Covered tattoos. Covering up a tattoo - giving old tattoos a second chance. Overlay color scheme

Covering the tattoo on the leg

Covering a tattoo is a painful process and requires careful work of the master. In some cases, this is the only solution that allows you to eliminate low-quality drawing.

For the operation to be successful, consult with the wizard on choosing a new image. Paints and shades are selected according to the spectrum substitution principle. Due to this, previous unsuccessful experiments will be replaced by beautiful work.

Overlap, main causes

The reasons for the need to cover the tattoo relate to unsuccessful experiments. Tattoos stuffed at a young age by non-professionals lead to disfigurement of the body. It is proposed to correct "partaks" by two methods - laser reduction or overlap.

Overlapping tattoo correction methods are used on old tattoos. It is necessary if the volume of the previous work is more than 10X10 cm of area.

Women's tattoos are corrected after pregnancy or childbirth. The reasons for the overlap are hormones. They affect the color, clarity of the contour. In some cases, a woman cannot regain her previous weight, the tattoo is blurry and looks ridiculous.

How to get rid of an old tattoo

Covering up an old tattoo is a long and painstaking process. High-quality paints will allow to interrupt the tattoo. The procedure consists of adding paint to a layer level above the previous one or replacing the color.

Often you need to score a tattoo on your arm. Men's tattoos it is more difficult to remove due to the characteristics of the skin. If the sleeve covered the forearm, men's tattoos hammered in black.

It is difficult to remove a tattoo on the lower back and on the forearm. In this area, the accumulation of fatty tissue is higher. Removing the tattoo will require multiple touch-ups as the fat can affect the quality of the tone.

Complicated and painful procedure for hammering a tattoo on the shoulder blade, male drawings here overlap with colored works. This helps to hide the remnants of the old paint.

Cover up three important facts

Overlapping "partaks" does not remove the old pigment. This is a double load on the skin. To remake a tattoo, careful care of the skin surface with a broken tattoo is required, otherwise the new layer may not take root.

Black and white and gray tattoos are best filled with colored paint. Previous dark color imposes restrictions on the choice of palette.

The easiest way is to reduce the tattoo on the shoulder, in the area under:

  • clavicle
  • shins
  • wrist.

The remaining areas have a higher density of the fat layer. Because of this, it may be necessary to correct the image and mask it for a new composition.

Overlay color scheme

Sketches of the tattoo for overlapping are made by the master. You can express wishes, but it is better to listen to the recommendations of a specialist. A good master will be able to cover a black tattoo with a color one.

A damaged wrist tattoo is decorated with images:

  • crystals
  • paraphernalia that pleases the owner.

On large areas, the master can choose flower arrangement or . The style and character set will be selected based on the nature of the owner.

The blackwork style is effective. With it, you can close any "partak". It will not leave scars and scars, creating an original panel.

Related video - tattoo overlap

Overlapping a tattoo in Moscow is a commonly used practice. So why has this procedure become so relevant lately when a person wants to completely change his tattoo?

  • Quite often, an old tattoo can be associated with negative memories or simply lose its relevance over time.
  • - a complex and painful procedure, which not everyone is able to decide on. It is in such cases that the overlap of the tattoo, the introduction of a fresh image into the drawing, makes it possible to re-open the aspects of the personality.
  • Individual characteristics of the body (changes in the epidermis or weight), due to which the old tattoo can completely lose its attractiveness.
  • A change in image, other priorities are also able to push a person to something that fully meets new demands.
  • The desire to make the underwear pattern more stylish and perfect, to give it creativity and originality. Such changes are most often made in .

Cover-up (cover-up in the language of professional tattoo artists) is considered the most difficult procedure, which can only be performed by a real master with the highest qualifications. The ideal combination in this work can be considered: maximum accuracy, professional approach and artistic flair, which allows you to completely change a low-quality or boring tattoo.

