How to congratulate colleagues and partners on World Tourism Day? Learning to write a congratulation on the Day of Tourism. Cool texts and rules for their compilation Congratulations on the day of tourism in prose

Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday - the day of tourism. We wish all lovers of travel, first of all, good health and good luck. May you always be lucky in everything, may new places give you a lot of impressions. Be always energetic, may a good mood never leave you. We sincerely wish you a sea of ​​​​new meetings, acquaintances with interesting people. May hope, faith and love always accompany you, and may a good angel protect you from failures. All the best to you and all the best.

Many people are attracted to new unknown places, new cities and countries. After all, seeing the world is so wonderful. Travel companies offer many interesting offers that simply cannot be refused. We sincerely congratulate all travelers on their professional holiday - Tourism Day. May your dreams always come true, may your plans be fulfilled. Good mood to you, in everything good luck and luck. Let what you see remain in your memory for a long time.

Dear tourists, we sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful holiday. We wish you easy routes, good luck in everything, Have a good mood. Let your hobby bring you a lot of impressions, let every day be full of good news. We wish you great optimism, great happiness, a peaceful sky above your head and all the best. May all your desires come true, may all your dreams be bright and come true. New meetings to you, reliable friends, well-being and prosperity.

On the day of tourism, we congratulate all people who are not indifferent to travel. We sincerely wish everyone good health, cloudless happiness, peace, a lot of joy and good luck in everything. May the sunny weather always give you a ray of warmth, may your health always be strong. We wish you to travel around the world and get many interesting, amazing discoveries. Let life flow like a full river, let everything go well with you, let every day turn into a holiday. All the best to you and all the best.

There are no barriers for tourists. In any, even the most inaccessible places, a tourist will always find a path and reach new discoveries. Nothing is impossible for him. Today professional holiday all travelers, all lovers of movement and amazing discoveries. Accept my sincere congratulations on holiday. May all your dreams come true, may things go like clockwork, may everything be just fine with you. Be always energetic, you are sure of yourself. Happy travels and happy return home.

What a wonderful life as a tourist. These are hikes, and new interesting discoveries and interesting acquaintances. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of tourism. May this holiday bring you good luck and give you a good mood, may every day be the happiest, may your life be long and beautiful. May hope, faith and love never leave you, May fate be favorable. All the best to you, warm family weather, prosperity and prosperity, pleasant experience and everything, everything.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has traveled. And it doesn’t matter where and on what, the result of impressions is simply important, which will be remembered for a lifetime. We wish all tourists and tourists happy interesting routes. May luck always smile at you, may the bird of happiness accompany you along the way. Good health you, peaceful sky n6above your head, big, beautiful love and all the very best. May you always be lucky in everything, we wish you unforgettable meetings and the best impressions.

On the professional holiday of Tourism Day, celebrated on September 27 this year for the 33rd time, the tourist community from the pages of the TURPROM portal is congratulated by officials of the tourism industry, and not only the Russian one: the Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization, the heads of the Federal Tourism Agency, the tourism department of the Ministry of Culture, the Moscow Tourism Committee, as well as major public organizations- PCT and ATOR. Accept congratulations!

- “September 27 is World Tourism Day (WTD), established by the United Nations (UN) to celebrate tourism, a sector of the economy that ensures economic growth and development around the world. We are celebrating World Tourism Day 2012 under the slogan "Tourism and Sustainable Energy" to draw the industry's attention to the need to reduce tourism-related emissions. I wish Russian tourism stability and prosperity,” - UNWTO Secretary General.

- “On behalf of the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation and on my own behalf I am glad to congratulate all representatives of the Russian tourism industry, travelers and tourists on the World Tourism Day! International Tourism Day - main holiday tourism industry, which has been celebrated all over the world for more than 30 years. Russia has a huge potential, allowing it to be one of the leaders in the global tourism market. Nature, unique in its beauty and diversity, rich history, original traditions, unique architectural monuments, world-wide famous names cultural and artistic figures and places associated with them create ample opportunities for the development of the most different types tourism and recreation. Today, the domestic tourism industry is one of the most promising and dynamically developing sectors of the economy. With all my heart I wish all employees of the tourism industry a good mood, creative success and constant movement to the heights of professional excellence! For tourists - unforgettable impressions, interesting trips, vivid emotions and colorful photographs, ”- Director of the Department of Tourism of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

