Beautiful valentines for a man. The best DIY valentine ideas. Pictures for Valentine's Day funny and comic for the former

// Photo: TNT TV channel press service

On June 4, the final episode of the new season of the project "The Bachelor" of the TNT channel was shown with the participation of singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov. The finale of the show was unexpected for many viewers who thought that the artist would find his love on the project. “There are no more words”, “The finale, of course ... But, on the other hand, who said that a fairy tale must be happy ending”, “I’m in shock”, “I’m sorry for Lesha,” they wrote on social networks.

In the final of the program, only two girls fought for Vorobyov's heart - Natalya Gorozhanova and Yana Anosova. After the previous series, Natalya Tkalina left the program. She later admitted in an interview with StarHit that she was not disappointed by her departure from the project.

With the remaining contenders for his heart, the singer arranged the last, decisive dates, in which he asked them to tell him the truth about their feelings. “It’s damn unpleasant for me to hear a lie,” Alexei said during the program. As a result of Alexei's pressure, Natalya Gorozhanova confessed to Alexei that she did not love him. Earlier, the artist admitted that he does not understand the feelings of the girl, does not know if she is experiencing something in relation to him.

“You are the kind of person you can love. Love is not born, it is created, ”Natalia told the upset Alexei.

In the finale of the show "The Bachelor" passions raged // Photo: Program frame

When Yana Anosova picked up the ice, symbolizing the heart of Alexei, she began to try to melt it. The girl believed that this was a great metaphor, and the artist would appreciate her gift. However, the artist did not like the act of Yana, Alexei was hurt by her idea of ​​​​him. He said that the ice should, on the contrary, be returned to the cold. “Everyone’s hearts are different,” Vorobyov commented on his act.

As a result, Vorobyov could not decide on his feelings and decide which of the girls could become his companion. They looked amazing in their wedding dresses and accepted his choice with dignity. The project participants left the singer, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Alexei was left in splendid isolation, but this does not mean that the finale of "The Bachelor" turned out to be tragic, and all the previous series and the girls' experiences were in vain. Quite the opposite. Love, as the popular show has shown, cannot arise out of necessity. In order to find your soul mate, sometimes you need a certain amount of time, and in other cases, efforts are required on yourself. And everyone has their own idea of ​​what a serious relationship should be. If it didn’t work out with one person, then everything is possible with someone else.

Interestingly, at the end of the program, Natalya Gorozhanova spoke about the possible continuation of her relationship with Alexei. “I have feelings for him, and I know that our relationship will continue,” the girl said.

Well, time will tell what will happen to Alexei and Natalia in the future, whether they will continue to communicate. But then they will no longer be participants in the program, and the finale of "The Bachelor" will not become less significant from this. After all, this is how it happens in reality - in order to find a person with whom you want to spend your life, sometimes you need to go through serious tests, and not alone.

Published on 04.06.16 21:11

Who did Alexey Vorobyov choose in the show "The Bachelor": the final on 06/04/2016 was released on the TNT channel.

"The Bachelor", season 4, final 2016: who did Alexey Vorobyov choose?

On the air of the TNT channel on June 4, 2016, the final of the show "The Bachelor", season 4 with Alexei Vorobyov, was released. In the final release of the project, two girls fought for the heart of the protagonist - 26-year-old Natalya Gorozhanova from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo Region, and 21-year-old actress Yana Anosova from Yakutsk.

In the first part of the 13th edition of the Bachelor show, each of the participants invited Alexei Vorobyov to a romantic date prepared by themselves.

Natalya Gorozhanova took Alexei to the Swallow's Nest, then rode with him on racing car intcbatch and arranged romantic dinner. During the dinner between the main character of the show and its participant, straight Talk, during which Natalya confessed to Alexei that she did not love him, but wanted her to have this feeling for him. The girl is sure that love needs to be created, while Alexei Vorobyov holds the opposite point of view.

"The Bachelor", season 4: Alexey Vorobyov and Natalya Gorozhanova PHOTO

Yana Anosova visited the mountains with Alexei Vorobyov and rode ATVs. At dinner, she decided to ask the bachelor pre-prepared questions, but in the end, the same questions were asked to her by the protagonist, and the girl did not have an answer to many of them.

"The Bachelor 4" Alexey Vorobyov and Yana Anosova PHOTO

In the final of the 13th edition of the show "The Bachelor", Yana Anosova was the first to go to Alexei in wedding dress. However, the girl did not receive wedding ring, and Alexey said goodbye to her, seeing her to the car.

Then, to the general surprise and disappointment of the fans of the show, Natalya Gorozhanova, who was predicted to win almost from the very beginning of the project, did not receive the ring either. Despite the fact that the girl asked Alexei Vorobyov not to let her go, he made his final decision and said goodbye to her.

The finale of "The Bachelor" with Vorobyov PHOTO

The final "Bachelor 4" with Alexei Vorobyov was the first time the main character was left alone, refusing all the participants.

Everyone loves to receive unusual valentines, but not everyone knows who started this tradition.

According to one version, the first valentine was sent by a certain Duke of Orleans, who was in prison and, out of boredom, scribbled love messages to his wife. According to another, valentines were “invented” by a young girl who wrote a letter to her lover in 1477 with a request to prove her feelings and a promise to get a dowry from her mother.

Be that as it may, valentines were already written in the 15th century. In the XVIII century came the peak of their popularity. These were true works of art. beautiful paper, color painting, lacy undercut. In the 19th century, mass production of valentines began, and every year they became more and more impersonal.

Today, a valentine is just a card with hearts and a template phrase "Happy Valentine's Day!". But Lifehacker has compiled his own selection of valentines - for those who do not accept mediocrity and want to surprise their soulmate on February 14th.

Continuing the M&M theme, another idea for Valentine's Day is a valentine in a jar.

It's simple: decorate a jar with a twist and pour sweets into it (it is advisable to choose red, pink and white dragees to match the color of the holiday). You can decorate the jar to your taste, or you can peep the idea.

Don't have a bank at hand? It doesn't matter - use empty plastic bottles.

Flipbook Valentine

Flipbook (from the English flip - “turn over” + book - “book”) is a small (business card-sized) illustrated book, leafing through the pages of which creates the illusion of movement. Pictures "come to life", as in a cartoon.

Flipbook for St. Valentine's Day is a valuable and memorable gift. It can capture the story of your love or just confess your feelings. Flipbook can be made independently, or ordered - in a special company or from a handmade master (see).

Valentine's card for tea lovers. Take a tea bag, carefully cut it open and pour the tea leaves out of it. Then cut out a heart from the filter paper and sew it tightly with threads, remembering to pour the tea leaves back at the end. By the way, instead of tea "dust", which is often sold in tea bags, you can buy expensive delicious tea and fill bags with it.

Additional romantic touches - "tails" - hearts for bags and sugar with hearts. Details.

Lovers often ask each other a "ridiculous" question: "How much do you love me?".

This cosmic valentine will help you show the extent and depth of your feelings. Like, my love for you, dear (oh), is as limitless as the universe.

It is not difficult to make such a valentine. You will need a heart made of black paper (symbolizes space) and a round candy wrapped in surreal paper (the planet of your Love).

You can, of course, laugh - an option for a forensic expert (by the way, why not?), But, in fact, this is a very cute, if not intimate, Valentine's card.

This is an allusion to the union of a man and a woman who walk hand in hand through life. And between the lines it reads: “I will always be there. I will give you a helping hand in difficult times.

But even if your soulmate does not dig so far in search of metaphorical meanings, she will certainly appreciate your efforts. After all, to create this creation, you have to pretty smeared with paint.

This valentine will help you warm up on a cold February evening. It contains cocoa, marshmallows and other sweets to your taste.

At the same time, this is not just a sign of attention and care. Such a valentine as an invitation to a date. After all, who wants to drink hot chocolate alone? ;)

Another variation of this set.

Valentine's Day is a good time to propose. At least on this day you can need to be romantic and not be ashamed of it.

Make a beautiful box using the diagram and instructions from here, and present a ring to your beloved on February 14th. This Valentine's Day will be remembered for a long time!

Well, if you are not yet ripe for marriage, put just a small gift inside.

Share your valentine ideas in the comments.