The main thing in the procedure is to develop a pattern that can completely cover the old tattoo. It is impossible to overestimate the choice of a sketch of a future tattoo, because, given the complex application and painstaking work, it is necessary to perfectly select color palette, size, and outline of the new drawing. The slightest miscalculation will lead to the fact that part of the old tattoo will remain visible. Only a true professional is able to remake a boring tattoo into a fashionable decoration.

Another complication of the procedure that the tattoo artist faces is mixing the colors of the old and new pigment. Only the correct selection of the desired shade of dye and the creation of the most complex color transitions able to completely hide the old tattoo under the new image.

Often, the full effect is achieved only after partial removal of some fragments of the old tattoo, which cannot be completely hidden by the new pattern. Laser correction is often a prerequisite for a successful job.

For many years of work, Roman Migura, a tattoo artist with an impeccable reputation, was able to achieve amazing results not only in applying new ones, but also in covering up old tattoos. In it you can find many examples of successful overlapping, restoration and correction of tattoos.

Overlapping complex tattoos, a complete change of image, correction of low-quality work - a high-class tattoo artist Roman Migura will help to cope with any of these problems. He will conduct a detailed consultation, and will flawlessly perform the procedure for overlapping the old image.

The tattoo culture is over 5000 years old. Along with it, the problem of removing inflicted tattoos appeared. The simplest and oldest method is to cut a piece of skin with a part of a tattoo with some surgical instrument, it’s good if with a scalpel, or even just with a knife ... The remaining 999 methods are even less humane.

A tattoo is a design applied to the skin. The tattoo culture is over 5000 years old. During this time, a whole cult of various beliefs and superstitions has formed around her.

A tattoo is any drawing made with the help of various, sometimes home-made, dyes that are mechanically applied under the skin.

Most often, tattoos are performed using needles dipped in dye. The needle, piercing the skin, brings the dye under the skin. With this mechanical procedure, rather small dye particles located on the surface of the needle are crushed into even smaller structures, consisting of only a few thousand dye molecules and having dimensions of no more than 10 microns. Within 5-7 days after tattooing, the body, protecting itself from a foreign substance - a dye, introduced under the skin, builds up protective capsules from connective tissue cells around these smallest particles of the dye. The tattoo becomes an extremely stable structure.

If within 24-48 hours after applying the tattoo, applying various ways, you can simply “wash out” up to 75-80% of the dye introduced under the skin, then after 5-7 days it becomes impossible to remove any part of the dye introduced under the skin in any way that does not destroy the skin structure.

Since the advent of the art of tattooing, the problem of removing inflicted tattoos has also arisen. Since, due to its structure, described above, a tattoo is an extremely stable structure, it is extremely difficult to remove it. The most simple, ancient and extremely unaesthetic in terms of appearance the scars remaining after their use are various methods of mechanical removal of pieces of skin with a tattoo applied. The simplest and oldest way is to cut out a piece of skin with a part of the tattoo with some surgical instrument (knife, scalpel, in places of deprivation of liberty - a razor and a sharp piece of glass).

Since such operations are performed, one might say, in the field, in addition to the high risk of wound infections up to general sepsis, no one sews up the wounds. This leads to their scarring. Scars from mechanical methods of tattoo removal are the most unaesthetic in appearance.

With the development of medicine, plastic surgery, mechanical methods for removing tattoos began to take on more civilized forms. For example, in plastic surgery, the following types of tattoo removal operations are used. Removal of a narrow, no more than 1 cm wide, strip of skin with a part of the applied pattern, followed by tightening the edges of the resulting wound and stitching them with internal and external cosmetic sutures. Since the width of the removed piece of skin cannot be more than 1 cm, and the length, as a rule, is no more than 5-7 cm, it is obvious that a large number of such operations are required to remove tattoos of large areas, which is significant, sometimes up to several years, increases the overall removal time for tattoos of large areas.

