Tattoos on the arm of male geisha. Geisha tattoo. Geisha tattoo meaning

Ancient profession of Japanese women. Beautiful (by Japanese standards) geisha entertained their guests with singing, dancing and small talk.

Who is it suitable for?
This is a beautiful, feminine and very sophisticated tattoo.
Suitable for girls who can charm any man who interests them. Using all the feminine charms for this.
Often, such a tattoo is made based on its brightness and attractiveness. Without paying attention to the meaning of the symbol and the fact that the image of a geisha is rooted in ancient Japanese culture.

Places and style of tattoo.
Such tattoos are most often applied to the back or shoulder. The bright, realistic image looks impressive.
Less often the drawing is applied in black and white.

Symbol meaning

A tattoo with the image of a geisha symbolizes the mystery of the female soul, attractive beauty, sophistication and grace of movements.
The name of this ancient profession, consists of two hieroglyphs: “man” and “art”. Thus, we get the literal translation - “man of art.”
A geisha is a woman who “elevates” men. This image combines meek humility and enormous strength of spirit.
The meaning of the symbol is the desire for beauty, internal and external. The desire for everything beautiful and refined.
For girls, the meaning of the symbol can be formulated as follows:

  • femininity,
  • meek disposition,
  • beauty,
  • fortitude.

Geisha tattoos are rarely seen on men.
Image geisha on male body means his desire for beauty. The ability to appreciate female beauty and body.

In Japan there was a ban on displaying nudity. Therefore, the entire surface of the geisha’s body, with the exception of the palms, face and feet, was covered with drawings.
On their bodies, geishas depicted scenes historical events or myths.
According to tradition, a geisha could be in a close relationship with only one man.
Nowadays, geisha in Japan, on the contrary, are prohibited from applying designs to their bodies. But, this ban is successfully “bypassed”, thanks to the technique of white (invisible) tattooing.


The process of applying a geisha tattoo to the leg.

Contrary to popular Western belief, a Japanese geisha is not a woman of ill repute. The word literally means "man of art."

A geisha is a professional whose main task is to entertain people. Music, dancing, knowledge of history, the ability to start a conversation and create a relaxing atmosphere are the main duties of a geisha.

Geisha are immaculately dressed in luxurious and expensive kimonos. Their manners are not only impeccable, but gentle and calm, in accordance with the ideals of feminine beauty that they embody.

In modern Japan, the geisha is a symbol of traditional values. In the West, it symbolizes the grace and exotic beauty of the East.

In tattoo art, a geisha is often depicted among cherry blossoms; sakura is used at the bottom of the kimono, and chrysanthemum is used at the top. These are traditional flowers in Japanese tattoos.

A tattoo with the image of a geisha is perfect for girls who can understand men at a glance: with high intelligence, smart, wise. In other words, to all women who understand the power of their beauty, but at the same time always give primacy to a man, knowing full well in whose hands the true power is.

Geisha tattoo meanings: mysterious female soul, grace, beauty, meek humility along with fortitude, desire for everything beautiful and refined.

Men rarely get a geisha tattoo, but if you see one, you know that this is a man who worships beauty. female body and mind.

Best places to apply: back and shoulders. The tattoo is especially impressive in a realistic style; the black and white version for this design is used quite rarely.

Ancient profession of Japanese women. Beautiful (by Japanese standards) geisha entertained their guests with singing, dancing and small talk.

Who is it suitable for?
This is a beautiful, feminine and very sophisticated tattoo.
Suitable for girls who can charm any man who interests them. Using all the feminine charms for this.
Often, such a tattoo is made based on its brightness and attractiveness. Without paying attention to the meaning of the symbol and the fact that the image of a geisha is rooted in ancient Japanese culture.

Places and style of tattoo.
Such tattoos are most often applied to the back or shoulder. The bright, realistic image looks impressive.
Less often the drawing is applied in black and white.

Symbol meaning

A tattoo with the image of a geisha symbolizes the mystery of the female soul, attractive beauty, sophistication and grace of movements.
The name of this ancient profession consists of two hieroglyphs: “man” and “art”. Thus, we get the literal translation - “man of art.”
A geisha is a woman who “elevates” men. This image combines meek humility and enormous strength of spirit.
The meaning of the symbol is the desire for beauty, internal and external. The desire for everything beautiful and refined.
For girls, the meaning of the symbol can be formulated as follows:

  • femininity,
  • meek disposition,
  • beauty,
  • fortitude.

Geisha tattoos are rarely seen on men.
Image geisha on a man's body means his desire for beauty. The ability to appreciate female beauty and body.

In Japan there was a ban on displaying nudity. Therefore, the entire surface of the geisha’s body, with the exception of the palms, face and feet, was covered with drawings.
On their bodies, geisha depicted scenes of historical events or myths.
According to tradition, a geisha could be in a close relationship with only one man.
Nowadays, geisha in Japan, on the contrary, are prohibited from applying designs to their bodies. But, this ban is successfully “bypassed”, thanks to the technique of white (invisible) tattooing.


The process of applying a geisha tattoo to the leg.

