Beautiful mother-in-law. Mother-in-law and son-in-law love. Mother-in-law and son-in-law relationship

He was lucky in that war - he not only earned several orders, but also returned alive and well, and most importantly, he managed to save his psyche. He was not fond of drugs, did not drink (except on holidays). In the years of stagnation, there were no problems with housing, and, as a participant in hostilities, the commander allocated Georgy a service apartment. Soon he married a young student Yulia. Julia was 18 years old, she worked as an accountant, studied at the institute at the correspondence department and ... was completely indifferent to sex. Such young ladies always surprised others: why are you going to get married in this case? Live on with your parents, do not fool your husband. But after all, before the military went willingly, because they were considered prestigious suitors ...
Zhora and his frigid wife began not life, but hard labor. It so happened that Yulia's mother was a lonely woman, and Yulia, having obtained the consent of Zhora, invited her to live a little in a new apartment with them.
Living with a mother-in-law is a risky business, but how to refuse such a trifle to a young wife? Moreover, Victoria Igorevna liked him from the moment of the first meeting, when Yulia brought him to meet her mother.
Mother-in-law at that time was only 35 years old. She was once a famous gymnast, champion. And she was so "friends" with her old coach that she flew away from him at the age of 16. There was a terrible scandal, the coach was almost imprisoned. Vika left big sport, she was even given a one-room apartment. At the age of 17, Yulia was born to her, whom all relatives loved and spoiled. And she grew up a bitchy and absurd person.
The young mother-in-law (only 10 years older than him) immediately liked George as a person. There was in her both sincerity and that completeness that he dreamed of seeing in his wife. Victoria's figurine was almost perfect, and she looked so great that it was hard to even understand who she was in the Makhov family. Everyone in the military camp decided that she was Yulia's older sister.
Julia, in every possible way, shied away from fulfilling her "marital duty." Either she had a headache, or there was another reason. Moreover, she began to complain to her mother: they say, her husband always wants it, I got some kind of maniac! The mother-in-law reassured her daughter, saying that having sex is even good for health, but Yulia did not need it. In the end, she already began to annoy her young husband. There was no time for love in Afghanistan, but here I found such a "treasure" that even cry!
Soon Yulka left for a month in Zhytomyr to take the next session.
Living in the same apartment with Victoria, George sometimes had to accidentally see her in a rather frank manner. Either in a translucent nightgown, when she fluttered around the apartment, then naked through the accidentally slightly opened bathroom door, where she was washing at that time. He was invariably struck by the beauty of her unusually feminine body, its mature attractiveness. At such moments, George wanted to pounce on her, crush her under him and selflessly love, to pain, to cries of pleasure.
He, living practically without sex, really liked her strong, proportionately folded body of a gymnast and a mature woman. Passing by the bathroom one evening, Zhora involuntarily glanced at the half-open door and met the smiling gaze of his mother-in-law, who at that time was diligently wielding a washcloth. He was even thrown into a fever from the eroticism of this scene. His eyes greedily captured the smallest details of her seductive body in a split second. It was then that he felt a strong desire for intimacy with his mother-in-law. And then spit on the consequences ...
Excited by the bath, Victoria left the bathroom and soon called her son-in-law for dinner. He offered to drink a little, the woman did not refuse.
George did not even imagine that Victoria Igorevna was also not indifferent to him. She was impressed by his unshakable calm under any circumstances. They often had scandals with Julia, and their daughter was invariably their initiator. Zhora stoically endured her nit-picking, responding with smiles to reproaches. He already understood that his wife was inventing another quarrel only in order to later refuse intimacy.
In a word, they ate, drank, then danced a little and ... they themselves did not notice how they began to kiss ...
They spent the night, of course, in the same bed ... And they felt so good together that the whole month of Yulia's absence turned into a honeymoon for them. They constantly wanted to see each other and all the time they wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. However, why is it forbidden? Zhora was a determined man and soon told his mother-in-law that he could not live without her. She, seeing that with her daughter they still would not live together for a long time, reciprocated. Therefore, when Julia returned from school, her husband gave her a full resignation!
Georgy was the deputy head of the company, he left the Komsomol due to his age, but he did not enter the party. Therefore, they could not punish him for divorcing his wife, especially since there were no complaints against him in the service. Yulia was immediately married off to a rocket officer so as not to cry. He just did something unsuccessfully in the service during the maintenance of the rocket, and after receiving a dose of radiation, he could no longer dream of any sex ...
And Zhora and Vika lived soul to soul for many years, gave birth and raised two children. They changed a couple of garrisons and no one there knew that his beautiful wife Vika was his former mother-in-law!

It was a special night.

I suddenly woke up and realized that I was thirsty. A cricket chimed through the open window. A crumpled sheet was lying somewhere at the feet.

The mood was upbeat, if not sublime: I wanted to trust this night, immerse myself in this air - as if joining a noisy holiday - and become a participant in something completely special, which must certainly happen right now. I quietly removed Alyonin's hand from my chest and went to the kitchen.

A straw-shaded lamp hung low over the dining table, leaving the twilight in the corners of the kitchen almost untouched and without disturbing the romance of the velvety summer darkness. I slowly finished drinking water, looking out the window at the motionless night landscape, and suddenly I heard footsteps.