Skin transplant. In this case, there are two ways to transplant the skin when removing tattoos. The first is when a significant (up to the area of ​​a cigarette pack) area of ​​skin with a tattoo is removed, and another, clean, without a pattern, piece of skin from the back or buttocks of the patient is planted in its place. negative moment This method is that both pieces are cut out entirely, that is, all intradermal vessels are destroyed, through which, under normal, non-surgical conditions, the skin area is nourished. Accordingly, when transplanting a skin area taken, say, from the back of a patient, in addition to applying cosmetic sutures, it is also necessary to perform vascular plasty (suturing of intradermal supply vessels), which is extremely difficult. That is why this method often gives up to 30% of failures, when the transplanted area of ​​the skin still dies and is rejected by the body.

The second method of skin grafting is more complicated, but it also gives up to 95% of successful results. It consists in the fact that an incision is made next to the area of ​​​​skin with a tattoo. A rubber pear with a special gel is inserted under a clean area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin next to the tattoo and the incision is sewn up. The inserted pear is periodically pumped up with gel using a special syringe. The volume of the pear under the area of ​​skin without tattoos gradually increases. This makes the plot grow clean skin over the pear. After 1.5-3 months, a rather large skin pocket is obtained. That is, a piece of clean skin is grown, as it were, in place next to the tattoo that is subsequently removed. Then an incision is made again, the pear with the gel is taken out of the skin pocket grown with its help, a piece of skin with a tattoo is cut out and this place is covered with a flap of clean skin newly grown nearby. The edges of the wound are sutured with cosmetic sutures. Since with this method the blood vessels that feed the skin flap grown with the help of a pear with gel are not cut along the entire perimeter (as in the first method), but remain intact at least 1/2-1/3 of the area, then the percentage of survival skin is incomparably higher.

However, all of the above methods of tattoo removal by skin grafting have a common extremely negative feature - the need for general anesthesia. At the same time, I know cases when the duration of one of the operations for such a transplant reached 5-7 hours. And sometimes several such operations are required to remove tattoos of large areas, which can increase the total time the patient stays under anesthesia up to 30-40 hours in total for the total number of operations.

The tattoo is done like this. On a checkered sheet from a school notebook, a figure is drawn with a fountain pen. Then you need to moisten the part of the skin on which the drawing will be applied, at least with saliva. They attached a sheet - and the tattoo is ready. Almost like a real one. And it’s good that it’s “almost”, because for the real one, it turns out, they can cripple. And if you're lucky - just beat.

However, it is widely known in anesthesiological circles that general anesthesia lasting more than 1.5-2 hours later, after 5-7 years, significantly increases the likelihood of a stroke. Just such a long separation in time of cause and effect makes the causal relationship absolutely unprovable.

If a patient needs an urgent operation now, and in case of his death he asks these specific doctors, then no one except the patient himself will care that in seven years this person will suffer a stroke as a consequence of prolonged general anesthesia. Moreover, such a “trifle” does not bother commercial plastic surgeons. After all, the money for a transplant ($100-200 per 1 sq. cm of transplanted skin) is what it is, and the subsequent possible stroke is just a problem of the patient himself.

A more gentle method of mechanical removal of tattoos is mechanical polishing. It is carried out using a drill and cutter. The area of ​​​​skin with a tattoo is simply ground, crushed with a cutter. Extremely unaesthetic and bloody way. When it is applied, the most significant scars and scars remain. However, it does not require the use of general anesthesia, limited to local anesthesia.

Chemical methods of removing tattoos include the use of various chemicals to etch the pattern. For example, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is applied to a skin area with a tattoo, moistened and left for 1-4 hours. During this time, potassium permanganate, which is a strong oxidizing agent, simply corrodes the skin to an ulcer. Then the place of excretion is washed with water and they wait for the resulting ulcer to heal. This method, as well as mechanical grinding, leaves the most significant and unaesthetic scars and scars.

Another way to chemically remove tattoos is also practiced in prisons using ordinary laundry soap. A piece of laundry soap is melted in the flame of a candle or match and the melt is dripped onto the area of ​​skin with a tattoo. Laundry soap contains a high percentage of alkali in its composition. Therefore, in addition to a thermal burn with a melt of soap, a significant chemical burn is obtained after 2-3 days. The combination of thermal and chemical burns completely destroys the skin structure to the full depth in 2-3 days. After that, the practitioner simply peels off the burned area and waits for the ulcer to heal. More civilized is the use of a tattoo machine to inject acid gel under the skin, which also destroys the skin.

