How to mold a dragon from plasticine with your own hands. How to mold a dragon from plasticine, from polymer clay? Modeling lessons for beginners How to sculpt dragons from plasticine

How to make a dragon out of plasticine? Such a question arises in the minds of children and their parents. Children grow up, recognizing the world by touch. There are many exercises for this interesting activities. One of the most fun is sculpting from. This method of training is excellent for developing fine motor skills and a child's imagination.

From plasticine, you can make many figures and characters with which you can then play. Such shapes can replace any , as long as they are created . In order to play with the toy for a long time, it should be put in the refrigerator. All children love fairy tales, especially unique characters. One of them is the dragon.

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How to make a dragon out of plasticine with your own hands?

 How to mold a dragon? In order to create any hero, and in our case a mythical character, it is necessary to make every detail of our figure step by step.

at first you need to choose colors that will match the image. The night fury has a color that includes the following shades of colors: orange, yellow, green, black and white. To create a figurine, you need improvised tools for work - plasticine spatula and board, which comes in a modeling kit.

Sculpting a dragon is easy and fun:

  • First you need to sculpt head, which should be green.
  • Its shape should be oval. We create a tubercle on it, which we then cut with a spatula - this will be the dragon's mouth, and if you make two notches with your fingers, you will get a nose and nostrils.
  • We make a plasticine dragon head step by step: glue two orange rings on the end of the spout, above which there will be dragon eyes. At this step, it will become clear how to create a dragon from plasticine. It is important not to deviate from the step-by-step instructions.
  • When the head is done, you can move on to creating the torso. Night fury - fairy tale character with a greenish tint, so torso will have to be created from emerald-colored plasticine. It is molded using the same technology as the head, only you need to take a piece of plasticine twice as large and give it a rounded shape.
  • To make a realistic dragon belly, you will need to take orange material and create long and thin sausages. These will be used to detail the belly of the figurine. They must be applied to the belly of the dragon, firmly pressing against each other.
  • For complete fixation of the toy pieces need to be attached to each other., putting on one side of the head, and on the other torso.
  • For the manufacture of lower legs the hero needs to be molded, again, from green material, two circles and two triangles. With a thin part, we press the triangle to the oval and, with the help of half a toothpick, we attach it to the body; We will do the same manipulation with the second foot. We roll up the orange balls and attach them to the ends of the paws - they will serve as the model's nails.
  • upper paws we make a dragon using the same technique as the lower ones, and attach it on both sides of the body.
  • After making the body, you can start decorating it. scales. To do this, you need to create orange and yellow sausages, then place the orange sausage in the yellow part and cut into rings. From the created rings, it will be necessary to make triangles and attach them to the back of the character.
  • dragon tail should be green. It is necessary to create a long sausage and make a thin tip on one side. The tail itself must be pressed on both sides to perform a natural look. After creating the tail, you can continue to cover the back with scales. It should cover the figure from the top of the head to the end of the tail.
  • Attach ears to head orange color. The ears should be triangular in shape.

Wing making

We take a small amount of red plasticine and create cakes, which we then cut in half with zigzag movements for a realistic look. Now you can attach them to the back. In order for them not to fall during the game, they should be fixed with toothpicks, which can be broken in half so as not to pierce the body through and through.

In this modeling lesson, we will learn how to mold a plasticine dragon, or to be more precise, we will make a mythical creature with you - a fire-breathing dragon. How should it look? Most often, dragons are depicted as green or gray with a large body and massive wings. In general, the dragon is the Serpent Gorynych, but with one head. You can fantasize about such figures for an infinitely long time, modeling all kinds of additional details, setting an unusual texture of the material. We hope that our experiment will prompt you to new, fresh thoughts, and you will be happy to make an interesting collection of dragons.

To sculpt a dragon, you can use:

  • green color- as the main;
  • scarlet and yellow - to create a brighter appearance;
  • stack and skewer or empty rod.