Zhenya, as usual, entered her kitchen barefoot, wearing only her nightgown. I averted my eyes. It was not so much the fact that I was wearing only shorts that was embarrassing, but this obscenely short shirt with thin lace. Zhenya and I talked quite in our own way, but not enough to show off in front of each other in our underwear.

Can't sleep? - Zhenya simply asked at home. Her intonations were always a little playful, her eyes and voice were very lively, cheerful. I never thought before that Alena is very similar to her mother, and not so much in appearance as in her habits, eyes, intonations. And in this manner, tilt your head to the side.

Hmm... it's hot.

Zhenya reached for a glass; my breath was taken away, because from her movement the edge of the nightgown rose unacceptably high. Another millimeter, and I would see if she had panties on. At the last moment, before she looked at me, I forcefully averted my eyes.

Alena is sleeping?
- Yes.

Zhenya came closer and, sitting on the edge of the table, slowly drank from a tall glass. Of course, Alena looks like her; but still Alena is a miniature and very slender girl with touchingly light, almost childish body features. Zhenya is a grown woman, though far from a pensioner. Her figure is not burdened with fullness, but noticeably more appetizing than that of a young girl: wide hips, a pronounced waist, and breasts ... Not magnificent, but seductive in appearance. A toned ass and slender long legs could be attributed to the tight hugs of jeans, but now I saw that Zhenya looked just as good without pants. She is not yet forty years old, and she has a good chance of successfully marrying.

Zhenya sat higher on the table, her bare feet dangling, and looked at me. I caught myself staring at her legs all this time.

So what are you doing with Alyonka at night?

I involuntarily felt guilty. She tilted her head and waited for my reaction.

Zhenya looked young, but acted like she was even younger. When we met, she playfully tilted her head and introduced herself: "Zhenya." Alena and I have not yet signed, but in my mind I called Zhenya mother-in-law. And he mentally neighed how this word did not fit this charming woman. Somehow it was easy to immediately switch to "you" with her. And at times I was afraid that one day the fairy tale would end, and Zhenya would become an ordinary mother-in-law from jokes, in a dressing gown and with curlers.

And here you are. The question of what Alena and I do at night smacked of moralizing. And in anticipation of moralizing, the last thing I wanted to do was make excuses and mumble that, in fact, I was going to propose to Alyonka, but I just needed to save money ... and other babble. After all, I've already made up my mind about my girlfriend. And I'm not going to answer for him. Even in front of her mother. And in general, if she decided to talk seriously, then why in such a frivolous outfit ?! Yes, and I'm not in a suit today ...

In a fit of irritation, I collapsed on the couch.

Ahem ... We are adults, - I hinted. Zhenya looked at me carefully, then frowned, as if she didn’t understand what it was about. - I am a man, in the end ... - I made another pause, but Zhenya still waited for the continuation. “Well, you don’t think we were going to keep our innocence until the wedding?! I blurted out and flushed my cheeks. But still, with a challenge, he looked up into the eyes of his future mother-in-law.

And she suddenly laughed and jumped off the table, waving the edge of her shirt like a tail.

I'm not talking about that.

I did not have time to be surprised when Zhenya casually sat down on my knees, facing me, and put her hands on my shoulders. Everything immediately blew out of my head, giving way to a strip of lace over Zhenya's chest. She was right in front of my face. The nightie hung loosely on thin straps, hiding her seductive body in soft folds, and only her chest betrayed her presence with sharp tips.

Heart pounded. The half-naked mother of my girlfriend sits on my lap ... Is this the way it is in this family? Or what… she decided to seduce me?! And before I could be properly surprised, she said:

You stick your dick in my daughter.

Here I was completely taken aback.

I managed to recognize Zhenya as a modern, sometimes windy and even impudent woman; but I didn't expect those words. Some thoughts swirled in my head, but, probably, none of them were reflected in my motionless eyes. Zhenya sighed.

When you moved in with me, I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at night,” she said softly and seriously. - I thought you would just keep me awake with your moans. - She carefully looked at me from above, but, apparently, understanding in my eyes did not increase. - You understand, - affectionately ran her hand over her face, - Sex is not just poking a member. Being a man - and poking a dick - is not quite the same thing.

I still sat like a statue, but the whirlwind of thoughts slowed down a little. I seem to be beginning to pick up on the direction of our particular conversation.

So what are you doing with your girlfriend?

Like what?! It is clear that.

You stick your dick in her. Well, am I right? - I motionlessly looked at her from under my eyebrows, expressing with all my appearance the inappropriateness of discussing such personal issues. And so obvious.

I mean, you JUST put your dick in her and that's it. Well. right? She looked inquisitively into my eyes.

It's a hell of a mixture: irritation, embarrassment and ... it looks like I got up.

No, I also play the balalaika. - I didn’t know how to react to what was happening, especially to the half-naked mother-in-law sitting on the half-naked me, but her interrogation already pissed me off.

And Zhenya laughed merrily, waving her hair. Then she took my hands and put them on her waist.

Show me what you do with a woman who trusts you.

Come on?! Zhenya… wants me to… so that I…

This was not enough!!!

What? - I squeezed out of myself.
- How do you caress her?

Ah, it is. I thought. Usually we just kiss, hug, then go to bed...

How do you know it's time to enter? - I thought again. Never asked such a question.
- What is there to understand?
- Hm. Zhenya looked a little puzzled. - And if ... And if it's tight?
- Well, there is... a solution. Zhenya looked expectantly. - Well, saliva help.