Sometimes the area of ​​​​skin with a tattoo is pierced with the help of the very same tattoo machines with a solution of milk with streptocide. Milk brought under the skin causes suppuration over the entire area of ​​application in 2-3 days. The skin with the dye in it simply rots. At the end of the decay process, scarring begins in 14-20 days. It is believed that streptocide, diluted in milk, saves the person who applied this method from general sepsis.

Another similar method, often practiced in places of deprivation of liberty, is the violation of the integrity of the skin with a tattoo of various by mechanical means(knife, razor, sharpened string, needle) and then tying a piece of raw meat to this place. It is believed that the liver is best suited for this purpose. Raw meat also provokes suppuration and destruction of the skin.

We should also mention two more "folk" ways to remove tattoos.

This is primarily a thermal burn of a skin area with a tattoo with a hot metal object. Also - the use of liquid nitrogen, when a cryo-burn or, in a popular way, frostbite is obtained. Both of these methods completely destroy the structure of the skin with an applied pattern - a tattoo. The body simply grows new scar tissue at the site of injury.

All of the above methods of tattoo removal, with the exception of plastic surgery methods, give an extremely unaesthetic cosmetic effect - significant scars and scars at the site of removal - but are the cheapest.

Tattoo removal methods with the help of plastic surgery are the most expensive (as described above). The cost of skin transplantation can be $100-200 per 1 sq. see transplanted skin. The cosmetic effect of their use is incomparably better, but it greatly depends on the skill and experience of the plastic surgeon performing the operation. And good plastic surgeons are expensive these days.

The method of applying a new pattern over the old one stands apart. New drawing covers the old one. Here you need to remember that the skin is a translucent substance. Therefore, the pattern applied on top should be darker than the one being hammered. The fact that a tattoo can be “hammered” with flesh-colored dye is just a myth. In my practice, I have come across people who refilled dark tattoos seven times with flesh-colored ink. The picture still showed through quite clearly. Trying to paint a lighter pattern on top of a darker pattern is like painting a pattern on a windowpane first. black paint and then try to paint it white. Black color due to the transparency of the glass will shine through from under the white.

Often a Krusty has quite a lot of tattoos, piercings, and ear tunnels. Piercing, like tattoos, is an art form for body-modified people. The human body is like a canvas on which you can depict anything that comes into your head. Often invested in such things deep meaning. I don't think it belongs to any subculture. It all depends on the person and his relationship with his body.

Tattoo removal methods stand apart various types lasers, as well as photocavitation - intense light flashes. The very first laser used to remove tattoos was CO2, or carbon dioxide laser. Its action is similar to the use of hot metal. Laser radiation causes a thermal burn of the skin area with a tattoo, as well as underlying tissues to a considerable depth. Dead tissues are gradually rejected by the body, replaced by connective scar tissue.

It should be especially noted that the CO2 laser for tattoo removal gives the worst aesthetic effect compared to all other types of lasers. However, the scars are still a little less than with mechanical and chemical methods of tattoo removal.

The consequences of using ruby, alexandrite, erbium lasers and copper vapor lasers for tattoo removal look more aesthetically pleasing. The physical essence of their action lies in the fact that laser radiation does not violate the skin. For the radiation of these lasers, the skin turns out to be transparent, and all the radiation energy is spent on heating and thermal decomposition of the tattoo dye particles under the skin. At the same time, some doctors who have little knowledge of physics assure patients that laser radiation “mechanically destroys” tattoo dye particles. It's a delusion.

There is an experience of Lebedev, who at the end of the 19th century calculated the pressure force of light (photon waves) on any surface. Light presses with a force of only 4 g on an area of ​​​​1 square. km. This force does not depend on the intensity of light, but depends only on the area of ​​influence. It is precisely because of such small values ​​of the light pressure force that the need to use extremely large areas makes it very difficult to create "solar sails" in space technology.