6 June 2011, 19:01

Women's tattoos are considered one of the types of Japanese tattoos. Initially, Japanese geishas managed to circumvent the ban with the help of tattoos and easily showed their naked bodies. The thing is that a Japanese tattoo covers virtually any centimeter of skin, leaving only the face, neck, palms and feet untattooed. Consequently, the body seemed to be covered with a cloth with a multi-colored pattern. The legendary Japanese geisha did not change partners - according to their status, they were supposed to have a constant partner. The geisha practically became a second wife, with whom the customer not only had fun on the mats, but also had conversations, asked for recommendations, and complained about his own troubles. Consequently, the geisha became a kindred spirit for a man, and as a result, it is not strange that high feelings often arose between them, in commemoration of which the couples applied the same tattoos. For example, as a symbol of fidelity and loyalty from friend to friend, dots-moles were pricked, which, when the palms were connected, could be overlapped by rather large fingers. They also tattooed the names of lovers and tattoos of hieroglyphs “inoti”, which in translation means the word “fate”, with the Russian interpretation - “love to the grave”. One curious type of female tattoo in Japan was a distinctive form of tattoo - kakushi-boro. This tattoo was made using rice powder, which was rubbed into artistically made incisions. In a simple condition, nothing was noticeable on the skin. Although as soon as the body became excited, a delicate pattern appeared. The same thing happened after the voyage. Ancient legends and Japanese fairy tales were used as motifs for women's tattoos, where dragons, samurai knights, and various other animals that bring bliss were among the key characters. Updated 06/06/11 23:55: Found a photo of Kakushi-boro.

It is very popular both in Russia and in the West. Tattoos are part Japanese culture. And the geisha is one of the famous symbols of this country. Therefore, tattoo artists decided to combine these manifestations Japanese art into one whole. And now tattoos with the image of a geisha are very popular.

History of Geisha Tattoo

The history of tattoos with the image of a geisha does not even go back 200 years. This topic is quite young, although it has gained popularity. Tattoos depicting a geisha became widespread in Russia in the 1980s. In Europe, such tattoos became popular about 50 years earlier.

Did you know? In the 16th century Geishas were men. As in many other countries, women were not allowed to participate in any kind of performances or entertainment shows. Therefore, all female roles in the theater and at masquerades were performed exclusively by men.

Geisha tattoo meaning

Japanese women have always attracted the attention of men, but not many dare to depict them on their bodies. After all, this image has a feminine connotation. A tattoo in the form of a geisha says that its owner is a kind-hearted, sensitive person. Such a person has creative potential and loves to be the center of attention. People who choose a geisha tattoo are sociable and have a wide circle of acquaintances. But geisha also means a person’s insincerity, his flaunting of himself and the desire to always appear only in his best role.

Important! A geisha tattoo tattooed on a man’s body has an interesting interpretation. This design means that the guy is the life of the party, a ladies' man and a ladies' man. He likes beautiful girls not for their deep inner world, but for a beautiful body and clothes.

Current types of geisha tattoos

  • Realistic image of a girl. Most often, realistic sketches of geisha tattoos are complemented with sakura branches. This combination looks symbolic and very gentle. Sakura flowers represent tenderness and fragility, since the duration of their flowering is very short. Yes and female beauty fades over the years. In such a tattoo, people try to capture the moment, stop time. Owners of geisha tattoos demonstrate that they appreciate every moment and see beauty in everyday things.
  • Geisha with an umbrella. Girls prefer to decorate their bodies with this design. There are many photos of a geisha tattoo with an umbrella on the Internet, and any of them can be taken as an analogue. Usually this variation of tattoo has big size, since such a drawing requires detailed elaboration. A geisha with an umbrella does not carry a contradictory meaning. She personifies femininity and coquetry.
  • Cartoon image of a geisha Both men and women prefer to stuff. Such a tattoo shows that its owner mocks vulgarity and the art of seduction. It is not typical for a person who chooses such a drawing to be disingenuous and pretend. He loves honesty and openness, and expects to find it in his acquaintances.
  • Geisha in a mask symbolizes secrecy. People who get such a tattoo tend to withdraw into themselves. They will not reveal their emotional impulses to the first person they meet. Such a tattoo can also mean a mysterious nature.
  • Geisha with fan represents coquetry. Girls who choose this pattern love to flirt and make new acquaintances. They prefer to be in the company of men and know how to relate to them mutual language. However, a geisha with a fan can also be interpreted as a symbol of a shy nature. Such a girl will not take the first step herself, and will wait for a long courtship from her chosen one.

Popular Geisha Tattoo Colors

  • Black and pink color scheme one of the most popular for geisha tattoos. Often, to emphasize nuances, artists add red color.
  • Yellow-blue shades with the addition of black are in second place in popularity. This tattoo looks bright and provocative. It is created in order to attract the views of others. Such designs are used to decorate those parts of the body that are not hidden by clothing.
  • Pink, purple, yellow and blue- This is the standard color set for a geisha tattoo. It is similar to the previous one color scheme, but looks even more catchy. This coloristic solution is chosen by creative people who are not afraid to show their imagination and individuality.
  • Graphic version of tattoos usually preferred by men. The outline drawing of a geisha does not look pretentious and laconic. This tattoo often adorns a man's chest or biceps.

Common Places for Geisha Tattoos

  • Back– this is a vast field for the activities of a tattoo artist. Any variant of a Japanese lady tattoo requires ample free space. The back satisfies these requirements well. Most often, multicolor tattoos are placed on the entire surface of the back. Sometimes such drawings affect the area of ​​the lower back and buttocks.
  • Forearm one of the most popular parts of the body for tattooing. The drawing can depict either the entire figure of the geisha or only her face. There are many variations, it all depends on the imagination of the tattoo artist and the customer.
  • Legs, as a canvas for geisha tattoos, is more often used by girls than men. This tattoo is quite eye-catching and difficult to hide under a skirt or dress. When choosing her, a girl must be aware that she will always be the center of attention.
  • The side is one of the most popular places for a geisha tattoo. Such a pattern can always be hidden under clothing, but if necessary, it can be demonstrated. The entire figure of a geisha fits perfectly into the gap between the armpit and pelvis. This location requires a colored tattoo with good detail.

Advice. It is worth remembering that the visibility area of ​​a tattoo in everyday life will be small. After all, it will be hidden under clothes. You need to pay attention to this fact before going to a tattoo parlor.