My palms lay like that, frozen on Zhenya's waist. She slumped a little, slumped. And she smiled sadly.

Then suddenly she crept up, clung to me and whispered in my ear:

There is a better solution...

Goosebumps rushed up my neck either from her whisper, or from the fact that the tip of her nipple touched me. But then she bent down a little lower, and I caught my breath from what was revealed to my gaze. The frivolous nightie sagged, and I involuntarily looked under it ... And the next moment, Zhenya very gently touched my neck with wet open lips. His face was on fire, something in his chest tightened. Then I felt the gentle touch of the tip of the tongue, which smoothly drove over my skin. Blimey! I would never have thought that the tongue can make you experience such bliss ...

I tightly grabbed her waist, and she began to move smoothly under my palms. Zhenya now did not sit on me with all her weight, but swayed slightly, slightly touching my bare legs with her booty. I suddenly became burning again wondering if she had panties on. You can find out, you just have to lower your palm a little lower ... Only one catch: this is my mother-in-law. This thought chilled me greatly.

With a lazy movement, she tossed her hair aside and offered me her neck. I licked my lips and snuggled up to her. What soft skin! I was pleased to kiss Zhenya, but, it seems, it did not turn out very cleverly. I began to caress her with the tip of my tongue, just as she did.

Mmm ... Yes! .. - I heard and could not believe my ears. She likes?! She leaned closer to me and tilted her head more. My long wet kiss moved up her neck and reached her ear. Zhenya again let out a short moan of pleasure, and I realized that I also like to caress her. Especially when she moans like that.

Zhenya again gently took my hands, which were still lying at her waist, and moved them a little higher.

Bolder! she smiled.

I unquestioningly slid my hands over the smooth fabric. More daring what? Does she want me to touch her breasts?.. I understand that officially Zhenya and I are not relatives, but in fact... I stroked her body, approaching her breasts with my palms, but not daring to touch her. I continued to kiss her neck, now moving down. Zhenya breathed deeply and still, slowly, slowly, moved with her whole body. As if performing a private striptease, I thought. Her bare feet kept touching mine. But when she just sat on me, I didn’t even remember the close contact of our hips; now, in motion, every light touch is a pleasure.

She, too, began to stroke me, and I was again convinced: a motionless touch is pleasant, but only for the first seconds - then you get used to it; and when the hand moves, the pleasure does not end. This understanding inspired me, I began to stroke Zhenya's body with more enthusiasm.

She probably liked it too, because she suddenly looked at me and smiled warmly. Then she knelt - her breasts were almost touching my head now - and ran her fingertips over my back and neck, barely touching me. From this most gentle touch, my goosebumps frantically engaged in what they love. Now she took my hand and put it on her thigh ... It was amazingly exciting to touch her bare leg.

Zhenya gently touched me again, and I decided to try to do the same. With my fingertips, almost without touching the skin, I ran up the thigh, almost to the very edge of the shirt. Then down, to the knee, and up again, even higher ... and down again ... up - to the very edge - down ... Zhenya, closing her eyes, lazily fiddled with the hair on the back of my head. I wanted her to moan, or at least take a deep breath of pleasure. The fingers rose higher and higher, and now, with bated breath, I already got under the shirt ... Zhenya smiled slightly, without opening her eyes.

Then I tried to caress her leg not from the side, but from behind. Starting from the knee, I was immediately rewarded with a light groan, and bolder rushed up. Here is the border of the legs and buttocks ... Down. Up again - to the very crease - Zhenya breathes deeply. I patiently moved my fingertips up and down and finally slipped them under my shirt. Slowly, very slowly, they climbed higher up the slope of Zhenya's bottom. The heart jumps out of excitement. A little more... And if she has panties on, I'm about to stumble on them. Zhenya sighed softly and bit her lip. A little higher...

She leaned forward, arching her back and bending lower and lower. I almost opened again a secret view of her breasts in the semi-darkness of her shirt ... But I was frightened.

I want her. I want Zhenya. My mother in law.

My penis buzzed with tension and thoroughly pulled back the elastic of my underpants, also revealing the innermost. Zhenya seemed to sense my confusion; she straightened up and looked at me with an affectionate smile. Then she took my hand and resolutely returned it to herself under her shirt, placing it entirely on her buttock with her own hand. The surprise was a little breathtaking, but I felt relieved: I learned the secret.

Well, see? I don't bite, Zhenya whispered playfully. Then she hugged me, wrapped her lips around my ear and lightly bit my earlobe - as much electricity ran down my back from pleasure. “Just a little,” she sang, smiling slyly, and pressed her whole body against me, even squeezed her legs.

Her breasts touched my face through her chemise. I wanted to bury my face between them and stay there...perhaps forever. For a few seconds, I plunged into an extraordinary comfort and bliss.

But those seconds are over. Then something happened that overwhelmed this night, which was already rich in impressions. And it happened as if nothing special was happening. Zhenya leaned back a little and with an absolutely calm, casually impassive face, making only one simple and unconstrained movement with her hands, she took off her nightgown and shook her loose hair.

Here she is, right in front of me, in my hands. Her breasts - her elastic balls topped with sharp papillae - right in front of my face. A smooth tummy - not flat, as in refined pictures, but not saggy; a slightly convex sexy tummy, smoothly descending to a bare, without a single hair, pubis. I froze, staring at the beautiful little tattoo on my pubis. My mother-in-law Zhenya sits on top of me, naked, desirable, available... She wants to fuck me?!

