International day of the medical worker. When is the day of the medical worker celebrated. How is Medic's Day celebrated?

On March 9, 2020, the deadline for submitting compositions for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 expired. Russian viewers waited all day in vain - on the official website of the competition in the "Participants" section, the song from the band "Little Big" representing our country did not appear. Instead of the title, it says "No song yet" and "To be announced later".

But you should not worry - the organizers reported that the song was received on time. And the delay is explained simply - the Russian "sponsors" decided to "warm up" the public's interest in the event and arrange a show out of the premiere of the song.

We tell when, what time and on what channel will the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 take place.

Very soon - on Thursday 12 March 2020, we will find out with which song "Little Big" will represent Russia at the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

Announced that the presentation of the song "Little Big" will happen on Channel One live broadcast "Evening Urgant". The program is scheduled to start on 23:30 Moscow time March 12, 2020.

Previously, the broadcast with the "Little Big" group in the program "Evening Urgant" was planned by the "First" channel on Friday, March 13, 2020 (starting at 23:20 Moscow time).

That is, the presentation of the song "Little Big" for the Eurovision Song Contest 2020:
* When will take place - March 12, 2020 (Thursday).
* On the "First" channel, in the program "Evening Urgant".
* What time - at 23:30 Moscow time.

The band's frontman Ilya Pruskin announced that the song would be fun and with a "Brazilian touch". Perhaps the composition for the European song contest will be the song "Uno", a 15-second segment of which has already appeared on YouTube.

Updated on 03/12/2020 at 23:45: The composition with which the band will perform at Eurovision was (as we expected) song "Uno". You can watch the clip on the site of the "First" channel in the "Music" section.

The professional holiday of all medical workers in Russia and some CIS countries is always celebrated in June. For this day, the third Sunday of the first summer month is chosen. But the number is floating. In 2018, it falls on June 17th.

For the professional holiday of all medical workers, the third Sunday of June was chosen back in 1980. Although the date is floating, the day has been fixed for many years. In the first month of summer, we honor all doctors, nurses and everyone involved in this important craft.

The number of the holiday of a medical worker in 2018

A professional solemn day for all healthcare workers was established back in the USSR by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1980. For this day, no date was chosen, but a day was set - the third Sunday of June. Since then, we have been celebrating this holiday every year in the first month of summer, even after the collapse of the USSR. In Russia, a decree on the celebration of the day of physicians was signed in 1991.

The day has remained unchanged since the days of the USSR. In 2018, we will congratulate doctors and nurses on June 17. It is on this date that the third Sunday of the month falls.

Features of a professional holiday

Day medical workerimportant holiday for the people of our country. It occupies a special place in the calendar of professional dates. This is not a formal occasion to express gratitude to doctors, but an opportunity to say thank you to those who save lives, guarding our health, cheerfulness and well-being.

Doctors and all those who are connected with medicine accept well-deserved congratulations on this day, receive their share of attention and gratitude from many patients whom they have helped.

Every year in Russia in every medical institution they hold competitions of professional skills, evaluate the contribution of doctors and professionals in this field to the development of medicine. The results of the competition are summed up on the eve of the day of physicians and the winners are honored on the holiday.

Each city usually holds solemn festive events, concerts dedicated to this important day.

National television broadcasts an awards ceremony for especially distinguished doctors and healthcare professionals. A festive concert is shown on the central channel of Russia.

The professional holiday Day of the Medical Worker is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N3018-X "On holidays and memorable days". In 2019, the holiday date falls on June 16th.

Reason: Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.1980 N3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", as amended by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.11.1988 N9724-XI "On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days".

The Day of the Medical Worker is traditionally celebrated in our country as a holiday of people who have dedicated themselves to the noble cause of preserving the life and health of fellow citizens.

At the present stage of development of socialist society, a broad program of measures is being implemented to prevent and significantly reduce diseases, eliminate mass infectious diseases, and meet the needs of the urban and rural population in all types of highly qualified medical care. The fulfillment of these tasks increases the importance of health care as a special sphere of human activity aimed at ensuring harmonious development physical and spiritual forces of people.

Medicine is called upon to involve not only all the resources of modern health care in the processes of healing and treatment of a person, but also to actively involve the physical, mental and spiritual capabilities of the person himself.

The day of the medical worker is celebrated not only by doctors and nurses, but also by all those without whose help medical science would not have done, who are related to saving human life: engineers and technologists who invent new equipment for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases, chemists, biologists, laboratory assistants, orderlies, etc.

This date has long gone beyond the scope of a purely professional holiday, because there is no person in the world who would not turn to people in white coats for help. It is on this day that healthcare workers feel their need and importance in a special way, they are proud of their profession, their successes and achievements.

At all times, respected and deservedly appreciated those heroes who chose the care of people's health as their life's work. Day of the Medical Worker is a holiday thanks to which we have the opportunity to express great appreciation, respect and gratitude to doctors, nurses, nurses and all health workers.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of medicine in human life and humanity as a whole. It is not surprising that every day, every hour, loyalty to professional duty, human and moral stamina are required from representatives of the most humane profession. All these qualities are certainly possessed by medical workers. With their selfless work, high professionalism, amazing ability to sympathize with people, they found the sincere love of the entire population. And despite the difficulties of our time, the difficult financial situation of many workers in the medical industry, they continue to selflessly fulfill their professional duty - to restore people's health, and sometimes even life.

The work of people in white coats is a high service for the benefit of the people. Loyalty to their work, dedication, high professionalism and mercy are the hallmarks of medical workers. With hard daily work, they protect the greatest values ​​given to man - his life and health. The Day of the Medical Worker is a well-deserved holiday.

History of medicine

Day of the Medical Worker is a great occasion to look at the page of history.

The question of the time of the emergence of medicine cannot be considered definitively resolved. There is no doubt that primitive man had a need for help in case of illness and injury, however, there is no sufficient reason to believe that at the beginning of the existence of the primitive human herd, its satisfaction was consciously approached. Both animals and prehumans needed help with illnesses and injuries. Moreover, animals have certain methods of self-help, involving the commission of purposeful deliberate actions. With the development of production activity, the ability to perceive and transfer experience, moral and moral norms, the transformation of instinctive self-help actions into human medical and hygienic activity took place.

Apparently, the emergence of mutual assistance can be considered the boundary separating instinctive self-help from the initial, rudimentary forms of medical and hygienic activity. As long as the primitive man did not separate help in case of illness and injury from his own life, as long as the motivating moment of his actions were only his own feelings, experiences, the instinct of self-preservation dominated. From the time when another person becomes the object of help, when help in case of illness and injury turns into a means of preserving the life, health and ability to work of other members of the team, apparently, emerging medicine arises, medical and hygienic activity is born.

Unlike other forms of social practice, the existence of a relatively developed system of moral and moral norms is also among the main conditions for the emergence and development of medical and hygienic activities. The conditions necessary for the emergence of emerging medicine seem to have appeared in the middle Mousterian time in herds of Neanderthals.

The lack of data does not allow us to judge with certainty about the arsenal of means, techniques, methods that formative medicine had at its disposal. However, there is no doubt that in the herds of Neanderthals not only medicinal plants were used, which were resorted to by animals, prehumans and archanthropes, but also means of animal origin could be used. anthropological data, folklore material and the nature of the tools being made indicate the possibility of the existence of surgical practice among Neanderthals.

There is reason to believe that Neanderthal man already mastered the methods of providing trauma care, in particular, primitive forms of immobilization of limbs and reposition of bone fragments. It can be assumed that Neanderthals opened external abscesses, knew how to suture a wound, and possibly mastered other surgical techniques. In Mousterian times, certain measures of great hygienic significance were also developed. Judging by the myths, around the same time, the first personal hygiene installations arose.

Medicine and the medical profession is an important achievement of humanity. To understand the whole essence, study and further development of this profession, it is necessary to know its history. This will help to draw conclusions, consider mistakes and not repeat them in the future.

We heartily congratulate all medical workers on your professional holiday- Happy Medical Worker. We are from pure heart we wish you success in your hard work, grateful patients, perseverance and optimism, good health, happiness and well-being in your families!

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The doctor is not only an ancient profession, but also one of the most useful that is possible today. Doctors found their professional holiday relatively recently.

  • history of the holiday
  • The meaning of the holiday
  • Holiday traditions
  • What date do doctors celebrate
  • How to congratulate

history of the holiday

On June 21, 2020, doctors will celebrate International Medical Worker Day, which was officially established in 1980 at the initiative of the international organization Doctors Without Borders. Since 1981, the holiday has been officially celebrated not only by healthcare workers in Russia, but also by doctors from Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.

The meaning of the holiday

The importance of people in white coats is invaluable. Throughout their lives, they nobly fulfill their duty towards everyone. But, not only doctors and nurses celebrate the international holiday.

All those who are related to medicine have every right to consider this day their own. Scientists, chemists, laboratory assistants, biologists, diagnosticians and orderlies, absolutely everyone is directly related to him.

The significance of the holiday, as a purely professional one, goes far beyond the scope, because not a single person can remain indifferent to it. There is no better opportunity to express my sincere love and gratitude to people who are completely devoted to their professional duty, restoring their health to millions of people.

Holiday traditions

There are no traditions of the Day of the Medical Worker as such yet. On this day, medical workers congratulate each other in close company. In addition, on this solemn day, concerts and congratulations are organized for them.

One of the traditions is honoring honored medical workers with awards. Health workers who have given their strength and knowledge for 20 years or more are celebrated separately and are awarded one of two titles: "Honored Doctor" or "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation." Since 2013, the "Recognition" award began to exist, which is awarded on this very day to high-class and selfless doctors of the Russian Federation.

