How much will the pension increase in the city. The minimum pension in Russia. Increasing the pension supplement for working pensioners

Social pensions for employees and non-working pensioners Russia will be indexed from April 1, 2018 and will amount to more than 9 thousand rubles. This was told in the pension fund of Russia.

"Pensions under the state pension provision, including social ones, will be increased by 4.1% for working and non-working pensioners. As a result, the average annual social pension will grow to 9,045 rubles,” the pension fund said.

Note that the amount of 9,045 rubles is equivalent to 103.7% of the pensioner's subsistence minimum.

The pension fund also noted that the average size social pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities from childhood of the first group next year will be 13,699 rubles.

It should be noted that earlier it became known that the costs of social payments in Russia in 2018 will grow to 981 billion rubles.

According to Topilin, the indexation of social pensions from April 1, 2018 is planned in the draft budget of the Russian Federation at the level of 4.1%. "Social pensions, nothing changes there [in the indexation mechanism]," the minister said, explaining that the indexation will be 4.1%.

At the same time, according to him, indexation for working pensioners next year is not provided. "No, we have not changed the conditions, the moratorium has been maintained," Topilin added.

Earlier, the press service of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) reported that the average increase in old-age insurance pensions in 2018 could be about 400 rubles. According to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, in 2017 the average old-age insurance pension amounted to 13,657 rubles, and in 2018 it could rise to 14,045 rubles.

Indexation of pensions in 2018: who will receive what increase?

Pensions will increase three times, but once for different categories of pensioners: in January, April and August. For the most part, everything is as usual, but in 2018, some changes appeared in the rules for indexing pensions.

January. Non-working pensioners

The upgrade for this category will take place on January 1st. The government decided to move the indexation deadlines a month ahead - before that, the increase was accrued from February 1. According to the law, pensions are growing at the level of last year's increase in prices. Therefore, the FIU usually waited for Rosstat to finally calculate inflation. And only after that they began to distribute pensions. In 2018, the increase will be faster.

It was decided to index pensions by 3.7% from January 1, 2018. Do it earlier in order to ensure a more significant increase real pensions next year, the Minister of Labor and social protection Maxim Topilin.

The government initially provided for an increase of about 4% next year. This was the forecast for the current inflation. But the reality turned out to be much more positive. Now, according to the latest data from Rosstat, over the past year (since last September), prices have increased by only 3%. Therefore, the Cabinet of Ministers decided not to wait for official figures and immediately put an increase of 3.7% into the budget. In any case, it will be higher than real inflation.

Recall that this year the average old-age insurance pension is 13,657 rubles. Taking into account indexation, in a year it will grow to 14,045 rubles. That is, the average increase is about 400 rubles.

April. Social pensioners

More than 4 million people receive a social pension in Russia. As a rule, these are the disabled, war veterans, children left without a breadwinner in the family and other beneficiaries, as well as those who have not earned the necessary experience. Now the average social pension is 8,742 rubles. From April 1, 2018, it will grow by 4.1%.

For comparison, the average annual social pension for children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood of group I is 13,241 rubles. But there are those who receive only 5-6 thousand rubles. As explained in the Pension Fund of Russia, all pensioners (both social and insurance) whose income is below the subsistence level of a pensioner (PMP) in the region of residence are entitled to social benefits. They increase the amount of the benefit to the level of the PHC.

August. Working pensioners

In total, there are 43 million pensioners in Russia. Of these, about a third (14 million people) are employed. The indexation of pensions does not apply to them. A few years ago (after another reform), it was canceled. Working pensioners were left with only an increase due to the increase in seniority.

We have not changed the conditions, the moratorium has been preserved,” Maxim Topilin explained recently.

Companies continue to pay insurance premiums for working pensioners. According to the new rules, they are transformed into pension points. One point in 2017 is estimated at 78.58 rubles, and in the next it will be 81.49 rubles. And the higher the salary, the more points you can earn. But there is a ceiling: the maximum increase in 2018 can be up to three pension points, that is, about 245 rubles, the Pension Fund specified.