In this situation, it's not about me fucking her; it is SHE sitting on top of me and manipulating me with ease. But I want her... Of course I want her! Just reminding myself who she is. Relative or not, she is a different woman. And I have a fiancee, my Alena.

Zhenya looks at me and smiles a little. She looks into my eyes, not at my protruding cock. And gently ruffles my hair at the back of my head. She is beautiful. She's damn beautiful, I suddenly realized. Her body, her face, eyes, hair. Her voice is... charming. Why didn't I notice before?

My palms are already on Zhenya's waist again, on the back and on the hips, they stroke, wrap around and release, and wrap around again. I no longer have much control over my movements; they got faster and stronger. Her body also began to move faster; the hips smoothly swing back and forth, the stomach sways to the beat. I want to touch her ass again. The palm slides off the back and slows down on the buttock. Almost involuntarily, I grabbed it, squeezed it with my fingers ... Zhenya groaned briefly. Her face became serious, as if concentrated, her eyes were closed. Her bouncy twins are swaying in front of my face, and I really want to taste them.

I approached Zhenya. There is some crazy combination of ice and fire in my chest. Not daring to touch her breasts, I plunged my face between them and began to caress Zhenya with gentle touches of her lips, just as I did with my fingers.

Mmmm ... - A long groan was my reward, and I began to kiss Zhenya more resolutely and caress her with the tip of my wet tongue. - Oh yes!..

She slowly leaned back, and my kisses moved to her stomach and began to move lower. With bated breath, I thought about what would happen when I overcome the navel and continue the journey down, but Zhenya began to straighten back. I continued to caress her stomach with my lips, but now I was not traveling in the middle. Thirsty seconds, I slowly rise higher, even higher ... In anticipation of the summit, I felt a chill on my back. Zhenya breathed often and deeply, and when I reached the cherished border, she suddenly held her breath.

Wow went out for a drink, I thought. If now Alena also gets up to quench her thirst, then we will all have to explain a lot to each other.

I hesitantly touched my left breast with my lips. Zhenya took a short breath, as if gasping in a whisper, and, it seems, shuddered. Her fingers squeezed my shoulder for a second. How nice it is ... when such a luxurious woman - beautiful, experienced, independent - melts in my hands, trusts me, finds herself in my power.

But I was still timid... I wandered around the nipple with the lightest touch of my lips, and although she clearly liked it, she wanted to continue.

I used the tip of my tongue. Elastic in appearance, the chest was soft and tender to the touch. Zhenya groaned impatiently, and it was incredibly exciting; I felt like I was ready to cum. I got close to the nipple itself - she wants it so badly! - and grabbed his lips ... Still feeling insecure, I lightly licked the tip of the nipple.

And now I definitely felt that Zhenya shuddered all over. She did not even flinch, but twitched, and pressed me to her, as if demanding that I caress her more. The tip of my tongue ran along the nipple, at times pressing more and more strongly on it, and from each such attack Zhenya furiously clutched at my hair. "Oh... Oh... Yes!..." she sang in a low voice as her hips swayed back and forth vigorously.

I paused to look down. There, just below the beautiful tattoo, one could see the very beginning of the mysterious crack. My cock seemed to be rushing towards her, trying to free itself from its confinement. Almost insane, I pressed my lips and tongue against her nipple again. I remembered how she bit me, and I bit her too. “Aaaah!..” Zhenya groaned as if in pain and again squeezed me with her legs.

I want to nail her. I don't care anymore - let the mother-in-law, let another woman ... A beautiful, naked, excited woman in my arms - she wants this ... She wants ME. And I want her.

And I will take it.

Zhenya got up. Now I'll crawl a little, and all that remains is to lower my underpants... But Zhenya confidently took my hand and covered her slit with it.

I again caught my breath from surprise: and it was not in my thoughts to touch her THERE; but it turned out to be so pleasant - to be at Zhenya's hand at the honey's feet. She helped me get her fingers between my lips and moved them a little in a circle. It's amazing how wet it is ... I obediently began to caress her kitty with my fingers.

What happened to Zhenya! Her breasts heaved wildly, she swayed her whole body and even bounced a little, as if my cock was already inside. Eugene now threw back her head, then tilted it forward, and her hair tickled my face. Her fingers frantically stroked my neck, tugged at the back of my head, and clutched at my hair. And she moaned... How sweetly she moaned! My heart sank at the same time from fear that Alena would wake up, and from dizzying pleasure - enjoying power over this beautiful woman.

Such simple fingertip movements... I want... I really want... to be inside her. Zhenya groans thinly at my very ear ... She seems not to be here, as if she is not quite conscious. I want to get into the most cherished place, into her desired hole. You just need to gather your courage and penetrate with your fingers a little further ... right here ... I shuddered when Zhenya screamed. It wasn't just a groan, it was too loud. “Yeah…” she breathed out, and I decisively penetrated the soft hot hole with my fingertips. It was wet there too, and fingers easily slipped inside. Zhenya rocked up and down measuredly, and this meant only one thing: she was madly in love with what I was doing with her.

I plunged my fingers deeper and deeper in time with her movements. Sometimes she arched her back strongly and lingered a little in this position; then I tried to run Zhenya's second hand between her legs and caress her sensitive bump again. From the very first touch, she began to accelerate and breathe so loudly and deeply that I became scared. If she feels so good when I finger her, what will happen when I put my cock in her? .. I want to do it right now, it already hurts from overexertion ...