In a day Orthodox Christmas Ethiopians arrange chants in temples made of volcanic tufa. Serbs burn bonfires from oak branches near churches. Bulgarians dance waist-deep in icy water. And the Cairo Copts arrange a sacred ceremony, where there is no entry for people without a special tattoo.

Obviously, if the force of light pressure on an area of ​​1 sq. km is only 4 g, then a particle of tattoo dye measuring 100 square meters. micron light will press with a force of 4 × 10-15 g. This is such a vanishingly small value that it is impossible to mechanically destroy anything with it. The impact occurs precisely due to the thermal heating of the dye particles. These particles inside the skin are heated by laser radiation to the temperature of thermal decomposition of the dye substance. The dye is partially discolored, partially decomposed.

But in order for the effect of laser radiation to occur precisely on the particles of the tattoo dye, and not on the entire thickness of the skin, it is necessary that the skin, rich in small blood vessels containing red erythrocytes, be "transparent" to this laser radiation. But if the red color of erythrocytes is “transparent” for the radiation of these types, then the red colors of the tattoo, as well as those close to them - green, also turn out to be transparent for this radiation. Therefore, in clinics practicing tattoo removal with lasers of this particular type, they immediately warn that they do not guarantee the removal of red and green flowers tattoos.

Copper vapor lasers are used to remove red tattoo dyes. But these lasers cost from 150,000 USD or more, fail quickly, and therefore are extremely rare in Russia. In addition, the use of ruby, alexandrite, erbium lasers, copper vapor lasers for tattoo removal requires several sessions (usually at least 9-10), but in my practice I have encountered the fact that a tattoo lost 2/3 of the intensity of its dyes for 12-15 sessions.

Photocavitation has the same physical nature of the destruction of tattoo dyes, except that the emission spectrum of light flashes of photocavitators is several thousand times wider than the spectrum of laser radiation. Accordingly, the amount of energy absorbed by a particle of the tattoo dye substance when removed by the photocavitation method turns out to be several times less than when lasers are used for these purposes. Therefore, the number of photocavitation sessions required for the same as with the use of lasers, to reduce the intensity of the tattoo dye, also increases several times. There is one more physical feature application of these methods of tattoo removal. The paler the tattoo dye becomes, the less light energy it begins to absorb. This means that more and more sessions are required.

Many clients fall for this subtlety. After the first 2-3 sessions, the tattoo significantly, sometimes 2-3 times, turns pale. It seems like a couple more sessions, and everything will be deleted. But no! Need more and more sessions. After each next session, the tattoo turns pale less and less. With the illiterate use of these two methods of tattoo removal, burns and scars may also occur, but this is only a consequence of the inexperience of the doctor and is in no way a feature of the method.

The text is published with the preservation of the author's style. You can read the rest of the author's materials and their discussion in his blog in LiveJournal.

Unfortunately, not always in our life everything goes the way we want. And often people don't even know what they want. This is why cover-up tattoos are so popular. Some people get stuffed underwear in their youth, and some just get to a bad master. Therefore, the result of such activities is very mediocre. People don’t want to walk around with a pattern that has faded or lost its shape (if it didn’t have one at all), and therefore they prefer to go to a tattoo parlor to cover up an old tattoo.

Reasons for overlapping tattoos

  • The tattoo has faded. This happens if a person takes care of the tattoo incorrectly, or does not do it at all. Colored drawings fade over time, and the more a person is in the sun, the faster this happens. But sometimes the fading of a tattoo does not depend on poor care. Perhaps, when applying the drawing, the master used low-quality paint or stuffed the tattoo with poor equipment. And another reason for the rapid fading of the tattoo is the wrong place for tattooing.
  • The tattoo has melted. This happens again after a long period of time. The tattoo loses its shape, and clear boundaries become unsteady.
  • Tatu doesn't like it anymore. This rarely happens, but it also happens. Even a very high-quality tattoo can get boring over time. Especially if the owner of the drawing has the opportunity to admire it every day (that is, it is made on the front of the body). Over time, people change, interests become different, and a man in his forties does not want to wear a tattoo that he got in his 20s.
  • The tattoo was done poorly. This happens if a person decides to save money on a drawing and goes to a novice master. The drawing turned out far from what was desired, or did not work out at all. But to erase such a tattoo is painful and very expensive. Therefore, there is only one option - to block it.