- "Dear friends! Dear colleagues! Let me congratulate all of you on the upcoming holiday - World Tourism Day! The role of tourism in the economy of our country is difficult to overestimate. The growth rate of this sector is at least 4% per year. According to an authoritative international organization - the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) - in 2011, the contribution of tourism to the Russian economy amounted to 3.4 trillion rubles, which is almost 6% of GDP. The number of direct and indirect jobs created in Russia by the tourism and hospitality industry is about 4 million. And we must remember that these are jobs that are created in the sector of small and medium-sized businesses, which, as you know, are the basis and guarantee of the sustainable development of the country's economy. According to the same study, foreign tourists brought 517.2 billion rubles to the Russian budget. This is 30.5% of all Russian exports of services and 2.9% of total exports of goods and services. Last and current years were not easy for tourism, there were resonant exits from the market of large and medium-sized companies. But this year, amendments to our industry law came into force, an association of tour operators in the field of outbound tourism is being created - all these measures are aimed primarily at protecting the rights of tourists. Much attention is now paid to the development of tourism by the state, the tourism industry is in the stage of active development. The transfer of the Federal Agency for Tourism to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation gives Russian tourism a new impetus for the development of educational and cultural tourism. Active promotion of the tourist potential of small towns with a unique cultural and historical heritage is being carried out, conditions are being created for the growth of their tourist attractiveness. Fruitful cooperation with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) continues. A new positive image of Russia is being actively formed as a country favorable for the development of tourism. We have all the prerequisites for turning Russia into a developed world tourist center. I am sure that the further development of tourism in our country will move forward in the same dynamic way. Success, happiness, health to all of you and professional heights! ”, -, Head of the Federal Agency for Tourism ().

- "Dear friends! I congratulate you on the Day of Tourism, which, indeed, has become worldwide. But in terms of tourism itself, since the number of international tourist trips, according to the UNWTO, is approaching the figure of 1 billion a year. And in the sense of tourism day, as an event, since it is a professional holiday for every 12th worker on the planet. In Moscow, tourism is also gaining momentum, the city is becoming more hospitable, the range of events is brighter, and excursion programs are more diverse. We can say that today the world is discovering Russia and its capital anew. Good luck in business, high season all year round, and our dear tourists happy travels around the World and in Life! ”, -

What a great ride
Beautiful world. Or maybe on foot?
Tourists and tourists we hurry
Congratulations on this holiday, period.
We wish you to go around, get around
Seas and countries, oceans, mountains.
May undiscovered paths await you
Which you will see soon.

Plans for interesting and undertakings,
All dreams, fantasies - space!
Dear wonderful friends
Important and useful conversations!
Joy and laughter - the ocean,
Sea of ​​all kinds of entertainment!
Long journeys, warm countries,
Iridescent, huge impressions to you!

For a tourist, life is a hike,
Everywhere he will find a passage.
From dusk to dawn
He's ready for the end of the world
Celebrate tourism day
Countries, mountains to conquer,
So let the path be easy
happy road,
Let it be near true friend
And there are many impressions.

Trips, tours, travel,
How can we live without them?
Life will become boring and dull
We will begin to wither and grieve.
Happy Tourist Day, congratulations
May work bring you joy.
And tourists come across funny,
To tours were not a burden.

I tell you with optimism:
- Congratulations on the day of tourism!
Kettle, backpack, tent,
Matches, salt, radishes from the garden -
I put everything together and went into the forest,
Found shelter by the fire.
Happy holiday, tourists!
Will you take us on a hike?

Albeit not often, but sometimes
Trying to hide from everyday life
I want to, alas, I will not hide -
Dear to know a wonderful ligature
Risk peace for the sake of wandering
But: The road is life
Here without comfort and decoration
Dare, just hold on!
When a tourist is a tramp at heart
He knows the price of all roads
Guys, happy holidays! Where is the flask?
We know how to go beyond the threshold!

