How to sew house pants. How to sew summer trousers without a pattern. How to sew women's maternity pants

If you have a sewing machine, then you have probably already thought about sewing home clothes more than once. Sweatshirts, jackets, coats - this is already the "aerobatics" of the sewing business, but you can always try to make something simple for yourself! We suggest you sew pajama pants with cuffs: in such a model it will be comfortable at any time of the year (although, of course, fabrics of different density should be used for different seasons). These house pants have no pockets, so sewing them is very easy and fast!

Materials and tools:

  • Stretch footer with fleece ( winter version pants) - 1 m,
  • Stretch ribbed in two colors (for cuffs and belt) - 10 cm,
  • Threads in the tone of ribane,
  • Wide elastic band for the belt - the length depends on your volumes,
  • Fabric scissors,
  • tailor pins,
  • Sewing machine (regular and overlock foot, knitted, overlock and straight stitches).

You can make a pajama pants pattern yourself by circling the details of your old trousers of the cut you like. However, in this master class, a pattern of women's trousers from the "adult" issue of Ottobre magazine No. 2-2015 (model 14) was used. In the magazine, the model is presented in the form of spacious summer trousers, but this pattern can also be used as a pajama pattern.


1. Cut out the necessary details from the stretch footer - two front halves of the trousers and two back halves.

2. There are no cuffs in the magazine pattern (and the pants themselves are a shortened model), so you need to make them yourself. The height of the cuff details will be 10 cm, and the width will be ¾ of the width of the bottom of the legs. Cut out of ribana suitable color two such rectangles. As for the belt, it is better to make the height of this part 5 cm (so that not the widest elastic band can be inserted inside), and the length is like ¾ of the length of the top of the pants. If you (as in our master class) have pieces of ribana prepared for your belt different colors, arrange their length among themselves, taking into account the allowances for the seams connecting these pieces. In our case, the belt will be made of two long pink pieces of ribana and two short lilac ones.

3. Fold two pairs of pieces right sides: front leg + back and another front leg + back. Fasten the side lines of the legs with tailor pins.

4. Sew the side lines on the machine using the knit stitch and then overlock the seam allowances.

5. Use a straight seam to sew the side lines along front side trousers, bending the allowances on the inside to the side of the front halves of the trousers.

6. Now fold the pieces right sides in again, but this time pin the center seam lines on the front and back of the pants together. Sew those seams knitted seam, finish the edges with an overlock stitch, and then on the right side, topstitch with a straight seam along the left side of the product.

7. Sew crotch. To do this, turn the pants inside out and fasten the inner edges of the legs with pins. Sew these lines with a knit stitch, and then process with an overlock. It is not necessary to sew off the step seam (and it is unlikely that this will work in finished trousers). The basis of pajama pants is ready, you can proceed to sewing the belt!

8. Pin all the prepared pieces of the ribana belt together with pins. You need to do this by folding all the details with the front sides to each other.

9. Do not loop the belt yet - stitch all the details needed to create a long straight piece. Fold it across the knit grooves right side out and iron to make a visible fold in half. And after that, close the belt into a ring and stitch it on the wrong side. Then bend the part along the fold: the belt is ready! Also iron the cuffs, close them into rings, stitch on the wrong side and turn out, bending along the fold.

10. Pin the belt to the top line of the pajama pants, carefully matching the desired sections of the ribana with the four seams of the pants.

11. Sew the waistband and top of the pants with a jersey stitch and finish the allowances of this seam with an overlock stitch. After that, stitch the seam line along the front side, bending the allowances down on the wrong side (that is, not to the belt, but to the pants themselves).

12. In the same way, attach the cuffs to the legs: fix with pins, attach with a knitted seam, sheathe with an overlock stitch and topstitch. Make a small hole in the belt, insert the elastic inside with a paper clip or safety pin. Close the edges of the elastic into a ring, sew by hand, and carefully sew the hole in the belt itself. You can additionally fix the elastic in the waistband by sewing the waistband in four places (near the two side, front and back seams of the pants). Thus, you will be able to avoid twisting the elastic band when worn.

Pajama pants are ready! Similarly, pajama trousers can be made in lighter jersey, which are suitable for use in spring and summer. Good luck with your sewing experiments!

In this article, as promised, I give a description of how to sew pajama pants. Took me less than an hour to cut and make.

This photo of the panties is not mine, I took it on the Internet, they are low-waisted, I built mine and sewed them with a waist in my natural place. After reviewing, build trousers on fabric.

My measurements turned out to be just right, so as not to cut a wedge. Cut out a cut with seam allowances along the step seams of 1 cm, 3 cm was already invested from the bottom, and 0.5-0.7 cm along the waistline. make notches at the level of the knee.

Fold the fabric right side in and join the crotch seams. At a distance from the seat line to the notch of the knee line, evenly fit the crotch of the back half, fix with pins. I stick the pins perpendicular to the cut and stitch without removing the pins, or as I move in front of the foot, I take out the pins.

Stitch on the machine and then overlock or zigzag over the edges.

Turn one leg right side out, insert it into the second, pin the middle seam or “saddle” with pins. Give a line under the machine and process the cut with an overlock.

Sew a section for the belt into the ring, leaving a hole for threading the elastic.

Iron the belt in half.

Pin the belt on the trousers. Make sure that there is a hole for threading the elastic into finished product was inside. For beginner dressmakers, I recommend laying a running seam, and then give a line the width of the foot from the cut. Process the cut on an overlock or zigzag.

On the bottom of the trousers on the front side, grind 3 cm from the bottom.

The bottom fold can first be steamed along the chalked line, then the cut is applied to the fold, placed under the machine and stitched. To stitch the bottom exactly from the edge, I use a magnetic ruler, without it it will also turn out fine if you use the markings on the machine. Or draw a pencil line at the desired distance from the needle, approximately 1.3 cm.

It remains to steam, and pajama pants will keep you warm in cold weather. According to this pattern, I sewed fleece-lined work pants for my husband, and you can sew them for your son or daughter. By the way, I still had lunges and I sewed two quick ones.

warm nights in cozy pajama pants, dear needlewomen!

Although this article is not about making dolls, I couldn't help but show you the wonderful little dolls you can make yourself. Here, in you will find many workshops on making dolls, doll miniatures, clothes and accessories, and you can also purchase or order a doll according to your sketches.

If you want to sew your own trousers, but you have little experience, take our advice - sew trousers with an elastic band! Firstly, sewing such a model is very simple, you do not have to sew and. And secondly, trousers with elastic, sewn according to our pattern, are in no way inferior to the classic women's style - because they have the same narrow cut and even have side pockets!

School of Sewing Anastasia Korfiati
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This pattern is modeled after

ADVICE! If you sew all the time, build patterns for trousers, dresses, blouses, jackets and model countless styles of clothes from them. In order not to cut the basic patterns, re-shoot them on tracing paper with each new modeling.

Pattern of women's trousers with an elastic band

Modeling the front half

On the front pattern, continue the line of the hips and the line of the waist to the left. Set aside on lines of 2 cm. Draw a new line of hips along the pattern.

Set aside 3 cm from the waist line upwards as shown in fig. 1 - trouser belt. In addition, draw a hem of the belt with a width of 3 cm.

From the waistline, lay down the side 14 cm - the entrance to the pocket. Model a pocket burlap (green outline) and a pocket burlap one-piece with a barrel (highlighted in gray) as shown in Fig. 1. Pocket burlap and pocket burlap, one-piece with a barrel, reshoot separately on tracing paper. Cut off the barrel from the front pattern (not used when cutting).

Rice. 1. Pattern of trousers with an elastic band: front half

Modeling the back half

The pattern of the back of trousers with an elastic band is modeled similarly to the pattern of the front. Set aside 2 cm on the side of the hip and waist line. Draw a new side line. Up from waistline build one-piece belt 3 cm wide and hem the belt - 3 cm wide.

Rice. 2. Pattern of trousers with an elastic band: back half

How to cut elastic pants

From the main fabric cut out:

  1. Front half - 2 parts
  2. Barrel, one-piece with burlap - 2 parts
  3. Back half - 2 parts

From lining fabric cut out:

Pocket burlap - 2 parts

How to sew trousers with an elastic band

On the front halves, make side pockets with an undercut barrel.

Sweep and stitch the side and inner seams on the legs of the trousers at the same time sewing the belt and the hem of the belt along the short sides.

Baste and stitch the middle seam while sewing the waistband and waistband hem.

Process the hem of the belt along the upper cut, along with the pocket and burlap.

Tuck the hem of the waistband and stitch along the waist line, leaving an open area for threading the elastic. Insert an elastic band 2.5 cm wide, sew up the open area.

We also invite you to watch a video tutorial on processing a stitched belt with an elastic band:

We open new theme “Building Patterns for menswear. Let's go from simple to complex.

Let's start by building a pajama pants pattern. According to the same pattern, you can sew any home trousers, Bermuda shorts or summer shorts.

Our men can also try their hand at sewing.

To do this, we need three measurements. For example, we use standard size 50 measurements, and you take measurements from the figure of the person you are going to sew these pajamas for.

Pants length db .........104 cm

Semi-waist St.........42 cm

Semicircumference of hips Sat........50 cm

The amount of the allowance for a free fit depends on the degree of desired fit to the figure, on the type, composition and properties of the fabric.

A pajama is a piece of clothing that is loose enough to provide comfort first and foremost. Therefore, instead of a tight belt, we provide for the processing of the upper cut of the trousers with a drawstring with an elastic band, which will allow you to adjust the tightness of the fit. The drawstring can be one-piece with the main details of the trousers or detachable. This should be taken into account during the construction of the pattern or directly when cutting. The main thing is not to forget about it.



In the upper left corner, draw a right angle and denote the top with the letter T.

From the point T down we postpone measure taken pants length. In our example, this is 104 cm, and you set aside your measurement and put a point H. TN \u003d Db \u003d 104 cm. Draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length from the H point to the right.

From the T point down, set aside 1/2 of the half-girth of the hips plus 3 cm and put the point I.

TU \u003d Sat: 2 + 3cm \u003d 50: 2 + 3 \u003d 28cm.

ATTENTION: You substitute your value of the half-girth of the hips into the formula and make your calculation.

From the point I to the right we draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length.

From the point H upwards, set aside 1/2 of the distance YANG plus 6cm and set the point K.

NC \u003d YAN: 2 + 6cm \u003d 76: 2 + 6 \u003d 44cm.

You measure the YANG segment on your drawing and make a calculation.

Draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length from point K to the right.

Width of the front.

From the point I to the right, set aside 1/2 of the half-girth of the hips plus 6 cm and set the point Y1.

RJ1 \u003d 1/2 Sat + 6 cm \u003d 50: 2 + 6 \u003d 31 cm.

From the point R1 we lower the perpendicular to the bottom line and set the point H1. The point of intersection with the knee line is denoted by the letter K1.

From the point T to the right, set aside 1/2 of the half-circumference of the waist plus 6 cm and set the point T1.

TT1 \u003d 1/2 St + 6 cm \u003d 42: 2 + 6 \u003d 27 cm.

And you do not forget to substitute your values ​​​​in the formula.

From the point T1 we lower the perpendicular to the line RJ1 and the point of intersection with the horizontal RJ1 will be denoted by the letter R2.

Set aside 2 cm from the T point to the right (for all sizes) and set the T2 point.

Set aside 1 cm from point T1 down (for all sizes) and set point T3.

Connect points T2 and T3 with a straight line.

Set aside 3 cm from point H to the right (for all sizes) and set point H2.

Set aside 18 cm from point T down (for all sizes) and set point B. This point determines the position of the hip line.

We make a side line. To do this, we connect the points T2, B, I and H2.

From the point R2 we set aside 6 cm upwards (for all sizes) and set the point C. And again from the point R2 along the bisector of the angle to the right we set aside 2.5 - 3 cm (for all sizes) and set the point C1.

We connect the points C, C1 and R1 with a smooth line. Thus, the middle cut of the front half of the trousers will pass from point T3, then through points C, C1 and R1.

Step cut of the front half.

On the bottom line from the point H1 to the left, set aside 3 cm (for all sizes), put the point H3 and connect it with a straight line to the point R1.

The segment H2H3 defines the bottom line of the front half.

This completes the construction of the front half of the pajama pants.


We start building the back half of the trousers from a right angle in the upper right corner with a vertex at point T4.

Down from the point T4 we postpone the measurement of the length of the trousers. In our example, this is 104 cm, and you postpone your measurement and put the point H4.

T4H4 \u003d Db \u003d 104 cm.

From point H4 to the left we draw a horizontal line of arbitrary length.

From the point T4 to the left, we set aside 1/2 measurements of the half-girth of the hips plus 6 cm and set the point T5.

T4T5 \u003d 1/2 Sat + 6 cm \u003d 50: 2 + 6 \u003d 31 cm.

And you do not forget to substitute your values ​​​​in the formula.

From point T5 we lower the perpendicular to the bottom line and denote the intersection point with the letter H5.

seat height, as well as on the front half of the trousers, we determine by calculation. From the point T5 down, set aside 1/2 of the semicircle of the hips plus 3 cm and set the point P3.

T5R3 \u003d 1/2 Sat + 3 cm \u003d 50: 2 + 3 \u003d 28 cm.

And you do not forget to substitute your values ​​​​in the formula.

We draw a horizontal line through the point R3 and denote the point of intersection with the vertical T4H4 by the letter R4.

We divide the segment T4T5 in half, put the point T6. From this point we draw upward a perpendicular 4 cm long (for all sizes) and set the point T7.

We extend the T5T4 line to the right and from the point T7 with the help of a compass we make a notch on it with a radius equal to 1/2 of the half-circumference of the waist plus 2 cm and set the point T8.

See the picture below.

T7T8 \u003d 1/2 St + 2 cm \u003d 23 cm.

And you do not forget to substitute your values ​​​​in the formula.

Draw a straight line from point T8 through point T7, continuing it to the left of point T7 by 5 cm (for all sizes) and set point T9.

The middle section of the back half of the trousers.

We connect points T9 and R3 with a straight line.

From the point R3 up along the same line, we set aside 1/3 of the segment R3T9 and set the point C2.

Set aside 1.5 cm from point C2 to the right at a right angle and set point C3.

From the point R3, continuing the horizontal line to the left, set aside 1/4 of the segment R3R4 and set the point R5.

R3R5 = 1/4 R3R4 = 31: 4 = 7.8 cm.

You substitute your values ​​into the formula.

Divide the segment R3R5 in half and set aside 1 cm down at a right angle (for all sizes) and set the point R6.

We make out middle line the back half of the trousers by connecting the points T9, C3, R3, R6 and R5.

Look at the picture below.

From the point H4 upwards, set aside 1/2 of the distance R4H4 plus 6 cm and set the point K2.

Draw a horizontal line from point K2 to the left.

The point of intersection with the vertical T5H5 is denoted by the letter K3.

From the point H5 to the left on the continuation of the bottom line, set aside 1 cm and set the point H6.

From the point K3 to the left on the continuation of the line of the knee, set aside 4 cm and set the point K4.

K3K4 = 4 cm (for all sizes).

We connect points R5 and K4 with a straight line and divide this segment in half. We denote the division point by the letter B and from it to the right at a right angle set aside 0.5 cm and set the point B1.

We make a step cut of the back half of the trousers, connecting the points R5, B1, K4 and H6.

Look at the picture below.

Set aside 6 cm from point H4 to the left and set point H7.

Connecting the points T8 and H7, we make out the side cut of the back half of the trousers.

The segment H6H7 defines the bottom line of the back half of the trousers.

On this, the construction of pajama patterns men's trousers completed.

The resulting drawing can be used as a basis for further modeling. Using simple tricks, on its basis, you can create a wide variety of styles of trousers, Bermuda shorts, etc.

IMPORTANT! Don't forget to make a double allowance for the elastic to the top cut. The size of the allowance will depend on the width of the gum and the number of rows. You can separately cut the belt, sew the required number of lines, put in an elastic band and sew the finished belt to the trousers. The choice is always yours, and options are always possible!

Cut details

In our article, all figures are given only as an example. You can change any and use the appropriate values ​​for your case. For example, by increasing the allowance for loose fitting, we get looser trousers and vice versa.

This is just one of the variety of options for constructing men's trousers that exist and that we will master.

How to build a pattern for the top of pajamas, we will tell in the next article.

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It is impossible to sew trousers of a complex style without building an individual pattern. However, it is quite possible to make simple bloomers in one evening. Thankfully, lately wide pants in fashion, and combined with fitted top they will look great on you. Bloomers will hide too full legs, will give the image a special charm. In addition, similar clothing may be needed for classes oriental dances.

The basis of the future product will be a square cut of a suitable fabric. The canvas for the summer should be perfectly draped, light: viscose, kashibo silk, satin. If you are cooking dance costume or outfit in oriental style that you are going to wear with a skirt, it is acceptable to use chiffon.

Fold the square fabric in half along a diagonal line to make a scarf. The upper corner of the woven figure will be the waistline, the two lower opposite corners will be cutouts for the legs. Cut and unfold the hem of the belt, form a drawstring and sew it on a typewriter. Baste the seam lines and machine stitch. It remains for you to thread the elastic band into the drawstring, remove the basting and steam the finished product.

An oriental touch to summer trousers will be given by cuffs with an elastic band. For the drawstring, turn the bottom of the legs about 4 cm, sew and thread the elastic around the ankle. Sew open areas manually with a blind seam.

Favorite pajamas instead of a pattern

Simple summer trousers made of elegant lightweight fabric can be sewn using pajama pants of a suitable style as a basis. Carefully lay out a large piece of the working fabric on a horizontal surface with the wrong side up, securing it at the corners with tailor pins - so the fabric will not slip. Place pajama pants on top, and then very carefully circle the back of the product with a sharp remnant.

When translating the contours of pajama trousers directly onto the canvas, it is better to use not a tailor's chalk, but a pointed remnant. You can not be afraid to make a mistake by making extra lines on the fabric - all traces will go away with the first wash.

Do the same manipulations with the second piece of the cut - translate the contours of the front of the trousers. Please note that the back of the pants will be slightly larger than the front. Cut out both main parts of the product and follow on sewing machine all seams. Overcast the cuts by hand or on an overlock, sequentially process the bottom and top hem.

You just have to insert the elastic into the drawstring, and summer outfit he'll be ready. It can be worn both at home and for everyday walks. jersey perfect for sports activities.