Other incentives have appeared for working pensioners - for example, you can voluntarily postpone your well-deserved rest (or suspend receiving a pension) and then get a multiplier (the formula is on the PFR website). But so far very few have taken advantage of it.

Many residents Russian Federation worries about whether monthly and lump-sum payments will increase, what pension supplements await them. you can find out about pensions in 2019 and last news non-working pensioners. An increase in pensions is planned for early 2019. Increases in payments will affect all citizens who need social assistance and state support. To send an application for a regional social supplement to non-working pensioners, you must enter the data in the appropriate section. Whether there will be indexation for working pensioners can be found in our article.

Do not forget that pensioners, parents with many children, the disabled, students and other vulnerable segments of the population can, which will allow them to additionally enjoy benefits and discounts on city services.

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Indexation of pensions in 2018 in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin met with Moscow pensioners and asked them questions about what measures should be taken to improve the lives of vulnerable segments of the population. By how much should pensions, benefits, social benefits be increased. As a result of these meetings, new amounts of payments were established. The project included those amounts that were voiced by socially needy citizens.

From January 1, 2017, the minimum amount of pensions for non-working pensioners will increase. The Council of Veterans proposed to increase the monthly pension by 3,000 rubles at once. And the Mayor of Moscow supported this initiative. Thus, the social old-age pension will amount to 17,500 rubles per month.

The latest news for non-working pensioners in Moscow: more than 1.4 million residents of the capital will receive an increase by the New Year.

Here is what S. Sobyanin said about this decision: “Pensions are increased annually by about one thousand rubles. In 2007, the minimum pension was 10 thousand rubles, now it has increased to 17.5 thousand. In the future, we will try to index and increase pensions, taking into account the needs of our citizens.”

Increase in pensions in 2019 for labor veterans, home front workers, victims of political repression

For home front workers, labor veterans, victims of political repression, even higher increases in pension payments are provided. For all these categories, pensions will more than double in 2019. Increased benefits will be received by veterans and participants in the defense of the city of Moscow. Instead of four thousand rubles, they will be paid exactly twice as much - eight thousand rubles.

Pensions in 2019 latest news for working pensioners

Will the pension increase in 2019 for working pensioners. What's new in pensions? This question excites those who, despite their advanced age, continue to work, trying to earn a little more. The latest news from the State Duma on the issue of raising pensions in 2019 for those who are still working is not too optimistic. The head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin said that working pensioners should not expect an increase in pensions in 2019, due to the fact that this would be contrary to the law prohibiting the recalculation of pensions until 2019.

Pension indexation is possible if a working pensioner quits. Perhaps this law will be annulled, or it will be amended.

Increase in pensions for non-working pensioners in Russia

For pensioners of the Russian Federation, pensions in 2019 will be indexed twice: on January 1 and April 1. The insurance part of the pension will be indexed by 3.7%. Social pension will increase by 4.1%. If inflation is projected at 3%, then all pensioners will receive a pension that exceeds the inflation rate. In the country, the average insurance pension will be 14,075 rubles per month. Whether or not to increase the old-age pension will be decided by the local governments of your region.

If you received a “white” salary and your management paid taxes to the pension fund, then you can use the points accrued to you and visit the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from August 1 to recalculate you. 3 points = 245 rubles.

Military pensions, increase in pensions for the military from January 1, 2019

Military pensions will be indexed every year by 4% no matter what. This was announced by the first deputy head of the United Russia faction Andrey Isaev.

Let's look at a table that shows the size of the increase in pensions for different categories of citizens:

