"

Happy birthday wishes to a friend a poem

I will shake a strong hand from the heart!
And today I wish you
Caress women every day
get a lot of attention!
On my birthday, I sincerely wish
Get even stronger this year
Called Superman!

Happy birthday sms to friend

Be strong in spite of all the winds
Be cool and be lucky!

Happy birthday for a friend in prose

Friend! I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you happiness, joy and good luck! May our friendship always be so strong and indestructible! May there always be peace and tranquility in your family, and stability at work! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to a close friend

In a great mood, fun, laughter around -
After all, my closest friend is celebrating his birthday!
I will go with you to reconnaissance, to fire, and to water,
I'm sure you won't let me down in trials!
I wish you happiness, you are the best person!
May joy dwell in your home forever!
Let time take everything away, and let the years fly,
I believe our friendship is "do not spill water"!

Happy birthday for a friend is beautiful

We congratulate you, our friend, on your birthday, on such a big, happy and bright day. And we sincerely wish you well-being in everything! We wish you health and vivacity, beauty and eternal youth, strong love and tenderness, kindness and fidelity!

Happy birthday to a friend

Always ready to help friends
You don't waste words on the wind!
I can always turn to you!
Feel free to rely on a friend!
And let the years fly
You will never let you down
I know you are a friend forever!

Birthday greetings to a friend

On this joyful day, I congratulate you on your birthday! Please accept my sincere wishes! I wish you happiness, good luck, find a good wife! At work, you have career advancement, loyal and good friends to you! Happy birthday!

SMS to a friend on his birthday

Are the years running? Forget!
Just be awesome!

Funny birthday greetings to a friend

Congratulations my friend, happy birthday
And I wish you many sweet days
2 liter jar of jam
You can eat in one sitting.
I'm ready to go with you on reconnaissance,
Stormy forcing the river,
But to share cakes or sweets:
I don't want, I won't, I can't.

Congratulations and happy birthday wishes to a friend poems

Feeling the best
And crazy flight of thoughts
Fulfillment of dreams,
Pleasant meetings, kisses,
interesting conversations,
Faithful, devoted friends
I wish on my birthday
Pour me quickly!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

May our friendship grow stronger
And warms every minute!
I know if it's hard
You rush to help without hesitation!
I trust you endlessly
and share my joy with you!
I sincerely wish you happiness
And many new adventures!

Happy birthday greetings and wishes to a friend

They say that Eve is out
From Adam's rib
And of course it's true
And the legend is strong!
I sincerely wish
On your birthday
You stay a man
The rest is all yours!

Warm congratulations and wishes for a friend's birthday

I will be short and concise
in your wishes
And I'll tell you personally
Live better than yesterday!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

___________ (name!), I congratulate you on your birthday! You are my most faithful friend and you have a holiday today! I wish you to find a beautiful girl, buy a car and enjoy life! May all your wishes and dreams come true!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend cool for free

For a friend, I don’t feel sorry for warm words,
Whatever you want, I'll give you
Great happiness, good health,
I sincerely appreciate you!
For this simple philosophy
I suggest everyone drink to the bottom -
Life not to go in vain
We have true friendship.

Happy birthday to a friend in verse

Birthday comes once a year! Therefore, you need to mark it in such a way that you don’t sober up until the next one, which is what we wish you! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday greetings for a friend from girlfriends

My friend, I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday, and on this bright day I want to wish you. More faithful and devoted friends, so that even in a difficult life the moment will always become more fun for you when you suddenly remember them, and so that you can always count on their help.

Funny birthday greetings to a friend

Happy Birthday friend,
Happy Birthday!
And, perhaps, Happy Treat Day?!
Only you try to "five",
So that the tables have something to cover,
You take on - a treat,
We take over - decoration,
Otherwise, perhaps it is impossible
Decoration will be ... friends!