Be three hundred more days in a year,
Yes, so that not everyday, but red,
Then everyone would become tourists,
Going to work is like a holiday.
But immediately the suffering would begin.
Everything would change - that's the trick.
And the worst punishment
For all would become, of course, vacation.
And they run wild from idleness.
It is the source of evil and war...
Let Tourist Day be celebrated
Only those who deserve it!

tourism product
firms have both here and there,
but only you we trust,
because we know very well:
you, friends, will not let you down,
competently you give
tour information,
about hotels. Clientele
responds wonderfully
in all forums. lovely
colleagues also say
about your work. older
you are your all competitors,
but don't let the moments
impudence, laziness and pride,
worthy you bear the name
your company. Let it
success goes on and on!

Happy Tourism Day
All involved in this life,
To rest, vouchers
Weekend parties.
All tour operators
Peaceful and glorious
you hot life
We wish together.
Let the business grow
Tickets are flying
And will be in your power
And love and happiness!

Another thing is to sail on the Nile!
There and in winter - plus 25!
There are crocodiles and gorillas
They can be driven away with a stick
There, even if tanned,
For blacks, you are still White
Human. Not called, not asked
Always be very careful.
Take half a liter of vodka with you -
There are tribes of natives in the jungle
What foreigners love
But in cooking.
Yes, it's a pity, a calm river
Doesn't attract fools...

Exciting trips
Excursions interesting,
charming guides,
Hiking good songs!

Today we are happy tourism day
We hasten to congratulate everyone together.
And we wish you optimism
This is very necessary in life.
Bright, joyful events,
Travel useful to you,
amazing discoveries,
And routes unknown.

There are many beautiful places
Countries, regions, cities!
And with a difficult choice
You are always ready to help!

Happy tourism day
I love you today, friend!
And interesting discoveries
Let there be more around!

What has tourism come to?
By plane, train or rocket
Will send, even on a space cruise,
Will issue a visa-free ticket!

And on this day, let's travel,
Moving along and across the planet,
And to have someone to invite
Take off on scooters around the world!

Erudition, activity, creativity
in the tourism business they help you a lot,
and we also appreciate your promptness,
a responsibility. And with you (we know for sure)
you can easily make tours,
at work you do not tolerate freebies,
you can trust with all my heart
your dream vacation!

Tour operators, tourists
Today the holiday is celebrated.
Tourism is a great reason to live
He impresses people!

So many routes have been made
Where wonderful moments await us:
Any taste, wallet, requests,
Tourism is suitable, of course!

It's time to buy a fotik came to you,
So that there is something to share later,
In honor of the holiday, it's time to go hiking,
To enjoy tourism!

Desert, forest or river?
We came and pitched the tent...
And there is no corner in the world,
Wherever they look.
And maybe soon on the moon
In the year one of better days -
They are a special people
Mobile and restless
Ready to ride all year round
And in love with travel!

The past year is around the corner
The wave of the past carries us
Through the still closed gates:
Them New Year will open to us.
There is a sea of ​​fresh sensations,
There is a swarm of discoveries and paths.
At the cost of loss and gain
We will become richer and wiser.
Everything is speeding up,
The water is getting higher and murkier.
Capacious impressions
We are for short years.
Let time beat and time heal
Let the threshold again
The backpack straightens our shoulders
And the heat of the roads warms the soul.

Putting a backpack on your shoulders
And a tent for him
Send me to a meeting
Again, his tourist.

He will bring as usual
Persistent campfire smell
And talk habitually
There will be stories until the morning.

Happy Tourist Day
And stories until dawn.
The one that has been heard three hundred times,
Repeat three hundred and first.

Desert, forest or river?
We came and pitched the tent...
And there is no corner in the world,
Wherever they look.
And maybe soon on the moon
Soles will trail ribbed!
One of the best days of the year
Which? - World Tourism Day!
They are a special people
Mobile and restless
Ready to ride all year round
And in love with travel!

Tourists are happy to test.
So as not to be bored, of course,
Blockages, piles, waterfalls
They are destined for fate.
Water tourists on the river
The shallows are passing. Who - with a whistle,
Who - with a gnash, without regret
Tearing the skin on the stones -
Some with a crunch, with a tear, some with obscenities,
Even if they have an ice font
The collapsed spruce is preparing,
But there are heroes, guys,
In Rus'. And a remote waterman
The log breaks his head.