Monthly additional social payments for older citizens

Monthly payment to disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 to partially compensate for the cost of basic food from the socially necessary set 1000 2000 Twice
Monthly payment to disabled people as a result of a military injury received during the Second World War of 1941-1945, who did not work out the length of service for the appointment of a full old-age pension (for length of service) 1000 2000 Twice
Monthly payment to disabled since childhood due to injury during the Second World War 1941–1945 1000 2000 Twice
Monthly payment to women with disabilities and participants in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 1000 2000 Twice
Monthly payment to persons awarded with the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR" for donating blood during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 1000 2000 Twice
Monthly compensation payment to participants in the defense of Moscow 4000 8000 Twice
Additional monthly financial support to the heroes of the USSR, full holders of the Order of Glory, heroes of the Socialist. Labour, Heroes of Labor of Russia and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory 16 000 25 000 56 %
Monthly payment to widows (widowers) of heroes Soviet Union, heroes of Russia, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, heroes of Socialist Labor, heroes of Labor of Russia and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory, who have not remarried 8000 15 000 88 %
Monthly payment to one of the parents of the dead (deceased) heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia 8000 15 000 88 %
Additional lifelong monthly material security for persons retirement age, awarded the title "Honorary Citizen of the City of Moscow" 15000 50 000 3.3 times
Monthly payment to persons of retirement age awarded the honorary titles "People's Artist of the USSR"; "People's Artist of the RSFSR"; "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"; "Honored Artist of the RSFSR"; "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation" 30 000 New allowance

Additional payments and compensations for other categories of citizens

Capital centenarians will also receive an increase in their pensions. A one-time allowance in the amount of 15 thousand rubles will be paid to those who turn 101 and older.

If you have been married for many years, you are also entitled to lump-sum payments:

  • 50 years - 20 thousand rubles (10 thousand in 2017);
  • 55 or 60 years old - 25 thousand rubles (11 and 12 thousand each in 2017);
  • 65 or 70 years together - 30 thousand rubles (13 and 15 thousand in 2017)

The addition to the pension in 2018 will be 3.7%, but the indexation will only affect non-working pensioners. The authorities reduced the scale of the increase, which is associated with a significant slowdown in inflation. In addition, the regions will retain the right to use regional allowances, which will significantly affect the final payments.

Next year, the authorities plan to increase pension payments which is in line with current legislation. As a result, the Pension Fund's expenses will increase by 279 billion rubles. and reached the milestone of 7.15 trillion. The following types of collateral will be indexed:

  • insurance;
  • social.

The government plans to increase insurance pensions by 3.7%, which is fixed in the draft budget for next year. The adjustment will be made in January next year. Earlier, officials planned a larger increase, but the reduction in inflation has made its own adjustments to the plans of the authorities.

Under the current legislation, social payments should be indexed according to the consumer price index. In 2017, the inflation rate will slow down to 3.2%, which allows the government to reduce the increase in payments from 4 to 3.7%. This is the minimum increase since the beginning of the crisis, which indicates the stabilization of the Russian economy.

In 2017, the authorities doubled the income of pensioners:

  1. February increase of 5.4%.
  2. Increase in April by 0.4%.

According to the PFR, taking into account the increase, the average level of the insurance pension will exceed 14 thousand rubles. (growth compared to last year by 400 rubles). In the future, this trend will continue, representatives of the fund emphasize. Over the next three years, the income of non-working pensioners will grow by 11%. In addition, there will be a significant reduction in the PFR budget deficit.

At the same time, the regions will be able to use their own additional payments, the amount of which will depend on the financial capabilities of local budgets. The maximum regional pension supplement in 2018 will be paid in Moscow. City officials intend to increase the city's social standard immediately by 3,000 rubles, which became possible due to the growth of budget revenues.

At the same time, the increase will apply only to those citizens who have lived in the capital for at least 10 years. The remaining pensioners will be able to rely only on the subsistence minimum, which reaches 11.8 thousand rubles in the capital.

The Moscow pension supplement in 2018 is associated with the recovery of economic growth. As a result, the capital's budget was able to accumulate additional financial resources, which will be used to adjust additional payments. In particular, social benefits for low-income citizens will be increased.

However, federal officials continue to save on the social sphere, using a selective approach in determining surcharges.

Limited indexing

Retirees who continue labor activity, will remain unindexed. The bill to resume the annual recalculation of security next year did not find the necessary support in the State Duma. After the crisis began, the authorities suspended the regular recalculation of payments for this category of the population.

However, the income of this social group will continue to grow faster than inflation. The following tools will be used for this:

  1. The addition to the pension in 2018 for working pensioners will be provided by recalculating points (the increase will be about 240 rubles).
  2. The next year's budget provides for 94.5 billion rubles, which will be used for additional payments up to the subsistence level.