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Your friend's birthday is approaching, and you involuntarily begin to think about how to congratulate him. Moreover, in addition to the gift, you also need to come up with a congratulation! Congratulating a friend on his birthday is an integral part of the gift! Would you like it if your friend handed you a gift from the threshold, said: “Congratulations!” and that's it? Hardly! So you try to prepare for your friend's birthday in advance, thinking over not only a gift, but also original congratulations. You have experienced a lot of funny moments with your friend, then the next birthday is the time to remind him about it! Compose a birthday greeting to a friend in verse, mentioning all your exploits and adventures! And if you are not very friendly with rhyme, you can order a birthday greeting to a friend for those who are professionally writing poetry. And in general, who said that congratulations should be precisely poetic? Let it be short story with wishes! The main thing is that a friend will hear such a birthday greeting from you, it will be unique, as it is dedicated to him alone. A great idea for congratulating a friend on his birthday is a drawing! Yes Yes! Why not draw on a piece of paper everything that you wish for your bosom friend? And you can turn this wish into a whole picture by placing it in a frame. In order for a friend to better understand what is shown in the drawings, it is better to make inscriptions under them, perhaps even quatrains. You can easily find them online or make your own. In any case, no matter how you congratulate your friend on his birthday, he will be happy with you, your gift and warm words to your address. After all, that's what friends are for. To experience the joyful and sad moments of life together.

Happy Birthday Buddy!
Have fun looking at the world!
May it be fulfilled soon
All desires are yours.

Let banknotes crunch in your hand:
Euros, dollars, rubles...
Let health not fail.
Laugh, drink and love life!

Happy Birthday Buddy,
Let all life be a complete baldness!
And everything that you are looking for in life,
May you find it in speed.

Happiness, joy, fun,
The most devoted friends
Happy Birthday!
Be happy and don't be sick!

My dear friend, happy birthday! I would like to wish you everything that is missing for complete happiness, so that all ideas and plans come true. Huge material income to you, strong vitality, positive actions, the most sincere and devoted love and, of course, confidence in the future, do not need anything and go boldly as a winner in life.

Happy Birthday Buddy!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that money would flow
Not real money.

So that both personally and at work
Success was always waiting for you
Like a funny joke
To sound a perky laugh.

For everyone to love you
Both colleagues and friends
To come visit
Relatives and all relatives.

So that health does not end,
So that you are lucky in everything
They raced after you through life
Happiness, joy and kindness!

I congratulate you on your birthday!
And on this brightest day
I wish you luck
Let the shadow of sadness go away.

I wish you peace, happiness,
May all dreams come true.
Let all bad weather go away
You will always be lucky!

My friend, on this birthday
I wish you fun.
Go around bars, clubs, baths
And lie on the couch.

I wish you good luck
Gifts to get richer.
Also, more laughter
Love, luck and success!

I wish you happiness and luck,
A bag of money in addition,
So that you are always loved
To drive the best car.

To never doubt
Swimming in the sea sometimes
To live in abundance and goodness.
You have a thousand fans!

So that all dreams come true -
So everything was as you want.
To dance all around.
And happy birthday my friend!

Let everything work out in life
Only the best will happen
Wishes come true
Projects are coming.

Let finances multiply
In love, everything will be clear,
Faithful leads to success
Let the career ladder.

I wish you luck, friend
Good luck and patience
Health, long life
And live without knowing the troubles.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you
unlimited luck,
Happiness ocean in fate!

Be successful and happy
And good luck to the star
In life, she became that luminary,
That never goes out!

Friend, happy birthday,
Congratulations from the heart:
I wish you drive, positive,
I wish you always live beautifully
I wish you success in sports
In the love of the most beautiful moments,
Let the "greens" crunch in your pocket,
The boss at work does not reproach,
I want a yacht, a Mercedes
And let the bank account go to heaven!
In general, take everything from life
Here is my wish!

You are older today
And let the years run
Just stay in your heart
You are always young.

Let it always perky
Light streams from the eyes
Will be filled with love
Let in life every hour.

Success and prosperity
I wish you.
And let everything be smooth
Always in your destiny!