Zhenya distracted me from these thoughts with a few especially deep and sharp breaths - even sobs, from which her entire stomach was drawn in. And suddenly, bending her back again, she clung to me and again moaned as if she was in pain. The groan broke off, and she froze for a second, her fingers tightly clawing at my shoulder. Frightened, I froze. What's happening?

Then Zhenya exhaled slowly and calmly. She kissed me on the forehead, then pulled away and for some reason covered her bare chest with her hand. With the other hand, she brushed her hair out of her face. She no longer groaned, no longer tugged at me, no longer swayed. She somehow relaxed, her body became soft, her movements were smooth, the tension disappeared without a trace.

Something happened? I asked in a hoarse voice. Zhenya sat on me, still charming, but now calm and for some reason ruddy. She stole a glance at me and lowered her eyes. She smiled softly. I realized it was time to get my hands out of where they were. I felt stupid.

Zhenya somehow hesitantly took her hand away from her chest, for a moment again showing me her nipples, and clinging to me, whispered softly:

I finished, - touching my ear with my lips, why goosebumps rushed into a marathon all over my back.

She pulled away again and covered her chest. She still smiled touchingly, hiding her eyes. I was pleasantly shocked. This night brought me not just impressions - perhaps the most vivid impressions of my entire life. She turned something in my picture of the world. She showed me something that I hadn't thought about for a second before.

Still the same ruddy, still covering her chest with one hand, Zhenya nevertheless looked me straight in the eyes and tilted her head to one side. She placed her hand on my chest.

You are a real man,” she said and smiled warmly. - Alyonka will be fine with you.
- In terms of?..

Zhenya removed her hair from her face and became serious.

I felt good with you. And you even ... - She threw back her head, trying to find words. Then she looked at me again. Do you understand the difference now?
- What?
- The difference between "being a man" and "putting a dick in". She leaned a little closer and stroked my cheek. - I felt good with you ... As with a man ... And you didn’t even put a dick in me.

Bowing her head, but still as serious, she blushed even more at these words. I also felt good with her. All this time. And now... Now - especially. It was so cozy and gentle. And this beautiful, sexy, passionate and tender woman so touchingly sat naked on my knees ... and blushed with shame. I wanted to keep the tenderness of this moment as long as possible. But in the next moment, perhaps the most touching thing of the whole night happened. Zhenya kissed me - with a light touch - on the edge of my lips.

And I melted: this feeling of contact between our lips filled all of me, all my thoughts, and became the most valuable treasure that I could get.

This moment - a hot quiet night, twilight pierced by the warm lacy light of a straw chandelier, a beautiful naked woman in my arms and her tender kiss - this moment was very fragile, and I just had to not move, so as not to frighten it, not to destroy it ... But I I hugged Zhenya, began to stroke her waist, her stomach, trying to hold her, because she was already getting up from my knees. My Zhenya left.

I had to come to my senses a little. She picked up a nightgown from the parquet and covered her breasts with it. She smiled again.

Now you know what to do with your girlfriend, she said playfully. - March to bed, and so that I could not fall asleep from her moans until the morning!

Gracefully shaking her bare booty, Zhenya moved away. I froze, seeing off this magnificent view. I need to drink more, I thought. It was wet in my shorts, but I definitely didn’t finish. Was it Zhenya who annoyed me so much?

It seems that I, too, have roused her properly with my caresses; that's why it was so wet between her legs.

So that's what she meant when she said, "There's a better remedy."

I returned to the bedroom. It was even quieter outside the open window. My miniature Alena, with all her desire, could not occupy the entire bed, but she tried very hard. My baby! Now you will be fine with me.

I stood by the bed, not in a hurry to wake my girl. I was trembling - from excitement, and from excitement after everything that happened ... and from anticipation of what will happen now.

It was a special night...

In general, the mother-in-law in Russia is a popular hero of jokes, over which they make fun of it so well. But they also joke for a reason, all humorous stories are written by men, ridiculing their mother-in-law. And at the same time, they have quite deep feelings for her. Currently, love between a son-in-law and a mother-in-law is not uncommon and manifests itself in very tender moments!

Considering the mother-in-law from the son-in-law, she is his own wife, only in the future and changed for the better. If you look like that, she has lost her girlish freshness, but has gained a lot - a huge life experience and is no longer capricious. The mother-in-law becomes the absolute ideal for the son-in-law and constantly runs into her in the apartment (if they live together). But according to surveys, almost every young son-in-law feels a little deep sympathy for his mother-in-law, until real love becomes between them when the mother-in-law herself falls in love with her daughter's husband.

If you look from the side of the mother-in-law, then the son-in-law for her is one of the mistakes of her daughter. Thoughts run through my head that the choice is not quite as bad as it could be, but it is not as perfect as I would like. Accordingly, she adjusts it to her ideal parameters and in the process falls in love with her work. So it turns out that she created it with her own hands, like a warm scarf as a gift, but which is a pity to give.

And then the order of fate. It happens that the mother-in-law herself begins to flirt with her son-in-law, to show signs of attention, but he has a specific desire. It happens that under the influence of alcohol this desire is embodied in the head of either him or her, but it happens to two at once!

Often the very first time with a son-in-law with a mother-in-law becomes the last. This concept is not even subject to discussion between them, it’s just that in the future they pretend all their lives that nothing happened. Well, mom just doesn't want to hurt and harm her daughter.

The second time happens to the mother of the wife, not everyone. Only daredevils dare to do this, who, by the way, do not experience any rebuff. Once they took her by force, another time she will go by herself. They look like a young cat that hunts for a mouse, well, accordingly, the cat takes possession of it. According to those stories that I had to listen to, sexual relations between these heroes happen at the hottest and inopportune time. For example, a wife went to the store for the necessary products for 10 minutes, and at that time a great desire took possession of her husband.

Accordingly, there is little time, and the mother-in-law is cooking in the kitchen, he breaks off the chain and takes it right on the table, well, so as not to run for a long time and not waste time. The most interesting fact is that the son-in-law himself does not particularly extend to anyone on this topic and even just informs his friends about the fact, and not about the process itself. And the mother-in-law experiences an emotional shock and talks about her erotic revelation with all the necessary moments, and not only reports about the commission of a sin.

Such situations can be looked at in different ways. Some will condemn and, in fact, do the right thing, because all these actions can be called incest! This is not a normal occurrence. But on the other hand, no one suffers from these relationships. The son-in-law, of course, is fine, the mother-in-law herself is also gradually getting used to it, and all the benefits are formed around the young wife!

Well, firstly, she does not know about all this, and cannot think of such a thing. Secondly, her husband does not have a mistress, he spends all his strength in the family and gives all the best. Thirdly, the husband is recruited from the mother-in-law of the mind and a certain sexual experience, and later passes it on to his wife. Fourthly, there are no hostile relations between the mother and her daughter's husband.

There are very rare cases when mothers take their husbands away from their daughters. Basically, the two partners are satisfied with such cohabitation, and it continues until the mother leaves. And after leaving, everything falls into place.

These actions can be condemned, but, as they say, neither judge nor be judged. And what should a young wife do in such a situation? A very difficult question, because she can lose two of her closest people and end up alone. Therefore, you need to think a lot before jumping to any hasty conclusions. Yes, such a connection is not clear, but it can also say that only she bakes her husband, and besides, at an older age he will not be indifferent to her!

Mother-in-law and son-in-law are two people who share a common personality, but this is perhaps all that they have in common. Everyone knows that it is difficult for these people to get along together, and this has been known for more than a dozen years. In the world of humor, there are as many jokes about the mother-in-law as there are about blondes. Of course, there are lucky ones who manage to find a common language with their wife's mother the first time, but there are also those who still cannot establish a relationship with her.

The young family has very shaky boundaries. And the more fuel is added to the fire by people from their environment, the newlyweds are less likely to survive the first family crises, while becoming stronger. For every person, in whatever relationship he has with his parents, they play an important role. No matter how old the children are, parents will always try to bring their advice into their personal lives, despite the fact that their child has his own head on his shoulders, and he is conscious about making vital decisions.

Mother-in-law and son-in-law relationship

There are not so few men who feel that their beloved mother-in-law is happy for choosing a husband for their daughter and who at the same time easily manages to get along with his wife's mother. But those who listen every day that they always do something wrong are much more. Consider the causes of conflicts in the relationship between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law and try to understand why the mother-in-law in most cases is opposed to the son-in-law.

Wash your hands before eating! Dirty hands threaten trouble, and can lead to a psychiatric hospital. Don't believe? But to one guy, due to the fact that he did not wash his hands in time, various interesting visions began to appear.

It was an unbearably hot summer. In one of the sleeping areas, in a two-room small apartment, a family of three toiled - a mother, she is also a mother-in-law, and her daughter and her husband. These typical concrete mansions were purchased by my mother at one time. All hard-earned money from two jobs and money stolen from the third one were slammed into square meters.

While the mother was torn between jobs, loans and debts in order to secure separate rooms for herself and her daughter with a long-range aim at organizing her female personal life, the girl, meanwhile, grew for herself like grass. Mom had neither the strength nor the means to raise her. And time passed, you can’t deceive nature, hormones surged in the child. And one day, coming home from work late at night, my mother found her future son-in-law in her daughter's bed. A couple of months later, under the march of Mendelssohn, my mother turned into a mother-in-law. It's good that it's not for my grandmother. The youth turned out to be savvy in the sense of intimacy.

And a new life began to roll. The young did not know how to do anything, they did not want to learn. The main thing is to have beer, and a TV set, and the rest ... somehow later. My daughter settled down in a nearby supermarket, and my son-in-law went to a car wash as a washer.

This sultry summer did not want to do anything at all. The thermometer went to the record, like a jumper at the Olympics, and the number thirty was only an intermediate height. There was no rain, those who wanted to wash the car too. Therefore, the young husband returned home early. The apartment greeted him with silence, twilight curtains drawn from the sun and unbearable heat and stuffiness. If on the way to the kitchen he had jumped into the bath to wash his hands, this whole story would not have happened. But, hygiene was nothing, and heat and thirst - everything!

Armed with cold bottles and stuffing a large bag of chips under his arm, the guy tiptoed down the corridor and cautiously peered into his mother-in-law's room. Although the mother is not yet fifty, do not think badly. The son-in-law was by no means going to roll up to his youthful mother-in-law, she just had the biggest TV set in her room.
The room was dim, stuffy and quiet, with a stupefying smell of cosmetics.