Officials emphasize that this category of the population has the main source of income - wages. Next year, the authorities intend to index wages, which will solve the problem of increasing pensions for citizens who continue to work. At the same time, the state budget lacks the funds necessary for a full increase in pension payments.

Experts note negative consequences as a result of a selective approach to indexing. In fact, the authorities encourage citizens who receive pensions and continue to work to move into the “shadow”. According to Rosstat, during the year the number of the corresponding category of the population decreased by 5 million (to 9.9 million people).

It is more expedient for the government to abandon the moratorium on annual indexation, supplementing this measure with a phased increase in the retirement age. In this case, officials will reduce the burden on the PFR budget, which maintains a significant level of deficit.

Unlike the indexation of insurance pensions in January 2018, the addition to social benefits will be more significant.

Benefit allowance

Next year, social benefits will be indexed by 4.1%, which is included in the budget indicators. Recalculation of payments will be made from April 1, representatives of the Ministry of Labor emphasize. The annual adjustment of this indicator is tied to the recalculation of the subsistence minimum.

Citizens receive social Security in the following situations:

  • when absent seniority;
  • with disability;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner.

From growth to sustainable growth

Despite the expected indexation, the average amount of pension provision remains at a low level. Experts emphasize that a significant part of pensioners receive income that is not enough for food and clothing. In such circumstances, the addition to the pension in 2018 will be an ineffective measure to improve the welfare of citizens.

The head of the CSR, Alexei Kudrin, notes the structural imbalances in the current pension model. The income of pensioners is 33% of the salary, which is significantly lower than in developed countries. Experts believe that the state should increase this ratio to 40%. In addition, citizens must save up to 30% on their own.

Despite the improvement of the economic situation, the budget does not have enough funds to fully finance the social sphere. At the same time, the Russian economy remains dependent on oil market trends, which is a threat to sustainable development.

Next year, oil prices will be kept above $60/bbl, which will provide the government with the necessary financial resources. However, in the medium term, experts do not exclude a new collapse of quotations in the "black gold" market. In this case, officials will be forced to reduce the scale of the annual indexation of social benefits, which will lead to a deterioration in the material condition of the poorest segments of the population.

To overcome the problem of poverty, qualitative changes are needed, experts say. The government needs to focus on creating high-paying jobs, which will lead to an increase in the income of the FIU. In addition, the savings fund needs to be reformed. pension system. This measure will encourage citizens to independently generate future income.

See also in video what new additions to pensions will be introduced in 2019:

Minimum pension- this is the size of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner established in the region. Payments to pensioners cannot be lower than this value. In 2019, the all-Russian living wage for a pensioner is 8846 rubles. Some regions pay more, some less.

In 2019, the highest living wage for a pensioner is in Chukotka (19 thousand rubles), and the lowest is in the Tambov region - 7,811 rubles.

The value of the pensioner's PM is set at the end of each year by the regional authorities, in the calculations they take into account the cost of the consumer basket, the cost of mandatory payments and taxes.

The minimum pension is paid to all non-working pensioners living in the Russian Federation.

If the pension is below the PM, a surcharge is assigned to the poor recipient.

Table by region

The table shows the subsistence minimums for pensioners by region in 2019. Data for 2020 will be confirmed later.