On this significant day for medicine, students of medical universities are also not forgotten. Parties are organized for them in clubs, trips to nature with thematic directions. Also, numerous master classes and symposiums in various specializations are held throughout Russia. In a narrow circle of polyclinics, the administration awards honored workers with cash prizes.

What date do doctors celebrate

In 2020, the holiday falls on June 21st. Along with Russia, the holiday is celebrated by all CIS countries. Unlike the Russian Federation, where medicine celebrates a professional holiday every 3rd Sunday of June, in neighboring countries its date must be specified, since it falls on different days. For example, in India it takes place on June 1st. In the United States, this day was renamed and is now called: "National Doctor's Day", and it is celebrated on March 30th. In addition, there are special holidays. Such as: Dentist Day - February 9, Traumatologist Day - May 20, World Ultrasound Doctor Day - October 29.

How to congratulate

It is impossible not to congratulate on this day all the health workers who helped in difficult times, maybe even brought many people back to life more than once. You can congratulate doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers on the website of the medical institution. It is not necessary to present congratulations in person; you can also congratulate and express your personal gratitude by phone.

The third Sunday of June is such a date that if not everyone remembers, then very many. On this day, the country celebrates the Day of the Medical Worker. There is no such person who would not encounter medicine in his life. After all, everyone wants to live a long active life, and for this it is necessary to prevent the onset of a disease or treat it if it has already appeared. People trust medical workers with the most precious thing they have - the health of themselves and their loved ones, and this requires modern knowledge, high dedication and the best human qualities from doctors. The day of the medical worker is a holiday not only for doctors, but also for paramedics, nurses, junior staff, because no modern device can replace a sensitive and attentive attitude towards the patient. The specificity of this holiday is such that many of the doctors will celebrate it at the workplace, treating patients. The Day of the Medical Worker was established by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 1980 "On holidays and memorable days."

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Nobler and more important!
A life saver is a paramedic
He heals ordinary people.

I wish you good health,
Strong nerves, a lot of strength,
personal happiness, good luck,
Faith, courage, love!

Diagnoses - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Actions of confident, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Colleagues to experienced, not mediocre.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but in a zigzag,
Go through life so that you have a victorious step,
High salaries, career growth,
To achieve everything with inspiration and simply,
Without tachycardia up to climb,
And donors of happiness so that you do not need.

Work with a smile, with normal pressure.
And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for being!
Happy Medic Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

Congratulations on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you to achieve significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, cheerfulness and optimism.

When you hear "Be healthy!",
You immediately remember the doctors.
Those who rush to help us,
Whose advice is always ready.

Wearing white coats
Nice guys.
Anatomy - on the "five"!
We will congratulate them.

In general, magicians of medicine,
Like an injection of penicillin
We will write a prescription for you.
And it is not more wonderful:

Ten drops of kindness
twenty drops of beauty
For a glass of happy life.
Stir until thick.

So that everything is fine -
Out of luck powder,
A spoonful of good health
We add with love.

A spoonful of sweet love
To seethe in the blood.
Mix everything well.
Take daily.

Good for health.
What else have we forgotten?
They took a spoonful of medicine -
We start the procedure.

Bitter, small
medical salary.
So that she grows faster
We add yeast.
It will be fluffy, it will be sweet.
You will be all right!

Happy Medic's Day, I want to congratulate
And wish you good health.
How hard it would be to imagine
Don't know your help.
I thank you for my heart
For your good deeds.
I wish that behind every door
Good luck is always waiting for you.

Warm words to you and confessions,
unexpected miracles,
Lots of happiness and wishes
And the patronage of heaven!

Today we congratulate everyone
Who bears the name "medical worker".
May success accompany you
More carefree thoughts.

For mercy, kindness,
For a sensitive, big heart
We wish you always luck
And there was no grief in life!

Happy Medical Worker's Day,
Happy noble people day!
Let everyday life become more carefree
And life is kinder and warmer.

Let the work flourish
Health is not naughty at all.
And let what you dream about
It sticks to you like a magnet!

People in white coats, bow to you
Per sleepless nights, works.
For the lives saved once,
For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and very much needed by everyone,
After all, without you, a person is nowhere.
May earthly blessings come to you,
Trouble is on the side!

Health workers, angels of God,
Many lives are in your hands.
May the Lord grant you health
Happiness, joy, all the best!

Happy Medical Day today congratulations
All those who, not sparing their strength,
Sick with warmth, care surrounds,
Let fate protect them!

May happiness and luck be with you
They go through life, they lead by the hand.
Love, health, nothing more.
May the days more joy carry!

Being a doctor is a responsibility
Fate entrusted you with someone else's life,
It happens that the nerves are at the limit,
But people can't do without a doctor!

Today is your professional holiday,
And with great gratitude I want to say,
Thank you for your work, sometimes ungrateful,
For the fact that you are chosen to help another!

I wish you health, happiness and good,
May God always keep you from troubles!
Let there be harmony and prosperity in work,
Love and understanding reigns in the family!