1. If one block of plasticine is not enough for you, then use several related shades or mask another or damaged plasticine inside the craft.

2. First you need to mold two balls: small and large.

3. Begin to draw a large ball into the body, tail and neck of the dragon. A little advice: it is better to do this immediately, while the plasticine is soft, otherwise the frozen mass will have to be kneaded again.

4. With your thumb and forefinger, press down on the plasticine on your back and push the furrow from the neck to the tail. Take a stack and apply notches, creating the illusion of a rough back.

5. To make the wings of a fire-breathing creature, try to make triangular flat cakes. Pull yellow plasticine into thin threads and form membranes.

6. Attach the wings to your back.

7. Add a head in front by extending a small ball into an oval.

8. Define the eyes and make frowning eyebrows, bringing them far right through.

9. Prepare small green balls to make four paws out of them. Make a tube out of each balloon. Then bend in the shape of the letter S, press down the lower part with your finger and stack your fingers.

10. Now we need to mold four identical legs.

11. Attach the limbs to the torso.

12. The eyes of the dragon can be made red to enhance the effect and show its severity. Also mix a drop of scarlet and yellow plasticine, attach to your mouth, imitating fire escaping from the mouth.

The dragon flaps its wings and spits out flames - we managed to make such a realistic toy.

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The mythical creature of the dragon actually did not exist - it is only a figment of the imagination of ancient people. Therefore, in order to mold it from plasticine, you can fully show your imagination and use any colors. In such work, knowledge on sculpting dinosaurs will be useful to you, so take note of them and start creating.

Step by step photo lesson:

In this modeling lesson, bright colors of plasticine are proposed to create a catchy craft: green, red or orange. It will also make it as easy as possible to work with plasticine and with its division into parts of a plastic stack.

Roll up two initial blanks for sculpting the dragon's head. These will be balls that are slightly different in size.

Fastening the balls together, deform them, setting the oval outlines of the muzzle.

Stick red dots instead of nostrils and pierce them with the tip of a toothpick, if desired, you can attach a red horn to the nose and two more to the top of the head. Also add big eyes.

To make the body with the tail, take the oval green blank and pull it out from two sides, forming a neck and a thinner tail.

Decorate the front of the body and the lower part of the tail with red longitudinal sections, having prepared them from red plasticine threads.

Stick the red segments close to each other.

Connect the head and the widest part of the body with a match.

Make limbs for a mythical creature from the same green plasticine. It can be two small sausages and two curved lower legs.

Attach the paws and legs in place.

Attach the resulting tape to the top of the head and, pressing close to the head and back, place it along the entire length of the body to the tip of the tail.

Make wings out of red or orange triangular cakes.

Attach the wings and complete the craft.

A cute plasticine dragon is ready. It turned out to be completely non-scary, even somewhat cartoony, so children can play with it.

Dragons do not really exist, and therefore no one knows how best to portray them. Most often we see in science fiction films huge gray creatures resembling ancient dinosaurs, large sizes, with wings and a number of large teeth. Chinese mythology, on the other hand, illustrates unusual dragons with a large head and a long snake-like tail and the same awkward body. If we are faced with the task of sculpting a dragon figurine from plasticine, most likely, children will do this, because it is they who like to mess around with a soft sticky mass. Let's make a cartoon bright dragon that will be fearless, bright and fun.

Take for sculpting a dragon:

  • plasticine - bright colors are suitable: green, blue, orange (red) and purple colors;
  • stack.

How to make a dragon:

To make the body of the creature resemble a reptile, you can choose to work as the main green color. fit different shades. The dragon should have the following body parts: a head and an oblong body, a long (sharp at the end) tail, wings and limbs.

Draw out the dragon's plasticine body in the form of a green sausage. Pull and sharpen on one side a long tail. Bend the part at a right angle.

To decorate the abdomen, prepare small yellow (or any other bright color) sausages. And also form a small ball that will replace the head. Glue an arrow from a purple triangle piece to the tip of the tail.