The subject of the Russian FederationPMPThe subject of the Russian FederationPMP
Central Federal District
Belgorod region8016 Bryansk region8523
Voronezh region8750 Ivanovo region8576
Kostroma region8630 Kursk region8600
Moscow12115 Moscow region9908
Oryol region8730 Tver region8846
Yaroslavl region8163 Tula region8658
Vladimir region8526 Smolensk region8825
Kaluga region8708 Ryazan region8568
Lipetsk region8620 Tambov region7811
Northwestern Federal District
Arkhangelsk region10258 Rep. Komi10742
Nenets Autonomous District17956 Rep. Karelia8846
St. Petersburg8846 Leningrad region.8846
Murmansk region12674 Kaliningrad region8846
Vologda region8846 Pskov region8806
Novgorod region8846
North Caucasian Federal District
Rep. Dagestan8680 Rep. Ingushetia8846
Karachay-Cherkess Republic8846 Rep. North Ossetia Alania8455
Chechen Republic8735 Stavropol region8297
Kabardino-Balkarian Republic8846
Southern Federal District
Rep. Adygea8138 Rep. Kalmykia8081
Astrakhan region8352 Volgograd region8569
Rep. Crimea8370 Sevastopol8842
Rostov region8488 Krasnodar region8657
Privolzhsky Federal District
Rep. Bashkortostan8645 Rep. Mari El Republic8191
Rep. Tatarstan8232 Udmurt Republic8502
Kirov region8474 Nizhny Novgorod region.8102
Penza region8404 Perm region8539
Saratov region8278 Ulyanovsk region8474
Samara region8413 Rep. Mordovia8522
Chuvash Republic7953 Orenburg region8252
Ural Federal District
Kurgan region8750 Sverdlovsk region.8846
Chelyabinsk region8691 Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra12176
Tyumen region8846 Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug13425
Siberian Federal District
Rep. Altai8712 Rep. Buryatia8846
Rep. Khakassia8782 Altai region8669
Irkutsk region8841 Kemerovo region.8387
Omsk region8480 Tomsk region8795
Zabaykalsky Krai8846 Novosibirsk region8814
Krasnoyarsk region8846 Rep. Tuva8846
Far Eastern Federal District
Amur region8846 Jewish Autonomous Region9166
Kamchatka Krai16543 Magadan region15460
Sakhalin region12333 Primorsky Krai9988
Chukotka19000 Khabarovsk region10895
Baikonur8846 Rep. Sakha (Yakutia)13951

By what percent will the pension increase in 2020

From 2020, they will index for old age and the minimum pension. The former depend on the established indexation coefficient, the latter on the value of the PM in the region.

old age

For non-working pensioners, the old-age insurance pension will be increased from January 1. The amount of payments will be indexed by 6.6%. One pension ball in 2020 will be equal to 93 rubles. (in 2019 - 87.24 rubles)

To find out the indexed pension, you need to multiply the amount of last year's payment by 1.066. Considering that in 2019 the average insurance pension in Russia - 15,000 rubles, then in 2020 pensioners will receive 990 rubles more - 15,990.


In February 2019, Vladimir Putin, in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly, proposed changing the indexation of pensions that do not exceed the “minimum wage”.

First you need to bring the size of the pension to the PM, then index it. The new calculation rules were approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on July 30, 2019.

The subsistence minimums for pensioners in the regions for 2020 will be known by the end of 2019.

The minimum length of service for calculating a pension

To apply for a pension in 2019, you must have at least 10 years of work experience. The length of service includes not only periods when a person worked, but also, for example, when he served in the army, was on maternity leave, on paid leave, on sick leave, or cared for an elderly person.

Pensioners since 2019 are women 60.5 and men 65.5 years.

The standards for seniority are growing every year. In 2020, to apply for an insurance pension, you need 11 years of work experience.

If a insurance experience no, you can only receive social pension by old age. And then, 5 years after reaching retirement age (taking into account transition period from 2019-2023).

Social supplement to pension up to the subsistence level

If a pensioner receives payments from the Pension Fund below the minimum pension, he is paid extra to the level of the PM either from the federal budget or from the regional one.

If the pension is below the all-Russian subsistence level, the allowance will be federal.

If the pension is equal to the all-Russian PM, but lower than the regional one, the authorities of the subject will pay extra. To receive a supplement, you need to contact the social security authorities. Only non-working pensioners are entitled to receive the social supplement.

In order to increase the consumer abilities of citizens who have retired, the government annually indexes pension payments. An increase in the old-age pension is also planned for 2018.

Starting from 2015, the amount of pension accruals consists of two parts, which are insurance and funded.

In accordance with the current Federal Law "On insurance accruals" under No. 400-FZ, the increase in old-age pensions for state pension provision will be carried out according to a special schedule in two stages. At each stage, indexation will be made only for certain categories of persons receiving cash benefits.