Let the warm sea
tenderness will give
silk touching the waves.
Let the camel mountains
space will be opened
Only for you
Let the clouds
snow-white fairy tale
the aircraft will be read.
He flies to the dream city.
Happy World Tourism Day!

You will meet the day of tourism on the road,
Conquer the peaks and the seas
When you travel, you only understand
That was not born in vain.
How much joy and inspiration
Gives you a fresh wind of wandering!
You can't live without travel
Without movement in space.

I tell you with optimism:
- Congratulations on the day of tourism!
Kettle, backpack, tent,
Matches, salt, radishes from the garden -
I put everything together and went into the forest,
Found shelter by the fire.
Happy holiday, tourists!
Will you take us on a hike?

Congratulations on tourism day
Who is not at home
Let fate turn over
In your page atlas.

Countries, cities are waiting for you,
Kishlaks, auls, villages,
Planes, trains
And a little more walking.

New places, new discoveries
I wish all tourists
Let the route to the land of love
On a quiet night you will dream.

Happy Tourism Day to all who are not content with other people's stories, but look at amazing things with their own eyes. We wish you that the ranks of tourists do not thin out, but only increase. We wish you interesting trips and hikes, new places and exciting adventures!

Walking is a great activity
Through forests and mountains and fields
Steppe grasses serve us as a bed,
And the earth is infinite.

Though for a hundred years lay routes,
You will always have a dream
Break out of the stuffy comfort again
And visit distant places.

Where I haven't been, with a backpack, in Panama,
And in light sneakers, on the roads of the day
Walk, tourist, with cheerful steps,
In any trip with you, call me!

From Belgorod to the east, to Kamchatka,
Up from Omsk, I'll go to Yakutia,
You don't need a car or a horse
I won't get tired and I won't fall.

And on this day when the whole world is celebrating
Tourism day, like our bright holiday,
The tourist floats his raft down the river,
In the rapids of mountain rivers, catching courage.

I want to go hiking again, restless,
Let tourism day be my day!
Let the dome of the sky beckons us into the distance,
We will reach the horizon with you!

Anyone who wants to travel
Who can't stay at home
And who is bored with travel
Not even familiar
Who will find museums everywhere,
Who is ready to open their ears
Who are the nerd tour guides
Ready to listen day and night
That tourist is real
Not impudent, not ugly,
And World Tourism Day
For him - a favorite holiday!

Backpack, guitar, sandwich,
I put the bubble in there.
How else? Let's go hiking!
Overnight, maybe even.

Shashlik for vodka, fire,
With a guitar - so soulful ...
Biting, damn, buzzing choir
Ruined everything instantly.

In pants, under a T-shirt, in shorts
Burning! And the itching is violent.
Solid "oh!" and "yo..." and "ah!"...
Romantic, Happy Tourist Day!

Romantic vagabond, listen!
September leaves today
Your restless soul
He calls you on the road.

He dissolved passion in the fog,
Leading to new distances.
He beckons with the ringing sky,
He calls fire smoke.

A fan of various wanderings,
It doesn't matter if it's far or near,
Came dressed in gold
Your festive day of tourism!

Throw your backpack over your shoulders!
And if it's more familiar, - in the hand
Grab your suitcase!
Hurry up quickly, locking boredom at home,
Towards new and bright discoveries!

Rest can be rich
It may also be unsightly
But it's not a sin to celebrate
We are the world tourist day.

Travel always
Interesting, and shaking.
Can be seen every day
Sweden, China, Alaska...

And Russia ... Grace!
So many unique places...
You can see a lot -
Surprise yourself, loved ones.

Joy, laughter among the roads...
Don't let bad weather come to you
In the heart or on the threshold -
There will be complete happiness.

Travel is a game
Make it fun.
It's time to look
Cities, villages, villages.

Whoever says anything
About the avid tourist
He was in many places -
At least a hundred miles, at least three hundred.

It's good to be a tourist
Regardless of opinions;
It is necessary for a century to pass
Among the wonderful impressions.

The smoke of the fire was blown away by the winds,
The sound of a stream was heard in the distance,
You, tourist, are with us today
Festive action undressed.