Connect the head and torso, smoothing out the tubercles of plasticine at the junction. Stick the yellow sausages close along the belly.

Make green blanks for the legs. Make two balls, two spatulas with red or orange fingers at the ends.

Glue the balls to the bottom of the curved sausage body, press down with your fingers on both sides. Add feet to the bottom. Put the dragon figurine on its paws.

Stick white cakes on the muzzle - eyes. Make oblong upper paws - hands with balls-fingers. Prepare purple horns.

Glue the arms and horns on the head. Make the front of the muzzle elongated, stick on the nostril rings.

Make curly wings out of flat red cakes by cutting them in a stack and adding purple membranes.

Glue the wings to the back (you don't have to make them big). Starting at the head, across the back and down to the tail, apply a row of triangular purple crested bone scales to complete the dragon figurine.

For centuries, dragons have captivated the imagination of people. This is a mysterious and interesting character in the tales of many peoples.
The dragon is a great reason to interest any child in the process of sculpting his figures.

Boys might want to create a fearless creature with spikes and flames.

And the girls will like the modeling of cute bright dragons.

Let's figure out how to make a dragon out of plasticine!

To create a dragon figurine, plasticine of two colors and skillful hands are enough. Plasticine, of course, should be chosen good quality, so that the formation of small parts does not require much effort.

children younger age you should not offer to sculpt figures where too many colors are used. It is enough to prepare a large piece of the main color and a little plasticine of one or two additional contrasting colors for small details.

It is desirable for kids to work with modern plasticine, unable to mix.

For older children, who will no longer create one indistinct shade from two colors, ordinary plasticine is also suitable.

But color scheme can be greatly expanded.

You will need sculpting knives, spatulas, sticks, rolling pins that are designed with safety in mind, which can be purchased with clay or sold separately.

If there is no special set, you can use improvised means - plastic cutlery, not too sharp and smooth wooden sticks, etc.

Children should not be given real knives, needles, or other potentially dangerous items.

When teaching children and involving them in the modeling process, it is better to create comfortable conditions. In order for the sculpting process to bring only pleasure, take care of a place for creativity and suitable clothing for kids.

It may be better to use aprons or other clothing that you don't mind getting clay stained. The surface of the table must be of an easily cleanable material. Or it should be covered with paper, oilcloth, special rugs.

You may also need some water to wet your hands, and it's best to have tissues nearby.

How to make a simple dragon

Although fantastic dragons are loved by children, and therefore even the most restless and resistant to artistic pursuits kids agree to sculpt them, we have to admit that this is one of the most difficult objects.

Scales and numerous spikes require accuracy, developed motor skills and a desire to devote a lot of time to creating a figurine.

Therefore, a realistically executed dragon for a child who has barely begun to comprehend the basics of plasticine art is an impossible task.

A parent or other adult who wants to teach young sculptors how to create such characters will have to prepare in advance. The best option- pre-dazzle a sample without involving children in this activity.

Firstly, if the adult himself is not a professional in modeling, the dragon may not work right away.

It is better to try your hand in advance, subsequently confidently prompting the baby the sequence of actions.

Secondly, it is difficult for children to abstractly represent the desired result. Need a visual and interesting an example of what they should repeat.

Scheme for sculpting simple dragons:

Most of the softened and pliable plasticine of the main color is formed into an oval.

From the remaining piece, an elongated tail, paws, head, and, if necessary, wings are molded.

Plasticine of a contrasting color (although the main one is possible) is used to sculpt small triangles - they will be spikes and claws.

Then these parts are attached to the back and tail.

You can add them to your head.

Eyes are made from improvised materials.

Or small pieces of plasticine of a contrasting color are used, rolled into two balls.

If the child can already (with or without the help of adults) work with a special knife or wand, you can detail the dragon. Draw stripes, nostrils, eyelashes, some scales.