And what is smeared? The old woman after all, and all there too, - the twenty-year-old son-in-law thought, flopping down with beer on a soft sofa. Finding the remote, he began to wander through the channels, occasionally leaning on the bottle and crunching on chips. But even the invigorating action movie on TV on this hot evening caused only drowsiness. Feeling that he was falling asleep, the guy put the bottles on the floor and turned off the TV. Against the stains on the carpet and the idle chattering TV, his women acted as a united front. In stuffy beer flooded the last sparks of consciousness, the guy's eyelids closed.

At this time, in a foam bath, the mother-in-law woke up from a light slumber. Some incomprehensible noise had been bothering her for a long time, but she did not want to open her eyes so much! A rare opportunity to be alone in silence. In addition, she purchased a new bath salt with a refreshing mint effect. The most in the city heat. The woman turned her head. The noise is gone.

Probably, the neighbors watched the telly loudly, - an annoying thought slipped through. - The whole buzz was broken off. However, it's time to get out. Soon the kids will show up, they will start humming under the door that they need a bathroom. I'll go and take a cream from the room, which should be smeared after the bath.

The lady recently purchased an expensive cream that promised miracles of rejuvenation. Judging by the price, it included mashed fabulous rejuvenating apples. The cherished jar was kept in the room, longer from envious daughter's eyes. Mother patted herself dry with a towel and cautiously peered out the door. The apartment was in a thick, hot twilight.

Haven't showed up yet, scumbags. And right now, I'll quickly run right along the corridor. What to wear, it's still hot. At the same time, I will check how this mint salt cools. - Like Aphrodite from sea foam, a naked woman carefully stepped over the threshold of the bath and briskly rushed down the corridor. Pleasant cold trickles flowed from her hair down her back. Trampled bare feet slapped briskly on the floor. The door to the room creaked.

Well, Verka found a man for herself, - the woman frowned at the sharp sound. She stepped into the gloom, which was fragrant with the scent of cheap cosmetics. If he had been relaxed after the bath, then the mother would certainly have smelled in this spicy melody the dissonance from the son-in-law's socks, which were fragrant to the fullest in the heat. But a cool bath in the heat dulled her vigilance.

The son-in-law woke up from a piercing creak. There was someone in the room. In the dusk, something whitish was approaching him from the door. He strained his eyes.
- The thieves? Ghost?! No, something else.. Lord! The woman is naked, her hair is wet.. A witch? Mermaid.. Where are you from? This is a dream! I'm still sleeping!

If she were in clothes, the son-in-law would immediately recognize her mother, wake him up with a kick at night. But to imagine waking up that an older lady would suddenly start walking naked around the apartment, the boy did not have enough imagination. But in the brain paralyzed by heat and drowsiness, an old story surfaced about how mermaids attack men and torture them with caresses to death. His heart jumped in his chest like a frightened animal. The guy froze on the couch, afraid to move. An inner voice broke out:
- No, don't come! No need! I have a wife, I have enough! Go away, naked woman!

But the mermaid witch wanted to spit on all sorts of voices and inexorably approached her goal. Step, yet. Here she is leaning over the dressing table next to the sofa. A cold drop fell on the boy's face.

With a wild cry of “Don't! I do not want!" the guy with all his might rested his hands on the wet spirit, trying to push him away from him.

Her husband's cries were heard by her daughter, who was turning the key in the lock of the front door. She was also released from work early today. In their section of the store, the refrigerator overheated and broke down.

Is he watching football? Probably, an infection, I have already drunk all the beer, - the girl hurried inside the apartment. Here the screams of the mother joined the cries of the spouse:
- Let go! Do you hear? Let it go! Get your hands off you bastard!

Perplexed by this chorus, the daughter rushed to her mother's room. A completely wild sight appeared to her eyes: on the sofa, her husband pawed her naked mother. She rushed forward, something rattled on the floor, wet splashed on her feet. A half-empty beer bottle treacherously threw itself at his feet and cowardly rolled to the side, spilling the remnants of the foamy contents on the carpet.

The girl slipped, lost her balance and collapsed on her mother and husband with all her might.

In the heat, the mother-in-law decided to take a naked walk around the empty apartment after the bath, but a surprise awaited her on the couch in the form of a drunken sleeping son-in-law. The awakening of the man was terrible. He sleepily takes his mother for a mermaid witch and tries to fight the impudent evil spirits. In the midst of the battle, the daughter arrives on the scene and sees her hubby squeezing her naked mother on the couch. The girl is in a hurry to figure out what is happening, but a half-empty beer bottle treacherously tucks under her feet. The foamy drink turns the whole scene into a heap with a son-in-law in the foundation. Will the guy be able to survive under a pile of women?

Feeling how the mermaid flattened him with an inhuman weight to the sofa, the guy pushed out the rest of the air in the last cry: “No!” Everything, there was nothing more to breathe. His lungs collapsed, something cracked painfully inside him, and he lost consciousness.

The daughter pulled the shameless mother by the shoulders with all her might, and the ball of two women flopped right into the puddle on the carpet. The empty bottle swirled happily around the confused ladies. For a couple of minutes, the women unraveled their limbs and, having disassembled this puzzle, angrily stared at each other. There were no words. They say that looks can be scorching. Don't believe! If this were the case, then the daughter's gaze would easily burn through the head of the unlucky mother through and through. Before the gift of speech returns to the ladies, we want to warn readers that, for some moral reasons, we fundamentally do not use profanity on the site. Therefore, the subsequent female conversation is given in translation from oral Russian into Russian, more or less literary.