Advice. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully monitor what kind of paint the master uses. And, of course, you should always get a tattoo only from professionals.

Did you know? The tattoo, stuffed on the rib of the ankle leg, is very short-lived. A good master will try to dissuade a person from such a choice. And if you can’t convince him, he will refuse to do meaningless work.

Important to know before going to floors

  • Not all tattoos can be covered. If the tattoo occupies the entire surface of the arm, then there will be few options for its overlap. It can be simply modernized or refreshed. But it’s impossible to make a yellow tattoo out of a black tattoo. Only a laser can help here.
  • Don't go cheap. As the saying goes, a miser pays twice. And the person who goes to the overlap has already saved on a tattoo. And blocking an unsuccessful overlap is very difficult, and sometimes simply impossible.
  • Be sure to look at the master's portfolio. Sketches of tattoo overlap should be in the specialist's portfolio. If there are none, then it is better to look for another candidate. It makes no sense to go to the person who will master new technology in the hands of their clients.
  • It is not necessary to cover the tattoo you can just upgrade it. By adding new elements and drawings, you can fix a boring tattoo, give it a second life. In this case, you do not have to blacken the body without special need.

Overlay color scheme

Covering light tattoos that are burnt out or were originally made in light colors is easy. Even a non-professional, but an amateur can cope with this task. The color scheme of such an overlap can be any, the main thing is that the colors are more saturated than in the original tattoo.

Dark tattoos are more difficult to cover. Therefore, do not expect that the color scheme will be diverse. Black tattoos can only be covered with black. It is advisable to cover blue ones with blue, red ones with red, etc. After overlapping, the tattoo will still fade, and it looks just awful if, for example, a silhouette or hieroglyphs shines through from under a red flower.

Important! Be sure to consult with the master before overlapping. You cannot choose the shape and color of the tattoo yourself. And if it is difficult to miscalculate with the form, then an inexperienced person often miscalculates with color.

Master Selection Criteria

It is difficult to assess the value of overlapping tattoos. In our country, there are a lot of tattoo artists who provide this type of service both working in salons and at home. Some have high-quality equipment, others use cheap ones. The quality of the tattoo that the master will apply to the body also depends on the quality of the pigment. These factors form the basic requirements for a tattoo artist.

  • Master must be qualified, which has been working with overlapping for more than the first 5 years. There are a lot of subtleties in the overlap of tattoos, which are not present in the initial application of a tattoo. That is why it is advisable to sign up to the master, who has well straightened more than one hundred drawings.
  • Be sure to look at the portfolio of the master before recording for overlapping. The portfolio is the face of the artist. After all, he sells the quality of his work. Therefore, if there is no photo of the overlap of the tattoo in the folder with the works, then it is worth considering whether this master has done such work before. It is difficult to qualitatively correct an already applied drawing, but if the artist coped with this work, he will definitely add it to his portfolio.
  • Services good master won't be cheap. A specialist who has spent his time and money on training in professional skills appreciates his efforts and does not exchange for trifles.
  • Be sure to look at what products the master uses for work. Of course, there is a saying that the level of an artist does not depend on the materials with which he creates, but still this is only part of the truth. Even a good specialist will not be able to qualitatively cover the tattoo with low-quality materials.

Tattoos are something that stays with most for life. Of course, no one canceled the procedure for removing images from the body, but not everyone can afford them because of the high cost. Moreover, sometimes it is enough just to slightly correct the tattoo in order to admire it again. Now, when there are a large number of drawing masters, there is a possibility that an unsuccessful image can be corrected, replaced with another one. In other words, kill. However, here you should also be aware of some subtleties, without which the tattoo will be spoiled and simply look like a dark spot.