Let the routes be interesting
The correct compass will show the way in life,
And "The bend of the yellow guitar" together
Friends will sing for you now.

We are not Turks, but tourists,
We are everywhere and everywhere
We are in the mountains, in the wooded land,
We are in the steppes and on the water.

Curious poke nose
To the Prado, the Louvre and the Hermitage,
Let's ask you a question
And appreciate the outrageous.

World Tourist Day
You can't run away from us
So you better smile
And let's celebrate!

Such unique evenings, when after a busy day with a lot of impressions and pleasant fatigue from long climbs along a mountain path, you can get together, set up camp by a trembling fire and admire the stars. On this day, I wish every tourist to rest with soul, work with enthusiasm, go forward with interest and return with a lot of pleasant impressions. Happy holiday!

Tent, sleeping bag, iron pot, large backpack and strong shoulders… What else can you remember on the day of tourism? Today we dedicate our congratulations to those who love the way, nature and simple life. Good roads to you pleasant meetings and quiet evenings to the sound of a guitar, by a bright fire. Today is World Tourism Day. It is celebrated by brave people, adventurers - tourists, but, you know, all of us in this world are pilgrims on the difficult road of life. I would like to wish everyone an easy road, halts with good friends, good fellow travelers and fair wind, interesting discoveries and new routes. Happy Tourism Day to all who are not content with other people's stories, but look at amazing things with their own eyes. We wish you that the ranks of tourists do not thin out, but only increase. We wish you interesting trips and hikes, new places and exciting adventures! Such unique evenings, when after a busy day with a lot of impressions and pleasant fatigue from long climbs along a mountain path, you can get together, set up camp by a trembling fire and admire the stars. On this day, I wish every tourist to rest with soul, work with enthusiasm, go forward with interest and return with a lot of pleasant impressions. Happy holiday! Congratulations on world day tourist! I wish you new discoveries, interesting routes and a full backpack of happiness. Let health and finances allow, and life has to travel. And may the compass of fate always point to prosperity and success. Today is a holiday for people who cannot sit still, who live in search of adventure and vivid emotions, but work in order to spend money on outdoor activities. I wish you to visit all corners of the planet, to see the new and the unknown, to know the unknown. Congratulations on the Tourist Day! I wish you to live brightly and richly, travel a lot, learning the world not from books, but from what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears, find like-minded people and have fun traveling around the planet in a friendly company. World Tourism Day is a celebration of all those who love travel and all those whose work is in any way connected with the field of tourism. This is a holiday for those who get to know the expanses of the earth, get acquainted with people of different races and nationalities, get acquainted with their customs and traditions. From the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate those who are passionate about travel. We wish you to know all those countries where nature and architecture are of unprecedented beauty, where different living creatures live, where there is a lot of new and unknown, where you just want to visit reality at least once. Tourism Day is a very romantic, positive, bright holiday, just like the tourists themselves who want to smile. Dear tourists, on this day with great pleasure I would like to wish you new horizons, bright adventures, bright moments, unforgettable trips and hikes! Let the whole world be open before you, as in the palm of your hand! Let your life be rich, unique, unsurpassed! I wish that every new place where you go will meet you with warmth and cordiality, may your hearts be full of love and enthusiasm! Happy tourism day. Every day, those who are tired of the hustle and bustle of everyday life come to you ... Each client is a strict individuality, has his own tastes and whims ... The duty of a travel agency employee is to give him an unforgettable vacation, and you do an excellent job with your duties, deserving to world day tourism warmest congratulations! Let your income grow, let your customers return, and your own vacation will be just heavenly! To work in a travel agency, you need to have a truly encyclopedic knowledge. What are the attractions? What and where is delicious to eat? What are the customs regulations? You know so much, as if you have a round-the-world trip behind you! It is not surprising that customers come back to you, and even bring friends ... Congratulations on World Tourism Day! Congratulations on World Tourism Day! The whole day you are at work, in papers and questions, and in the meantime - clients are basking in the sun ... But you don’t feel sorry for sending them on tour, because such work is done by a travel agency employee! Let me wish you more strength, liveliness of imagination and new knowledge in order to advise the best and simply - happiness!