Young people have stronger nerves and a faster mind, so my daughter interrupted the pause first:
- Oh, you're such a fool, such and such! What are you doing?
- She's such a fool! Who are you opening your mouth to? Why not at work? Driven away?
- No, I came specially to check, to see what you are doing here without me! And on time! My dear mother, in her old age, she jumps naked around the apartment and throws herself at my peasant ...
- Damn, I also found a man! Surrendered to me your stupid fool. No skin, no faces, no salary! The only joy is that the fly is on the pants. I came home from work and immediately - a break on the sofa with beer! Didn't even wash my hands!
- Why are you clinging to the guy! Guess you didn't wash your hands. It's hot, I'm thirsty. We are not in a kindergarten where they put us in a corner for dirty hands. He is dressed, and you better look at yourself, impudently naked.

To the howls of her daughter, the mother pulled the woolen cape off the chair and wrapped herself in it. Having become more or less dressed, she felt more confident and went on the offensive:
- It's too early for you, such a fool, they let you out of kindergarten! I had to keep a few more years, in a smelly corner on the pot, then I would remember that you should always wash your hands under the tap! I took a bath, I didn’t know that he showed up home so early. If your hubby wanted to wash up after work, he would have looked that the light was on in the bathroom, knocked, and it immediately became clear who was at home. I would have warmed up dinner for him. So no, he went on the sly and galloped to the refrigerator. And then - bang in dirty clothes on my sofa. I can walk in my room as I want. It was not in vain that she pulled the last veins of herself for a two-room apartment. What, you don't have your own TV? He also placed bottles of beer on the aisle! Look what my carpet has become. Who will pay me for dry cleaning now? Your beggar klutz?

Mamashin's finger rested angrily on a sticky stain on the gaudy carpet. Chips crunched like thin ice on the darkened woolen surface. The thought that they would have to part with the money rallied women against a new enemy. They turned to the boy at once.

During the women's skirmish, the young man did not raise his voice. Now he was lying motionless, stretched out on the couch with no visible signs of life. A trickle of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.
- He's dead, isn't he? – with hope asked mother.
“Uuuuu,” the daughter howled in a voice and collapsed on the sofa next to her husband. The boy groaned weakly.
“Alive,” the mother-in-law drawled disappointedly. Then she bent over the sofa, examining her son-in-law for visible injuries, and asked Vera:
Are we going to call an ambulance or will it go away on its own?

And then an insidious droplet, hidden somewhere in mother's hair, fell on the guy's forehead. He opened his eyes. The awakening was terrible. The old naked mermaid witch with wet hair was now overgrown with hair and was staring right at him! The husband wheezed and began to convulse.
- No, it won't go away. See how he is writhing. White fever, nothing else. You played out in the heat with your beer, - the mother-in-law summed up. - I'll go, get dressed and call. You hold him tight, otherwise he will fall to the floor, break something, and the doctors will think that we have beaten him, - she threw off the woolen cape on the chair and went up to the wardrobe.

The impudent evil spirits disappeared, and the guy began to gradually calm down. Through the cotton wool of oblivion, the sweet voice of his wife made his way. Vera lamented: “Darling, what’s wrong with you, where does it hurt?” He was about to complain about the mermaid witch, but then an unfamiliar cheerful voice was heard in the room:
- Where is the patient?
- There, on the couch. They came after work, and he was already drunk and unconscious. He ruined the whole carpet for me with his beer. Blood comes out of the mouth and twitches all over, - a nasty mother-in-law's voice sounded.

The patient tried to explain that everything was wrong. But it was impossible to tell about the mermaid witch, the language did not obey. He was just wasting his time. From the movements in his chest hurt, the guy groaned. Cold fingers touched his arm, then quickly ran over his body and jabbed painfully into his ribs.
- Aah!
- Nothing, let's go. Bruises, two broken ribs, heatstroke and some other nervous reaction. See the tick on the face? Let's take a closer look at the hospital. The guy is young, we will hold him for a week and then he will be discharged for outpatient treatment. Get on a stretcher! Who will go to the hospital with us? Grab his papers!

The room began to bustle. Vera rushed to her place for her husband's papers. The mother-in-law watched over the orderlies, as if the peasants suddenly stole something from her precious room. In the car, the boy was injected with a sedative, and he woke up already in the hospital. The doctor from the ambulance was experienced, the diagnosis was correct. The ribs were fixed with a bandage, they said about the bruises that they would go away on their own. The situation was more complicated with teak. After the neuropathologist heard about the attack of the mermaid witch, he somehow strangely looked at the guy and brought a psychiatrist. The doctor asked about parents, grandparents, called his wife and mother-in-law. Then he issued a verdict: "Do not drink!"
- And wash your hands before eating! – sarcastically added mother.
"It's not bad either," the doctor agreed. - You never know what chemistry is at work, all sorts of solutions. Everyone's health is different, who knows how it will affect the body.

With this parting word and a sick leave, the boy left the hospital a day later. But this is not the end of the fun story of life in a residential area.

In the evening, the young people whispered in their room. Mom had to move out, for sure. It was decided to look for some courses in order to learn and get a better job. Save up and then rent an apartment. A goal dawned in life, the plant life of a young family, generously poured with beer, ended.