First stage - January

At the first stage, an increase in insurance charges is provided for non-working pensioners. The surcharge, equal to 3.7%, is accrued from January 1. This figure is determined in accordance with the level of price increases following the results of the past year.

Fixed supplement to the insurance pension, linked to the consumer price index, at the beginning of 2018 - 4.9 thousand rubles.

For clarity: if last year the average amount of cash benefits for old age was equal to 13.657 thousand rubles, then taking into account indexation, in monetary terms reaching an amount of 400 rubles, this figure will increase to an average mark of 14.045 rubles.

Second stage - April

From April 2018, you can count on an increase in the old-age pension in the amount of 4.1%, as well as social benefits for low-income and disabled citizens. This category also includes those persons who, for whatever reason, have not earned the necessary experience.

Since social payments often fall short of the subsistence level, which is 9.159 rubles for 2018, the elderly, whose income is below it, also rely on social subsidies. They will increase the amount of benefits to the level of PMP established in the state.

Recall that in 2017 it was equal to the amount of 8.5 thousand rubles. The recipients of the "social program" were 3.9 million people.

Help is of two types:

  • social - is intended for all persons of retirement age in our country who receive below the subsistence level;
  • regional - designed for residents of regions in which the PHC is below average, but at the same time, the income of people of retirement age is inferior to this indicator.

For the implementation of regional assistance by order of December 15, 2017. under No. 2830, the government approved the dispersal of interbudgetary transfers to the regional budgets of 13 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The main purpose of the allocated amount in the amount of 7085.7 million rubles. – pay local social supplements to pensions in order to maintain the income of non-working persons at a level not lower than the LMP.

Budget appropriations are calculated for the repayment of surcharges for 424.6 thousand recipients and the calculation of the average value of surcharges in the range of 2351.4-8414.2 rubles.

But it should be borne in mind that the program of budgetary appropriations to increase the amount of PMP applies only to social benefits for new people who have retired. Those who received payments before 2018 are not eligible for the current program.

According to Maxim Topilin, Minister of Social Protection, the decision to shift the schedules of the first stage from February, as it was last year, to January was made in order to ensure a more significant increase in real pensions.

In general, by the beginning of 2020, the Russian Pension Fund is reassuring in that it plans to ensure a significant increase in old-age pensions. It is assumed that the average amount of payments will increase by 1.6 thousand rubles. Due to this, the average regular cash income of persons who have reached retirement age will be about 15.4 thousand rubles.

What to expect for working pensioners

The number of pensioners in our country reaches 43 million. Approximately 30% of them are still working. For these people, the indexation of old-age pensions in 2018 does not apply, since at this stage the program is frozen until the beginning of 2019.

The government adheres to the point of view that pensioners who continue to work do not need allowances, even if they are required by law.

Working pensioners can only count on an increase accrued with an increase in seniority.

Under the new rules, insurance premiums of 22% of salary paid by companies in the Pension Fund for working pensioners are converted into pension points. One point unit is equal to the amount of 81.49 rubles. It turns out that the higher the salary, the more points you can earn.

The procedure is unclaimed. Specialists pension fund conduct it without the personal appeal of citizens. This year, the recalculation will take place on August 1.

But there are limitations on this as well. The maximum allowable amount of the increase should not exceed three points, which corresponds to 245 rubles.

As an alternative for working pensioners, the government offers other incentives in the form of a suspension of payments or a voluntary postponement of the date of retirement. This makes it possible to obtain an increasing coefficient in the future.

Indexing will not affect military pensioners - people who have retired from the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the army and the Federal Penitentiary Service. Accruals to pensioners of this category will continue to be carried out on the basis of Law No. 43, adopted on February 12, 1993, namely Article No. 4468-1.

In accordance with the accrual rules, the level of pension, directly dependent on monetary allowance, in 2017 was initially set at 72.23%. Every year it increases by 2% until it reaches 100%.

Many working citizens and people who have retired on a well-deserved rest can be pleased with the latest news from the Ministry of Finance. It plans to launch a new system pension savings. The developed scheme is beneficial in the sense that accruals become the personal property of the payer. During the accumulation, if necessary, for example, the same disease, he can easily remove them at any time.

Video about old age pension: