Origami paper elephant for kids. Origami elephant, step by step assembly diagram. A simplified version of the craft

The elephant is considered the largest land animal. There are 2 types - Indian and African. A distinctive feature of elephants is the trunk, which many consider the nose. But in fact the trunk is upper lip fused with the nose. With the help of the trunk, the elephant picks food, collects water, pours sand and water on itself, and also caresses. This and much more can be told to the child during creation in the form of a funny pink elephant. Step by step manufacturing his paper technique is presented in this master class.

To create such an elephant, you need to take:

  • - 2 square paper sheets;
  • - black marker.

From one square we will make the elephant's head, and the second will be needed to create the torso and legs. Let's start with the head. To do this, we add one of the squares along two diagonal lines.

Then the top corner needs to be bent to the center. This will be the top of the elephant's head. And we bend the bottom corner quite a bit up (by 1 cm). This will be the bottom of the trunk.

Now we form the sides of the head. To do this, we make folds on the sides. First, fold the left side diagonally.

After that, we perform a symmetrical fold on the right.

We bend the corners from the resulting folds to the sides. These will be the ears of our elephant.

On the reverse side, the head of our animal looks like this.

Let's create a trunk. To do this, bend the lower part up.

Then we bend it down, while forming a small fold.

We continue on in the same way.

On the head, draw the eyes of the elephant.

Fold the top corners back a little. So we will give roundness to the elephant's head.

From another pink square we will form the torso and legs of the elephant. To do this, first make transverse folds in two directions.

1. Mark on the square the central parts of the diagonals and midlines. Bend two opposite corners towards the center.

2. Mark lines on each of the two triangles dividing the corners in half. Then bend each at the same time along all the marked lines.

3. Bend the figure in half - bend its upper part back.

4. Bend inwards the triangle on the right. The fold line should fall into the corner. The line "valley" is necessary for the time being only to outline. It falls into the middle of the lower side and divides the corner in half.

5. Front and back, bend the right edges of the figure to the corner of the triangle. The inflection line on the left makes a right angle with the top side of the figure.

6. Check the result and pull up two layers of paper, concave inward on the right side of the figure.

7. Left and right, make two double zipper folds.

8. From the front and back, bend the figure along all the indicated lines, as if pushing the left side of the figure onto its central part.

9. Pull the future front legs down to the stop and bend the future tail inward.

10. Make the tail thinner. Bend down in a triangle front and back.

11. In order to perform this action, open the left side of the figurine from above. It is not difficult to find the intersection point of all the lines indicated in the figure on the figure.

12. Check the result.

13. Bend inwards the triangle at the top of the back. It is advisable to pre-mark the fold line. Pay attention - it hits the point of intersection of the lines.

14. Picking up one layer of paper, mark a line that bisects the corner. Repeat from behind.

15. Now fold all the layers of paper. The outlined lines of the folds of the "valley" turn into "mountains". As a result, the future trunk is approaching the body.

16. Bend inwards the triangles of the ears and front legs.

17. Make the front legs thinner.

18. Bend inward a triangle on the crown. Fold back the bottom edges of the ears and belly.

19. Curve the tip of the trunk, and bend inward the triangles of the hind legs. Origami elephant is ready. Get the elephant to stand confidently on the table.

Got another one in my hands interesting video scheme. This time we'll find out how to make origami elephant with your own hands. So prepare a piece of paper (preferably colored), a little patience and a desire to make a new interesting design.

Elephants, like horses, are humane animals. Since ancient times, man has used the heroic strength of these animals for the most difficult work; for work, elephants were supposed to eat and drink. Despite their outward clumsiness, elephants have great dexterity and can perform the most complex elements of acrobatics.

Origami elephant diagram

For assembly it is best to use colored paper, close to silver, to make the elephant look more like a real one. The model is not difficult and within the power of a beginner origami player.

Got an origami elephant? Perhaps you will then want to look at other schemes of animals, of which we have already accumulated a whole collection. Come again and subscribe to our newsletters to always receive the most interesting models on the site

Elephant origami is one of the most popular paper origami. If you do not know how to make an origami elephant, then on this page you will find everything you need to assemble this simple paper figurine.

In the first photo you can see what you get if you follow the assembly diagram below. The second photo of the origami elephant was taken by one of our site users. The elephant turned out pink and with tusks. If you have photos of the origami you have collected, send them to the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Assembly diagram

Below is an assembly diagram of an origami elephant from the famous Japanese origami master Fumiaki Shingu. If you strictly follow the instructions, then the assembly of the origami elephant will not take much time, and the result will be the same as in the picture. After doing what is described in the diagram several times, you will understand how to make an origami elephant quickly and without peeping into the diagram.

Videos master class

Assembling an origami elephant for beginners can seem like a daunting task. Therefore, we advise you to enter the query "origami elephant video" on the largest video hosting site on the Internet, YouTube. There you will find many different videos about an origami elephant, which clearly shows the steps for assembling an elephant. We hope that after watching the video of the assembly master class, you will have no more questions on how to make an origami elephant.

Here is another simple video tutorial on assembling an origami elephant:

This tutorial video will teach you how to build a paper elephant quickly and easily:


The elephant, due to its size, has symbolic meanings in almost all cultures. So, for example, in India, elephants are symbols of great strength and wisdom. Despite the fact that in ancient times elephants were used as weapons, many believe that the elephant is a symbol of prudence and humility.

Toys can be very diverse, including those made of paper. We propose to make a simple elephant.

An origami elephant will decorate children's Corner or a desk at work - don't be afraid bright colors uplifting and uplifting. This step-by-step instruction ideal for beginners as the circuit does not contain difficult steps and does not require any prior knowledge of craftsmanship. While away your free minutes at work or at home while there is an advertisement on TV.

To work, you need a square paper sheet, a black felt-tip pen and a proofreader. If there is no colored paper at hand, try on a regular office sheet.

Fold the sheet diagonally, then fold the sides to this line, giving the paper elephant a diamond shape.

At the bottom, fold the corner, aligning its top with the bottom edge of the previously folded triangles. Then slightly drive the top of the just folded triangle down. This will be the tail of the origami elephant.

Turn the workpiece over to the other side and bend the top corner down, aligning it with the bottom.

Bend the triangle just bent down slightly up, forming a fold.

Form a fold of the workpiece along.

Create another fold as shown in the photo.

On the lines you just outlined, make folds inward on both sides.

Position the origami elephant blank horizontally and start shaping its trunk. To do this, bend a narrow triangle along the body.

This will help create folds to form the first fold on the trunk. By the same principle, form the folds of the trunk in other places.

It remains to form the ears on both sides and draw the Eyes. The kid will cope with this work, giving the toy the right expression. Eyes can be drawn with a black felt-tip pen and corrector (in this MK), or made in advance, and then glued. A charming paper elephant is ready.

Now that you know how to make an origami paper elephant, you can choose any suitable colors and experiment. This activity is very calming, helps to focus and at the same time - to distract from unnecessary and disturbing thoughts.

Get acquainted with the features of this art on our site "Women's Hobbies", perhaps it will become one of your favorite hobbies.