Reasons why people get tattoos

It would seem that each person carefully thinks over a sketch of what will be further depicted on his body. However, in the future, there may be reasons why the tattoo will become uninteresting, and sometimes just annoying. The main reasons for altering the picture include:

  • fading tattoo. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. This is a natural process, which helps to delay proper care. The solution to this problem is not so complicated and costly. The master can simply add color to the tattoo, making it still bright and juicy;
  • a tattoo that didn't live up to expectations. As you know, not all salons can provide really high-quality images. Broken tattoos, photos of which are on the Internet, show very well what terrible images are sometimes applied by pseudo-professionals;
  • change in attitude towards something. If once a person was fond of Eastern culture, this does not mean that in a couple of years he will also be a fan of it. That's why tattoos with a reminder of this part of life, some prefer to remove or interrupt.

Broken Anubis tattoo on shoulder

Tattoo removal. Basic ways

It is sometimes simply impossible to kill a tattoo. In this extreme case, I use services to remove the image. There are a number of traditional procedures that are often used to get rid of a tattoo. But they are quite painful. These include, for example, grinding the skin. During this procedure, layers of skin are removed, gradually removing cells with paint. However it may take several treatments before the tattoo is completely removed. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it helps to reduce immunity. Scraped skin can no longer protect as effectively as before. Also known is a method for using material treated with liquid nitrogen. Due to a series of procedures, a crust forms on the skin, which then disappears. A small scar at the site of the tattoo will soon disappear. However, the procedure is painful.

Tattoo girl on the back redone

Important! Not everyone is allowed to remove images from the skin. Therefore, broken tattoos are so often used. The value of this procedure is quite large, because the list of contraindications for image removal is extensive. For example, it is forbidden to undergo a number of actions for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, cancer patients, pregnant women, as well as those who have skin problems in the tattoo area.

Broken tattoo on a guy's shoulder

Basic Tattoo Correction Options

Broken tattoos, sketches for which are selected individually, are performed only by professionals. There are several main ways. The master makes a decision after considering a specific image, taking into account the wishes of the client. Correction methods include:

  • Painting over part of the tattoo. To do this, take a flesh-colored pigment. However, this can only slightly correct a small tattoo. With a voluminous and colorful image, this method will be useless.;
  • Adding additional elements. This option helps to improve a small composition, update it;
  • Applying a darker color. However, in this case, there is a risk of obtaining an unaesthetic image. Therefore, in this case, a very good professional is needed. Otherwise, the old drawing may eventually appear on top of the new one.

Tattoo on a girl's shoulder blade, interrupted by a flower

Advantages of laser tattoo removal

Some tattoos are no longer amenable to correction. Therefore, it is better to choose the most optimal and least painful way to remove them. It's about on the use of a laser. However, do not think that this method is completely devoid of discomfort. When removing a small tattoo, you can use a special anesthetic cream or gel. However, when removing a large image, local anesthesia may be given. On average, 3-4 sessions may be needed. Also, after removal, redness and blisters may occur on the skin, which disappear after a few weeks. What then are the advantages of this type of removal? Professionally made tattoos are completely removed without leaving scars on the body. Also, this procedure is safe, as it affects exactly those areas where there is a dye.

Tattoo in the form of a flower, interrupted, on the shoulder blade of a girl

I finally killed the old tattoo, which I made as a kid. It has long ceased to please me, as it is executed simply terribly. And now tattoo art has reached completely different heights. So, instead of some kind of clumsy dagger, flat and ugly, I have a chic weapon on my forearm, as if descended from the pages of a historical textbook.

Victor, Tyumen.

Tattoo on leg - broken anchor

Tattoo care

Killing a tattoo is already the last stage, which was preceded by a change in the image. To avoid this, it is better to use by special means tattoo care, avoid exposure