Here are some examples of simple plasticine dragons:

The first dragon is made from a simple oval base with prominent ears, tail and simple paws.

From plasticine of a contrasting color, one spike is made on the forehead, abdomen and claws. As eyes, you can use a pair of balls of dark or bright, contrasting plasticine, but you can also use beads, rhinestones, or other suitable material.

With a special plastic knife or other suitable object, several small strips are pierced on the stomach and head.

The next dragon is also easy to perform. Here the basis is the "sausage", stretched in the neck and tail.

Simple wings, paws and a few spikes attached to the base complete the look. The eyes are made of white plasticine with the addition of black dots-pupils.

Those children who were already attracted to the modeling process can be offered to perform a more difficult figurine - a dragon cub showing its tongue.

Its basis is simple - a piece of egg-shaped plasticine and a tail attached to it.

Some laboriousness will require triangle spikes, paws, with neatly cut paws, eyes, nostrils and tongue.

How to make a dragon more difficult

For those who are seriously interested in modeling and are able to spend a long time, or even several sessions, doing this, we can offer more complex options dragons. They are distinguished by the elaboration of small details - such as various stripes and scales, jumpers on the wings, eyes, nostrils.

To create interesting and complex models you can use many more colors of plasticine, although it is permissible to get by with two or three, making the figure interesting not due to a multi-color solution, but by resorting to detailed detailing.

Before starting work, it is advisable for the child to show the finished sample, but you can get by with a drawn sketch or photograph. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to accurately repeat the selected figures. Plasticine is good precisely for its plasticity. The child should be invited to experiment with the position of the paws, the tail of the dragon, the emotional expression of the “face” of the character. A few twisting and pinching movements can significantly change a character, making it completely different from the original version.

You can also revive and diversify the process of creating dragons by adding other details - laying or seating the creature on a fashioned clearing, giving it some kind of molded object (ball, book, etc.). This is especially true when working with a group of children. One sample can be presented to them, but it is unlikely that everyone will want to create clones. Various color schemes and small adjustments will make each work unique.

It is worth noting that if the figure is large enough, and therefore relatively heavy, but it has thin places (paws, tail fold), it may be necessary to use a frame. It is made of wire or tightly twisted foil. The frame can be made for the whole figure, but as a rule, it is enough to strengthen the bent legs or the intricately curved tail so that they do not break off.

The process of sculpting a dragon can be divided into the following stages:

Creation of the base - the body. From the softened plasticine of the main color, the base of the desired shape is molded - oval, pear-shaped, ovoid. It is to her that the head, tail, paws, wings and other elements are later attached. If the dragon is planned to be quite large and with a massive body in the belly area, then in order to save plasticine, you can use the base, which is covered with plasticine. A Kinder Surprise case, a piece of Styrofoam, a ping-pong ball, and other handy tools will do.

Tail. If this part of the dragon is not too large, then it is permissible to “pull” it directly from the base body. But a special expressiveness of the dragon figurines is given by massive, variously folded or twisted tails. Then they are fashioned separately and then attached to the body.

Head. Sculpting a dragon head always starts with a ball. By stretching and pinching it is given the desired shape. You can detail the head right away by adding details from small pieces of plasticine - nostrils, teeth, bumps and spikes, ears, eyes. You can return to the decoration later - when the whole base of the figure is ready.

Paws. Their modeling usually does not cause much trouble. Pieces of plasticine are rolled into "sausages", thickening at the base. “Fingers” are pressed through with a special knife or stick. You can add claws. Elements are attached to the body.

Wings. You can knead a thin layer with your fingers, but if there is a special plastic rolling pin, then the blank for the wings can be rolled out. The desired shape is given with a knife. If necessary, detailing the membranes is additionally indicated by strips of plasticine of a different color.

Detailing. When the figure is assembled, it remains to bring it to perfection. Eyes, nostrils, spikes, stripes, scales are molded from small pieces. All this gives the dragon a realistic look.